Card WoT: Generals is closing: what is the reason? Closing the game world of tanks generals

Publication date: 10/14/2016 11:20:25

This morning, while waiting for Battlefield 1 to download (I received it through Origin Acess and will tell you about my impressions soon), I decided to look through the news feed on VK. And then I come across the inscription: "The game died before it was born... On April 15, 2017, World of Tanks: Generals will cease to exist". At first I thought it was fake, but in the news there was a link to official page games. And as it turned out, the news about the closure of the game is not fake. Here is the official message from the game website:


We regret to inform you that the World of Tanks Generals project will be closed on April 15, 2017. Also, “Generals” will be excluded from the list of games we offer, which will be reflected in the User Agreement.

On October 9, 2016, payments in the Premium Store will be disabled. You will be able to use the remaining in-game currency in the game until April 15, 2017. After that, it will be automatically transferred to the game in the Wargaming universe that you play most often.

On behalf of everyone at Wargaming, thank you for your dedication and love for the game. We sincerely hope that every second spent on the battlefield was joyful and enjoyable.


World of Tanks Generals team

The news was quite unexpected, although there were prerequisites for such a situation. For example, some time ago support for the game stopped. Once the iOS version was released, that was all. Development Android versions then it was folded. Now I will try to analyze why everything happened this way.

Almost from the very beginning, the project was not going well with its development. First, the project was announced, brought into the alpha test stage... and that’s it. A long lull. Then it was interrupted by the closure of the game developer studio, Persha Studio (by the way, I wrote about this in mine). After this, the project generally died down, and then suddenly moved into the closed beta stage. I then managed to break into the CBT, and at some point I even wanted to write a review or review on it on my blog (this was around the same time as the CBT of ships), but at some point I realized that there was nothing to write there nothing special to talk about! I’ll move on to analyzing the problems a little later. Then at some point the game was officially released on PC, then tests and release on iOS. Well, then you know - termination of support and news of closure. So what are the reasons for all this? Let's figure it out now.


As for me, this is the main reason for closing the game - it can’t compete with its competitors! Who is the main competitor? Right, . What are the benefits of playing Hearthstone? Came out early - once. Higher fan base - two. And the fact that she is more cheerful is three. Combo! And it would be nice if only Hearthstone. No, we are not talking about small card games now. After all, recently the first details began to emerge, and the beloved by many was announced as a separate game. Well, then Wargaming realized that they were unlikely to catch anything with such competition, so they decided to shut down the project quietly.


Now let's look at what was wrong with the game. And the main disadvantage is that the game is very boring. Battles on a 3v5 field are not particularly fun. And some of the mechanics (not counting the field and platoon cards) were taken from Hearthstone. The parts are long and monotonous, and all this is accompanied by a dull soundtrack. By the way, it was much better in CBT, but with the transition to MBT, why was it replaced with something more dull and boring. For a long time I asked the developers on the forums to return the old sounds, but in the end I abandoned the game.

Leveling tree

New cards must be researched and purchased using experience gained in parties and money in upgrade trees. As for me, the decision is very controversial for this genre. Because I can’t think of a single card game with such a... feature. While in Hearthstone it was possible to win or buy packs with cards (5 cards each) and use random help to collect good deck, then here you play long and tediously for one card. Well, that's not interesting.


No further comments. He's bad. That's all with this point.


As for me, support for the game stopped long before the official announcement, because I don’t remember the developers introducing anything radically new to the game or fixing something old. They just gave up on the game.

Bottom line

You can list the problems of the game for a very long time and after a deep analysis, the news about the closure is not perceived as sudden or out of the ordinary. It was just that a not very successful project was made, which accordingly was not particularly warmly received. And to be honest, I feel a little sorry for the game...

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Wargaming has closed the card game World of Tanks Generals; the project officially stopped on April 15 at 12:00 Kyiv time.

Transfer of gold and experience

Gold bars and free experience from accounts to which at least one payment was made will be transferred to the Wargaming project where the player spent the most currency. If there were no expenses, then the game that the user played the most. If there were no expenses or battles, then the property is transferred to World of Tanks, according to the company’s official statement.

The transfer only applies to gold bars purchased by the player himself. Ingots received as a reward for game events, will not be saved. Gold and free experience will be transferred to other projects until April 18 inclusive.

How World of Tanks Generals was created:

World of Tanks Generals

Players of the project received a military unit consisting of tanks, infantry and artillery, which were presented in the form of collectible cards. They had to be thoughtfully placed on the battlefield, as well as make tactically important moves.

Work on World of Tanks Generals ceased on April 15, 2016, and in October the studio announced that the project would close on April 15, 2017. The official portal, forum and Support Center will be available for another month, until May 15.

Not too long ago I wondered: Why is Master of Orion doing so poorly? Of course, I’m exaggerating when I talk about the project in Early Access, but, nevertheless, I rightly asked questions about the state of affairs of the company, since it allows a certain little-known studio in the person of NGD Studios to do its work.

And now, either confirming my words, or answering the questions posed, the news appears like a bolt from the blue that the development of the game World of tanks Generals has been completed and will no longer be carried out. Accordingly, a notification about this was sent to all players. The game, if anyone doesn’t know, is an online collectible - card game, which began to be developed around the same time that the popularity of Hearthstone began.

What does what actually happened mean? The game will still be kept alive on the servers, but, formally, they will no longer make changes to it and bring it to mind, add new content, accordingly, too. Wouldn't it be easier to just end support for the product, you ask? Probably, the state of affairs as it is is a direct consequence of clause 12.4.1 of the agreement. “ In case of closure of the Game. In this case, Wargaming is obliged to send a corresponding notice to the User at least one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days before the closing date of the Game. At the same time, Wargaming does not pay any compensation and, among other things, does not reimburse the User for the monetary equivalent of in-game currency, premium equipment, premium account, etc. no refunds are made. Game servers will not be closed in the near future, so you can continue to use the gaming property.” Thus, the player must first be notified and given the opportunity to use the property for the remaining time after notification. What happens next is at the discretion of the company. Probably, after six months, the servers will be closed due to unprofitability.

The players, however, perceived this state of affairs differently, believing that the end of development was not the end of the game and even created a whole topic. Players believe: If a worker game code will be made publicly available, players will be able to take on the role of developers themselves, involving programmers and others like them. The problem here is that the game, however. must pay for the maintenance of servers and capacity. In addition, money was paid for the code and the existing functionality may have its own secrets. which the company can save for the future. So, it may very well be that this trick is nothing more than a way to temporarily reassure those who still want to invest money: Still, 180 days is a long period and if players reduce the burden of paying for staff and game functionality, then Wargaming may benefit from this.

Which of these is true? and what is not, time will tell. But the trend is not very comforting: Wargaming does not have a firm position in its projects and, at any moment, may lose its “ships and planes”, because there are many contradictions around them. And players can also remember the problems in the tanks, coupled with controversial decisions regarding Master of Orion.

Well, let's bet on when the real one will be...End of Game: For both Generals and Wargaming.
