Backgammon long online. Play Long Backgammon for free. Rules. Backgammon rules for beginners (short and long) Backgammon long play 1 in1

Backgammon (other common names: backgammon, backgammon), tavla, shesh-besh, kosha - ancient oriental game... The birthplace of this game is not exactly known, but it is known that people have been playing this game for over 5,000 years, for which there is historical evidence. So, the oldest of the backgammon boards was found in Iran (in Shahri-Sukhta) and dates back to about 3000 BC. NS. An analogue of this game was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (XV BC).

The rules of the backgammon game are simple and beginners will easily master them, but nevertheless, in order to win, you need logical thinking and, of course, luck. There are two main varieties - and backgammon. Backgammon game consists of a special board, 30 checkers of two different colors and two dice dice). 2 players take part in the game.


Starting position

Fig 1. A board with checkers in the starting position. An arrangement that is mirror-symmetrical to that shown in the figure is also possible. The house in it is located on the left, and the courtyard is on the right, respectively.

Fig 2. The direction of movement of the white checkers. Black checkers are moving in the opposite direction.

Rice. 3. Two Ways White Can Play

Backgammon short (Fig. 1) is a game for two players, on a board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four groups of six triangles each. These groups are called - house, yard, enemy's house, enemy's yard. The house and the yard are separated by a bar that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar.

Points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the home of this player. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the first point for the opponent. Each player has 15 checkers. The initial placement of checkers is as follows: each of the players has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

Purpose of the game- transfer all your checkers to your house and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all of his checkers wins the game.

Checkers movement

The players alternately roll two dice and make moves.

The number on each die shows how many points, or steps, the player must move his checkers. Checkers always move in only one direction (Fig. 2) - from points with larger numbers to points with smaller ones.

In this case, the following rules apply:

A checker can only move to an open point, that is, to one that is not occupied by two or more checkers of the opposite color.

The numbers on both dice make up separate moves.

For example, if the player has rolled 5 and 3 (Fig. 3), then:

He can go three steps with one saber, and five steps with the other,

Or he can go with one piece eight (five plus three) steps at once, but the latter only if the intermediate point (at a distance of three or five steps from the starting point) is also open.

The player who has a double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 6-6, then the player must make four moves of six points, and he can move the checkers in any combination he sees fit.

The player must use both numbers that fell to him, if they are allowed by the rules (or all four numbers, if he has a double). When only one number can be played, the player must play that number.

If each of the numbers can be played individually (but not both together), the player must play the larger number.

If a player cannot make a move, then he skips a move. In the event that a double has dropped out, if the player cannot use all four numbers, he must play as many moves as possible.

How to beat and charge a checker

An item occupied by only one checker is called a blot. If a checker of the opposite color stops at this point, the blot is considered beaten and is placed on the bar. At any time when one or more checkers are on the bar, the first duty of the player is to load the checkers in the opponent's house. The checker comes into play, moving to the point corresponding to the rolled value of the die.

For example, if the player got 4 and 6, he can charge a checker at the fourth or sixth points, if they are not occupied by two or more opponent's checkers.

If both points corresponding to the values ​​of the thrown dice are occupied, the player skips his turn.

If a player can enter some of his checkers, but not all, he must charge as many checkers as possible and then skip the rest of the turn. After all the checkers have been entered from the bar, the unused dice values ​​can be used, as usual, by moving the checker that you loaded, or any other checker.

How to throw checkers

When a player has brought all his fifteen checkers to his house, he can start throwing them off the board. The player throws a checker in the following way: a pair of dice is thrown, and the checkers that stand on the points corresponding to the rolled values ​​are removed from the board. For example, if 6 points fell out, you can remove a checker from the sixth point.

If there is not a single checker on the point corresponding to the dropped dice, the player is allowed to move the checker from points larger than the dropped number. If a player can make any moves, he is not obliged to throw a checker off the board.

In the stage of throwing out checkers, all the player's checkers must be in his house. If a checker is beaten in the process of throwing out checkers, then the player must bring the checker back to his home before he continues to throw out checkers. The one who first removed all the checkers from the board wins the game.

Rules of the game

The number of players is two. The number of checkers on the board is 15 for each player.

The initial location of the checkers, each of the players is called the head, and the move from the initial position is called "from the head" or "from the head". Only one checker can be taken from the head in one move.

The player rolls two dice at the same time. Having made a throw, the player must move any checker by the number of cells equal to the dropped out number of one of the dice, and then one any checker by the number of cells equal to the dropped number of the other dice. Those. if, for example, six or five have dropped out on the dice, the player must move one checker six cells, and then any (you can do the same, you can another) by five cells. In this case, you can always take only one checker from the head. The only exception is the first throw in the set. If one checker that can be removed from the head passes, then the second can be removed. There are only three such stones for the first player: six-six, four-four and three-three (the opponent's checkers standing on his head interfere). If one of these stones falls, the player removes two checkers from his head. For the second player, the number of stones at which two checkers can be removed from the head increases, since it prevents the first stone from passing, not only the head has the right, but also the stone removed by the enemy. If the opponent threw the first throw: two-one, six-two or five-five, then the second player can remove the second checker also with throws five-five and six-two (except: six-six, four-four and three-three, which also do not go directly).

You cannot move two checkers by the number of cells shown by one die. Those. if the dice dropped - six or five, the player cannot move with one checker, for example, three and the other three squares, to make six together, and then go "five".

If a hollow fell, i.e. equal points on two dice, for example, five-five, the player makes four moves (for the number of cells corresponding to the dice).

You cannot place your checker on a cell occupied by an opponent's checker. If a checker hits an occupied square, then they say about it that it "does not go". If the opponent's checkers occupy six cells in front of any checker, then such a checker is locked.

You cannot lock all fifteen of the opponent's checkers. That is, it is possible to build an obstacle of six pieces in a row only if at least one of the opponent's pieces is in front of this obstacle.

If the player cannot make a single move for the number of points that fell on each die, i.e. if the checkers do not move, then the points disappear, and the checkers do not move.

If a player can make a move for the number of points that fell on one of the dice, and cannot make a move for the number of points that fell on the second dice, he makes only the move that is possible, and the rest of the points are lost.

If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he is obliged to make it even to the detriment of his interests. If a stone fell out that allows the player to make only one move, and either of the two, then the player must choose more. Smaller points are lost. The point of the game is that, after passing all the checkers full circle, come to the house with them and throw away all the checkers before the enemy does it.

Home for every player is the last quarter playing field starting with a cell 18 cells away from the head. Throwing away checkers means making such moves with them so that the checkers are outside the board. A player can start throwing checkers only when all his checkers have come into the house.

Nobody exists. If the player who started first has thrown all his checkers, and the second player can also make the next throw, the second player is considered a loser, since there will be no next throw: the game ends as soon as one of the players has thrown all his checkers.

Long backgammon(Backgammon Nardi) - Russian variation of the game of Backgammon. Play Long and Short Backgammon online on the site, learn the intricacies of the rules and make the right moves.

Long backgammon - classic board game... Parents teach how to play backgammon for two as a child. Long backgammon is not considered a game of chance because an experienced player will outplay a newbie in matches.

Long Backgammon Rules

Despite the online format of the game, backgammon remains backgammon. When you start the game for free, you will see the familiar board and figures. Players communicate in Russian - the site is focused on the Ru audience.

The task of the gamer is to bypass it all and return their figures to the house before the enemy. Re-read the rules in full screen, then you will quickly figure out how to play long backgammon online.

Starting line-up in long backgammon

The game is played by two players, each with 15 chips. The round beads are placed in this way, all fifteen are placed "on the head". The game pieces line up along the edges of the game board.

The starting position in Backgammon Long is more "long", in contrast to the Short backgammon, the length of the game is 9-12 minutes, not 6-9.

Purpose of the game

The main goal is to lead your checkers around the entire perimeter of the board to the house faster than a real opponent and take the checkers off the board.

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Board quadrants

These are the basic rules of long backgammon, smoothly start playing this intellectual and developing thinking game. Advice for beginners in backgammon: play, step by step, taking into account all the rules of the game. Invite your relatives, friends and acquaintances to play together for free, you will have a good and pleasant time together, you will feel the spirit of rivalry and excitement.

Play long backgammon online with a real opponent

The development of computer technology leads to the fact that board games are gradually transferred to digital format. Long backgammon is no exception, and it is now convenient to play them online, for free (no need to transfer money) and without registration. No need to buy anymore game set and go in search of an enemy in the courtyards - you just need to use the Internet and a browser to find a worthy opponent for yourself in the "Backgammon Online - Yellow Club" project in a matter of minutes. free registration on the portal for playing Internet backgammon.

Leaving your mail, creating an account with registration - you will install the classic backgammon 2.0 for two. Modern variations of the game in Long and short backgammon.

Varieties of Long Backgammon


It is allowed to build a screen of six pieces only if there is at least one opponent's piece in front of it.
Let's admit a screen with a “run”, when a block of six checkers is formed during a move, and is immediately disassembled.


It is forbidden to block a block of six by "mileage", that is, to build a blind block, at any moment of the turn.


If the player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with takes up to sixes. If the player cannot start playing the thrown double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent.
It is legal to remove one checker from the head for each take.
The player can take them out only from the fields corresponding to the thrown dice.
In this case, the player is FORBIDDEN TO WALK with pawns in the house.
If the player has brought all the pawns into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.


When a double falls out, if the player was able to make all 4 moves, then he rolls the dice again.
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unfinished moves. The opponent takes all unplayed moves.

Mad Gulbar

In this variant of the game, when a double is dropped, the player makes all moves from the dropped double to the double of six (for example, when the double “four-four” falls out, the player moves four times at 4 points, then four times at 5, four times at 6 points).
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the underplayed moves.
You can walk in the house until the last checker is brought into the house.

When the last checker enters the house on the last (fourth) turn of the jackpot, the next jackpot in turn is allowed to play.
After that, the progression of kush stops.
For example, if a player brought the last checker into the house on the fourth move of the jackpot 2-2, then he can throw four checkers from square 3 (play the jackpot 3-3). But he won't be able to play 4-4.

Khachapuri / Tbilisi backgammon

Modified Gulbar.
In the sixth hole of the house there are 11 checkers, 4 in the head.
You can shoot as many checkers as you like from the head in one move.
Traditionally, they play with a bet for not thrown checkers.

Fevga - Hurry

Févga - popular in Greece - the translation is close to the words "Hurry", "Run". This is a game of speed and good placement of your checkers.

Removal from the head

In the beginning, it is permissible to remove only 1 checker from the head and walk only with it. As soon as it passes the opponent's head, it is allowed to remove as many checkers as you like from the head.

If on the first move the jackpot falls out 66, 44, 33 - the second pawn cannot be removed.


In Fevga, it is allowed to build a block of 6 points in a row, even if the opponent's pawn did not advance. In this case, you cannot block all 6 points in your starting zone, at least 1 point must be free.

If your opponent has collected all 15 checkers in one point immediately before your block, you must break the block. Also, you cannot build a block of 6 if your opponent has already collected all 15 checkers in the point immediately before the block.

Fevga Rabid - Giul

If a player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with duplicates up to sixes.

If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the underplayed moves.
If the player cannot start playing the thrown double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent. The opponent takes all unplayed moves.

If the player has brought all the checkers into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.
You can walk in the house.

Play Long Backgammon online on the computer

Internet backgammon appeared not so long ago, and gamers were initially offered to play with a computer, and not with a real person. Today you can play with real people without registration and for free, using only a browser on a PC and the Internet.

It is convenient to play backgammon with a computer for children. Take your time to understand how to play Backgammon for a beginner.

When you enter the game resource, you can see the "Try without registration" button. This is a trial game available to anyone. Interestingly, it is also fought against a real enemy, not a computer. The opponent's waiting time, even on a weekday, is only a few seconds. Thus, this kind of fun becomes a great entertainment at lunchtime.

The club offers a lot of interesting opportunities:

  • playing with real players;
  • intuitive and simple interface;
  • the ability to play and communicate with gamers from different parts of the world;
  • Mini version for mobile phone;
  • Backgammon and the entire interface in Russian;
  • participation in various tournaments;
  • registration bonuses.

You can play long internet backgammon at a convenient time of the day without leaving your home or office. All online games are free and are played exclusively with real opponents, with whom it is certainly more interesting to play than with a computer. In addition, the fun can be downloaded to your phone. Versions for Android and iPhone are available.

Long backgammon- one of the varieties of the backgammon game, which requires the participants to have strategic thinking and the ability to wage a combinatorial struggle.

Two players place 15 checkers - each on its own part of the board along the left side.

The checkers located in the initial position are called "head", respectively, to resemble from the initial position means "to take from the head." You can take only one checker from the head per turn. The game uses two cubes (zars).

On the first move, the player has the right to remove two checkers from his head. This is done in the event that he is interfered with by the opponent's checkers standing on his head. For the one who makes the first move, the need to play with two checkers will arise when the following combinations fall out: six-six, four-four, three-three.

When playing in long backgammon the movement of checkers is counterclockwise. From the initial position, black checkers move from the upper right quarter to the upper left, then to the lower left and finally to their home - the lower right quarter. White's house is in the upper left quarter, where the checkers must move along the following route: lower left quarter - lower right quarter - upper right quarter - house. V long backgammon there are no knocked down checkers, since there are no oncoming fights.

Play the first move: Players roll one die at a time. The right of the first move goes to the one with the most points. If the numbers match, they roll again.

During the game, each participant makes throws only two times. After the throw, the player must move one of his checkers by the number of cells equal to the one dropped on one of the dice, and then any checker by the number of cells shown by the other dice. For example, at the dawn, four or two fell. In this case, the player moves one checker four cells, the other two. You can only move one checker six cells.

According to the rules, it is forbidden to move two checkers by the number of cells shown on one of the dice. If five or three fell, then you cannot move one checker by two cells, another by three, and then another one by three.

If there is a double at the start, i.e. the same number of points (two-two, three-three, etc.), then the player must make four moves, moving the checkers as many cells as the zaras show.

Unlike ordinary backgammon, in long backgammon, if six checkers are located in front of one opponent's checker, it is considered locked. Constructing a continuous row of six of your own checkers is considered the ideal result for interfering with the opponent's checkers.

It is prohibited:

  • put a checker on the hole occupied by the opponent's checker;
  • lock up all the opponent's checkers;
  • one of the opponent's checkers must be in front of the obstacle.
In a situation when the checkers do not go, that is, the player cannot move them to the number of holes that fell on the dawn (checkers fall on the occupied holes), all points disappear, and the player skips a move.

In a situation where it is possible to make a move on the number of holes that fell on one of the zars, and it is impossible to move a checker on the number of holes that fell on another dawn, only a possible move is made, and the points of the second are lost. A player cannot refuse a full move, even if it is not beneficial to him.

In a situation where a player can perform any of two moves, but only one, he must choose the larger one. For example, a combination of six or four fell. The player can move six holes or four. The correct move is six holes. In this case, smaller points are burned.

The winner in this game is the one who the first to pass full circle and, once in the house, throws all his checkers. The loser pays the pre-agreed bet.

Loss amount:

At the end of the game, if the losing player managed to remove at least one checker from the board, he loses the one-time bet. If the loser did not manage to throw a single checker off the board, he loses the doubled bet, this end of the game is called "Mars".

Learning the rules of the backgammon game

October 31, 2012

Backgammon is a game involving 2 people. For her, you need to have a special board, divided into two parts, checkers and cubes (dice). The goal of the game is to move the checkers around the board.

To do this, dice are thrown, on which points fall, and, depending on the dropped points, the checkers are moved across the playing field.

People have been playing backgammon for about 5,000 years. This game came to us a long time ago from the East, and in different times the popularity of this type of leisure activity has been constantly changing, experiencing ups and downs.

Backgammon was very popular in the Middle Ages and was called backgammon.

The rules of the game of backgammon (long) remained practically unchanged, but the rules of the game of short backgammon were established by Edmond Hoyle in 1743. Today they are very popular among Russians and residents of the CIS countries, they love this game in Iran, Syria, Turkey and Israel. All sorts of tournaments and competitions are regularly held between the fans of this game.

Backgammon rules are defined by the following subjects:

a rectangular board with 24 points of 12 on each side.

The point is a triangle with the base on the side;

6 points in a row located in one of the corners of the board are called a house;

the board is split in half by a vertical line called a bar;

each player owns 15 checkers of the same color;

the game uses one pair of dice (dice).

Backgammon rules (long and short):

each player takes turns;

checkers move in a circle, and each player has their own direction of movement;

first, the right of the first move is played by throwing the dice. The one with the highest rolled number starts. If the dropped score is equal, the dice are thrown;

each turn begins with a roll of the dice on one free side of the bar. If the dice hit outside the bar or on the checker, or stand unevenly, a second throw must be made;

one checker can be made from one to four moves;

if the points dropped on the dice do not allow making a move to your checker or an empty cell, the move is lost;

if it is impossible to use the number of points of both dice, it is necessary to use more points of one dice;

when all the checkers are in the "house", then by the next moves they are removed from the "house".

Backgammon rules are determined by the initial position of the checkers on the board. The one who took the first checkers out of the "home" becomes the winner. The option "draw" in backgammon is completely ruled out. The winner is always determined in the final.

The winner can receive up to 4 points for winning.

The rules for playing long backgammon mainly consist of the above points. In addition, you cannot put your own checker on the checker of another player; you can move any number of checkers; points on bones are not cumulative; if there are no admissible moves on the dice, then the move is skipped, since it is not allowed to build an impassable screen.

In addition, the rules of the game of long backgammon are that players must move checkers in one direction one after another counterclockwise. The game takes place at a previously determined rate, which is given for the points won.

The situation when a player does not have time to remove his checkers, while the second player has already done so, is called "Mars". In this case, the rate is doubled.

The rules for playing short backgammon have the following differences:

checkers move towards each other;

in short backgammon, you can knock out the checkers of another player;

the position from which the game starts is more difficult;

The player's "house" occupies 6 and 1 positions and the player's "yard" - 12 and 7, and his opponent's - 19 and 24, 13 and 18.

The rules of the game of short backgammon also consist in the fact that the checkers are arranged in the following way: the player has 2 checkers at point 24, 5 - in point 13, 3 - in the 8th and 5 checkers in point number 6. The opponent's checkers are located the other way around ... Perhaps you will also like this exciting entertainment, especially since the rules of the backgammon game are simple.

In this Video on the topic: "HOW TO PLAY THE GAME IN BACKGROUND - 6: 1 (SIX_ ONE)" interesting game 6: 1 myself c.

Backgammon is a board game for two players on a special board. However, there are three main varieties of the game - long, six-one and short.

  • 1 Rules of the game of short backgammon For example, if a player has 4 and 6, he can charge a checker in the fourth or sixth points, if they are not.
  • In this Video on the topic: "HOW TO PLAY THE GAME IN BACKGROUND - 6. 1 (SIX_ ONE)" You are my Friend, you will receive a lesson from one of my Friends at.
  • Of particular importance in this game are points 1: 2, which in other backgammon are rarely at the dawn, can move it to the corner (lines 24, 19, 18, 13, 12, 7, 6, 1).
  • The goal of the game is to get all your checkers into the house and remove them from the board before the second player does. Black's house is at points 1 - 6, while White's.

The rules of the game of classic backgammon (long). 1. General provisions White goes from zone 13-18 to zone 7-12, and Black goes from zone 1-6 to zone 19-24 (Diagram 2).

Backgammon short - rules, strategies, vocabulary, where to play online backgammon and Figure 1. Initial placement of checkers for playing short backgammon. In the game, the short ones are as follows: two checkers at the 24th point, five at the 13th, three at the 8th and five at the 6th.

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