Quest games with dou teachers. Quest game in kindergarten for older preschoolers. Preparatory group. Our pedagogical credo

On February 21, in preparation for the pedagogical council “Improving forms of development play activity preschoolers, through the introduction of modern technologies and techniques”, a quest game “Journey through the waves of pedagogical science” was held with teachers.

Purpose of the game: to generalize and systematize the knowledge of teachers in the field of development of play activities of preschoolers.

The teachers of the institution were divided into two groups:

Masters (experienced teachers with the first and highest qualification category, work experience of more than 10 years);

Beginners (teachers with less than 5 years of experience in preschool educational institutions).

The form of the event was not chosen by chance. Quest is popular game among young people. Quests are also relevant and interesting for preschoolers. How to learn to organize such a game with students? I just tried to play it myself.

The game began in the manager's office. Tatyana Viktorovna presented a group of aspiring teachers with a map of their journey through the waves of pedagogical science. The map indicated the objects that must be visited to get to the prize. The object could be found by solving the riddle.

At the stations, novice teachers were waited by master teachers who prepared for their colleagues interesting tasks, allowing teachers to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of play activities of preschoolers. Each of the experienced teachers acted as a fairy-tale character.

First point. Participants of the game are met by Freken Bock. She invited travelers to solve a crossword puzzle on the classification of gaming activities.

Second point. Teachers are greeted by Vasilisa the Wise. Vasilisa offers teachers tasks on knowledge of the features of the developing subject-spatial environment necessary for the development of play activity in preschoolers.

Third point. What would a game be without the mischievous Baba Yaga? The cunning granny tested the knowledge of teachers in the field of planning play activities.

Fourth point. Meeting with a kind grandmother-riddle. Grandmother, although kind, prepared very complex riddles for her knowledge of the peculiarities of the development of play activity in preschoolers.

Each of the masters encouraged the participants in the game with small surprises: coins, berries, cheesecakes, bagels. Thanks to this, the most active participant in the game was identified - Anastasia Arkadyevna Trukhanova.

At the end of the game, a surprise awaited the participants - an invitation to a tea party, which took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Quest game for preschoolers "Search for a hidden surprise"

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Konakovo
Description of the material. I offer you a summary of the final lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children in the preparatory group for school. This material may be useful to preschool psychologists, teachers of senior and preparatory groups, as well as parents of preschoolers and students in grades 1-2. It can be used with a group of children of different ages, since the tasks are not difficult, but require intelligence, observation and attention.
Integration of cognitive areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.
Summing up the work of a psychologist with children of the preparatory group in a playful way.
To consolidate in independent activity the ability to find differences between objects, classify, and identify patterns. Provide an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and ability to work according to instructions in a game situation.
Develop concentration in a situation of a large number of distractions; the ability to quickly update your knowledge of the world around you.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to work in a group, the ability to make contact and express one’s requests.
Demonstration and handout material:
- a postcard to start the quest,

- picture “Find 7 differences”,

- pieces of the “Refrigerator” puzzle,

- rebus,

- “What’s extra?”

- image of a ladybug,

- a small mirror,
- "Chamomile",

- "footprints".
Methodical techniques: game situation, summing up.

Conducting a quest game.
To start the game, the premises must be prepared. In our case, the game began in the group room, so the children left their group with the teacher for 10 minutes. During this time, the educational psychologist placed a postcard to start the game and placed the puzzle pieces in certain places.
After this, the children returned to the group.

Educational psychologist:“Today we have our final psychological lesson. It will be longer than usual and will last 40 minutes, which is exactly how long a lesson at school lasts. You will work together and individually, try to be attentive from the first minute so that you do not waste time repeating instructions. The tasks are not difficult, but there are a lot of them, and all of these tasks must be completed within 40 minutes. If the group succeeds, a surprise awaits everyone.
Our lesson will be held in the form of a quest game. Quest is an adventure game. Having solved one task, you receive a hint where to look for the next task. And at the end you get access to a surprise.
Look at your watch. They show 9 hours 20 minutes. At exactly 10 o'clock the game should end. Time has passed.

Look around the room carefully. You should see the first hint. It stands in a prominent place, bright and shiny.
The first one who sees it comes up, takes the clue and gives it to me."

The children carefully examine the room and discover a postcard containing the first task.

Educational psychologist: Task 1 “Find the differences.” On this sheet you see two identical, at first glance, pictures. But there are 7 differences between them. These differences will help you find the next clue.
(Distribute pictures to children in sufficient quantities so that each child has the opportunity to compare and search).
Who saw the first difference? What is the difference?
Children's answers.

Educational psychologist:“You saw that the flower is different, so look for a piece of the puzzle there. In total you need to find 7 puzzle pieces and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: “Pillow, bedside table, rug, window sill, sofa, flower in a vase, floor lamp (I replaced it with a table lamp).”
When all the fragments are found, the second task is performed. (The children in one group completed the first task very quickly, in the other group they could not find a piece of the puzzle hidden on the bedside table for a long time, because they mistook another piece of furniture for a bedside table, so the leader had to tell them what the bedside table was).
Task 2 “Put the puzzle together.”

Despite the fact that the children are good at putting together puzzles, difficulties arose at first. Nevertheless, they put the puzzle together and saw that the arrow was pointing to the refrigerator.
Educational psychologist:“Think about where you can find a refrigerator?”
Children's answers: “In the kitchen.”
Educational psychologist:“I suggest you go down to the 1st floor and go to the kitchen.”
Nina Vasilievna (the kitchen worker) comes out, the children explain to her that they want to see the refrigerator in the kitchen. She invites the children to first guess the riddle:

Who cooks cabbage soup, cutlets,
Borscht, dumplings, vinaigrettes;
Cooks porridge and compotes,
Fries entrecotes in oil,
Crushes potatoes with a masher,
Does the soup stir with a ladle?

Children's answer: cook.

Children enter the room, examine it and find a riddle (this is the third task):
“We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a liner: “Too-oo-oo,”
Swallows dust with great eagerness,
But he doesn’t get sick, he doesn’t sneeze.”

Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.

Educational psychologist:“Think about where the vacuum cleaner might be? What is it for?
Children's answers: a vacuum cleaner is needed to vacuum carpets.
Educational psychologist:“Remember in which rooms of the kindergarten you saw carpets?”
Children's answers. To test their guess, the children go in twos to the music room, gym, in the dry pool room, etc. Everyone else, along with the psychologist, is waiting for their return.

Under the vacuum cleaner, the children discover another clue in the form of a rebus, after solving it they understand that their path lies in the laundry room.

The children are greeted by the kindergarten laundry worker. She asks a riddle:
“Strokes everything it touches,
And if you touch it, it bites.”

In the ironing room, children receive task sheets and return to their group.

Educational psychologist:“You have received sheets on which you need to find extra items, which will tell you where to look for the next clue."
Task 5 “What’s extra?”
(Answers: pan, cup, book, umbrella, balloon, camera.
Hidden in or near these objects are pictures depicting ladybugs. Since there are many children in the group, there were 2 pots, 2 cups, etc.)

Task 6 “Ladybug”

When all 12 ladybugs are found, the educational psychologist shows hers. Children must find exactly the same one among the ladybugs found.

Task 7 “Read the word”

On the back of the “correct” ladybug (second copy) the word is written in a mirror image. This is the word closet.

Task 8 (individual)
There are sheets of assignments in a folder in the closet. They are of varying complexity. For speedy distribution, the sheets are signed. Children complete tasks; if they do not understand what exactly needs to be done, the leader and teachers explain the instructions.

Tasks are completed at tables.

Task 9 “Chamomile”

While the children are solving “Chamomile,” the psychologist’s assistant lays out “traces” that will lead them to the surprise.
This is where the game ends. A photo is taken for memory.

The game took place in two preparatory groups. The first group easily completed the allotted 40 minutes. The children acted quickly, successfully, and completed all the tasks of the quest without prompting. The second group worked separately, each child wanted to personally complete the task, was upset if he was not the first to find the correct answer, etc. In order to meet the 40 minutes and get to the surprise, I had to skip individual tasks. All the children tore off the “Chamomile” petals with questions. If they could not answer a question on their own, the group helped.
The children and teachers of both groups really liked the quest game.

Tatiana Bogdanova
Quest game for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Theory and practice of cognitive and research activities”

Scenario for conducting an intellectual quest for teachers

« Theory and practice»

Target: Professional development pedagogical competence in implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in the educational process in terms of implementing tasks for organizing children educational and research activities.


Develop creativity teachers, their competence in implementing the organization’s objectives cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.

Activate your thinking activities of educators.

Bring everyone together teachers of team members,

Learn teachers interact and understand personal responsibility for achieving a common result.

Date and location: March 23, 2018, MDOU kindergarten "Mishutka".

Equipment: tokens for drawing lots, plates with station names, route sheets, 2 envelopes (yellow and green) with tasks, letter cards (I know, experience, a manual for making a lapbook (glue, scissors, cards, etc., various materials for conducting experiments.

Progress of the event

Upon entering the hall, teachers take chips and sit down at the table with the same colored chip.

It is impossible to imagine our society without such a necessary profession as a kindergarten teacher. It is in preschool age that moral principles and views, the foundations of a life position are laid, and the child’s character is formed. Therefore, a teacher must be a wise and kind, competent specialist, for whom raising children is not just a profession, but also a calling.

I would like to start our meeting today with the words Confucius:

What I heard, I forgot.

I remember what I saw.

I know what I did.

Modern scholars have interpreted the saying attributed to Confucius and expressed it in language numbers: What we hear is 10%. What we see is 50%. What we do ourselves is 90%.

Therefore, I invite you to participate in quest«».

You need to go through all the stations, according to the route sheet, if there is a team at the station, the other, upon arrival at it, cannot complete the task, but moves to the next station. All stations are located in the kindergarten building, each station is indicated by a sign. You need to pass all the tests and find the treasure. For each test passed, each team receives one letter. Finishing quest, both teams assemble a word from these letters, without which nothing is conceivable theory, nor practice.

Travel time quest - 45 minutes. Penalty points will be awarded for being late.

To determine the results of the game and identify the strongest, I present the composition jury:

This is a team game, so we have 2 teams at different tables and before we start quest, you need to warm up.

Warm-up "Sonneteer": - 5 minutes

You all know how to rhyme words, so teams are asked to finish the poem they started using supporting words (FSES, curiosity, experiment (experience, children). Upon completion, the invented poem is read out.

1 team

1. In the morning the mood is bad,

I can’t put makeup on my eyes...

2. In spring there are puddles everywhere,

Boats sail in streams...

3. Everyone loves obedient, friendly children,

Nobody likes capricious, stubborn people... Team 2

1. Parents often get angry and scold.

They lose their emotional connection with the child...

2. Genetics can be blamed for everything,

You shouldn’t even blame the mirror...

3. To show importance to others,

There is no need to puff out your cheeks at all...

Leading. So, let's not waste time, let's start our game.

The first task is for teams to come up with a name and introduce themselves within 3 minutes.

Teams present their business cards, then they are given route sheets, and the start and finish times are determined.

station "Clever mind"- letter "ABOUT", "Z" (manager's office)

Teams are offered 3 tasks from the area « Cognitive development» :

Task No. 1. Correct the error in the definition

Cognitive development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in educational mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the adult’s own experience.

Answer: (child)

Task No. 2. What the educational field does not include « Cognitive development» according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Development educational and research activities.

Familiarization with the subject environment.

Introduction to space

Introduction to the social world.

Introduction to the natural world.

Answer: Introduction to space.

Task No. 3. What types activities allow you to realize the content educational field « Cognitive development» preschoolers?


1. Musical activity

2. Labor activity

3. Communication activity

4. Informative– research activity

5. Reading fiction

6. Productive activity

7. Gaming activity

8. Motor activity

station "Ugadaykino"- letter «!» , «!» (senior teacher's office)

Teams are asked to solve a crossword puzzle containing words related to educational and research activities.


1. One of the stages of the study.

2. …. development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in educational mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child’s own experience.

3. One of the leading forms of development cognitive activity of preschool children.

4. A scientific hypothesis put forward to explain some phenomena.

5. Main research method. This is a scientific process, a targeted influence, the successful implementation of which supports or disproves a hypothesis.


1. The quality of a child, which characterizes him as striving to acquire more and more new knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Current method educational child development preschool age is?

3. The ability of human thinking to critically introspect.

4. Inference.

5. Unconscious desire for knowledge, inherent not only to humans, but to many living beings.

station "Be careful"- letter "T", "A" (supply office)

Teams are offered 2 tasks for reflection.

Task No. 1. What age does the experience correspond to?

1. The teacher places the mill in an empty bowl and pours sand onto the blades with a scoop (2-3 years)

2. Two plant bulbs, identical in shape, are placed in different Wednesday: one - into the water, the other into the soil. Observe their growth and draw a conclusion where the plant grows faster (5-6 years)

3. The teacher takes a magnet and brings it to different toys, the children watch his actions. Then lets the children try out how a magnet attracts metal objects. (3-4 years)

4. Water has no shape. Pour water into containers of different shapes and explain to the children that it takes the shape of the container into which it is poured. Then spill it on the floor. What happens to the water? (4-5 years)

Task No. 2. Pedagogical situation

Children ask us adults a lot of questions on various topics. Let's imagine this situation.

Mom and son are walking down the street. Suddenly it started to rain. Son asks: “Mom, why did it rain?”- and hears answer: "You cry and the sky cries".

Do you agree with mom's answer? ___

How do you think you should answer the questions? "Why" so that the interest contained in the question does not fade away, but develops? ___

Is it always useful to immediately give a comprehensive answer to a child’s question? ___

What should you consider when answering children's questions? ___

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky advised us, adults, to leave something unsaid, so that the child would again and again want to return to what he learned.

station "Crazy hands"- letter "Y", "N" - (hall 2 floors)

Teams are invited to make a lapbook "Young Explorer".

station "Laboratory"- letter "P", "YU" (last station – music hall)

An experiment is not born Just:

Sometimes it starts with a naive question.

Sometimes - with a strange answer.

It has been ripening for a long time in secret somewhere

When there are no more doubts -

He breaks free

He puts himself at our mercy:

Look! Something happened.

Let's see what we can get? Dear colleagues, now I will ask you to play the role of children and experiment.

Task No. 1. Come up with an experience from the proposed material. Demonstrate (1-2 minutes) (teachers Various materials available).

The final stage.

All that remains is to form words from the letters received. What did you get? What treasure did you find today? The reward for all participants in the game was gaining knowledge that teachers can put into practice.

“I always hated the role of an outside observer.

What am I if I don't take part?

To be, I must participate."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

This is how we ourselves should not stand aside when thirst is seething in a child. knowledge. "Want to know everything", says the child, "I will be your guide on this path", an adult echoes him, be it a teacher, a teacher or a parent.

Leading. I ask our jury to sum up the results of the game.

While the jury is summing up the results, apply your existing knowledge.

Creative task for teachers

Give examples of characters from works of children's fiction who are distinguished by their intense search activity, a penchant for experimentation, and the ability to make non-standard decisions in different situations.

Dunno, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Nils, Alice.

Can the behavior of these characters be called exploratory?

Dunno is an exploratory behavior, constantly looking for new opportunities to implement his ideas.

Winnie the Pooh - behavior is not exploratory, rather educational and curious. This behavior is determined by the peculiarities of thinking and character.

Carlson has an exploratory behavior and is constantly looking for new opportunities for adventure.

Nils has an exploratory behavior and is constantly in search of the gnome to find out the secret of his spell.

Alice - her behavior is not exploratory, rather educational and inquisitive.

What do you think is missing for this?

For full research activities lacks focus and conclusions that this activity involves.

Do characters' search activity and experimentation always fit into accepted norms of behavior?

Basically they do not fit into the norms of behavior, since their experiments are too fantastic. For example: Dunno himself flew on a rocket to the moon, Carlson walked on the roof with the baby, which is also unacceptable. Winnie the Pooh ate honey in a pot intended for a donkey as a birthday present.

Is this good or bad, from your point of view?

For child development this behavior is not positive, but based on the behavior of these characters, at the same time the child learns not to be afraid to experiment, make different decisions in situations, and their own activity increases.

Summing up, rewarding.

And finish our quest-I would like a game of Parables "Happiness".

God molded a man from clay, and he was left with an unused piece. “What else do you need to make? - asked God. “Make me happy,” the man asked. God did not answer anything, and only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm.

What did God mean by leaving a piece of clay? (answers)

All in our hands:

“Argue, be mistaken, make mistakes, but for God’s sake think, even crookedly, yourself,” Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.

Family quest"Obvious-Incredible" for parents and children of senior preschool age

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention a family quest scenario. It was held on a weekend when the groups were free and decorated according to the themes of different laboratories. The roles of professors were played by teachers and specialists from our kindergarten. Children were invited with one adult and divided into 6 teams. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The quest scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age.
Target: create a festive atmosphere for participants
- combine the interests of adults and children
- encourage children and parents to actively participate in the holiday;
Participants: children of senior and preparatory groups with parents, music director, teachers. specialists.


All quest participants gather in the music room.
Presenters: Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you on this beautiful October day in our kindergarten! How nice it is to see the cheerful looks of children and adults who warm the walls of our institution on Saturday morning!
Today we have invited you to an unusual event - a quest that has the mysterious name “Obvious-Incredible”.
On this day, our kindergarten groups turn into chemical, physical, logical, mathematical and environmental laboratories. Do you guys know what a laboratory is?
This is a place where experiments are carried out with water, with words and objects that will acquire unusual shapes. Today you will learn to turn the obvious into the incredible.
Guys, are you ready for the test? What about adults?
Then we declare the “Obvious-Incredible” Quest open!

Fanfare sound
So, 6 laboratories are participating in our quest and each has its own number. See where each laboratory is located (showing the addresses of the laboratories on the screen and telling a story about them). The same tables, for the convenience of following the route, are located on the first floor.
24 children and 24 adults take part in the quest, that is, 48 ​​participants. And, as we said, 6 laboratories are working. Eight people will enter each laboratory in stages. So we need to split into how many teams? Correct for 6 teams. Let's start the draw.
Each child comes up and immediately pulls out two ribbons of a certain color, tied with a bow. The child attaches one ribbon to himself, and he gives the other to the adult participant with whom he came to the game. Thus we will divide into 6 teams. Is everyone ready? Let's start the draw.
(to the music, children pull out ribbons tied in pairs).
Now we unite into 6 teams based on the color of the ribbons. Has everyone found each other? Well done! Please come to the table and pick up a route map with a symbol in the color corresponding to your ribbons.
After completing each stage, you will be given tokens in the form of autumn leaves. Be sure to save them! And when you complete the entire route, we are waiting for you in the music room to complete the final stage of the “Obvious-Incredible” quest.
Now look at the route table again. Let me remind you that the same tables are located on the first floor.
Does everyone know where to go?

We wish all participants a good mood and success in solving the problems of our unusual laboratories!
To the music, all participants go their separate ways.
Experiments with water - “surface tension of water”

-You find yourself in a laboratory where they study WATER. Water is life! More than 70% of our planet is covered with water (demonstrate on the globe). Water is necessary for the existence of all life on the planet. It is found in plants (90%) and in the human body (about 70%). Water has no taste, smell, or color.
The main consumer of water on Earth is man.
Assignment: name how water is used by humans? (for example: for drinking, food, washing, various household and industrial needs, etc.)
After a series of experiments, German scientists found that those who drink water and drinks more than others show greater restraint and a penchant for creativity. Water fills you with energy and vital forces.
-It would seem that water has already been studied by man, but scientists are still finding the most amazing facts about this element.
One of the facts is the law of surface tension of water. This means that molecules form an “invisible film” on the surface of water.
First experiment: a bowl of water, ground pepper, a drop of thick detergent.

Second experiment: bowl of water, tweezers, sewing needles.

Task for the team: a glass filled with water to the brim, a handful of coins. Place the coins in the glass so that the water does not spill out.
"An Incident in Mathematical Land"

Participants are greeted by the Princess of Mathematics. He talks about how trouble has happened in the country of mathematics. The evil sorcerer Neuch extinguished the sun and all the numbers got mixed up, and so that no one could get to the sun he broke the magic bridge. The princess asks the participants to help build a bridge from magic cards.
1. The cards are mixed and scattered randomly. You need to select cards of a certain color and lay out a “path” from them. Six pairs of participants - six “paths” of different colors.

2. The sun does not light up. The princess draws the attention of the participants to the fact that in the country of mathematics, order is needed in everything. The cards must be arranged so that the number of dots on them is from one to ten. Cards with numbers can be placed next to the number cards.

3. While the participants are laying out cards with numbers, the evil sorcerer Neuch takes one card from each row. The sun doesn't light up. The princess asks to “fix” the bridges. To do this, you need to replace the missing card with two others. (If a card with six dots is missing, it can be replaced with cards with four and two dots, etc.). If the solution is correct, the missing card is returned to its place

4. When all the cards are correctly laid out and all tasks are completed, the sun “lights up”.
The princess thanks everyone and says goodbye to the guests.

Magic water
Characters 4 people:
1. A drop of water
2. Professor Kapilyushkin
3-4.Assistant professors
Experience: 1.
Place the fruit in a container of water and see if it sinks or not.
We peel the fruit, put it in water, observe, and draw conclusions.

Experience 2.
Pour water into an inverted glass.
We pour water from a bottle into a glass, paint the water any color, put plasticine in the center of the plate, stick matches into it, pour colored water into the plates, light the matches, cover the matches with the glass, watch the water rise in the glass. Let's draw conclusions.
Experience 3.
Mixing paints in a glass.
Pour water into glasses. Warm water in one glass, cold water in the other. Warm water is colored yellow, cold water is blue.
We put the cards on the glasses, put the yellow glass on the blue one, take out the cards, and draw conclusions.

Experience 4.
General. Only Professor Kapilyushkin does it.
Pour oil, water into a glass container, add dye, and a tablet of effervescent substance. We observe the action and draw conclusions.

Experimenting with counting sticks using ICT.
- Hello, we welcome you to the Faculty of Logic. Our faculty received an email (slide No. 1), who do you think it’s from? (from Smeshariki).
I'll read it now.
Let's try these tasks:
- task 1 (slide No. 2) Lay out the house, and now rearrange two sticks so that you get a flag.
- task 2 (slide No. 3) Lay out the fish, then arrange two sticks to make a shape resembling a bow.

- task 3 (slide No. 4) Lay out the cow, and now move two sticks so that it faces the other way.
- task 4 (slide No. 5) Lay out the kite, then arrange the four sticks so that you get quadrangles consisting of four triangles.
- task 5 (slide No. 6) Lay out the key, and now rearrange the four sticks to make three squares.

- task 6 (slide No. 7) Lay out a figure of nine squares, remove four sticks to make five squares.
Ecological focuses
Vodnaya station.
"Let's help the water become clean"
“Oil River” (an oil spill kills birds and water inhabitants.) How can we help?

“Let’s clear the river of metal objects”
you need to get metal objects from the bottom of a vessel with water.
Conclusion: Magnetic force acts through glass.
"Let's raise the water level"
Vozdushnaya station
What is air needed for? How long can a person live without food? (without water) how long can a person live without air?

"Search for Air"
-What do we inhale through our nose? What is air? Can we see it? Where is the air? How to find out if there is air around? (Catch air with bags)
“Feel the air” - children wave a piece of paper near their face. What do we feel? We don't see air, but it surrounds us everywhere
"Air has weight"
Two inflated balloons hang on a stick, then one is pierced, the air comes out and the balance is disturbed.
"The air works"
We hold the saucer over the candle flame, after a while the saucer below turned black (covered with a layer of soot).

Air is necessary for all life on earth. We cannot help but breathe, so we must try not to pollute the air.
Miraculous transformations of words or how to turn day into night.
1. Warm-up task: (each team is given a card with a picture).
Varnish - onion, cat - whale, etc.

2. Task: (Each team has a card, performed using riddles)
1). Goat - bark - measles - horse
It's winter time,
The midge goes to bed.
A cheerful swarm hid
Under the brown... bark.
Childhood illness... measles, etc.
3. Task: (For each team a card is completed using diagrams, which letter needs to be changed)
Fox - linden - magnifying glass - pocket - vine - goat Fox = 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 = Goat, etc.
4. Task: (For each team a card is completed using diagrams, which letter needs to be changed)
Stork – leaf – fox – linden – magnifying glass – Moon (1 - 4 – 3 – 2), etc.

5. Task: we compose the last chain all together on the computer screen.
Turn flour into cake:
Flour - mura - wagon - headlight - farce - force - fort - port - cake
A cake appears on the screen.

All quest participants and laboratory heads gather in the music room.
Presenters: We are very glad that you successfully completed all the tests of the quest! Did you guys learn a lot of new things? What about adults?
Dear professors, are you satisfied with the success of your students today?
Have the students learned to turn the obvious into the incredible?
Let's now applaud each other for our common efforts!
And now it’s time for the final stage of the “Obvious-Incredible” quest.
Fanfare sounds
Dear participants, you all received tokens after each stage. Have you all saved them? Attention! Listen to the task!
On each leaf you see an illustration. Now try to logically guess from these clues what song is hidden in them. Time to solve the task is one minute. Is everyone ready? Time has passed.

Publications on the topic:

"Game Technologies". Workshop for teachers From 02.11.11 Compiled and conducted by: N. A. Kravchenko, teacher of the first quarter. cat. Musical warm-up “Neighbors” Purpose: relieve emotional stress.

Workshop for educators “Game technologies in the educational process of preschool children” The game generates joy Freedom, contentment, peace in yourself Around yourself, peace with the world Friedrich Froebel. At the center of the educational organization.

Workshop for parents of children of the senior group “Game in a child’s life” Workshop for parents of children senior group On the topic: “Game in the life of a child” Proceedings: Greetings from parents: Good evening.

Workshop “Create a new game!” (interactive game) Goal: to help teachers master the technology of creating new game based famous games. Quantitative and qualitative composition of participants.

Workshop “Health-saving technologies in the development of speech skills of preschool children” Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the use of health-saving technologies in the work of a teacher in the development of speech skills.

Modern educational technologies Report of the teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 of the village of Gubskaya S. A. Motorkina on the use of modern educational technologies, appropriate.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions Health-saving technologies on music lessons in preschool health care, a child’s health is complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions"Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions." Today we will talk about educational technologies and their effective use in preschool.

Modern pedagogical technologies “Club hour” and “Quest game” Modern pedagogical technologies “Club hour” and “Quest game”. Prepared by: senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22” Lipina T.P.
