Cubes Myths Story Cubes. Self-made cubes for stormitelling (printing). Who plays these cubes

"Creativity can be trained like muscles. Cubes stories are a simulator for training creative abilities, memory and thinking! "- Rory is windownor, the inventor of the game.

Cubes RORY stories "S Story Cubes is a unique desktop allowance for the genre storytelling, developing fantasy and speech. The game " Million stories on his palm", (See the history of creation). 9 cubes, 54 pictures and infinite number of stories!
Tell stories - Why should it be needed? If you think about it, you will understand that we are constantly just doing what we listen to or telling stories. As food that we eat, told stories ( storytelling, auction) It is an integral part of our life. We accept it for granted, but often underestimate the power that art has it over us and over the surrounding. In fact, a well-told story can be a fun, instructive, giving motivation; It can help achieve a goal, buy a friend, make a deal, meet and even find your love!

The official site of cubes of stories in Russia -, as well as In contact with and Facebook.

Since the invention sold more than 3 million copiesThe game managed to receive dozens of awards, reviews of cubes stories published popular magazines, bloggers, specialized sites and industry associations around the world. Here are just some of the awards of the game RORY "S Story Cubes:

This is a rare type of game where the players no competition - In the cubes there are no defeated or winners, because all the participants in turn come up with and tell the invented adventures of some hero, the player himself can choose the genre of his story - detective, fantasy, fairy tale, the world through the eyes of a cat .. Yes, anything! Playing in a large company at least fun to come up with one story at all, when each participant adds its part to the plot formed to him based on the interpretation of the image that fell on the cubes thrown. In addition, this will help unfamiliar to people (and there are always such in large companies!) Start communication. This is the cubes of stories - this is more than a game, this is a tool that gives opportunities. We recommend downloading and printing a leaflet " Creation of history".

Thanks to the huge number of image combinations, told stories will never repeat. The small size of the box is only 6x6x2cm makes it easy to take cubes of stories on the road to pass the time during long-distance travel and play with the children on the plane or in the train.

The game in the early 2000s came up with Irishman, as a manual for the development of creativity and the skill of problem solving. Interestingly, at the very beginning, the inventor inflicted 54 images on the Rubik cube and turning the cube in random order created one or another set of images on one of the parties. The player needed to say " Once.."And continue the story, relying on the image 1, 2, 3, etc. right up to the ninth cube, in which the story should be over. Then someone from colleagues suggested Rory to make 9 different cubes - and the same 54 images were now on Playing cubes, which simplified the creation of tasks and at the same time made the game more visual and interesting. So in 2005 there was the first version in the branded orange box. Then the versions about travel, version with the picture-verbs of action and numerous additional extension sets were released on Specific topics: Space, sport, evidence, dinosaurs, etc.

Everyone love to listen to exciting stories about travel, adventure and unprecedented achievements. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to tell them, because few people can invent and present their version of events. But the prosperous at this field becomes writers, journalists and ... just interesting people with whom they are pleased to be a conversation. In this review, I will talk about unusual cubes that will allow everyone to become a soul of the company, and perhaps the famous writer. Today on a pink sofa - amazing "RORY'S STORY CUBES".

The magic of cubes attracts humanity for many centuries for many centuries, to observe the flight of the hexagon can be infinitely, and the resulting result is always perceived as a kind of miracle (pleasant or not - according to circumstances). There are no familiar points for me in my hands, but a different drawings are depicted, on the basis of which novice tolders are invited to compile their first stories.

I invented these wonderful hexagons of Irishman Rory O'Connor. As an idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, the original cubes were intended as a gaming manual for the development of creative abilities. The idea received the most enthusiastic response, and in 2005, Rory together with the Publishing House "Kadon Enterprises" publishes the first "Story Cubes" with stickers packed in canvas bags.

Success exceeded all expectations - unusual cubes "rolled up to holes", stickers were erased, and in 2007 the author decided to open its own production. From this point on, the procession of unusual hexagons around the world began ...

Each story is a small fairy tale, and any fairy tale should be beautifully framed and create an atmosphere of the holiday. Rory came up with a branded spectacular packaging with bright printing, consisting of an external "cover" and an inner box made of dense cardboard.

I want to tell about one interesting board game. Creative "simulator" to work creativity. We are generally the fans of different board games, but this special, as the creativity and nonstandarity of thinking are fitting, fits both children and adults. Especially those adults and children who would like to become a writer :-). She will have to be very by the way to everyone who wants to develop imagination and learn how to express thoughts. In general, a good gift to a creative person.

She also has other advantages - it is not annoying for us for the second month and is very compact - it was possible to play on the plane and in a long crossing by train:

In addition, I will tell you about the pair of books that serve the same goal.

In the case of playing, I also want to tell me separately about the rules as to play it. Unfortunately, on the boxes to cubes of stories, these rules are not specified (!). So even if you have such a game, look at the rules in the post :-)!

So, for starters: Cubes of stories are different. We have several sets, but there are others. Won there on a piece of paper in the middle of some (on the first photo).

There are Cubes "Original" - Orange. This is the starting set, it is enough to compose millions of stories.
You can buy minor sets of three cubes. They are already "aimed action" - for example, purple for the composition of detectives (called "evidence"), pink - for the composition of fairy tales (there are fairies, crowns, and that's all this), etc. etc.

Other square sets - also have variations on themes, but they can already play full-fed, as "original" - both in combinations with other cubes from other sets and solo.

On the boxes themselves it is indicated that you can play, throwing out two or three cubes. That is, you will be enough for a full set of nine cubes on a story: three of the randomly fallen cubes will serve as a string story, three - the main development of the plot and three will lead the story to an unexpected junction.
It is already interesting, because every time it turns out very unusual.

I will tell you the secret that I am now working on my book, more precisely script. (By the way, if I wonder - I can tell separately about books on how to write books or scenarios - I have their huge collection, almost 50 pieces).
And when I go to a dead end, now I throw a cube. A couple of times it was absolutely cool launched the Stabul of events in the new direction, you do not think about such creative)).

But, in addition to the rules indicated on the box, the store owner sent me another detailed option. Really, it is a pity that manufacturers do not invest it in the boxes. Here it is:

  1. Playing with the child, you need to initially agree. There will be a story about whom, to choose the main character, the best thing is some character who now like the child. It can be a Luntik or Snow White, a favorite animal, a pirate or even living in a different city of Grandma. In general, that the child would be easier to imagine, visualize the story. Adults will not hurt either, because It will be much simplified and accelerated the game, makes it funnier and more dynamic. Heroes in adults can also be adults - biker, taxi driver, Zhirinovsky, etc. In general, depending on the company, the interests of the participants of the game.
  2. It is also useful to choose a genre of the story: Fantasy (the hero was in a fabulous forest or on another planet), a detective (the cunning villain drank all the water from the river), a funny story (someone was smoking ice cream and). It is not necessary to coordinate before the start of the game, it just would be good for yourself to decide, it will be easier to come up with a good story.
  3. Depending on the development / abilities / talkativeness of the child, you can simplify the task and make a story in turn, i.e. "One cube you, the other I". It turns out that an adult is a moderator, a teacher, directing and adjusting the plot in the right direction. After 2-3 games, the child will be able to more freely compose and tell stories, understanding how to interpret and link pictures, start and finish the story.
In addition, in his letter there was still this:
Like that. The beauty of the game that the rules may be how much you want and you will probably think of some kind of way of playing. In this and the essence of cubes of stories that they act as a tool, the reason, becoming a secondary place, and people playing them will be on the first. For comparison, I am sure that you played in a monopoly - there the game and the rules almost fully suppress the initiative and the ability of the players. It all depends on the value of the abandoned cube. Here, the other way is, any picture can be interpreted with 100 different ways, and a combination of pictures will always contact absolutely different stories from different people.

Regarding this store of cubes - at the same time I can advise two more things to heap:

These are the sets of Nano Lego for girls. I lie on the train, they also got nicely, each each, and the figures turned out very cute. I see that there are big sets there, for example, it would be possible to give an adult, who also has everything:

And the springs of the Slim. Remember these in our childhood? Now they can be bought on collapse near Zoos, for example, Lyal has already bought many times, but they are bad quality: confused constantly. So here they are sold real, our in two months never confused. The trifle, but they really do not find good now).

Now it's about how to grow from a child (or yourself) writer or artist.

We have a couple of books from myth on the same topic:

They are rapidly so that the page is enough for two pictures or stories. And if you need to distract from something and do not take thoughts - then drawing what you need, just sit, read the task and immediately draw. Cropping skills, creativity, does not occupy the brain.

Examples of ideas that need to draw:

  • Ear Van Gogh
  • Air castle
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Anatomical human scheme
  • Stalagmites or Stalakith
  • Mirage
  • Time Machine
  • Twenty thousand led under water
  • Shooting star
  • Zombie
But about the writing:

"642 ideas what to write about
Notebook novice writer "

This book is an 826 Valencia school project in San Francisco, where children learn to write and edit texts. The best teachers of this school invented and created such a collection of ideas to inspire novice writers around the world.
In addition to the fact that the tasks in the notebook develop imagination, they still teach to express the thoughts of the Emko and consistently - so that a whole story fit in several sentences.

Several creative tasks from the book

  1. You meet a girl who can close the eyes and see the whole universe. Tell me about her.
  2. Try to fit all my life of any person in one sentence.
  3. Take an article from the fresh newspaper. Drink ten words or phrases that rushed into the eyes. Using these words, Sochini poem, which begins like this: "What if ..."
  4. Your cat dreams of world domination. She calculated how to change with you bodies.
  5. Write a story that starts like this: "The weird began with the fact that Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs ..."
  6. Explain the gold miner from 1849, as E-mail works.
  7. An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.
  8. Choose any item on the desk (handle, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write a note with thanks.
Here is such a selection of gifts for very young and not very writers).

A small box, fastened by a magnet, will not take a lot of space on the road, and you can throw cubes right in the box itself so that the characters of the story do not sneak on the seat in the car or train.
It's hardly the most free game In the sense of rules: There are recommendations, how it is better to start a trip to the world of stories, but you can come up with your conditions. For example, you can throw all the cubes at once, determine how your story will begin, and then give the will of fantasy. You can designate the story in advance and try to keep it within it. During the story you need to use all the pictures that you fell.
In total, the base set of 9 cubes with 54 pictograms is more than 10 million possible combinations - and new stories. There is an opportunity to buy additions with new pictures and significantly expand the scope for fantasy. In addition to the classic set, additions are released - fairy tales, dinosaurs, space, medicine, travel, cubes of actions, etc.

Who plays these cubes?

Children and their parents play in Rory's Story Cubes. However, cubes of stories are not only an interesting board game, but also a tool for psychologists. With the help of cubes, they enable their patients to invent and record consistent stories and talk about their feelings. And some teachers use cubes for holding games to study foreign languages.

Why cubes 9?

The creators of the game - people are very creative, for example, to the question why in their game RORY'S Story Cubes it is 9 cubes, they answer - the whole thing in magical numbers! 9 can be divided into three, and except mysticism, it is also convenient for inventing stories - part of the cubes is responsible for the beginning of the story, part - for the middle, and part can be left for the plot of the plot. The authors also refer to the study of psychologists that a person can keep 7 objects in the head +/- two. 9 cubes makes the brain work better than usual.

It is important not only to tell children different stories, but also to give the opportunity to create and tell the children themselves. Invent them yourself, and not just retell someone. Writing, storytelling of stories, or from English - storytelling, helps children learn to mental perception and processing information, develops beautiful competent speech, creative thinking, confidence in speeches in public, develops imagination, contributes to the disclosure of talents and self-expression. The most comfortable platform for the first storytelling experience is a family circle. And help in it board gamesSpecially designed to exhaust writing skills.

Unconditional leader among the games of this plan - playing cubes Story Cubes. The essence of the game is that you throw 9 cubes on the table and start a story with some words like "Once ..." or "Long-time ...", etc., having risen on the thread of the story all the characters that fell on the upper edges of the cubes, Starting with the one who first attracted your attention.

But if there is no possibility to buy them, then we suggest using our collection of sweeps, just print you like and glue.

We remind the rules: The first participant in the circle of stories (of all those who participate in the composition of the fairy tales) casts the first cube to determine the scene to determine the scene, against the background of which events will occur. Then another participant throws the second cube and continues the story by attaching the details to the previous string. And so on, while the fairy tale is finished. Some of the adults need to charge the stroke of the plot, suddenly he really will come out interesting. "Once a trouble happened in the magic castle - the robber kidnapped the magic wand ..."

You can use as many cubes as you like, or follow the rule - a fairy tale for 5 moves.

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