Platoon training with a statistician at WOT. Useful tips for beginners in World of Tanks, which will significantly increase the level of your game World of tank training

It’s not easy for a novice WoT player to understand the settings, the variety of tactics and types of tanks. During the game you have to deal with large amounts of information - not always useful. WoT training according to a special program for beginners is aimed at those who are more or less familiar with the game. Recruits still have many questions and unclear issues.

Our WoT training section will help solve the problem. Here we talk about the most important aspects of the game, focus on the nuances, demonstrate winning tactics, the use of which will easily raise the statistics.

We offer you to easily and quickly adapt to the battlefield, bypassing the thorny path of trial and error. As a result of a simple WoT training you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of different types of military equipment and different countries, master the styles and modes of play, and comprehend the tactics of combat with this or that machine.

Using the support of experienced drivers, learn to easily overcome obstacles and destroy your opponents.

Each crew member receives experience for participating in battles. The amount of experience for each tanker is equal to the experience earned on the tank during the battle. The bonus from the commander’s “Mentor” skill is added to this value and a penalty is subtracted if the tanker was shell-shocked in battle. In addition, for elite equipment It is possible to enable the “Accelerated crew training” option. The experience gained by the tanker goes towards learning skills. After studying the main specialty, you can choose additional skills and skills. The number of additional skills is unlimited. Each subsequent skill requires 2 times more experience than the previous one.


When recruiting a new tanker, you can immediately train the tanker in the main specialty, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the tank in battle. It would also be useful to improve the skills of tankers who have fought several battles.

Tank Academy

For 200, a tanker can graduate from the tank academy, after which his skill will improve to 100%.

Regimental school

For 20,000, a tanker can be sent to a regimental school, where he will improve his skills to 75%.

Accelerated courses

Free - the initial value of studying the main specialty of a new tanker who has completed accelerated courses is 50%.


If a tanker who has a specialty in one tank fights in another, he will receive a significant penalty to his skill and acquired experience (this does not apply to premium tanks of the same class). But a tanker can be retrained for a new vehicle. At the same time, he will “forget” his previous tank. When retraining, it is impossible to change the main specialty. So, for example, a radio operator cannot become a tank commander. When retraining, a crew member loses some of the experience from their main specialty. Moreover, the loss of experience is a percentage of the percentage of mastering the specialty. So, if you retrain a tanker with 90% of the main specialty for credits, then he will lose 90% * 10% = 9% of the specialty. But this is not a loss of 10% of total experience, but about 40%! After all, 90% require 56,311, and 81% only 33,618, since the required experience for each percentage is non-linear. The experience loss increases if the vehicle class changes, for example from a heavy tank to a light one. If a tanker has unallocated experience (there is a plus for choosing an additional skill), then he goes to make up for the loss of experience in his main specialty.

Note: when using retraining, you can use a little trick and save money - train the crew in battles to 100% of the main specialization and, without taking an additional skill, accumulate 40,000 experience or more. And only after this, retrain the crew at the Regimental School - this way you will immediately receive a 100% crew and additional working skills. This method is also valid for Accelerated Courses, but retraining the crew on Accelerated Courses is too irrational.

Paid retraining

Paid retraining works on the same principles as free training. The same three options are possible.

Tank Academy

For 200, the tanker receives 100% of the main skill for new technology regardless of the initial level of proficiency in the specialty.

Regimental school

For 20,000, the loss will be 10% of the initial level of proficiency in the main specialty when retraining for the same class of equipment and 20% when changing the class of equipment. But the level of proficiency in new equipment will not be lower than 75%.

Accelerated courses

Free - the loss will be 20% of the initial level of proficiency in the main specialty when retraining for the same class of equipment and 40% when changing the class of equipment. Proficiency in new equipment will be at least 50%.

Crews for premium equipment

One of the main features of any premium vehicle (including gift tanks) is the ability to transfer crew trained to another vehicle of the same class to it without any penalties. For example, if a player has a Soviet IS-6 heavy tank in the hangar, then it can be freely used as a trainer for the crews of other Soviet heavy tanks. Crews from the IS, IS-3, IS-8, and IS-4 tanks are ideal for the IS-6. The crews of other Soviet TTs are larger due to the additional radio operator or loader, which causes them to lag behind in leveling up or requires additional fuss in the hangar.

We can conclude that it is not profitable to keep crews trained specifically for premium equipment.

An exception may be tanks with an unusual distribution of crew roles. For example, the German heavy tank Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f), controlled by a commander, a driver and two radio operators. Most German TTs have a classic crew of 5-6 people, which means Pz.Kpfw. The B2 740 (f) is not well suited to serve as a trainer for tank crews.

Thus, the crew composition of a premium tank is an important aspect that should be taken into account when purchasing.

Amount of experience

Training in both the main specialty and additional skills is nonlinear. Each subsequent percentage requires more experience than the previous one. The required amount of experience is presented in the experience table.

  • To go from 50% to 100% of a major, 95,484 experiences are required.
  • To learn 1 additional skill, 210,060 experience is required.
  • To learn the 2nd additional skill, 420 120 experience is required.
  • To learn the 3rd additional skill, 840,240 experience is required.
  • To learn the 4th additional skill, 1,680,480 experience is required.
  • To learn the 5th additional skill, 3,360,960 experience is required, etc.

Accelerated crew training

For elite tanks It is possible to enable the “Accelerated crew training” option. Then the tanker with the least amount of experience gets double experience (the one that previously went to the tank for pumping modules is added). In the interface, this tanker is distinguished by a golden “Tank Academy” icon. Since on different tanks different number of crew members, the average increase in experience from this option will be different. It will be most noticeable on tanks with a small crew.

  • For 2 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 50%.
  • For 3 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase by a third on average.
  • For 4 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 25%.
  • For 5 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 20%.
  • For 6 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase by 1/6 on average.

Leveling formula

A formula for pumping up the crew was experimentally derived. The formula corresponds to the given experimental data with deviations of no more than one percent.

  • SL(Skill Level) - level of proficiency in the current additional skill (in percent),
  • T.E.(Total Experience) - the tanker’s total experience, including all bonuses (first victories of the day, accelerated training, promotions),
  • SN(Skill Number) - serial number of the current skill (for the main specialty SN = 0).

The inverse formula allows you to calculate the experience required to learn a skill:

Read more about obtaining formulas and algorithms for training tank crews on the forum. There you can also download a small program that allows you to roughly calculate the time to upgrade from your current state to the desired skill.

The influence of skills on experience gain


The “Mentor” skill increases the experience gained by all crew members (except the commander) by 10% (with maximum study). Accordingly, the more tankers in the crew, the greater the benefit from the “Mentor”. Without active accelerated learning, the actual experience gain will be distributed as follows:

  • For 2 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 5%.
  • For 3 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 6.7%
  • For 4 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 7.5%.
  • For 5 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 8%.
  • For 6 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase by 8.3% on average.

Please note that in the case of accelerated crew training, the increase in this accelerated training is also increased by the “Mentor”. However, it should be understood that the more experience all tankers, except the commander, gain (due to the “Mentor” skill), the more often accelerated training “falls” on the commander himself. Because of this, real growth is slightly reduced. Below are the values ​​of experience gain (in parentheses - in comparison with accelerated training):

  • For 2 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 54.762% (+4.762%).
  • For 3 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 39.785% (+6.452%).
  • For 4 tankers, the increase in experience per person will average 32.317% (+7.317%).
  • For 5 tankers, the increase in experience per person will average 27.843% (+7.843%).
  • For 6 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 24.863% (+8.197%).

The Brotherhood of War(skill)

Since the “Combat Brotherhood” skill improves the level of proficiency in all skills, this also applies to the “Mentor” skill, and accordingly, also gives an increase in the speed of pumping the crew. Without active accelerated learning, the real gain will be like this:

  • For 2 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 5.3%.
  • For 3 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 7%.
  • For 4 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 7.9%.
  • For 5 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 8.4%.
  • For 6 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase by 8.8% on average.

With active accelerated training, the growth values ​​will be distributed as follows (in parentheses - in comparison with accelerated training without the “Mentor” skill):

  • For 2 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 54.988% (+4.988%).
  • For 3 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 40.097% (+6.763%).
  • For 4 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 32.674% (+7.674%).
  • For 5 tankers, the increase in experience per person will be on average 28.227% (+8.227%).
  • For 6 tankers, the increase in experience per person will increase on average by 25.266% (+8.6%).

Resetting additional skills

There is a skill “reset” system that works similarly to the current system for retraining tankers. Only instead of the main specialty, additional skills are reset. If the main specialty is not 100% studied, then the experience will primarily go towards it.

Tank Academy

Over 200 - all learned skills are “reset to zero”. The experience spent on studying them is completely translated into “free” tanker experience and can be spent on learning other skills and abilities.

Regimental school

Over 20,000 - all learned skills are “reset to zero”. 90% of the experience spent on learning them is translated into “free” tanker experience and can be spent on learning other skills and abilities.

Accelerated courses

Free - all learned skills are “reset to zero”. 80% of the experience spent on learning them is converted into “free” tanker experience and can be spent on learning other skills and abilities.

5 years and 11 months ago Comments: 35


Many people who were interested in this game, having probably already looked through the pages of Wikipedia on the Internet, learned in detail what it is. For those who don’t know, I want to tell you about it.

What is World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a client-based, massively multiplayer online game in real time in the genre of an arcade tank simulator in the historical setting of World War II, developed by a Belarusian studio The online implementation of the Russian version of the game took place on August 12, 2010. Online sales on site Europe And North America took place April 12, 2011.

The idea for the game itself came to the developers in December 2008. Having passed alpha and beta testing, many battles were held, many maps and vehicles were formed.

Every year the developers improved the game, correcting bugs step by step. Many versions of the game were released, maps were corrected, and equipment was improved. On this moment there are more than 300 types of equipment and more 40 cards.


The maps in the game are square, the average size is kilometer per kilometer, of course, there are smaller ones. Many objects on the maps are destructible, some are indestructible, such as stones or the walls of some houses provide excellent cover.


Currently available 7 branches of equipment, These are armored vehicles, Japan and. In the future, the developers plan to add equipment from other countries. The game contains tanks that actually took part in combat operations, as well as experimental models that were planned to be released, or were in single copies. All armored vehicles in the game are divided into categories, these are, heavy tanks(TT), medium tanks(ST), and self-propelled artillery units(self-propelled guns).

Now let's move on to the game itself. The official website of the game is, go directly there and first of all, I think everyone knows and can do it. At the end of registration, you can indicate, you can find it by surfing Fan resources or in the news, or by purchasing a bonus under the MTS program and the like.

Invite code gives a certain amount of gold, a premium tank is given, both forever and premium for several days. Great, after registering, we go to our profile, we see a small amount of gold there, and then the question is, what is it and why do I need it? Gold is a valuable game currency, is purchased for real money, or given for different ones, or for (more on that later).

Gold will simplify your development in the game, allow you to buy a premium account (you will receive 1.5 times more experience and money). Can be translated free experience from tanks, which will be useful in the future for the development of stronger equipment, you can also buy unique tanks for gold, which will also be much better than standard ones, and many other useful little things. Also, by browsing the sites, you can read about promotions, competitions and much more.

Bonus code

Most often it can be found on many Fan resources or on the off-site of tanks; they are posted on certain holidays, for example March 8, or can be found when purchasing the deluxe edition.

A bonus code gives either gold in a certain amount, or a premium account for several days; bonus codes also give equipment and very rarely a premium tank. In order to activate the bonus code, you need to go to the official website, log in and click on your login in the upper right corner, then select “Enter bonus code” in the drop-down menu.
Now that you have registered directly, all this can be done on the same off-site and preferably only there. So, having downloaded the game, we see this picture.

We enter our registered data, you can also select a server, and we find ourselves in the hangar. What do we see here?

Understanding the hangar

And we see 7 tanks that we get completely free, one tank from each branch. I highly recommend going education, there you will not only be taught how to drive, but also how to shoot and will be given gold at the end of the training. In the menu tab there is an option to exit the game, return to the game, settings and actually disconnect from the server. I advise you to go to the settings and configure it for yourself and your PC. Let's go to the bottom panel, here we see channels, mainly needed for communicating with other players.

Contacts, that is, our friends, you can immediately find and add them.

General tab, that is, a chat where everyone communicates, a company tab, you can create a company and recruit comrades for battle. Well, the next tab is the clan, since I have already joined the clan, it is displayed on me, until you join, nothing will happen there.

In the right corner we see account in this case, basic, then gold, below silver (earned in battles), below free experience, which can be spent on research for any module, any open tank. And the actual experience earned on this tank, which can be spent specifically on researching modules only for the tank you are playing on.

Game modes

Under the tab To battle you can select a game mode, all of them 7 .

Random battle with the selection of random allies and enemies of approximately the same level.

Historical battle Actually, it’s too early for you to think about it, since you need a certain technique and skill.

Platoon battle, that is, fight in a team, invite 1-2 friends and go play, it’s much better and more fun if you’re tired random battles.

Team fight , a battle between players of equal skill.

Company battle, as I wrote, a battle with manual selection of allies against random opponents.

Special fight available when you participate in tournaments and championships.

And finally, training fight, where you can test a tank, or practice with friends.

Now let's move on to the lower tabs, here we have a hangar right now we are in it, a warehouse, our tanks and modules and all sorts of small things will be stored here, a store, here you can buy tanks and a lot of useful things.

Achievements, shows all our received medals and general statistics for our game.

Research here you can spend experience on researching tanks or modules, or just see how much experience is required for a particular vehicle.

AND barracks, all our crews from armored vehicles will be stationed here.

We see 2 more tabs on the screen: service here you can repair the tank and buy shells for it, and appearance, here you can buy disguises or all sorts of emblems.

What tanks should I download?

Now let's move directly to armored vehicles. Where should I start, you ask? I will answer as you wish, try everything, whichever you like best, then develop that branch. Some people, after reading or watching guides about tanks, immediately make it their goal to go to a given tank and follow only one branch, this is your choice.

From the very beginning our crew I have already gained full experience and now I can put them on training unique skills by clicking on plus sign near the crew, the skills available for training will open, I think you yourself will understand everything that needs to be supplied and everyone will choose what they want. You have chosen a tank, do not rush into battle, go to maintenance, buy shells, put them in, check the boxes to replenish automatically, repair automatically, so as not to come here every time. Well, since everything is done then let's go to battle.

First battle in World of Tanks

The first battle and I don’t immediately advise you to rush to the enemy base and shoot everyone, if the area is open, you can wait, hiding behind bushes or a hillock, or you can go with a company of allies. If the terrain is like a city, then you can take a position for shelling and wait until an ally or enemy arrives, you can, of course, slowly break through to the enemy and illuminate, moving from house to house. So, if the battle is crowned with victory, you will receive silver coins and experience, experience can be spent on researching modules or opening a tank of the next level. If you lose, you will receive silver and experience, but in smaller quantities.

Behind good fights you can get different medals, full list You will find in the tab achievements.

And finally, I want to tell you, don’t forget to visit the official World of Tanks website every day, because there are some promotions every day. For more comfortable game I advise you to read information about tanks, take a look, they are also great for beginners (p.s. I hope the article will be useful to beginners and many other users and players.

And finally, here's a documentary about Wargaming.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163

Hello, my young, or not so young friend. This material will try to guide you on the right path,

So, you decided to play tanks, downloaded the client, installed it, and clicked “BATTLE”. So, what is next? And then, in the vast majority of cases, without understanding anything, you will begin to be stupid as hell, shoot anywhere but at enemies, interfere with your allies, or just stand at the base waiting for them to come to you. On the one hand, this is normal - at the first levels of the game, most of the players are just learning, and it’s not always the players who have a couple of thousand battles behind them and the top ranks in the hangar that are very different from you. However, on the other hand, you don’t want to be considered a noob (cancer, autistic, vegetable - underline as appropriate) in the eyes of the gaming community? Then turn on your brain and learn to play this game.

To get started, just don’t immediately click “BATTLE”, but go through the in-game “combat” training and watch the training video. With all its imperfections, it will at least show the very basics of the specifics of the game mechanism. You will understand the following: control is carried out, suddenly, using the mouse and keyboard; in order to hit the target, you need to wait until the information circle shrinks to its minimum size, and not throw it on the reaction, as, for example, in some shooter (hello “contra”!); Reloading between shots takes some time; Not every hit on an enemy guarantees damage; There is some kind of physics in the game and the tank will not fly across the battlefield and turn like a racing car.

Don't ignore this button...

The standard tutorial invites us to ride a medium tank and completely ignores introducing new players to the intricacies of playing on other classes of vehicles, of which we still have four. It doesn’t even explain the basic things: medium tanks (all ideally) should break through the flanks due to their speed and maneuverability, light tanks should play the role of reconnaissance (both active and passive), heavy tanks should push the direction using their armor, PT- Self-propelled guns and artillery - stand in the bushes and cause damage.

...and don't forget to click this one.

All of the above is, of course, a conditional average. Each tank requires a separate approach, which depends on its technical characteristics and the style of play you prefer. Each battle requires a separate approach, based on the battle map, team setups, and the capabilities of your equipment; you need to be able to make decisions during the battle, use the map, battle chat, and so on, so on, so on, which is learned as you gain experience playing World of Tanks. It turns out to be a vicious circle: in order to learn how to play tanks, you need to play tanks (yes, a tautology). But, still, this is not entirely true; you can gain experience not only directly through the gameplay.

It is clear that the training mode presented in WoT covers only 0.0001% of what you need to learn to play adequately. Playing without skills is, at the very least, not fun (although many players are trying to prove the opposite). What to do?

Here His Majesty the Internet comes to our aid with many resources dedicated to this game (the site is one of these, if you are reading this, then you are already on the path to success!) and countless different videos dedicated to the world of tanks. There is an official forum of the game, where experienced players can give tips and tricks, and there are also training videos from the developers.

Naturally, like any other game, it has its “bender fathers” - players who play better than most. They love to share their experiences with others by recording videos; such comrades are called “water makers” (from the abbreviation V ideo O n D emand – “video on demand”). If you make it a habit to watch their channels, you can learn a lot of useful things.

Considering the popularity of WoT, you will have to show your analytical skills in order to glean from tons of different information exactly what will be useful for learning to play tanks.

It also doesn’t hurt to have a friend who is experienced in tank matters. This guy can teach you something in practice, ride it in training or in a platoon, show you what to do where. But, before you turn to him for help, be sure to find out the number of fights he has fought and the percentage of victories, otherwise you never know.

I almost forgot one important detail - remember, World of Tanks comes first team game. Even if you learn how to kill a bunch of people yourself, like Chuck Norris, this still does not guarantee success. The reason is that you are one of 15 players participating in the battle on the side of the “greens” (you can’t play for the “reds”, don’t ask why), and if the team loses, you lose too. If you lose, it negatively affects your winning percentage, and believe me, this is what players really like to measure in this game. So you should always try to play for the team, not set up your allies, but rather help as much as possible.

Remember: study, study, and study again!

WoT is a seemingly simple game that requires knowledge of many nuances to win. It is difficult for a novice player to understand all the intricacies, so he makes a series of typical mistakes which regularly lead to defeat.

Hello tankers!

Do you want to quickly level up, earn silver and not become one of those 45% of deer who ruin the game over and over again? Check out the tips I've prepared that will help guide you in the right direction and significantly improve your level of play.

Do you want to be one of the best in World of Tanks? If so, learn from the best. Nowadays there are hundreds of streamers on YouTube with fun content about tanks, but even among them there are players who can teach you a lot.

I especially recommend paying attention to the channels of eSports players on tanks. Often they are the ones who can show the level of play that everyone should have. By watching the video, you will automatically highlight the main points and implement them in the game.

However, it is important that you learn to separate fan content from proper game content, because often streamers organize different shows and entertainment, but if you repeat this in the game, you are guaranteed to lose, and in addition you will also receive a couple of complaints.

Pay attention to how to tank correctly, what positions the player takes, what tactics he uses in critical situations, etc. Regularly watching such videos in order to learn something new will definitely bring results in soon.

Focus on farming

One of the main mistakes of beginners is that they try to get level 10 equipment as quickly as possible. This is the right direction, but once you reach level 8, problems with farming begin. The cost of consumables and car repairs is much more than you earn.

It’s even worse if, to buy a level 8 tank, you sold all your previous vehicles and now you can’t earn silver even for lower-level equipment. In this case, you have to donate, buy premium tanks, or level up from scratch to farm some silver.

My advice to you. First of all, pump out farming tanks and learn how to play them. Often this is a level 5,6 or 7 technique that can be obtained in a few days. Ideally, level up the T-67 - level 5 tank destroyer in the America branch and spend several dozen hours learning how to control it and upgrade the crew. As soon as you receive a lamp, a military fraternity, install a rammer and a camouflage net, a light and unremarkable tank becomes a real killer.

With the help of T 67, I was able to raise WN 8 to 2000, and also earn a large amount of silver, easily dealing 2-3k damage per battle. As for the rest of the equipment, you can see in a separate article on GamesLog which machines will bring in the most income.

Use the equipment class for its intended purpose

The worst thing in any battle is when a heavy tank stands together with a tank destroyer on the back line, firing from the bushes, and a light tank or tank has to take all the damage on itself. I've watched dozens of fights where the team lost because the players didn't know how to play their vehicles correctly.

Let's look at the classes in the game and how to use them correctly:

  • Heavy tank. In most cases, he should be on the front line, taking all the damage on himself, allowing other players to damage the enemy while he is on CD.
  • Medium tank. A breakthrough vehicle that deals good damage and can also withstand enemy projectiles. Often flanks an enemy and quickly kills using its reload and movement speed.
  • Light tank. First of all, this is a firefly, remember this! There is no need to try to hurt the enemy, in most cases this will end in failure, but it is also not worth going to certain death. Accurately highlighting enemy vehicles throughout the game is the main task light tank.
  • Tank destroyer. Cars far line, often with large-caliber weapons, capable of taking away most of the enemy’s HP in one shot. This technique is designed to provide support and damage, but due to the long reload time it becomes useless when there is no cover.
  • Self-propelled guns. For a comfortable game on the art, you need to choose the right place at the beginning of the battle with maximum coverage of enemies, throw directly from the respawn, which is not always possible. After that, we simply support the team, causing damage to the enemy at a distance.

This is the basis for every class, but there are exceptions. For example, heavy tank can be completely without armor and serve as a ST, while the pt-shka can be in the thick of things, tanking damage. However, the general concept should always be preserved and then the game will be easier.

Maintain the least defended flank

A beginner mistake that can infuriate any experienced player is herd movement in one direction. Let's look at the problem using the Lasville map as an example.

Two directions: city and gorge. If an almost full team decides to go only to the gorge, it will not be difficult for even 3-4 enemy tanks to hold back the entire crowd. At this time, the rest of the opponents will pass through the city, approaching your teammates in the rear, holding them in pincers. In this case, there is no chance of winning and the so-called turbo drain appears.

Try to support the direction with fewer tanks. Even one competent platoon can hold the side for a long enough time so that your deer, which are trapped on one flank, can get close to the enemy from behind.

Learn to correctly distribute your forces across the map, otherwise get ready for constant defeats.

Study the structure of tanks

Each tank in WoT is unique. Sometimes you go at the enemy and you can’t break through him without gold. To avoid pointlessly aiming at the enemy’s skin, study the armor of vehicles of your level. Now there are a bunch of mods for this and additional features in Game.

Remember vulnerable areas, correctly assess your strength and your penetration of the enemy’s armor, because sometimes it is better to retreat and enter from the side than to butt heads with a stronger tank.

The least protected places on armored vehicles are the NLD - the lower frontal part, the mechanical drive hatches and the joint between the hull and the turret, but this is not always the case. In some cases, the NLD is more armored than the rest of the corps, so it's worth watching the guides and carefully studying the structure of all tanks if you want to win.

Download the light bulb and the fighting brotherhood

The game allows you to upgrade perks (crew abilities). As soon as a crew member is upgraded to 100%, the opportunity opens up to upgrade him to one of the perks that provide certain bonuses.

Newbies start pumping up the ram master and other nonsense that they don’t need at all, but they miss the most important thing - the Sixth Sense and the Brotherhood of Battle.
The sixth sense (Light Bulb) shows when you have been detected. This perk is upgraded from the tank commander and will save your life more than once, no matter what vehicle you play on.

Combat brotherhood only works when all crew members have this perk. If the vehicle is specialized and you are going to fight a couple of thousand more battles on it, be sure to upgrade this ability, it increases all the parameters of the tank by several percent.

The remaining perks should be upgraded depending on the situation, but these two will be useful to you in any case, regardless of the class of the car.

Just because no one was shining there doesn't mean there's no one there

Another common mistake made by novice players is the inability to follow the game. They look at the map and see about 10 tanks on one flank, but they don’t pay attention to what kind of equipment is visible there.

Hoping to hit the jackpot and get behind the enemy, they begin to fly headlong and here it is, a surprise in the form of a woman, a waffle or another serious enemy that was waiting for such impatient ones. We get a landmine for full HP or a burst of shells from waiting enemies and go play on another tank.

Learn to control the game, enemy lights and the possible location of the remaining ones. It’s better not to take another risk and go on the other side than to expose yourself to fire in an open area.

Learn cards

The game has parameters such as gun angle and armor. If you don’t know the map’s relief, you can go to some hill where the muzzle simply cannot go down. As a result, you will helplessly wave your “proboscis” and expose yourself to enemy shots in order to inflict at least some damage.

The situation is similar with armor. There is equipment that simply has an impenetrable tower, but an absolutely cardboard body. Knowing the map will help you correctly use your advantage and tank thousands of damage with your tower, while independently holding the entire flank. This is especially suitable for the American T-29 and T-32, which have good vertical angles (vertical inclination angles) and a heavily armored turret.

Don't rush forward

The last one for today will be a rather banal, but no less useful piece of advice - play measuredly. Now WoT is going through the era of turbo drains, when the entire team dies with a crushing score in the first 3 minutes of the game. The desire to inflict more damage forces players to expose themselves, rush forward and get hit. Learn to gradually move deeper into the battles, only after you are sure of safety.

For some, these tips may seem obvious, but believe me, it is elementary mistakes that ruin the game. It is enough to change your attitude towards gameplay a little and you will see how much your statistics will increase, as well as your income of silver and experience will increase.

I hope my advice will be useful to you in the future. tank battles. Subscribe to the blog and write in the comments what else you would like to know about. See you soon.
