Branch of the USSR study in WOT. USSR development branch in World of Tanks. American branch of development of the "Peace of Tanks"

In the Soviet branch of development, the technique of all available classes in World of Tanks is presented. Start pumping soviet tanks It will be necessary with the pre-war MS-1.

In the USSR study tree, such legendary tanks are presented as T-34, kV-1, IS-1, T-54 and SU-85 self-propelled, SU-85, SU-100, SU-152, ISU-152.

Top combat machines in the Soviet branch of development in World of Tanks become anti-tank SAU object 261 and object 268; Middle tanks - T-62A, object 430, object 140; Heavy tanks IS-4, IS-7; Self-propelled Artillery Installation Object 261.

Soviet Development Branch in World of Tanks is shown in the following figure. To enlarge, click on the picture

For heavy tanks soviet branch development WOT. Characteristic, good one-time damage, mediocre accuracy and small angles of gun leaving down, and, as a rule, a good circular booking.

  • Branch with top IS-7 distinguishes good mobility for heavy tanks.
  • In the development branch, an ending IS-4 Tanks are better book.

Soviet PT-SAU They please the owners with a good one-time dam, while the guns of these combat vehicles are rather oblique.

Most soviet average tanks, Possess good mobility and low silhouette.

Soviet tanks can boast good armor, besides located under rational angles, the tools can apply high damage for one shot. At the same time, they do not differ in good accuracy. The USSR tanks rarely lose their rivals in terms of characteristics, but also rarely escape forward.

Soviet tanks - universal soldiers on the field battle wot. And suit both beginners and more experienced players.

Last year, WG stated that two branches of development were expected in the game: Poland and Italy. Appearance on test servers "Note" M35 MOD 46 showed that the first "Italians", with whom we suggest to get to know more detail.

When will the Italian branch be added?

However, the main chip is waiting for players at the 8th level. Starting from this car and to the top of the branch, the tanks are equipped with a fundamentally new weapon, which was not in the game. Here drum tools with automatic shell rate will be installed: after the shot, the trunk begins to charge the missing projectile, which in general ensures continuous maintenance of fire.

History of Italian tanks

In general, Italian tanks clearly demonstrate the real evolution of this industry, where three key stages can be distinguished:

  1. Without its own machines and developments, Italian engineers were engaged in plagiarism, copying the main nodes of France tanks - the leader of the Tank buildings of the First World War. Unlike prototypes, the Italian armored vehicles differed in various-caliber weapons and lightweight armor.
  2. During the Second World War, the tone of the tank industry in Europe was asked Germany, which literally pressed the opponents with heavy tanks. Italy flexibly rebuilt under a new concept, but it was not able to produce hard technique, stopping at the middle tanks.
  3. In the post-war years, another reform was held: Europe made focus on mobile equipment with high potential firepower, setting the mobility of cars above armor. The Italians had to adapt to the new direction.

Overview Tanks 1-7 level

An interesting point here is the presence of two 2-level tanks at once:

  • M14 / 41.
  • L6 / 40.

This is not accidental. Both cars are interesting in their own and left an indelible mark in the development of Italian tank construction. Therefore, developers give players a chance to try the combat potential of each car. M14 / 41 is a classic squabble, but its slowness with more than compensates for high firing power. There is an 47-millimeter tool, which will quickly explain opponents who are the main on the battlefield.

The L6 / 40 is equipped with a 20-mm tank machine gun, due to the lightweight design, it has excellent high-speed qualities, which involves the diametrically opposite tactics of the battle.
P.43 BIS - STE level 6

  • P26 / 40 - middle tank 4th level.
  • R.43 - occupies an honorary fifth position.
  • P.43 BIS - ST level 6.
  • R.43 Ter is a transitional "seven", separating low-level equipment from the top windows of the branch.

Each of these tanks is individual and is part military history. Therefore, even if they are not suitable on tactical and technical characteristics, the machines must be tried. Moreover, the final representatives of this branch are a real highlight, which was long waited in the game.

What is a refrigerant system?

The guns with such a mechanism are installed on Italian tanks in World of Tanks since the 8th level, and not only the new principle of fire leads, but also change the gameplay as a whole. In fact, the players are offered a combination of conventional and cassette guns, which ensures maximum variability in the random.

Having done the first shot, the system automatically fills the lack of ammunition by downloading a new projectile. It is noteworthy that charging time is descending: the first shell is loaded longer, for subsequent speed increases. If a player interrupts this process with a shot, the counting begins again.

The attractiveness of this method of charging is unpredictable. The Italian tank can fire with single shells, and the enemy will not be able to guess at what stage there is a tape equipment. At the same time, correctly calculating its capabilities, "Italian" will be able to discharge the entire drum, taking the remaining margin of strength from the enemy and leaving the full CD. It is definitely a new way of maintaining fire will require addiction, but WG specialists are confident that such guns will quickly find their audience.

We will get acquainted in detail with the crown of the evolution of Italian tanks in the game.

P.44 Pantera - 8th Position

This is the first representative of Italian tanks in the WORLD OF TANKS, equipped with an innovative drum processing system. In its tactical and technical characteristics, Panthers are considered excellent machines. This Italian project was developed during World War II, where Germany and Italy were allies.

The game model copies the "leopard" on external inquodes and silhouette, is also equipped with a drum tool with a mechanism for processing the projectile. It has a 105 mm caliber, which allows you to prepare for the transition to the top branches. "Nine" will be able to demonstrate themselves in the near battle and on average distances, but weak booking involves cautious tactics of the game.

PROGETTO M40 MOD. 65 - Top.

The tank has a rather interesting background, and the project development began in 1969, after visiting the Italian delegation of the exhibition military equipment in Germany. The purpose of the visit was the procurement of leopard tanks, but some representatives of the embassy expressed negative about the acquisition of export models.

As a result, Italian engineers were in their usual roles: the development of its own project was started using the experience of the Tank Tank construction of the USSR and the United Kingdom. The works were cooled at the drawings stage.

Taking this as a basis, the developers were embodied in the game Progetto M40 MOD. 65 Tank with excellent dynamics and weak protectedness. The machine is able to occupy key positions on the map and shoot damage, but in the direct confrontation explicitly loses classmates in the thickness of the armor.

Among the main features that the WORLD OF TANKS have made a successful game, extensive development branches should be highlighted. WORLD OF TANKS invites us to choose not only what country it is preferable to play, but also what exactly we want to manage the tanks. Thus, in each nation there is a whole park from the technology of five types, so here it really is from what to choose in the process of pumping.

How to quickly pump?

In order for you easier to understand what is still better to swap development world. Of Tanks, you should deal with the features of each individual tank, as well as determine the pluses and minuses of all machines. The ease of pumping will directly be determined by what preferences you are followed, as well as what tactical nuances use during the game. Thus, the speed of your development directly depends on how much you want to play, as well as how effective will be in different battles.

Light tanks

It is believed that it is hard to pump the development branches of the World of Tanks that is a light type, because such tanks are created for real "skill" players who are willing to spend considerable efforts and showing a skill to achieve their goal. If you want to play tanks of this type, you should be ready for the fact that you will need to show maximum speed and distortion, while light tanks do not give you a big profit, although they are scolding them in the predominant majority of cases are much cheaper compared to other types .

Light tanks are quite small worth, and also cheaply repaired, as a result, when pumping this development of the World of Tanks, you will spend a minimum of money. Immediately it is worth noting the fact that when the game on light tanks uses the only tactics - it is to highlight the opponent's tanks. That is, you are a kind of reconnaissance that calculates the goals, reports them with its allies and expects until they cleaned the way for further promotion and performing other tasks. If you do not manage to implement it, then in this case you are best to continue to play some other technique. It is believed that the optimal light tank for pumping is T-50, which is distinguished by a good vitality, better firing power and speed from other LTs.

Middle tanks

Middle tanks are no less active participants in battles that are the most active fighters of the enemy technique. Choosing a mid-type branch, you need to remember that in battles you will need to constantly move and look for opponents. Several medium-sized machines will break into part of any heavy tank, as they differ quite high power and maneuverability, which makes them an ideal option for

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks require sufficiently long pumping, because on these machines is distinguished by its staticness, and the cost of each such a monster is high enough, not to mention the acquisition of various additional modules. Incredible strong armor And the fire power of such tanks makes them an avant-garde team.


Artillery branches tanks world Of Tanks is distinguished by the longest pumping, because the technique itself is quite expensive, and for the game these machines need to have certain skills. However, in one class with heavy tanks, SAU is characterized by more serious weapons, as well as enhanced disguise.


The most specific tanks fully based on shooting from shelter. Thus, the owner of such a car should be perfected, observant and calculating to beat a label and on time. The cost of repairing such equipment is high enough, as a result of which need to be confused at least two opponents to feel some kind of development.

Thus, it is impossible to say which world of Tanks best Branch, because they are all distinguished by their peculiarities and advantages.

Hello, comrades Tankists! Today we will look at the Soviet branch of the development of tanks (in the game World of Tanks), and more precisely, I will describe all its pros and cons as much as possible from my point of view and may help you decide on the choice of a nation. This will not be, but a personal opinion, so it is not necessary to prove that I wrote Hydam's guide. "

Popularity of the USSR Tanks in World Of Tanks

What tanks can be seen most often going into battle? - Soviet. And why? There are many reasons for it. One of them is the fact that most WOTA players come from the countries of the former USSR and they crave to play the tanks of the Second World War, who defended their homeland. But they mistakenly believe that the Soviet technique is impenetrable and therefore in random we get a lot of crushing lesions due to the rooted frontal attacks of such associates. But not only unreleased people play councils. This technique has a lot of advantages. From the plus Most techniques worth noting armor. Many Soviet tanks have a strong frontal armor and booking towers. Also, the tilts of armor give a greater probability from any side. The average tank T-34 can serve as a bright example. There were many cases when such heavy tanks like a sq-1c ricotheli about the hull, shooting in the T-34 feed from the gun 122 mm d2-5t (the reservation in the stern is only 40 mm, and the breakdown at the gun is 175 mm). And also the technique is famous for its cannons, but in particular, a one-time dam.

Minuses of Soviets There are inaccurate guns (mainly). Also, the guns have low armored armor, compared with American, French and German cars (for example, comparing IP, T29 and Tiger, It turns out 30 less than that of two "classmates"). A significant minus is a review of Soviet hard tanks. They are pretty "blind" and on large open cards receive damage, not even knowing where they are shooting.

Speed \u200b\u200bcan not be attributed to the pros, nor in the minuses, because On different branchings, different speeds.


Technique is divided on 5 initial branches Development WOT:
  • PT-saau
  • Hard armored light tanks
  • Maswater light tanks
  • Middle Armored Light Tanks
  • SAU (artillery)


Soviet anti-tank plants They are famous for their guns. You can get a lot of pleasure from their breakdown at any level of battle. On the Su-100 tree of development is divided into two branches: to the object 268 and to the object 263. The path to about. 268 lies through PT with guns having a high damage. And playing PT to about. 263 have maneuverability and are designed for. In general, we can say that they are nice to play and they can solve the outcome of the battle. The only problem - overview.

TB / M / SAT Light tanks (conventionally identifiable in its own way)

These tanks are somewhat resemble the French light tanks of the initial levels - it is armor. These tanks (with the T-60 on the T-80) have excellent frontal armor, especially in T-70, and they also have breakdown guns. The T-34 branch goes further (BT and A-20 branch comes to it). Subsequently, with T-34-85, you can go to the KV-13 or T-43, and from the KV-13 you can go to the IP. The average tanks of the tips for rapid, maneuverable and ideal as follows: "Support" of heavy tanks, "warrior" of artillery, "predatory flock", "Hunts" or a defender / invader.
Also, these middle tanks have a line "BT", which includes quick and maneuverable Tanks BT-2, BT-7 and A-20. They also have breakdown and rapid powders, and together with the speed they can solve the outcome of the battle even when it just begins.

T-26 line - T-46 is one of the most popular, because It has branches on the T-50 - T-50-2 and on heavy tanks. Going to Soviet "Svelli" you will get a huge speed with which you can highlight the enemy allies. And the T-50-2 is one of the best and popular tanks in World of Tanks.

Further goes the T-28 branch, which will go first heavy tank - KV-1, former legendary square. With it there is a transition to kV-2 (with a powerful 152 mm gun), T-150 (hard armored tank) and a sq-1c (most popular tank 6 level). From the KV-2 you can go to artillery and T-150. KV-1C leads to a faster, but less armored tanks, and T-150 leads to slower and armored tanks.


Artillery - the gods of war. Not in vain they were so nicknamed, because the skillful artist can divert all the tanks of the enemy and keeps all enemies in fear. SAU shoot on the attached trajectory from the Gaubic Aiming Mode for distant distances. Pros of Soviet artillery in damage and information. Otherwise, they are pretty inaccurate (everything after SU-5) and have a low speed of the shell flight. Su-26 and SU-5 are the most accurate artillery in the game and deserve attention.


Summing up, we can say that soviet tanks are good. They forgive mistakes in inexperienced players, thanks to their armor and one-time dam. They are interested in playing and alone can be restrained. The biggest minuses are only exactly and review. Otherwise, they may well make a good competition of any nation. Soviet tanks definitely need to download to understand "what - how," you need to do in the game.

Sep 14, 2016 Game guides

Tanks are a center world Games Of Tanks Blitz. Understand the differences between tanks and know which tanks of which country are better suited to you - half of the victory in the game. In this guide, I will try to describe the Soviet branch of the development of tanks as in detail as much as possible, but it will not strike as extremes and will not paint the huge tables with numeric data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you a submitting direction in which you would like to develop your Soviet tanks. Also in our blog you can find total guide In all nations and deep guides for each of them.

If you have already familiarized with common guide On tanks of different nations, this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or to repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to tanks.

Soviet tanks in general can be described as speed and powerful. Of course, they have their weaknesses - on the sides of their corps are usually not distinguished by special reliability, and the accuracy of the guns is not the highest - but they are compensated by serious advantages in speed, thick frontal armor and huge caliber guns. Of course, all tanks differ, but if you describe them in general, we can say that they all divide into two types - light and fast, which should drive, shoot, leave and shoot again until the enemy unfolds and heavy, which are capable of accepting One straight blow to the windshield armor and stay alive.

Now let's get to more detailed review Tanks of the USSR.

Light tanks of the USSR

Lungstanks of the Soviet Union are one of the fastest tanks in the game, which allows them to quickly celebrate opponents on the map and enter the flank to the slower tanks of other nations. In these tanks, it is difficult to effectively get into view of their corner armor, but if they get a high damage. The first tank of the Soviet branch - Light MS-1, the fastest and light tank 1st level. It is able to improve the turret to the second level and install two second-level guns on it, one of which (caliber 23mm) has high rapidity, but reduced penetration and velocity, and another (caliber 45mm) slowly shoots, but has a high penetration and is able to destroy Other light tanks with 3-4 shots. These characteristics make the first tank of the Soviet branch, MS-1, one of the best tanks for beginners who want to try themselves as a scout and focusing on the speed of movement. In the future, the lightweight tanks of the USSR are divided into bits of the second rank of BT and T (BT-2 and T-26, respectively), then go to the third rank with BT-7 and T-46. BT-7 subsequently provides the possibility of developing a light tank of the fourth rank, A-20, from which the transition to the well-known tank of the middle-class T-34 is made. The T-46 allows you to go to the middle class before, having in followers of the T-28, the tank of the middle class of the fourth rank. As clearly from the text above, after the first light MS-1, the Tanks of the USSR are developing on two lines. The first line contains BT - fast tanks that are able to quickly accelerate and gain high speed, but possessing weak armor and causeing enemies little damage due to the small level of penetration in installed guns. The second line, t, is more focused on the battle and has increased patency and maneuverability to couple with a higher caliber weapon. The minus is the speed, inferior to BT, and all the same weak armor. BT branch develops longer to the middle class, but the first representative of this class on this branch is the famous T-34, which has good rates of damage and speed and, in the future, its improved version, T-34-85, capable of performing almost any role in battle . The branch T is capable of producing a mid-class tank is already on the fourth rank, but this tank, T-28 is inferior to a set of tanks of this rank due to weak armor and large size. In the future, this tank "evolves" in the KV-1, a powerful armored tank capable of using three completely different guns for any style of the game.

Medium tanks of the USSR

Middletanks of the USSR, according to many, are best tanks This class in the game. Why? First of all, due to their diversity and mobility when performing any task on the battlefield. The above T-34 and KV-1 indicate the further path of development of the average tanks of the USSR, up to the T-43 of the seventh rank - the branches of T and a kV, respectively, represent faster and more armored tanks. The T-43 also connects the mobility of T-branches and armor of the KV branch, suffering in relation to the penetration of their guns. Tanks T-44 and T-54, following it, make focus on mobility, speed and decrease in size, while at the same time increasing the damage applied. From the T-54 of the tanks of the middle class of the Soviet branch again make a fork and on the tenth rank can be developed into an object 140 or T-62a. Object 140 is an experimental tank, which has tremendous speed and maneuverability and can apply tremendous damage, but suffering from weak armor and easily destroyed modules. T-62A - a tank with high accuracy, powerful turret armor and considerable speed, whose cannons have high penetration rates. His minuses are that his shot has a significant impact, and the armor of the corps is quite weak.

Heavy tanks of the USSR

Hard The Tanks of the USSR are also divided into two branches - KV and IP. SV branch departs from the middle T-28 tank and has a heavy front armor and weapons of high caliber, and the branch of the IP is distinguished by mobility and angular armor, allowing to keep the nearby battle quickly and decisively. The first tank of the branch of the KV, kV-1 is good because his armor is the same in all places - this allows you to make it almost impenetrable, placing an angle of 45 degrees to the opponent. Also on this tank can be installed tool with a caliber of 122mm, which will make it a powerful opponent even for the most "thick" tanks. But its minus is low speed, low maneuverability, low accuracy and low level view. If fast booth tanks work in your team, it will not be a problem - but if you are not marked with your enemy, then you will be much more difficult for a sharing on it. KV-1 In the future, it can be developed in the KV-1C, its lightweight and more mobile version, kV-2, the car to destroy the tanks of any strength, and the "thick" destructive T-150 tank. The difference between these three variants is very critical - the KV-1C and KV-2 have not the most durable armor, and the T-150 can stop almost any shots at proper positioning; KV-1C faster than two other models, and a kV-2 is able to shoot with a caliber of 152mm (!). In general, all these three models are distinguished by a high caliber of the guns, but at the same time they differ in a low recharge rate when shooting from high-caliber guns and only T-150 has sufficiently durable armor (losing the speed of speed). The BTAN-13 tank, "evolving" from the SV-1C tank - a rather durable tank with excellent maneuverability and speed. Outgoing from it, the IP is characterized by the same mobility, but it is capable of quickly shooting with powerful shells of a 122mm caliber, which makes it extremely dangerous in the near battle. Further models of IP, IP-3 and IP-8, continue development in this direction - high maneuverability and speed make them the most mobile tanks of their rank, and their powerful weapons break through armor of any opponents. The price is weak armor and low "health" tank. The final version of the development of this branch is the tenth rank of IP-7 tank. The IC-7 has high speeds and good armor turret, and at the same time the weapon of this tank is capable of punching thick armor. Low accuracy and a small speed will not allow this tank to deal with opponents from afar - but with the task of holding the enemy, he will cope with perfectly. RV line, meanwhile, develops on another way - the tanks of the KV-3 and KV-4, the following T-150, have powerful armor, but completely sacrifice speed. Their task is to hide the allies and distract the fire, since they are able to withstand the blows of almost any power with proper positioning. But it is necessary to understand that the speed and maneuverity of these tanks are very low - to escape in case of danger, it is most likely not to work out, so that the maximum maneuvers available to you upon the occurrence of the overwhelming power of the enemy, this is the positioning of your tank at such an angle to get less damage. The next tank of this line, ST-I, is distinguished by a powerful turret and a good side armor of the case, as well as high accuracy and caliber of the guns. It is faster than previous models, but not so much so much so that you can change the battle tactics based on speed - it is more likely to understand that such a tank is more designed for battles on the average distance due to the accuracy of firing. The final tank of this branch, IS-4 is the hardest and slow tank of the USSR. He can withstand damage almost from any side and often ricocheted shells from him - but it moves extremely slow. IS-4 - a tank fortress that serves as a shield with any other allies tanks and can apply the middle damage at the same time.


The first PT-SAU of the Soviet Union opens on the second rank, immediately after the MS-1 light tank - and this PT-SAU AT-1.On is small and very movable - and at the same time causes a very good opponent damage at high distances. The main problem is that he himself explodes after one good hit or pair is not the most accurate, so even light tanks (and perhaps especially light tanks in view of their speed) will be big problem For at-1 at close distance. His descendant, SU-76, is actually a stronger copy of the AT-1, but with full improvement significantly exceeds its ancestor with the speed of fire. The next PT-SAU, SU-85B, is a perfect "sniper" - his powerful gun and very high mobility guarantees hitting any opponent, but almost complete absence of armor makes it as vulnerable as possible, especially to explosive projectiles. The further "evolution" of PT-SAU of the USSR is not particularly different from the designated - increasing the speed and penetration of shells, reduced the level of armor - up to the object 704, which unexpectedly loses the speed and accuracy of the guidance, but it acquires powerful armor. The tactics of the game for this PT-SAU is significantly changing - instead of constant maneuvers, it is necessary to choose the most protected position, turn to the enemy of the front armor and accurately aim. The next PT-SAU, the object 268, loses problems with mobility, but acquires vulnerable places On the front armor - that again makes it a moving "sniper", but at the same time able to withstand inaccurate shots along the edges and turret.


We looked at almost allnon-premium Tanks of the Soviet Union. Some models were considered in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, other were missed, since they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can fold a complete picture of the features of the USSR tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop a branch of the development of this nation. I hope that these knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of the Tanks of the USSR and in the battle against them. Fight as a professional in World of Tanks Blitz!
