What equipment should be installed on the T37 tank. Equipment for T37

T 37 guide reviews from World off tanks fans, what perks and equipment to install and how to play review light tank American branch as well as a video review.

T 37 guide review American tank and in this article we will analyze in detail what perks and equipment to put on T 37 how to play on it, and also watch the video at the end of the post in which we will learn in more detail the answers to the questions.
So I pumped out this tank by accident, how can I say this, it just happened because while playing I walked to the M24 Chaffe light tank, which I really liked because it was quite fast and its gun was normal. I just decided to walk to the M24 Chaffe and nowhere else.

In short, I upgraded chappy when I got there and it seemed to me not so much after I played a couple of hundred battles on it, so I naturally decided to move on and see what was behind it, so to speak. I got to the light tank T 37 which seemed to me much better than chappy and I had a great time driving it and playing on it gave me a lot of pleasure because its gun penetrates enemies above the level with a bang although it doesn’t take that much but the reload time is fast it doesn’t glow very strong, but due to the fact that the body is high, they still fire it quickly, so I don’t recommend standing still even with horns. The game for this tank should be mobile because of this, but the spread is small and I often hit opponents with it at 300 or more meters without any problems. He even pierced O-I and other Japanese heavy metals.

How to play this tank?

The game should be very active, you can’t stop for more than a few seconds because the tank’s HP is low and the armor, you know, is also cardboard. We play actively, shine down the hills without going on them, sometimes we stop under a house somewhere on the center line in order to activate the horns and shine on our allies. You can also stand somewhere on a high hill in the distance and easily hit enemy tanks, but I don’t recommend standing for a long time since you won’t help this team much, because the main purpose of light tanks is to highlight enemies and thereby help allies because the damage the tank does is not great, but from This does not make him any less dangerous.

What perks should the crew get on T 37, you ask?

Personally, I prefer watching video reviews rather than reading.

6-11-2016, 21:54

Hello to all lovers of light and fast technology, the site is with you! You all probably already guessed that now we will talk about a real firefly, an American light tank of the sixth level - this T37 guide.

It is from the sixth level in World of Tanks that light tanks begin to gain momentum, more worthy models appear here, and if we consider T37 characteristics, this car can be called, if not the best, then certainly strong. However, the gameplay on LT is always characterized by its complexity, and in order to master this unit, you need to have a clear understanding of its capabilities.


To begin with, you must understand that we have at our disposal the best safety margin among the LT-6, and also, as befits a firefly, an excellent basic viewing range of 385 meters.

In the case of a light tank, there is nothing to talk about armor; it seems that our vehicle is made not of metal, but of cardboard, in this sense T37 TTX very far from perfect. Look at the collage model - the thickest place (marked in red) is in the forehead of the tower, but even taking into account good slopes, the reduction here does not exceed 38 millimeters, which completely deprives us of any chance of avoiding damage when hit.

As a lyrical digression on the topic of weak armor, I would like to add that T37 tank has a rather tall silhouette, and we also often get criticism of the ammunition rack and crew members.

But as we all know, light tanks are famous not for their armor, but for their mobility. And indeed, T37 World of Tanks It has excellent maximum speed, very good maneuverability and enviable dynamics. True, we are still slightly lacking in horsepower, you will feel it when you need to quickly escape from pursuit or when climbing a mountain.


A very important, and in our case no less interesting point concerns the armament of the tank, because in the case of Т37 WoT It is possible to install one of two guns to choose from.

First, let's consider a specific option - a gun with a magazine loaded with 5 shells, each of which is capable of being fired at intervals of two seconds. With a small alpha strike T37 tank capable of dealing about 575 damage in 10 seconds. This is not so much, considering that completely recharging the drum takes a period of 20 seconds.

Given T37 gun has good armor-piercing power compared to most light tanks of the sixth level, however, you will still have to carry a decent amount of gold shells with you, the more the better.

As for accuracy, T37 WoT The spread is large, but thanks to good stabilization and fairly fast aiming, you can shoot comfortably even while moving.

Now let's talk about the second gun, the standard one, which does not have a magazine loading system, but, in my opinion, is the favorite. The fact is that the one-time damage here is the same, but there is a good rate of fire with this barrel Т37 World of Tanks produces about 2100 stable damage per minute, without having to wait 20 seconds.

Another obvious advantage is that this gun has record armor penetration parameters among its classmates. Thanks to this quality our light tank T37 gets the opportunity to shoot less gold, although it won’t hurt to carry 20-40% of premium shells.

And lastly, the spread of the gun is the same, with stabilization everything is still good, but you will converge faster, which is no less important. Yes, by the way, with both barrels T37 WoT has excellent angles vertical aiming, the gun lowers 9 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main parameters have been considered and it’s time to draw the first conclusions, because in order to play on any tank, and especially on a firefly, you need to clearly understand its main advantages and disadvantages. Yes, highlight strengths and weaknesses T37 We will be, taking into account the configuration, a second, non-drum gun.
Good mobility;
The best safety margin among LT-6;
Great review;
Best armor penetration at the level;
High rate of fire;
Excellent stabilization;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Absolutely cardboard armor;
There is a lack of dynamics;
Tall silhouette, which makes the disguise lame;
Forward location of the ammunition rack and frequent crits of crew members;
Little alphastrike.

Equipment for T37

It is very important to properly equip your tank additional modules, because this will subsequently significantly affect the gameplay. In our case, it is worth noting that T37 equipment it is not quite standard, there is no way to install it, but there is another unique feature that is inherent only in American LT, but first things first:
1. – that very unique module that will give us the opportunity to deal damage while moving even more comfortably and reduce even faster after stopping.
2. – a good choice, because with it we will get an increase in damage, visibility and shooting comfort.
3. is an excellent option for a light tank, because with this we can even exceed the maximum visibility.

Frankly speaking, the above three points are optimal, but if you have just purchased T37 tank, you don’t yet have a pumped-up crew, then you can put the third point instead, however, such a choice obliges you to a more passive style of play.

Crew training

An equally important and at the same time even more crucial moment, requiring a serious investment of time, is pumping up the crew. There are four tankers in our tank, which is a fairly standard situation, so T37 perks download as follows:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for T37

Another nuance that you should definitely think about before going into battle is the choice of consumables. Of course, if you don’t have extra silver or gold, you can stop at the usual set of, and. However, given the frequent crits of the ammunition rack and concussion of crew members, it is better to carry T37 equipment from , , , where the last option can be replaced without much fear by .

Tactics for playing T37

As already mentioned, gameplay on a light tank in World of Tanks is not at all easy, we do little damage, the armor is cardboard, the safety margin is small, etc. However, as you can see above, we have an impressive number of strengths and we need to use all of them.

As with any firefly, on T37 tactics combat is quite varied, but we must always behave carefully, fearing hits from enemy guns, especially various high explosives.

At the beginning of the battle, you can work as a passive light, for this light tank T37 uses his speed, occupies the treasured bush and lights up the enemy's patrol. The main thing is to remember that our camouflage is good, but not the best, so you need to leave the dangerous square in advance.

The rest of the battle we cruise around the map, practically never stand in one place, periodically stepping behind the foul line to detect enemy camouflaged tank destroyers and other equipment. Wherein T37 World of Tanks is still capable of shooting, doing it perfectly without slowing down.

Regarding the implementation of damage, we can fire equally well both at long distances (accuracy allows) and spin the enemy in close combat. The main thing is to do this very carefully, it is better if they are already battered and clumsy opponents, because the damage T37 WoT not that big.

The T-37, like many tanks above level 5, was introduced into the game in patch 0.9.3. And added to the branch of American light tanks.
General information.
Many people recognize the T-37 as a good old chafik. And this is partly true. The same M24, only improved and upgraded for level 6 LT status. If anything says that Chaffee's futuristic eared tower was taken away from him, then no, it was not taken away, but simply given to his older brother for use. Of course, with an increase in level, the tank received an increase in many characteristics, such as maximum speed, or gun penetration.
More details about the main characteristics:
. Damage - 115 units.
. Armor penetration - 150 mm.
. Rate of fire - 18.18 mm.
. Power - 500 l/s.
. Maximum speed - 66 km/h.
Recommended equipment:
Since American LTs are distinguished by the ability to install a stabilizer, we will not miss it. We will occupy the second cell with coated optics or a stereo tube. It will just depend on your playstyle. The third slot will be occupied by ventilation, which will give a noticeable increase to all characteristics, including further increasing the visibility and dynamics of the tank.
Standard equipment is also suitable: repair kit, first aid kit, fire extinguisher. Although, considering that it’s unlikely that anyone will let you burn out, you can take another repair kit in the 3rd slot.
We train the crew like on many other fireflies
. Commander - sixth sense, camouflage, eagle eye (even though the 4th perk is already occupied by the brotherhood, it is worth noting that the commander can upgrade radio interception, since he performs the role of a radio operator).
. Gunner - camouflage, smooth turret rotation, vindictive (it’s worth noting here that this perk can be very useful for passive light).
. Driver mechanic - disguise, king of off-road, virtuoso.
. Loader - camouflage, non-contact ammunition rack.
Let's study the Martial Brotherhood with the 3rd or 4th perk. Of course for the entire crew at the same time.
Weaknesses of the T-37.
Not the highest maximum speed, as among fireflies, combined with rather large dimensions, makes active light on a tank almost impossible. Well, or at least extremely uncomfortable. The huge turret of the T-37 is simply a magnet for enemy shells, and given the complete lack of armor, we are afraid of both the weak guns of other light vehicles and the high-explosive covers of guns with larger calibers. The tank also has a small mass, and although most often this plays into the hands of fast tanks, our classmate VK 2801, in a successful scenario, can destroy us with one ram.
Strengths of the T-37.
Although the maximum speed is the best among its classmates, the tank has wonderful dynamics. It reaches its speed limit very quickly and hardly loses speed when cornering. Moderate terrain can also be overcome without much effort. However, good driving performance is not all that the T-37 has. Good weapons help you stand up for yourself in a carousel duel with other tanks, or quickly deal with enemy artillery. You also shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the tower is large. This firefly best review among the level 6 LT (although it is the same as that of the fathead).
Combat tactics on the T-37.
At the beginning of the battle, it would be nice to “dawn” the passing of enemy tanks. That is, for the first 30 seconds we play the role of active light, and then we roll back to the base and go to the position of passive illumination.
Although, depending on the map, you can go and shine at your favorite shelter from the beginning of the battle. For example: the bush on Prokhorovka Alley needs to be occupied very quickly. Don't forget about your dimensions. Look very carefully at the bushes you stand in. As soon as there is a hint that you have been detected, change your position. It is better to avoid even one-on-one duels with classmates. Although we have pretty good weapons. Due to poor armor, even if you emerge victorious in a duel, only a few crumbs of strength units will remain.

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