How to make a premium account. How to get a premium account in Wargaming games for free. Ways to get a free premium tank

Many Word of Tanks players wonder how to get premium for free and what needs to be done for this. In this material we will consider the question of how to get premium, as well as what methods of obtaining it exist.

Premium account

First, let's explain what prem is. Premium account is a standard account that receives improvements due to activation special function.

This activated function provides a 50% increase in such parameters as:
Profitability of combat vehicles;
The amount of experience gained by the crew;
Amount of free experience.

A premium account allows you to receive increased profitability at absolutely any level of combat vehicles, which means with an activated premium you can accumulate silver by playing on high-level vehicles and without purchasing special premium combat vehicles.

Ways to get a premium account:

In the presented game, there are two available ways to obtain a premium account: purchasing for real money and receiving for free. In this article we will look at how to get a premium account in Wot for free.

If you are a newly registered player, you can get up to eight days of bonus by completing simple training tasks while upgrading the researched equipment. Wargaming regularly provides the right to receive 1 day of premium wot account for free by completing tasks. Usually, actions are timed to coincide with various military and civil holidays.

To receive a free premium, you can participate in all kinds of sweepstakes, tournaments, competitions, marathons and other similar events organized by by Wargaming, or under its auspices.

By participating in events, you receive so-called , which, when entered into a special field in your personal account, activate bonus goodies.

If you are a listener of the internet radio, then there is a chance during the day to “catch” an invite - a code for three days of a premium account. To do this, you need to enter the numbers and letters dictated by the Internet presenter into a special field in your personal account. The main task is to enter this combination first.
You will also soon be able to get a premium account for 1 day for free on our website. The promotion is being prepared, so stay tuned for updates.

This section discussed the main points on how to get 1 day of a premium wot account.

Ways to get a free premium tank

Both in the case of a premium account and to obtain a tank with increased silver yield, there are several available methods:

To receive a premium combat vehicle high level you need to participate in marathons that are launched by representatives of the game, for example in one like. By completing personal combat missions, you also acquire unique combat vehicles for free.
With all kinds of drawings and participation in tournaments, when taking a certain prize place, there is also the possibility of receiving a premium tank.

On significant holidays, such as: Tankman's Day, Victory Day, New Year by completing a simple combat mission, you get a unique low-level (usually level 2 or in rare cases level 3) tank.

Another way to get a level eight premium tank T – 44 -100 (R) is the connection from Rostelecom to a special tariff plan “Game”. By connecting it and entering your game nickname in a special field in your personal account from Rostelecom, you will receive a tank in your account; it will be in the hangar for exactly as long as this tariff plan is active. But you also get a premium, the validity of which is also limited by the validity period of this tariff.

For getting American tank T95E2 you must complete the following steps: in your personal account on the website, select the “invite a friend” tab and send an invitation to your friends who want to play this game. And as soon as the player you invited pumps out his first level ten combat vehicle and purchases it, this will be credited to your account fighting machine.

These are all the available methods that can be provided when answering the question, wot, how to get a premium tank for free.

This article discussed ways to get a premium account for free, as well as methods for purchasing premium combat vehicles for free.

27.3.2017 22458 Views


You can now earn gold on our website starting October 14! Ask questions about the game, write answers to others, give advice and get gold!

WG's policy is that all games are connected to each other, this will help us get 3 days premium account free for World of Tanks!

You can get them for both new and existing accounts!

So let's get started:

  1. Let's move on to this link
  2. Log in using the WG account for which you need a premium
  3. Click the “Check” button

After this, you should have something like the screenshot below:

After this, you will have access to: 1 day of premium account, premium ship “Diana” and 500 doubloons. Click the “Claim Bonus” button.

After this, 1 day of the premium account is credited to World of Tanks immediately, and in order to get two more days, we need to download the World of Warships game (on the same page click “Play for free”), log into the game client using your login and For the 500 doubloons you receive for free, buy two more days of a premium account!

In total, such simple gestures will give you the opportunity to get 3 days of free premium for World of Tanks!

Want more? – Earn gold for a premium tank by completing tasks, how to earn money and how to get gold is written . By completing daily tasks you can get up to 600-700 gold per day, and this is enough for a premium account and a premium tank if you save for a month.

Many players are hunting for the distribution of bonus codes for World of Tanks, dreaming of getting a tank, gold, gold or other nice “goodies” for free. However, this is a rather illusory hope - not everyone manages to take advantage of the prizes they receive. In addition, distributing bonus codes is a dubious event that can lead to sanctions from the developer. Therefore, if you really want to get gold, a tank or other bonuses for free, then it is better to participate in official Wargaming promotions. As a result, they often hear free premium tanks, premium accounts for 1-3 days and other nice gifts. Typically, WOT distribution is timed to coincide with memorable dates, holidays, etc.

Why is it better to avoid giving away bonus codes for free?

1. An activation limit is set for each bonus code. If it is introduced into the game too often, the developer may block the player or apply other types of punishment to him.
2. There is no certainty how exactly this code was obtained. If it did not come from the official developer, and from an unverified source, then this should alert you.
3. As they say, free gold only happens in a mousetrap. Think about why this or that will be distributed bonus code wot. If the source's intentions seem questionable to you, it is better not to risk your account.

Is it possible to get free gold World of Tanks on our website?

The first thing to say is that you should not compare the distribution of codes and the distribution of goods as a gift, in particular on our website.

Although we are not an official Wargaming store, from us you can get free gold, which is used to purchase premium equipment and various gadgets in the game. This is possible if you buy items on sale. In addition to most of them comes a certain amount of gold. So you pay for the tank and get a nice bonus in the form of money for free. Giveaway tanks World of Tanks we do not operate. We offer only elite premium equipment, which costs significantly less than in the official WG store.

In addition, we often hold sales that allow you to purchase premium equipment, premium accounts and other paid options with even greater benefits. You can also buy equipment packages. For a low price you will receive 3 popular high-level tanks in your hangar. Purchased products do not come in the form of a bonus code, but as a gift. This is an absolutely legal way of purchasing, with which there will never be any problems. So you get maximum benefits without overpayments and risk.

Today we will tell you how to get premium and gold when registering with game World of Tanks, or more precisely:

  • 2 premium tanks;
  • 900 in-game gold.

To do this, you need to follow several steps following our instructions. Let's go in order:


Once you have completed all the steps listed below on your game account World of tank will have 2 weeks of premium, 900 gold and 2 premium tanks.

Step 1.

The first thing you need to do is go to your email, which you will use to register in World of Tanks. An email will be sent to her with a link to confirm registration.

Step 2.

Copy and go to the registration page using the following link:

Step 3.

Freely fill out the World of Tanks registration form that appears, indicating your email address from . Then click on the inscription Do you have an invite code? and enter the following code:


Accept Terms of use and click the "Continue" button. For entering this invite code you will receive:

  • Tank T-127;
  • 7 days of premium account;
Step 4.
Step 5.

On the World of Tanks website, go to your Personal Area: In the upper right corner, click on your name in the game.

Step 6.

Here you need to change the password for your account to any other. For this you will receive 300 game gold.

Step 7

You need to tie it right there wot account to my mobile phone. The prize for this operation is 100 gold.

Let's sum it up

If you followed everything exactly according to the instructions, your game account will have 2 weeks of premium, 2 premium tanks and 900 gold. Our entire procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. We remind you once again that this method of obtaining gaming advantages for World of Tanks is intended only for beginners and works at the stage of account registration. It's always better not to start from scratch. Our guide will help you with this.

Cool promotion for the distribution of premium tanks! Hurry up to grab any tank for free or the gold equivalent of its value in the WoT premium store!

Premium tank T34

T34 is an American premium tank of the eighth level. Key Feature: excellent turret armor, which allows you to withstand even level ten tanks if the player skillfully hides the hull from hits. Good angles vertical aiming help to play “from the tower”, using the relief of the map.

In order to increase the gun's range, you can install a stabilizer, a rammer, improve the ventilation system, use standard equipment, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and a repair kit.

But there are no tanks without shortcomings. Among them is not very good visibility, the vulnerability of the commander's turret, and for large calibers the upper part of the turret is also vulnerable. The T-34 is also not very mobile, maneuverability suffers, the turret rotates unforgivably slowly, the gun has a low rate of fire and is slow to aim.

The T-34 is endowed with all the traditional advantages of tanks from America - strong armor turrets, a thick gun mantlet, comfortable vertical aiming angles, fairly high base damage and armor penetration. Perhaps this is the highest figure among tanks of this tier. The tank has fairly large tracks, which make it possible to “tank” damage with support for the “reverse diamond” method.

If you use the thirty-four correctly, the tank will not often catch fire, and if the placement is chosen correctly, the tank will be able to constrain the enemy’s power and gradually push through the guards, changing its location in a timely manner. It is suitable for fighting through hills or tight windows, which allow you to hide the tank's body and its weak armor, without missing out on the chance to fire and shoot at enemies. The price of T34 in game currency is 12,000 gold, in the store - $48.

Next to it in the price category is the difficult Chinese tank (12,250 gold), and the German Leva (12,500), which is a little more expensive. According to influential WoT players, the overseas premium tank T-34 of the 8th tier is the best among heavy tanks. The tank is made premium, so pumping up special modules is not required.

Get premium T34 tank for free

Premium tank Lowe

Lowe. German premium heavy tank of the eighth level, has excellent high-precision weapons, but mediocre hull armor and poor mobility. Mainly used in the role heavy tank supports who are comfortable holding uncovered flanks. Several such tanks in a team can completely change the landscape of the battle in just a couple of minutes.

Hide in the bushes). Yes, we all know that Leva is a fairly large tank with a low camouflage coefficient. But.. Provided that your tank drives into the thickets and does not shoot, the enemy will need to get close to you in order to identify you. This way, you will be able to shoot first and gain a trump card in the battle.

Important advice from experienced users: The significant superiority of the Lion is the huge visibility of 400 m. This is the largest permissible indicator for tanks of the 8th tier. Due to great review You can spot an enemy from afar and take advantage of the advantages of the high accuracy of the gun. A huge safety margin (1650) compensates for the unsatisfactory power of the armor. Therefore, the owner of such a tank should be prudent, beware of open places, choosing to be in cover.

The gun has high penetration: 234 mm for a simple projectile (294 mm for sub-caliber ones). Average damage is 320, like the rest of the massive tanks of the eighth tier. The rate of fire is not high: about 5 shots per minute without a rammer. Convergence - 2.86 sec., This allows you to conduct close combat and get into weak spots enemy on the go. Most German tanks in the game, despite the accuracy of their guns, take an unforgivably long time to aim due to shoddy stabilization. Our Leva in this case is an excellent exception to the rule. The Lowe's maximum speed is 35 km/h, but generally the tank's speed in battle is 20-22 km/h. You also need to consider the weight of the tank. Depending on the equipped equipment, its weight is more than 90 tons. On the plain, the tank will accelerate to about 20 km/h, and the viscous, swampy terrain makes the Lion a turtle.

The lion is not effective for close combat, because... extremely vulnerable due to its sluggishness, slowness and poorly armored hull. A frontal hit is very likely to damage the engine. The turret's armor is much stronger, and the gun's strong mantlet has a streamlined shape, which increases the likelihood of a ricochet. Lowe's great advantage is considered to be its extremely accurate gun (dispersion only 0.33). Even from a distance of 500 meters, a shot from this tank will catch up with the enemy. In the world of WoT there are not many guns that are more accurate than the Leva gun.

More often than not, players use it for support, as a heavyweight, to hold open flanks. A couple of lions in a team can completely change the layout of things on the battle map in a few moments. This premium tank has an 8th tier in the heavy class German tanks. It should be noted that its cost is quite high - 12,500 in WoT’s internal currency - in-game gold. If you purchase a Lowe tank in a premium store, you will have to pay 50 bucks. Is it worth that kind of money? What is different about the Lowe tank (Lion) in World of Tanks?

Get Lowe's premium tank for free

Premium tank SuperPershing

According to its characteristics, SuperPershing is a semi-heavy to semi-medium tank:

The armor is very specific. The front of the hull and turret are protected by additional armor plates that can withstand hits from guns with penetration up to 200 mm. And this is a very significant part of the opponents at the level. The sides of the tank and areas not protected by additional armor (for example, the area above the mantlet) are much easier to penetrate. Therefore, under no circumstances should you allow the enemy to target your vulnerabilities. You should keep it at long and medium distances, do not allow yourself to be surrounded, use cover, move the turret and hull while reloading.

The SP gun is also very controversial. In fact, its main disadvantage is the armor penetration of the AP projectile (170). On the other hand, excellent penetration by sub-caliber ammunition (258) with a good rate of fire (7.32) and average accuracy (0.38) make this tank a real monster when playing on gold. The vertical aiming angles are comfortable, but it is not recommended to constantly keep the turret under enemy fire, since this is where most of the vulnerable areas are located.

Mobility is unimportant, at the level of a heavy tank. The tank moves well on hard ground - it can reach 30 km/h, but off-road it quickly loses speed. However, the SP cannot be called completely slow-moving. It will not be able to be the first to occupy a mountain in Rudniki or “pants” in Karelia, but it is quite capable of bypassing an enemy tied up in battle or twisting some kind of automated control system.

Review - 390 meters, a very good level indicator. When installing a stereo tube or optics, you can earn extra money with passive light against level 9 opponents. This is also possible thanks to the tank's good camouflage.

The safety margin is very impressive. This figure is equal or close to the class of heavy tanks.

The preferential level of battles means that you will not get to level 10 tanks. This is a very big plus. Another thing is that even with 9 levels sometimes it’s not easy. For vehicles such as the E-75, Jagdtiger, Object 704 and some others, SuperPershing is an easy frag. Although, from experience playing on 704, I can say that BL-10 shells tend to get stuck in SP armor at the most inopportune moment.

Get the premium SuperPershing tank for free

Premium tank AMX CDC

French premium tank level 8 AMX Chasseur de chars, which is translated from French as “Tank Hunter”.

Main advantages.

There is a great chance to take a key position at the beginning of the battle due to the good Maybach HL 295 F engine with a power of 1200 hp, and maximum speed at 57 km/h, which can greatly influence the course of the battle. Among the obvious advantages, it is worth noting the weapon's vertical aiming angles (-10/+20), which will be of great help on hilly terrain.

The gun will perform excellently in all conditions; an accuracy of 0.34 at 100 meters is absolutely sufficient, considering the time data of 2.2 s. The one-time alpha strike of 240 units is not particularly high, but it is compensated by the rate of fire of 8.22 rounds per minute considering the modules and the upgraded crew.

Visibility is also the superiority of this tank. Together with the optics module and the combat commonwealth perk, the visibility is approximately 440 meters.

Main shortcomings.

The maximum armor of the tank is 30 mm, which in no way will allow it to tank its classmates, much less the IX-X tiers, and without a preferential battle tier, the tank will end up in battles with the IX-X tiers. It's worth playing for cover from artillery, because... one awkward “light” - and hello, hangar).

“Criticism” is a significant drawback of the AMX CDC. ON THE battlefield, try to vigorously avoid enemy tanks with high-explosive weapons, because On a tank, the turret rotation mechanism, motor and ammunition rack are often damaged, the latter is extremely sad because it is allowed to lose the “tower”.

Tactics for playing on AMX CDC.

Since the tank does not have typical armor, it will be better to play on it on the 2nd line, helping more armored allies, sometimes diverting the enemy’s attention from behind some corner, bush or hill, the latter is exclusively relevant due to UVN. Or, completely hide from the eyes of the enemy and cause harm from afar, which is the main task for a premium tank, which it will cope with excellently, considering its excellent armor penetration and satisfactory accuracy.


Quite adequate, and one can even say, low price for such a not crappy tank of 7450 units of game currency, which translates to about $30. Many consider this premium tank to be one of the best medium premium tanks of the 8th tier, but it’s up to you to decide.
