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World of Tanks: review of the German tier 5 tank destroyer Stug III

Stug III is a German Tier 5 anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. It has a low silhouette, relatively thick armor in the forehead with good angles of inclination, excellent dynamic characteristics and a rapid-fire gun with good accuracy. In today's review World equipment of Tanks we will look at more detailed characteristics this machine, the tactics of playing on it, as well as the most useful skills of the crew and the composition of the equipment and equipment.

The full name of Stug III sounds like “Sturmgeschütz III”, and in Russian the name is pronounced “Stug three”, and in no case not styug, stag, and certainly not stugel. The Stug III was produced on the basis of the PzKpfw III tank in various modifications from 1940 to 1945 and is the most widely produced armored vehicle of the Wehrmacht. A total of 8,636 vehicles were produced; Stug III vehicles captured by Soviet troops were converted into SU-76i self-propelled guns.

In the game, the Stug III is a dynamic vehicle with an accurate gun and good damage per minute and very mediocre armor.

Dynamics and speed

Stug III has a 440 hp engine. With. and a weight of 20 tons, which makes it a very dynamic machine in terms of turning speed and acceleration. Specific power is 21.5 liters. With. per ton, which is a very good indicator. The turning speed on the chassis is 44 degrees/s. The maximum speed is 40 km/h, but given such dynamics, the Stug III reaches it almost from a standstill.

In general, such dynamics allow the vehicle to sharply change its position in the event of light, change the flank in the event of a breakthrough, or hold back the advancing enemy, gradually retreating, quickly arrive in time for allies in need of support, in addition, the Stug is very difficult to spin even very to the fast firefly. In a 1 on 1 fight, the piece has the ability to constantly turn its forehead towards the enemy, which increases its survivability and ability to inflict damage.


The thickness of the Stug III armor itself is not great, which is typical for PTs in general and for level 5 in particular. If we can say about the sides and stern that there is no armor there, then the front of the self-propelled gun has sufficient thickness and angles of armor for protection against same-level enemies. Shells often ricochet off the forehead of this anti-tank missile. The forehead armor is 80 mm, while the sides and rear are only 30 mm. Don't forget that the Stug III also has a low silhouette, which makes it difficult for the enemy to hit it.

It is clear that the most vulnerabilities Any tank destroyer consists of its sides and stern, but the Stug III has one more weak point - it is the NLD. Almost all tanks in NLD have thin armor, but still. Based on this, it follows that the shooting position should be chosen in such a way that the NLD is not visible, for example, by taking advantage of folds in the terrain or various low structures that cannot be shot.

In general, the armor of the Stug III corresponds to the level 5 tank. However, it should be remembered that this is still a self-propelled gun and it is not intended for tanking damage, primarily due to the small safety margin (350 HP). You should be wary of shots from tanks with log throwers with large-caliber guns like the KV-1S, since they have the ability to send the Stug III into the hangar with one shot.


The Stug III's armament is also one of its strengths, along with its dynamic performance. The weapon used is the 7.5 cm StuK 42 L/70 and sometimes the Hetzer 0.5 cm StuH 42 L/28 high explosive. When hit, they deal approximately the same damage, but the accuracy and rate of fire The 7.5 cm StuK 42 L/70 is much taller, so it makes sense to use this weapon. The high explosive is also not bad, but at level 5 it doesn’t look as good as on the level 4 Hetzer.

Bringing down the gun The 7.5 cm StuK 42 L/70 is only 1.7 seconds, which is almost equal to the reload time, since the rate of fire is almost just over 13 rounds per minute. At the same time, the spread over 100 meters is only 0.33 meters, that is, even based on these characteristics, it is clear that the gun is very accurate. Using a simple calculation, we conclude that the DPM of this weapon is almost 1800 units of damage per second, and this is at level 5. That is, if the enemy does not see us, we can dismantle any level 5 tank and most level 6 tanks within a minute.

The Stug III is also good with UVN, the angle of inclination allows you to deal damage without showing NLD when shooting from behind a hill, and this is also an excellent advantage of this vehicle.

Damage with a basic and gold projectile is 135 units, with a landmine from 7.5 cm StuK 42 L/70 - 175 units, but only artillery with an open wheelhouse can be penetrated with a landmine. The armor penetration of the basic projectile is 150 mm, and that of the sub-caliber projectile is 194 mm. The penetration of a basic projectile is not great, but an accurate gun allows you to target weak spots or try to shoot at the NLD even from a long distance.

Based on its accurate and fast-firing gun, the Stug III is well suited to bush sniping tactics, and this is true because we have a low silhouette and small size, which makes the stealth factor quite high. However, this AT has a relatively low field of vision, which makes it impossible to spot the enemy while standing in the bushes first, and by the time the enemy does get caught, he is already at a dangerously close distance to the Stug III. Therefore, the position in the bushes should be chosen in such a way that there is as much open space in front as possible, and also that several allied tanks are driving in front of you, and you should shoot at their light. The armor characteristics and health reserves of the Stug III are such that it is worth exposing the vehicle to attack only in the most urgent and exceptional cases.

Camouflage and visibility

The visibility coefficient of the Stug III is quite low, as befits a tank destroyer. At the same time, the Stug III also has a low silhouette and small size, which makes visibility even lower. With visibility, not everything is so smooth; the Stug III has a fairly low one, so shining a light on it is a dangerous and pointless exercise.

Combat tactics on the Stug III

At close ranges, the Stug III is most vulnerable and useless, primarily due to its cardboard armor. At close range it is easier for heavy opponents to hit us, therefore it is easier to inflict damage and disassemble us. At close range, a competent enemy will penetrate the Stug III with anything. Moreover, due to the thin sides, this vehicle does not have the ability to tank damage either in a direct or reverse diamond pattern. When meeting at close range, you should stand with your forehead to the enemy, and then retreat back, wagging your body from right to left and shooting back in the hope of catching a ricochet. When retreating in this way, you should go behind some kind of cover, but usually in such cases the Stug III is quickly sent to the hangar. However, if the enemy is level 5 or lower, then there is a real chance to dismantle him before he dismantles us, but it is still not recommended to purposefully engage in battle in this way.

In medium-range battles, the Stug feels much better, since there is a chance that the enemy will not notice us, and we can already deal damage. At the same time, if we get caught in the light, we have a chance to painlessly change our position. If Stug III is in the top, then everything is fine, but very often there are situations when it is not only not in the top, but even at the bottom of the list. In such cases, if we come across a heavily armored enemy whom we cannot penetrate, we should charge gold and try to at least remove his track and not allow it to be repaired, receiving for this our share of experience and game currency.

The most the best option for all occasions is shooting from long distances in someone else's light. Firstly, in this way, thanks to the accurate gun, we will inflict maximum damage, and secondly, we will not go to the hangar ahead of time. At the beginning of the battle, you should choose a flank, focusing on the fact that the allies' ST and TT are driving ahead along this flank. Then we follow them, choose a position and wait for light. As soon as the enemy appears in sight, we open fire. If the enemy appears, but we cannot shoot because he is hiding behind houses or behind hills, this is a sign that the position has been chosen incorrectly. In this case, it is obvious that the position needs to be changed, otherwise the team will not benefit. As the allies press the flank, we move behind them, keeping behind. At the same time, do not forget that you need to stand in the bushes so that the enemy does not have a chance to see and expose you. If the allies on this flank have merged, you should retreat to the base, firing back from the advancing enemies, thereby holding back the enemy’s breakthrough to your base.

In general, both offensive and defensive tactics on the Stug III are approximately the same: stay out of the enemy’s line of sight and deal damage from the bushes in someone else’s light. In the event of a loss of allies, we select a position and destroy the enemies caught in the light. Repeat from battle to battle. Attack tactics on a Stuga make sense if you need to quickly and decisively break through a flank together with your allies, if this flank is held back by 3-4 enemies. If you go to the front line alone, then depending on the enemy’s ability to play, this leads to either a quick send to the hangar, or a not so quick one. However, in some cases, for example, when the Stug III is at the top, the breakthrough tactic on it may work, but in any case it is not as effective as sniping from the bushes.


The Stug III crew consists of 4 people: commander, gunner, driver and loader. The most important skills in this case will be camouflage, military brotherhood and the sixth sense of the commander. Repair does not play a special role for this tank vehicle, since health points are still low, and the caterpillar can be repaired using a repair kit. Here are my recommendations for the order of leveling up skills:

  • Commander: sixth sense, camouflage, military brotherhood, repair
  • Gunner: camouflage, sniper, combat brotherhood, repair
  • Driver mechanic: disguise, off-road king, military brotherhood, repair
  • Loader: disguise, desperate, brotherhood, repair

Since the loader on the Stug III also plays the role of a radio operator, you can learn “Radio Interception” instead of “Desperado”, but if you want to open this branch further with a crew transfer, then this skill will not work for the loader on the following vehicles.

Equipment and gear

The equipment should include a gun rammer in order to increase the DPM, a Stereo Tube in order to increase the visibility of the AT, as well as a camouflage net for even less visibility. This set of equipment is optimal for an ambush sniper.

From the equipment we take a standard set: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and a hand-held fire extinguisher. Instead, you can optionally use more expensive equivalents, and instead of a fire extinguisher, it makes sense to use chocolate for a small increase in the crew's skills.

From the ammunition we take with us 10-15 sub-caliber shells, the rest of the ammo is filled with ordinary armor-piercing shells. You can take ~5 high-explosive shells in case you have to shoot at artillery or anti-tank missiles like the Hellcat, but usually they are not needed.

As a result, we have a very good and balanced level 5 tank destroyer. Among the advantages, we can note an accurate, rapid-fire gun with excellent damage per minute for level 5, good angles vertical aiming and excellent dynamics. The Stug III's weaknesses are its armor and low visibility. If you want to play as an ambush sniper, then the Stug III is very suitable for this. You can get to it very quickly, and if you don’t like the car, you can walk through it quite quickly too. The car is actually interesting enough that you could keep it for a “fan”, but in this regard it has one drawback - it is only level 5, so it is unlikely to bring many credits, and the crew will have to be pumped out long enough.

If you have any comments, suggestions or wishes, please leave them in the comments to this article.

Thank you and good luck in the random!

We upgrade the crew for the standard PT version: for the crew - “Camouflage”, for the commander - “Sixth Sense”. At the second level of the perk, the commander upgrades the “green stuff”, and to the rest you distribute specialized perks, such as “Sniper” for the gunner and “Desperate” for the loader. We take “Combat Brotherhood” only at the third level.

The best setup for an ambush option is Rammer, Camouflage Net and Stereo Tube. If you chose a high explosive or more active actions, then instead of the pipe we take “Coated optics”, remove the network and set “Improved aiming drives” or “Ventilation”.

We place the classic consumables: “Manual fire extinguisher”, “Small first aid kit”, “Small repair kit”.

StuG III Ausf. G- a good example of a dual-purpose self-propelled gun. It can both “bush” and conduct active offensive operations.

At the start, immediately decide on an ambush position at the front edge and accelerate there. You can even be in time before the enemy fireflies, which you immediately begin to shoot. If you are discovered, tick to the reserve position. Soon the slow-moving brothers will arrive and shooting at the light will begin. Just like in a shooting gallery - you just have time to converge and fire shells. The first projectile hits the track, the second hits the hull, the third hits the chassis again. They sort it out in one go.

Never turn on the “lone wolf” mode. Remember - you are fire support. If you find yourself alone with a pack of light and medium tanks, you will most likely merge. You shouldn't engage in a firefight with heavy tanks at all; your hit points to them are one bite. Only game masters who know exactly the viewing radii of all types of equipment and skillfully balance on the edge can conduct a competent defense in splendid isolation.

If you made it to the top, then you can rejoice - your time has come. You can even lead an offensive fist, since most opponents will not withstand your physical and psychological pressure. It is not easy to exchange fire with an “iron” when for one shot it gives two at once. You should only be afraid of artillery units with a 105 mm cannon - their land mines can nullify you in one salvo.

Although frontal armor does not always protect against gold, it makes sense to slightly turn the hull into a diamond shape. But not too much, so as not to open the rink and the weak side - sometimes pleasant ricochets happen. Never back up, as your reverse is only 10 km/h. It’s better to rush forward and clinch, and you can even carousel the special slow-witted ones... On a self-propelled gun without a turret, Karl!

At the end of the battle, if you have survived until it, the most enjoyable part begins - shooting wounded animals. In this StuG there are no competitors. Sometimes he steals frags from his colleagues right from under their noses, thanks to his accurate machine gun. If there are more enemies left than allies, then retreat to the base and choose a position in which you will observe the capture circle, and no one will see you. Destroy all lovers of bloodless victories - that’s what they need!

Review of the tank's strengths and weaknesses. Results


  • Good disguise
  • Two different types of weapons
  • High damage per minute
  • Excellent speed and dynamics


  • Weak armor and poor health
  • Small review
  • Slow reverse
  • Small ammunition

StuG III Ausf. G- one of the most popular German tank destroyers in the game. It is suitable for both lovers of gatherings in the bushes and fans of rapid flanking maneuvers. The fifth level is the most comfortable for self-propelled guns, in terms of farming and picking. And “iron” is the undoubted leader in this matter. The victory statistics will grow with him by leaps and bounds.

Good luck in battle!

At the dawn of the popularity of multiplayer shooters, those who liked to sit in the corners with a gun were considered absolute evil. To earn the honor and respect of experienced players, you had to show that you are not a fool. The only thing considered worse than “camping” was the theft of other people’s things from under the owner’s nose while he was fighting off attacking opponents. But times, as well as the dynamics of games, have changed, and with the advent of full-fledged sniper classes, contempt for “campers” has not disappeared, but has decreased significantly.

Rich American militarists love to go to personal tank. U Schwarzenegger there is just one - so maybe it’s time to get one a true legend like M18?

Having considered in the previous material best tanks all weight categories, editors "High Explosive Messenger", took on a similar top “camper” for all World of Tanks- anti-tank self-propelled guns. Of all types of equipment, tank destroyers are the most multifunctional due to the colossal difference in the model range of each nation.

The French became famous as "cardboard boxes" with reloading drums and good guns. Councils at the highest levels cause real panic due to non-stop ricochets and their self-sufficiency. The Germans have in their ranks both the most powerful self-propelled guns and the most unusual ones. And they also have the most “gnomes”, capable of overcoming even “heavies” in competent hands.

Hot stuff

In the archives of the High Explosive Messenger there are interesting publications explaining the differences between tank destroyers and anti-tank self-propelled guns, as well as the reason why our first hero does not belong to either of them.

Driving such a beauty around the city is a pleasure. The problem of traffic jams disappears by itself.

Sturmgeschütz III, she's the same StuG III, is another confirmation that the complexity of a design does not guarantee its quality. Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Wehrmacht officer Erich von Manstein set out to transfer a sedentary and vulnerable artillery installation to the mobile platform.

Calling his concept an “assault weapon for infantry support,” he could not even imagine that he not only laid the foundation for an entire class of equipment, but also created the most popular and sought-after armored vehicle of the Third Reich. Over the entire production period from 1935 to 1945, 10,000 units of every conceivable modification were produced, and it all started with a letter from Manstein general Beku in 1935. Within a year the company Daimler-Benz began designing the StuG III based on PzKpfw III. They managed to make, perhaps, the best example in the entire history - not only of their own, but also of the Reich armored industry.

StuG III, this “Occam’s razor” of Hitler’s megalomaniac elite, combined simplicity of design, low cost of production, incredible efficiency and mobility, which was not available to many at that time. Its final cost turned out to be even lower than that of the base - PzKpfw III. The soldiers were saddened by only a few nuances, but by 1943 they were corrected.

The final version of StuG III, called Auf. G, received an MG-43 machine gun for protection in close combat, a 75-mm Stuk 40/L48 cannon, which can easily penetrate T-34 and with a little more effort - terrifying KV-1, as well as enhanced armor and protection for the rollers. The latter, however, was often removed to reduce weight.

The Stug was so effective that both the Wehrmacht and the SS formed separate divisions exclusively from them. Some tank aces During the war, they shot at several dozen enemy vehicles, and it didn’t matter who was in front of them - the heavy KV-1 or the dug-in Sushka.

The virtual incarnation of the “stug” is no less popular than the real one. Could be called the best and fashionable T49, but his wings were very quickly “clipped”, negating all the benefits of the rotating tower. StuG III, even after a breakthrough of patches, continues to delight with miracles in battle.

However, getting into a head-on collision or PT rush is still not recommended. They will kill you faster than you can shout “Achtung!”

Yes, farming in it is not as sweet as in French S35, and his damage is not the greatest. However, its averageness in everything only works to our advantage. Not only is the “gnome” also nimble, with a generally good gun.

It is easier to spin than a PT with rotating turrets, but a trained crew and personal experience eliminate this disadvantage. StuG III is one of the few self-propelled guns (although it is correct to call it an assault gun), on which an intelligent tanker can spin even KV-5. Even at higher levels, not every machine is capable of such a feat, and the American M18 Hellcat is one of them.

Immortal Witch

Players lovingly nicknamed the M18 Hellcat “the witch,” although more often it is called the “Cat.” She ruled the battlefield long before the appearance of “borscht”, objects and other “waffles”. Similar to a briquette of ice cream, it caused such horror that the caterpillars shook even at the highest levels, one “mouse” proudly hid in the bushes.

The reason for this is as simple as a toothpick. The penetration of its gun was no less than 243 mm, and this was at the sixth level. Its speed of 72 km/h, rotating turret and excellent camouflage turned the battle into a mousetrap for less agile tanks. The disadvantages - poor maneuverability and slow rotation of the turret - were not scary for experienced PT drivers.

Alas, the reign of the “witch” did not last long. An average penetration of 243 mm will surprise few people now. And she is not the only one with high speed. However, the Hellcat's claws are still sharp. Like StuG III, the "witch" has stood the test of time.

Appearances are deceptive. The huge Maus, in fact, is a punching bag, and this modest one gives death and horror to people...

In reality, things were more interesting. The main participants in World War II radically differed not only in their doctrines of warfare, but also in their concepts of the purpose of anti-tank self-propelled guns.

If the Germans and Soviets were team players who needed support from infantry and other equipment, then in the US understanding the most important factor was mobility, because the rest avoided direct clashes of armored units. So it turned out that their favorite principle of “divide and conquer” resulted in the specific tactics of tank destroyer platoons that attacked tank units like schools of sharks. If the Americans did not have such a difference, the M18 would not have appeared in principle.

Many people often forget about this, and then become indignant: “Yeah, I bought gold, and it’s cool?!”

Unlike most tank destroyers (according to the American classification), the “witch” was originally created on a special chassis, and not on the basis of another tank. The development of test samples, and subsequently serial production, from 1943 to 1944 was carried out by the division Buick companies General Motors.

The United States did not expect to use the M18 for decades, so after the fall of the fascist regime in Italy and the Nazi regime in northwestern Europe, the Hellcat was removed from service and sold to friendly countries, where it remained in service until 2007. Yes, yes, Venezuela, South Korea and Yugoslavia (until the USA destroyed it) gladly used the services of the “witch”.

Sports car with a machine gun

Rank best killer tanks at the seventh level unexpectedly received a German premium E-25. It belongs to the famous E-series - a line of innovative projects that includes the popular heavyweight E-100. This “dwarf” doesn’t look scary at all, but although he doesn’t have a powerful weapon or thick armor, his speed, maneuverability, fantastic stealth and rate of fire make him a unique team member.

On the right is E-25, below is the “witch” and SU-122-44. Next to them is a “cockroach” - he is a “cockroach”.

Not everyone is easy or medium tank can boast similar mobility. Getting into a maneuvering E-25 is as difficult as spinning a bachata. But this “cockroach with a machine gun,” as it is affectionately called, cannot be considered a full-fledged tank destroyer. Poor damage and low penetration make him useless as a positional sniper or base defender. But for an unexpected “landing on a harp”, an evil “light” or boarding artillery in the deep rear, it is more suitable than any of its “classmates”.

Speed ​​sometimes matters a lot. The one who first captures this bridgehead will be able to do obscene things with almost impunity, so occupying this stone is much more important than chasing the enemy light.

The Wehrmacht leadership wanted to replace with this machine a whole galaxy of good, but obsolete models, including the famous Hetzer. If the StuG III is considered the most popular self-propelled gun of the German army, then the E-25 is its most worthy successor.

Of the numerous E-series, only the E-100 and E-25 reached the iron prototype stage. Work on a 25-ton analogue of the Hetzer has been carried out since 1943 by the 6th Department of the Weapons Testing Directorate, headed by General Kniemkamp. Firms fought to the death for the opportunity to participate in the design of a new type of self-propelled guns, but few received permission.

An ambush carried out by a couple of platoons of these short guys is guaranteed to pacify the enemy column in a matter of seconds. Even thick armor won't help.

The company was the first to join Adler, which took upon itself the creation of the concept and control over the development, right up to the prototype. Later they connected to her Porsche, Argus, Krupp And Skoda.

The engineers decided that the unique self-propelled gun was a unique weapon, and instead of the proven 7.5 cm KwK 43, they proposed installing the more powerful 7.5 cm KwK 44. It was its development that was carried out by Krupp and Skoda, and the latter was subsequently going to mount its own autoloader on the E-25, increasing the rate of fire to forty rounds per minute. Fortunately for the Reich’s opponents, the Germans did not have time to bring the project to mass production.

* * *

Awkward German tank destroyer of the first level Panzerjager I destroyed hundreds, even thousands of lives. No one expected that the Nazis would put artillery on movable carriages and start firing high-explosive fragmentation at the fortifications.

Erich von Manstein went down in history only because he wanted to save the lives of his men by creating a mobile artillery platform. This is how the legendary StuG III appeared. M18 Hellcat, Maus, Object 268, Batignolles-Chatillon 25t and many others have gone down in history forever, like their creators. Next time the High Explosive Messenger will tell you about best tank destroyers from 8th to 10th levels. Stay with us!

17-02-2017, 03:16

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Tankers and tank girls, today we will talk about a very funny looking vehicle, a French tank destroyer of the fifth level, in front of you S 35CA guide.

Despite the striking similarity of this device to a bathtub or a disaster, we still have at our disposal a very good and even strong tank. But to realize the potential S 35 CA World of Tanks, it is important to know its parameters well, be able to install the equipment correctly and select perks, and understand battle tactics.


As usual, we will begin our review with the fact that this Frenchwoman has the same small margin of safety as most PT-5s, as well as a relatively good basic visibility of 340 metro, which still needs improvement.

If you look at what S 35 CA specifications reservations, nothing can be said 100% certain. In general, we are poorly armored from the front; most areas here are no more than 60 millimeters thick, which is completely incapable of withstanding a blow.

But look at that huge rounded gun mantlet that will save the day from time to time S 35 CA tank from incoming damage. In addition, if the enemy gets into the rounded edges of our bath, where the reduction reaches 203 millimeters, ricochets are also very possible.

In no case should we rely on the reservation of the sides; in this projection, everyone we meet will hit us. As for invisibility, French tank S 35 CA WoT It has a rather tall silhouette and a long body, that is, our camouflage is not bad, but it is very far from perfection; it is not so easy to detect this self-propelled gun.

In terms of driving performance, this unit was not very good. Maximum speed S 35 CA World of Tanks mediocre, weak dynamics and maneuverability will not allow you to fight off a mobile tank that decides to carousel you.


As you can see, the general tactical and technical characteristics of this Frenchwoman are rather weak, but looking ahead I will say that with weapons everything is much more interesting, now you will understand everything yourself.

U S 35 CA gun top-end from a seventh level vehicle, with a powerful alpha strike by the standards of its classmates, an average rate of fire, but at the same time very decent damage per minute, which without equipment and perks reaches approximately 1700 units.

Breaking through S 35 CA World of Tanks also not bad, but still too small for a tank destroyer. You will be able to confidently penetrate all fives, inflict damage even on sixth-level heavies, targeting vulnerable areas in the armor. But for a comfortable war with sevens you will have to have 10-15 gold sub-calibers with you.

But our weapons have a significant drawback, it lies in accuracy. The point is that S 35CA WoT tank has a large spread, long aiming and poor stabilization.

But at the same time, the vertical and horizontal aiming angles of this Frenchwoman are simply incomparable. The gun bends downwards by 9 degrees, and the UGNs add up to as much as 44 degrees. True, the last parameter Tank destroyer S 35 CA quite unusual, since the barrel rotates 15 degrees to the left, and as much as 29 to the right.

However, it is too early to move away from weapons, since we are offered one more weapon, a pre-top gun, to choose from. Its main difference is the increased and very serious alpha strike for the fifth level, for which you have to pay in rate of fire, which is why S 35 CA World of Tanks damage per minute drops to 1500 units.

Otherwise, the penetration is the same, the UGN and UVN are identical and the accuracy is quite a bit worse, although this barrel takes an order of magnitude longer to reduce and this is not very comfortable.

The summary of the armament will be as follows - if you want more comfort in shooting and some stability, it is better to stay with the top gun, but for those who like a powerful alpha strike, a second barrel is suitable, with it S 35 CA tank turns into a level five thunderstorm. However, you can play even with a stock gun, since it also has excellent characteristics, has very high penetration and excellent accuracy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, when playing on any tank, it is very important to know which aspects of it you can rely on in battle and what you should not rely on at all. Moreover, knowing the advantages and disadvantages Tank destroyer S 35 CA It will be easier for you to choose equipment and perks, so let's get started.
Powerful alpha strike for both guns;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
Better among UGN classmates;
High DPM of the top gun;
Variability of weapons (all guns are good).
Small margin of safety;
Weak armor;
A short review;
Mediocre mobility;
Poor accuracy;
Penetration is not high enough by tank destroyer standards.

Equipment for S 35 CA

To properly equip a machine with additional modules, you need to decide for yourself which strengths you are going to focus on and which weaknesses you need to level out. However, in our case there are not so many reasonable options, so tank S 35 CA equipment It's better to put the following:
1. – with any weapon, this module will increase your damage per minute, which is very important for any tank destroyer.
2. – the top and pre-top guns have poor accuracy; accelerating the aiming is the only method to correct this problem.
3. – our review is very far from the maximum and only this option can radically affect the solution to the problem.

But for those who want to increase the survivability of this self-propelled gun, you can sacrifice the aiming speed and install instead of the second point, it will be more difficult to detect us with it, and this configuration option goes well with the “horns”.

Crew training

Somewhat even more important aspect for your successful game there will be a distribution of skills between the soldiers sitting in the tank. The crew really needs to pay a lot of attention and set priorities correctly, however, for Tank destroyer S 35 CA perks swing in a completely familiar way:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for S 35 CA

To honor yourself in battle more confidently and at the same time not spend extra silver, in terms of consumables, you can stop at a gentleman’s set of, , . But if you want to have a chance to choose and get into really serious trouble, then S 35 CA equipment It’s better to carry it in the form , , , and the last option can be replaced with , if desired.

Tactics for playing the S 35 CA

To realize the potential of this device, you must remember its strengths and try to create conditions for yourself to realize them. At the same time, we must not forget that the shortcomings of the machine must be leveled out in every possible way, which means for S 35 CA tactics will consist in firing at long distances from cover, because our safety margin is very small and we cannot rely on armor.

Wherein Tank destroyer S 35 CA WoT Although she received very powerful weapons at her disposal, these guns are capricious, since their accuracy is poor. This means that you should always get down to the end and at the same time try to aim vulnerabilities, this is another plus in favor of the artisanal style of play.

But excellent horizontal and vertical aiming angles will help you cope with capricious guns. That is, when choosing a position, you should only worry about S 35 CA tank was hidden by bushes, just in case you should have a path to retreat, and you also need a corridor with good gunfire, so that it would be more convenient to fire at the enemy without moving.

For the rest, you need to understand that French tank S 35 CA World of Tanks nevertheless, one should not stand in one place all the time; sometimes one needs to move to take a more current position and for safety reasons. In addition, it is better not to engage us in close combat, it is extremely dangerous to let anyone get close to you, and if you get caught in the light, you need to immediately hide until the “suitcase” from the artillery arrives in our open wheelhouse.

1-12-2016, 08:08

Hello everyone who likes to shoot from bushes, this site is here! Friends, now we will get acquainted with a very interesting and sometimes funny car that everyone will be able to download with the release of update 0.9.17. Now in front of you Swedish tank destroyer fifth level and this Ikv 103 guide.

Of course, this car will be passed by anyone who wants to pump out Sweden’s top-end PT without free experience and most likely you will be pleasantly surprised. Of course, now we are just in the testing stage, Ikv 103 characteristics may still change, but the general concept of playing on a bottom unit is already clear.

TTX Ikv 103

First of all, as usual, I will draw your attention to the state of HP and the “vision” of the machine. So, our Swede has a standard level 5 tank destroyer by the standards of the tank and has the same standard viewing range of 340 meters. But compared to other equipment, and especially higher-level ones, these parameters look very modest.

If you look at Ikv 103 TTX survivability, not counting the frankly low HP indicator, then there will be two sides of the coin. First, let's talk about armor and look at the coliseum model. But let's be honest, you can't say much here, since this vehicle has cardboard armor. No matter how you look at it, everyone with whom we have to fight will penetrate us.

But there is also a positive side, and it is very significant - Ikv 103 tank of Sweden It has really small dimensions. This machine is low, not wide and quite short, due to which its stealth coefficient is high, and it will not be so easy to simply hit it.

In terms of mobility, this device is again able to please its owner, but not all is well here. Tank destroyer Ikv 103 World of Tanks got excellent results maximum speed, the only problem is that the dynamics are rather weak, which is why it takes us a long time to accelerate, and this self-propelled gun is also clumsy, it’s easy to spin it.


The weapons deserve special attention, not only because the gun is the main component of every tank, but simply because there is something to talk about.

The main point that catches your eye is Ikv 103 gun has a very good alpha strike for a fifth level. However, this comes at the cost of not having the best rate of fire, which is why we are only able to deal about 1,700 damage per minute.

Our short-barreled gun is not the best in terms of armor penetration. Despite the fact that he is shooting Ikv 103 tank of Sweden cumulative shells, penetration here is mediocre, and even gold cumuli are unable to completely solve this issue. True, for the fights at the bottom of the list you need to carry more gold with you.

The accuracy parameters of our gun are also disappointing, this is reflected in a very large spread and poor stabilization, but thanks to the good aiming speed, damage can be realized comfortably.

I am very pleased with the fact that Tank destroyer Ikv 103 WoT I got excellent elevation angles, the barrel bends down 12 degrees, and the angle of 10 degrees in each direction cannot be called problematic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you now is an interesting device with a large number of different parameters that you will have to use in battle. Of course, for more successful fights you need to understand the main strengths and weaknesses Ikv 103 World of Tanks, so let's break them down point by point.
Very compact dimensions;
High level camouflage;
Good maximum speed;
Powerful alphastrike;
Quick mixing;
Comfortable UVN and UGN.
Cardboard armor;
Small margin of safety;
Mediocre review;
Weak dynamics and maneuverability;
Poor accuracy;
Small DPM;
Insufficient armor penetration parameters.

Equipment for Ikv 103

You can make your stay in battle more comfortable and significantly increase the efficiency of your combat vehicle with the correct installation additional modules. In addition, we have parameters in our list of weaknesses that need to be improved, so Tank destroyer Ikv 103 equipment the following is put:
1. – the more often we can fire our powerful shots, the better, and the DPM of the car is lame.
2. – it’s obvious that we have certain problems with accuracy and despite the fact that the gun’s aiming is quite fast, it wouldn’t hurt to speed it up.
3. – it’s very rare that you can completely rely on allied fireflies, so it’s better to correct your mediocre review and there’s no other way to do it.

As for the third point, there is a good alternative to it - however, preference should be given to boosting characteristics only for those who are not very worried about their visibility and want to squeeze maximum damage out of this self-propelled gun.

Crew training

Another win-win option for improving tank parameters is right choice skills for the tankers sitting inside. In the case of a tank destroyer, the choice will be more or less standard; we will give preference to camouflage and the comfort of dealing damage. In general, for Ikv 103 perks should be downloaded in the following order:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Ikv 103

Due to the fact that this Swedish self-propelled gun has a very compact size, the internal modules and crew members in it are located close, which means that crits and concussions will often occur. For this reason, the best option would be to carry Ikv 103 equipment from , , , where the last option can be replaced by . But if your silver reserves are small, there is nothing to do, buy , , .

Tactics of the game on Ikv 103

The principle of playing any tank in our favorite game is based on knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of this very tank. In our case, there are plenty of both advantages and disadvantages, but how to manage them.

Of course, due to the complete lack of armor and good camouflage for Ikv 103 tactics fighting is more of an ambush. This means that we must stand in the bushes somewhere on the second line (there is no point further, accuracy will not allow it) and distribute heavy slaps for 300 damage to each exposed enemy.

Being at the top of the list, this principle of the game justifies itself very well, because for classmates and cars of a lower level, Ikv 103 tank of Sweden is a very formidable opponent, all because of the same alpha. As for the battles at the bottom of the list, sitting in ambush is even more justified here, but problems with penetration begin and even gold cannot always solve them, try to target vulnerable spots.

Never forget what to play on Tank destroyer Ikv 103 WoT You should be very careful, but the most important thing is not to let the enemy get close to you. To do this, you should constantly monitor the mini-map; it is much better to use a good maximum speed and leave before the enemy LT or ST gets to you and starts spinning you.

In addition to all of the above, try to use your own vertical aiming angles. Swedish tank Ikv 103 World of Tanks capable of taking the most unexpected and very advantageous positions for himself, shooting from elevated places, saving himself by rolling back over the hill after a shot, etc. In other words, it all depends on your knowledge of the maps and your ingenuity.
