Falling fps cs go. Question: what to do if FPS falls in cs go. We set all graphic settings to minimum

  • How to increase FPS FPS in the game CS GO cs go 2017 easily and quickly on a weak computer - Duration: 9:07 ZaRaZa 11 138 views.
  • How to increase FPS in cs: GO! 2017 + Config for FPS - Duration: 4:29 Brown CS: GO 10 268 views.


  • FPS dropped sharply in CS: GO for nothing. (Even in the main menu) - Na`Vi Forum - Cyberforum Na`Vi Forum, gaming community, Natus Vincere esports forum

    • I turn on the computer in the morning, start CS: GO, a screen with the valve logo appears, there is already 10 fps (the program shows), in the main menu it is no better: 10-13 fps.
    • CS: GO: game fps dropped sharply. Posted by Kezzart Settings and Help.


  • Answers @ Mail.Ru: Why did the FPS drop sharply in cs: go?

    • How to raise fps in cs go?
    • In the sound settings, put a 5.1 system with surround sound. This is because of the update with the sound of the FPS fell! Such changes in the settings helped me.
  • FPS dropped in CS: GO

    • FPS dropped in CS: GO. Such is the problem. At minimum salaries in the COP, it was always 200-300 fps, with a limit of 180 it was always stable, recently the FPS just took and dropped to 80-120, in the work of PC / other games it did not notice anything.


  • CS: GO: FPS fell for no reason - Na`Vi Forum - Cyberforum Na`Vi Forum, gaming community, Esports forum Natus Vincere

    • P.S. FPS also dropped in other games. And another small observation: after restarting the PC for a while everything is in order, and after 15-20 minutes everything is sad Below is a screenshot at the moment when lags begin (GPU load rises sharply to almost 100%)


  • Answers @ Mail.Ru: FPS dropped unreasonably in CS: GO.

    • FPS dropped significantly in CS: GO, earlier on high settings in CS: GO on Dust II it averaged 70-80 fps. Now everything is at low and fps 30-50.
    • There is no virus (A common reason for the fall of FPS in CS GO), which creates a fake client of CS GO and clogs up the computer.
  • FPS fell hard in CS: GO

    • 24 Feb, 2014 @ 2:41 pm. FPS dropped hard in CS: GO. Guys, who knows how you can raise the FPS normally?
    • Sometimes, about once every two months, the CS: GO resets the video settings to default.

    On this moment players are complaining about the optimization of the current CS: GO build, and many forum posts on Steam are dedicated to performance issues in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive... (Recommended: open CS: GO cases cheaper at csidol.com)

    depressed teenager:

    Previously, the game ran at 290-300 + fps with very little loss. A few weeks ago, I started playing again, and I see serious drawdowns every few seconds up to 120 and sometimes 70-80 fps. Please, help.

    The game began to slow down from the previous 300 frames per second to 40-50 fps.

    I've tried various options, from reinstalling windows to changing nvidia options. Valve technical support is not able to help me with this problem.

    My hardware: GTX1070, i7 6700k, 4.5ghz

    And again ... FPS

    When I launch CS: GO, the FPS is around 120 for 15 minutes of play. After that it drops to 10-20 FPS and I can't play ..... Can anyone help me?

    Could the drop in FPS in the game affect the preparation of professional teams before the Krakow Major?

    The $ 1 million Krakow Major will take place in Krakow, Poland, from July 16-23. And with so much money at stake, it's understandable that players are worried about problems in the game. The CS: GO community is trying to find a solution for random FPS drawdowns. They show graphs that show a sharp drop in frame rate by 100-150 FPS. Reddit users with state-of-the-art graphics cards and other hardware report very large FPS drawdowns on updated maps such as Inferno, Nuke and even Cache.

    Several console commands have been suggested to fix the FPS issue. Users recommend entering the following combinations: "r_dynamic 0", "snd_updateaudiocache" with "snd_rebuildaudiocache" and "snd_mix_async 1" with "snd_mixahead 0.05". However, some players claim that these teams still haven't helped solve their performance issues or even made the problem worse.

    The drop in FPS is possibly due to the July 7th update, which reworked the in-game sound system and added asynchronous audio mixing. Obviously, the changes to improve the sound quality in line with the HRTF sound system setup added performance issues to many players. The above console commands are related specifically to the patch's innovations, and are recommended to counteract FPS problems... If this does not help you, then most likely the problem lies elsewhere.

    Valve has not yet commented on this issue since the July 7th update. Most likely, all their efforts are now focused on holding the Krakow Major.

    Hello everyone! The vital topic of increasing frames per second has already been raised in our early manuals: "" and "". A lot of useful information is contained there, but since the topic is of interest to a large number of players, the time has come for a separate article. So, what to do if FPS drops in your favorite game?

    We set all graphic settings to minimum

    The resolution is chosen either 1024 × 768 or 800 × 600.

    1024 × 768 gives less FPS increase, but better picture quality.

    And 800x600 will give a higher increase in frames per second, but on widescreen monitors (FullHD, 2K, 4K) the image will be soapy.

    Disable all applications that slow down your computer

    We cut down Torrents, close the tabs with loading online movies, and so on. The combination Ctrl + Alt + Del will help you keep track of everything running applications and remove unnecessary ones.

    Commands for game launch parameters

    In the launch parameters of the game, write:

    Threads 2 -high + fps_max 10000 -tickrate 128

    Threads 4 - uses 4 processor cores. If the computer has 2 or 6 cores, put 2 or 6, respectively;
    -high - start the game with high priority. This option can be activated via Ctrl + Alt + Delete in the Windows Task Manager;
    -tickrate 128 - sets the refresh rate to 128 (when starting the LAN server);
    + fps_max 1000 - sets the maximum FPS in the game. By putting the figure above, we increase the load on the map.

    • If the computer is weak, then do not use Skype during skating. Use TeamSpeak or RaidCall, which load the system less.
    • Do not install fake Windows assemblies such as Windows Zver. Such operating systems are often buggy and contain unnecessary software that slows down the system.

    To register the command in the launch parameters, you need to go to Steam - Library. Select CS: GO, right-click on the shortcut, then Properties - Set launch parameters.

    Parameters required for a comfortable game

    To set the settings that are activated in the game immediately after launch, you should:

    1. Open Steam.

    2. Right button mouse click on.

    3. Then click Properties.

    4. Then click "Set Launch Options".

    Novid - to remove Valve intro video

    W 640 -h 480 - to run the game with a screen resolution of 640 × 480 pixels

    Full - to run the game in full screen mode

    Window - to start the game in windowed mode

    Noborder - to run in windowed mode without a border

    Low - to start with low priority

    High - to run with high priority

    Dxlevel 81 - for using DirectX 8.1

    Dxlevel 90 - for using DirectX 9

    Heapsize 262144 - Allocates 512 MB of RAM for the game

    Heapsize 524288 - Allocates 1 GB of RAM for the game

    Heapsize 1048576 - Allocates 2 GB of RAM for the game

    Noaafonts - to disable screen font anti-aliasing

    Freq 100 - to change Hertz for HL1 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85 = Common LCD 60-75 72 = Common

    Refresh 100 - to change Hertz for HL2 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85 = Common LCD 60-75 72 = Common

    Soft - to start the game in graphic mode Software

    D3d - to run the game in Direct3D graphics mode

    Gl - to run in Open GL graphics mode

    Nojoy - to disable joystick support

    Noipx - to disable the LAN protocol

    Noip - to remove an IP address without being able to connect to servers

    Nosound - forcibly mutes the sound in the game

    Nosync - forcibly disables vertical sync

    Console - to access the developer console

    Dev - to enable mod for developers

    Zone # - to allocate more memory to files such as autoexec.cfg

    Safe - to start the game in safe mode and turn off the audio

    Autoconfig - to restore the default settings for video parameters

    Condebug - to save all console logs in a text file console.log

    Nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (memory could not be read)

    Toconsole - to start the game engine in the console if the map is not defined with + map

    A + r_mmx 1 - to start the game with console command or cvar-command on the command line (instead of cfg)

    Exec name.cfg - to connect the config with the name "name"

    Setting up the video card

    Learn more about configuring your graphics card for weak computers read.

    Increasing fps with TCP Optimizer

    TCP Optimizer is a small utility that allows you to optimize your Internet connection and, as a result, increase FPS. You can download the program from the official website: https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php

    After starting, check the Optimal box if you don't want to take a steam bath and dig into the settings for a long time. The program will do everything for you.

    For more detailed settings, restart your computer and check the Custom box. Then you can dig into the settings yourself. Specifically, do the following:

    • For LargeSystemCache item set default
    • For item TCPAckFrequency - enabled 1

    Then restart your computer.

    Valve wanted to make the game more accessible to newcomers, and the element of chance narrows the skill gap between strong and weak players. This is what First Bullet Inaccuracy is all about. The greater the distance to the enemy, the less accurately the weapon shoots. There should be no chance in a skill-based game. The problem was also noted by e-sportsmen, for example, Jacob "Pimp" Winneche from Team Liquid.



    Attacker's advantage

    The problem with Peeker's Advantage is that in open duels, the attacker has an advantage over the opponent. This is influenced by the geometric features of the map, packet loss from the attacker, high ping the defender and the "prefire" of the attacker. However, the result is the same: the one who "holds the corner" is a dead man.




    The addition of the R8 revolver isn't Valve's first major miscalculation in the game's pistol balance. About two years ago Duncan "Thorin" Shields wrote down a detailed podcast about the issue, but not much has changed since then. Pistols are still too accurate when firing on the run and allow you to kill an enemy with a helmet with one bullet. The P250 is where a $ 300 gun can be more effective than a $ 3100 rifle.




    It is a great success not to stumble upon cheaters in matchmaking. The software is available for nothing, VAC has long been an object for, and the half-measure in the form of prime accounts has outlived its usefulness. The community has launched large campaigns with calls to solve the problem more than once, but so far this has not yielded any results, while the number of cheaters is steadily growing.


    Falling FPS

    reddit has been discussing CS: GO's constant FPS drops for years. Youtuber 3kliksphilip estimates that FPS has dropped on average by almost 25% since the game was released. It is believed that the loss of frames is a consequence of the updates. However, the player Cloud9 Mike "shroud" Grzesik claims that poor optimization of the game is to blame, and this is Valve's miscalculation.



    For a long time, hitboxes did not match the game models, which was very annoying for gamers. But even after the update, Valve did not completely get rid of the problem. The game defect remained in the fact that hitboxes sometimes do not work correctly when the enemy model moves, which does not allow aimed fire at it.

    Game bugs

    The game is full of annoying situational bugs. Sometimes opponents can be seen through the smoke; those killed drop grenades thrown before death, reloading M4A1-S can be seen from the cover; Smokey doesn't always put out a fire; the bomb gets stuck in the most unexpected places on the maps. Each of these bugs can decide the outcome of the round and the entire game.


    The game mechanics of CS: GO are extremely far from the reference CS 1.6. At the same time, the community constantly finds more and more game flaws that Valve has not subsequently corrected for years. Therefore, the fight against cheaters alone is unlikely to satisfy the game's many thousands of audience.

    Solitaire Mat