Updated zones. Updated zones Map Mobs Dragon Valley in L2

1. The former monsters in the updated zones are mixed on the grave of the caretaker.
2. The lair of Antaras and the Dragon Valley changed their appearance.
3. Aden's warriors collected damned bones from ruthlessly killed dragons, and moved to another place. Thanks to this, it has become much less undead, and many warriors appeared who wish the death of Antaras. Antaras also to protect himself, surrounded the lair even more dangerous monsters.
4. With the help of robust spirits, which are located in the territories of the village of Hunters, the Dragon Valley, the lair of Antaras, you can move in these territories.

You can easily move to the desired territory from the village of Hunters.

Location of added non-russian spirits in the Dragon Valley

5. You can get the will of Antaras from the raid boss in the lair of Antaras and the sealed blood crystal from the raid boss in the Dragon Valley. Then take them to the unsuccessful spirit to turn it into the blood crystal of Antaras.
6. The blood crystal of Antaras restores the experience of all the dead allies and resurrect them. (Can only be used during raid on Antaras)
7. When teleport in the lair of Antaras and the Dragons Valley, the character teleports to the village of hunters.

Lorovo Antaras.

  • The inner part of the Antaras's Logova is slightly changed, new monsters have been added.
  • In the lair of Antaras there are the following raid bosses Lord of Drakes, Monstrous Dragon, head of Bechimos.
  • Quests associated with the lair of Antarasa you can get through a non-accomplished spirit.
  • Be careful, inside the Logov Antaras there is a patrol conorix.
    Sometimes a conorix appears and during the raid.
  • The use of assignment on some monsters can give you an effect of energy filling.
Dragon Valley

  • You can get helpful for hunting positive effects, destroying some monsters for group hunting.
  • With the help of a wreck of a huge dragon, which you can get during the hunt in the group, you can cause raid bosses. To do this, use them in a draconic whirlwind, which are in 4th places.
    Emerald Rog | Bleeding Fly Mug | Black blade | Shadower Shadows | Sweet terrier | Mighty fuse | Rider dusty storm
  • In the dragon valley in different places and in different time Earthquakes occur, and special monsters appear, which form heaps.
  • Monsters, former previously in the Dragon Valley were transferred to the grave of the caretaker ..
  • The use of "assignment" on group monsters can give you an effect of filling the energy or mana tincture.
If you get into the dragon valley, it is superimposed positive effect Strengthening the combat spirit, the level depends on the composition of the group:



1 Enhances the warriors in the dragon valley, which increases with paralysis / bleeding / poison / stunning by 50, the chance of applying critical damage by 10%, a critical impact damage by 10%.
2 Enhances the combat spirit of warriors in the dragon valley, which increases the resistance to paralysis / bleeding / poison / stunning by 80, the chance of applying a critical damage by 30%, a critical impact damage by 15%, fiz.atk. by 15%, magician. ATK. by 15%.
3 Enhances the combat spirit of warriors in the dragon valley, which increases resistance to paralysis / bleeding / poison / stunning by 90, the chance of applying a critical damage by 50%, a critical impact damage by 20%, fiz.atk. by 15%, magician. ATK. by 15%, the attack speed is 15%, the speed of magicians by 15%. And also increases the gained experience of 20%.

Changes in other zones

For more efficient hunting, changes are made in some zones.

Tower of Insolence

  • Now some monsters of the turbidity tower do not use stunning skills.
  • Now you can get more experience when hunting on monsters in the tower of audacity.
  • With the help of spatial water, you can move to the desired level.
  • The spatial stone needed to move can be bought from Keplen in the tower of audacity.
Swamp of Screams
  • The number of monsters increased, which are the first to attack the players. As well as monsters change their behavior depending on the time of day.
Other changes

1. You can get more experience while hunting monsters above the 76th level.
2. Fixed a bug due to which the seed of destruction was not attacked by a pet or servant.
3. Fixed a mistake, because of which at school of authority sometimes did not disappear by the bodies of the recruit of Ksel Mahum, the experienced warriors of Ksel Mahum.
4. Fixed a bug due to which the body of the labyrinth captain did not disappear into the steel citadel.
5. Fixed a bug due to which during a raid in the castle of the Snow Queen Freya (ordinary) does not use the ability of the eternal snowstorm.
6. Fixed a bug, because of which sometimes fell into another dungeon using the traid in the pirates ship.
7. Fixed a bug that was not issued by the effect of a needed will, if there was a server restart after the death of the Queen.
8. Fixed a bug for which the ability of fear did not work on the bloody queen.
9. Monsters in fault between the worlds give more experience.
10. Improved the subject that drops the captain of the labyrinth of the 83 level in the labyrinth of the abyss.

Changes in the installation period High Five. 1 and before installing High Five 2 update, most likely they are not relevant, but still.

1. Fixed a bug, due to which the orc was an assistant to the Bloody Guard.
2. Now the monsters seed of destruction first notices the pet or servant and attack it.
3. Now in the Kamalok of the 66th level (the lounge of the abyss) after the death of the raid boss "Kel Ticket" his assistant monster "Ticket follower" disappears.
4. The settings of the Monsters "Lord of Dreykov", "Head of Bechimos", "Monstrous Dragon" in Antaras were changed.
Increased radius on which they notice PC.
Increased the number of assistants.

5. Changed the settings of Monsters "Bloody Karik", "Bloody Berrix", "Bloody Carides" in the lair of Antaras.
Fixed a bug when they did not attacked the character.
Now they are returning to the original place if they are too far from it.
Increased speed of movement.

6. Fixed the disappearance of legs to the land of some monsters in the forest of non-adhesive.
7. Fixed not the standard behavior of monsters in the forge of the gods.

Hyde along the dragon valley in the game of magicians. Each party adjusts these tips for itself. There is no reference here.

Update. Long searched where to download the video without loss of quality. I had to deposit. Horse racing speed - therefore, swing at the discretion.
11 minutes video
800 MB.
Background grind.fm

Greetings. It was time to summarize the Locations of the Dragon Valley, which was changed in. If there is time, then I will definitely write a Muvik with comments. On the this moment I will read only screenshots.

We were preparing enough to go to the Dragon Valley from Fog. That were their reasons:

  • little lvl (how not to twist, and 80 is still hard here);
  • S weapons (in the fog easily, and in this location only scratched mobs);
  • DK sets and bad bijouterie in the party (you need at least a dynasty on darkness and s bijouterie).

As a result, what conclusion can be concluded? Share in the fog before the level until the mobs in the dragon valley are not white (if the magicians are still with the soils of secrets) or yellow, if you already have S, S80 weapons on the 300 attribute and are well dressed.

Also, what is worth paying attention is your overwhelming. If he is still in DC, it will be very hard - Bishop will not pull out even if 83+. Without a good shender in the dragon valley there is nothing to do. So try to wear it.

Well, now, a small excursion to hot places Kacha and small tips on pumping in the party of magicians.

Dragon Valleyin a very tasty location, so be prepared to meet fierce resistance for sobs from strong server packs.

We start a tour

We make teleport to the village of hunters and approach the unsuccessful spirit. Here the beginning of everything. Almost always here you can find crowds of the people.

We take all quests. Beginning, I will explain why they are needed and what benefit from them.

We teleport to the inlet of the dragon valley. Also take quests at the guilmore.

At the entrance you can swing in solo and mini parties. In large quantities, the stones are falling (Drak) and wind (necromancer), codes of giants fall. For a day you can earn good money.

We run to the intersection and go to the right.

Here is an extensive valley with dragos and necromancers. You can also swing in solo and mini parties. A little later, I will show a place where you can collect mini wigs.

We run left and go to the stop. Already employed here in solo no longer skate. We read the requirements above and collect the following pack:

  • mage, Mag, Magician (Nekc), DB, SBS, Bishop, Over, Her (for necessary, you can do without fillings), spoil (required!).

Tactics (applicable almost everywhere in the Dragon Valley).

In this case, someone alone collects worms in the glade, Over runs behind him and spreads fat, Bishop insures, the spoiler does his job. We try to collect them in one bunch and then Over throws the root! Nekc throws a massive darkness to roll back, as well as a mass deceleration as needed. Constantly move, do not stand up to the monsters (they apply very large damage if you just came to DV). Salo and Ruth should always hang! Well, then the mass skills of magicians are used. After the murder of monsters, Mount Herbov on MP remains. Use rational. Must be enough to all.

With this spot everything. I did so and again came ran to the crossroads. This time we climb up the right, where you can see only some Dracos. In this place in mini females you can collect wigs (much more profitable than running in solo). Only one nuance should be taken into account - for some reason, for some reason they are constantly running away when they are collected across the Glade. When you come here, you will see everything yourself.

Behind the bridge is the same glade.

Ran further. As you can see, we are again the party again. This spot is similar to the first thing that I described above and the easiest. If you start swing in the Dragon Valley in the party, I advise you to first go here to assess your strength. Tactic Kacha is the same. I want to celebrate only one thing - if a flying dragon sneezed on you, then you kill him immediately on the assistist. In fact, he is not terrible, but delivers terrible inconvenience.

I looked at the more or less light spot in the Dragon Valley. We now turn to serious things).

We fly to the village of hunters and make teleport from the uncountable Spirit south.

There are only 2 sideways here, very good sobs for which you can always fight (if you have forces).

Easy spot - worms. Here they are collected in 5 heaches (2 of which should be collected). We run towards the arrow on the screenshot and you will see everything yourself. The tactic is the same as described above, only tankers a magician or necrot of mass skills. The finished piles are very good to kill fields under enlightenment.

Sophisticated spot - scorpions. Be sure to take it to remove the poison from the party. Without her, it is not worth walking in general, suffocate. Everyone must and correct their work on time. Weapons are better than 300, but S80 150 also pulls well. We swinging 3 wig together - usually not long - they come stronger and crowd out. Experience is a lot like mana. Collect wigs are better than the SVSU and customized under the root of Overa, who trains the fat. Constantly moving, do not apply under the blow.

Now, come to the last sights of the Dragon Valley. On the screen below the portal is visible.

If you did not read a fully article, I will remind you that you need to take quests from the unauthorized spirit:

(Read Description)

At the Helm at the entrance to DV (read the description)

In this place, you can call the raid bosses to pass the above quests quests.

How to call RB?

To call you need to buy or knock out in this location Chip bone of a huge dragon. We approach the portal, talk. It will be randomly 1 out of 7 RB.
Immediately I note that the RB is complex (not so much that you need to immediately run away and lower your hands). During the farm you can die many times. The main reward for all deaths and defrosting - Venus weapons to choose from (Quest with the name of the legend).

Quest wings from sand takes daily. Read the description, you can also get a lot of tasty.

If you do not have a fragment of the bone of a huge dragon, then every person in your party can fulfill the quest and in a couple of minutes get the right thing.

I will not talk about the farm of RB. Young fells in the dragon valley is difficult, but you can. If the weapon is not yet 300, then some RB can deliver very large difficulties (for example, a bleeding flies, a spiker terrifier ...)

Some tips for those who make people in a party to 80 levels.

The fact is that teleport in the valley can be made only from 80 levels. How to do if you took 79 LVL in the party and below.

1. If in the party sammoner, then there will be no problems. He knows his work 🙂

2. In another case, the entire party makes teleport to enter the lair of Antaras.

If you are here for the first time and can not understand where to run on from this point. We look at the screen, moving in this direction.

You will come across 5 bunch of worms (above it was said about it).

We go directly and go to Teleport South Dragon Valley.

That's all. Successful farm.

With you was Kreo, Airin server. Read us and stay in touch.

Dragon Valley - Dragon Valley (TP from the giana), from the city of tips to the entrance to the location, there is a NPC nearby. Location consists of corridors and pollasts located in the mountainous area, which is essentially an ordinary labyrinth. I will probably tell about the main Poles in Dragon Valley, ranging from the smallest at the entrance to the lock and to the very thick of the end of the location at the entrance.

Immediately at the point of teleport, there are two mobs:

- Nafik Nobody needs, can drop the High LS 46 leisure, but with a meager chance, but books that only litter inventory.
- Very necessary mob, with drops of keymates and whole things: Karmian Gloves, as well as Top LS 46 LVL.

We reach the first fork, here the path right to left: 1. To the right side of the main Polyana with mobs of 45-49 Levela, all the undead, 90th for biskers and her, they kill mobs here so quickly that they constantly fall under the plums from the shifts envy them. This glade goes to another with mobs 50-52 levela - the main place for Kac. All mobs are undead, except for Garguli, but they are notocal to other mobs and not agra.

2. Also right one more lifting up (there is still RB -):

- and.
- Pretty stupid mob, constantly puts the player in the mill.

3. From the development of the road directly, on it and go:

Here is another mob:
- I spoiled the recipe on and spoiled C Veaponok.
We run on this path as long as we do not meet new mobs:

- The main mob here, Drop Kameyat and whole things composite helmet and composite shield, and 100% recipe on.
- Drop and spoiled recipes on Kraft weapons c-grade, spoiled the collars +3 p -3 con. It was the first mob from which I threw a Life Stone MID-Greed. I was very surprised, ran across the giana, showed everyone in the trad and asked what it was.
- Drop the recipe on and spoiled a recipe for. Also spoil the White Halkie HCP.

Here are all the same mobs, only a handful of three mobs of 47-49 leveleov is added, however, if you went to another way, you have seen them a long time ago.
- The main in the group, I spoiled Kameyat on.
- Mignon, archer, bullying from afar, drop of keymates and whole things on the Ploves and bottom, spoil C Veaponok.
- Also Mignon, also Drop Kameyat and whole things on the PL top and bottom.
Also in the center of the Polyana is the RB.

Please note that on this fork, in front of the climb, there is a narrow passage in the mountains, which is not easy to notice, through crevice in the mountains you can go to the Republic of Belarus.

If we do not turn to the left, but we go straight on the fork right, then we get to the glade with the ridges of two types, and the Polyana ends with a long lifting uphill. True, and on the right there are many pollasts, but there is nothing interesting. Now we are interested in the path in the mountains.

In the glade, before the rise, the new mob is nothing interesting, so we rose along the path, run by the NPC, which is needed by the quest on, and turn to the right, passing another narrow path, we get on my favorite glade in this location:

I spend a lot of time on this glade, in the central part of it, I plant a bunch of twinks for pumping, and I spoil the succubs. Sukkuby, by the way, are needed by Quest on Nobles. In order about mobs:
- I spoiled a recipe on b nipples for warrior, drop 100% recipe for.
- One of the three mobs in the game, from which the recipe for Blass B nipples for the magician. In Drop Kei and whole armor, recipes on Berserker Blade, and.
- I spoiled Keev on Avadon Robe, Drop Keev and whole things, Avadon Shield, Zubei "S Helmet, Zubei" S Shield. And also drops the recipe on Ice Storm Hammer.

When you get tired of sitting on this glade, we leave her opposite end:

Left to Raidboss
