The Legend of the Dragoons walkthrough. Forgotten Legend: The Legend of Dragoon. Beauty that requires sacrifice

Universal evil, as we know, is indestructible even in video games. The messengers of hell on earth - the company Square, not only systematically destroy the remnants of gamers good taste and love of freedom, releasing their satanic games one after another (guess which games I’m talking about three times), they also manage behind a screen of high-quality silicone to hide from our eyes many games that deserve much more attention than their beautiful, but insanely one-sided creations. This is exactly the sad fate that befell the game that I want to tell you about today. Good for everyone The Legend Of Dragoon, beautiful both outside and inside, moderately long and extremely interesting. But, despite all the efforts of the developers, the game could not avoid misfortune - due to a coincidence, due to the machinations of Square's secret agents, or for some other reason unknown to me, but The Legend Of Dragoon came out at the most unfortunate moment that could have been chosen - immediately after the ninth incarnation of silicone Satan. But in real life, good does not always triumph over evil. And this time I was stunned by the huge sales of the silicone miracle The Legend Of Dragoon all that remained was to crawl somewhere into a quiet corner and die there calmly, while the satanic spawn with the number nine on its forehead, flexing its silicone muscles and baring its pearly teeth, like a Hollywood movie star, triumphantly walked around the planet, seducing innocent gamers and simultaneously freeing their wallets from the despicable metal.

So, the European version of the hero of today's celebration was born in the already distant year 2001. Which, between you and me, became the year of decline of the first PlayStation and gave birth to a considerable number of games that became the golden fund of this console. In view of this fact, it is not surprising that The Legend Of Dragoon- one of the best role-playing games released on this system. As anyone should role-playing game epic scale The Legend Of Dragoon- just like that, don’t even dare doubt it), the game has a strong and interesting plot intrigue. The adventures begin with little things like the kidnapping of the protagonist’s girlfriend and the destruction of his native village, but gradually the plot springs loose and by the end of the game you will have to deal with such serious problems as saving the entire universe and protecting the offended and oppressed. The characters are also very interesting. They have all experienced a lot in their lives, and almost everyone fights not only with common enemies of flesh and blood, but also with enemies in their soul. Story The Legend Of Dragoon full of unexpected and often sad events, filled with some kind of elusive sadness, an ethereal shadow hovering around the heroes of the game. Now let's look at the name of the game: The Legend of Dragoon. Without going into unimportant details, Dragoons are the lords of dragons. In ancient times, in the world of the game, there were people who could subjugate these powerful monsters to their will and use them to their advantage (dig up a vegetable garden or fry a pork carcass...). A lot of time has passed since that ancient time, but Dragoons still exist and not somewhere far away, but right under the player’s nose. The heroes of the game are the very lords of the tailed lizards. Another question is that they themselves don’t know this yet, and they have no idea how to use their power, but this, as you understand, is only for the time being. As if confirming the name of their game, the developers equipped The Legend Of Dragoon a considerable number of different legends, rumors and tales, which, undoubtedly, gave the world of the game a fair amount of verisimilitude (relative, of course). The Legend Of Dragoon belongs precisely to that class of games in which the plot, as it should be, is the core, and everything else after getting to know it seems not so important.

But no matter how insignificant such “little things” as graphics, combat system and gameplay may seem to me, to complete the review I will have to talk about them. I'll start with the external design. In my opinion, all the videos in the game are inferior in quality and direction to the devilish beauty of Square’s creations; they don’t have that riot of colors and beauty of movements. But the game graphics are good. The three-dimensional battle arenas are pleasing with their diversity, and the quality of the images of the participants in the fights also does not cause any particular complaints. During battles, the camera tries to demonstrate the rudiments of intelligence, occasionally giving very unexpected and beautiful angles. In addition, the player is allowed (lo and behold!) to independently choose its position. Magic is also drawn very high quality, which is especially noticeable at the beginning of the game, when there is not so much of this magic. But the usual for games of the JRPG genre global map It looks a little angular, but PS one owners have long been accustomed to this. The soundtrack did not evoke any special enthusiasm or angry remarks addressed to it. There are some very worthy compositions that you want to listen to again and again, but most of the melodies left me indifferent. It seems to me that the composer in this case lacked inspiration a little; the results of his efforts often sound somewhat flat and do not touch the heartstrings. But, despite this, the music “plays” the game very well and some melodies, let me repeat, are really good.

Combat system. In principle - the usual classics, but with some very noticeable innovations. The Legend Of Dragoon uses a turn-based battle system with some arcade elements. If there is no particular need to talk about the turn-based part (for each character we select an action, and then watch how he performs this action), then it is worth focusing on the arcade component. As your character performs a strike, a shrinking square appears on the screen. As soon as this square reaches its smallest size, you must press the attack button. If the action is unsuccessful, the character will deal one blow and return to his place, and if you press the button at the right time, an additional attack will follow (somewhat reminiscent of the combo from). Each character has several types of similar attacks (new ones are given upon reaching a certain level of experience), which have their own experience scales and, with proper training, become more and more powerful. The idea of ​​serial attacks, I tell you, is quite good, original and, most importantly, it brings some variety to the tedious process of “pumping up” characters before a battle with particularly powerful bosses. Now about the magic. As such, it is not in the game; in order to use all sorts of otherworldly powers, you must first turn into a Dragoon. Transformation into it occurs under two conditions: the character has a special cobblestone (the spirit of Dragoon) and filling a special scale (which fills up as enemies are beaten). If both are available, then your character can safely transform. Immediately after this process, he will acquire nice-looking wings and considerable power, which should be immediately unleashed on the enemy. You can also use dragoon magic, which is very powerful and very “expensive.” In general, it is recommended to use the Dragoon mode only in emergency situations (fights with bosses); ordinary enemies can be easily destroyed with ordinary attacks.

Well, it’s time to know the honor, I’m done ranting. Finally, I will say this: The Legend Of Dragoon is a Game with a capital G, a true representative of the genre with all its integral attributes and a number of its own unique finds. The game is undoubtedly interesting and worth purchasing. Not without its flaws, of course (almost not a single representative of this genre managed to avoid them), but on the whole it is high-quality and interesting. If your love for Japanese role-playing games is not limited to one famous siliconized series, then you can safely buy The Legend Of Dragoon, it will undoubtedly take its rightful place in your collection ( Lloyd, especially for )

Team Andromeda, who previously worked on such a hit, but undeservedly unpopular project as Panzer Dragoon Saga, teamed up with some escaped programmers from under the wing of the mighty to develop a new grandiose project in the genre! I was in no hurry to advertise my product and didn’t give much money for development, because I was afraid that the game would fail. To begin with, Sony decided to see how the game would be sold in Japan, and then promote the game to other markets - that is, to Europe and America. A similar case happened with Gran Turismo, when at first it was reluctant to advertise its product, but when the game sold millions of copies, Sony began to advertise the game on all fronts. In general, we don’t know how things are going Legend of Dragoon in Japan, but the fact that the game is a masterpiece became clear to me after 5 hours of gameplay.

The game starts off very well. To the accompaniment of beautiful old music, we are shown excerpts from a book, and then a song begins and a short video with excerpts from the game. Next, as always, comes the menu, and the game begins. In the initial video, troops attack the village and rob and break everything that is robbed and broken, and also kill a bunch of people and take some girl captive. The video is bashfully silent about the rest of the girls. The video was made at a phenomenal level - even better than that of . Yes, and, in general, all further videos are made as works of art.

The plot of the game is very unclear at first. Darth - the main character wants to take revenge on some black demon who killed his entire family and destroyed his settlement when Darth was only 5 years old. He had already found a new home for himself, when suddenly, out of the blue, troops attacked and killed almost everyone. Upset, Dart swears that he will save the girl from captivity (who was stolen in the video) and goes in search of adversaries. What follows is a bunch of very interesting events. Dart makes new friends and the story that just began turns into a real romance! In general, play it yourself, otherwise I’ll start telling the whole plot and spoil the impression of the game.

The battle system in the game is very interesting. There seems to be nothing similar on SONY Playstion yet. Combat is turn-based. During the battle you have to select some abilities and when the indicator lights up, press the button. With this you will be able to perform epic combos and special attacks. Already somewhere in the middle of disc 1, your heroes will be able to turn into Dragoons or into winged creatures with enormous power - the Dragoons will each have their own magic and special attacks. In total, you can gain 99 levels in the game for a person and 5 levels for a Dragoon. In general, when you have the opportunity to use Dragoon's abilities, be sure to take advantage of it, as it is a lot of fun, and besides, you will quickly increase the level of your winged charges. The rest, as always in battles, is the Defense, Attack, Run and Items commands.

Now let's talk about graphics. Everything is great here. You can say that everything looks even richer than that! The backgrounds are generally inaccessible, although the characters look about the same as in. But the backgrounds completely bypass the eighth fantasy! The game is made using the same technology as . Three-dimensional characters walk across pre-drawn and rendered backgrounds. In battles, everything is completely three-dimensional: the background, the characters, and the enemies. In general, it is hardly possible to achieve a more beautiful one on the SONY PlayStation... but who knows.

Gameplay, well, what can we say about the gameplay in Japanese? As everywhere else - fights, conversations and walking around the map. But the main thing is not that we see this in every role-playing game, but how exciting it is. Let me say right away that LoD is not a boring game. You won't be able to tear yourself away from the game until you complete it. And the game, by the way, is quite big. I think there is enough for everyone to enjoy this masterpiece. By the way, the bosses in the game are very well made. To defeat them, you need to make a lot of effort and I think that’s right - that’s why they are bosses.

Of course, the game also has its shortcomings. Almost the entire design is inspired by Panzer Dragoon Saga, the graphics are reminiscent of, and the battles are very similar to. But what can you do if the developers worked on these projects and they fell in love with them. So they made a game about it, which absorbed all the best from these three projects... And that’s good!


  • - Try to save your Dragoon Power for boss fights.
  • - Don't turn on your Additions unless absolutely necessary when fighting enemies. The Addition you possess can be made significantly stronger and with more SP points.
  • - Final Addition. To get the Final Addition for all your characters, except Miranda and Shana, try to master all previous Additions as best as possible. When you cope with this, you will become the owner of a seven-hit Master Combo. These combinations allow you to earn 100 SP and deal over 400% damage.
  • - To make combinations using Addition much more accurate, press the X button when the “square” on the screen turns gray. If you have time, you will perform an excellent combination, very accurate and cause serious damage to your opponent. If you delay, the damage will be significantly less.
  • - To make it easier to master Additions, head to the forest near Selles. Go to the area where you meet the "Merchant". These are small creatures, very similar to rabbits. In these places you have to fight quite often, but since the opponents are weak, you can easily deal with them. And when you encounter an enemy who uses the Physical Attack Barrier, you can level up your Additions without even killing the enemies. When the barrier disappears, wait until it appears again, and you will inexplicably raise the level of your Additions.
  • - When on the Phantom Ship, run straight to the blue lights and fight them, get a lot of extra Experience points.
  • - Ultimate Wargod. You can buy Ultimate Wargod in Lohan City. This will allow you to flawlessly execute attacks using Addition. True, it can cost about 10,000, and you are unlikely to have that kind of money at this point in the game. However, try to somehow get the necessary amount, as this will allow you to deal with dragons easier, and your Dragoons will save high level.
  • - To defeat S. Virage, wait until he uses up all 10 lives. At the same time, make sure that your characters have a high HP level before performing the final attack, which will cause fatal damage to the enemy.
  • - To deal with the second boss Viarge Boss, which you will have to fight in the Gravity Breakdown Valley, first destroy his left arm (which is on the right side of the screen), then the boss will not be able to carry out his instant death attack until the arm is restored. After eliminating the left hand, concentrate on attacking the head. If the hand recovers, immediately destroy it again. Win with 1600 points of damage to the boss's head. Here's how much "health" there is in each part of his body: Head - 1600 HP, left arm - 320 HP, right arm - 320 HP, body - 600 HP.
  • - To defeat the dead captain(Dead Captain) and four dead knights (Dead Knights) on the Ghost Ship, you must firmly remember that after a while they will come to life again in full health. It is better to act as follows: inflict so much damage on the knights and the captain that their health indicator is in the red zone, i.e. dropped quite low. Then use Dart's Explosion Ability or Kongol's magical abilities - Grand Stream and Meteor Strike. If any of your Dragoon Spirts are level 5, then use them Dragon abilities Ability to finish off enemies completely.
  • - When you are in a castle trying to find plant Dragonite Plant to save Shana on the 1st disc, pay attention to several traps, which can seriously interfere with your search. The first one is a digital combination, remember it - 352. Immediately behind it there are two statues that need to be turned in the right direction.

Dragoon Stones

  • - Dart. You have this stone from the very beginning of the game, but you cannot use it until you defeat Kongol in the Battle of Hoax.
  • - Lavitz/Albert. To get the Lavitz Dragoon stone, you need to defeat the Green Tusked Dragon and the person who will turn into Jade Dragoon. Albert will then inherit the Lavitz Dragoon Stone at the end of the first disc.
  • - Shana/Miranda. You will receive a Dragon Stone for Shana after you reach the castle and defeat the bandits there. Then answer the questions the ghost asks you, and Miranda will inherit the Shana stone on the third disc.
  • -Rose. After defeating Kongol in the Battle of Hoax, Rosa will receive her Dragon Stone.
  • - Hashel. Receive your Dragon Stone after you defeat Emperor Doyle at the end of the first disc.
  • -Meru. Receive your Dragoon Stone after you defeat the dragon blue sea Blue Sea Dragon, and at the same time Lenus.
  • - Kongol. After you return the Kangol, go back to the City of Loan and go to where the man who sold you the bottle is. Talk to him and he will sell you the Dragoon Stone for Kongol for 1000 gold.

The final part of the passage of the first disc. What awaits our heroes in this chapter?

  • A journey through a godforsaken tomb, in the spirit of the adventures of Indiana Jones.
  • Saving the main character's fighting girlfriend from poison.
  • Participation in the tournament for the title of the strongest in the whole world.
  • A date with a girl at an amusement park.
  • Returning to a place where you would not want to return.
  • End of the war.

Commercial Town of Lohan

Stardust quantity: 4 (14/50)

Alas, the doctor was powerless, and only dragon plant. Irony is irony, of course, but we still have to run around this city-bazaar in search of this grass, and a couple of other things that are more interesting to us. The same doctor can completely restore HP at an appointment for 20 coins. To do this, go to the right room (it’s completely empty).

You remember how to navigate the city: the yellow cursor is the hotel (if you need to restore HP), and the blue one is the shops. Go through the green door opposite the doctor. Inside, immediately turn left into another room and take 200 coins from the box. Go back outside. Now you need to go into the green door to the left of the hotel. There you need to climb the stairs to the second floor and find the lever that opens the middle passage, somewhere in the central closet. As soon as the passage opens, go downstairs to the man in green clothes. Next to him is a stove in which lies star dust. Exit this part of the building the old way and run south to the next part of the city.

Already now in the weapons store (the one on the second floor) the most best armor, in terms of magical protection, in the game - Legend Casque for 10,000 coins. Of course, you can go to the world map and start torturing yourself and instilling an aversion to the game by earning this amount, but I’ll tell you what: we will return to this place on disc 3, and by then you will have no money, unless of course you If you spend them on all sorts of nonsense like Healing potions, such a mountain will accumulate that it will immediately be enough for better armor. So swallow your saliva and leave the store, having first sold the countless copies that the inhabitants of the Swamps have thrown at you.

Wait... we visited the merchant, but did not go to an old friend, who is also a merchant Dabasu? Correct this mistake: his door is blue, located in the very right corner of the southern part of the city (although it is not marked with a blue cursor). Take it from the box at the store itself Angel Robe. Dabas can’t help us with anything (neither in terms of plot, nor in terms of assortment), but there’s clearly something lying around in his armor star dust(To do this, you really have to go into the store again and go up to the third floor). It's also a gift. Although no, the kind merchant has given you information: to the north of the poisoned forest there is a place where the rarest herbs grow. Abandoned temple. So, well, to get to this temple, you need to go around the mutant plant that blocked the road. In general, now you just need to find a bottle.

Try to leave the city, and the barker will call you. He can sell us what we need Water Bottle for an extortionate price. Bargain (second answer) until he drops the price to at least 100 Gold. If the feelings of pixelated people mean something to you, then buy it. If not, bargain again and get a free bottle. Now it's time to collect just a couple of things.

Run right to the square in front of the arena. There is no need to go to the arena itself yet. Take from the chest 100 coins and search the baskets opposite this box - in one of them there is star dust. Now to the exit from the city: search the area between the Basilian soldier and the bottles, because there is definitely hiding there star dust. Having picked it up, you can return to the Dragon's Lair.

Nest of Dragoon

Go down to the underground spring (down into the hole and all the way south) and fill the bottle Life Water. Climb up and go around the pit (to do this you will have to jump to the right). Run down and turn left as soon as possible - to the place where Shana ran when she felt signs of poisoning. Do you see the vibrating cocoon? Water it with water and it will wilt. Now the way is clear.

P.S. Now that all three have the Dragon Spirit, it has become possible to use the Special skill. (Spell). It can only be activated when all three Dragoon scales are full. Its essence lies in the fact that all three transform on command, but it is the one who carried out the transformation who gets all the goodies: D-Attacks are performed automatically, they and his magic are stronger, etc. Convenient enough. Well, the battlefield is replaced accordingly.

P.P.S. Although this contradicts the rule that I wrote in the very first article of the walkthrough, forget about pumping up Lavitz’s attack series and enjoy all the new ones you have: Typhoon (Rod Typhoon) and Gust of Wind Dance. If the latest series is not yet available to you, it will be very soon (once you reach level 11).

Shrine of Shirley

A fun location where you should remember two rules:

  1. The person who leaves the chests here is a real prankster - they are all empty, with the exception of mocking notes.
  2. There may be traps in the chests that will send you to the beginning of the location, so don't waste time on them at all and pass by.

Run forward to the screen with the rails. Pay attention to the left, slightly glowing wall - resonance with it restores all HP to our heroes. Now into the left passage a little ahead. Turn the steering wheel. Ignore the chest below as well.

The door that opens with the help of the steering wheel will deprive you of the pleasure of restoring HP for free, but a new passage will open. Behind him is a golden statue with the inscription "Forward". Now, from the room with the rails, use the right passage: there you need a silver statue with the inscription "Left". Let's remember.

Go back and go straight through the upper passage. Soon you will come across an old numerical machine with rotating plates. Climb the only stairs available here up to the chest: yes, this is a trap, and if you don’t want to do everything yourself, then see the solution in the next paragraph. And so open the chest and use the trolley to roll to the beginning of the tomb. Along the way you will be told three numbers: 3, 5, 2. Remember.

Return to the disk with the plates. Rotate them in this order: 3-5-2. The ladder will open up. Climb up it to the next puzzle (also the last one): the ladder does not want to be flexible, and therefore always folds, thereby throwing you down at the very top. It's all about the statues: choose Forward for the Gold option, and Left for the Silver option. Go upstairs.

Save the game and run forward. The guardian of the tomb is not very happy about the guests, that is, you.

Boss 9

Drake the Bandit


1200 (Drake), 70 (Bomb), 150 (Wire)


Bandit Ring random


It is better to spend the first half of the fight with Drake in human form, because in the second half he will start doing some tricks that can really cause you great inconvenience. Drake has not only the largest HP reserve of all the enemies that you have encountered all this time, but also, perhaps, the most powerful physical attacks, so it is better to keep a couple of bottles of Healing Potion or even Breeze with you. Once Drake's lives reach the yellow mark, he will decide to start using certain tricks. The first of them is three bombs that will roll towards you with each turn, only to then explode, causing truly terrible damage (roll for 4 turns). Immediately transform into Dragoons and use mass spells, because bombs don't have much HP. Exactly the same tactics will work for Drake’s wire (as long as he stands behind it, he is invulnerable), but it’s better to use single magic.

Drake is defeated, but here the real inhabitant and keeper of the tomb appears - Shirley. She knows a way to save Shana, but to do this she will have to defeat her first.

Boss 10




Silver Stone


First, forget about the “Attack” option for this battle and remember the “Defense” option. You still won’t be able to beat Shirley (when her lives reach the yellow mark, they will be restored to blue after the next dialogue window), but in response she can hit you not only painfully, but unpleasantly. During the battle, Shirley will decide to test the hearts of Darth and Lavitz, asking them questions about their lives. You need to answer as honestly as possible, namely:

Dart and Lavitz:

  • To protect our loved ones
  • I was chasing the Black Monster
  • Of course I will take revenge!
  • This doesn't look like you!
  • Shana needs me!

There is no correct answer to the last questions, so don't worry. If you answer incorrectly at least once or bring the image of Shana or Albert to red lives, they will turn back into Shirley and after a turn the questions will start pouring in again from the very beginning.

The silver dragon stone that will save Shana's life is now with you, but do not rush to leave. Look into the temple, because all the treasures that Drake guarded are located there. Here is their list:

  • 140 coins(20 pieces in 7 chests)
  • Healing Breeze
  • Demon Stiletto– a new weapon for Rose.

Well, riders, it's time to ride to Rohan... that is, Lohan!

Commercial Town of Lohan

Stardust amount: 0 (14/50)

Return to the doctor (if you forgot, this is the door with a yellow cursor on the second floor of the city) and return Shana to your ranks (besides, now in the form of a Silver Dragoon). The doctor will inform you that the tournament of the strongest in the local area will soon begin. entertainment center. Why not get involved?

However, you will have to do this even against your will. Head to the place where you found the Stardust and 100 coins and go inside. Talk to the cashier ( opposite side from the entrance) and sign Dart up to participate. The battles will take place one on one. Here are a couple of rules you need to know.

  • You won't be able to use your Dragoon form without scaring anyone.
  • You will not receive experience points or money for any of the battles.
  • The series of attacks will still be pumped up, so this is a great chance to finish up Dart.
  • It is not necessary to win the fights, since Dart, for one reason or another, will still reach the finals. Only your pride will suffer. Although in case of defeat, you will be able not only to find out what lucky chance brought our hero further up the tournament ladder, but also to listen to the comments of Lavitz, Shana and Rosa about the opponent.


There will be five fights in total. After each battle, Darth will be given a break to change his equipment or something else in the Waiting Room. When you want to enter the arena, just talk to your assistant and get ready for the fight.


Before the battle, put on the Poison Guard, since during the battle this berserker will definitely use a sneaky poison attack, which will remove HP much more than his own attacks. The rest is a simple fight.


The first half of the battle is extremely simple. In the second half of the battle, Serphius will use the favorite technique of the Sandor commanders - he will attack with two attacks, and the defense will be increased by 2 times. So he will also have to heal (Defense will do for this).


The battle is more defensive, since Danton spends most of the battle in a defensive stance. She can be recognized by his phrase “Let's soar!” He will stay there for 4-5 moves, so during this time, restore your lost health using “Protection”. What will be restored is if he uses his special attack, which removes all your HP to 1. When he himself stands in a stance, don’t even think about attacking. The principle of Kongol, that is, counterattack, will work here.


But before this fight you should put on the Amulet of Courage, because Atlow, like your first opponent, will also cheat.


It is impossible to win this fight, because Lloyd will be stronger and faster than you. You won't even be able to hit it. You can only delay the battle by standing on the defensive. Sooner or later, the gray-haired man will get tired of this, and he will finish the tournament with one blow.

After the tournament, Dart will introduce his friends to his old (in both senses) acquaintance, who took third place in the tournament (your place is second) - Hashel, a martial arts master of the Rouge school. Lavitz continues to act as Cupid and, having given you and Shana 3 tickets, will invite you to walk around the fair and take part in various attractions.

First, go to the ticket office and look at the prizes that you will receive in exchange for the required number of tickets.

  • Spirit potion – 20 tickets
  • Destruction – 40 tickets
  • Healing Rain – 60 tickets

But these same tickets can also be bought from the ticket taker:

  • 1 ticket – 15 coins
  • 5 tickets – 60 coins
  • 10 tickets – 100 coins

Now think about the Legendary Helmet for 10,000 and think about whether it’s worth spending your hard-earned money on such nonsense? Try a couple of attractions with current tickets and you'll be fine. For winning competitions you will still be given tickets (otherwise how else can you collect them without money) and if you collect enough, you will exchange them for the prize you need. If not, then it’s not fate. In the end, the prizes aren't that meaningful after all.

Well, now let's start describing the attractions themselves (clockwise from the entrance). The price for one attraction is 1 ticket.

Defeat the monster

Flayer game. You have to throw a ball (or balls, it all depends on how quickly you press the button) at creatures that look like monkeys. Monkeys are divided into two types: healthy (you need to hit about 10 times and for them you get 10 points) and small (1-2 times and only 1 point). Usually there is one healthy one walking around the field, and three small ones running around. The task of the three small ones is to raise the three local decorations, behind which they can hide and fire at you with gray balls. One hit and you lose. However, you can’t win anything here (the owner of the attraction warned you in advance), and the number of balls flying at you at the same time will increase with every hundred points (200 points - 2 balls, 300 points - 3 balls, etc.)

Obstacle course

Well, the name speaks for itself. You need to run through the entire obstacle course in 40 seconds (displayed on the left timer), where one of the blows to the crown of the head with a swinging piece of wood is tantamount to losing. All you have is legs and patience. Remember - there is no need to rush, because the slightest mistake and the ticket will be lost forever. Wait and only then walk/run (whichever is more convenient in this circumstance). There is also a squat button (), but I don’t understand why it would be really needed, because it’s more profitable to wait, and wasting time on squatting can be fraught. If you finish it in less than 20 seconds, you will be given 5 tickets, but if you finish it in 20 seconds and then up to 40, you will get 3 tickets.

All this is actually quite boring, so when you've played enough, talk to Lavitz. After the conversation, try to leave the city, but they will interfere with you. It turns out that King Albert has been captured and is now imprisoned in the familiar Helena prison. Hashel volunteered to accompany us. I think it’s clear where our path lies?

Now this is not a very simple situation. You have new warrior, so obviously we need to replace him with Rose and start leveling up his Double Punch. And by the way, you probably have weapons lying around in your inventory Beast Fang(drops from one of the enemies in the Dragon's Lair), so replace Hashel's original weapon with this one. But you also have a lagging behind in both physical and dragoon levels, Shana, whose healing magic can help you in further battles. Choose for yourself, I bet on Hashel.

Darth has probably already studied to the maximum all the series available to him at this moment. I suggest not changing the Burning Reed series for him and continuing to fight with it, since completing it brings the guy 102 SP, while the rest of the series (not only his) are only 30-35. Do you hear where I'm going with this? Using this series further, Dart will be able to level up faster as a Dragoon. Much faster than your allies.

Helena Prison

Stardust Amount: 0 (14/50)

Dart and Lavitz are permanent researchers of this place. They offer to take a third one. I took Shana because I was worried about her levels, but I don’t advise anyone who is unprepared to do this - she’s a very frail fighter now and even as a healer she’s no longer cake.

The guards will still fight you not in random battles, but only if they notice you. Travel to the places of your former glory. You need to do this for just a couple of things: beat all the guards on the way and increase the numbers you need, and also learn from one of the prisoners that Frugel’s pet animal really likes to sleep.

Having learned this, return to the entrance to the prison and use the western passage. This elevator was broken when I first visited Helena, but has now been repaired. Climb up to the anthill floor, along which a bunch of treasures are scattered. Exit the elevator and immediately go down the right passage (you'll have to jump). Inside this passage lies a Hat (a really useless thing) and, at the very end, Therapy Ring– a truly valuable item that restores part of your HP every turn.

From the elevator you now need to go left: through the central passage and the elevator standing there, go up to the chest with Lightning (Thunderbolt). Now use the small black rope on the right and drop down onto the arch that looks like a chicken's foot with a chest on it. In the chest lies Silver Embroidered Vest. Using another rope just below, jump down again to the elevator. Well, the leftmost passage will lead you to a chest with Leather armor– another outdated thing.

Now take the elevator to the very top. Take from the chest Healing potion and go down. The guards will use cunning to throw you down. You will find yourself in some kind of underground cave from which there is no exit. Take from the chest Package (Sachet), and then look at the wall near Shana. Can you hear the sound? Well, all you guys, get ready to repeat Luke Skywalker's feat from episode six.

Boss 11





The prisoner told you the trick with this little animal, but if he didn’t tell you, then Dart will tell you anyway. Use the found Package, and the beast will fall into a deep sleep for 5 moves. During this time, you need to act. Physical attacks are weak against him, so it is better to use magic attacks from your dragoons. As soon as he wakes up, immediately cast Lavitz's Rose Storm on everyone to reduce the damage from his attacks. Otherwise, continue to attack him with magical attacks and try to end this fight as soon as possible before he starts spitting (in addition to damage, he imposes the “Confusion” status, which is expressed not only in erratic actions, but also in attacks of his own allies).

Next will be an ascent up the stairs, with the destruction of all the guards present on it. Don't miss the Healing Potion. Having reached the room where you were thrown down, defeat the guards and proceed further. Soon you will reach the top of the prison. Take three chests from the save point with Broad sword, Spear(is it just me or is this game making fun of me?) and 20 coins. Save the game, restore your health and move on to save the king.

Boss 12

Fruegel, Guftas, Rodriguez


(Frugel), (Guftas),

1120 (Frugel), 560 (Guftas), 400 (Rodriguez)



First, we get rid of Frugel’s animals, since these creatures, at his command, are capable of imposing very nasty status effects on you. Darth's Final Burst (level 3 magic) will help you with this. After that, take on your old enemy, who has clearly improved his skills and even modernized them a little, but still remains the same not very strong fat man.

A couple of dramatic scenes and King Albert is a new member of your team, to whom all the skills and abilities of Lavitz have been transferred. So you can continue to pump up series of strikes in the order you need.


Stardust Amount: 0 (14/50)

A couple of scenes after which the team decides to pay Emperor Doel a personal visit.

Black Castle at Kazas

Stardust quantity: 6 (20/50)

Welcome to the enemy's lair. To get here, you need to head back to Lohan, and there is a path to new location you will notice.

Go through the bottom right door. There is a reception room where mercenaries sign up. Talk to what is being recorded and agree with what is being recorded. A scene will follow, after which Sandora's soldier will give you 100 coins. Take Attack Ball from the chest on the second floor, and also find stardust, among a pile of rubbish there. Enter the opposite house on the left: search the two barrels to the right of the entrance for an item Stardust. Go to the next house on the right and take a new spear from the chest for Albert - Twister Glaive. Record the game at the hotel opposite. Now go to the weapons store (blue cursor) to watch a funny scene. After it, update the assortment to the rest of the team. Be sure to look to the left of the counter: there’s a star dust.

Now head north to more remote areas (we, of course, cannot easily get into the castle itself). Go down to the first house: lying star dust on the bookshelf below we need. Go down the left passage. So, now look carefully: the right door leads to the store (although look for yourself, because Grandpa’s assortment itself is not very large), and the left one leads to the boy.

In stores, you should be more interested in the local barrels: those below and those in front. And here and there there was a pebble lurking Stardust. Well, now to the boy. This boy is the head of the secret movement Serdio, who will ask you a couple of questions. Here are the answers:

  • I don't know (3)
  • Stay at home (3)
  • To protect (2)

The boy will say his name, Popo, and lead him to his hideout. According to him, there is one secret path to the castle. Popo will show you where he is. Well, run through this anthill, not forgetting to grab along the way 20 coins from the chest. Climb the stairs up to the castle.

Black Castle

Stardust Amount: 0 (20/50)

Like Helena Prison, there are no random battles in this location. All guards will be visible in advance. Run along the wall to the chest with Network. Go down, defeat the two guards and go down to the bridge. Immediately head right and take it from the chest Ball. Go upstairs and take it from the distant chest Burnout.

Follow straight to the castle hallway. So, the elevators are not working yet. Go through the only one open door on right. There will be two scientists there who will tell you about their work: their white flame can heal you (freebies come!), and their dark flame can supply energy in the castle in the places you need. Especially for this purpose they will give you Magic Oil. Activate the right elevator and take it down. There, use the left elevator. Now your task is to get to the other side of the bridge from which they throw garbage into the trash. This must be done so that the garbage man does not notice (in general, hide behind bags of garbage when you press the button). On back side need to take it from the chest Red Stone. But you should still hurry, as the scavenger won’t wait for you for long. But even if you don’t fall into the trash, it’s worth going down, since there are two things left in the chests: Dark Mist And Trance Light.

Return to the hallway and take the left elevator upstairs. From there, go into the room in which the scientist is blocking your path to the chest. After the scene, the path will be clear. Take from the chest Blue Stone. Return to the hall and take the central elevator. Now it's time to explore the most confusing part of the castle.

Go through the right passage. Now explore the room just above the merchant - there is a chest with A monster's fang(a weapon for Hashel if you didn't already have one). Go to the next screen on the right and take the elevator up. Three knights are training, but immediately decide to try their skills on you (three battles). Now take the right elevator to the room of the Commander-in-Chief - the man who kidnapped Shana. He will give you Yellow Stone. After going down, follow all the time to the right (along the way you will have to deal with a guard and an elite ninja) to the lift, which will take you to the wall. There are two chests with Spirit Ring And Frost Spear. Go back up and take the elevator down to the chest with Hurricane (Spinning Gale).

Return to the place where the three knights trained and use the left elevator - just go to the 4th floor. You will find yourself in a room with a statue of Lady Karin - the wife of Emperor Doel. Go up to the save point and use the panel with three holes: Dart will automatically insert the found stones in the right order. Save the game and go through the opened door.

It's time for revenge from an old acquaintance.

Boss 13




Wargod Calling


Kongol's armor can protect him from magical attacks (though only from the time he casts the Barrier, until then he is still vulnerable) and strengthens his attacks + the giant has not lost his habit of intercepting your unsuccessful series of attacks. So, I think the strategy is clear - try to carry out perfect series, and when turning into a dragoon, use their attacks, not magic. Albert's attacks will be very good.

The giant is defeated. Now forever. Return to the white flame and restore HP (note that all enemies will stand at their posts again). Now replace Albert in the team with Rosa, since her magical defense is much better than Albert’s (he actually has a limp on both legs). Return to Kongol and take the steps further to the emperor's room. Don't miss the chest with Material Shield– this thing will protect you from all physical attacks for 3 turns.

The audience with the emperor begins.

Boss 14

Emperor Doel




A very weak but fast enemy. Will walk after every turn of your warrior and often twice. In any case, all his attacks are single, and his defense is weak. So don't transform into Dragunov and just kill the military man.

Dragoon Doel




But this, no fools, is the most powerful enemy on the first disc. All of his attacks are massive and are also based on the lightning element (an element that does not have weak points and there is nothing to oppose him). Doyle still walks often. All of his attacks, moreover, began to be magical in nature, so for warriors like Albert the damage could be over 647 HP. In general, accumulate SP for the Dragoon form as soon as possible (excellent protection against his magical attacks) and do not hesitate to attack him with all your magical and special attacks (Darth’s 3rd level magical attack will be especially good here). Somewhere in the middle of the battle, Doyle will put a shield on himself that will block him from all attacks (he himself will continue to walk). Heal up during this time (and stay in Defense), and after the shield goes down, continue at the same pace. He won't put it on again.

The Emperor has shown you the way. He said the name of the main culprit. There are still many mysteries left, even though the war is over. Hashel received his dragon spirit, which means our adventures continue.

So, secrets.
KeyItems are not secrets. Lavitz’s portrait, Lin’s wedding bouquet are “just like that” and they are not used.
CD1 - I don’t remember anything there.
CD2 - after receiving Kongol, return to Lohan and you can buy the dragoon spirit for him from the weirdo who tried to sell you an empty bottle for a million gil, but ended up giving it away for free. But the spirit of the dragoon will not give it away for free; you will have to shell out a piece of gil. If you don’t do this here, then later on disc 4 you can get a dragoon for free (but why do you need it so late?)
- Ship of Ghosts. In the last room, you can go to the shiny thing on the floor and from the four ghosts you can find out four numbers (for example, 1, 2, 3 and 4). Then you need to go to the room with a closed chest and you can try to take the prize from it. These are usually status protection rings sold for 200 money apiece. To do this, you need to select three out of four digits and arrange them in a certain order. According to my example, it could be 123, 124, 134, 234, 432, etc. and so on. etc. Well, depending on your luck. When you first open it, you are given 10 attempts, and the more you take, the fewer attempts you get. If it doesn’t work out, then there will be a battle, after which the numbers will change and you will have to find out again. Particularly successful cases are when the password digits are repeated (for example, 1, 2, 3, 3), thereby reducing the number of permutations. I once got a 4, 4, 4, 4, so try...
CD3 - Fort Flavnel. After hitting Lloyd and picking up the three lunar items, return to the base of the tower and teleport on the right teleporter. Take a good ring. Don't mess with an old pretzel next to him - he's too tough for you. Come back here when you collect 50 pieces of dust, and you will be happy.
- Fort Magrad. After capturing Lloyd in the Tundra on the last screen, go left and glide down. Try to take two chests yourself, otherwise what’s the fun? Go forward and you will find yourself in a fort, where after the battle you can take best weapon Dartha. Although the best depends on who knows. Despite the fact that its attack parameter is the highest, for each move it removes 10% of HP, so it is rational to use it with a regen ring (that is, with the opposite property). For me, it is much more profitable to have the latest Flaming Dinamo addon, rather than the best weapon.
CD4 - return to the last location of the 3rd disc. Now you can fight with the spirits of 4 dragoons in their towers, test your strength and grab experience, money and items (and maybe pills)
- Fort Flavnel. Exchange all 50 dust for the Vanishing Stone and go to the foot of the tower where you once fought with Lloyd. The old ghost will disappear, after which you can move on and fight the Very Cool Boss at the end. The degree of its Very Cool is inversely proportional to the number of Legendary Helmets the Persians have in your party. Don’t even bother without two, three helmets are a good thing. If you defeat him, the last boss will only tickle you. Besides, a monetary and object reward wouldn’t hurt either.

It seems that this is all that is worth mentioning.


Arriving in the city, go up the stairs and go through the very first door. Remove Stardust from jug. Go outside and head north. On the next screen you will see a sheriff who
promises local hunters a reward for capturing a wolf named Kamuy. When everyone has left, head to the hotel. Save your game, then go to the man behind the counter. Answer his question with the phrase: “No, we are not,” then he will allow you to use the boat. Get on the boat. You can swim in four directions. Then the hotel: return to the hotel, Then the front: swim to the store, Then the left: swim to the weapons store and Then the upper right: swim to the next screen. Choose the latter. When the direction selection table appears again, swim to the Mayor's house. Talk to the mayor. He will introduce you to his daughter Fa. After meeting the girl, go up to the mayor and tell him that you agree to stay the night (Yes we are). In the morning, leave the mayor's house. Get into the boat and sail to the right. Go into the house of the boy Theo, the owner of the wolf. Climb up the stairs and pull the rope to remove the partition below. Slide down. Once in the locked room, find in the pile boxes of the second Stardust. Leave the city and follow to the Evergreen Forest.


The wolf and his master are somewhere here. Run to the right and take the Destone Amulet from the chest. Return to the previous screen and go left. Go upstairs and pick up the Body Purifier. Now save and move north. You can find a Depetrifier in the chest in the top right corner of the screen. After taking the item, approach the boy. Kamuy will appear. He will protect Theo from the hunters. When the wolf runs away, follow him into the upper left passage.

Boss#21: Kamuy
The beast will attack you, thinking that you want to harm Theo. From the very beginning of the battle, make a special Dart and use the Final Burst spell against the boss. With the rest of the heroes, deal special blows to the dragoons (preferably with Perfect "oM).

Shana cannot see how little Theo suffers because of the death of Kathiu. Using the crystal, she turns the stern wolf into a funny puppy. The boy will be so happy about this that he agrees to return to the city.

Visit the sheriff's house and receive the promised reward of 500 coins. Return to the place where you fought the wolf and go south to the Crystal Palace in Denmgrad. Meru and Rose will leave the squad for a while.


This city is one of the most beautiful in the entire game, especially the Crystal Tower. Visit the local supermarket (second building on the right). In it you can buy useful items and weapons. After making the necessary purchases, leave the store and go up the large stairs. Once in the temple, talk to the bishop and the librarian who stands at the altar. From the temple, head to the next part of the city. If your heroes need rest, then visit the hotel. Go to the city library (second door on the left). Talk to all the squad members and the librarian (several times), then, after watching the video, go upstairs. Ask the librarian about the Black Monster. Next you will control Rose. Run forward. On the next screen you will meet Second Sacred Sister Luanna. After talking with Luann'oft, Rose will take her to Deningrad. You will now take control of Meru and immediately meet her childhood friend Guaraha. Follow to Meru's hometown.

It seems that the townspeople are not very happy to meet her. Even the father and mother did not talk to their daughter... Having decided that it is useless to persuade former relatives, Meru goes to Deningrad. Controlling Dart again, go to the exit from the city. You will meet Rose and Luann'y. After staying in the hotel, the heroes will go out into the street. At this time, Meru will come running and join the party again. Save and head inside the Crystal Tower. Run up the stairs. On the next screen, turn left. Take the Holy Ankh from the chest. Go back to the stairs and follow them to the end. You will be taken to the throne room for a reception with Queen Teres"e. She will ask you to take care of the freed monster. But in order to destroy the dragon, you will need special weapon, which was once made in Winglies (in Meru's hometown). After talking with the queen, the entire group, except Shan"bi, will be at the exit of the castle. Follow to the room to the right of the throne room. There you will find Shan"y. Something is clearly happening to her. After a long conversation, Dragon Crystal Shan will move on to Mirand. Leave the city and head to the Evergreen Forest.


Go to the place where you first met Theo and the wolf. Exit the forest through the lower right corner of the screen and go to Neet, hometown Dart"a.


Search the lantern at the entrance. Inside it you will find Stardust. If you want, you can go to the grave of Dart's parents. Move back to the evergreen forest.


From the clearing where you found Theo, go to the upper right corner of the screen to reach the road that leads to the Forest of Winglies.


After moving through the magical portal in Wingly Forest, talk to the guards so that they will let you into the city. Save and go to the man to the right of Savepoint "a. Ask him to take you upstairs. Go into the building. Inside you will meet Meru's parents. After talking with them, go to the room on the right. There are two transporters in it. The left one leads to local shops , and the right one to Bardeiy. Go into the left transporter and visit the shops. Then go up to the left side of the second floor and use the transporter to move to the Guaraha room. Find Stardust inside it and go back to the shops. Go up to the right side of the second floor and go to the door . Meru will show you Archanget, which is guarded by Winglies. Now it's time to go into the right transporter, located in the Met's house. After going up, take the Stardust on the right and go to Bardeiy. After talking with him, go out into the street. Approach the man and ask him to take you to Ancestor'a's house. Enter the house. Inside you will meet Ancestor'a, who will tell the heroes about the Wingty weapon and its abilities. After finishing your conversation with Ancestor, head to Forbidden Land.


Run forward. On the next screen, grab the Mind Purifier from the chest and continue straight ahead. Having overcome the intricate system of transporters, along the way collecting useful items lying in chests, you will come to a gigantic structure reminiscent of the Colosseum. Meru will tell you that bloody fights were once held here. Go down to the arena and go through some more transporters. Once at the Savepoints, save and go across the narrow bridge. Enter the building. There will be six doors inside that you need to enter in a certain sequence. To make it easier to explain where you need to go, we number the doors from 0 to 5 (from left to right). The correct sequence is: 5, 0, 2, 3, 4, 1. If you did everything correctly, a platform will lower from above. Go through another transporter system and you'll reach Virage...

Boss #22: Virage
This boss can be killed without any effort at all. You only need to block for ten rounds of battle. After the tenth round, Virage will make a final attack and die.

After the fight, run forward all the time until you find the Dragon Block Staff.

Boss #23: Grand Jewel
Quite a strong opponent. It is useless to use magic and special attacks of dragoons against Grand Jewel, since he blocks them with the help of Dragon Block Staff. Use the most developed Additions and constantly heal. I can't recommend anything else.

Once you have the Dragon Block Staff, exit the room through the door on the right. Run to the exit from FortDidden Land. At the exit you will see the Divine Dragon, which flies to Deningrad... Having run to Ancestory, you are transported with the help of Winglies to Deningrad.


Arriving in the city, you will find it in complete destruction, it looks like you are too late... After Miranda goes to Crystal Palace, search the carpets near the store, there are two Stardusts on them. Run to the next part of the city.

Go to the hotel. On the second floor you can take another Stardust. Save and head to the tower. Go upstairs and go left. Find Stardust in the ruins, and then follow to the throne room. There you will find Shan"y and Queen Theres"y. After talking with them, you will go to the hotel. After resting, go outside and return to the throne room. To the right of the throne, take the last Stardust in this city. When leaving the city, talk to Martel. Move to Evergreen forest.


Run to the passage guarded by the Sacred Knight. Miranda will ask him to skip the party to Mountain of Mortal Dragon. When the path is clear, take the Mind Purifier from the chest and go to Mountain of Mortal Dragon.


After reaching the mountain, move north. Take the Attack Ball from the box and run to the next screen. At the fork, turn right. Take the Mind Purifier and return to the fork. Go left. Once in the cave, go down the stairs and pick up the Giganto Armor. Then go into the middle cave and grab the Healing Breeze inside. Now go upstairs. Find Dragon Helm and go forward. Save. After going through several screens, you will meet Lloyd and Divine Dragon.

Boss #24: Divine Dragon
Once the fight begins, Dart will use Dragon Block Staff to weaken the dragon. First, tear off the boss's... uh... Balls. Then destroy the cannon itself ;). Then finish off the poor fellow, who has lost his dragon dignity (so as not to suffer).

After defeating the monster, you will meet Lloyd again. He got the Dragon Crystal, left over from the Divine Dragon... When Uoyd flies away, run after him. After running several screens, you will overtake the killer, but he will launch fire ball and throw Dart and Rose off the cliff. After a long conversation between Rose and Dart, Meru will fly in. She will help the heroes rise to the top. Having gained control of the Dart, head to the exit. Go to the evergreen forest.


You will watch a battle scene between Younger Bardel and Lloyd, who will protect Third Sacred Sister Wink. At the end of the fight, Uoyd will be wounded, and Wink will take him to Deningrad.


Follow to the palace, to the throne room. After finding out what happened there, move to Kashua Glacier.


Take the Thunderbolt and Heat Blade from the chests. Run to the next screen. Take Meteor Fall from the box and go down. Downstairs you will meet two merchants. One of them sells weapons, and the other sells useful items. After purchasing everything you need, find Gushing Magma and move forward. Go down the cliff. Take Phoenix Plume and Dancing Ray. Save and move on. After searching the next chest, go upstairs.

Boss #25: Windigo
Immediately after the start of the battle, make a Special Dart, since the boss is most afraid of fire attacks. Use the most destructive spells against Windigo, and after a fairly short period of time he will be defeated.

After killing the boss, head to the Tower of Flanvel. Inside it, take the Spirit Ring. Next, you will need to go through two chains of magical portals. This is quite easy to do. Once at Savepoint, save and go upstairs.

Boss #26: Lloyd
When fighting with Lloyd, you should never turn into friends, otherwise you will quickly die. Hit the boss with special attacks and heal in time...

Dart will try to kill Lloyd, but Wink will protect him... She will tell you that Shan was kidnapped by Emperor Daiz... After talking with Lloyd, you will receive all three lunar artifacts. Return to the battle site. Save and go to the right portal. Quickly take the Therapy Ring from the chest and follow it to Snowfield (the passage located to the left of the cave with the merchants).


Take the Bum Out from the chest and move forward. A scene with Lloyd"oM will follow. At the end of it, leave the shelter and run to the next screen. If you want, you can replenish your arsenal with useful items from Foct"a Magrad"a and fight Polter"om (to win, you need at least , two Angeis Prayers). To do this, roll down the cliff.


Run straight all the time until the scene with Rose follows. Go down and go right. You will see two merchants from whom you can buy items and weapons. After purchasing ammunition, return to the previous screen and move left. This is where you will meet Shirley. After talking with her, save and follow up to the towers. Inside one of them, take the Stardust. Return to Savepoit"y and run left. In the Diaz" palace there is a spiral staircase that leads to four doors. Behind the first door is a dead end. For the second - Rose's Hairband. For the third - Diaz himself, for the fourth - Spirit Potion. Having collected all the useful items, go into Diazy's room. The end of the third disc.



At this point I have decided to give you some routes that you should take to get to the city of Ulara. The numbers mean how many screens you need to go through, and the letters indicate the direction: N - north, S - south, W - west, E - east. First route: 1yu, 1v, Zyu, 1v, 1s, 1v. You will come to the first Savepointy. Save and move along the second route: 1v, 3s, 1z, 1s. Having replenished your strength, follow further: 1з, 2с, 1в, 2с.

Welcome to Ulara. After talking to Caron, run to the next screen. Then you can move in three directions: northwest, northeast and southeast. Go northwest first. Going out to the fountain with roses, search it and find the first Stardust. To the left of the fountain there is a portal through which you can get to the store. Inside it is Stardust. After purchasing weapons and items, return to the fork and head northeast. Find the last Stardust in this city among the carnivorous plants. Enter the portal on the left and move into the building. You will meet Charle. Ask her five questions, after which she will ask you to stay the night. Find all the heroes scattered around the city. When all party members are assembled, you will be transported to Home of Gganto and from there you can get to Retz.

Arriving in the city, head to the castle. After talking with the king, you will again have his flagship at your disposal. Go down and go through the door on the right. Board the ship and sail to Outtand.


After going ashore, talk to the mayor of the city and run forward. You can buy useful items and weapons from merchants. Go upstairs. At the bar you will meet the mayor again. Go to the room upstairs. Pass by old friend Martel and go outside. Take the last Stardust in the game and return to Martel. She will give you a Vanishing Stone. Leave the house through the southwest exit and move forward. After talking with the heroes, follow to the boat. An earthquake will begin, which was caused by the rise of the magical city of Agils to the surface. Swim into it.


Enter the gate. Once in the city, go through a chain of portals. You will meet the magical creature Ruffa, who has been waiting for you for 11,000 years. Follow him. After crossing another chain of portals, you will find Ruffa and Phewy. Run to the next screen and enter the portal. When you come to Spino, talk to him and go inside the structure from which the creature came out. After meeting another creature named Decal, run to the next screen. Next, use the portals until you get into the room with Savan. He will test the courage of the group and ask each hero questions. The answers are as follows. Kongol: second answer. Miranda: second answer, Albert: second answer. Meru: second answer. Hachel: second answer. Dart: first answer. After passing the test, go left. Move to the room where Savan is. After receiving the Psychedelic Bomb X, head south. Follow Savan.

Boss #27: Last Kraken
Pretty standard boss. Using the magic of the dragoons and healing in time, you can calmly kill him.

Return to the exit and find the previously closed door. Behind it is a portal through which you can get to Zenebatos.


Go outside. Run to the next screen and talk to the robot. Fly to Law Factory. Buy weapons and items from the local robot merchant. Find robot guards and have them put you in jail. Once there, wait for Kongol to come and free you. Exit the cell through the gap in the wall. Take useful items and move upstairs. At the Law Factory and Law launcher you can find many different things in chests, but you need to avoid encounters with security. Follow to Legislation Hall and go up to the council chamber. Stand in the center of the circle and address the council members (sometimes you have to wait in line). Answer their first question: No, answer the second: Yes. Enter the law number: 703. Having received the Law Production License, head to the Law Factory. At the top, present your license to the robots. They will give you a Law Launching License. Head over to Law Launching. Give the Law Launching License and the law will be changed. Return to the Teleporting Device, ETC, and go upstairs to the robot guarding the blue portal. After talking with him, fly to the main judge.

Boss #28: Kubila, Vector & Selebus
The sentence was carried out right in the courtroom... You have to defeat three executioners. Take out Kubila first, then Vector and Selebus. During the battle, use fourth-level dragoon spells.

Run forward. You will meet Zieg"a. After talking with him, follow to the exit. On the surface, talk to the small robot. He will say that you cannot get into Mefil, since law 410 prohibits it. To cancel it, follow the same procedure as with law 703. Having repealed the law, run to the robot (to the building where the portal is located) and move to Mefil.

Leave the building. Move to the platform below and go forward.

Boss #29: Dragon Spirit
The Dragon Ghost is a very weak enemy as it does not use magical attacks. Beat him with all available means.

Continue on your way. Go through the chain of portals and get ready for the next battle.

Boss #30: Dragon Spirit
This boss is a little more difficult than the previous one, but you still won't have any trouble killing him.

Boss #31: Dragon Spirit
Quite a serious enemy, which is an almost complete copy of the Divine Dragon. This time the dragon cannot be deprived of his deadly weapon, since he is a ghost. If possible, then immediately make a Special Dart to inflict maximum damage on the enemy.

After winning, take the Petrify Protector from the chest and run to the next screen. Save. Follow the invisible path to the next room. Enter the passage on the left. Find the Bravery Amulet and head back. You need to walk across the disappearing floor. You should follow the red tiles. After completing the first part of the path, you will find yourself in a room where you can be treated. Exit through the left door and continue further. Once in a room with the souls of people who died at the hands of the Black Monster, move along the third route. Move to the next part of the level. You will meet... Lavitz. After talking, you will understand that something is wrong with him. Take Healing Rain from the chest and save. Run after Lavitz.

Boss #32: Lavitz's Spirit
During the battle, a sign will constantly appear, choose all the time: Talk to him. You can attack the boss only when his back is to you, and the rest of the time you can block. After a couple of rounds, Lavitz will disappear and a monster named Zackwell, who was controlling your friend's soul, will appear. Destroy it.

After watching the cartoon, stand in the column of light and go up. Fly to the fallen moon.


Yes, I really feel sorry for the bird... Save and run to the next screen. Go behind the tree and find a Phoenix Plume. Move on. Once at the glowing hollow, jump down. Once inside the tree, take White Silwer Dragon's Armor. Follow straight. Save at the next Savepoint and go left. Run to the moon.

Boss #33: Caterpillar - Pupa - Imago
This boss has three forms. First you will need to kill the caterpillar, then the cocoon and finally the adult butterfly. The caterpillar and cocoon can be killed without turning into dragoons, but the butterfly should be destroyed with the magic of Dairta and Alberta.

From the entrance go right. On the next screen you will fall underground and find yourself in the forest. Cross the small bridge and take the Frozen Jet. Run forward. As soon as you reach the winter forest, Miranda will leave the squad for a while.

Boss #34: Death Rose
Only Miranda will take part in this battle, and she will not be able to turn into a dragoon. Give the boss regular hits and heal in time. When Miranda's mother asks her for forgiveness, answer: "I"ll forgive you."

After the battle, Miranda will rejoin the team. Continue on your way. After passing the cave, you will find yourself in a hotel... Some strange girl walked through the mirror. After making sure that this is not an illusion, save and rest. After replenishing your strength, buy useful items and new weapons (you are probably very happy about this opportunity). Go into the mirror. You will find yourself in the cave of the dwarfs. Go into the hut and take 200 coins from the chest. Leave the settlement through the southern exit and move straight all the time. You will see the little girl again. She will enter the black portal, and Hachel will follow her.

Boss #35: Claire
As with the previous boss, you will control only one hero. Beat Claire until you're blue in the face until a table appears from which you need to choose the first line.

Return to the hotel. The guard who was standing at the exit has left, and now you can go outside. Approach the guards at the castle. They will tell you that Emperor Doyle has gone to Home of Gigantos. Go down the stairs and enter the portal. Go through the cave. Once you reach the surface, run left. The squad will be divided into two groups. Go up the stairs. Kongol will leave the squad.

Boss #36: Indora
This time Kongol will fight one on one. Indora is a giant like our friend, so he has no magical attacks. Use brute force and Kongol's archenemy will be killed.

Go downstairs. Find the lever and lift the wall. Take Golden Dragon's Armor from the box. Head to the hotel. The heroes will be waiting for Darta and Rose there. Having gained control of Dart, move forward all the time.

Boss #37: Michael
Despite your best efforts, you will not be able to damage this boss. Stand in the block all the time until the table appears. Select the first line and Rose will tell you that you can kill a dragon by stabbing it in the heart. After the monster completes its laser attack, move the cursor to the Core and hit it in the heart.

Follow to the hotel. When the squad is assembled again, go outside. Go to the castle. Albert will ask you to let him into the castle. Head to the throne room.

Boss #38: Dark Doel
You will not be able to attack Doel until the Shadow Blade and Light Sword in his hands are destroyed. Having destroyed the weapon, take on the emperor himself.

Go outside and go down the stairs. Enter the portal. Return to the place where you were first attacked by the Rose dragon (where the squad split into two groups) and run forward. At Crystal Palace, Meru will leave the squad for a while.

Boss #39: Archangel
Like previous one-on-one fights, this one is fairly easy to win.

Move upstairs. Run through several rooms that are lined with TVs (!!!). Save and move on.

Boss #40: Super Virage
Despite the Super prefix, Virage remained the same as it was. First we tear off the hand and then focus on the head.

Run to the next screen. Save and take the Detonate Arrow from the chest. Continue on your way. You will meet Darfa's father. He will take the Dragon Crystal from his son.

Boss #41: Zieg Feld
In this battle, you will not be able to turn Dart into a dragoon, so you will have to do without him. Most of Zieg's attacks will be aimed at his son, so do not forget to put Red Eye Dragon Armor on Darta before the battle. Use all available means and you will win!

After the battle, it turns out that Dart's father's body was controlled by Melbu. And I knew from the very beginning that Dart's father could not be such a bastard. After a long conversation, Lloyd will appear and attack Melbu. The fight will turn out to be unequal, and the newly-minted god of destruction mortally wounds Lloyd "a... Before his death, the former enemy will transfer Dart"y Divine Dragoon Spirit, and he will become a divine dragoon. Additionally, you will receive the Dragon Buster, Rose's most powerful weapon. Return to the previous screen and save. Run to fight the final boss.

Final Boss: Melbu Frahma
The final boss will appear before you in several forms. The first form has four tentacles, which you should destroy first. To do this, you don’t have to turn into dragoons; you can get by with regular blows. After cutting off the monster's tentacles, concentrate all your attacks on the boss's body. After some time, Melbu will change form and begin to use new weapons against your heroes: a laser sword and some kind of vacuum cleaner. The fighting tactics are as follows: deliver a series of blows; If you suffer damage from the boss, heal. Repeat this combination until the monster is defeated;). HAPPY END!

Magazine "Official PlayStation Magazine: Russia", 2000.


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Z Hey, I’ve been thinking for a long time about what to write for you this week and having received in response from darklifeness the phrase that JRPGs are copies of each other, but there are no shooters (that is, they are all different), I decided to write a review of the JRPG genre game. As always, let me remind you that my task is simply to make you nostalgic and this post is for those who played or remember this game, just loves this genre.

IN In general, this genre has not received much recognition in our country, due to the dominance of piracy and PC users during its formation. Those who had consoles were pirated (crookedly translated) or games in English (Japanese) and therefore it was impossible to play them. The main thing in a jrpg (in my opinion) is a beautifully presented plot (in this regard, jrpg is closer to cinema than other RPGs), empathy for the characters (thanks to cutscenes), well-developed and huge world(like in an MMO RPG) and a lot of scope for an advanced, tactical and combat system.

So what am I talking about? Yes, exactly - let's move on to the hero of my issue! In the golden era of the Sony console PlayStation One many “killers” were produced Final Fantasy”, but none of them have even come close to reaching its peak as of today. Some killers got a sequel (Lunar), some even got their own mini-series (Grandia), and others were completely undeservedly forgotten. Legend of the Dragoon is one of these third ones, having the misfortune of being released during the same period as Final Fantasy IX.

D I don’t even know where to start talking about the game, I want to talk about a lot. This game was supplied on four discs (four disks!), which at least indicated the scale and number of CGI video clips. According to their own impressions - game left me with no less emotions than Final Fantasy or, for example, Breath of Fire, but let's go in order!

If You Still Believe (Introductory video for the game)

Plot the game is not replete with any kind of drama, of course, but it is full of various moments when you are very worried about what is happening on the screen

Main character lover of Moscow Art Theater productions

ABOUT When writing the plot, I don’t use copy-paste Wikipedia, because no one is interested enough to read tons of text, or maybe someone will want to play and for them this information will be spoilers, so in short! First, the immortal tree sowed fruits on our desert land and we, people, were 106 and 107 the fruit were powerful Winged creatures who subjugated all creatures. And so it was until people were able to tame dragons and go to war against them! Helping people in their campaign was the God of Destruction Embryo, with the secret thought of destroying 107 types of fruits! (he himself was 108), but the surviving winged ones, having learned about God’s plans, gathered strength and destroyed him, imprisoning his soul in a ball! The game begins from the moment the main character, Darth Feld, goes in search of his childhood friend, Shana, who in turn is a dragoon of light, a dragoon who can stop Embryo, thirsting for revenge!

WITH From this moment our adventure begins - in which there is plenty of room for cruel betrayals, love (there is even a love quadrangle), the overthrow of evil patrons and, of course, the struggle for the existence of this planet!

P The first thing that caught my eye was the graphics... Gorgeous videos, incredible models of heroes for the PS One era, and what the transformation of characters into dragoons and summoning dragons looked like (the videos are a little further on). In terms of game design, everything was excellent, an incredible number of locations - from prison to swamps, then mountains, forests, deserts and snowy fields - everything was very carefully drawn. The background in battles was automatically generated depending on the environment and this auto-generation added some variety to the landscape!

Let's move on to the main part and why I love JRPGs! This is combat!

P The character in the game had a huge (very huge) number of different weapons. Naturally, as is usually the case, each hero was matched with only one type, which he is better at (Darth’s swords or Lance’s spears). Weapons were bought in the game, but the coolest ones were in numerous secret locations or given for completing minor quests.

The combat system was very unusual at that time. Each weapon had its own combo attacks. Let me explain - after you chose the attack command, a certain QTE was launched where you had to press the x button at the desired pace!

At first it was difficult, but then I liked this move because the combos were different and had different effects (whether it was a stun at the end or a crit), plus you didn’t fall asleep during the fight, like in the finals, and you developed your hand! Of course, combo attacks were pumped up and became more powerful and more spectacular! For more powerful combos you had to hit up to 7 times!

All combo attacks - All characters (they looked just cool!)

P after passing somewhere around the first half of the 1st disc. After winning the boss, our hero gets the opportunity to turn into a dragoon and the fun begins.

D To begin with, I would like to note that in the game all the game characters received their spirit in one way or another and in total there were 8 elements in the game (I include the last one - Vaakum - not the element): Light, Fire, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Water, Darkness. As you might have guessed, the elements were opposed to each other and helped either cause Damage or a misdirected element could heal the Enemy.

D ragoon - acquired improved defense and physical attacks of the Dragon, could cast elemental magic - but he also could not use things, and flee from the battlefield! The physical attacks of the dragoon did not have a combo; instead, an alternative was offered with a circle on which you had to press X 5 times in time at a certain mark and then you could witness a powerful attack of the dragoon with a cool finishing move!

Also in battle you could use a bunch of items and so-called Multipliers! Magic packed into the item, because when the spirit was asleep, the character could not cast a spell. When using them, you had to press the cross sharply and a lot, and the multiplier could increase the damage!

M The music in the game was not bad, of course it was not as memorable as in the finale (except for the main theme), but the sound itself was good. The heroes made all the required sounds from gasps to gasps, the clanging of swords and the rest of the package. I can’t say much on this topic. Everything was on the level.

Rest of all 4 ex disks

Finally, I am very sorry that this genre is not very popular in our country. By the way, my choice of PS4 as the main console is that it releases a little more JRPGs than Juan! In any case, I would like a remake of this game, and there were so many other good things... For example, Breath of Fire or Vagrant story or Wild arms... In general, I thank everyone who read, like for the efforts and share in the comments!
