Can two people play Diablo 3? Games similar to Diablo. Dungeon Siege Series

Using the "Open Games" button you can play Diablo III together with other players. However, it is not necessary that they be on your friends list. Please note that you can only join if you have already at least once received a task performed by the player who created the game, regardless of the progress of other participants.

When you click "Join", you will be placed in a group of players who are performing the same task and at approximately the same level as you. In co-op play, you can team up with up to 3 players (that is, up to 4 in total, including you).

Search for rivals

When you create or join a public game, you can choose what type of game you are interested in: monster slaying, freestyle combat, key hunting, and portals. If, when entering an open game, you selected, for example, the “Fights without rules” option, then you will be included in the group of players who also prefer fights without rules.

Clans and Communities (PC)

The system of clans and communities makes it easy to find friends with similar interests and communicate with them. From the main menu, press Shift + O or click on the chat icon to go to the clans and communities menu. In this menu you can create new clan or community or join existing ones. You will be able to interact with your clan or community members regardless of which character you are currently playing.


Players belonging to the same clan will have access to a special chat channel where they can communicate and receive information about the recent activities of their comrades. For example, if one of your clan members recognizes legendary item, you will learn about this from the chat window. Each player can only belong to one clan. The player who created the clan is its head and is generally responsible for its leadership. In the clan menu you will have several tabs.
  • News: This tab shows the total number of players in the clan, the current message of the day, news and general information, published by the clan leaders.
  • List: contained here detailed information about clan members, their ranks, achievements and recent actions. At the bottom of the list there will be information about what characters clan members are currently playing (this data will be updated automatically).
  • Settings: This tab is visible to all clan members, but only management representatives can make changes to it. This tab displays the language of communication, a list of opportunities available to clan members depending on rank, as well as information about whether the this moment recruiting new players.

There are no restrictions on the number of participants in communities.


The community system is similar to the clan system, but with two fundamental differences. First, communities are dedicated to the different interests of players. Secondly, a player can be a member of several communities at the same time. As a rule, players form communities to find worthy opponents for PvP, get items together, discuss various aspects of the game, or talk about topics not related to the game. Like clans, communities have their own News, List, and Settings tabs. Communities are governed by a leader.

Communication menu

Friends list (PC)

You can invite friends to the game and exchange messages with them through the communication menu.

Communication window, indicated by a small “person” in the lower right corner of the screen, will help you communicate with other players. Initially, it displays the number of your friends online.

When you open this window (default is the “O” key), you will see a list of friends in the center. You can add other players to this list by entering their BattleTag or email address. By adding a friend there, you will later be able to see his network status (online or not) and employment (free or busy). You can send a message to a friend by clicking on their name and clicking the Chat button. In addition, in the same window you can invite a friend to join the game by clicking “Invite to group”.

In the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the window, you can set your own status to inform other players whether you can be invited to shared passage or better not to bother.

Inviting friends

If you're playing alone and want other players to join you, it's easy to arrange. Once you start a game, you can make it open (by opening the game menu with the “Esc” key and selecting “Make game open”), which will allow other players to connect to it.

In the game, you can ask players you know to join you on a task. Open the communication menu, select the friend you want to invite to the game, and click the “Invite to Group” button next to the name. If the selected player is currently playing Diablo III, they will receive an invitation from you and, upon accepting, will be able to be transported to your game.

Players near you

In the Xbox 360 and Diablo III versions Xbox One On both PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4, the list of online friends is located in the upper right corner of the main menu. To view this list, you must be connected to Xbox LIVE or PlayStation® Network.

You can play Diablo III on console with friends, either online via Xbox LIVE or PlayStation® Network, connecting multiple consoles into one network (using the cross-connection feature). Xbox consoles 360 and Xbox One or LAN functions PSN) - or locally on one console.

To invite friends to a created game, press the "START" button (this will pause the game) and see if your friends are online. From the same menu you can invite them to your game.

Communication (PC)

Chat window with received and sent messages.

If you play on PC, then by joining a group you will have means of communication at your disposal. Arrows and a small conversation window in the lower left corner of the screen are elements of the chat window. This window will remain transparent until you hover your mouse over it. It displays all your in-game communications.

Here you can see the messages that you receive and that you write to other players. To send a message to a player, select his name in the communication window and click the "Chat" button, or send a message directly to him. After pressing the Enter key, a text field for entering a message will appear in the chat window.

If you click on the gear icon in chat, you can enter into a private conversation with one or more (up to 99) players. However, it is not necessary that everyone plays the same game.

Co-op details

Heroes in action.

Playing together offers several significant benefits, but it also has a noticeable impact on game process.

You can see the health level and condition of your party mates next to their images on the screen. If you want to jump straight into battle, you have the ability to instantly move to the group by highlighting one of the suitable banners in the city. With your group mates you can also exchange objects. On PC and Mac, you need to click on the image of the desired character. right click mouse and select “Exchange” in the menu that appears. On consoles, you can exchange items with other players through the party menu (on Xbox 360 and Xbox One - “BACK”, on PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 - “SELECT”, then select “Party”).

Trophies in groups are generated individually for each player - all players receive their personal items from the corpses of enemies or from chests. It is impossible to “steal” someone else’s loot in a group.

You can invite up to three players to your group (that is, the group size is no more than four people), but you cannot take companions into it, no matter how many players there are in the group.

State open game the same for all players in the group. For example, if you killed the Skeleton King, but after that you joined a game whose goal is precisely to defeat him, then for you he will be alive, and all game objects associated with his death (new open areas, some non-player characters, etc.) .d.) will not be available to you.

The most important feature of a co-op game is this: the more players there are, the stronger the enemies. With each new member of the group, the legions of the underground army will gain strength. Be careful - although there are other heroes fighting on your side now, the enemies you previously easily defeated may turn out to be much stronger in a cooperative game.

Battle notifications

When you engage a party or a greedy goblin in combat, a notification appears for your party. If you're playing on PC, an icon will appear on the mini-map so nearby allies know where to go to help. A similar icon appears on your banner, so that friends in the city will immediately understand how to quickly join the battle.

Bonuses in co-op play

With each new member in the enemy group, the enemies become stronger. But heroes also receive more rewards if they fight together! Your search rates for gold and magic items increase; in addition you get additional experience. The experience bonus is tied to the strength of the monsters, so if you fight together against stronger monsters, the reward will be higher.
  • Two-player game: 10% to finding gold, finding magic items and experience.
  • Threesome game: 20% to gold search, magic item search and experience.
  • Four-player game: 30% to finding gold, finding magic items and experience.


Sometimes it happens that while playing together with friends, you end up with items that are of no value to you, but would be very useful to your comrades. Common, rare, and magic items can be traded freely, but legendary items and items that are part of sets will be tied to your account. You will have enough time (2 hours from the moment you receive the item) to exchange it with party mates who were nearby when the item was found. After two hours, the item will no longer be exchangeable.

Emotions and commands

Emotions and commands can only be used in Diablo versions III for PC.

Emotions is a set of text abbreviations with which you can quickly convey the necessary information to other group members. Using emotions, the character sends an important message to other players in the group (for example, follow him or run away). Teams are text messages that allow you to switch between chat channels or use other Diablo III interface features.

You can use emotes or enter a command by pressing "/" (slash) and entering one of the text options below. You can assign emotions (and some commands) to various keys by selecting Hotkeys in the Settings menu.

  • /Behind me(/Follow or default key NUMPAD 1)
  • /give(/Give or default key NUMPAD 2)
  • /Thank you(/Thanks or default key NUMPAD 3)
  • /sorry(/Sorry or default key NUMPAD 4)
  • /Bye(/Bye or default key NUMPAD 5)
  • /die(/Die or default key NUMPAD 6)
  • /run(/Run or default key NUMPAD 7)
  • /wait(/Wait or default key NUMPAD 8)
  • /forward(/Go or default key NUMPAD 9)
  • /for help(/Help or default key NUMPAD 0)

Emotions not tied to keys:

  • Stay here
  • Attack!
  • Retreat
  • Hold
  • Hit the target
  • /? - background information about chat commands
  • /send, /s, /say, /sh, /whisper<Имя> <Текст сообщения> - send a message to another player
  • /o, /answer- reply to the last personal message
  • /login, /channel, /kan<название канала> - join the channel
  • /exit, /exit, /exit- leave the chat channel
  • /k, /say- send a message to the channel
  • /hlist- list of channel participants
  • /Who- list of channel participants
  • /g, /group- send a message to your group
  • shift + [click on item or achievement]- send a link to the chat to the item or achievement you clicked on

Achievements and challenges

The rewards for certain tasks in Diablo III are not limited to gold, treasure, or the pleasure of seeing the blood of your enemies spilled. They also give you achievements - unique milestones of your game progress.

Achievements are usually given for completing important, unique or particularly difficult tasks such as achieving a global game goal, killing an enemy in a special way, completing an act or completing the entire game on elevated level difficulties. Major challenges you complete either give you a certain amount of points or are treated as challenges that don't give you points (but are still worth bragging about). On consoles, points correspond to Xbox LIVE Achievements and PSN Trophies; on PC, your points are shown on

Full list achievements can be viewed in a special game menu - both those already received and those that can still be obtained. Achievements count for all your characters.

For some achievements you will receive new emblems and patterns for banner- your personal battle standard, on which you can mark your exploits for other players to see.


Creation of a banner.

Those who cut their way through the armies of evil have no shame in boasting of their valor. To show everyone your achievements (and artistic taste), you can decorate the banner in a special way with various patterns, signs, colors to display your exploits.

The banner can be changed on the hero selection screen directly after entering the game or during the game when your hero is in the city. To change the parameters of a banner, you need to select it.

From this menu, you can color your banner, choose a shape, and decorate it with different emblems and patterns using decorative elements from the right side of the screen, or randomize it by selecting “Random.” To each game achievement Certain emblems and shapes correspond, and the more achievements you get, the more varied you can decorate the banner.

IN joint games your banner will be visible to other players. It will remain in the city while you fight evil, and any member of your group, by highlighting the banner, will be able to instantly be transported to you. Decorate the banner so that you don’t have to blush for it!

Nemesis System (Ultimate Evil Edition)

Avenge your friends - defeat your sworn enemy!

In Diablo III - Reaper of Souls: Ultimate Evil Edition, you and your friends will face a dangerous opponent: your nemesis. When you play as a level 10 or higher hero, any monster (except elites and bosses) can turn into a nemesis, obsessed with one single thought: destroying someone on your friends list. It’s good that they don’t attack characters under level 10 and never get into heroic mode.

When the nemesis has chosen a victim, he will appear next to this character at all times, except in situations when he is in the city, watching an in-game cinematic, or fighting a boss. Every time a player is killed by a nemesis, he becomes stronger and moves to someone else on his friends list (up to 5 times).

If you manage to destroy your sworn enemy, powerful rewards await you and perhaps your friend.

Apprentice Mode (Ultimate Evil Edition)

Find an ally who is 4 or more levels ahead of you, and he can take you on as his apprentice. This will increase your durability and ability to deal damage: in these indicators you will be equal to him. This way, you will be able to deal significant damage to enemies and withstand considerable damage. If there are three or more players in a game, then anyone who is 4 or more levels below the others becomes the player's apprentice. high level. Characters playing in Heroic mode cannot become anyone's apprentice.

In-game mail (Ultimate Evil Edition)

In Diablo III - Reaper of Souls: Ultimate Evil Edition, you can send items and gold to players on your friends list via .

Gifts from players (Ultimate Evil Edition)

When you find a Legendary or Set item in Ultimate Evil Edition, there's a chance that another Legendary item will immediately drop as a gift to one of your friends. Xbox Live or Sony Entertainment Network. And you can forward it via .

Diablo has always been considered a PC exclusive. Many hours, many days and even many years of chopping without a break for sleep and rest in pursuit of legendary armor or super-boots for your fighter - such hardcore entertainment was considered beyond the power of pampered console owners. But time is running, changing the balance of power in gaming industry. Now, without the support of the console market, it is impossible to achieve serious profits, so even hardened veterans are going to meet the plastic boxes standing under their TVs.

The transition of Diablo 3 to the console camp did not turn out to be a simple formality and thoughtless porting from PC. The current game of fighting in randomly generated dungeons has completely changed its balance, and a more accessible control system has made it possible to use the game for two or even four players on one console!

No commerce

Remember what annoyed you most about the PC version of Diablo 3? Yes, yes, monstrously low luck when searching for valuable artifacts. It was possible to chop up evil spirits for days recklessly, but to collect complete nonsense, which had to be handed over to the merchant for a few pennies.

To create a more or less tolerable fighter for yourself without spending half your life on the game, had to go to auction, where you are immediately stunned by the prices there. Cunning people here happily made money from other people's needs, and ordinary gamers had no choice but to pay decent sums of money for truly valuable artifacts.

So, there is no auction on consoles! Moreover, valuable items in the local randomly built dungeons come across 1-2 per hour. Such abundance compared to the PC version even makes people kinder in this game for two. So, when another newcomer joins the team with low performance Here it is customary to share some value. After all, the space in your chest is not endless, and minor losses can be quickly made up for in new battles.

A sequel that is not much different from the original, and therefore from Diablo too. An open world, an interesting plot, random generation of dungeons, funny drawn locations and characters, in a word, everything that brought success to the first part was carefully preserved and increased by the developers in Torchlight II. And if you liked the original, then you should definitely like the sequel.

10. Dungeon Siege Series

First part Dungeon Siege was released in 2002 and was warmly received by Diablo fans, who immediately noted a noticeable bias in the gameplay towards their idol, except that the local plot was more holistic and interesting (but can this be considered a drawback?). Many people still believe that Dungeon Siege is the best among games similar to Diablo.

The next two parts were not distinguished by their originality and variety of mechanics, and therefore did not have such a resounding success as their predecessor, but they earned themselves an honorable place in the top of games similar to Diablo. True, a lot of time has passed since their release, during which many other, more modern and interesting “Diablo-like” games have appeared.

9. Sacred 2

Another worthy representative of Action/RPG with an open world, a large number of game classes, hundreds of types of available equipment and limitless possibilities for leveling up the hero.

At the same time, the game has a good plot, and the local atmosphere and game environment are somehow subtly reminiscent of another popular series role playing games from German developers – Gothic.

If the game seems interesting, you can also try the first part of Sacred, but you should immediately mentally prepare for very unattractive graphics (the original was released on PC in 2006).

8.Titan Quest

Action/RPG, whose setting is rich in borrowings from ancient mythology. Moreover, often the authors gave them their own interpretation, changed beyond recognition, which is why the world Titan Quest turned out to be very bizarre, successfully combining traditional fantasy elements and mythological ideas of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia.

The huge world, divided into three acts, and the epic plot telling about the confrontation of the earthly hero with the gods and titans, evokes certain associations with “Oblivion”. Even the depiction of local locations and some opponents immediately evoke certain images from the RPG loved by many. In all other respects, Titan Quest is typical representative hack&slash.

Finally, I would like to add that last year the game celebrated its tenth anniversary, in honor of which a special improved edition was released - Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. You can purchase and download it from the link below.

7. Victor Vran

A project from a new generation of “Diablo-like” games, most similar to Diablo 3.

Victor Vran does not have the usual system of character classes, but there is a huge selection of weapons, divided into seven types, and armor, which determine the style of play, giving the hero a set of unique attacks. There are also many activated abilities called "demon powers" and "fate cards" that provide passive bonuses.

The gameplay of Victor Vran is highly dynamic: the hero can evade enemy attacks, quickly move around locations and even jump. The latter ability is useful not only in battle, but also for finding secrets and even solving some puzzles.

The rest of the game is a standard hack-and-slash with an isometric view.

6. Grim Dawn

One of the most interesting games like Diablo 3, constantly updated and improved by its creators (Crate Entertainment). Worthy of attention due to its amazingly detailed open world in the style of dark fantasy, interesting story, which tells about the confrontation between a handful of surviving people and several ominous opponents at once, with modern, stunningly beautiful graphics and special effects.

Traditionally for games like Diablo, Grim Dawn features big choice weapons, armor and accessories, many different enemies, including bosses and champions. The role-playing system deserves special attention, allowing you to combine any two of the classes presented here into one hybrid. In total, the developers claim more than two hundred abilities that can be improved with special items and constellations (a unique system of passive skill improvement).

There are also several factions, improving your reputation with them will give you access to useful in-game items. There is even some semblance of non-linear quest completion, although it has virtually no effect on the gameplay.

For those who find playing through the story campaign not enough, Grim Dawn has an arena mode called “The Crucible.”

5. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

A role-playing game in which the main character is the famous hunter of evil spirits. The project has an appropriate setting: gloomy, fog-covered, mountain ranges and dark forests expanses of the fictional Borgovia, where Doctor Helsing will have to fight hordes of a variety of creatures.

Three available classes (mage, warrior and marksman), hundreds of pieces of equipment, various tasks, an accessible and understandable role-playing system and much more await players in this wonderful RPG.

4. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 and 3

The final two parts of the trilogy The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, continuing the events of the original and opening up new corners of Borgovia for exploration with its frightening secrets and eerie technologies. Even more enemies, more quests, items, alchemical recipes and mini-games like "Tower Defense" await players here.

The basic concept has remained unchanged, so the game can be recommended to everyone who liked the adventures in the company of Doctor Helsing and his companion Katarina.

3. Divine Divinity

Those who have spent more than one hour in Divine Divinity will say that this game does not have as much in common with Diablo as other projects on our list. This is true, however, when the game first came out, it was dubbed a clone of Blizzard’s unforgettable brainchild, without even having time to really understand it.

This RPG really looks very similar, the maps seem almost the same as what we have already seen in Diablo. There are also plenty of battles with heaps of monsters here. What sets Divine Divinity apart is its high-quality role-playing component. The developers managed to create and describe a world that you want to explore, to come up with a story whose ending you are afraid to know. Among the undoubted advantages of the game are also colorful characters, subtle humor and a pleasant atmosphere of a solid classic RPG.


This RPG came out even a little earlier than the legendary second part of Diablo, moreover, among all the clones of the great and terrible Nox, it is perhaps the most successful.

The battles here are really interesting - the opponents have some kind of brain, so they can run away if they smell something fried, or eat something useful in battle. As for magical abilities, in addition to the usual spells that act once, there are also long-lasting ones - the hero casts either while the player presses the button, or until the mana runs out. What adds realism to what is happening on the screen is that enemies can hide in some bushes and suddenly jump out of them, and the hero cannot be completely protected from this.

It’s also nice that the settlements in Nox are much more vibrant than in Diablo, so exploring the cities is a separate pleasure.

1.Path of Exile

The game that comes closest to the Diablo series in terms of atmosphere and quality of gameplay.

The world of Path of Exile is literally filled to the brim with cruelty and hopelessness. There is black magic everywhere, reviving corpses, ancient dark deities and so on. Perhaps, with just one elaboration of the game environment, this RPG could have been sent to the top.

In addition, the game offers as many as seven playable characters to choose from with a deeply developed leveling system. Each person's abilities depend on the stone inserted into their equipment, as well as on a tree of more than a thousand (!) passive skills, activated by distributing skill points. This didn't even happen in any of the three Diablo games.

In conclusion, I would like to add that with such impressive advantages, Path of Exile is also absolutely free.

Other candidates: Drakensang Online, Hellgate: London, Harbinger, Bastion, Silverfall, Hob, Royal Quest.
