Basic poker statistics. Poker statistics When and what stats to look at in poker

Online game Poker dictates its own rules and has its own characteristics. Here it is impossible to predict the outcome or determine the strength of the combination assembled by the enemy by the nuances in their behavior.

For those who choose to compete in real time, an invention that will help you see through mute avatars and silent nicknames will be useful. We are talking about such an invention as poker statistics. It is formed by specially designed poker programs, which have a large arsenal of options for collecting and analyzing the information received.

Poker statistics come in two variations:

  • Own - to analyze your personal game;
  • Statistics of opponents, intended to form decisions during the competition.

As for the first option, such opportunities are extremely important.

By using the program, analysis can be performed:

  • Decisions that caused losing sets;
  • Winning sets;
  • Situations that occurred during the competition.

Own poker statistics provide many opportunities. Excluding the option of using a poker program, you can find yourself several steps behind your competitors, that is, opponents who do not neglect such an opportunity.

Poker player statistics

To say that poker player statistics are useful is an understatement. Be aware of what the enemy is is necessary and practical knowledge to apply.

And this is just an example. Statistics of poker players are a reliable help, a faithful assistant, the main purpose of which is to improve the quality of the participant’s game, increase the level and technique of fighting in poker tournaments.

What you need to know about metrics

Poker Statistics has an extensive arsenal of indicators. They are diverse and have different meanings.

The traditional HUD display (discussed above) has the necessary set that is not difficult to understand. Such information will become reliable assistants in the initial stages of learning the game of poker.

To wage a confident fight - who doesn’t strive for this? The statistics of poker stars players will appear in all their glory to the participant armed with the program.

Having got used to it, the player is given the opportunity to customize, roughly speaking, the program for himself.

Poker statistics and their indicators will work for the player, the version adjusted by him will function for a good cause. When making adjustments, the participant can put forward individual indicators to the forefront due to their regular use, while others should be excluded altogether.

This applies to information that the player does not use when analyzing the situation at the table.

The most important parameters

Among the entire list of indicators, it is worth highlighting some of the most significant ones in a separate category. These include:

1. VPIP in poker - the number of voluntarily played combinations. This is one of the most significant indicators, which is always held in high esteem by knowledgeable poker players. It clearly demonstrates how often a participant enters the game by calling or raising. Data for tight players with an aggressive mindset should range from 8 to 12% when playing Full Ring with a short stack. In long-game competition, the indicator grows and can reach 17%, and at small tables - by 3-4%.

2. Poker statistics also provide PRR - the number of entries into the fight with a raise. In addition, there are also identical indicators, only by position. For example, with overall high data, a participant may have a low indicator in the initial stages. This situation allows us to formulate a characterization of the poker player as a tight participant. The size of the indicator is directly tied to the size of the stack, at which it should be almost equal to the percentage of VPIP, and in the case of a long stack - 2/3 of VPIP.

3. AF - literally means aggression factor. It is precisely this indicator, which is offered by the statistics of poker players, that determines the percentage ratio of the total number of bets and raises to the number of calls. This is a really useful and practical option. You can especially feel the full benefit of such information if you make a calculation on each street: preflop, flop, turn and river in poker. With excellent results for a good poker player, the indicator reaches 2.5%.

4. WTSD - the percentage of the participant’s cards being revealed at the showdown stage. This information is the opposite of the data obtained under the VPIP. To make it clear: the wider the range of played combinations, the fewer winnings when demonstrating sets. A player with good experience has an indicator that varies between 25-35%.

5. BB/100 Hands - average number of big ones won blinds for one hundred sets played. Poker statistics with this indicator reflect the participant’s win rate and the quality of his game.

These are the main positions that will be useful when conducting competition in online poker. Having the statistics of cash participants at hand, you can reconsider your behavior at the table and in the most successful way shape the course of the tournament competition.

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Poker stats displayed in the HUD at the tables can either help you better understand your opponent's tendencies, or confuse you if you rely on them with an unreliable sample. In this article we will tell you about the minimum number of hands that are needed to correctly use a poker HUD.

What are unreliable statistics in poker HUD?

First of all, let’s say a few words about what a poker HUD is and how the stats that you see at the gaming tables are built. Players who are not very familiar with the nuances of its operation can often fall into the trap of unreliable hand selection.

They make decisions based on momentary data that may have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. For example, if a little-known opponent has made 5 open raises over the last 5 hands, this does not mean at all that he is a maniac or even a loose player. He could simply have been lucky with 5 strong hands in a row, which absolutely any player would have played in his place.

Therefore, it is important to understand for which stat, which sample of hands will be reliable and correctly evaluate their values. Otherwise, you may start making very bad mistakes that will cost you a lot of money.

Number of hands or samples?

In any poker tracker, you can display an indicator of the total number of hands that your opponent has collected. For example, having played 10 hands with him at the same tables, you will get an indicator Hands = 10 . By playing at different tables and even on different days, you will accumulate a different number of hands on your opponents in your database, thereby increasing the amount of information you know about them.

However, even with hundreds of hands on a certain player, it may well turn out that some situation has never occurred to you. For example, in the screenshot above you can see the statistics of one player who has as many as 530 hands, but during this time there was only one case when he made a c-bet on the river. This information does not allow us to understand for sure whether this opponent is simply not inclined to bet 3 barrels post-flop, or whether he simply did not have such an opportunity in 350 hands.

As a result, we simply cannot rely on this value and draw any conclusions based on it. Different HUD indicators require a different number of hands to collect a reliable number of samples and this will also depend on the playing style of your opponent. Therefore, it is quite important to display an indicator of the number of hands on your opponents in order to understand what data you can rely on and what data it is better not to take into account during the game.

For example, we have more than 1,100 hands in our database for this opponent, which allows us to judge quite confidently about many stats, both pre-flop and post-flop.

A more accurate indicator will always be Samples, which show us the number of situations taken into account for each stat, as in the example with river c-bet. Of course, the more situations you have, the more accurate the indicator will be, but from 45-50 samples you can already be quite confident in its value, since if it changes in the future (when recruiting new samples), it will be in a very small range , unless of course the player has radically changed his playing style.

However, specifying the number of samples in each situation takes time, so it is easier to focus on the following average values ​​of the number of hands (Hands), which are required to collect a reliable sample for each stat.

Pre-flop stats

VPIP – 50 hands

The VPIP indicator shows us the money voluntarily invested in the pot and actually means the total range of hands with which the opponent participates in hands, through calls and raises. It is one of the two key indicators and is the fastest to gain, since virtually every hand and player’s action influences its value in one way or another.

You can draw your first conclusions after just a few rounds of hands, that is, after about 20 hands, but you will get reliable values ​​after playing more than 50 hands.

PFR – 50 hands

The PFR indicator shows the amount of aggressive action a player took pre-flop and accordingly displays the range with which the player raised and re-raised pre-flop.

It is the second important indicator along with VPIP and also gains the number of samples very quickly. It should also not be confused with the RFI stat, which solely reflects the open-raising range from any position.

Aggression Factor(AF) – 100 hands

The aggression factor shows the degree of passivity or aggressiveness of the player and is determined by the following formula:

(% bet + % raise) / % call

It is worth considering that it does not take into account situations when the player checked or folded, so for a reliable sample a noticeably larger number of hands will be required.

Fold to Steal – 150 hands

In order to accumulate the current number of samples for the indicator of a player's folds in the blinds, we will need at least 150 hands, and for full tables (9-max) more than 200 hands.

Attemt to Steal – 150 hands

Just as in the case of folding to steal, we can reliably understand the frequency of attempts to steal the blinds from late positions after a set of 150 hands.

Fold to 3Bet – 150 hands

This stat reflects how often your opponent surrenders to a 3-bet preflop. Knowing this frequency, we can evaluate the feasibility of light 3-betting. The minimum value will be 100 hands, however, aggressive play will not always develop at the table, and if the player physically did not have the opportunity to fold to a 3-bet, then samples in such cases will not be taken into account. Therefore, it is worth relying on this indicator when recruiting more than 150 hands.

Fold to 4Bet – 750 hands

Folding to 4-bet will be an even rarer situation and the rate of sampling will depend on how loose the player is at 3-betting, as well as the overall aggressiveness at the table. In any case, we will need at least 750 hands to get a more or less reliable sample of 4-bet folds, and in some cases we may need 1000 hands.

3Bet Preflop – 150 hands

Similarly with the 3-bet fold rate, the minimum value of hands needed to evaluate the stat would be 100 hands, but it is often better to have a sample of 150 hands.

4bet Ratio – 750 hands

This stat shows us the range with which the opponent plays a 4-bet. It is calculated using the formula: PFR*4Bet.

Post-flop stats

In order for an opponent to start collecting post-flop data, he at least needs to hit him, so we often need many more hands to get more or less reliable information about his playing tendencies on the flop, turn or river. Moreover, since players on average reach each subsequent street less and less often, the number of hands will increase from flop to river.

Fold to Flop CBet – 200 hands

Using this stat, we can find out the percentage of cases in which our opponent will fold to our continuation bet on the flop.

Fold to Turn CBet – 500 hands

To determine the advisability of placing the second barrel as a bluff/semi-bluff, this stat will help us. Since betting on the turn happens less frequently than betting on the flop, we will need more hands.

Fold to River CBet – 2000 hands

Same for river continuation betting.

CBet Flop – 200 hands

To determine what range the opponent plays from the continuation bet on the flop, 100 hands will be enough for us.

CBet Turn – 500 hands

With the help of this stat we can determine whether it is profitable for us to play a float. So, if your opponent has a high c-bet on the flop but a low c-bet on the turn, then the float will be profitable.

CBet River – 2000 hands

The higher the value of this stat, the wider the range we are forced to play calldown.

Fold to Raise After Flop CBet – 1500 hands

Using this stat, we can find out how often an opponent folds to a raise on the flop after playing from a c-bet.

Fold to Raise After Turn CBet – 3000 hands

Similarly, to determine whether it is advisable to play by raising your opponent’s continuation bet on the turn. Since it is relatively rare to play this way at low limits, you will need an appropriate sample of hands.

Fold to Turn Float Bet – 1000 hands

Using this indicator, we can determine how often our opponent will fold on the turn to our bet to his check after he c-bet the flop.

Fold to River Float Bet – 3000 hands

If you float your opponent on both the flop and the turn, then this stat will allow you to find out how often your opponent will fold to your bet after checking on the river.

The Holdem Manager gaming interface provides a large number of features and useful functions for players.

The program has gained immense popularity among poker players largely due to the presence Heads Up Display, which transmits and generates real-time statistics on players and your hands directly in the poker room interface. HM2 statistics will be available only if you learn how to properly configure and decipher Holdem Manager 2 stats. Let's talk about how to properly configure the HUD for a poker room, and how to decipher the stats shown by the display.

Details about stats in Holdem Manager in the HUD

HUD is a pop-up display, which displays stats for the active player and his opponents in real time, appearing on top of the poker room interface. Compact size and real-time updates make the HUD the most sought-after tool in the entire software interface for poker players.

The pop-up window function is especially useful when playing at several poker tables at once.: As a rule, players cannot keep track of all the actions of their opponents - and this is a direct road to negative EV in poker and losing every game. The capabilities of HUD allow you not to keep all poker statistics in memory, but to receive poker mathematics in a convenient format directly in the room interface.

Let's look at the main Holdem Manager stats, which are provided by default in the HUD interface. Players are provided additional opportunity display other statistics necessary for the successful completion of the game.

1. Percentage of hands with which you enter the pot of your own free will. The indicator does not include bets made on blind hands. This stat shows how successful or unsuccessful your voluntary bank decisions were. The higher the VPIP in poker (that’s what this stat is called), the worse you play at open bets.

2. Raise percentage. This statistic in HM 2 is called PFR and is located in the second column. Shows how actively you 3-bet even preflop. This indicator is lower than the previous one, since it is always done at will. Experts recommend sticking to PFR with the lowest possible indicator; if the stat is above 26%, then the game is quite losing.

3. Indicator of game aggressiveness. The percentage ratio between the player’s active steps in the game (this includes bets and raises, and passive behavior - calling). The indicator does not include folds and checks.

4. A description of statistics in Holdem Manager 2 is not complete without an indicator continuation bets on the flop. The stat is called CbetFlop. Such analytics help develop a poker strategy in the case of Sbet.

5. A stat showing the percentage of resets after a continued bet. The indicator also works to improve performance in continuation betting.

6. Percentages of reciprocal bet raising at the preflop stage. The indicator counts triple raises exclusively on the first street, preflop. A stat indicator above eight percent is already considered losing.

7. Triple bet reset indicator. Helps you calculate the range of when to bet on a triple bet. Statistics also work for your opponent.

8. Indicator of attack activity of opponents’ blinds. We provide descriptions of stats in Holdem Manager 2 in the order they are displayed in the HUD, so deciphering HUD statistics in HM 2 will be much easier.

9. Frequency indicator of aggressive play. Statistics in HM 2 show how many aggressive lines were in a poker player's actions. The indicator is underestimated when betting, raising bets, checking and folding.

10. An indicator showing how often you bet the aggressor preflop if you are out of position. Used to react to donk bets.

11. Statistics in HM 2 to display check-raises at the flop stage.

12. General indicator of collected statistics for another player. Decoding stats in Holdem Manager 2 is not only an analysis of your own game, but also an analysis of your opponent. The stat is calculated based on the hands played, and the analytics are formed on average after the first hundred played.

How to decide on Hold'em Manager stats in the game?

To quickly react to hands and actions of your opponents, keep the HUD always active in the poker room. The program interface allows you to conveniently configure its position and statistical data. Not all statistics will be displayed on the window at all times.

Additional stats are displayed via pop-ups. There, additional stats are displayed in an expanded format, as players note, there the information is updated more actively than in the collapsed HUD. Using a pop-up window, you can display the necessary stats on the minimized HUD.

Where to use statistics indicators in HM 2?

A few simple examples showing how useful stats can be in in capable hands player. Let's say you see that your opponent has made a 3-bet of an impressive amount. Looking at the stats, see that in 16% of cases he uses such a bet (this is a high figure). But in HUD it is clear that previous 3-bet were made with small increases. A large 3-bet pot suggests that your opponent has - good cards on hands.

Do not forget that Statistics in Holdem Manager are purely analytics and mathematics. Texas Hold'em is a unique cocktail of poker psychology and mathematics. This combination must be taken into account especially when studying analytics on opponents. A 3-bet does not always indicate a good strong hand - sometimes it is just a bluff. Study all the player’s actions in the available samples, if you accumulate a sufficient number of hands on your opponent, you will be able to create his game portrait and exclude bluff garbage from the statistics in the HUD. To do this, you will need to play with your opponents before showdown a couple of times.

Also study the performance of your opponents over a certain period. High generally accepted stats will not always be the same in your party. Some 90% Cbets are actually light in a good hand with pocket aces. All stats must be deciphered and analyzed on each street, before post-flop.

Stat PFR means preflop raise. This stat shows the percentage of times a player raised preflop.

Every time you raise preflop, your PFR is calculated. This could be a simple 4BB raise, or it could be a 3bet or 4bet. Any time you enter the pot preflop with a raise, you are contributing to a change in your PFR stat.

How to use the PFR stat in Texas Hold'em

PFR is used in much the same way as the VPIP stat. Using the PFR stat you can get an idea of ​​how often a player raises preflop. The higher the PFR stat value, the more often the player raises preflop (and vice versa).

PFR will be a more useful stat when compared to a player's VPIP.

What is the difference between VPIP and PFR?

PFRs are essentially specific cases of VPIP.

  • VPIP shows the percentage of times a player calls a bet or raises preflop.
  • PFR shows the percentage of times a player raised preflop.

So when you look at a player's VPIP and PFR stats, the PFR will always be less than (or equal to) their VPIP value. Your VPIP includes all of your preflop raises (PFR) along with any preflop calls made.

Thus, the difference in percentage between VPIP and PFR is determined by preflop calls.

How to use VPIP and PFR

VPIP and PFR stats go side by side, so almost always when looking at statistics you will see them side by side, for example, 25/17 or 30/10. But what is the use of this?

If most A player's VPIP consists of PFR, then in front of you aggressive player.

Remember that we already wrote that PFR is part of VPIP. It's the most important.

If the vast majority of the time you enter the pot (VPIP) with a raise (PFR), you are obviously an aggressive player (eg 25/22). Conversely, if your PFR is only a small fraction of your general level VPIP, you are a weak/passive player who calls much more than you raise (eg 25/5).

Thus, if statVPIP gives an idea of ​​how often a player enters the pot in principle, then the valueVPIP/PFR shows whether a player is passive or aggressive. Therefore, these two stats give you a good idea of ​​your opponent's playstyle.

The VPIP to PFR ratio is also a good indicator of a poker player's skill level. Most fish will have a tiny PFR compared to their VPIP, which means they clearly don't have a good preflop strategy (because they call too often).

What is a good VPIP/PFR?

To give you an idea, the ideal ratio would be when you enter the pot with a raise 70% of the time. So, if your VPIP is 20%, then a PFR of at least 14% would be ideal.

If your PFR is less than 70% of your VPIP, you are probably calling in situations where you should have been raising. You need to be more aggressive preflop.

Examples of VPIP/PFR stats and player types

Average VPIP, high PFR (eg 22/18).

This is a tight-aggressive player (“TAG"). As a rule, these are experienced players who have good strategy games preflop, and will likely be good postflop as well. More often than not, these are knowledgeable players who have an idea of ​​what they are doing.

High VPIP, low PFR (eg 34/5).

This is a loose-passive player (“autoresponder”). These players call too often, which means you can probably win a lot of money from them in situations where you have a strong hand. Don't try to bluff.

Low VPIP, high PFR (eg 7/5).

This is a super tight-aggressive player (“nit” or “rock”). These players only play premium hands. These players should be easy to bluff against, but be very careful when they get active.

High VPIP, high PFR (eg 40/35).

This is a loose-aggressive player (“maniac”). These players make wild bets and raises. They like to play many hands and try to win as many pots as possible. Just wait for a strong hand and call the bets.

Final Thoughts on PFR

VPIP/PFR is by far the most powerful stat combination you will encounter in online poker.

StatPFR (preflop raise) is a good indicator in itself, but in fact it takes on the greatest significance in comparison with the VPIP stat.

Thanks to the VPIP/PFR ratio, you get a picture of what a certain player is like when you compare how often the player raised preflop relative to the total number of entries into the pot. Each HUD uses VPIP/PFR notation, which is important when determining the correct game strategy, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the PFR values ​​as early as possible.

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