Darkest Dungeon Review - Dark but original story. Use pillboxes and stamps mainly on "thick" and hard-to-reach enemies. Have balanced Camping Skills in your team to complete big levels

So, Darkest Dungeon! How many in these two words with the letter "d"! Witches, necromancers, robbers, chthonic horrors with tentacles, pigs, abandoned ruins, sunken ships and dark winding corridors of the Darkest Dungeon itself! What is the essence of the game, how to choose the right characters and make up groups of them that can effectively fight the otherworldly evil, you can read in our large-scale guide. But where this very evil is found, how best to prepare for a meeting with him and what secrets hide the surroundings of the ancient estate, captured by sinister monsters of all kinds and sizes, we will tell in this article. So, love and love: Darkest Dungeon locations!

Old road

it starting location in a game that is also educational. Consists of two rooms and a passage between them. Has a fixed arrangement of curiosities and monsters. Its passage usually does not cause any problems, but there are several interesting points that players who like to squeeze everything out of the game should pay attention to.

Actually, the whole secret is to extinguish the torch in the starting room.

The level of light has a direct impact on the game, giving bonuses or negative effects at different rates. At maximum level, heroes have an increased chance of catching enemies by surprise and conducting reconnaissance. With a minimum - in complete darkness - they get more stress, they can be taken by surprise themselves, and the monsters become much more dangerous. However, on the other hand, the number of treasures found, as well as the chance of a critical hit, increases. You can extinguish the torch by pressing the light scale indicator while holding down the CTRL key.

This will lead to several consequences. Firstly, it will be possible to get much more valuable items, and therefore - to increase the starting capital before the first trip to the dungeon. The final room in this location contains a special chest that must only be opened with a key, otherwise all you get is poison or bleeding. WITH high level lighting it is almost impossible to knock out this key, but thanks to the bonuses from darkness, the chances are significantly increased.
Secondly, in direct proportion to the chance of falling out of treasures, the likelihood of a wipe increases, since none of the starting characters (Rogue and Crusader) have the ability to heal, and a couple of stray critical hits from the enemy's side can send the group to the next world. And if the Crusader with built-in kleptomania is not particularly sorry, then the Rogue has excellent starting queers and will be very useful in the future.

However, even if both characters die during the training process, nothing terrible will happen: instead of two, four heroes will appear in Stagecoach, so for the first trip to the dungeon, in any case, it will be enough. In general, manipulations with the torch should be carried out exclusively at your own peril and risk (as in the future throughout the game).

After clearing the final room, we get five thousand as starting capital (plus everything that we found in the training process) and we get to the City, which is the next location.


This location is used to manage the heroes and everything related to them, between runs in the dungeons. This includes: pumping the skills of characters, upgrading their weapons and armor, buying artifacts, curing negative traits and diseases (as well as fixing positive ones), and, of course, reducing the stress of unfortunate heroes. There are no monsters and battles (although there are several city events that offer us, like Mowgli, to shout the famous "We accept battle!"), But there are buildings with different functions and the economy, distinctive feature which is a chronic lack of resources.

There are only five resources in the game. This is gold and heirlooms, which are of four types: coats of arms, busts, deeds of sale and portraits. Coats of arms are the easiest to get. Heirloom values ​​are needed to upgrade buildings, while gold is used to pay for everything else.



Allows the heroes to relieve stress with three services to choose from: Meditation, Prayer and Self-flagellation. They have slightly different cost and efficiency. Also, each of them has a small chance of assigning a positive or negative character trait to the hero (including a ban on visiting this institution or, conversely, refusal of any other forms of stress relief) and a certain probability that the character willfully decide to stay for another week -two, becoming inaccessible for going into the dungeons.

Themed events are possible here. For example, for a particularly zealous prayer, monks can give the hero some artifact, or he can make an unnecessarily generous donation, and as a result you will lose 1000 gold. And when self-flagellating, the hero can receive a temporary buff to damage or a debuff to reduce resistance to bleeding (because he got too carried away).

To develop the Abbey, you will need busts and coats of arms. For them, you can improve each of the available services: reduce the cost, increase efficiency and increase the capacity of the premises by opening new slots in order to place several heroes there at once.

In addition to the heroes, another comrade, the Overseer, uses the services of stress relief. He is engaged in giving out a summary of events at the end of each week (after each mission) and, considering what the heroes are doing, he gets very tired of it. So one random stress relief slot in buildings will always be busy. This is especially unpleasant in the early stages of the game, when the upgrade for the capacity of the premises has not yet been made. Situations often occur when the only tank in the team cannot relieve stress, because he has a character trait that requires him to only pray, and this is what the Overseer is doing now. Sometimes it happens that he occupies the same place three times in a row, and usually this is accompanied by the situation described above.


Serves the same function as the Abbey - reduces stress. You can choose from a Bar, a Games Room and a Brothel. Heroes can still get some additional effects or stay there for longer than you'd like. Special themed effects are still there. In the Bar, a drunk character can spend extra money or even lose an artifact, and also get a hangover, which will provide him with a debuff on UCL and MTK. In the playing room, you can win or lose money / artifacts. When visiting the Brothel, the hero can receive several extremely useful buffs (+6 TFR or -25% of stress received) or lose money, artifacts and pride, and in return acquire syphilis.

The improvement effects are the same as in the Abbey. For the development of the building, portraits and coats of arms are needed.


Here you can improve the starting weapons and armor of the heroes. The weapon increases the Accuracy, CRIT and Speed ​​of the character, Armor - Health and Evasion. Weapon upgrades are a priority for most characters, especially in the early stages of the game. Armor at the very beginning is only necessary for tanks. What do you need to improve the equipment of the heroes? First, make the appropriate improvement in the forge. There are three branches here: the first allows you to improve weapons, the second - armor, and the third reduces the cost of buying equipment in gold. To improve the Forge, you need deeds of sale and emblems.

Secondly, the hero must have the appropriate level. All characters start at level 0, at which no upgrades are available to them. Further, for each level - from the first to the fifth - you can improve the equipment, provided that the forge knows how to produce it.


Allows you to discover and improve the skills of characters. In total, each character has 7 skills to choose from, but he can only use four at a time. The character build largely depends on the combination of the chosen skills. Each hero starts with four random skills, the other three can be made available for use for money. Just as with equipment, a hero must have a certain level to level up a skill. You can open skills from level zero, improve - from the first to the fifth, respectively.

The building has only two branches of development: the first allows you to improve skills to the appropriate level, the second reduces the price in gold for the services of the Guild. For upgrades, portraits and coats of arms are required.

Characters usually do not need all seven skills, and even pumped to the maximum level. We recommend that you decide in advance which skills you are going to use, and only improve them. Others may not be opened at all.

Forester's tent

The same as the Guild, but allows you to manage skills for a halt. There are three general skills available to each character and four class skills. You cannot pump these skills, but you can learn the ones you need if the hero did not get them in the starting set. As with combat skills, there is no point in unlocking everything, you only need the ones you intend to use. The building has only one possible improvement: a reduction in the cost of unlocking skills in gold. This requires large numbers of coats of arms.


Every week he brings new randomly generated heroes to the city who are ready to go to the dungeons in search of fame and fortune absolutely free.

This is one of the most important buildings, and it is recommended to improve it in the first place, or rather, a branch that increases the number of heroes who come every week. Initially, two heroes arrive per week, with maximum improvement - seven each, but four will be enough for a start.

Fun fact: Heroes are the only thing you don't have to pay for in the City.

The other two improvement branches allow you to increase the roster capacity (the number of simultaneously hired heroes) and get a chance that high-level heroes will come to the city (initially only zero-level heroes are available, with maximum improvement, sometimes characters appear immediately with the third). For upgrades, deeds of sale and emblems are needed, as well as portraits - for the sake of a chance for high-level heroes to appear.

There is no place for pity or sentimentality in Darkest Dungeon. An early Stagecoach upgrade is needed in order to have something to choose from, since zero-level heroes are cannon fodder that can always be sacrificed, and it is impractical to invest in them. You shouldn't take characters with bad queers (both positive and negative). If a character of zero level after a mission received an unpleasant negative trait, too much stress, etc., you can safely remove him and take a new one. Another thing is a promising character of the second or third level. You can already heal it, and improve the equipment, and conjure with skills.


Allows you to treat diseases, remove negative character traits and consolidate positive ones. One of the most expensive buildings in the game in terms of gold. Treatment of diseases and manipulation of character traits are carried out in different wards, initially one slot is available for both. A character placed in the Asylum cannot participate in missions. Removing "ingrained" negative traits (with a red skull icon next to the name) costs several times more than ordinary ones.

Improvements to the Hospital allow you to reduce the cost of services in gold, give a chance to heal several diseases at once and increase the number of chambers, allowing you to heal several heroes at the same time. For this, busts and coats of arms are used.

Hint: in one visit to the hospital, you can remove one negative and consolidate one positive queerk at a time. This will not save money - you will have to pay separately for each - but it will save time by making the hero unavailable for only one week instead of two.

Gypsy wagon

Allows you to buy Artifacts for gold. Every week there is a new delivery, sometimes even "very rare" trinkets (but they cost a small fortune). The building becomes useful closer to the middle of the game, when free money and the opportunity to improve the Kibitka appear. There are two development branches: one reduces the cost of purchasing Artifacts, the other increases the number of items in the assortment. To improve, you only need emblems, but in large quantities.


Here you can find a list of the fallen heroes, including the name, character class and cause of death. The graves look different depending on the level of the character and some other conditions of death. Doesn't get better.

Ancestral memoirs

It keeps records of what is happening in general and why it all happened. New entries appear after important game events, like defeating bosses, etc. You can also read the Journal Pages previously taken out of the dungeons. Doesn't get better.

Urban events

They happen in between missions and are mostly positive. Most of them are random, but some have special spawn conditions, such as completing certain missions. They are divided into four types:

  1. Events affecting the next mission.
  2. Events affecting the city.
  3. Events affecting heroes.
  4. Special events.

The former usually give some bonuses the next time they go. This can be additional damage in one of the locations, free supplies, or even ignoring the mission level limit.

Missions come in three levels: Novice (level 1), Veteran (level 3), and Champion (level 5). Characters with a level 2 or more higher than the required level will not take part in the mission.

The latter can somehow reduce the price of the services of the Abbey, Tavern and Asylum (or even make them free!), Give free upgrades for buildings or discounts on purchases.

Still others mainly allow you to get heroes in excess of the norm (the most common in this category are "You get two characters of a certain class"), as well as raise the level of some heroes by one.

The fourth mostly lead to mini-bosses and useful rewards for them. The exception is the event that brings one of the dead heroes back to life, albeit without equipment and skills.

That's all there is to know about the City, which is our base between endless wanderings through dark corridors full of monsters and dangers. Read on about the places to wander.

Interactive objects common to all locations

But before that, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of interactive objects found in all four locations. When you interact with them, the game offers to use some consumable. This usually leads to useful bonuses and extra loot, but sometimes the wrong item can provoke something terribly unpleasant.

In the "Item" column there is a consumable that can be applied to this curiosity, in the "Effect with an item" column - the result of the application. In the column "Effect without an object" - the probability of possible consequences of using an interactive object "with bare hands". There is also a "Type" column. The fact is that the game has a number of negative character traits that force the heroes to independently interact with curiosities of a certain type (naturally, without asking whether you want it or not, and not giving the opportunity to use any consumable). Checking the table, you can find out how dangerous this or that mania in the character is and whether it is worth getting rid of it urgently.

An objectType ofItemItem EffectEffect without subject


TreasureAbsentAbsentFamily values ​​- 75%

Nothing - 25%

Discarded backpack

TreasureAbsentAbsentTreasures (2pcs) + Consumables (1pc) + Journal Page - 60%

Card - 20%

Nothing - 20%

Mystical altar



Holy waterHeals an occasional negative personality trait+25 stress - 40%

Negative character trait - 10%

Nothing - 50%

Family chest

TreasureKeyFamily values ​​(4pcs)Heirlooms (2pcs) - 75%

Bleeding - 12.5%

Poison - 12.5%


AbsentAbsentAbsentTreasures - 75%

Nothing - 25%

Flare rack

AbsentAbsentAbsentTorch (1pc) - 100%

Altar of the Shadower

AbsentTorchSummons the ShadowerNothing - 100%

Stack of books

KnowledgeTorch+ 100 stress+25 stress - 22%

Positive personality trait - 22%

Negative character trait - 11%

Reduction of the light scale level by 25 - 11%

Magazine page - 17%

Nothing - 17%

Unlocked casket

TreasureAbsentAbsentAny items (2pcs) - 75%

Poison - 25%

You can find tables of interactive objects for each location in the description of the corresponding area.

Secret rooms

Please note that the Ancient Artifact can only be found in Secret Rooms. The entrance to such a room is located in the corridor and becomes visible only with a successful reconnaissance conducted by the group (the map found in interactive objects does not show hidden rooms). It appears as a yellow square with an asterisk on the minimap. To enter the room, you need to go to the icon and click on the background / press the "up" button twice. As a result, you will be taken to the room where this Ancient artifact is located. If you have not only the key, but also extra torches, it is recommended to turn off the light and get more treasures - the Mysterious Trapezohedron costs 4500 gold each. Also here you can find one of the unique artifacts - Barristan's Head (+ 20% DEF, + 20% to stress received), Dismas's Head (+ 25% DAMAGE, -15% Health and + 20% to stress received) or Junia's Head ( + 30% to the effectiveness of healing skills, + 20% to received stress).


This is the first and easiest (relative to other locations) dungeon. Mostly inhabited by undead, which the sinister Necromancer raises from the remains of local soldiers and your illustrious ancestors. Naturally, no one will tolerate such insolence for a long time, therefore, the first thing you go to clean is the ruins.

There are not many real threats here, especially at low difficulty levels. Local traps do little damage and slightly increase stress, but do not apply any nasty debuffs or other lasting effects. Also in this location there are quite a few interactive objects that give useful buffs, and often even without using any consumables on them. Most of the local monsters are undead that just hit (although sometimes quite painful) and do not cause much trouble. Ordinary skeletons and the Bone Defender themselves pose little to no danger. From the threats at the early levels - the Bone Courtier, as well as the Cultist apprentice and especially the Madman. They all put stress on the characters and must be killed first. Among the dangerous units that do high damage, there is one Bone Crossbowman.

Another option is to move the Bone Courtier or Crossbowman to the front rows. In this case, they will start using weak attacks, which, moreover, do not generate stress. If you manage to kill the entire frontline and clean up the corpses, leaving only the Crossbowman and the Courtier in the front positions, you will have an excellent opportunity to heal well and / or reduce stress.

At the higher levels of the dungeon, other enemies appear, worthy of close attention. Perhaps the most dangerous of these is the Bone Standard Bearer, which can amplify the damage to all its allies and, even worse, fully resurrect them at the end of the turn. There are several solutions. The simplest thing is to kill the Standard Bearer in the first place, but if this is impossible for any reason, poison and critical hits, as well as skills that remove corpses, will help: without them he will not be able to resurrect anyone.

Also, a more dangerous attacking unit appears than the Crossbowman - Bone Spearman. He is the second priority candidate for a quick and painful death after the Standard Bearer.

And, of course, the Bone Captain. This type of monsters - tanks with good damage, occupying two positions at once - is in every location, and the local Captain is the weakest of them, but still very unpleasant. He can give AoE stun for the whole party, he has a very decent amount of life and is hard to stun. However, by itself, he is not able to quickly kill the party, so the above units are still in priority.

What else? Gargoyles are most often found in this location. They have a very high DEF (50%), they know how to stun and move characters.

What are the best heroes to take to the Ruins?

From the obvious - the Crusader, tk. it can deal additional damage to undead. The Marauder also shows herself very well, since she has enough TFR, Damage and CRIT to, with a good chance, kill the Bone Courtier or even the Apprentice Cultist before they even have time to walk. Another option is the Plague Doctor: due to the ability to stun the entire backline and impose Poison, which is useful here, if only for the reason that Bleeding does not work for undead. The Vestal will also be very useful, and not even because of the bonus damage against the undead (unless, of course, you use the build through the Blasphemous Scroll), but because it stuns well, heals and, in general, has good synergy with the Crusader. Due to the ability to pull enemies from the back line and remove corpses, as well as due to the increased damage against the Cultists, which are often found here, the Occultist is also useful.

Interactive objects in the Ruins

An objectType ofItemItem EffectEffect without subject

Alchemy table


Medicinal herbs

Adds 100 to the light bar

Treasures (2pcs)

Poison - 50%

Treasures (1pc) - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Altar of light

WorshipHoly waterBuff: + 30% damage before haltBuff: + 20% damage before halt


KnowledgeAbsentAbsentCard - 20%
+15 stress - 20%

Random positive trait - 13%

Accidental negative trait - 7%

Magazine page - 20%

Nothing - 20%




Holy waterRelieves 30 stress+15 stress - 50%

Treasures / Artifacts (6pcs) + Journal Page - 25%

Heals negative character traits - 25%

Decorative urn

PossessedHoly water


Treasures / Artifacts (2pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Negative Trait "Remorse"

Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) + Treasures (2pc) - 45%

Disease "Creepy cough" - 7%

Accidental illness - 4%

Nothing - 22%

Holy fountain


The fountain

Holy waterRelieves 20 stress, removes negative effects and restores 12 healthRelieves 10 stress, removes negative effects and restores 5 health - 50%

Treasures (2pcs) - 50%

Iron Maiden



Medicinal herbsAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 40%

Negative character trait "Claustrophobia" - 20%

Disease "Tetanus" - 13%

Accidental illness - 7%

Nothing - 20%

Locked showcase



Treasures / Heirlooms (3pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Treasures / Heirlooms (2pcs) + Treasures (2pcs)

Bleeding - 50%

Poison - 50%

Locked sarcophagus





Treasures / Heirlooms (2pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)

Treasures / Heirlooms (1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)

Bleeding - 50%

Poison - 50%




AbsentAbsentTreasures / Heirlooms (2pcs) - 60%

Negative trait "Thanatophobia" - 20%

Nothing - 20%

Full armor



AbsentAbsentBuff: +15 DEF / +10 UKL before halt - 75%

"Ruin Adventurer" positive trait - 12.5%

This is the second location in a row, and now it can already cause problems and requires certain preparations, especially on Veteran difficulty and above. But the Novice also has its own dangers. Firstly, it is Ectoplasm, which can merge into the Large Ectoplasm and duplicate itself. In general, it is quite easy to avoid this - you need to kill Ectoplasm as quickly as possible, but sometimes this cannot be done due to other opponents / higher priority targets.

Having run into the mushrooms, the first to kill is the Mushroom Artillery, because she can infect with a disease and also knows how to mark heroes with the same Mark, while reducing the UKL, and her henchmen's mushrooms do an additional 50% damage to marked targets. On the other hand, mushroom zombies themselves are not very dangerous, and if you quickly eliminate the Artillery, you can heal / relieve stress quite well in the battle with them.

Dogs are also quite unpleasant, as they bleed, infect with diseases, and at the same time have a very high rate of speed. Although they do not differ in health or protection, and it is quite easy to kill them. Also, here more often than in other locations, there are bandits who are mechanically close to the rest of the local monsters.

At higher difficulties, really dangerous opponents appear. Firstly, this is Karga, which deals a lot of damage with stress, and in the front positions uses an extremely unpleasant attack that poisons and throws stress on two heroes at once in the first and second positions. Like any stress dealer, it is one of the priority targets for quick destruction, but when it is in the front rows, it must be urgently killed, stalled or moved back.

Not without a giant monster. Here it is the Unholy Giant - a huge mushroom giant with a very powerful single attack, the ability to mix the whole group and just a wagon of health. True, in return he has absolutely no PROTECTION, and the damage goes through him in full. And his stun and debuff resistances are not that high, so stunning and various debuffs are a great way to survive an encounter with this mushroom carcass.

And the last monster that deserves close attention is the Evil Vixen, which has a 48% UKL and a debuff to reduce MTK (which also marks the hero). But this is only half the trouble: the really unpleasant skill is that allows the Vixen to create a Necrotic Mushroom from any corpse, which completely blocks the healing effects for the characters.

Generally speaking, in this location, monsters have high resistance to poison, but bleeding and debuffs pass through them well. However, they themselves are also not averse to using them, so resistance to weakening and movement will not be superfluous. At the Novice difficulty level, most of the monsters are of the "Mystic" type, at the higher ones there are three dangerous opponents with the "Human" type. It is also worth noting that missions in More often are the most effective method earn a deed of purchase, which are necessary for the development of the Forge and the Guild.

What are the best heroes to take to the Thicket?

The Occultist is very good, especially on the Novice, because it deals additional damage to almost all starting monsters, is able to move monsters and apply a good debuff on damage reduction, which is useful against the Giant. In principle, for the same reason, the Leper comes well, who, moreover, has enough lives to withstand one or two attacks of the Giant. The Plague Doctor is useful due to his "Combat Medicine" skill, which is capable of removing DoTs, of which there are many, and treating diseases. The Mercenary performs well because of the bonus damage against Humans and the ability to move opponents both forward and backward. He synergizes well with the Crossbowwoman, who, moreover, knows how to remove enemy marks from heroes. The Trainer and the Savage also work quite well, since they have good damage, the ability to cause bleeding and have a stun.

More interactive objects

An objectType ofItemItem EffectEffect without subject

Ancient coffin

Obsessed;AbsentAbsentTreasure / Heirloom - 50%

Positive trait "Adventurer of the Thicket" - 8%

Positive character trait "Thicket Explorer" - 8%

Nothing - 34%

Animal remains

Body;Medicinal herbsFood (2pcs)Food (1pc) - 43%

Disease "Rabies" - 10%

Accidental illness - 19%

The negative character trait "Zoophobia" - 14%

Nothing - 14%

Eerie spider web

AbsentBandagesTreasures (2pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)Treasures (1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 40%

Negative trait "Slow Reflexes" - 10%

Negative Slow Reaction Trait - 10%

Nothing - 40%

Abandoned baggage



Any items (3pcs)Any items (4pcs) + Magazine Page - 50%

Poison - 50%

Mummified remains




BandagesTreasures / Artifacts (2pcs)Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Old tree

AbsentAntidoteAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 50%

Nothing - 25%

Untouched fountain

The fountainHoly waterRelieves 30 stressRelieves 20 stress

Shallow grave



ShovelTreasures / Heirlooms (3pcs)Poison - 50%

Accidental illness - 50%

Traveler's tent

AbsentAbsentAbsentTreasures / Supplies (4pcs) + Treasures / Heirlooms (4pcs) + Journal Page - 38%

Map - 38%

25 stress - 12%

Nothing - 12%

Sinister Totem



Holy waterAccidental positive character traitRandom positive character trait - 19%

Accidental negative trait - 19%

Bleeding - 19%

15 stress - 9%

Nothing - 25%

  • Bandages and antivenom are very useful in this area. Firstly, monsters here often impose bleeding and poison (and traps too!), And secondly, with their help, you can get additional treasures from several interactive objects.
  • Shovels! Obstacles are more common in this area than anywhere else, plus you can always dig a Shallow Grave for extra treasure.
  • Holy Water is useful if you want to be guaranteed to relieve a lot of stress with the Pristine Fountain. You can also try your luck and try to fish out a good positive character trait from the Grim Totem, or get rid of a negative character trait with the help of the Mystic Altar.
  • Medicinal herbs allow you to safely collect food from an interactive object, and also help on high difficulty levels when enemy debuffs get really nasty.
  • If you see a Karga in front positions - kill, stand or move back.
  • When meeting with mushroom zombies, first of all, kill the Artillery - it imposes a Mark on which zombies deal 50% more damage.
  • The ectoplasm must be killed before it can fuse and copy itself.
  • Giants need to be debuffed on damage or stunned, even the Warrior will not be able to tank them for a long time.


When the distraught Ancestor tried to drag all sorts of otherworldly entities into our world, at a certain stage he was engaged in experiments on pigs, trying to instill in them ancient monsters that do not have their own form in our world. He usually sent the results of his experiments into the tunnels under the castle, which gradually filled with rotting carcasses, both alive and dead. This is how the Pig People (or simply "Pigs") appeared - half people, half beasts, stupid and vicious, hungry for only one thing: to eat. Well, kill, but they usually combine these processes.

With rare exceptions, the area is inhabited by different-sized Pigs, of which not all are so dangerous. In addition, they are all of the "Beast / Human" type, which simplifies the selection of characters and artifacts. On difficulty, Novice, the most dangerous monster is perhaps the Pig Grunt: he has relatively high health, he can attack heroes in any position, inflicts heavy bleeding and stuns. However, he himself cannot boast of resistance to stun and bleeding, so it is quite easy to temporarily neutralize him. And only then, after killing weaker Pigs in distant positions, deal with him.

The highest priority targets for one-shot are Crippled Pigs, which cause damage with stress and infect with disease. In general, this region is still a breeding ground for bacilli, and it is almost impossible to get out of here without catching any disease. To minimize the number of diseases, you should first kill weak opponents with low health. These are the Crippled Pigs described above, as well as Cling Pigs (not interesting for anything other than a high crit chance).

Then there are the Drum Pigs - they impose massive stress on the entire team and can tag a hero with a Mark, while reducing evasion. In general, the Reserve has the largest number of monsters that generate stress in one way or another, so you should take care that you have ways to reduce it.

In addition to Pigs, Scavengers live here - giant carnivorous worms. They are of two types, larger and smaller, and usually move in packs, although they can also be caught with pigs. In any case, they should be destroyed as quickly as possible, especially the Huge Scavengers that appear on Veteran difficulty and above. They inflict a Mark with an unpleasant debuff on damage reduction, and also deal double damage (+ 100%!) To marked targets.

And, of course, the elite monsters that appear only on Veteran and Champion are dangerous. In addition to Scavengers, these are Butcher Pigs with high mobility, a huge CRIT chance, stun, strong speed debuff and poison, and Pig Taurus. If everything is clear with the Butchers - they just need to be killed as soon as possible - then the Pig-tauras require certain tactics.

This is a local giant monster that occupies two positions at once. He has a decent amount of health, 40% DEF and powerful AoE attacks, which, nevertheless, are very much tied to positioning. The Pig is really dangerous on the back line, which is not quite typical of the huge monsters in this game. The fact is that he accelerates and runs into the heroes, inflicting either a powerful AoE, or a single stun with knockback and significant damage. He also has a separate skill that simply moves him to 4th position. So the easiest way to defeat the Pig is to quickly kill all the other monsters (ideally after catching the giant pig itself) and clean up the corpses. Then powerful attacks will become inaccessible to him, and he will use the most painless attack in comparison with others (which is still not very pleasant, but still).

What are the best heroes to take to the Reserve?

Since all monsters unique to this area are Beasts, the Trainer becomes the favorite, who has bonus damage against them. The character seems to be specially created for this area: he knows how to impose bleeding (including massive), the resistance to which local monsters do not differ, he knows how to reduce stress, which is imposed here by everyone who is not lazy, and can also reduce PROTECTION with his Mark. which is very useful against Pigs. For similar reasons, the Mercenary is very useful: he has a good bonus against enemies with the "Human" type, which almost all monsters in the Reserve have as an additional one, and his Mark also reduces DEF. Well, they have good synergy with the Trainer.

Savage (who is just generally very good character) due to the ability to cause bleeding and one-shot enemies in the 4th position. The Plague Doctor is a controversial option: on the one hand, it treats poison and bleeding (which local traps impose) and, more importantly, disease. But his poisonous attacks are practically useless here - the monsters have a very high resistance to them. If you like the Jester, he too will find a use for his ability to massively relieve stress and cause bleeding.

Interactive objects in the Reserve

An objectType ofItemItem EffectEffect without subject

Bone altar



AbsentAbsentBuff: + 15% damage, 10 MTK, 5 CRIT before halt / Removes negative effects

Dinner trolley



Medicinal herbsFood (3pcs) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc)Food (1pc) + Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) - 37%

Plague disease - 13%

Nothing - 25%

Impromptu dining table



Medicinal herbsFood (2pcs) + Treasures / Supplies (1pc)Food (1pc) + Treasures / Supplies (1pc) - 25%

Disease "Chain" - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Barrel of alcohol



Medicinal herbsBuff: + 30% damage before haltFood (1pc) + Treasures / Supplies (1pc) - 33%

Negative character trait "Drunkard" - 11%

Nothing - 22%

Occult doodles



Holy waterDebuff: -20% UKLRandom positive character trait - 33%

25 stress - 25%

Accidental negative trait - 17%

Nothing - 25%

Pile of bones




Holy waterAny items (2pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 25%

Accidental illness - 25%

Negative trait "Bloodthirsty" - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Pile of scrolls

KnowledgeTorchMap - 29%

15 stress - 14%

Random positive character trait - 10%

Random negative trait - 5%

Nothing - 28%

Rack with knives

TreasureBandagesTreasures (2pcs) + Food (1pc)Treasures (1pc) + Food (1pc) - 40%

Bleeding - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Sacrificial stone



AbsentAbsent+50 stress - 50%

Heals negative character traits - 25%

Positive character trait "Reserve Explorer" - 12.5%

Positive character trait "Plunderer of the Reserve" - ​​12.5%

Quick reference guide: what consumables to take and what to pay special attention to

  • Medicinal herbs activate as many as three useful interactive objects, so it's worth stocking up on them.
  • Bandages are needed to stop bleeding, especially since the Plague Doctor is a very controversial character for a trip to this location. Also allows you to activate the Knife Rack, which gives treasure and food.
  • A bottle of Holy Water will come in handy in case of a Mystic Altar, which heals a negative trait, or a Heap of Bones, which gives good treasures.
  • Due to the unique corridors for this location (they are shorter than in other areas), you can take fewer torches. On the other hand, heaps of scrolls are found here, allowing you to heal a negative trait with one torch.
  • All because of the same unique corridors, the Intelligence skill becomes very useful, which allows you to reveal almost half a card at a time.
  • There is a lot of stress here. Take care of ways to reduce it.
  • The chance of contracting a disease in this location is the highest in the game.
  • Pigs are very dangerous if you don't know how to deal with them correctly.


This is an aquatic location, mysterious coastal caves inhabited by ancient Fish-Men. The ancestor used this place to obtain the dubious smuggling goods needed for his dark rituals. As a result, the Fishmen became much more aggressive and began to actively defend their territory, attacking people and drowning passing ships. This makes it difficult to supply supplies to the City, and at the very least because of this, the Cove must be cleared.

This is the last of the locations inaccessible from the beginning of the game (the Darkest, by the way, is opened immediately after training, but it is not recommended to go there) and one of the most difficult in the game. Local monsters act in a rather complex way, in conjunction with each other, using not only brute force, and traps are perhaps the most unpleasant of the existing ones: they impose a debuff on TFR and UKL, which lasts as much as 12 turns (on average, 3 battles).

The primary target at all difficulty levels is the Drowned Slave. This monster has only two attacks, one of which follows the script after the other. On his first move, he makes a rather unpleasant attack in one of the front positions, causing significant damage and applying stress. But that is not why he is scary: on his second turn, the Drowned Man explodes, causing huge damage to all heroes at the same time, adding stress as a bonus. Such an explosion can often lead to a wipe, two will most likely lead to it. Usually, killing the Drowned Man is not a particular problem, but sometimes he comes across in a bundle with the Marine Guard, who hangs Protection on him and begins to take blows directed at the Drowned Man on himself. In this case, the only chance to avoid the explosion is the stun, which ends the effect of the Protection.

Further priority among quick kill targets depends on the state of the party. In case the heroes are low on health, you should focus your efforts on the Sea Harpooner, which deals a decent amount of damage and can attack any position. If a lot of stress has accumulated, and everything is tolerable with health, you should first of all get rid of the Sea Shaman, who causes a lot of stress, heals other Fish-Men and can give them an incredibly strong buff on Damage, CRIT and Accuracy.

Jellyfish and snails are quite unpleasant, but they are not primary targets. Jellyfish stun, snails have a DEF of 75%, but very low health, so they are easily killed by poison (poison is generally very useful here, unlike bleeding - monsters have a high resistance to it). Both of these representatives of the animal world of the dark depths can infect with diseases. Perhaps the last candidate for death is the Sea Defender, who has a high DEF rating and the ability to cover allies with himself. If something happens - catch this fish and finish off the very last one.

On Veteran difficulty, Crushers appear here - giant crabs that occupy two positions at once. In addition to the high health and DEF, characteristic of all giant monsters, they have two very dangerous attacks. The first one knocks back the front line fighters 3 positions back (that is, to the last position) and with a high probability stuns. If your party does not have sufficient mobility, this means that a melee character will be useless for two or three turns. The second attack is dangerous, at least because it is often underestimated. She herself deals very little damage - something like 1-3 - but at the same time causes the most powerful bleeding (8 on Veteran difficulty and 10 on Champion) and with a bonus cuts all healing received by a third. If the bleeding is not promptly removed, the character can be dying in a couple of moves, or even die altogether. It is best to kill the Crusher with the help of poison or debuffs that reduce DEF.

The last local monster is notable for the fact that it only appears on Champion difficulty. This is a Drunken Ghost that does a lot of stress damage. Moreover, it imposes a unique status - Horror. This is DoT, like bleeding or poison, only instead of damage it adds 5 units of stress per round. In general, it is better to kill him as soon as possible, but this is not always so easy: he has decent health for a support.

What are the best heroes to take to the Bay?

The Plague Doctor is very good here. Firstly, it can inject poison, which is extremely useful due to the large number of monsters with a high DEF, and secondly, it removes the bleeding inflicted by the Crusher. The Warmaster will do well because of his high DEF. local monsters do a lot of physical damage and hardly use DoTs. The Occultist can be interesting due to the bonus damage against monsters with the "Mystic" type, which includes almost all opponents in this location. The Trainer is perfect for relieving stress, especially since he knows how to reduce the PROTECTION with his Mark.

Interactive objects in the Bay

An objectType ofItemItem EffectEffect without subject

Shell Chest

TreasureShovelAny items (3pcs)Any items (2pcs) - 50%

Bleeding - 25%

Nothing - 25%




Shovel+100 stressRandom positive character trait - 67%

Accidental negative trait - 22%

Accidental illness - 11%

Brackish pond

The fountain;


AntidoteHeals 5 lives and removes bleeding / poison - 50%

Relieves 5 stress - 50%

Buff: + 33% resistance to poison, bleeding, diseases weakening before rest - 75%

Accidental illness - 25%

Spooky Coral

KnowledgeMedicinal herbsHeals negative personality traitsRelieves 10 stress - 50%

25 stress - 25%

Nothing - 25%

Fish idol



Holy waterBuff: + 18% damage before haltDebuff: -25% damage, -10 MTK before halt - 50%

Debuff: -12 UKL to halt

Fish remains

FoodMedicinal herbsTreasures / Artifacts (2pcs) + Treasures (1pc) + Supplies (2pcs)Treasures / Artifacts (1pc) + Treasures (1pc) + Supplies (1pc) - 17%

Disease "Red Plague" - 17%

Bleeding - 5%

Nothing - 50%

Giant oyster


Dog treat

Treasures / Artifacts (3pcs)

Buff: +25 UKL

Treasures / Artifacts (2pcs) - 20%

Bleeding - 40%

Nothing - 20%

Nasal figure

ReflectingAbsentAbsentRelieves 25 stress - 67%

Buff: + 20% damage, +4 TFR before halt

Quick reference guide: what consumables to take and what to pay special attention to

  • Medicinal herbs are a must. In addition to activating several useful interactive objects (including Coral, which heals a negative character trait), they remove debuffs that hang local traps.
  • Shovels allow you to break open some local curiosities and clear obstacles.
  • Holy Water provides a nice damage buff when activating Fish Idol (otherwise, just don't touch it).
  • Bandages to be able to relieve the Crusher's bleeding for sure.
  • The drowned ones must be killed immediately, otherwise on the second turn they will explode and cause huge AoE damage to the whole team. If suddenly they are covered by the Sea Protector, use the stun.

The darkest dungeon

Actually, the Darkest itself, great and terrible! It was here that your distraught Ancestor escaped, having previously dug a tunnel leading to the very Heart of the World! To complete the game, you need to complete four missions in this region, each of which has a boss / bosses.

Attention! Going to the Darkest is very different from clearing locations! There are a few important differences here, which we recommend you read carefully!

    1. You can't just escape from here. In a normal mission, at any time, you can click on the white flag at the top of the screen, pick up all the loot and escape. In the Darkest One, the right to escape is bought only with blood! To get out of the depths of the dungeon, one of the characters will have to take fire upon themselves and distract opponents while the comrades-in-arms leave. What can you say, heroes - heroic death. Interestingly, if only one member of the group remains alive, he can leave the dungeon alive without anyone's help (after all, they can, if they want to!). But in the final mission, escape is generally impossible - the button simply becomes inactive.

If you do decide to run away, remove all Artifacts from the characters so that they do not sink into oblivion along with the owner.

That's all the features. Next, we will tell you more about each of the four missions, but we will not particularly touch on the bosses that are found in each of them. You can read about how to defeat them in our next part of the Darkest Dungeon guide.

Mission one: We are the flame!

This is the first and, according to many players, one of the most difficult visits to the Darkest. The size of the map here is relatively small - the "Medium" category. The main goal is to kill the Creeping Terror, the local boss. However, here is full of dangers and beyond!

The main threats are stress damage and heavy bleeding. But there is no poison at all, so you can ignore the antidotes and instead stock up on as many bandages as possible. It is also recommended that you take more torches. When it comes to stress, you need at least one character who can handle it well, so the Jester, Trainer, or Crusader is highly recommended. The Warrior shows himself well, since he can tank all this obscurantism, the Savage, because he deals good damage, including the fourth position of the enemy, and the Occultist, since almost all monsters in the Darkest are of the Mystic type.

The map is built almost mirrored, so all you need to do is go to the right all the time, periodically turning up or down at your discretion, and in the end you will run into the boss. However, some local opponents can set the heat just as well, especially if you don't know how to deal with them.

First of all, you should kill the Ethereal Witches. They look something like the Apprentice Cultists, and they are somewhat similar in abilities, but still much more dangerous. In addition to higher parameters, they impose much more stress, and also know how to put a Mark, according to which most local monsters inflict increased damage.

The second in line are the Sectarian Priests. They have quite a lot of damage, they inflict heavy bleeding and do increased damage to marked targets. Usually they go with Ethereal Witches - which is obvious. If you come across a pack without Witches, kill them first.

The next exhibit of the local macabre theater of cruelty is the Exalted Sectarian. He has no combat attacks, but he knows how to protect allies and heal them. At the same time, by itself, he does not stand out for special health or resistance, so you have two options. The first is to quickly kill him, so that then calmly and methodically cut out really dangerous opponents. The second is to catch the unfortunate man, kill everyone else and steal a little before sending the Sectarian to the next world.

There is also an enhanced version of the standard melee cultists, the Ethereal Cultist. The mechanics are the same, it's just that he is stronger. May be dangerous, but not the primary target.
There is Malignant Growth and Defense Growth - monsters that usually clump together. The first performs an offensive function, distributing stuns and powerful blows with bleeding. The second hangs up Protection, buffs other monsters and heals them, and also knows how to impose massive stress on players. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, but they prevent you from killing really strong opponents. The defensive growth is best stunned, Malignant is to kill, if possible, but only after the primary goals.

At the end of the mission, you will receive three Talisman of Flame artifacts, which protect against extremely powerful attacks from mini-bosses guarding quest objects in the second mission.

Mission two: light the way

The second run is a little easier, at least because it is already clear what we are dealing with. This time, our goal is to activate three Iron Crowns, each of which is guarded by a mini-boss (and one of them - two at once!). The largest card falls into the "Long" category, includes all possible types damage (stress, bleeding, poison and debuffs) and is by far the most difficult mission in the game.

You need to take with you as much bandages, antidotes, medicinal herbs, food and torches as possible. Local monsters inflict powerful bleeding, bosses - poison, there are several very unpleasant debuffs (including from bosses), as well as a lot of damage that literally everyone does here. There are several packs of monsters with Exalted Cultists that you can heal, but nothing more.

The necessary quest items are at dead ends at different ends of the map. In the lower right corner lies the Crown, guarded by two mini-bosses at once (it is recommended to start with it, because this part is obviously the most difficult). With a wise tactical move, he will return back the paths already traversed, so as not to get involved in unnecessary battles.

Caution, bug! In no case should you forget to activate the quest Crowns! If you leave the room after the battle and return later, they can become inactive, and then the only way out is to escape, having lost one of the characters, and start the mission again.

For detailed tactics of dealing with the Templar Warrior and the Templar Impaler, see the next part of the guide, but for now, just remember the following: you will need a Warrior, a Hound, or, at worst, an Antiquary. The fact is that the bosses have a special attack, Apocalypse, which deals an incredible amount of damage and stress. The only way to defend against it is the Talisman of Flame artifact, which is given for completing the first mission in the Darkest. But there is a catch: only three artifacts are given, and we have four characters. So someone is needed who will impose Protection on a group member who is left without a Talisman.

The Crossbowman and the Mercenary show themselves well as attacking characters. As in all the Darkest, the Occultist is quite effective due to the increased damage against monsters with the "Mystic" type. The Vestal can come in handy to heal those tons of damage that local opponents give out.

Of the new monsters, only Flesh Hounds appear here. These are rather unpleasant creatures, although not the most dangerous of the local inhabitants. They impose a little stress, they hurt characters with the Mark, and from a particularly unpleasant one, they throw them away and become the characters in the front line.

Mission Three: Belly of the Beast

This mission is not so much difficult as it is long. For her, they even made a unique category of duration - "Exhausting", which implies as many as four rests. The task this time is to find and activate the Lighthouse. Due to the fact that from the start we get four units of brushwood, the number of consumables that you can take with you is significantly reduced (and new ones, as we remember, there is nowhere to find here - there are no curiosities in the Darkest), and they are, oh, how are they needed in a dungeon length. From the good news - almost no one imposes bleeding here, so you can not take bandages stupidly. But you will need an antidote, as well as food, torches, and holy water with medicinal herbs.

Most of the monsters are replaced by new ones. Of the old acquaintances, only the Flesh Hound remains, well, and two weakened versions of mini-bosses from the second mission - Templar Gladiator and Templar Sniper. Fortunately, they do not know how to make the Apocalypse, although they are still quite dangerous.

Of the new inhabitants there will be Polyps and Antibodies - saports, which in themselves are not very dangerous, on Polyps you can even heal a little. Antibodies will simply stun with a high chance, Polyps - apply poison and move characters.

Local mini-bosses pose some danger. There are several of them here: one must sit in the room with the Lighthouse, which is located in the center of the map, the rest are scattered around the perimeter. The mini-boss himself is not particularly dangerous, but he has a friend who knows how to teleport the party to the edge of the map, from where you will have to go to the center again, along the way running into new monsters and, possibly, another of the same mini-boss. The good news is they do not heal in between, so when you return, you will find them as battered as you left them.

Of the characters, the Plague Doctor is extremely useful, who can stun the entire back row and heal poison, and the Savage, who can quickly kill the teleporting monster that comes with the mini-boss. The Trainer is also good, since all monsters here have an additional type of "Beast".

Mission four: heart of darkness

This is the final mission in the game, followed by victory, which, nevertheless, is just a ray of light in a series of endless suffering. The location consists of a boss battle (more precisely, its four different forms). There is no light level scale and no escape. Food is not needed here either. Only brave heroes face to face with the world's evil - nothing superfluous. By the way, if you bring the starting Crusader Reinald and Rogue Dismas here and defeat the boss, you can get a special achievement.

Actually, there is nothing more to say about this mission - it consists only of a battle with bosses, to which the next part of our guide is devoted. Until next time, and may your torch never go out, and the Leper never misses.

Specifications Variations Wizened
Hag Hag Hag
Witch OZ 66 99 135 Evasion 5% 14% 28% Protection 0% 0% 0% Speed 5 6 7 Resistance Stun 100% 120% 145% Blight 60% 80% 105% Bleed 20% 40% 65% Debuff 40% 60% 85% Move 200% 220% 245%

Witch (at different difficulty levels - The Wizened Hag / Hag / Hag Witch) is a boss type Human who lives in the Weald location.

Ancestor Memories - Witch

I had collected many rare and elusive volumes on ancient herbal properties and was set to enjoy several weeks immersed in comfortable study. My work was interrupted, however, by a singularly striking young woman who insisted on repeated calls to the house.

Her knowledge of horticulturalism and its role in various arcane practices impressed me greatly. My licentious impulse gave way to a genuine professional respect, and together, we began to plant, harvest, and brew.

As time wore on, her wild policy of self-experimentation grew intolerable. She quaffed all manner of strange fungi, herbs, and concoctions, intent on gaining some insight into the horror we both knew to be growing beneath us. The change in her was appalling, and no longer able to stomach it, I sent her to live in the weald, where her wildness would be welcomed.


The Witch was once a young woman who came to the Ancestor and offered her knowledge in alchemy and medicine. However, the woman was inclined to try her inventions on herself, and these experiments distorted her and turned her into a cannibal monster. With disgust, the Ancestor let her go to the Thicket, where she continues to create her experiments.


The witch always spawns at positions 3 and 4, while her cauldron occupies positions 1 and 2. Neither she nor her cauldron can be moved. When the cauldron is empty, it cannot be attacked.

On the first turn of the battle, the Witch uses "Into the Cauldron!" (In the Pot!) On one of the heroes by moving your victim to your cauldron. The hero in the cauldron cannot use skills, skipping turns, and takes constant damage when the player or the Witch takes a turn. The witch can walk several times per round (the number of moves depends on the difficulty of the dungeon).

A full cauldron has a small amount of Health and must be attacked to 0 so that the captured hero can get out of it. After freeing the hero, the cauldron immediately returns to its place, and the Witch will choose the next victim (possibly the same hero as in the previous turn). The cauldron is automatically overturned if the hero inside it reaches the "Death" s Door. The cauldron does not have a lot of Health, its damage to the captured hero is small, but increases with each turn. You can continue to beat the Witch with the heroes that cause the most damage to kill her as soon as possible, assigning the release from the cauldron to the hero with less damage.

It should be noted that the hero inside the cauldron will not be able to escape from the battle with the others and will die.

When the hero is inside the cauldron, the Witch applies the Seasoned to Perfection, Meat Tenderizer and Taste the Stew skills to the rest of the squad, focusing mainly on stress damage. These skills do not do much damage, but since the Witch can walk several times per round, and the Meat Tenderizer affects the entire squad, this becomes extremely dangerous for heroes with a Death "s door.


Apprentice Level
Skill name Attack type From the position Beats on position Hit chance Crit chance Damage the effect Effect on yourself
Into The Pot! Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 103% 0% 0 Capture to cauldron No effect
Meat Tenderizer Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+2+3+4. 88% 6% 2-4 No effect No effect
Season to Perfection Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 103% 0% 1 No effect
Taste the Stew Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 103% 0% 1 Stress +10 Heal 6
Veteran Level
Skill name Attack type From the position Beats on position Hit chance Crit chance Damage the effect Effect on yourself
Into The Pot! Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 109% 0% 0 Capture to cauldron No effect
Meat Tenderizer Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+2+3+4. 94% 11% 3-5 No effect No effect
Season to Perfection Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 109% 0% 1-2 Stress +10, Debuff: -10 ACC, -25% DMG No effect
Taste the Stew Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 109% 0% 2 Stress +10 Heal 10
Champion Level
Skill name Attack type From the position Beats on position Hit chance Crit chance Damage the effect Effect on yourself
Into The Pot! Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 123% 0% 0 Capture to cauldron No effect
Meat Tenderizer Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+2+3+4. 108% 12% 4-8 No effect No effect
Season to Perfection Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 123% 0% 1-3 Stress +10, Debuff: -10 ACC, -25% DMG No effect
Taste the Stew Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 123% 0% 2 Stress +10 Heal 12


For the fight with the Witch, skills are extremely important, which can reach up to 3 and 4 positions, because the Witch cannot be swapped with the cauldron. The Witch does not have super-large health reserves, so it is recommended to ignore the hero who got into the cauldron (of course, if he does not have the highest damage in the squad), and focus on the Witch, trying to kill her before she boils the hero in the cauldron to the state of death "(Death" s Door). If the hero goes into a state of "at death", the cauldron will roll over and splash out the hero, allowing you to apply treatment to him.

Some players prefer to conduct the battle in low light due to the boss attack mechanics, since the increased accuracy and damage do not strengthen the Witch as much as the unit increases the increased critical strike chance, which allows you to kill the Witch as quickly as possible, ignoring the hero who fell into the cauldron.

Another strategy is to take 2 or even 3 Savages into the squad. The reason for this is that the camp skill Battle Trance works on both the Witch and her cauldron, the Witch is extremely vulnerable to attacks with the Bleeding effect, cannot move, so you can use the Iron Swan, which deals a very large amount of damage every turn.

A unit built on Dodge is also usable in Witch combat. By combining high dodge heroes with the Warmaster's Bolster skill and dodge-enhancing camp skills, you can achieve the Cauldron! (Into the Pot!) Will always miss the target, which will significantly reduce incoming damage and allow all 4 heroes to quickly end the boss fight.

Remember that the hero placed in the cauldron vacates his position, and the next ally after him will move to that place. Make sure the heroes can hit positions 3 and 4 after moving.

Attention! This material is relevant for the version of the game 7794. If you notice any inaccuracies, then leave a description in the comments. Update is possible.

After a bad start, do not restart the game.

In order to lose in the Darkest Dungeon you need to really, really try. The fact is that throughout the game you have access to a free live resource, namely, new heroes who, regardless of the circumstances of your previous campaigns, appear again and again in the recruiter's wagon.

A cemetery of heroes with a description of where and from whose hands they died. Nervous people are often not recommended to look through the list.

The deaths of previous recruits only affect the length of the list in the graveyard. Therefore, it makes no sense to start all over again, especially if you have upgraded several buildings.

Choose heroes for the roster carefully.

First of all, pay attention to the applicant's illnesses - the fewer the better. Next, check the hero's abilities and choose the one that has more useful ones, because you will have to spend extra money to retrain a hero with "left" skills that you do not use.

Make balanced city upgrades.

Do not neglect the reduction in the cost of healing, improving armor and weapons, as well as pumping abilities, since, for example, you cannot pump a character of the first level of armor or weapons of the second level.

Don't worry - you won't be able to put on the first level armor on the hero of the zero level either.

That is, in order to wear level 4 armor, a character must be at least level 4. Therefore, if you do not have high-level heroes in your team, then it is worth spending resources on reducing the cost of buying skills, armor, weapons, etc.

Reduce the cost of buying survival abilities last.

This is due to the fact that at first there will be few long trips, much more often short and medium ones will come across. In the first, you will not be able to use these abilities at all, and in the second, only once, and this time their incorrect selection will not be critical. In addition, short runs are best for farming, as you need fewer resources to complete them, which clog fewer inventory slots and you can take almost anything that comes to hand in the dungeon.

Improvement not only lowers the cost of hiking skills, but also increases their number.

After increasing the number of heroes in the roster, you can rather painlessly assemble a group with various hiking skills, instead of buying the necessary ones in the tent.

Gather teams and highlight the "dream-team".

After a few experiments with the composition of the team, you will understand your ideal combination, which you will be comfortable playing. Because in the roster you can have a maximum of 20 heroes, then we have 5 teams of 4 people each. Do not recruit random classes from the wagon to your roster - select specific classes for future teams. Create a team with classes of heroes that you do not yet understand in order to experiment once again, find out their strengths and weaknesses.

Dream Team Candidate: Lots of useful permanent buffs and one minor disease.

In this case, there is no need to rush, if the required class is not there, and there is no one to go, then recruit random heroes for a "suicidal campaign", the purpose of which will be to update the recruitment of recruits in the wagon, to make maximum money from the campaign, followed by the dismissal of all the heroes of such a "suicidal campaign" », Who have picked up stress and on whose treatment it is a pity to spend money.

Have balanced Camping Skills in your team to complete large levels.

On campaigns, you will deal with stress, low health, pillboxes and debuffs, as well as possible battles immediately after the collapse of the camp. Therefore, in a full-fledged team that expects to go through long runs through the dungeons without any problems, there should be heroes with different abilities.

Excellent walking ability Vestal, reducing stress to religious team members (Bounty Hunter, Crusader, Occultist).

That is, a team sharpened, for example, for relieving stress in the camp, can easily end the journey without a solo drink due to the fact that it could not replenish a sufficient amount of health during the parking due to the lack of the necessary skills of its members.

Spend your resources wisely on upgrades.

Don't improve anything just because "I have enough for it right now!" Decide what is critical for you in this situation: if your team has picked up diseases that need to be urgently cured, then there is no point in investing in the forge, and if your heroes are greatly "sucked", then of course there is no point in improving some cathedral to relieve stress right here and now, especially if you have few characters with a critical level of stress. Be patient and after one successful or not so successful trip, improve what you really need desperately. Do not forget about "suicidal campaigns" for the farm.

Treat critical illness first.

All diseases that give a digital minus are treated first. All other diseases are situational and therefore less dangerous. These include kleptomania, various phobias and desires to climb into any chest or ransack any altar. The logic here is simple - you may not come across altars and other dangerous things, and these diseases may simply not work. But diseases with digital cons always work (with the exception of cons for specific types of enemies).

Typical "critical" illness. In the Weald dungeon, Masha will be stressed by 20% more. It is better to heal right away than to unexpectedly find such a hero in this particular dungeon with this ailment.

Also watch out for diseases that prevent characters from relieving stress in the city in any building (cathedral or tavern), especially if you do not have these buildings improved. Do not treat "useless" diseases. For example, a character who does not hang up pillboxes may "get sick" minus the chance to impose pillboxes. It is clear that there is no need to spend money on curing this disease.

Lisa has a -5 to attack accuracy from a distance. Because she is Hellion and she has an ax in her hands (unexpectedly), which she cannot throw, then there is no need to cure this disease.

Open obscure objects with a character with less stress and high health.

If you are lazy, do not want to go to the DD wiki, and you have little experience yet about what you can meet in the game's dungeons and what effect climbing with playful hands on incomprehensible gizmos will entail, I recommend opening everything with a healthy and stress-resistant hero. You can accidentally receive a debuff or a huge chunk of stress, as a result of which the hero runs the risk of dying or going insane. Well, or "if you don't know, don't touch."

Before the hike, calculate the amount of money you need to comfortably pass it.

First of all, after returning to the city, decide which next dungeon you will go to, who will go into it, estimate how much you will spend on supplies (food, shovels, torches, etc.). So you will understand how much free money you will have that you can spend on healing, stress relief and pumping the skills of heroes.

One hundred and fifty gold in the remainder. We don't treat anyone, we don't buy anything.

Such a sequence will not leave a chance to mindlessly spend gold on the city and heroes, while remaining without supplies for the next journey. Does not apply to "suicidal trips", which you can go without supplies at all.

Keep pumped heroes.

Yes, you cannot lose in the Darkest Dungeon due to the constant influx of people who want to get brainwashed in dark corners, but you can lose a ton of time and money if you lose a really pumped hero (s) in the race. Even the most obvious reward is not worth the money and effort that you spent on a character, say, the fourth level.

A very useful button, which when "there is no time to explain, everything is bad" will allow you to escape from the battle, sparkling with your heels.

This is especially true for combat units without diseases and with accumulated permanent buffs (displayed to the left of diseases in yellow), highly pumped skills, armor and weapons. The beauty is that you can exit combat at any time on your turn. Do not neglect this opportunity, do not shower bosses with corpses, be prudent.

Kill single targets.

The best heal of your squad and the best way to avoid stress is to quickly kill the enemy. It makes no sense to leave four targets with 5% health and still receive damage or a large portion of stress from each on the next turn. Use abilities that cause damage to multiple enemies in situations where, for example, one of the targets has very little health and you are guaranteed to kill it, while hitting a nearby enemy. Leave armored priests for a snack, first of all taking out targets with high damage and low amount of life. Do not forget about the priorities at a particular moment in time - if the main thing for you is not to get stress, then kill the enemies that inflict it one after the other (usually such uncomfortable opponents stand behind), if you have problems with the health of the team, then focus on the low-armored targets with high damage. The more you play, the faster you will study enemies - which of them criticizes more often, who puts stress on, who hits several targets at once, etc. Memorize the abilities of opponents and then you can understand who poses the greatest threat.

Stack dots and buffs.

All dots and buffs in the game stack up to a certain level, so do not hesitate to attack enemies as many pillboxes as possible, and as many buffs as possible on yourself. Stacking buffs on yourself is especially effective before facing bosses, when you are on a halt in the room next to the boss. Stack as many buffs as possible on your best damage dealer and good luck!

Use pillboxes and stamps mainly on "thick" and hard-to-reach enemies.

There is no point in using pillboxes or stamps on weak targets (which you can kill in one or two hits), on targets that are about to die. At the same time, pillboxes and marks are extremely effective on "fat" bosses and "fat" enemies, which you will pick for a long time. Dotas also perform well on bosses or simple enemies, which roll back to their last positions over time, guiding skeletons in front of them (Necromancer boss) or worse. Do not forget to check the enemy's resists before placing a pillbox on him.

Have at least one crusader in your team.

Pretty controversial advice, but only this hero has the ability to relieve stress right during the fight. It is because of this ability that it is worth taking him to the team. If your gang has accumulated a lot of stress, then leave one or two frail enemies, and relieve stress from your heroes with a crusader, while stunning the enemy.

Love him for stress heal +5.

Remember that if you do this without damaging enemies for several turns, the heroes will get stressed. If your team does not have stunning abilities, then hit the remaining enemies that you only need to relieve stress with low damage abilities (various tags, pillboxes, etc.).

Think over the route through the dungeon.

As soon as you get to the map, the first thing to do is make a route in which you would have to go as little as possible through the already open passages and rooms. This will save you time on the passage, save the heroes from unnecessary stress and will save you on torches.

Try not to use abilities that rearrange enemies.

The main purpose of using such skills is to pull forward an uncomfortable and dangerous enemy standing behind, and then kill him with the skills of heroes who can only apply the first 2-3 targets well. There are three reasons why I am giving this advice. Firstly, sometimes it is easier to kill the enemies standing in front, so that the enemy standing behind him, as it were, will be pulled up to you. The exception is when the first two places are occupied by one fat enemy, but even in such a situation it is sometimes easier to kill the monster standing at position 3, thereby pulling up position 4 to the position of the enemy killed at position 3. Secondly, the abilities that rearrange enemies do very little damage and, roughly speaking, you lose a whole turn on this, which could have been spent on dealing damage to the monsters in front. Thirdly, when assembling a team, it is advisable to have a hero in the third or second position who could more or less beat all the targets, or at least the target in position 3.

There are easy, simple games. There are normal games for people. There are difficult games for masochists and just fans of difficult tasks. And there are hopeless games, playing in which you understand that everything is decay, that life is a fleeting thing, and that very evil uncles live somewhere who hate all this gamer, casual kid, and who want this very kid to get wet from their own tears. Tears of irresistible sadness from the realization of the futility of being and one's own insignificance. Darkest Dungeon is just that.

Darkest Dungeon appeared on Steam on February 19th, 2016. Prior to that, she had been in the rank of an early version for several months, but even then it was clear that Dark Dungeon was one of the most difficult and merciless games of our time, which, however, does not prevent her from holding a solid first place in the same Steam in the category with the label “ Turn based game". In general, as you understand, now we will tell you a little about how it is to win in the Darkest Dungeon, or, at least not to lose for a long time, but how to simply not lose right away.

The first thing to remember is that hunting for treasures and heirlooms like busts, jewelry and other items is not a top priority. This is not something that should be put at the forefront of any mission. Not throughout the entire game, anyway. In the beginning, you will definitely need this, because you will somehow need to pump your heroes. But in the future, try to play in such a way as to set a course for accomplishing Feats. Well, be sure to choose the right priorities, pumping first of all the Blacksmith and Trainer. These are the two main NPCs, without which you simply cannot go further.

When choosing missions, shuffle your team every time, reorganizing it and rearranging the fighters depending on their phobias and combat parameters. Do not be lazy to look into the soul of each fighter and see what exactly he is afraid of. As you progress, some of your heroes will be afraid of everything in the world. Someone of darkness, and someone of certain damage, and someone of a specific type of enemy. At the same time, already having experience in passing specific missions, you will know what kind of enemies you will come across there, and what kind of attacks they will be afraid of. So remember old game Stone, Scissors, Paper, and try to select the composition not only in such a way as to protect your warriors, and in such a way as to inflict as much harm on opponents as possible. For example, characters who have anti-beast (anti-beast) damage - in the Weald, for "fat" monsters with a large supply of lives, a hero with "bleeding" damage is needed. There are especially many of them in the Warrens, and in the Cove location, those heroes who inflict burn or poison attacks.

Competent team rotation is the key to victory.

Also, do not think that after a few battles you have invented the ideal, so-called, "imbalance" arrangement. Yes, indeed, after several victories you can believe in this, but at one fine moment, some nondescript group of monsters will destroy, or simply thoroughly pat your squad. But one should not forget that the deceased hero cannot be resurrected - this is the most offensive detail of this game.

And you also don't need to be afraid of medium or even long missions. By focusing only on short dungeons, you run the risk of twisting the game in the wrong direction. It is much easier to go through a long dungeon, having previously had a good rest, than a short one, but without rest. Also, don't forget about basic hero rotation. Well, and most importantly - get a good rest before the boss fight. This is obvious, but nevertheless mandatory advice.

In general, the ability to shuffle fighters is the main guarantee of victory. And in order to shuffle them, you need to have a shuffled command that needs to be rearranged. In Darkest Dungeon, each fighter has the most comfortable position. But there are also those fighters who feel best at one point. Therefore, the worst thing you can do with your team is to collect it from the heroes who will claim the same place. In this case, you can easily be destroyed even by a small group of weak opponents who know how to carry out competent rotation. Your group needs a backbone, and the most versatile backbone is the Warrior, Crusader, and Nun.

Use amulets wisely, or, as they are also called, key chains. Remember that sometimes a seemingly useful trinket can be the cause of the death of your entire team. You will not always come across a keychain that has only positive effects. Often you will come across those where in the background positive effect, there will also be a negative effect. In this regard, one of the illustrative cases is the use of a trinket that increases damage by 1-2 points, but reduces initiative. As a result, it is worth considering: is it worth minimizing this very damage, sacrificing, for example, the fact that your Crusader will be the last to beat? Will there be any sense at all in his blow by that time?

Before a difficult mission, rest at the Brothel and the Manor, and visit the Blacksmith and Trainer.

Don't be greedy about training soldiers. A miser pays twice, but in this game, deciding that it is enough, saving several hundred coins before a difficult campaign, and not buying the proper number of shovels, torches, bandages and medicines, you risk losing a warrior forever, in whom you have already invested several thousand. Think about it.

But there is a dark side to the above idea. In the process of passing, you are guaranteed to acquire a couple of neurotic fighters, whose psychoses are so great that these characters do not leave a state of deep stress, and there is no longer any possibility to rush with them through taverns and brothels so that they get better there. In this case, you need to remember that "driven horses are shot", but no one will mind if before that they fight a little more, earning for you a few additional hundred coins. Therefore, when you dig up such fighters with whom it is time to leave, equip them according to the budget model and send them on a couple of tasks from which they most likely will not return. Such is practical cynicism.

You also need to immediately blacklist low-level characters who at the beginning of their career picked up negative features. The sooner you part with these, the better for you and your wallet. And the sooner you recognize those heroes, on the pumping of which it is better not to spend money, the better. Cruel, but such is life in the Dark Dungeons.

Part with the heroes who have picked up psychosis, not forgetting to make money on them before.

In the early stages of the game, skills such as Corruption and Bleeding will bring a special effect. Attacks with this effect are especially good for “fat” enemies, and for “skinny” ones that fall in batches, they also work well. Neglecting such attacks is one of the main mistakes beginners make. The reason is that these attacks do little initial damage, and it might seem like it’s all for nothing. But after a couple of moves, Corruption or Bleeding will put more enemies into the graves for the second time than those who died from the sword.

Focusing the attack of the entire group on one enemy is always better than dispersing the attack on all opponents at the same time. This is another commonplace, but at the same time, effective advice. Remember that the faster you put one enemy from the group back into the ground, the faster this group will have a reduction in the number of possible attacks.

A psychosis, especially by a strong fighter, is much more dangerous than simply receiving, albeit tangible, damage. Such a fighter, if he happens to survive, will then require a lot of money to recover, and he is unlikely to be cured. In the meantime, in the course of the battle, infected with stress, he will drag your entire team to the bottom. Therefore, before the start of the battle, evaluate your enemies and beat the one that will send psychosis. This is goal # 1 for you.

After you deal with the enemies that send fear, pay full attention to those who have a ranged attack. Such guys, as a rule, find you the most "skinny" character and purposefully target him. And, if they are not stopped, they often achieve their goal. Remember that there are a lot of monsters, and you have few heroes, so exchanging 1x2, 1x3 or even 1x5 will not suit you absolutely, so hit the distancers next, especially since such enemies can stun your shooter, who is pushed into the rearguard of your group, and from there it will be of little use. Well, thirdly, you should be interested in those who inflict attacks with consequences such as poisoning or bleeding.

If there is no way to hit the most dangerous, then try to weigh all the chances, and alternately unleash attacks on the enemy whose turn has not yet come. If you calculate everything correctly, then, perhaps, his turn will never come.

These were all the basic tips a beginner needs to help them adventure through the dark world of Darkest Dungeon.

A review of Darkest Dungeon was enough challenging task... The game is a hand-drawn turn-based RPG. The player is the commander of a squad of heroes who challenged gloomy dungeons. Naturally, according to all the laws of the genre, the dungeons are teeming with evil spirits that are ready to tear our heroes to shreds.

Darkest Dungeon mechanics

The mechanics of this indie roguelike are no different from the representatives turn-based strategies... At our disposal 4 heroes, we type them ourselves in the stagecoach in the city. The position of the heroes on the battlefield is important. While reviewing Darkest Dungeon, the first one was made, and a fatal mistake - the wrong position of the characters on the battlefield was chosen. And as a result, everyone went to the cemetery.

Death on every corner

Any player in the Darkest Dungeon must accept that his entire squad can be torn apart in the next mission. It doesn't matter how well you picked the group. By negligence, you can get into a parallel world to ruthless demon... And it is impossible to escape from the battlefield from there. At the first levels, we have no chance of defeating him.

That's how our group went to the cemetery

Hero parameters

In the first part of the Darkest Dungeon review, we decided to analyze the main parameters of the heroes. The first parameter known to all players is health... Health can be restored in several ways. In battle, healers can restore it. There are several classes with healing spells. (We will analyze all the classes in more detail further). Outside the battle, resting near a fire (only on medium and large maps), or eating will help us to recover. Food does not restore much, 2 points of health, but often it saves from death. After health drops to 0, the character is at the "door of death". Any subsequent damage can kill him..

The second parameter under health is stress... It is difficult to say which parameter is more important. While reviewing Darkest Dungeon, we came to the conclusion that stress is the paramount parameter. Traveling through dark ruins, fighting monsters, receiving critical damage, falling into traps, our heroes earn stress. Overall stress score in latest version Darkest dungeon 200 ... When the indicator reaches 100, the hero earns illness / disorder... This is most often a negative feature. A hero can skip a turn by himself, attack a random opponent, and stress other heroes. Rarely, but a hero can also receive a positive ability - heroism, courage, and so on.

Stress has reached 100 and one of our heroes becomes Aggressive

In addition to Health and Stress, there are indicators of Accuracy, Critical Hit, Dodge, Defense, and Speed.

  • Accuracy is the probability of hitting the enemy.
  • Critical hit is the probability of a critical hit on the enemy.
  • Dodge - dodging enemy attacks.
  • Protection - resistance to stun, reduced incoming damage.
  • Speed ​​- indicates the turn to move. A hero with a high speed indicator will move first.

Dodge in action

The beginning of the adventure

The game meets us with a colorful splash screen. After that we are invited to choose a profile and start wandering around locations Darkest Dungeon. A short tutorial mission will show you the basics of controls and mechanics. Then we are transported to the city.

Gloomy city Darkest Dungeon

In the city, we recruit heroes to our squad, improve weapons, sell artifacts, leave the heroes to rest in the tavern and get treatment in the temple and hospital.

We decided to expand the review of Darkest Dungeon a bit and show in detail what this complex game consists of. In the new Darkest Dungeon build, the second location is available to us after the first mission. But we do not recommend rushing there, it is better to go through all the options Ruins... The cards in the game are generated randomly each time.

As we adventure across the locations of the Darkest Dungeon, we find many items. Most often it is gold, jewelry... Less commonly, busts, scrolls, paintings and shields are found. These items are used to improve buildings in the city.

Even less often you can find artifacts... Artifacts change the indicators of critical strike, health, dodge and make life easier in locations.

This is the first part of the Darkest Dungeon review. In the following parts we will present tactical techniques, description of objects, class guide.
