Reaper Coast. A test for all seasons. How to decipher the book "The Taming of the Sacred Fire"


4.1. Reaper's Coast
Divinity Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Quest: A sharp awakening

On the ship we sit on the boat, swim to the shore. The entire coast is strewn with poisoned fish. If we have undead in our squad, we can collect fish and use poison instead of healing bottles. A little higher, we activate the Driftwood - Dunes portal.

On the left we find the ejected shark, we offer to return it to the water, but it refuses, because all the water around is infected with emptiness. We can kill the shark, inside it we will find a part of the human body. We eat this limb by any elf, he will see the memories of the boy who was eaten by the shark (needed to complete Quest "Hide and Seek").

In the fields on the left we see the battle of a gnome and a large praying mantis. When we approach, they will hide, and 4 vile fiends and 2 deadly fiends with poisoned blood will attack us (lvl. 9).

Quest: Plundered caravan

On the central road we find 3 broken wagons of masters, next to them are their corpses and killed dwarves. One dwarf warrior is alive, but she vaguely explains what happened here. The boy on the right will tell you for sure that the fiends of the void attacked the caravan.

A little later, the collected information will allow us to enter the city. We tell the guards on the bridge that we have news of the caravan, and they will let us through.

Quest: They won't pass

On the right side of the bridge is the boy Barrin Pruitt. His mother remained in the house on the other side, surrounded by fiends. The boy asks to save her. You can try to teleport to the other side, but the transferred character will immediately engage in battle with the monsters and will be in the minority. You can normally cross the river a little later - in the north through the checkpoint of the paladins.

We go along the river to the north, on the shore we find chickens whose eggs have disappeared. We rise even higher, fight with the monster Poison-winged fiend (lvl. 9), around it there are large distorted eggs, from which fiends will hatch in battle. Above in a dead end lies the surviving egg, we take it, we take it to the Big Margin chicken for incubation.

When we come back here again, a black chicken Piskun will appear from the egg, he will kill all healthy chickens, and will follow us. The chicken must be delivered to the north, we cross the bridge of the paladins, and even further north we will meet a magic rooster. Near him, Piskun will turn into a monster, we fight with him, and the quest is over.

Boy Pidge asks about Ifan ben Mezd. He must be in the squad to continue the quest.

A gallows has been set up in the north, Siwa is suspended from it, but so far we do not have enough strength to free her from the masters.

4.2. driftwood
Divinity: Original Sin 2. Quests in Russian

Quest: Law of the Order

Through the western bridge we enter the city. In the center there is a statue and 4 merchants. It is better from the very beginning to go to the southern pier and meet with the local chief - Magister Raymond. He will smell the Source in us, but he can be deceived by answering that we have come to join the order. Raymond will believe, give us the document "Podorozhnaya", and the guards will no longer pester us. Raymond urgently sails away on the ship, and leaves Master Julian in charge, then we communicate with him. We learn about the loss of several masters right in the city.

Quest: Man and his dog

A beggar-loafer with a dog sits at the central city fountain and begs for money. We examine the dog, turn its collar over, ask about the owner's hiding place. We can demand money from the beggar himself for bullying a dog, or drive him out of the city.

City herald Togrof tells 3 news.

Tavern "Black Bull"

Inside the tavern, the girl Safa sits at the counter, you can get drunk with her. We communicate with the innkeeper, do not be rude to her, because it turns out that she is the mother of one of the masters.

Quest: Losses in the ledger

Garvan is sitting at the table on the right, if you talk to him, he will take us for a waiter. After lunch, Gavan will tell his story: he and his teacher Liam were transporting valuable cargo, and left it halfway due to the attack of the fiend. He asks to find the missing cargo on the western trade road, in the Shipbreaker Hills. (Complete the quest later).

Quest: Love has a price

In the tavern we communicate with a local worker named Lovrik, he offers additional tavern services. In a conversation, we select the race and gender of the person with whom we want to spend the night, we get the key to the 3rd floor. You need to enter the floor with only one hero, separated from the satellites. If we buy this service by the Red Prince, in the morning there will be a vision of the Red Princess.

Quest: You can't fill the grief

There is a hotel on the 2nd floor of the tavern. It is home to a wealthy merchant, traveler, and woman, Captain Ableweather. The captain talks about the fact that her ship sank, but she remained alive, and this haunts her. We can buy the item "Ruler's Sphere" from her.

When we get the Source spell "Ghostly vision", we use it near the captain. We will see a spirit nearby, we convince him to stop ringing the bell - we say that he received a promotion and became a captain in the echo halls. The spirit will disappear, after which Ableweather will tell you where to look for the magic compass as a reward.

Quest: Sleeping Adventurer

On the 2nd floor of the tavern in the dormitory lies a traveler who cannot be awakened. In the dream, he lists several recipes. Next to the traveler is a closed chest that talks and requires a password. We speak with the adventurer, pretend to be his mother, and thus we will hear a code word from him. We open the chest.

underground tavern

In the western part of the tavern, a dwarf guard guards the entrance to the basement. We can pay him 1 time 50 coins for the pass. Downstairs there is an underground tavern.

Here on the right we meet the lizard Ganges, he tells the Red Prince where to look for the next dreamer.

In the left corner is the headquarters of the local underground leader of the dwarves - Lohar. We become witnesses of how Marla's own daughter attacked him with a knife, but the attempt failed. We ask him to tell about the local strong sorcerers, he mentions the dwarf Mordus, we go in search of him.

Quest: Web of Carnal Desires

In the center of the underground tavern stands the girl Dorothea the Luxurious. She promises to improve one of the characteristics in exchange for a kiss. We agree, we go with her to a deserted dead end. Dorothea will turn into a huge spider, we can attack her (then we get nothing), or still take her kiss (we get the unique talent "Spider Kiss").

Quest: Driftwood Arena

In the second half of the dungeon is a battle arena. The local champion is the dwarf Murga. To fight her, we must not only defeat a team of opponents of 5 people, but do it blindfolded (permanent property "blindness" in battle). If for the first time we refused to fight blindly, we approach the dwarf again, he will allow us to repeat the fight (but this does not always work).

Other buildings in the city

To the right of the tavern is Driftwood Prison. The chief is sitting in the office, he promises to pay a reward for the capture of the killer of the masters. In the basement, the cameras are monitored by a man who is not satisfied with his job and is hiding something. We can convince him and he will quit his job.

Quest: Hide and Seek

On the pier, the boy Ben Buttons and the girl Harrietta. They will share with us that their friend swam to Fort Joy. On the shore of Driftwood, we found a shark and a boy inside it. We tell the children how their friend's adventure ended.

Children play Alexander and the Ailment.

Quest: Missing Masters

From passers-by we learn that 3 masters have already disappeared in the city. The guards naively suspect some junk dealer of this. Elf Stuart has more specific information at the entrance to the tavern, he believes that the culprit is one of the guests of the tavern.

Driftwood fish stores. Gnomes work in the warehouses, but there are also many masters who are looking for a suspected junk dealer. Upstairs in the office sits the boss, he talks about the supply of poisoned fish, but does not say who might need it.

To the right of the salt conveyor, we communicate with the gnome to learn about the supplies. In the dialogue, it will be possible to inspect the barrel, we will see the inscription of the destination - "Black House".

Quest: Strange Cargo

On the left side outside the warehouses we meet the gnome Cannox. He knows where the wanted man is hiding, but he won't just let it slip. In the dialogue we mention that we were in Fore "Joy" and were able to get out of there, the gnome's attitude will immediately change. He will tell you that the junkman hid in one of the barrels of fish.

We go into the right room near the shore, in one of the barrels we find Higba the junkman. He asks to be taken out of the encirclement, out of the city. The safest way is along the south bank to the left. On this path, only two masters patrol (lvl. 9), we run through while they are gone. If they do notice us, they will either surrender Higba or join the fight. Masters will fight alone, without calling for help from neighboring guards.

When we cross the western river, Higba will thank you and hide in the barrel again. You can ask him for a scroll of Acid Spores. In a conversation, we find out that he bought the things of the murdered masters from the cook in the tavern. (For saving the junkman we get the tag "Hero").

In the tavern we communicate with the cook Wivlia. In a conversation, we find out that it is she and her accomplices who secretly kill the masters, and then cook meat stew from them. But in order to plant her, you need to find hard evidence.

Quest: Lost and found

We go further west from the fish warehouses. On the shore we meet the gnome Lagan, he dropped his wedding ring into the water. The ring is right here under the pier, but as soon as we pick it up, monsters will jump out of the water. Against us is Moloch of the void (lvl. 10) and 5 electric frogs "Water fiend" (lvl. 9). Since the enemies specialize in electricity, move away from the water.

Quest: Abrupt awakening (continued)

Siwa's house is in the upper right corner of the city. At the entrance, the girl says that Siwa was seized and taken away by the masters. The house is locked, inside you can see a mess.

We go to the right through the ford. A gallows is installed on the high road, two lizards are suspended on it, one of which is Meister Siva. She wants us to immediately release her, but the executioner Ninyan (lvl. 9) and 5 other masters are guarding her, we need to prepare for the battle.

Together with her we return to her house. Inside we remove the picture from the wall, behind it is a button. A hatch will appear under the bed, enter the password there, which only Siva knows.

In the basement, you need to go through a ritual to meet with God:

1. In the bedside table to the right of Siwa we take a black root and a knife.

2. On the left from the triangular stand we take the bowl.

3. Double-click on the knife to leave your blood on it.

4. Turn on the crafting menu (key G), combine the bowl with the root and the bloodied knife.

5. We put the resulting potion right under the dragon statue, spin the wheel, smoke will come from the potion.

6. Select the option "Keep smoke in the lungs".

We communicate with God, he will teach a new spell of the Source "Sight of the Spirit" - the ability to see the world of spirits. We go into the cloud on the right, we return to our world. Right in this room we can see the first ghost - the Master's Spirit.

Quest: Missing Magisters (continued)

In the city, we can enter the tavern and see the spirit of one of the murdered masters named Harrick. In the conversation, we learn that the cook Wivlia killed her, and the spirit cannot rest because of the ring left on her hand.

We pass by one thief character, while the cook is in the right room, we examine a separate board in the floor in the left room (we need a hero with high perception), in the cache we find a severed hand and a ring on it.

1 option. If we show the ring to an officer in prison, he will send his subordinate to detain the cook, and she will die.

Option 2. We show the ring to the ghost Harrick, she will ask you to transfer it to your comrades. It is better to transfer the evidence to the elf Stuart so that he is accepted back into the masters.

3 option. If we show the ring to the cook, then we either support her, or immediately join the battle. After the victory, only her list of victims on the sheet will remain from the evidence, we take it to the officer. We get 1 of 4 items to choose from.

4.3. Shipbreaker Hills
Divinity: Original Sin 2 walkthrough website

Ambushes on the way. Attack 4 Possessed Summoners (lvl 10). If there is a mystic in the squad, he can take control of the Possessed and avoid combat.

A broken camp on a hill, in a puddle of poison lies the corpse of a dwarf, he has a key.

Quest: Blazing Prophet

Statue on a hill. There are 5 torches in front of her, but they go out immediately after ignition. If we teleport to this statue from another region, we will find a sorceress here who will quickly run away, the teleport will turn off.

Quest: Empty Dreams

ancient lamp on south coast. A genie will appear. If there is a persuasion skill, my choice is one wish (we will gain experience). In any other case, the genie will attack us and call for help enchanted sea water (lvl. 10).

On the western shore we find ourselves in a stone building, where there is a dark totem of dwarves. We fight with 5 obsessed gnomes. On the western cliff there is an entrance to the cave-skull.

Reaper's Cove

Quest: Shadow over Driftwood

There are a lot of dead gnomes in the cave and monsters running away from us Ice Creeper of the Void (lvl. 11). Although the enemies are level 11, it’s better to come here already having level 13-14, because the enemies have a quantitative advantage.

In the far part, 4 crawlers will attack us at once, they will catch us in a web and drag us to the lower tier of the cave. When we wake up in captivity, all 4 heroes will be separately, each in his own part of the cave.

1 - Room with unknown weapons. We can interrogate the dwarf Zanisima. Learn about the fog of death. The key to the armory is behind the left wall.

2 - A corridor with monster eggs. There are locked doors on the way, two thieves. "Key to the hall with barrels" on the table on the balcony.

3 - Treasure vault.

4 - The site, surrounded by eggs and monsters, is dangerous to go out alone, you need to wait until the satellites come to the rescue.

The hero thief does best here in stealth mode. We imperceptibly deliver the first blow to the fiend from the back, and it will be much easier to win. You can also go through this difficult moment as the Red Prince, if he has pumped military science and fire magic.

Together we go to the center to the wreckage of the ship, we climb up along them. The dwarves here are commanded by Mordus (lvl. 12), he is guarded by 4 gnomes. We concentrate all the fire on the boss, the rest of the undead gnomes will die after his death.

After the victory, Mordus will remain alive, he will ask you to spare him. In exchange, he can teach us the magic of the Source, we can also let him go or finish him off. We take from him Medallion of Mordus.

We go into the right side room, we go down to the half-flooded basement. On the altar on the corpse of a gnome we take yellow gem. On the way back, the ship breaks the wall. We destroy its side walls, a shark swims inside it (lvl.11). After defeating the shark, we find a human limb inside, if we eat it by an elf, we learn that it was the boy Joe, who went swimming to Fort Joy (Hide and Seek quest, we return to the children on the shore, tell the boy's fate, we get a small reward). We leave the dungeon.

Quest: Shadow over Driftwood (continued)

We return to Driftwood. To the left of the tavern there is a house where the gnome lives, she sits on a chair, closing the hatch in the dungeon. She does not answer questions about the hatch. We can kill her, move the chair and go down the hatch.

There is only one room in the dungeon. To the right, behind the wall, you can hear the conversation of two gnomes, but there is no door there. Next to the platform we find a secret lever to open this room.

On the left there should be some kind of secret passage, next to the wall we find a stone head, where you need to insert a yellow gem.

Quest: Taste of Freedom

The skull stone in the basement can be found in the Shipwreck Hills, in Reaper Bay. We insert a stone into the skull, we go down to the floor below.

To open the next door, you need to solve the puzzle. The field is 4x4, after pressing the button, symbols appear: water, fire, poison. Turning on the world of spirits, we will see which combination needs to be entered. In total, you need to press 5 buttons, we can stand on them as characters or put vases.

[_ Door _]

Behind the opened door there is a chained lich, there is Acid Stained Key. If we examine any vase, 5 skeletons will jump out of all the vases (lvl.12).

After the victory, we communicate with the lich Withered Undead. Dwarf Mordus received power from him. Lich asks to let him go. We press the two left buttons, and it will be released. We can choose which skill book we will receive as a reward. If we ask for something else, we get a random book.

If we let the lich go free, we will meet him a little later in the forest, where he eats corpses. We fight with him, then let go again. At the end, we will find him at the altar in front of the ruins of the Monastic Forest, let him complete the ritual, as a reward we get a chest with random things. After we can destroy the lich.

After destroying Mordus, we return to the underground leader Lohar. As a reward, he gives the key to the master's chest on the 2nd floor. Tells about the four magicians. We tell him about the letter of the dwarf queen.

1 option. We give the letter to Lohar, peacefully disperse.

Option 2. We refuse to give the letter, a fight begins. We kill Lohar and his gang, after the victory we take the key, search his safe in the wall, we find a unique two-handed Hammer of Lohar.

Quest: Competitors

On the western bridge we meet the troll Grog (lvl.18). For the passage on the bridge, he asks for 5000 coins. In a conversation, we find out that he can make a discount if we eliminate his competitor on the east bridge.

The second troll Marg (level 15) does not know big numbers, and requires only 3 gold for the passage. We can tell the troll about the competitor's order, and he will also ask to eliminate Grog.

The trolls are quite powerful, we undertake to kill them only after pumping to the appropriate level. Both creatures have excellent regeneration - special property"Troll's Blood", which restores 6000 health each turn, but it only lasts the first few turns. Grog is vulnerable to fire, Marg is vulnerable to poison. When we kill one of them, the second one will not keep his promise, and will increase the price several times, so we kill the second one.

Quest: Aggressive capture

Before entering the bridge with the troll we find dead bodies. We follow the bloody footprints to the east. To the right of the western bridge, you can walk along a wooden deck to a separate area in the forest. There, we are attacked by a possessed dwarf hunter (lvl. 10) and his two bears: Pasha and Tasha.

After the victory, we inspect the site, here we find the lost chest that Garvan spoke about (quest "Losses in the ledger"). We turn on the world of spirits, the soul of the merchant Liam is standing nearby. He says that there were no monsters, he was killed by the greedy assistant Garvan. To appease the spirit, we must avenge the merchant's death and kill Garvan.

We return to Driftwood. We can give Garvan the contents of the chest to complete the quest "Losses in the ledger". We tell him about Liam, but he does not want to admit his guilt. Garvan sits in a tavern in a crowded place, it is dangerous to kill him here. But he accepts food from us, and this can be used (only after that he can be fed with poisoned food).

We go to the latrine behind the tavern, inspect the booths, the man from the toilet will tell us the right recipe (meat stew + mackerel poisoned by emptiness). We buy stew in the tavern itself, we can buy fish from a merchant on the square or in any barrel on the shore. Craft poisoned food, give it to Garvan. He will eat it and run to the toilet, there in a deserted place and attack him. We return to the spirit, we receive a reward.

To the north we find a bee apiary. All the bees died from the void, and the remaining honey is eaten by two bears. You can safely walk past them, but they will not allow you to inspect the hive.

4.4. meadows
Divinity 2 Walkthrough in Russian

We approach the mill, we communicate with Fingel Boyd, you can buy musical instruments from her.

Quest: Dark Deeds in the Black Mines

On the north bridge, the parking lot of the order of paladins is Paladin Bridgehead. You can take a task from the paladin Tom Hardwin, he suspects the white masters of atrocities, and asks to follow what they are doing in the mines in the east.

Quest: Buried Past

To the north is the house where Gareth caught the White Master Jonathan. We can persuade Gareth not to kill the guilty person.

forgive and forget(Iniquity Forgiven)
Guide Gareth on the path to reconciliation.
Quest "Buried Past". In the meadows we find Gareth's house. He caught the White Master Jonathan. We need to persuade Gareth not to kill the guilty person. Variant of answer: "to complete what has been started" - "to spare an old friend."
Furious Avenger(Furious Rebuke)
Set Gareth on a path of revenge.
Quest "Buried Past". Variant answer: "finish what you started" - kill Jonathan yourself - "[power] seekers are waiting."

Quest: Ugly Duckling

In the center of one of the clearings we find a sick bird Ferno. If there is a scientist in the squad, we will find out that it is a phoenix, and for treatment you need to burn it. We use any fire spell. Instead of a bird, a Scaled Phoenix Egg will appear, we can immediately eat it or put it in inventory.

Quest: Bestiality

In a wheat field we hear a conversation between two cows, these are people turned by a sorceress. We communicate with them, they ask to find the sorceress and remove the spell.

We examine the witch's house, on the south side in the bushes lies house key. At the entrance, a frog and a warning sign say that the house is guarded by various spells, but there is nothing dangerous inside. On the table we find an important ingredient - witch eye. (To continue the quest, you need to kill the Corpse of Alice Alisson (lvl. 15), so we will continue the quest later).

If you talk to a moving scarecrow in the fields, it will put us to sleep, and then attack. 5 scarecrows are placed around (lvl. 12) and they will all come to life. The main scarecrow has a constant aura of horror, so if one of our fighters loses all magical protection, he will start to run away and become uncontrollable. To win, you need to apply magic shield regeneration or have invulnerability to horror, and first of all, destroy the boss. It is better to destroy these enemies a little later, when we gain a higher level.

4.5. Pogost

Through the bridge of paladins we pass to the east coast. Above are the Paradise Hills, we bypass them for now, there are high-level monsters. We immediately go south along the shortest road, we get to the cemetery.

Quest: Family business

We arrive at the churchyard, Tarkin is standing in front of the entrance, he asks to get an artifact from the Surrey crypt. The door of the crypt can be opened with a master key.

Crypt. The button on the left side wall opens the door. A button in a semicircular dead end - on the contrary, closes the door. Inside the sarcophagus, it won't open. In the last room, the button on the floor, if pressed, will release gas. We turn on the world of spirits, 3 levers will appear on the wall, they only work when the floor button in the last room is pressed. The levers fill the last room with various elements (water, blood, acid, fire, electricity, corruption). You need to enter a special combination: 2-1-3.

Quest: Stranger in a strange land

At the northern entrance stands the spirit of the lizard Vilnx Kriva, she asks that her body be dug up and cremated in a fire, as befits lizards. We dig out, take a leg, throw it into the fire of two dragon statues. We get 1 of 4 things to choose from.

There are 4 spirits of the gnome on top of the stone platform, here the Featherfall eagle eats the corpse of its master Master Aven. If an elf picks up a piece of the master's body and eats it, we'll learn the Bone Cage spell. Correct answers: "Your own boss" - eat a piece - feel the power. As a reward, we will receive the skill "Calling the Condor".

The Spirit of Zimsky is on the bench and grants a Luck modifier and a Source Potion.

A black dog guards the approach to the grave. Andras - necromancer dog (lvl. 11). In battle, he summons the monster Kedelon Bonebreaker, bone warriors and archers, exploding corpses. The faster we neutralize the dog, the less new enemies will appear.

Dog is rootless(Cur of Low Degree)
Kill Andras, the necromancer dog.
On the graveyard in the center.

The spirit of an unrepentant sinner.

The spirit of gravedigger Daivus. If you examine the coffin near it, we will also fall into a deadly trap.

On the hill we tear up the grave of Victor Flynn, whose skeleton was found earlier. In the grave is a note that he staged his own funeral.

Quest: Reluctant Servants

Silent servants walk around the cemetery. You can only talk with the cemetery watchman Farim, she talks about the owner of Riker. He holds his servants with magic, and in order to free them, you need to kill the owner.

Quest: Shelter of heroes

Open the grate in the center of the cemetery. 4 heroes are buried here: Garrick, Bromley, Vidia, Halla. Inspecting their graves, we will find out where on global map their hidden treasures are found. We can calmly look at only 3 caches, and if we examine all 4 graves, then the heroes will come to life in the form of skeletons. They are only level 11, but each of them will revive after death, and they will need to be killed a second time.

1. Garrick's cache. At the northeast exit from the cemetery.

2. Halla. In the northern clearing, at the entrance.

3. Bromley. West of the sawmill, near the log.

4. Vidiya. ---.

Quest: Midnight Oil

Quest: Generous offer

We approach the mansion, the living door will ask us, and let us through only when we admit that we are awakened. Inside we communicate with Riker, he has a task for us: Get the tablet in the Black Mines.

Quest: Serpent tongue

In Riker's house we communicate with the salamander, she does not answer anything.

There is a thrice-bound chest on fire in the graveyard, and next to it are two statues of dragons. Having telekinesis or a fireproof hero, we drag the chest from a dangerous place, we try to open it. On the chest there are inscriptions in the ancient language of lizards, a salamander can tell it. If there is a Red Prince in the squad, he can persuade the chest to open. Inside are some rare items.

Quest: Existential Crisis

On the northeastern slope of the cemetery we will hear a voice, we dig out the grave. Crispin's skeleton appears and proposes a philosophical duel. He asks 3 questions, you need to answer more logically than him:

1 - What is the meaning of life?

2 - Is there free will?

3 - Is there a difference between good and evil?

If we lose, one of the characters will die, but it will be possible to resurrect him.

1 option. The duel can only be won by another skeleton philosopher - Fane or an undead character. We answer all questions with phrases marked with [undead] tags. For defeating Crispin, we will receive the achievement and the Skill Book "Corpse Explosion: Massive".

Option 2. In the Riker's shelter we read 3 parts of the book "The Essence of Existence", they have the correct answers: "to drive out melancholy", "freedom within the laws of the universe", "morality is a stream".

On the eastern slope we approach the altar-flower in front of a huge tree. A luminous liquid is spilled nearby, collect it, use the Blessing spell on the flower. After that, one character will be dragged down by Glann, an elven offspring (lvl. 11). We go down the rest of the squad. In battle, Galann will cause more and more living stumps, do not pay attention, if you kill the boss, all living trees will disappear by themselves. Galann is treated for poison, and has a vulnerability to fire, and we throw this boss with them.

Quest: They Shall Not Pass (completion)

Go south to the cemetery. The gates are closed, but we can teleport through them one by one, or simply break the bars. On the lower path we get to the house behind the bridge.

We fight with 4 insects The deadly fiend of the void (lvl. 9). Marie Pruitt will help us in the battle. After the victory, we lower the bridge over the river, and the mother will meet with her child Barrin. Together they will go to the barracks of the masters in Driftwood.

In the abandoned house on the nightstand by the bed we take Marie's hatch key, in a large room open the hatch. In the dungeon "Cellar of the house on the bridge" near the first torch, press the lever. The second room does not open, but we can teleport there. In the cave we find 3 floor buttons, but nothing happens. In the far corner, along the lowered chain, you can get up to the well.

4.6. Black mines
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Far to the east, the entrance to the mine is guarded by 2 Poison-winged fiends and 2 wild boars (lvl.13). In battle, 2 masters will help us.

Before the entrance there is the spirit of the murdered master. Inside the settlement there are 3 more spirits of ordinary peasants.

Near the oil rig we find Oily Key.

Quest: On the last breath

Masters execute a family of 5 people. We can intervene at the very beginning so that none of the peasants are hurt, or we watch the execution so as not to engage in battle with the remaining masters. 5 masters (level 13).

If the family was saved, the mother will ask you to save her nephew, who was hanged on an oil rig. Ahead is a locked gate, there are 5 more masters near them, we don’t touch them yet, they will be needed later. You can go if you show a road pass, or through an underground tunnel in a neighboring house.

We rise to the oil rig, we communicate with the white master Jonathan. If we decide to save the prisoner Gvidane Rins, we need to engage in battle immediately from the first phrase, but this battle will turn into a local apocalypse (it’s easier to avoid the battle in this place, the prisoner will die, and we can kill the master later).

Option 1 - saving the prisoner. Before the battle, we block the vertical stairs leading to the tower, put boxes or barrels on them. Due to this, ordinary masters will not be able to come to the aid of Jonathan. When we start the fight, oil fiends will gradually appear around the oil rig, and assistant masters will attack them, and not us. Then a fire will occur, fiery fiends will appear, regenerating in fire, and the entire site will be covered with dangerous necrofire. To survive in this madness, immediately after the appearance of the fiends, we send one character to the gates of the fortress, so that 5 more masters enter the battle, but already on our side, against the fiends.

The prisoner Gvidane will be released immediately after the start of the battle, and will help with the magic of the Source, but there will be more problems from him than from all enemies. Surviving here is hard, but keeping a prisoner from death is even harder. He will constantly run through the fire, and he will need to be restored. You can't teleport him because it's a fall damage ability, and if he takes damage from us, he'll start treating us as an enemy. You need to have magic or scrolls with you to constantly restore the magic shield so as not to burn out.

Option 2. If we avoided the battle, Gvidane will die, and Jonathan will move to the lower right corner of the location. Quartermaster Anna is also sitting there, from whom you can buy good things. Masters do not let you into the cave, you need to go there unnoticed by them.

Quest: No way out

On the left side of the fortress, the masters throw firebombs at the house. A sorcerer has taken refuge in the basement, and does not want to give up. We kill 4 masters (lvl. 13). We go down to the basement, there is a nobleman Owen Anchoret, he is not a sorcerer, but simply defended his house from the invaders. We release it to the surface, we get a reward.

On the coast to the left, the building is guarded by 2 screaming enemies. We destroy them with the magic "Purification", it is on unique helmet Tyrant or in the wands of higher masters. (If you use Brakk's helmet several times, the demon Kreer Ashbringer will appear from it (level 7).

Inside the building, 2 white masters (lvl. 16) draw a source from 3 captives, a couple of dogs and a silent guard are nearby. We enter into battle with them. One of the masters can run away and hide on the ship. After defeating one of the enemies, we find a record of how to safely pass through all the traps in the excavations of the Black Mines.


Quest: Dark Deeds in the Black Mines (continued)

In the cave at the very beginning, everything is blocked by traps, it is better to go through the thief hero first and neutralize them all. To turn off the fire, you will need to put strong boxes on the sources, and there are only two boxes, you will have to rearrange them. It's easier to teleport or run fast.

We examine the wounded master, we are attacked by 5 flickering and fiery fiends (lvl. 13).

We go down through the mine. If we go to the northern dead end, jumping over the cliffs, in a separate room we will find a fragment of an ancient column.

Ruins in a cave. Vampires and masters (lvl. 13). The cache is upstairs in the wall. Under the waterfall is a rusty key. Second chip.

Triangular monoliths, visions. Tablet of the Eternals.

Alchemist's workshop. There are 6 masters here (lvl. 13), but they can be convinced by force so that they do not attack us. In the lower right corner is a broken oil pump. Nearby we find an engineer of the Black Circle, he has a book on how to start the pump: Yellow lever, blue lever, green lever. Don't push the red lever. Once repaired, this device can create many bombs and explosive arrows if the recipes are available. To go further, we blow up the northern wall with barrels.

ancient temple. We find the building of an ancient race, to which the undead Fein belongs. In the side drawers we find Artifact of the Eternals. In the last room, you need to activate 7 statues in a certain order. To find out the sequence: 1) we read the archaeologist's diary, where the correspondence of the gods to various elements is written, 2) then we read the inscriptions on the triangular altar, where the elements are numbered, 3) we compare these data. Result:

The correct sequence will turn off the ball of the force field, inside we examine the two side boxes, we find the object Ancient stone tablet. Before opening the central sarcophagus, we will definitely save ourselves, a boss will appear, for whom we may not have enough strength yet, and we will have to kill him much later.

Eternal Ether (lvl. 14). An ancient deity appears, the enemy of our 7 gods. She is much more powerful than us, but it is possible to kill her before she has just awakened and regained her strength. In battle, the goddess summons frost hounds, they have almost no magical armor, and they can be immediately lured to their side with charming spells, arrows or grenades.

Riker's Shelter

Having obtained the tablet, we return to the churchyard to Riker. He is not in the room, we go down into the hatch at the side wall. A torture chamber is equipped in private quarters. In a conversation with Riker, we do not give the thing away, first we ask you to teach us how to control the Source. In the end, in any case, the owner of the churchyard will attack us.

Riker (lvl.12) stands on a hill, both stairs to him are mined. The best way out is to teleport directly to him. We do not pay attention to dumb servants, they will all die after the death of the boss.

After the victory, we can inspect all floors of the building. There is a side room in the basement, but it doesn't just open up. On the main floor, the Pianist's Spirit is in the south room. On the second floor there are spiders, Weaver (lvl. 12). Contract, Lone wolves were hired to kill the awakened one (quest "Valuable prey").

Quest: Opposites attract

Basement under the stairs in Riker's house. Betty the turtle and Rory the rats. We lay out a path of various food from the turtle to the side of the rat.

We also return to the bridge of the paladins and report to them about what the white masters were doing in the mines. Right during our return, a detachment of 5 dead assassins will attack the paladins (lvl. 15). Only 3 paladins survived, we help them in battle. At the end we get a reward to choose from.

4.7. heavenly hills
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Quest: Three altars

We pass through the paladin bridge. At the exit, we can see the spirit of a dead paladin rejoicing in victory. Immediately after the bridge we go to a dead end in the north, where three deer surrounded the undead deer (lvl.12). In battle, healthy deer will help us. After the victory, we pray at the altar. Need to visit 2 more of the same.

(After passing the shaft in the black mines, a character with the tag "scientist" will be able to learn a new alphabet by reading the tablets. If after that you go to any altar, we can communicate with the voice coming from them).

Quest: Test of all seasons

In the forest, on one of the glades, there is a bowl with fire, around it there are 4 tree-statues, symbolizing winter, spring, summer, autumn. The tongue of flame asks a riddle: "Winter meets us with a blizzard, blizzard and ice, In the fall, lightning will outline the sky with a thunderstorm, The heat comes with a fiery haze of summer, Spring will quench my thirst with its scarlet vine." On 4 statues, you need to apply the appropriate elemental spells, but not all of them are suitable.

1. Spring - bloody rain or blow of an ally.

2. Autumn - electric steam.

3. Summer is a fireball.

4. Winter - ice hail.

Quest: Funeral Rites

On a hill, 3 elves perform a ceremony over a dead body, and do not let strangers through. They will let us through only when we save the elf Saheila from the sawmill.

There is an ambush on the southwestern road. 2 snipers and 2 thieves (lvl.12), who often use invisibility and surprise attacks.

The dog on the bridge is infected. Skeleton Victor in front of the bridge.

Quest: Buried Past (2)

Gareth buries his dead parents. Near his house are two paladins. To the right of Gareth, you can find the gloves of his parents' killer. Paladins do not allow you to enter inside, you need to either negotiate with them or kill them.

Inside the building we see 4 silent killers. We turn on the world of spirits, on the left side of the house we speak with the souls of Gareth's parents, they do not want revenge, but want Gareth to remain a hero. Gareth will immediately enter and ask him to kill the silent ones with his own hands. If we allow it, he will follow the path of revenge; if we dissuade him from this, he will remain on the path of the hero.

We learn from the ghosts of our parents that the killers were controlled by the white master Jonathan. Gareth asks to kill him and bring proof. Jonathan is in the Black Mines near an oil rig. After killing him, we pick up his ring, bring it to Gareth. After that, Gareth will return to the ship.

Quest: Dangerous for yourself and others

Far to the east, in the healer's house, we find the healer Swann. In the basement, he keeps a dangerous sick Natalie. We can help with her treatment. We go down, when approaching the girl, 4 monsters appear (lvl. 12). We attack only monsters, the girl can also be hit, but she must remain alive at the end of the battle.

Let's start the operation. There are 3 actions, each with 2 options, and only 1 combination will allow you to keep the girl alive:

1. Pull back the scalp and start sawing through the skull with a saw.

3. Close the wound quickly.

After that, we get an achievement, one of the things to choose from, and a healer who will sell us healing potions at half price.

Abandoned Flayer Sawmill

We go to the north, there will be traps on the way, from afar we attack them with fire. At the sawmill we find a detachment of lone wolves. Here we turn on the world of spirits and see many ghosts. Each member of the "Lone Wolves" has some sins, and therefore they are haunted by the souls of the dead.

Quest: An eye for an eye

At the entrance to the sawmill we see the spirit of the magician, he asks to kill the archer True Eye in order to take revenge.

Quest: Not by washing, so by rolling

Bow maker Corbin Day. We need to free him from Rust Anlon. A little later, kill him and the quest will be completed. Corbin Day will go to our ship.

Quest: Bitter Medicine

Ghost of the lizard Black Widowmaker. He was poisoned by his colleague Snakeroot. We ask her about it, she does not confess. A little later, kill her and the quest will be completed.

Quest: No laughing matter

Spirit of the Gravedigger. Dremoseka killed him. We approach her, use the answer option with the tag [mystic], so that she sees the spirit of the Gravedigger in a dream, and tells the location of the treasure. We go to the western coast, dig out the chest, leave the treasure to ourselves, report to the gravedigger.

Quest: Log like a log

In the right building we turn on the world of spirits, we see that one of the logs has its own soul - this is an elven living tree. The soul asks us to take revenge on the foreman from the sawmill. We go south, find the ten's manager's soul. When we have the soul absorption spell, we destroy it, return to the log for a reward.

Quest: Valuable Loot

In the right building we go up the stairs and the 2nd floor, there is the personal room of the leader of the wolves - Rust Anlon. There are many spirits of little boys around. Rust (lvl.14) is protected by 2 bodyguards and two tame wolves. In his captivity elf Saheila. If we have an elf Sebilla in our squad, she will want to personally communicate with her tormentor Rust, and will immediately provoke a fight.

After the victory, you need to get Saheila out of the sawmill. Now all the Lone Wolves will be against us, we kill them one by one and make our way to the south. There we give Saheila into the hands of the elves-druids on a hill.

northern glade

On the right, we can break open the gate, clear the traps, and go to a separate clearing. From under the waterfall you can get a chest using teleportation.

In the clearing itself we find the wagon of the Sadhi lizard - this Red Princess. If there is a Red Prince in the squad, they will retire in a wagon. After that, 5 killer lizards attack (lvl.14). During the fight, the princess will hide from here, and the lizard will have to continue searching.


In the northeastern part of the hills, the whole earth cracked and turned into separate islands. Here we can only move by teleportation and other spells: dragon flight, tactical retreat. On the north side, we can jump over to a burning house, inside there are 4 marauders (level 14).

Quest: Sudden Lovers

On the wreckage we get to the eastern house, inside we find the girl Almira and Master Mikal. The two of them fled from a dangerous place. Mikal is injured, but he cannot be cured, because there is an aura of corruption around him. Almira asks for help with this.

In the farthest northeast corner is the dragon Harbinger of Doom (lvl. 15), it is from him that an aura of corruption emanates, which does not allow healing. He is aided in battle by the undead masters he has captured. The dragon itself constantly flies from the tower to the rock. We put a couple of warriors in one place, a couple in another. The archer and the assassin do well here, who can strike from any distance.

We return to the couple in the house, we receive a reward. We can offer them to move to a safe place: to Driftwood (perhaps they will be killed there), or to their ship.

Quest: Almira's Request

We meet a couple in love already on the howling ship. Almira asks to find an ancient tablet for her, the same one that Riker asked for. The tablet contains the recipe for the Scythe of Deliverer, which can be used to break the contract with the God-King. If we give the tablet, as a reward we will receive the object ring "Rapist".

4.8. monastery forest
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Quest: Merchant Eithne

Undead Eithne is a librarian. During the acquaintance, we answer that we are not from the Black Circle. You can buy a lot of books with spells of necromancy and transformation from her. In a conversation, she asks to bring her a chanterelle mushroom, but the text of the task says that she needs a skill book "Corpse Explosion".

On the left, by teleportation, we can go down to the left low bank. We enter the hold of the crashed ship. There is deadly darkness, from which you can teleport to get a unique Captain's Amulet Compass.

Quest: Window of Opportunity

In the central ruins we meet the lizard Hannag, 3 masters are hunting for her (level 13). This is one of the strong sorceresses, we can save her to get +1 Source Magic Slot. We fight with masters.

After the rescue, Hannag asks to also save her student, who has taken refuge in the Black Mines. If you saved him, tell about it. If he's hanged, Hannag won't teach us, but will hand over a book about the Source.

Quest: Three altars (2)

In the western dead end in front of the altar there is a huge monster - Weeping Abomination (lvl. 14) and 5 black wolves (lvl. 13), which strengthen the already strong monster. The Werewolf needs to be constantly stunned if the turn comes to him, with many buffs he will have almost infinite action points and will kill even the most strong heroes. After the victory, we activate the second altar.

Quest: Bestiality (2)

On the northern cliff, the killed witch flying on the cross is the corpse of Alice Alisson (lvl. 15). A very strong opponent, her aura takes away 400 health from all characters per turn. We leave it for later, when we get at least level 16.

At first, it is better to approach her with one character, lure away from the fire area with totems, and then attack with the whole squad. In battle, we throw it with water and ice spells. After the victory, we take away from her the Key to the witch's cellar.

We return to the witch's house in the meadows, open the basement. There are many rats inside that explode when touched. In the back room we find 1 bottle of witch's potion, but we also need a second one. We kill the frog behind bars, take the recipe for the potion from it. We independently prepare the second portion of the potion (Witch's eye + Mushroom + Catalyst). We return to the cows in the meadow, turn them back into people.

Quest: Monster Hunter

Behind the bridges we find a separate house, two demons are planted in a cage in front of it, they were caught by Jaan, the master of the Source. He promises us to increase the magic of the Source, but first we need to kill the demon Lawyer on the island of the Blood Moon, which the hunter cannot reach.

On the north shore is a Dead Ferryman offering to take us to Blood Moon Island for 100 gold, through a deadly dead fog. Only the undead hero can survive, any living hero will die along the way. (There is a game error that can be used: we separate the character from the squad, we agree on the crossing alone, he dies on the way, but at the place of arrival, the rest of the squad’s heroes are automatically teleported to him, and they will be able to revive him).

4.9. Blood Moon Island
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Quest: Lawyer

On the southeastern coast of the island we meet a detachment of demons and their leader Advocate. Here we see Ailment, communicating with the dwarf, but she immediately leaves the island. We can bet with the dwarf Basatan for 500 gold about the Ailment case, whether she can handle it or not, without knowing the details of this case.

The lawyer promises to increase our Source magic, but in exchange we must destroy the Black Circle squad in the center of the island.

Torturer of the Black Circle (lvl. 15) and 4 intimidators. When we win, the Advocate will take center stage, and will also conjure over the central tree. As a reward, we learn from him location of Nameless Island.

If after that we kill the Advocate himself, we return to the hunter Jaan, he will increase our maximum supply of Source.

Jaan will ask you to find the name of the demon on the island - the owner of the Lawyer. We communicate with many spirits on the island.

On the northeast corner, the monsters are Elnar malicious (lvl. 15). Monsters beholders cause madness in our heroes - they randomly use their skills, scrolls, potions. Here on the pier we take silver bars.

On the western shore of Mirvl cursed (lvl. 15) - 3 demons and 3 dogs.

On the north coast we find a forge, next we take 2 ingots of silver, use them on the forge, as a result we will smelt Silver lever handle. There should be 3 of them in total.

Quest: Forgotten and Damned

Near the fire, at the entrance to the bridge of fragments, we find a map of the island, it shows three statues, an archive and a horn. We examine the statue near the Lawyer's detachment, there is some secret under it, but it cannot be moved.

In the northeast, at the turn, we examine the mountain of land, dig it out, and find a hatch under it into the basement.

Archive. Below we find the library and the Spirit of the archivist. We open the secret door between the cabinets, we find hilt of the sword "Anathema", nearby in a tenebrium chest green pyramid of teleportation and The book "The Taming of the Sacred Fire", this is the music of which you can destroy 3 statues that close the hatches.

With the help of music under each statue, we find a dungeon where creatures possessed by demons are imprisoned. Near the locked doors there is an empty recess for the lever, use the fused silver handles. In addition, you need to turn on the world of spirits and agree with each guard on the release of the prisoner. (If it was not possible to agree, then the spirits can be destroyed later by receiving the spell "Pulling the source" from Siwa). To free the prisoners, you need to break 4 pillars with chains with shots. There is a separate quest for each prisoner.

Quest: Silent

Dungeon 1 - Possessed child (lvl. 15). Before release, you need to negotiate or fight with the cat. After this, we can teleport the child to our ship.

If we have Lowse in our squad, she can convince the demon hunter Jaan to join us and move to the ship. When both are on the ship, Jaan will disenchant the two.

Quest: Bound in Pain

Dungeon 2 - Possessed Dwarf (Lv. 15). The demon grows stronger in pain.

Option 1 - We kill the gnome, the demon Morr Rotten Mouth appears, he will alternately move into our characters, and leave them only with minimal health. A few resettlements and he will die.

Option 2 - trying to cure. We beat the gnome until he falls, use "Death Denial" on him, beat him again. After two falls, we break the chains, the demon will come out of it without killing. We get the demon. He inhabits the character who hit him 2 times in a row. After the victory, we speak with the dwarf, as a reward we get his cache.

Quest: Uplifting Deception

Dungeon 3 - Rajarim lizard (lvl. 15) - obsessed awakened. Kills everyone in combat with a single mass spell. To win, before the fight we separate the characters, place them in different corners of the room. Having survived the first spell, there will be a chance to win.

Quest: Secrets of the Blood Moon Island

In the archive we find the Diary of an archivist. We kill monsters in the center of the island, turn on the world of spirits, communicate with the tree. In a conversation, we call his true name from the diary - the Demon Adramalich.

4.10. Preparing to sail
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

Conditions necessary for sailing from the continent:

Get 3 cells of Source magic;

Learn the spell "Drawing Source";

Find out the location of the Nameless Island;

Help Gareth avenge his parents;

Help the rest of the squad complete their business (not necessary, but they will beg to stay until their problems are resolved).

3 cells. To increase the supply of the Source, we can help:

Dwarf Mordus in Reaper's Bay (you need to defeat him in battle, he may deceive him, he does not have his Source power, he feeds on the captured lich).

Elf Riker on the Churchyard (you need to explore the Black Mines and find an ancient tablet);

Lizard Hannag in the Monastery Forest (you need to save the student Gwydane Rins on the oil rig);

Hunter Jaan in the Monastery Forest (you need to kill the demon Lawyer on the island of the Blood Moon).

Spell. Having received 3 cells of the Source magic, we return to Driftwood in Siwa's basement. We repeat the ritual to see our deity again. God teaches us the "Drain Source" spell, which allows you to draw Source points from strong enemies, or absorb the souls of the dead. God will also indicate the location of the Nameless Island, and warn that in the end you will have to leave your companions and act alone. When we return to our world, 2 void flayers (lvl. 14) will burst into the basement and kill Siwa.

Location of the island may suggest:

The word takes protection(Lawyer Up)
Find out the location of the Council of Seven from a lawyer.
We kill the fighters of the Black Circle in the center of the island of the Blood Moon.
island of the gods(Isle of the Gods)
Find out the location of the Council of Seven from higher powers.
The second time we carry out the ritual in the basement of Siwa.
Island of Last Chance(The Isle of Last Resort)
Find out the location of the Council of Seven from Ailment.
It is necessary to find all companions - the sorcerers of the Source and complete their quests.

Gareth. Together with him, you need to find the killer of his parents:

Meet Gareth in the meadows in the house where he captured a man;

Meet Gareth in Paradise Hills near his parents' house. Penetrate the house, communicate with the spirits;

In the Black Mines on an oil rig, kill the white master Jonathan, report to Gareth.

Having fulfilled all the conditions, we return to our ship. We speak with Ailment, and go to the Nameless Island.

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After landing on the shore, go north towards the city located in the center of the map. On the stone bridge, you can take the quest "They Shall Not Pass" from the boy. Also along the way you will come across a looted caravan and a chicken coop. There you can take quests: "Plundered Caravan" in the first case and When to count chickens- in the second.

Near the chicken coop you can meet a boy named Pidge. If you play as Ifan, or he is in your squad, then this guy is needed for his personal quest. If he did not survive the attack on Lady Vengeance, then tell the boy about it.

To the north of the chicken coop there will be executioners and suspended magicians, incl. Master Siva. Talk to Executioner Ninyan. You can ask her to release the prisoner by convincing her or with the help of a skill or by paying money. After that, talk to Maester Siwa and free her. Now let's go to the city of Driftwood, located to the west. The road across the bridge will be guarded by masters. Tell them you've seen a looted caravan and want to report back. You will be missed. We go through the bridge, and then to the north, where the house of Meister Siva is located. Talk to her and then remove the painting in the northeast corner from the wall and press the button below it.

Open the hatch that appears with the Meistre combination. Climb down and talk to Meister Siwa. Behind her, take the ingredients. Read the recipe in the southwestern part of the room. Now proceed to create the necessary substance. First, open inventory and use the obsidian lancet in the miscellaneous section, as a result of which you will get a bloody version of it. Now open the crafting panel or use the stove. Combine the Ritual Chalice, Blackroot, and Bloodied Obsidian Lancet. Place the finished bowl with the red contents on the grate in the northeast corner of the room, and then turn the faucet. Interact with smoke. You will again find yourself in the Halls of Echoes. Go forward along the only path and talk to your deity or demon in the case of Louse. Acquire the "Spiritism" skill. Use it, and then talk to the deity/demon again. After that, use the cloud of smoke on the right to go back. Talk to Maester Siwa. Now you need to improve your Source skills, and more specifically, unlock the second Source cell.

There are the following teachers who can help you:

  • Mordus (quest "Shadow over Driftwood"): you will need to eat the heart of the fiend of the Void
  • Hannag (quest "Window of Opportunity"): the she-bear and her children will die (you will also lose the "Animal Friend" tag)
  • Jaan (quest "Monster Hunter"): it will be necessary to kill the demon that he keeps in a cage
  • Lawyer (quest "Lawyer"): you have to sacrifice the soul of a stranger
  • Saheila (quest "Elven seer"): just save her
  • Riker (quest "Generous offer"): you will have to sacrifice the souls of three buried in the cemetery
  • Almira (quest "Sudden Lovers"): just complete her quest

When you get the second available Source cell in one of the possible ways, return to Maester Siva. Talk to her and perform the ritual again, like the last time you got the "Spiritism" skill. Take the ritual bowl, bloody lancet (you need to sprinkle it with blood again before this) and blackroot (you can find it in the northwestern part of the island, near the shelter of Eithne (quest "Trader Eithne") and Liam's stash (quest "Aggressive Takeover"). Combine them in the crafting menu, then place the ritual chalice on the grate and set it on fire with the faucet.

Enter the hallucinogenic cloud and talk to the deity/demon, depending on the hero. You will receive the "Drawing Source" skill. Use it on the deity/demon and return to physical world with the help of a cloud nearby. Talk to Meister Siva, after which you will have to study another available Source point from one of the teachers from the list above.

After you get the third Source point, perform the ritual again. There, if you perform the ritual not in the basement of Meister Siva, you will be met by the Void Eater, practically invulnerable to physical damage, the Void Flayer, invulnerable to magic, with which you and your deity will have to fight. After the fight, talk to the deity/demon and use the cloud to go back. If performing the ritual in Siwa's basement, then just talk to your deity/demon. After that, talk to Maester Siva, however, the Flayer and Void Eater will appear and kill her.

After the fight, use spiritism and talk to her spirit, she will tell you what to do next. When you're done with Reaper's Coast, return to the Lady Vengeance and speak with Ailment to travel to the Nameless Isle.

They Shall Not Pass / The Plundered Caravan / The Law of the Order / The Blazing Prophet / The Shadow Over Driftwood

They won't get through

On the bridge you can meet a boy named Barrin Pruitt. He asks to find and save his mother on the other side. To get there, go to the edge of the bridge and teleport to the boat below. From it, climb the stairs to the house. There, talk to the bridge guard Maria Pruitt, the boy's mother. After that, you will have to deal with the Fiends of the Void with or without it, depending on your decision. There are three of them, but when you kill one, a new one will appear. Also note that after death, damage is applied to the ground around.

After the victory, a new heroic replica will be available to you, as well as bonuses after the victory. If Maria is alive, talk to her and lower the bridge using a helm-like mechanism. When the mother meets the boy, talk to her again and she will put in a good word for you in front of the head of the guard. If she died, talk to the boy, but you will not receive a bonus that helps in completing the main quest.

Plundered Caravan / Law of the Order / Blazing Prophet / Shadow over Driftwood

This is a series of quests that will lead to one of the options for obtaining the second Source cell and, accordingly, progressing through the story quest.

Near the bridge where the boy was met, you can meet the caravan that was attacked. Talk to the only survivor - the dwarven warrior. Use the most pumped characteristic to convince her to calm down. Then she will point to a certain cave of shipwreckers. Near the corpse of the master inquisitor, you can pick up the key to a locked chest nearby.

Go to the pier, where you will have a talk with Magister Raymond. Even if they saved Maria Pruitt on the quest "They won't get through", this will not help you much, and you will have to use the pumped skill to convince the hostile character. He will give you the task "The Law of the Order", and also give you a paper ("Podorozhnaya"), which will enable you to safely travel around the area without fear of the guards.

After that, talk to Master Julian left on the pier. You will learn the details of the task, and the quest will also close. "Plundered Caravan".

It is necessary to talk with Lohar, who is suspected of spying on Queen Justinia. Go to the Black Bull Tavern. On the ground floor there is a separate room with a Bouncer and a door to the basement. This is the hideout of the gnomes. The guard must either pay, or engage in battle with him. Once in the shelter, go straight to the wooden structures, and then left up the stairs. There in the room you will meet Lohar. He will agree to help us, but only in exchange for a favor. You will have to complete his task "Shadow over Driftwood".

We follow to the house of Mordus, located west of the tavern. The main door is locked, but the side door will be open. Inside you will find a sleeping Glenna Grammy. Tell her that you are from Lohar, and she will free the hatch to the basement. We go down there. Near the stairs on the column there will be a hidden lever - pull it and you will free the gnomes stuck in the next room.

In the far corner from the opened door on the wall, with sufficient perception, an unusual lock in the form of a skull can be seen. Interact with him and the quest will begin. "Taste of Freedom".

Go to the room where the stuck gnomes were. Go downstairs, touch the trap, and the door will close. To go back, use the sculpture on the pedestal near the door. In the dialogue, select "press the button" and the door will open. Approach the chests. Move the two chests next to them on top of each other to access the books. Scour them. Read the letter to Mordus and take it with you. Return to Lohar and show him the letter. As a result, he will direct you to the Cave of the Shipbreakers in the western part of the map.

Cross the western bridge of Driftwood and show the pass received from Master Raymond to the masters guarding it in order to freely cross to the other side. Follow the path due west. After passing through the gorge, you will stumble upon an ambush of possessed gnomes. If you are playing as a mystic, then use the appropriate line in the dialogue to avoid the battle. Go further and you will come across another plundered caravan. There will be another trap here, but you will have to fight anyway. Enemies will be mostly mages and will be on high ground. Keep this in mind and try to redistribute forces along the flanks and quickly get out of the lowland. Also try not to group your fighters together. After winning, use spiritism to talk to the spirits.

A little to the south on a hill there will be a statue with an altar. Approach her and the quest will start. "Burning Prophet" Use a fire spell that hits the area or an earth spell that leaves a puddle of oil that you can then set on fire. The bottom line is that all five torches are lit at the same time. After that, talk to the statue and take the reward, and also read the book of prophecies on the altar and take it with you.

Go further west along the bridges. Be careful - there are many traps and spilled cursed oil and poison. Use various abilities that allow you to jump over long distances, as well as teleportation to safely overcome obstacles. Then you can go straight to the ruined castle - here you will find yourself in a rather advantageous position. However, at first it is better to climb with the help of the same abilities even higher, to a huge fire. There, use spiritism to talk to the spirit of the slain dwarf. Next, decide how to deal with the fire, which imitated the lighthouse, breaking ships on the rocks - to put it out or not.

Go back to the southern part of the ruins, where the cursed poison is spilled. Spread out and join the fight. After that, go down and follow the path west to the Shipbreaker Cave.

Inside, use spiritism to talk to the spirits. To the north of the entrance, you can find a survivor. Get down further. On the site near the cliff, you will be attacked by fiends of the Void. If you cannot kill them, then you and your party members will be dragged into the basement, and your squad will be divided. First things first, you need to gather the squad together. In order to do this quickly, use the teleportation pyramids. If they are not there, and also the characters cannot break open the doors, then just destroy them. In the southwestern part, you can talk to the scientist Zanishima, who, if she is convinced, will tell you about the Fog of Death and the plans of Mordus. Also read the book "Jackals of Justinia" on the table near the scientist, and also read and take with you the letter with a blot lying on the floor near the scientist. Also go to the opposite side, pushing the barrel of oil that interferes with the passage, and there read the book "Declaration of the "Peacemaker"" lying on the table.

If the fiends did not appear, just teleport down (you can get into the dungeon later, with the help of a hole and a hatch).

Once on the level with Mordus, you will have to fight him. Before the battle, it is better to save - it will be quite difficult. Be careful, as soon as your party member or enemy warrior dies, Mordus will drain his source on his turn and reincarnate into a fiend of the Void with a huge amount of health. It is not necessary to fight other gnomes. As soon as you deal with Mordus, the rest of the enemies will also be defeated. If the level of your characters is not high enough, and the battle is difficult for you, then you can cheat. In stealth mode, block the way up with crates. Go to the wreckage of the ship yourself, located a little at a height (with a hatch to the basement where your squad was divided). With one character with maximum health/armor, move closer to Mordus and teleport him to the shipwreck with the other squad members there. Next is the matter of technology. Try to keep him constantly knocked out.

After the victory, you can ask him a little about how he came to such a life, but do not insist on telling him about the leader, otherwise he will die and you will not get anything. Mordus can be asked to teach you how to better master the Source and thereby get the second available cell. To do this, you will have to eat the heart of the fiend of the Void - this is one of the possibilities for further advancement in the plot with a minimum price. Next, decide what to do with Mordus - kill him or spare him. You will also receive an amulet as a reward.

Go to the northern part. Cross the bridge to the ruins. Find the letter of the dwarf queen on the table - read it and take it with you. There will also be a hatch and a hole in the floor. With the help of the second one, you can get into the dungeon where the heroes were separated. The hatch can also be opened using the amulet that was donated by Mordus. Inside you can find the corpse of a dwarf on the altar. He will have a purse with an eye, which is needed as a key to the skull-lock in the basement of Mordus's house for the quest "A Taste of Freedom". On the way back, you will be attacked by the wreckage of the ship, and with a high degree of probability you will be cut off from your party members, and you will also be attacked by sharks and crabs. Teleport to a small area of ​​land, and the shark will not reach you and immediately die. To get out, destroy the walls of the ship on both sides so that both your party members and you yourself get out.

When you have explored everything you want, return to Driftwood to Lohar. Tell him about Mordus, in return, in addition to weapons, he will also give you the key to the masters' chest (on the second floor of the barracks), as well as information about three important characters that can help in the investigation: the demonologist Jaana, the head of the cemetery Riker, and the elf Saheila.

Next, decide what to do with Queen Justinia's letter found in Mordus' vault. You can give it to Lohar and then the quest "Law of the Order" close, or give it to Magister Julian. In the second case, you will have to kill Lohar and then report back to Master Julian. However, remember that in this case, everyone in the dungeon where Lohar's hideout is located will become hostile.

Dark Deeds in the Dark Mines / Midnight Oil

This quest on its own will not increase your Source abilities, but is required for several other quests.

The quest is taken from the paladin Tom Hardwin, who commands a squad of paladins who have occupied the bridge north of Driftwood. Take the War Owl Whistle and cross the bridge to the east. Immediately, as soon as you find yourself on the other side, turn onto the east road going up the hill.

Approaching the Black Mines, you will meet the masters fighting with the fiends of the Void. Help them, and then you can either peacefully part with them, or kill them too. Walk a little further to the gate. There, if you use spiritism, talk to the spirit of the cook. If in the dialogue you stand between her and the attacker, then the spirit will tell about a certain master Stanley. We pass through the gate. On the porch of the house below, the masters want to execute civilians. This is part of the quest "On one's last legs". Read the passage of this moment in the appropriate section. In short, it requires a 5 persuasion not to execute any of the Crossby family, or to start a fight before the conversation with the magisters begins.

In the southwestern part of the Black Mines there is a hut in which the masters hold the bound robbers of the Black Circle, incl. Nikora. However, two screamers block the entrance there. Use any skill or weapon that allows you to absorb the Source, while the skill "Draining the Source" is not long-range enough so that you will not be attacked. Therefore, if there is no other way, just sneak up on the screamers from behind and use this skill.

Inside you will have a small conversation with two masters - Vorrkh and Raymond, after which the battle will begin. In addition to being quite strong, Magister Vorrh will use massive Chains of Pain on at least three members of the Black Circle, who will take the same damage as the caster. If you want to save them, you will have to somehow neutralize the effect of the spell. You can break the spell if someone from your squad uses the "Shackles of Pain" on the captives, thereby "stealing" them from Master Vorrha. The second moment - Master Raymond will try to run through the back door to the ship. If you do not have time, he will leave this place, but you will meet him later, but at a higher level.

Therefore, there are small tricks in this battle, so that the master does not run away, and save all the robbers of the Black Circle. Before entering the house, so that the conversation and, accordingly, the battle has not yet begun, go around it from behind. Teleport, standing close to the door, the robbers of the Black Circle to the pier, close to the ship (this will not bother the masters in any way). Close this door and block it with drawers to prevent Magister Raymond from escaping. The silent watcher guarding this place can be killed immediately, for some reason the fight does not start. Leave with bound prisoners from the Black Circle a character with the Chain of Pain skill. With any luck, this character will not engage in combat and the skill will recharge quickly, allowing them to free their captives from Magister Worrch's Chains of Pain in one turn.

Pass the rest of the characters to the main entrance. You can also break the oil barrels near the exit to slow down the enemies. The silent observer-archer at the entrance can also be painlessly killed right away. Go inside with a teleportable character and talk to the masters. The fight will start. Try to quickly teleport outside and teleport Magister Vorrh, who used Massive Chains of Pain, somewhere far away to play for time and not damage him while his spell is in effect. But Raymond should be the focus. Attack him by all means, try to slow him down, stun him, knock him out, etc., delay him by any means. Try to teleport Magister Vorrha away all the time, but do not damage him while his Chains of Pain is active. If, nevertheless, he fell under the distribution, treat the connected robbers of the Black Circle. If you are lucky and the character left with the captives did not join the battle, then immediately switch to him and destroy the Mass Chains of Pain spell, casting your own Chains of Pain on each of them in turn. If he is in combat, then take your time and do not damage Vorrh until you free all the captives while the skill is on cooldown.

After the fight, talk to the robbers from the Black Circle and Nikor. You will learn that the masters are looking for a certain artifact "Eteran" (the quest "Midnight Oil"). Also search the bodies, you can take the keys to the side room with a rat and a large number of corpses from Master Raymond. You can ask the rat what happened here, and also use spiritism to talk with the spirits. Also in the house, read the parchment with instructions lying on the table in the southwest corner.

The entrance to the necessary caves, where the masters carried out excavations, is located in the northeastern part of the Black Mines. Inside you will find many traps with poison and cursed oil. Use teleportation to get past them safely, or cover them with crates. However, be very careful with the "Phoenix Leap" skill, because fire on landing can touch the oil. At the dead end to the right of the entrance, you can use spiritism to find the spirit of the blind guide and get information about the area.

When you reach the wounded Master Ranger, prepare to fight the Flickering Fiends. Despite their several types, they are extremely susceptible to fire, but you should not use earth skills and attack with poison. After the fight, enter the wooden passage.

You will find yourself near the tracks for the trolleys. A canary roams here, from which you can learn about some local monster. If you turn left, teleport to another wooden passage and go inside, then inside you can interact with the mysterious column. If you have a Source point, then in return for it you will receive a recipe for the armor of the Eternals.

Exit back to the tracks and go straight. There will be a screamer ahead. In stealth mode, with one character, get as close as possible so that he does not notice you, and then teleport behind him. Use the Siphon Source skill to finish off the screamer. To the right of the paths just below there is a broken bridge, on which lies the skeleton of a worker and a leaflet "Rebuking Memorandum", giving new information on the quest "Midnight Oil". You have to teleport to access it. Take the old key from the skeleton.

Go past the altar of wandering further. Below, near the tower, you can see a chest - the key from the skeleton is just from it. The easiest way is to teleport the chest itself to you. Next we get to developed. If you go south, you will see masters fighting with fiends. If Magister Gregory survives, a conversation will begin. Even if you successfully pass the persuasion level check, he will still attack. Take the key to the armory from his body (located here), and also read his excavation log. Use spiritism and talk to the master's spirit. Interact with the glowing device in the center. In the southeastern part there will be terrible tablets of the Eternals, as well as a part for creating the armor of the Eternals. In the armory, read the diary on the bed. There will also be a secret door that leads to another mysterious column, which, if activated, will not give you anything. If you go to the cliff, then when you turn on spiritism, look for the spirit of the master swordsman. Teleport and talk to him, and get more information on the tasks. You can pick up a rusty key from his body. Return back to the mysterious column and go from it to the north, into the ruins. Turn on spiritism, and you will see the spirit of the canary. The rusty key will fit into the overseer's chest in the corner here. Now you can safely go down, where there was a battle of masters and fiends.

Head back to the cart tracks and head east. There will be several masters and a broken oil pump. If the white magistrate could be persuaded, the fight could be avoided for the time being. Read the book on the body of the Black Circle scientist lying near the Magisters. The device reboot sequence is as follows: amber, sapphire, emerald, which hints at the colors of the levers that should be pressed. Approach the broken oil pump and pull the levers in the following sequence: yellow, blue, green. They will attack anyway if you want to go further into the temple (you need to blow up the barrels of oil against the crumbling wall in the northern part). After the battle, you can talk with the spirit of the white master, then we destroy the wall and go into the temple of the Eternals. In front of the stairs to the top, on the right, there will be a chest with an artifact of the Eternals - it is necessary to create the armor of the Eternals.

After reaching the huge luminous sphere, check the skeleton near the device in the form of an inverted pyramid. Read his diary and then use the device to find out the riddle. It is necessary to activate the columns in a certain sequence. Comparing the descriptions of the years and the clues in the diary, we get the following order: Amadia, Tir-Cendelius, Dune, Zorl-Stissa, Zantezza, Vrogir, Ralik. If everything is done correctly, then the glowing ball will disappear. Go down to the center of the room and interact with the ancient sarcophagus. Before that, to facilitate the subsequent fight, separate the heroes and disperse them far from each other. Several beings materialize. If you have Fein in your team, then he will want to talk to the Eternal Ether.

After the conversation, the battle will begin. Enemies are immune to poison, but earth and air magic works well on them. Eternal Etera is easier to attack with physical attacks and piercings, you can constantly knock down, however, after leaving it, each time she will recover a little physical armor. Against eternal hunters, magic attacks are more suitable. If you quickly deal with the Eternal Aether, then her summoned creatures will dematerialize, but the original eternal hunters will remain. After the fight, take loot from the bodies of enemies, and also check the energy chests near the sarcophagus in the center of the room. One of them will contain an ancient stone tablet. Read it and you will learn the recipe for creating the Scythe of Deliverance. Take the tablet with you, because. it is needed for the recipe, as well as for quests "Generous Offer" and "Almira's Request".

Go outside and send a war owl with a message to the paladins by activating the whistle in your inventory. Return to the bridge controlled by the paladins. As soon as you arrive to them, the battle with twilight skeletons will begin. After the fight, talk to paladin Tom Hardwin to complete the quest and receive your reward.

Window of Opportunity / On the Last Gasp

In the northwestern part of the island there is a monastery forest. There are ruins there, it is better to enter them from the east side, where the cache of the lich of the Source is located (quest "Taste of Freedom") and Jaan (quest "Monster Hunter").

Talk to masters. You can immediately deal with them (in this case, you will make it much easier for yourself to complete this quest) or say that you will talk to the sorceress Hannag. In this case, go up to the second floor on the north side, and then use one character to teleport to Hannag. A conversation will begin, after which she will open a portal and quickly find herself at the top, next to your comrades. Masters will also be waiting there. Teleport back. Here you will need a persuasion level of at least 5 so that Hannag does not attack you. If you decide to deal with her and help the masters, or you simply do not have enough persuasion, then a rather difficult battle awaits you. Hannag will sacrifice himself and several portals will open. And each turn will get out the fiend of the Void. The portal is invulnerable to physical attacks, after 3 rounds it turns into a Nether Flayer. Also, after the three portals are destroyed, Hannag will appear, which will already fully participate in the battle. If you want to receive a reward, then do not let the captain die.

If you want Hannag to teach you how to better handle the Source (another Source cell will open), the best thing to do would be to attack the masters right away, while they are sitting in ambush at the very beginning, below. After that, talk to Hannag and ask about learning the skill of the Source, and then in return she will ask for one favor - to save her student Gwydane Rins. So get the quest "On one's last legs".

Once in the Black Mines and passing through the first gate, the porch of the house below, the masters want to execute civilians. If you go down there, a conversation will begin, and the sentence will be put into effect. Requires 5 persuasion not to execute anyone. Otherwise, in order for the Crossby family to survive, the fight must start before that - just talk to the master brute patrolling the area near the gate you just passed through and remind him of the cook he killed (ask if his name is Stamley) or just attack. If you decide everything peacefully, you will get experience points, but you can immediately deal with the masters to get additional experience, anyway, they will attack later when you return. After resolving the situation, release the prisoners and talk to the mother of the family - Idonia Crossley.

Follow further into the next part of the Black Mines behind the second gate. There, climb the tower to the suspended Guidane Rins. Speak to Whitemaster Jonathan and use persuasion to stall while the prisoner tries to escape. As soon as he gets out, the fight will begin. In addition to the masters, many fiends will appear here. First, there will be oily small ones, it is enough to attack with fire with them, extensive oil stains will especially help you, which will ignite and cause severe damage to fiends. In the second stage, in addition to small ones, several large fiends - ancient ones - will appear. Tactics are similar. But the third stage will be fiery, which from the widespread fire will only be treated. The trick is that the fire around will very quickly turn into corrupted, and your task is to destroy the physical armor as quickly as possible, thereby imposing a spoilage effect on these fiends, and now they will receive damage from fire instead of healing. The fight will still be extremely difficult, because. Gvidane will receive in addition to direct damage, he will also spend health when he runs through fire. Your task is for him to survive at any cost. Constantly heal him and restore armor.

There is also one little trick. If before you climb the tower to the White Master Jonathan (that is, before starting a conversation with him) you teleport Gwydain directly from the rope to the ground somewhere far away, then the fiends will not participate in the battle.

After the fight, talk to Gwydain near his family's house (Crossby) and get a reward.

Generous Offer / Reluctant Servants / Weaver

Follow the cemetery (Pogost) on the east coast. Inside you can talk to the cemetery watchman Farima. She will ask you to kill Riker (the quest will start "Servants involuntarily"). Go to his house (located in the northwestern part of the cemetery). The door is locked. To get inside, interact with the door and tell the truth.

Riker will be sitting in his office on the first floor to the right of the entrance. He will ask you to find the tablet (the quest starts "Generous Offer"). It is located in the Black Mines, in a cave where excavations are being carried out. More detailed walkthrough read the section with the passage of the task "Dark Deeds in the Black Mines". Reach the Ancient Temple and remove the ancient tablet from one of the chests in the center of the room after you remove the huge luminous sphere blocking the path.

If you already have a tablet, you can immediately give it away, but you will get less experience (teleport somewhere and go back to the house to get maximum experience points). If you go on another trip, then when you revisit Riker's house, you will receive a note that he decided to prepare for our arrival. The entrance in the form of a hidden hatch is located in Riker's office, where we met him when we first got into the house, near the north wall. So you will find yourself in the basement.

As a reward for the tablet, Riker will help us improve the possession of the Source (add one more cell). However, you will have to pay for this with the souls of the dead, whose bodies are in the cemetery. If this is against your principles, then stop the ritual and fight Riker. You can also attack Riker after he teaches you. It is recommended to kill him first, because. as soon as he dies, then his servants too. To get more experience, then deal with the servants first, and try to keep Riker in a knockout or other state that does not allow him to act all the time.

After the victory, take valuable items from Riker's body, incl. the keys to the basement and his work desk. Also note that there is a mirror near where Riker stood, and next to it is a lever. Use it, and open the door without a keyhole to get into the room opposite the vertical stairs to the basement, through which we got here. Also take the strange metal key from the fireplace. Now you can go into that room and open the glowing chest. This will require the same key and a Source point. Inside will be the third yellow pyramid of teleportation.

Return to the first floor. Behind the stairs in the corridor there will be a hatch to the dungeon. The key to it can be taken from Riker's body. You can do the quest there. "Opposites Attract".

Also on the ground floor in the hall in the southern part of the building you can read the book "The Exploits of Four", lying on a cabinet near the dining table. The quest will start "Shelter of Heroes". Also in the corners of the room there are stairs to the second floor in indoors. To get there, you need a hero with pumped power. Also, if you try to climb through the southeast stairs, then the hero must also have the "Animal Friend" skill. A spider will come out there and, if you have any part of the body with you, you can try to negotiate with it. The quest will start "Weaver". First, get experience, and if you agree and then bring three more body parts, then she will give spider silk gloves. The quest will be completed. If desired, you can then attack the spider.

Elven seer / Tribe of Saheila / Funeral rites and other sawmill quests

Saheila tribe

This quest comes from Fort Joy and can be obtained after rescuing Amiro on a quest "Captured Elf". It's enough just to find the elves' camp and talk to them. This camp is located in the northeast of the map, east of the destroyed bridge to the island of the Blood Moon and south of the sawmill. It takes a high level of persuasion.

Funeral rites

It is necessary to participate in the burial rite, optimally - as an elf. To get the maximum amount of experience, choose the top answers.

Vengeance for the fallen

If Saheila was killed in Fort Joy, then you will receive this quest, and not "Elven Seer". The task, in fact, is the same - to find and kill Rust (read the passage further in the section "Elven Seer"), and then take his hand to Tova in the elven camp.

Elven seer

Main Quest "Elven Seer" you can take it in two ways: or visit the elven camp in the forest and talk to Tova, if you do not engage in battle with them, of course. She will ask you to find Saheila at the sawmill. The second option is to immediately go to the sawmill and find Saheila there.

Northeast of the altar where the quest was "Test of all seasons" There is a territory separated by a high fence. This is a sawmill. You can get into it either from the flank, passing along a huge root thrown over a cliff on the western side, but then the battle cannot be avoided, or you can go through traps from the southern part. It is better to use teleportation abilities so that the traps do not work. If you pass from the south side, then the guard Pigboy will automatically start a conversation. If you manage to convince him, then there will be no fight. We go to the leader of the Lone Wolves, Rust Anlon. On the way, it is better to turn on "Spiritism" and take the following quests: "Flame old love"," No laughing matter "," Commission fees "," Log like a log "," Bitter medicine "," An eye for an eye "," Not by washing, so by rolling ".

The entrance to his chambers is located in the eastern building on the second floor. The stairs will be inside at the northeast corner of the building. Talk to Rust. If you have Sebilla in the squad, let her talk to him. The fight will start. During it, don't accidentally kill Saheila. After the battle, turn on spiritism and talk to the spirits of the children killed by Rust, as well as the spirit of Rust Anlon himself. Search all around, in one of the chests there will be a contract to kill, which will continue the quest "Valuable Prey". You can look into the black mirror. Talk to the bound Saheila, untie her and go outside. If you cleared the sawmill yard earlier, then there will be no battle, if not, then get ready for battle. Keep in mind that Lone Wolf mercenaries will try to attack Saheila first. The Worn Key, which can be found on the Witch Doctor's body, opens the gate in the northern part of the sawmill. After you've killed all the enemies, talk to Bowmaster Corbin Dey, standing in the southeast corner of the sawmill yard, just south of the building with the livewood log. He can join your team on the ship (quest "Not by washing, so by skating", there is a bug in the game, and it does not appear on the ship). Also talk to the spirit of Cyrus Oates at the southern entrance to the sawmill, he will thank you for killing Pigboy, and will give additional experience (he should give the quest "Silent Ghost", however, due to a bug, the quest does not start).

Leave the sawmill. Saheila will leave you for a while. Go to the elven camp just to the south. Talk to Saheila. If Sebilla is in your squad, then she will find out the truth about herself. The main character, Saheila, will learn to better own the Source (will give one more Source point), and without consequences for anyone else.

Flames of old love

Near the southern entrance to the sawmill, on the western wooden platform, you can find the spirit of Edie Engrim. She wants her killer to say her name. Here, a mercenary from the Lone Wolves named Vinokur wanders nearby - talk to him. It takes at least level 5 of persuasion to get him to say the victim's name. After he nevertheless utters the cherished words, talk to the ghost again.

No laughing matter

In the western building in the northern room of the sawmill, use spiritism to make the spirit of the Gravedigger appear. Talk to him and agree to help. Dremoseka sleeps in the same room. Try to talk and place a cold hand on her cheek. She will tell everything. Then talk to Gravedigger again and convince him to go to the Halls of Echoes, absorb his Source or just leave him. The treasure will be on the shore to the west of this building. If you then deal with Dremoseka, then the sawdust-covered key, which can be obtained from her body, unlocks the door to her room.


In the southern part of the western sawmill building, you can talk with the spirit of the paladin Everhart. He will tell you about Mommy's weak spot. After killing her, speak again with the spirit of the paladin Everhart, and then with the paladin paladin Tom Hardwin, who commands the band of paladins that occupied the bridge north of Driftwood, to receive a reward.

Log like log

In the east sawmill building, use spiritism to find an unusual log. Talk to him, and the spirit of the elf who lives in the living tree will ask you to deal with his offender. The spirit of the foreman from the sawmill can be found south of the sawmill among the traps. Find two graves, in the western one - there will be a body. Dig and talk to the ghost using spiritism. To kill him, as the log asks, absorb the Spirit Source. Then return to the log. As a reward, you will receive a livewood shield.


In the center of the sawmill, use spiritism to speak with the spirit of the Black Widowmaker. It is necessary to kill the Serpent Root sitting nearby. After you deal with her, talk to the spirit of the Black Widowmaker again to complete the quest.

An eye for an eye

At the sawmill on the eastern wooden platform near the southern entrance, you can find the spirit of the old magician. Remove the bolt from his throat and he will ask you to take revenge on his killer. Deal with the well-aimed shooter who walks around here. After that, talk to the spirit of the magician again, and get one of the proposed skills.

Monster Hunter / Lawyer / Secrets of the Blood Moon Island / Forgotten and Damned and other quests of the Blood Moon Island

monster hunter

In the northeast corner of the western part of the island, Jaan can be found standing near the cage with the demon. This character is also important for Lowse's personal quest. Also, if you complete his quest, then as a reward he will improve your possession of the Source (which is necessary for the story quest). He will ask you to enter the island of the Blood Moon and kill the demon Lawyer.

Lawyer / Secrets of the Island of the Blood Moon

Go to the broken bridge in the north and use spiritism to reveal the hidden sections of the bridge. Use your teleportation abilities to follow them all the way to Blood Moon Island. Beware of traps scattered in these areas.

After reaching the island, open the gate and talk to the Corrupted Pilgrim. He will send you to the Lawyer, who lives in the southern part of the island of the Blood Moon. He will immediately offer, in exchange for a service, to teach him to better master the power of the Source (an additional Source cell), but for this you will have to sacrifice the soul of a stranger whom the Advocate will call for. You can opt out of this ritual. If you have 3 Source cells, then he will give a skill book, but you still have to make a sacrifice. Also, as a reward for the service, the Lawyer can reveal the location of the Nameless Island. The service for him is quite simple - to deal with the representatives of the Black Circle in the center of the island of the Blood Moon, surrounded by an unusual ancient tree.

As soon as you get closer, a conversation with the Torturer of the Black Circle will begin. If the conviction is pumped, then the battle will not start immediately, but if you come a little closer, then the battle cannot be avoided. In the detachment near the Black Circle, there are mostly magicians, try to knock down physical armor and knock it out, and then the battle will not be difficult. After defeating the representatives of the Black Circle, the Advocate will come and tell you where the Nameless Island is.

From the body of the Tormentor of the Black Circle, pick up and read the mysterious letter. The quest will start. You need to go to the Archive. The entrance is hidden in the northeast corner of the island (there is a mark on the map), and in order to find it, you will need a pumped perception. If there are not enough points, you can use a skill that gives "Purity of Mind", for example, "Calm of Mind".

Once inside the Archive, read the book "The Archivist's Diary" lying on the table in the center of the room - this will tell you the name of the tree (Eleaness). On the shelf just to the east of the table, interact with the books and read the medical report ("Possessed Wanderer's Map") - the quest will begin "Bound in Pain". Among the books on the shelf in the southwestern part of the room will be another medical report ("Map of the Possessed Awakened"). Read it and the quest will begin "Uplifting Deception". The third medical report ("Card of the Possessed Child") will lie among the books on the shelf in the northwest corner of the room. Reading it will start the quest "Silent". Also use Spiritualism to talk to the spirit of the Archivist - the quest will start "Forgotten and Damned". After that, read the book "Taming the Holy Fire" by a character with the tag "Scholar". It can be found on the corpse of one of the representatives of the Black Circle, killed near the ancient tree in the center of the island, as well as in a pile of books near the eastern wall of the same archive room with the spirit of the Archivist.

In the northern part of the room there is a secret door, which can be found with a sufficiently high Perception. At the end of the adjoining room on the altar lies the Strange Blade - this is part of the Anathema according to the quest "Family Business". If you have a lizard in your squad, then he will be able to make out the speech of the blade. Either way, take it with you. There is also a glowing tenebrium chest. It can only be hacked, and you will need a theft level of at least 4. Also, when you open it, you will need a Source point. Inside there will be a green pyramid of teleportation.

Before returning to the ancestral tree in the center, you can talk to the spirits of Brother Kaylan in the northwestern part of the island and the Elven Pilgrim (druid) in the southwestern part of the island next to the cages to learn more about the Doctor and the ancestor tree (the quest will start "Druid", it's buggy, so it doesn't appear in the log).

We go to the center of the island and turn on spiritism to try to talk with the ancestral tree. The lawyer will be against, and the fight will begin. After the victory, talk to the ancestor tree again. Call him by name (Eleaness), and she will pronounce the name of the demon who enslaved her - Adramalich.

Forgotten and damned

First you need to collect a couple of silver ingots: one will lie on the pier in the eastern part of the island and be guarded by demons, the second will be near the ancient forge in the north of the map. After that, you need to use this ancient forge and create two lever handles (recipe: ancient forge + silver ingot). After that, you can proceed directly to the task. There are four vaults to visit. One is located in the east of the island near the pier of the island of the Blood Moon and with an entrance in the form of a hatch on a pedestal. There will be nothing interesting inside, except for loot, but it is mandatory to visit in order to complete the quest. Three others are located in the southern part of the island and are directly related to tasks "Bound in Pain", "Uplifting Deception" and "Silent". The entrance to these vaults is in the form of statues that need to sing a hymn that we learned from the book "The Taming of the Sacred Fire".

"Uplifting Deception". The entrance to the vault is marked with a marker on the map and is located near the initial gate of the island of the Blood Moon next to the invisible bridge through which we got to the island. The entrance is under the statue. To open it, read the hymn to the statue, and it will collapse, and a hatch will appear in the vault. Inside, turn on spiritism and talk to the spirit of Brother Robert. He will refuse to let you in. Go a little further to the sealed door and pay attention to the device next to it. Restore the mechanism by replacing the silver handle of the lever. Try to use the device to open the door, but nothing will work. Talk to the spirit of Brother Robert again. If you manage to convince him, he will open the passage himself. If not, then just draw the Source from it.

Go to the opened room. There will be a chained Rajarima. If you manage not to succumb to her persuasion (you need at least 4 persuasion), then just shoot her while she is in chains. If you release her or fail the persuasion level check, she will attack, draining a couple of Source points from the character who was talking to her, and thereby destroying the shackles, and also attacking the nearest character, inflicting huge damage and most likely killing him hero. After the fight, talk to Brother Robert's spirit again to complete the quest.

"Bound in Pain". The entrance to the vault is located under the central statue and is marked on the map. Similarly to the previous one, read the hymn to the statue and open the hatch. Inside, read the four torn pages of the diary lying on the floor. After that, turn on spiritism and talk to the spirit of brother Calvin. As in the previous vault, we restore the door locking device and pull the lever. Then again we talk with the spirit of brother Calvin. If you convince him, then he will open the door himself, if not, absorb his Source. Talk to the Bound Possessed Dwarf. He will ask you to destroy the columns holding him. However, do not rush, first be sure to save. You can also make the upcoming fight a little easier for yourself and attack him before destroying the columns, thereby reducing his health to a minimum of two times.

If you want to save the dwarf's life, you will have to reduce his health to the minimum a couple of times without killing him. Please note that the first time he is affected by "Avoid Death", which does not allow him to die, and the second time he does not have this effect. After that, destroy the pillars, and the demon Morr Rottenmaw will appear. Dwarf - Adventurer will now fight for you. The fight will be difficult in its own way. The demon will, after a single attack, move into one of your companions, which will be indicated by the corresponding icon near the character's portrait, and attack you. He will leave the body of a party member only after he also reduces the health of the possessed companion to a minimum. In order not to kill the character without calculating and killing him, inflicting too much damage on him, use the Life on the Edge skill, which will not give you the opportunity to kill the character for two turns. After you defeat the demon Morr Rottenmaw, talk to the adventurer who was a possessed dwarf. He will be grateful and tell you about the cache (it is located in the southwest of the island and is marked on the map). Then talk to the spirit of brother Calvin.

"Silent". The entrance is located under the western statue and is indicated by a marker on the map. Read the anthem and blow up the statue. Inside, talk to the spirit of Brother Morgan. Say that you will take the girl with you, and he will open the passage for you. Inside the pillared room will be the skeleton of Buttons the cat and a chained, possessed child. Here you will need a high level of persuasion. Talk to the cat and ask permission to help her owner. If the persuasion doesn't work, then Buttons will have to be killed. After that, destroy the columns to which the girl is chained, and then talk to the child. If the level of persuasion is high, then it will be possible to revive the girl a little. After that, teleport the girl to your ship "Lady Vengeance".

After completing all four vaults, you will complete the quest "Forgotten and Damned". After that, return to the demonologist Jaan (quest "Monster Hunter"). He will offer in exchange for the death of the Advocate to teach the possession of the Source (add another Source cell), but in return it will be necessary to kill the demon in the cage nearby. If you already have three Source cells, then he will give you the Summon Inner Demon skill book. If desired, you can refuse the ritual. Also, if you have Lowse in your squad, he will try to expel the demon sitting in it, but he will ask you to find out the name of the demon. This is exactly the same demon whose name we learned during the quest "Secrets of the Blood Moon Island". If you already know, tell Jaan or return after the ancestor tree on the island of the Blood Moon tells you the name of the demon Adramalich. Jaan will start the ritual, but nothing will come of it. The continuation of the story of Louse will be when you arrive in Arks. Jaan can be taken with you to the ship "Lady Vengeance".

Sudden Lovers / Almira's Request

Near the burning ruined Traveling Altar building in Paradise Hills, use Spiritualism to talk to the farmer's spirit. He will tell about a certain witch who fled to the north.

A marker "Almyra's Refuge" will appear in the northeast of the map. You can get to this part of the island either using teleportation skills. We talk in the house with Almira. We agree to take them to a safe place, but first it is desirable to remove the putrid veil from the area, which imposes permanent damage. To do this, we go to the northeast and jump over the rift with the help of teleportation. We fight with the Harbinger of Doom and his henchmen. After that, return to Almira. For the service, she will teach you the power of the Source (will give you an additional Source point). After that, he will ask you for another favor (the quest will start "Almira's Request"). She asks to find the tablet of the Scythe of the Deliverer, the same one that Riker is looking for on the quest "Generous Offer".

It is located in the Black Mines, in a cave where excavations are being carried out. For a more detailed walkthrough, read the section with the passage of the task. "Dark Deeds in the Black Mines". Reach the Ancient Temple and remove the ancient tablet from one of the chests in the center of the room after you remove the huge luminous sphere blocking the path. If you already have a tablet, you can give it to Almira. Otherwise, meet her on your ship and give her there.

Other side quests

hide and seek

In the southern part, just west of the landing site, you can find a shark on the shore. Helping her won't work. Kill her and use the elf to eat the leg, which can be taken from her body. So you will learn about a certain boy Joe. The continuation of the quest will be in Driftwood.

Two children are standing on the quay - Harrietta and Ben Buttons. Tell them the truth or lie about their friend, it's up to you.

When to count chickens

A little north along the road from the looted caravan, you can stumble upon a chicken coop. Talk to Big Margin and she will reveal that their eggs have been stolen and indicate on the map the location where the thieves went.

This place is located a little to the north and is marked with a red marker. On a narrow strip of the beach, you will come across six infected eggs, from which the cubs of the void will hatch. After a few turns, an adult Poison Fiend will also appear. After the victory, a little to the north, take the egg with Squeaker. Go back to the chicken coop and give Big Margin's egg. As a reward, she will tell you where she hid the treasure. It is buried between the chicken coop and the cliff.

Go back to the chickens after you get the ability to see spirits with the "Spiritism" skill in the story. The chickens are all killed, only Piskun survived. Talk to him and he will join the squad. Also use spiritism to talk to the spirit of Big Margin. She will tell you to find your father. We go north, to the bridge controlled by the paladins. We pass along it to the east coast and then we follow to the northeast to the marker. There, talk to the Magic Rooster.

You can either agree to kill Piskun right away, then the quest will end instantly, and you will receive a reward. If you refuse to kill the chick, it will turn into a fiend of the Void and attack you. Each turn it will multiply, so kill the maximum number of copies per turn.

Missing Magisters / Strange Cargo

Near the warehouse on the Driftwood pier, you can stumble upon Master Warland. She is looking for a certain old man. Also, on the veranda of the Black Bull tavern, talk to the elf Stuart, he will also give a few clues.

In the southeast large building of the port of Driftwood (fish warehouse), go to the southeast private room. In one of the barrels, Higba the Junkman will hide. He will ask you to take him out of the city (the quest will start "Strange Cargo"). Walk west along the south wall to the corner of the building. Separate a character with the "Teleportation" skill from the squad and direct him to a wooden elevation a little to the west. There, use teleportation to send Higba to the other side. In gratitude for the salvation, he will give a scroll, and also share information about where he got this item of the masters. If you wish, you can also not save it, but give it to the masters.

We go to the tavern. Buy Meat Stew from Lovrik and eat it as an elf character. You will learn that the masters were killed by the cook Wivlia. Also use spiritism and talk to the spirit of Magister Harrick near the bar. She will tell you about the ring. Go to the cook and file charges. She will say that we have no proof. Therefore, in stealth mode, when Wyvlia moves away, open the unusual floorboard (loose board) in the northwest corner of the kitchen. There will be a master's seal. Take it and talk to Cook Wivlia again. She will attack. You can also not show the ring to the cook, but first talk to the spirit of Master Harrick, as well as Masters Carver or Stuart. Carver will send Master Bellward to arrest the criminal, but she will fail, and the cook will attack you. Another option is to keep everything a secret and not tell the masters what happened. If you fought Wyvlia, take from her body and read the stained recipe ("Wyvlia's Cook List"), which lists the victims.

If you kill the cook and tell Stuart everything first, he will run for the reward instead of you. In any case, to complete the quest, talk to Magister Carver in the barracks and give the Ring to Harrick (Magister's Seal).

Lost and found

Lagan can be seen on the coast southwest of Driftwood. He will tell you that he lost his wedding ring. Approach the water and, if the perception is high enough, a copper ring will appear. Take it. Fiends will appear, led by Moloch of the Void. After the victory, wait until Lagan comes running and give him the ring. If you do not ask for rewards, you will receive experience points.

empty dreams

In the southwestern part of the map, not far from the place where our ship moored, there is a beach with an ancient lamp. Rub it (preferably with a character tagged "Mystic") and a Genie will appear. The conversation will start. When the first opportunity to use characteristics in a conversation presents itself, choose the one that has the "Mystic" tag on it. Then you can get normal rewards. Otherwise, they will be the following: a lightning strike for wanting power, a stolen amulet for wealth (the attitude of the guards towards you will become bad), a book of insults "Children's Tales" for wanting knowledge, and permanent blindness for wanting to kill your enemies.

If the persuasion is successful, the rewards will be the following: the sword "Djinn's Scimitar" for power, the expensive unstolen amulet "Gift of the Genie" for the desire for wealth, a level 3 skill book for wealth, and a level 5 scroll for the desire to kill your enemies. Heroes can also ask for their unique wishes, but the genie will not grant them and will offer to choose from standard options. Also, another option could be a fight with a genie, then you will get experience, depending on the level of the characters, as well as a lamp.

Love has a price

In the tavern, you can talk with Lovrik and ask for something more exotic. For a fee, you can sleep with a lizard. After receiving the key, go up to the second floor and on the opposite side of the corridor, unlock the door to the upper floor to the private quarters. Leave the rest of the members here, and with the chosen hero, go upstairs and talk to Jayra.

Waking up, the hero will see assassins around him. You can either pay them or fight, but you won’t have any things, so the fight will be difficult in its own way. If Ifan ben Mezd slept with the lizard, then the killers, led by Jill Thunders, will simply leave. After you deal with the mercenaries, go downstairs and talk to Lovrik. He will talk about Livi's daughter. We'll have to go to the kitchen and see if he's telling the truth. Ask Weevlia if she knows the girl. After learning the truth, return to the main hall of the tavern, but Lovrik will have run away by this time. This will complete the quest.

Web of carnal desires

In Lohar's hideout, talk to Dorothea the Luxurious. Name her some feat, and then she will offer the fulfillment of one of the desires. If the variant features a huge oak tree, you will permanently get +2 Strength and -2 Constitution, a swan feather - -2 Constitution and +2 Intelligence, a golden chest - +2000 gold and -2 Constitution, a majestic dragon - -2 Constitution and +2 Perception), transparent chrysalis - +1 Shining Idol of Rebirth (which will make it possible to be reborn automatically once per battle) and -2 Constitution.

To receive your reward, follow Dorothea to the western part of Lohar's hideout. Leave your companions a little further away, and you yourself will talk to Dorothea, who has turned into a spider. She will offer a kiss to receive a reward. In the talent menu, the gift will be called "Spider's Kiss". She can also be killed.

Grief will not flood

On the second floor of the Black Bull Inn in Driftwood, enter the room near the stairs. Talk to Captain Ableweather. She will ask you to stop the ringing of the bell. Use spiritism to make the spirit of the sailor Stubbs appear in the room. Convince him that it's time to go to the Halls of Echoes and he will disappear.

Talk to Captain Ableweather again and she will tell you where her ship is and also the compass. The wreckage of the ship can be found in the westernmost part of the map on the beach near the cliff. There is also an exit from the Cave of the Shipbreakers below. Open the hatch on the deck of the ship. In the hold, use teleportation to get a chest out of the fog of death. Or you can go to him as an undead hero. Inside will lie the captain's amulet-compass.


On the second floor of the Black Bull Tavern in Driftwood, in the room in the western part, you can meet the merchant Boran Lever. Talk to him and then use spiritism to see the spirit of the real Boran Lever. He will ask you to kill the impostor.

Please note that after death, several items from his goods will randomly drop from his body. Therefore, before accusing him and killing him, buy what you like. After the fight, talk to the spirit of Boran Lever again and complete the quest. On the body of the impostor there will be a key to one of the chests in the room (the second is by the closet near the bed), as well as mysterious orders that will send you to the lone wolves sawmill.

Sleeping adventurer

On the second floor of the Black Bull Inn in Driftwood, in the northern room, you can find a sleepy adventurer in the corner and an unusual chest with a glowing lock near his bed. Interact with the chest (but don't hack). A conversation will start, select the "swear under your breath" option, and the chest will ask you to say a code word. If you are talking to a character with the "joker" tag, then use a special phrase by saying the code word "word".

Otherwise, leave the chest alone and repeat the procedure with the character with the "joker" tag. If there is no one on the team, take control of a character with the tag "mystic" and try to talk to the sleeping adventurer. Select a special phrase tagged "mystic" and then ask for the password and sing a lullaby to it. After that, open the chest.

Stranger in a foreign land

In the cemetery (Pogost) you can meet the spirit of Vilnx Kriva (use spiritism near the altar of wanderings in the northeastern part of the cemetery (Pogost)). He will ask for his body to be reburied. Dig a grave near his spirit. Take the separated leg of the lizard and throw it into the eternal fire (between the statues in the form of dragons, where there was a chest according to the quest "Snake language"). The spirit of Wilnx Kriva will appear and thank you.

Shelter of heroes

In Riker's house in the cemetery (Pogost), on the first floor in the hall in the southern part of the building, you can read the book "The Feats of Four", lying on a pedestal near the dining table. This will start the quest. A marker will appear just south of the altar of wanderings. Follow there and find four sarcophagi in the part of the cemetery separated by a fence (Pogost). Interact with each of them to find out the location of their treasures. After you finish studying the fourth sarcophagus, these same heroes will appear in the form of undead.

The fight will start. Each of the opponents will have two lives, at first there will be an easier form, after death the protection will increase significantly. After the victory, find the treasure of each of the heroes (markers will appear on the map):

  • Buried Treasures of Garrick - Northeast of the cemetery (Pogost)
  • Buried Treasures of Vidia - in the southeastern part of the Black Mines near the entrance to the excavations
  • Buried Treasures of Bromley - near the sawmill in the northern part of the map, not far from the root-bridge over the river.

Buried Treasures of Halla - northeast of the sawmill, on the shore near the caravan.

Priceless loot

Due to a bug (or intentional changes by the developers) it is not displayed in the journal as a quest. In Riker's house in the cemetery (Pogost) on the first floor near the stairs, use spiritism to make the head of the deer glow. Interact with her and a deer spirit will appear. He will ask you to find a special place in the grass.

We leave the cemetery (Pogost) through the northern gate next to Riker's house. Go across the road and use spiritism to make the spirit of the deer hunter appear. Inside the circle of flowers, with enough perception points, a mound will appear. Dig up the corpse of Chaucer's deer, and you can pick up a note and a bow from deer antlers from the corpse of a hunter.

Competition in popularity

Due to a bug (or intentional changes by the developers), it does not appear in the journal as a quest, but it does give experience. On the second floor of Riker's house in the cemetery (Pogost), in private chambers, you can meet the dog Point and the cat named Whitetail. They argue over who the owner likes best.

In persuasion, you can use Dot's collar (can be found in the basement of the house - a hatch behind the stairs on the first floor) if you want to side with the cat, as well as Whitetail's ball (lying on the floor in the room with these animals) if you want to side with the dog. As a reward, the cat will tell you about the diamond under the bathroom, and the dog will tell you about the hatch to the basement in Riker's office.

existential crisis

In the cemetery (Pogost), go down the stairs just southeast of the altar of wanderings. From a pile of grass, someone will start talking to you and ask you to dig it out. As soon as you complete the request, Crispin's skeleton will appear. He wants to play a game where you have to answer three questions correctly.

If you have undead (Fane) in your squad, then go through this quest with them, in the dialogue options, select the options marked with the "undead" tag. If there is none in the detachment, then go to Riker's house and read the three volumes of "The Essence of Existence" (on the first floor - in the study and hall, and also on the second floor - in private quarters).

Opposites attract

Rory the rat and Betty the turtle can be found in the basement of Riker's house. Talk to the turtle and then to the rat, ask her to sit quietly for a while, but nothing will come of it. Then talk to the turtle again and create a food path. It is better to start it from a turtle. If everything is done correctly, then Rory the rat will run up to Betty and a purple haze will appear around them. Talk to the turtle again and the quest will end.

snake language

In Riker's office, the Salamander Ziu can be found. To communicate with her, you must be either a lizard with the talent "Animal Friend" and the tags "Scientist" and "Nobleman" (Red Prince). If you do not have a lizard in a team with these tags, but there is a character of a different race that matches the conditions, you can use a mask of reincarnation on it. You can also return to the ship "Lady Vengeance" and use the mirror in the hold to redistribute the talents, but the tags cannot be changed.

Having learned the password, go to the eternal fire in the cemetery (Pogost), teleport the box from the fire and interact with it to open it.

Man and his dog

On Driftwood Square, near the fountain, you can meet a beggar and his dog named Ryzhik. If you have the Animal Friend talent, talk to the dog and put your hand on the scruff of the neck in conversation, then you will notice that he has a spiked collar around his neck. Turn the collar inside out. The dog will run away. Burn with a beggar-loafer, you can blackmail him and get money. Find the dog in the graveyard on the east side of the island near the south gate. He will tell you that the memorial in the center smells strange. This will complete the quest.

Dangerous to yourself and others

Northeast of the cemetery on the hill there is a house near which Gregorius Swann walks. Convince him that you can help and go down to the basement of the hut. MUST approach the woman with a character with the "Scientist" tag, otherwise you will not be able to cure her. Examine it, and notice a trace of trepanation. A fight will start and 4 demons will appear. To get the maximum amount of experience points, then kill them first, and then take on Natalie Bromhead. Reduce her health to a minimum, but do not kill her, and then the fight will end, and a dialogue will begin in which you will have to carry out an operation. It is recommended to save during the battle when you see that there are 1-2 turns left. In the next part, there is a hidden test for the level of the "intelligence" and "dexterity" characteristics. If the character who initially approached Natalie before the battle has low levels, then during the battle in the last round, activate "Purity of Mind" on this character (the "Peace of Mind" skill).

For the girl to survive, choose the following options:

After the operation, talk to the girl (if she survived) and then to Gregorius Swann to complete the quest. If the operation was successful, the doctor will make a discount on the goods for you. If not, on the contrary, the attitude will worsen and prices will rise.

bestial treatment

Among the meadows north of Driftwood there are two cows - Mabel and Geraldine. In a conversation, they will tell that in fact they are people who were bewitched by the witch Alice Alisson.

You need to find a potion for them in a hut nearby (slightly to the west). The door to the house, of course, is closed, so it's worth finding the key. It lies on a hill on the south side of the house. Inside the house, you must definitely pick up the witch's eye, and then enter the basement through the hatch in the floor. You must either crack it or take the key from the witch herself. The revived corpse of Alice Allison can be found north of the ruins in the Monastery Forest.

Nailed to a cross, she rushes about in a small area engulfed in fire. You can try to persuade her, but in any case, she will attack. The battle is very difficult, disperse the members of your squad in advance so that from the first move of Alice Allison, everyone does not immediately die. In combat, attack your witch first. Try to knock her out. It is also vulnerable to water magic, but poison and fire should not be used against it, because. it will heal her.

After the fight, take the key to the witch's cellar from the corpse and return to her house. Open the cellar. There will be a lot of rats in a large room, which, when approached, explode, attacking with poison or fire. It would be most optimal to take control of an undead character and destroy all minks from which rats will constantly crawl out, or similarly destroy minks, but with long-range attacks, using elevations so that rats do not attack you.

To open the grate to the next room, use the lever on the floor in the far corner from the entrance. There will be a giant frog STD behind bars. She has the recipe book. To pick it up, you have to kill the frog. Only a character with the tags "Mystic" and "Scientist" at the same time (Fane) can read this book. If there is no such character, then here is the recipe: witch's eye + Caesar mushroom + catalyst. The witch's eye, as already mentioned, can be taken on the first floor of the house, the Caesar mushroom grows everywhere, and the catalyst can most often be found in the Monastic Forest. We prepare the potion, and also take the second vial from the shelf near the desktop. We return to the cows. If you do not ask for a reward, you will get more experience. It should also be remembered that two potions should be given at the same time, otherwise you will help only one bewitched person. Also, you should not drink this potion yourself, because. the hero will turn into a cow, you can help him return to his former appearance only by killing and then resurrecting, or you can let him drink this potion again.

ugly duck

Among the meadows north of Driftwood, you can find Ferno's bird, which has caught a certain disease. Talk to her. It's actually a phoenix, and it's just his turn to be reborn. Just use any fire spell on it and it will turn into an egg. You can just take it or eat it to get the "Phoenix Leap" skill. If you take it into your inventory, then you will not be able to eat it.

Merchant Eithne

You can meet her in the northwestern part of the island, between the ruins in the Monastery Forest and Liam's cache (quest "Aggressive Takeover"). She needs the Corpse Explosion Skill Book. This book can only be crafted by combining two skill books in the crafting menu: necromancy lvl 1-2 + pyrokinetics lvl 1-2. Give the resulting book to Eithna. Then visit her grave in the cemetery (Pogost) - there will be a corresponding marker.


The quest is taken from the troll Grog, guarding the stone bridge on the west bank (if you go from the city along the northern road in a straight line after you cross the bridge). The fee he offers is pretty solid, so ask if you can somehow reduce the price. Then he will talk about a competitor - the troll Marga. To find it, go back a little to Driftwood and turn into the northeast branch that runs along the coast. Along the way, you will meet bears standing near the beehives. You can talk to them, but if you try to steal honey from them, they will attack. If you use spiritism, then next you will find the spirit of the Source sorcerer, in a dialogue with which you can find out what happened here. In battle, these bears will turn into Voidtouched.

Marg will stand on a stone bridge connecting the western part of the island and the central one. If you say that Grog sent to kill you to kill him, then Marg will issue a counter offer to deal with a competitor. If you kill Marg first, and tell Grog about it, you will receive a reward, and Grog will take the bridge that Marg controlled and raise the price to indecent heights. If you accept Marg's offer and kill Grog, then Marg will increase the price to very high values. In any case, after receiving a reward for the head of a competitor, in order not to pay for passage through the bridge, you can kill the second troll. Both use the "Troll's Blood" skill in combat, which restores health every turn in large quantities. To remove this effect, attack with the elements they are vulnerable to - fire for Grog and poison for Marg. While Poisoned for Marg and Burning for Grog are active, Troll Blood will not work. You won't be able to knock them down, but you can stun them so that they miss the next turn.

Taste of freedom

This quest can be obtained in the basement of Mordus's house (you can get there on the instructions of Lohar "Shadow over Driftwood"). There is a castle in the form of a skull on the wall - interact with it and get the task. The key to it in the form of a ruby ​​can be found in the cave of the Shipbreakers, according to the same quest "Shadow over Driftwood" (the treasury of Mordus, which can be accessed with the help of his amulet, the Sparkling Eye itself (the so-called ruby ​​key) is in the purse of a dead gnome on altar in that treasury (more details can be found in the section with the passage of the quest "Shadow over Driftwood").

We return with the Sparkling Eye to the basement of Mordus and interact with an unusual castle in the form of a skull. We pass into the appeared secret room and use the hatch to go down below. Before us will be a puzzle with plates. If you click on a slab, the pressed slab and adjacent tiles will light up with an air symbol. If two adjacent plates are pressed next to the stove, then it will light up with a symbol of fire, three - of the earth. Use Spiritualism to give you a clue as to which symbols should light up. Arrange the jugs and your characters in the same way as the screenshot below, and the enchanted door will open.

Inside, we communicate with the chained Withered Undead and release it by pressing the second button on the left (green) on the remote control. Skeletons will appear. Deal with them. Withered by the undead will help you. After the victory, he will offer a choice of skill book. If you ask about learning the power of the Source, then he will simply give a random skill book and escape, destroying Mordus' device. Search the room, near two barrels of water near the northern stairs is an acid-stained key.

We leave the basement and head west, across the bridge. We see that the masters who guarded him died. From here we take the north road. Walking a little forward, you will come across a branch going northeast along the coast. We go there until we reach a fork. If we go to the west, we will stumble upon the Withered Undead (lich) surrounded by corpses.

You can allow him to continue eating (then he will make another kill in the future), you can donate a Source point (then he will not kill anymore, but you will lose one Source point) or attack him.

If you did not engage in battle with him, then our next point will be the reliquary (marked on the map with a marker "Cache of the Lich of the Source"). It is located in the northeastern part of the western part of the island. If before that they allowed him to eat the dead, then this time you will meet him with the corpse of a child. Again, you can kill him or agree to his terms. In order to open the chest, you will need your blood. If you agree, you will lose some health and get a reward.

family business

Near the entrance to the cemetery on the east coast, near the northern or southern entrance, depending on which one you happened to be near, Tarkin will stand. He will tell you that he is looking for an artifact of a certain Surrey family.

In the center of the cemetery, you can meet the dog Andras guarding the entrance to the crypt nearby. If you get close to him or try to open the door, the dog will attack. In battle, he will summon Kedelon Bonebreaker, and then also the undead. To get the maximum experience points, first kill the summoned creatures, and then the dog.

After the fight, use spiritism and talk to the spirit of the dog. If you praise him, he will tell you about Anathema. To get into the crypt, pull the lever next to it to unlock the door, then use the hatch.

Inside will be petrified robbers and Kvanna. To remove the petrification from it, use the Frost Armor spell or any other spell that gives the Magic Shell effect. In any case, after talking with her, the battle will begin. It's easiest to focus on Kwanna herself, not the summoned skeletons. After the fight, take it from her body and read the torn page. Also take the Shadowy Tomb Key from her body. To open the sarcophagus, you will need a hero with pumped strength, but before that, cast the Armor of Frost spell on him or any other spell that gives the Magic Shell effect.

Go outside and follow a little south, to the grave of the Surreys (Shady Tomb). The entrance to it can be recognized by the stairs leading underground. With the help of the key obtained from the body of Kvanna, we unlock the door and get inside.

To the left of the entrance on the wall near the hole in the wall from which light pours. We click on it. We also press the button at the opposite end of the room in a semicircular recess. The door to the next room will open. In the center of it there is a sarcophagus, but you can’t just open it like that. Send someone from the squad with the maximum number magic armor (but not undead) into the next room so that he stands on the pressure plate. The character in the room with the sarcophagus, turn on spiritualism. Three levers will appear on the wall. From the note on Kvanna's body, the order is 2-1-3. Use the levers in the following order: center, closest to the door, and then farthest from the door. The sarcophagus will move and a hatch in the floor will appear.

We find ourselves in a room with a large number of clay guards. Distribute the characters in advance, and then those with maximum armor open the sarcophagus in the center and take its contents, incl. strange artifact. As soon as you are about to leave, these guards will come to life and attack. They have little health, try to attack with area damage spells and you will quickly deal with them. After that, use spiritism to talk to the spirit of Joanna Surrey and try to find out a little about the found artifact. Also, don't forget to clean everything here.

Go outside and talk to Tarkin. He will tell you that this is part of the Anathema, but the second part is needed. It is located on the island of the Blood Moon. You can get it in parallel with the quest "Secrets of the Blood Moon Island". Once in the archive, we pass into the far part of the room behind the hidden door and take the strange blade from the altar. " . If you have a lizard in your squad, then he will be able to make out the speech of the blade. After that, we give all the elements to Tarkin. He might. both near the cemetery and on the ship "Lady Vengeance" near the boat.

Driftwood Arena

In Lohar's hideout under the Black Bull tavern, you can fight in the arena. To do this, go north from Lohar's office. Speak with Arran the Noisy. He will offer to first chat with the current champion - Murga Tenya. She will sit at the end of the northwest branch.

After that, return to Arran and say that you are ready to fight in the arena. This battle will be complicated by the fact that you and your companions will be blindfolded, which means long-range attacks, teleportation over long distances will be impossible. Keep this in mind, and before you go into battle, it's better to save, because. perhaps your level will not be high enough, and you will have to return later. After the victory, talk to Murga, and then again to Arran the Noisy. This fight will be directly for the title of Champion. Only Murga will be against you, but she does quite a lot of damage per turn. After the first round, another opponent will appear - Captive Moloch of the Void. In combat, he likes to cast "Shackle of Pain", in which the target is the same damage inflicted on the caster. After the victory, get the key to the treasury from Arran the Noisy.

The entrance to the treasury is a hatch in the floor under an arch near the place where Murga was. You can't just get the treasure. You will need a hero who can teleport. The gates are closed, so we teleport behind them, but in such a way as not to fall under a stream of steam, otherwise the hero will turn to stone. Then teleport to an elevated position, again, so that the ferry doesn't hit you. When there is a pause, go to the valve and turn it - the steam will no longer go. After that, calmly go down and open the gate to the next room with chests. One of them will contain the key of the Chosen One. You will need it in the future when you get to the Academy of the Seven.

Ledger losses / Aggressive takeover

Speak with Garvan in the eastern part of the Black Bull Inn. Head west from Driftwood. Having crossed the bridge, you should go north, and then before the stone bridge with the troll, turn onto the wooden bridge. Open the chest and fight the fiends of the Void. Return to Garvan to complete the quest.

Quest "Aggressive Takeover" can be obtained from Liam's Spirit Trader on the west coast of Driftwood. Turn on spiritism near Garvan's chest in the clearing. Talk to the spirit, and then dig up the remains nearby.

Return to Driftwood and go to the Black Bull Tavern. Garvan is sitting there at the east table. Talk to him. To kill him, you can use poisoned stew. To do this, buy it from the owner of the Prudence inn, or if in a conversation with her you pretended to know Niles and speak well of him, you will receive meat stew for free, as well as the key to Niles's room on the second floor in the southern part.

In the crafting menu, combine Meat Stew and Void Touched Fish to make Spoiled Stew. Such fish can be found on the shore or bought from a fish seller in the square. Give the chowder to Garvan. As soon as he tastes it, he immediately runs to the latrine. Run after him. When he comes out of the toilet, talk to him, after which the fight will begin. Search his body and take the head.

Return to Liam. Give him Garvan's head and he will point you to the location of the stash. It will be indicated on the map as a marker in the northwestern part of the island.

Test of all seasons

If you go east of the altar of wanderings in the meadows through the stream and climb the hill, you can see an unusual altar surrounded by four statues. Interact with him to start the quest. Use the appropriate spells on the statues to activate them: "Cold Explosion" or "Destructive Hail" in winter, for autumn you need to create a cloud of steam, and then electrify it, for example, with the skill "Electric Discharge" (the cloud can be obtained by putting out the fire with water ), summer - "Laser beam", spring - "Bloody rain".

After you activate all four statues, the battle will begin. Pay attention to which element each of the attackers is immune to. After the victory, you will receive a reward.

three altars

The quest is bugged and does not activate

There are three altars on the map of the island: by the stream east of the wandering altar in the meadows, in the eastern part of the island, north of the paladin-controlled bridge, and in the Monastery Forest west of the ruins. You should visit them all and pray. The first one is not guarded by anyone, near the second one you will meet a Void-touched deer surrounded by normal deer. Get closer and the conversation will start. Say that this is a fiend of the Void, and other deer will come to their senses. The fight will start. After the victory, go to the altar and read the prayer.

Around the third, there will be a Weeping Abomination in the Monastery Forest. Try to talk to him, but he will still attack, and he will call on many wolves to help. His attacks are quite strong, so try to keep him constantly knocked down to make the fight easier. Deal with him first, and then take on the summoned assistants. After praying about three altars, follow the center of the map to the meadows. There will be a restless scarecrow. Talk to him, if the skill of persuasion is not sufficiently developed, then the hero will not be able to take part in the battle. In any case, you will have to defeat the scarecrow and his henchmen.

Buried past

Go to the Gareth family farm (there is a marker on the map). Talk to him. If the conviction is sufficiently developed, then you can immediately stop his attempt at revenge (later he will thank you). If you fail to convince, go to the house. Use Spiritualism to talk to Gareth's parents.

Also, a little further down the road, Jonathan's glove will be lying around the fence - take it. Talk to Gareth and head to the Blackpits. The next part is done in conjunction with the quest "On one's last legs". After killing Jonathan, take his ring and return to Gareth. Gareth, in the event of Jonathan's death, will no longer travel with you, and you will not find him on the ship.

They won't get through

On the Reaper's Coast, talk to a boy named Barin, who is standing on the edge of a destroyed bridge. Or contact the bridge protector Mary. This is how the task will begin.

Head to the bridge keeper's house (through the paladin fortress and graveyard) and deal with the fiends. To open the gate, you will need lockpicks and a good lockpicking skill.

Mary will provide a reward for this (if she survives). Inside her house, you can also find the key to Mary's hatch.

Plundered caravan

You will receive this quest after finding a caravan of masters near the starting point of the Reaper's coast. Talk to the dwarf survivor to find out that the fiends captured the sorcerer and dragged him into a special cave called Wrecker Cave. After talking to Raymond in the Driftwood area, tell Magister Julian about what happened to the caravan.

hide and seek

In Driftwood, talk to two children standing near the docks - Ben and Harriet. You will learn that their friend Joe tried to swim across to Fort Joy, but disappeared. They are concerned about his loss.

Go to the coordinates (X:450, Y:-46) to find a beached shark on the beach of the Reaper coast (by the way, not far from the starting point). She does not want to return to the water, because she is afraid of some monsters. Finish off the shark in any way, search its body and find a severed leg. Choose an elf and eat this leg in order to find out that it belongs to the dead boy. This is Joe.

Return to the children and inform them of Joe's fate. You will receive the normal reward and complete the quest.

Advice. If you do not have an elf in the group, but you have Fein, then use his many-sided mask to turn into an elf. So you get his ability to see the memories of the dead people.

Reward: 3000 experience points if you eat the leg and learn about Joe's fate, as well as regular loot.

When to count chickens

On the coast of the Reaper, you will find a chicken coop with several chickens. If one of the team members has the Animal Friend talent, you can chat with the head chicken and find out that their eggs have been stolen. Big Marge will challenge you to recover the stolen eggs.

Move to the indicated place marked on the map, which is slightly north of the chickens, and deal with the fiends of the Void. All eggs will be spoiled, but there is one survivor - a little further, on the very edge of the coast. Retrieve the egg and return it to Big Marge.

As a reward for this, you will learn about the place where the treasure is buried - it is behind the chicken coop. Dig it up.

Return to the chickens a little later to find that the hatched Pipir chick has killed everyone else, but for some reason is friendly towards you. He will follow you just as the black cat did on the banks of Fort Joy.

Use Spirit Vision to make Big Marge's spirit appear and tell you to find Pipir's father. Go to the indicated place on the map at coordinates X:437, Y:304 to find Pipir's father - Magicockerel.

He will tell you that you must kill Pipir, because the one he sees in front of him is only the killer, not his son. You can agree and kill Pipir or refuse it.

If you decide to kill Pipir, you will receive a reward in the form of loot, and a chest with legendary and epic items will appear next to the Magicockerel. If you choose not to kill Pipir, he will turn into a monster and spawn dozens of baby birds that will fight you. After that you will receive a chest. Either way, the quest is complete.

Reward: 5000 experience points (regardless of choice), chest with legendary and epic items.

Scientist Grebb

Eat three fish that are infected with poison. At the Driftwood Fishing Ground, Grebb studies an infected fish that has been infected by the Void. If you agree to eat it, you can get experience and other rewards for it.

He will give you a choice among poisoned fish - brown, red and yellow. After you eat, you will be poisoned for several turns. You will get a mixture of plants from him depending on what kind of fish you eat - duke for bream, etc. He will also say that he would recommend mixing this herb with the fish you ate to enhance the effect of the potion.

One character can only eat one fish out of three. Eat every fish, which will require three characters. When you talk to Grebb as the fourth character, the quest will be completed as the scientist admits that there are no more fish.

You can even use hired heroes to complete the quest (if you don't have a full team).

Losses in the ledger

Return Garvan's property.

There is a man named Garvan in the Driftwood Tavern who asks you to investigate missing supplies along the trade route west of Driftwood. Go to the indicated place where there is a troll guarding the bridge. You can kill him or agree to help as part of the Business Competitors quest.

Follow the bloody trails and meet the gnomes and their pet Pasha. You can tell Garvan that the property has been destroyed, or return the wooden crate to him with or without the contents. Or you can continue your investigation here.

From a shallow grave, you can dig up the remains, let the elf from the detachment eat them in order to find out that the merchant was killed not by fiends, but by his companions. Activate spirit vision and the merchant's ghost will appear. You can agree to avenge him, which will lead to the start of the "Aggressive Capture" quest.

Garvan only wants his crate, and the reward will be different depending on its contents (what you leave inside).

Business competitors

Trolls Gorg and Marg are engaged in the same business, being competitors for each other. Each of them will ask you to kill the other. You can help one get rid of the other. But be very careful about this, as the Gorg troll is a dangerous opponent that can kill a weak party member with one blow. Before you fight the trolls, make sure you prepare and save your game.

Applying Fire on Gorg and Poisoning on Marg will remove their blood regeneration effect.

Aggressive grip

West of Driftwood, near the bridge, there is blood trail. We indicated this location in the quest "Losses in the ledger". At the end of the bloody path, you will discover Garvan's possessions, but you will also be ambushed by enemies.

After the fight, use the vision of spirits to find the ghost of the merchant Liam. Talk to him to find out the truth about his death and agree to avenge him. If you want to kill Garvan without attracting attention, you must feed him a poisoned meat stew, made from ordinary meat stew and any fish infected with the Void. He will then move to the infirmary behind the tavern and attack you as soon as he sees you. After searching his corpse, you will receive Garvan's severed head. Give it to Liam, and he will mark on the map the place where the treasure is buried, which Garvan could not find. This is your reward.

However, if you eat Garvan's head with an elf in the squad, you will receive the unique talent "Trader's Secrets", which increases the "Exchange" option by one point. If you decide to do this, then Liam will not give you a reward.

If you decide to kill Garven, but he is inside the tavern and did not become your enemy, then do it without warning anyone. You need to have a poison weapon, rain skill and about 1000 gold coins "in reserve". Cast rain around him and then infect the puddle with a poison weapon. After that, go outside and return to the tavern so that no one sees you. Wait for Garvan to die without anyone knowing who did it.

1000 gold will be needed to bribe anyone who tries to interrogate you (about 400-500 gold will probably be enough, but it's better to have more just in case). Or you can try to convince such people. After that, do not approach the tavern until the situation calms down and all the NPCs return to their places. This way you can safely take Garvan's head.

Buy Stew meat from Lovrik in the tavern and combine it with any fish you catch. Give the rotten fish to Garven. To begin with, you may have to give Garven the usual stew, after which he will ask for the third himself (you can slip the poisoned fish).

You can discover Liam's treasures on your own.

Web of Desires

At the bottom, under Driftwood, you will meet a strange woman named Dorothea. Agree to look at her ring and choose one vision, each of which will cause one or another reaction. She will ask you to meet her in the corner, so you will have to split the squad (in a known way) and keep the companions somewhere far away. After you meet the woman, she will turn into a giant spider and you will have to decide whether to let her kiss the hero or take out a weapon and fight the enemy.

If you choose the second option and defeat the spider, then your companions will receive 4000 experience points, and on her corpse you will find a revival idol (resurrects a character who has it in his inventory if he dies), two unique daggers and a key.

If you allow yourself to be kissed, she will bite the character on the neck, and you will receive the Spider Bite talent, the effect of which depends on which vision you have chosen before:

  • Towering Oak (+2 Strength, -2 Constitution).
  • Curved Feather (+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution).
  • Golden chest (2000 gold, -2 to constitution).
  • Dragon (+2 intelligence, -2 constitution).
  • Cocoon (-2 to constitution, one idol of rebirth).

After the kiss, you can attack Dorothea, or you can let go.

Although it requires you to face Dorothea alone, you can use other characters (if it starts) that you control in the battle. Therefore, the fight will be quite easy. To maximize the experience, kiss the spider with all four characters, and last, when Dorothea tries to leave, attack her.

Drowning her sorrow

On the second floor of the tavern in Driftwood, you will meet Captain Ableweather, who will ask you to stop the ringing that torments her. Use the spirit vision ability in her room and you will see one ghost torturing the woman. Convince him to leave, after which Ableweather's torment will end.

Ableweather will mark the location of his compass on the map. When you go there, you will need to teleport one satellite to open the hatch. Inside the cargo, you will find a compass surrounded by fog. You need an undead character to get a compass or a teleport spell.

strange cargo

After you find Higba (Missing Masters quest) in the fish barrel in the fishing room, you can help him escape or return him.

If you decide to help with the escape, then you must escort the character outside of Driftwood, while making sure that he is not caught by the masters. Use your mini-map to track the location of other Magisters, and use stealth to escape. Or just take the character to the western part of the port and use the teleportation skill to move to the other side of the river.

For this, you will receive a reward and a new clue about who the real criminal is (the cook in the tavern), and where to find Master Hanang. In addition, you can teleport to the marker and get a reward. Do not forget that when you try to escape, you can still return the character to the masters.

Love has a price

A man named Lovrik in the Driftwood tavern promised you something exotic to try. If you pay him the indicated price, he will give you the key to the upper suite.

Go there alone and spend the night. The next morning, thugs will suddenly appear when you are naked and demand money. If your character is Ifan ben Mezd, then the thugs will recognize you and just leave. Otherwise, you will either die or lose money. If you're playing as the Red Prince, the lizard you encounter will turn into the Red Princess instead.

Returning to Lovrik, you will learn from him that he did all this for his daughter. If you ask the chef, you will find out that he is lying. Unfortunately, Lovrik will have time to escape.

Driftwood Arena

This quest can be picked up in the cellars of the tavern in Driftwood. In the first fight, you will fight blindfolded, which reduces range and accuracy, so prepare carefully.

Murga, who is to be fought in the second battle, fights like a scoundrel. After her second move, fiends will appear, which you both will have to destroy. After the fiends die, you will need to defeat Murga in order to get the title of champion.

In both battles, be sure to cast shields and various buffs in advance. Be careful with your transformations: the blindfold will prevent you from using various skills.

The first fight can be made easier by summoning creatures that you weren't told about.

If Murga does not get to you before the fiend appears, then she will attack your common enemy. Get away from her. The worm will not be as dangerous as the one that appeared in the fight with Alexander, but it is not as bad as the one that you could fight in the swamp. He will try to put chains of pain on you. Sebilla can break the bonds, but this requires a Source point.

Are you a level 3 geomancer? Invest gold and a source point in artillery mount which can be bought in the market. I used it to defeat Murga after she finished off the Worm.

Blazing Prophet

There is an unusual statue on the cliff of Driftwood, next to which there are several torches. You need to light all the torches at the same time, but they won't burn for too long. Create an oily surface and use a fireball or other spell (or a weapon with fire damage) on it to light the torches.

A rainbow will appear and the statue will speak to you. You will be able to choose your reward and get some experience points.

Ugly little chick

North of Driftwood, there is a sick chicken on a farm. If you have the Scientist tag and the Animal Friend talent, you can convince her that she is in fact a phoenix. All it takes to turn a chicken into a phoenix is ​​to burn it. Use any fire spell and the chicken will indeed turn into a phoenix egg. You can decide what to do - keep the egg or eat it.

bestial treatment

On a farm north of Driftwood, you'll come across a pair of cows who are actually human - they were turned into cows and enslaved by a certain witch. You will need the Animal Friend talent to talk to the cows. They want to return to their human form, so they ask you for help. The quest can be started by simply picking up the key to the witch's house, which is located to the left of the house, on a large rock.

The witch's house is located right in front of the cows. Enter it (we indicated the location of the key above) and take away the witch's eye (which is used to create a potion and return the cows to human form). Then open the hatch leading to the dungeon (requires the fourth level of thievery). If you don't have the required thievery skill, you can meet the witch in the monastery forest to get the basement key. But keep in mind that the battle will be difficult.

In the basement you will find a lot of exploding rats. Attack holes in the walls to stop them from appearing. You can also find a lever that opens the door, although it can also be unlocked with a level 4 thievery skill. Or even teleport inside!

In the basement, be sure to pick up the witch's potion (which will turn you permanently into a cow if you use it). You can also find the witch's book on the giant frog. You will probably have to kill the frog to get the book, as it won't give it up. The presence of the tags "Scientist" and "Mystic" will allow you to decipher the recipe book that fell out of the frog in order to create the desired potion. Otherwise, use our recipe: growth stimulant + boletus mushroom + witch's eye.

If you drink a witch's potion to turn into a cow, the quest will be completed automatically and you will receive 10,775 experience points. This is not recommended as you can only create one potion and you will have to return two cows to the form.

Take the potion so that you end up with two of them (one was crafted, the other was found in the witch's house). Return both potions to the cows and get 13,450 experience points for each. In total, you will be rewarded with 26,900 experience points.

Reward: 10,775 experience points if you drink a potion and turn into a cow; 13,450 experience points for each cow that returns to human form - there are two of them, so there will be a total of 26,900 XP.

Test for all time

To the east of the Altar of Driftwood wanderings, you can find an elven building, across the river. There are four statues surrounding the brazier (coordinates - X; 450, Y:340).

To pass the test, you will need to attack four statues using different elemental skills:

  • Hero of Winter - spells "Winter Explosion" or "Hail Strike".
  • Autumn Hero - Static Cloud Arrow or manually cast fire spells on a pool of water, then attack the cloud with a lightning spell.
  • Hero of Summer - Use the Laser Beam spell.
  • Hero of Spring - Use "Bloody rain" or the ability of the elven race "Flesh Sacrifice".

Be ready! As soon as you light the last totem, four heroes will appear and start the battle with you. Each challenger (Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn) is immune to their respective element. These are pretty strong opponents if you are on the same level with them. Defeat all enemies so that the brazier speaks to you, congratulating you on your victory and creating a chest with the heart of a phoenix. This will end the quest.

Reward: 20,775 experience points for each enemy killed - a total of 83,100 XP; 51,900 experience points for completing the quest; the heart of the phoenix (which gives the Flaming Tongues skill if it is eaten by an elf) and a chest.


  • Summon a fire slug (mage's ring) to activate the statue of Summer, as it also uses a laser beam.
  • Splatter the blood to activate the statue of Spring. You can do this by attacking the companion standing near the statue.

Speaking in Forked Tongues

In the graveyard, you can find a lizard chest between two fire-breathing statues. Let the lizard talk to him and you will find out that a password is required to open. Fane's transformation into a lizard will not help you.

The password can be obtained from the salamander in Riker's mansion, but you need a lizard character with the Animal Friend talent. Teleport the chest out of the flames. Breaking it will give you loot, but won't solve the quest.

family business

At the cemetery gate is Tarquin, who asks to explore the family crypt and get a family heirloom. You can get the key from the petrified sorceress found in another underground room. In the first room, there are two buttons on the wall that you need to approach to find them. Click on these buttons, which will open the stone gate.

Have one of your companions enter the third room and stand on the pressure plate. Then use the vision of the spirits (which you learn as part of the quest "Abrupt Awakening") to find three levers on the wall. Press the middle, left and right levers in sequence to open a secret hatch. If you have already touched the levers before using our combination, then you need to “reset” the middle lever. Pull the middle one until the water comes out, then interact once with the left and right.

Under the hatch is a treasure chest. Use the character with the highest luck to get the loot. The artifact lies in the coffin. If you have a lizard, then he will understand what language the inscription is engraved in. When you try to leave the tomb, all the clay guards will come to life and attack you. Inform Tarkin about the completion of the task, after which the man will say that there are other artifacts on the island of the Blood Moon. When you travel to Blood Moon Island, you can find a hatch in its northeast corner. It is hidden in a rather witty place.

Inside the vault is the other half of the artifact. When both halves are on hand, then talk to Tarkin. Sometimes he will not be at the cemetery gate, but on the “Lady of Revenge”, near the boat. If you go to the "Lady Vengeance" by moving with the help of fast travel, then Tarkin will be right next to you.


You can destroy the clay armor before looting the room, which will avoid the fight.

If Tarkin is missing, then one possible solution is to follow the marker to the "Lady Vengeance", taking the boat from the coast, and then reuse the boat on the galley. Tarkin should appear near the boat.

There is a much easier way to enter the crypt:

  1. Look at the stairs leading down the crypt.
  2. Go left.
  3. As soon as you go down the hill in front of the gate, you will see a crypt with statues of two knights with shields.
  4. Destroy or open the gate (there is a lever on the right side).
  5. Enter the tomb.
  6. As soon as you go down into the tomb, then do not touch anything, or you will turn to stone.
  7. Use the spell "Bless" or "Ice Armor".
  8. Either kill Kanna to get the tomb key to get inside.

Stranger in a foreign land

Cast vision of spirits near the altar of wandering in the graveyard to see the ghost of a lizard near you. He will ask you to dig up his remains and burn them in eternal fire. Place the remains of the lizard in the part of the cemetery where the representatives of this race are buried - where the two dragon heads are located, exuding fire. The lizard ghost will appear and thank you.

existential crisis

In the cemetery, you will hear a voice pleading for help - coordinates X:625, Y:153. He asks to dig up the remains. Agree to do so. After you dig up the character, a skeleton named Crispin will appear, claiming to be a philosopher, challenging you to a duel. At this point, if the character talking to him is not undead, you will need to prepare and defeat him. Otherwise, you can not be shy and immediately join the battle.

He will have three questions for you. A wrong answer to any of them will result in instant death of the character. The most common way to win for non-undead characters is to read The Essence of Being, volume three, to destroy the skeleton.

However, if your character is an undead, simply select the "Undead" tags in all three questions and you will automatically win (for example, if you have Fane). You can also give correct answers to questions by consistently using the tags jester, mystic and scientist. Unfortunately, due to the inability of any character to have all three tags at the same time, reading at least one book will still be required. The first volume contains the answer to the first question, the second to the second, and the third to the third.

You can find all three volumes in Riker's mansion. The first volume is found where Riker is, in his private office. The second is located in the living room on the lower floor. The third volume can be found on the second floor in Riker's bedroom. Please note that if you take the books, it will be considered theft. And to get into the bedroom on the second tier, you will need to break open the door.

If you answer the first question correctly, you will see the skeleton trembling. If you answer the second question correctly, he will scream. If you answer the third question correctly, the skeleton will explode. Correct answers to all three questions will lead to the successful completion of the quest, for which you will receive 21,525 experience points and a skill book from Crispin's body.

REMEMBER that Fane, being undead, can answer all three questions correctly.

Lawse can answer the first and second questions as a jester and mystic, but the third will require the third volume of The Essence of Being. It is located near the bed in the room with the cat and the dog, on the second floor of Riker's house.

Shelter of heroes

To the south of the altar of wanderings of the cemetery there are coffins with four heroes. Examine them to find out four places where treasures are buried. But if you examine all four coffins, the undead heroes will respawn and attack you. After that, go to the marked points and find the equipment of the heroes to complete this quest.

Kill each hero one at a time, because after the first death they will resurrect in a more powerful form. Therefore, first kill one hero twice, then another, and so on.

Resistant Servants

In the cemetery, you will find the gravedigger Farima, who begs to kill Ryker. After you do this (Riker is in the private office of the mansion), then inform Farima. You will be able to kill Ryker after completing the Generous Offer quest, which will allow you to maximize your profits.

generous offer

In the mansion in the cemetery there is a character named Riker, who will ask you to get a special tablet, in return for which he will teach you how to control the source. The tablet is located inside the caves in the Blackpits. In Rust's room (at the sawmill), you'll find a contract suggesting that Riker is a Lone Wolf killer tasked with destroying any believers he encounters.

Travel to Blackpit in the southeast of the Reaper's Coast to find that the gate is guarded by mages, blocking further path. If Raymond gives you the authority to help the magisters, you will be able to pass through the gate without any obstacles. Otherwise, you will have to defeat the guard.

Outside the gate you will see a white mage who is interrogating a stonemason (a student of Hannag, required by the On the Ropes quest). After killing the master, you will lose the thread of the task, after which fiends will also appear.

On the other side of the harbor, Quartermaster Anna guards the entrance to the mine. Defeat her to get inside. This shaft is filled with traps and oil pipes. Use boxes to block pipes and disarm them. Or use teleportation to pass this place. If you have two teleportation pyramids that you may have found in Dallis's hidden room on the Lady Vengeance, then leave one pyramid on one companion and the other on the other. So you can teleport the whole team.

In the depths of the cave is the Screamer, guarding the altar of wandering. Use the skill "Source of Vampirism" to destroy it (there is a corpse on the broken bridge - if you teleport there, you will find a note and a key).

Note. If you have the special wand you found in Fort Joy, you can use it to kill the Screamer. If not, then you need to master the source and complete the ritual in the quest "Abrupt Awakening" in order to learn the skill "Source of Vampirism".

As you move forward, you'll see some Battlemasters fighting the Netherfiends (at the dig site). Defeat the fiends, after which you can convince the masters (if any of them survived) to just pass by. If not, then you have to kill them too. From one of the corpses of the masters, take the key to the room nearby. Inside the room is a hidden stone door - you need to get close enough to see it. Behind the stone door there is a strange device that will teach you how to create a mask (requires one source point).

Leave the excavation site by going to the workshop where the group of masters is located. You need to defeat them and destroy the gate (use fire skills on the oil barrels) to open the way to the Ancient Temple. Interact with the device in the Ancient Temple to get more information. The clue to the puzzle is in the book on the corpse inside the Ancient Temple. The second page will say that each God represents an element or force:

  • Ralik - earth.
  • Duna - air.
  • Tyr is blood.
  • Zorl is fire.
  • Vrogir - fire.
  • Xantessa - mind.
  • Amadia is magic.

The correct order would be: Amadia, Tyr, Duna, Zorl, Xantessa, Vrogir, and Ralik.

After you hit all the pillars in the correct order, the force field will disappear. The item you need is in one of the drawers near the sarcophagus. Take it out and return it to Riker. Touching the sarcophagus will eventually lead to a difficult fight.

Return to Riker's mansion, go to his Personal Area through the hatch. Riker will sacrifice the souls of the farmers to provide you with more source points (increase source points, but no more than three). He will then attack you, so be prepared for a fight.

If you simply give the artifact to Riker, he will provide you with a blueprint. The door without a keyhole can be opened using the switch near Riker, next to the mirror. Cast a see spirit spell during the fight with Ryker to see the souls of your defenders, allowing them to be instantly killed using the source of lifesteal.

On the ropes (On the Ropes)

Hannag, one of the masters of the source, will give you this quest after you save her from the masters (near the altar of wandering in the monastery forest). In return, she will teach you how to control the source. Apprentice Hannag can be found in the Blackpits. However, when you get to him, you will find that he has already escaped, and a group of Magisters have captured his family and are preparing to execute him. You can fight them or leave them alone.

Before you continue exploring the black hole, you need to overcome the guards at the gate in the form of masters. If Raymond (Law of the Order) has authorized you to investigate the incident, you will be able to pass through the gate without any violence. Otherwise, you will have to fight with enemies.

Gwydian, Hannag's apprentice, is bound and interrogated by white magicians. You can now release him, but this will cause everyone to become hostile and attack you. This is a very difficult fight, so prepare yourself by choosing skills related to water, as there will be a lot of fire and oil fiends. After freeing Gwydian, use the waypoint to teleport to the monastery forest and report back to Hannag. Hannag will teach you the knowledge of the origin, increasing your maximum supply by one point. If you already have two source points, now there will be three.

three altars

Go to the Monastery Forest and go to coordinates X:115, Y:269, where the Lamenting Abomination character is located. When you get close to it, wolves will appear and attack your squad. Kill the opponents and then kneel before the altar.

The second altar is located at coordinates X:414, Y:301, on the river.

The third altar is located at coordinates X:482, Y:260, also on the river. When you get close, the fiends will attack you.

Elven seer

  1. Sawmill - Saheila.
  2. Reaper's Coast - Elf camp.

If you managed to convince the elves to let them into the place of the ritual, in this case, after it is completed, you will be able to talk with them. You will learn that Saheila has been kidnapped by the lone wolf Rust and is being held captive in the sawmill. If you have a high level of persuasion, you can convince the elves to leave her there.

Your next objective is to head to the sawmill and get inside. Saheila is being held captive on the floor of one of the buildings. Most of the area is heavily guarded by Rust's people, which means you'll either have to pay handsomely or fight some serious enemies.

Another fight awaits you on the floor. This time, you will face Rust himself and his bodyguards, including two wolves and crossbowmen. If you stay in a small room throughout the battle, you will greatly simplify your task. When the fight is over, you can free Saheila. She will ask you to escort her back to the elf camp. If you defeat the people of Rust that you met before, then this task should not be a problem.

Talk to Saheila as soon as you get to the camp. She will teach you how to collect additional source points.

Reward: Four guaranteed items and one item from three powerful items to choose from - depending on the class of the character.

Lost and found

Reaper's Coast - Lagan

Not far from Driftwood, you will stumble upon a fishing shack that is inhabited by a character named Lagan. He will tell you that he lost his ring and ask you to return it.

In this case, you will not need to go far and search uncharted territories. The ring is in the area marked below. It will also be automatically detected as soon as you and your team get as close as possible to its location. However, when you pick up the ring, fiends will appear.

If Lagan survives, then you can decide what to do with the ring.

Choice 1- give the ring.

Talk to Lagan and in a conversation with him confirm that you really want to return the ring to him. If your persuasion is strong enough, you can convince him to hand over the extra gold.

Reward: 5000 experience points and additional gold.

Choice 2- Keep the ring.

You can also decide that you want to keep the ring for yourself.

Reward: copper ring.

Saheila tribe

Reaper's Coast - Elf Camp

If you saved Amiro on the territory of Fort Joy, then he will definitely ask you to tell the story of Saheil to all the remaining elves, who just live on the territory of the Reaper's Coast. You will be able to do this at this location, since the elves' camp is located here.

When you appear in the camp, you will find an elf performing a mysterious ritual. If you try to get closer, you will start a conversation with the guard, which can end in two ways.

Ending 1- get permission.

If your conviction is high enough, then you will be allowed to enter the place of the ritual. This will unlock the quests Burial Rites (Funeral Rites) and The Elven Seer (Elven Seer).

Reward: 5800 experience points.

Ending 2- you were denied entry.

If you fail to convince the elves, they will not want to listen to you. In addition, you will be asked to leave the earth.

Reward: absent.

Funeral rites

If you have been admitted to the sacred ground, then one of the members of your squad will take part in the ritual. You should raise the elf if you can (ideally Sebilla can do it). Your task is to choose those dialogue options that will impress the elves as much as possible. In the dialog box, these are always the top phrases!

Reward: The amount of experience points you get depends on how much you impressed the elves; four guaranteed items and one of four powerful items to choose from depending on the class of the character (only if the ritual ends well).

Take wishful thinking

Reaper's Coast - Genie's Lamp

You will see a mysterious lamp lying on one of the beaches of the Reaper Coast.

If you interact with her, a Genie will appear. It turns out that the lamp was thrown away because the Genie is acting very aggressive. There are two ways to solve this problem.

Ending 1- fulfillment of desire.

If you have a high enough level of persuasion, then you will be able to convince the Genie to grant the wish and not pester you. You will be able to choose which wish the Genie should fulfill.

Reward: 9750 experience points and an item that you wish on.

Ending 2- Battle with the Genie.

If you could not convince the Genie, then he will attack your squad. The battle is not so difficult, but ends with the death of the Genie, which means that there is no reward.

Reward: absent.


Activate ghostly vision at the sawmill to see the ghost of an elf located by the timber. He will ask you to help him in taking revenge on the spirit of the sawmill master. The spirit of the former sawmill master is located southwest of the bridge near the same sawmill. The location will be marked on the map! Apply a source of vampirism on it to completely destroy and absorb a source point. You can learn this skill in the quest A sharp awakening.

Return to the spirit that gave you the task, talk to him and complete the quest.

Reward: 25,950 experience points and a unique shield called Livewood Shield.

Persistent Spirit

Activate ghostly vision at the sawmill to find the mute spirit and find out that his name is Syrus Oates.

It was burned by the lone wolf Pigsbane, who is still alive today. Now the spirit wants his killer to die. After you deal with Pigsbane (his location will be marked with a marker on the map), return to Sirus and collect the reward.

former lovers

Use Ghost Vision to see the ghost of a woman named Edie Engrim located at the sawmill.

She was killed by her former lover named Firewater. And he did this in order to undergo initiation and join the ranks of lone wolves. Now she wants to hear him say her name so she can rest in peace. Get the man to say Edie's name, then return to the woman for a reward.

forcibly recruited

At the Lone Wolves camp, you will meet a man named Corbin Day.

Rust Anlon made him come here and work for the Wolves. After you kill the Lone Wolves, talk to Corbin and tell him he's free. Invite him to the Lady Vengeance galley.

Kill Reward

The spirit of the deer will ask you to find a wreath of wild flowers. Dig up the burial site of the deer and the poacher who killed it.

An eye for an eye

Cast a ghostly vision spell while at the sawmill (at the Lone Wolves headquarters) to find the master's spirit. He will ask you to take revenge on the Lone Wolves archer who killed him. After you kill the Dead Eye, return to the spirit for a reward.

You can receive different rewards:

  • Tell him that you like the air (Pressure Spike).
  • Surge of pain all around (Global Chill).
  • Say you're looking for earthly power.
  • You can also choose a fee in the form of a source - you can absorb the master's ghost.

bitter mixture

While at the sawmill, activate the ghostly vision spell to face the spirit of a lizard named Black Widow (rough translation) - this is a known poisoner of the Lone Wolves.

He was tricked by Lone Wolves spokeswoman Snakeroot into ingesting poison. He wants her to die. You can absorb the spirit of this lizard or kill the "lone she-wolf" marked with a marker on the map. Ask the character about the reward in the event that they helped the lizard.

No reason for jokes

While at the sawmill, activate the ghostly vision spell to see the spirit of Mudbarrow. He wants you to get the sleeping Lone Wolf to show you where she hid her gold after she killed him.

Talk to the desired character (marked with a marker) at the sawmill to find out where the loot is, and then kill it. If you have already killed the Lone Wolves before completing this quest, then it seems that you can no longer complete this quest. Return to the quest giver for a reward.

reward to the finder

Use Ghost Vision at the Lone Wolves Lumber Mill.

Then talk to the spirit of the paladin. After you take the head of the mummy, then give it to the paladin to complete the quest. The task is easy - the necessary points are marked with markers.

Dangerous to yourself and others

To the northeast of the churchyard (cemetery) you will come across a healer's house. Convince him that he can trust and tell you about his problems by allowing you to enter the house to cure the infected seeker.

Follow the healer to the basement (or hack it), where you will have two options: kill the girl or cure her. If you approach her with a character that doesn't have the "Scientist" tag, you won't be able to heal the girl. The only option in this case is to kill all the opponents that appear on the location. However, if you approach her with a Scientist tag, you can indicate that she is suffering from a burr hole. The healer will ask you not to kill her during the fight so that he can heal her. Either way, both paths will lead to the seeker, who will attack you along with the four spawns of her nightmares (Natalie's Suffering, Natalie's Fury, Natalie's Despair, and Natalie's Fear).

In the ensuing fight, you will face four monsters created from Natalie's emotions and Natalie herself. Each enemy killed will reward you with 10,775 experience points. If you decide to heal Natalie, then you will have to weaken her by lowering the health bar to the minimum level. However, as soon as you do this, all emotions will disappear! Thus, in order to get the maximum possible amount of experience points, it is recommended to first kill the monsters, and only after attacking Natalie herself. Of course, if the fight seems too difficult, then ignore the monsters and attack Natalie.

After you successfully weaken the girl, the dialogue related to the operation will begin. To ensure that Natalie doesn't die during the operation, you'll need the help of a healer to hold her down, so it's not a good idea to start the operation right away. Select dialogue options:

  • Ask the healer to hold her.
  • Choose a pair of fine tweezers and try to gently remove the larva.
  • Close the wound slowly.

You will successfully heal Natalie and receive 13,450 experience points for your efforts. Talk to the healer to receive +50 attitude and an epic item of your choice as a reward. From now on, he will also be available as a healer and merchant (don't forget that healing spells deal damage to the undead, Fane). After that, you will complete the quest.

If the girl does not survive during the operation, then you will not receive experience points and lower your relationship with the healer to a minimum. The quest will also be completed after you simply kill the girl in battle (if no characters with the "Scientist" tag approached her). In this case, apart from the experience for the destruction of each of the four monsters, nothing will come of it.

If you decide to kill her, then just finish off all the opponents.


  • 5800 experience points for convincing a healer to launch a squad into your house.
  • 10,775 experience points for killing each monster from Natalie's emotions - in total, you can get 53,875 experience points if you choose to go with the "Kill her" path.
  • 10,775 experience points for killing each monster from Natalie's emotions and 13,450 experience points for a successful operation - a total of 56,550 experience points if you go through the "Heal her" path.
  • Gregory will be available as a healer and trader, you will automatically receive +50 points to your attitude with him, as well as one epic item of your choice (if you manage to cure the girl).

Bury the past

To start this quest, you must head south from Driftwood, at coordinates X:380, Y:274 - inside or in front of the burning house. If you start the quest at X:380, Y:274, you'll find Gareth standing over an old friend, the White Master Jonathan. After a short dialogue, you will be given the option to convince Gareth (intelligence or memory check) to either free Jonathan or kill him. Regardless of the outcome, you can still attack and kill Jonathan, who will offend Gareth and force him to leave.

Otherwise, Gareth will show mercy and go to Paradise Dawns.

After convincing him of mercy, you can choose the lowest option to bypass the check. As soon as your journal is updated and the phrase "We convinced Gareth that ..." appears (the continuation depends on what exactly you convinced Gareth of), then you can advance on the quest.

If you start the quest in Paradise Downs or find Gareth after the above, he will want you to kill the Silent Monks as revenge. These monks are on the farmer's house, you will have to convince the paladins to let you inside. You can do what he asks, or talk to him and convince him that this is not an option.

Opposites attract

In the basement of Riker's mansion, you can find a rat and a turtle. If you have the Animal Friend talent, then you will know that the turtle is in love with the rat. You can use various products to lure the rat to the turtle. Drag food from your inventory and throw it on the ground to form a path of food.

Evil spirit hunter

In the house located east of the Monastery Forest, there is a demon hunter named Jaan (the same Jaan from the original Divinity: Original Sin). Approach him to automatically receive 14,975 research experience points.

Jaan will ask you to explore Blood Moon Island and kill a powerful demon called the Lawyer. If you have Lowse on your team, you can let the girl talk to him to increase your reputation by 10 points. He will agree to help Lowes in exchange for killing the Advocate's demon. In any case, you will advance in the passage of the quest and earn another 7500 experience points.

It is highly recommended that you complete three other quests along with this quest, as they are all partially connected by their location - "Secret Blood Moon Island", "The Lawyer" and "Forgotten and Damned". Rewards and quests will be listed separately.

In Jaan's house, there is a book called "The Decorated Psalter", which is required to complete the Forgotten and Damned quest. Reading this book as a character with the "Scholar" tag will give you 14,450 experience points (unless you read it with another character).

Travel to Blood Moon Island via the port in Monastery Forest, or use a ghostly vision spell near the broken bridge next to the wandering altar in Driftwood Fields. You will be able to teleport safely using the spooky bridges that appear. In any case, after you find yourself on the island of the Blood Moon, talk to the Lawyer in the demon camp and agree to complete his personal task, since in this case you can get a large amount of experience points and advance through the main storyline. You can also kill the Lawyer right here and now, at the first meeting, but it is not recommended to do this - it is better to kill him after completing the task and collect the maximum possible experience points and reward.

Having dealt with the masters of the Black Ring, who surrounded the tree, you can kill the Lawyer himself. In battle, he will be assisted by three characters and a dog (another dog will remain on the beach - you can kill it and get 7225 experience points). Before attacking the Lawyer, deal with the pickpocket Basatana. Killing the Lawyer will give you a measly 7225 XP, but it drops some pretty powerful loot. You will also earn 7225XP for killing the dog and 28,900XP for killing each of the other four characters (Basatan Pickpocket, Chtiltia, Mistress Agony, Eirene Havok, and the Knight). Once they are all dead, don't forget to search Basatan and retrieve the scroll. Also clear the area of ​​the remaining enemies to gain experience points and loot.

After you kill the Lawyer, you will need to find out the name of the demon. When you report back to Jaan, you can go to the Ancestral Tree, activate the ghostly vision spell and speak with the spirit of this Tree to find out the name of the arch-demon Jaan.

In order to talk to the Tree, you will need to find out its name, which you will find if you read the Archivist's journal in the Archives located in the picture below (this archive is actually connected to the Secrets of the Blood Moon Island quest). Say the name of the Tree and you will earn 66,200 experience points, and you will also find out the name of the arch-demon that settled in Dr. Daeva.

The screenshot above shows the entrance to the Archives. You will need a high enough level of intelligence to locate the mound and dig it out. Entering the Archives will give you 50,575 experience points. Tell Jaan that the Lawyer has been killed and you'll earn 36,100 experience points. As the dialogue progresses, you will gain another 36,100 experience points, for a total of 72,200 XP. After revealing the name of the demon to Jaan, you will officially complete the quest and receive your choice of some of the legendary loot. If Lowes is in the swami, then Jaan will try to cure her, but will ultimately fail. He will then agree to join you on the Lady Vengeance and meet the demon later.


  • 14,975 experience points for approaching Jaan's house.
  • 7500 experience points for agreeing to explore Blood Moon Island.
  • +10 relationship with Lowse if you let her talk to Jaan.
  • 14,450 experience points for reading the book "The Decorated Psalter" by a character with the tag "Scientist" (the book is connected with the "Forgotten and Damned" quest).
  • 7225 experience points for killing the Lawyer and two dogs (for each enemy). A total of 21,675 experience points (one dog will probably stay on the beach and have to go to her).
  • 28,900 XP for killing each of the four Lawyer minions while fighting him. A total of 115,600 experience points.
  • 50,575 experience points for breaking into the Archives and finding the archivist's journal (related to the Secrets of the Blood Moon Island quest).
  • 66,200 experience points for saying the name of the Ancestor Tree (related to the Secrets of the Blood Moon Island quest).
  • 36,100 xp twice (72,200 XP in total) for telling Jaan the demon's real name after killing the Lawyer.
  • Selecting an item from the legendary category upon completion of Jaan's quest.

Secrets of the Blood Moon Island

This quest can be obtained after you learn about the Black Ring's attempt to get through the fog of death that surrounds Blood Moon Island. After you find yourself on this island, go to the place indicated in the picture below - this is the entrance to the Archives.

Just getting inside the Archives will give you 50,575 experience points. You can also use ghostly vision and speak with the spirit of the Archivist. Regardless of which dialogue option you choose, 14,450 experience points will be credited. In the Archives, find the archivist's journal and read it to find out the name of the Ancestral Tree - Eleaness.

Walk forward and discover that the wall is actually an illusion, the hidden door will need intelligence to see it). Pick up an unusual blade to get 50,000 experience points. If you interact with him as a lizard character (Red Prince), you will be able to understand the words engraved on the blade. There is also a locked Tenebrium chest here, which will consume one source from your character with each interaction. But if you use a master key, then in this case the source will not be consumed. If you search the chest, you will find a green pyramid of teleportation. The first two you could find in the chambers of Dallis on the "Lady of Death" (one on the table in the chambers, and the other in the secret room).

The Ancestral Tree is located in the center of Blood Moon Island, but is surrounded by Black Ring Masters who will attack you as soon as they see you (unless you pass the check during the conversation). Approach the tree to attack the enemies. It is recommended to start the "Lawyer" quest, and then kill the same masters, but for a much larger amount of experience points.

If you haven't killed the Lawyer yet, he won't let you talk to the Tree, so you'll probably have to deal with the demon. Killing a demon is also part of the quest "Hunter of Evil Things", so it is recommended to kill him in combination with this quest.

Kill the Lawyer and cast a ghostly vision to speak with the Ancestral Tree. Say his name (Eleanessa) to start a serious conversation. The tree will thank you for relieving its pain. You will receive 66,200 experience points for saying the name of the Ancestral Tree. Then the Tree will ask you to kill Dr. Daeva, who has been possessed by the powerful arch-demon Adramalich (this quest will start another task "Doctor's Order").

Like many other tasks of the island, after these actions the quest will be completed.


  • 50,575 experience points for simply finding and entering the Archives.
  • 14,450 experience points for communicating with the spirit of the Archivist.
  • 50,000 experience points for picking up an unusual blade.
  • Green Pyramid of Teleportation - lies in the Tenebrium chest near the Unusual Blade.
  • 66,200 experience points for saying the real name of the Ancestral Tree.


Travel to Blood Moon Island using the port in Monastery Forest (you'll have to pay some gold) or a ghostly vision spell on the broken bridge near the wandering altar in the fields of Driftwood. In the second case, a ghostly bridge will appear, which will allow you to teleport to the islands of the Blood Moon. You can also use Spread Your Wings to travel between the pillars of a place and cross it.

When you get to the island of the Blood Moon, then talk to the demon Advocate. It is located in the west, near the beach. He will ask you to help him in the destruction of the forces of the Black Ring, which surrounded the nearby Tree of Ancestors. By calling him the king of the fiend of the Void, you will cause the appearance of monsters that attack your squad. Fortunately, Advocate, along with his allies in battle, will take your side.

Note. While the Nether Fiends are spawning, you can use Chaos on the battlefield to kill the Lawyer. In this case, you will be left without a quest reward.

Agree to help the Lawyer, and he will immediately teach you how to use the source. You will get one more point towards the maximum supply of the source. If you already have the maximum possible three slots, then your character will receive a book with a random skill from the Lawyer instead.

Approach the Ancestral Tree located to the north of here and prepare for battle. There will be four masters of the Black Ring, two of which will summon golems (two) to help them in combat. Bone Golems will allow you to earn 14,450 experience points for each. At the beginning of the battle, a powerful destroyer (undead) of the Black Ring will also appear, but you will not receive experience points for killing him.

After all the opponents are dead, the Lawyer will immediately appear, with whom a conversation will begin. Ultimately, the Advocate will point out the location of the Nameless Island, as promised before. In fact, the quest is completed, although you can still attack the Lawyer right now.


  • 1 point to Source proficiency or a book with a random skill (if you already have 3 Source slots).
  • 14,450 experience points for killing each of the two bone golems summoned by two masters of the Ebon Ring near the Ancestral Tree. A total of 28,900 experience points.
  • 28,900 experience points for killing each master - a total of 115,600 experience points.
  • 194,550 experience points for the destruction of all representatives of the Black Ring, as well as information about the location of the Nameless Island.
  • One item to choose from a rare category (after completing the quest).

Forgotten and damned

A shiny sculpture will appear on Blood Moon Island in front of the Demon Camp. You can interact with the statue to start this quest. This quest can be activated in another way - take the book "Taming the Sacred Fire" and read it by a character with the "Scholar" tag.

There are three sculptures on Blood Moon Island. To activate them, you will need to read a book called Taming the Sacred Fire. This book is also titled The Decorated Psalter (roughly this will be the title before you decipher the book with a character tagged "Scholar"). You can find the book in one of these places:

  • Jaan's house (read the first quest of this location).
  • Archives in the northeastern part of the island.
  • On one of the corpses of the masters after you kill them near the Ancestral Tree.

You will need a character with the Scientist tag to be able to decipher the book. After reading the book to scientists, you will receive 14,450 experience points. However, before entering the vault, first go to the northern part of the island and find the ancient forge (at coordinates X:317, Y:479). Use this forge to combine it with a silver ingot to create a silver lever. You will need two silver levers for the second and third vaults. Silver bars can be found near the forge and on a member of the Black Ring inside the unfinished crypt.

There are three vaults scattered around the southern part of the island near the demon camp. Use the psalter to destroy the statues and get into the vault. The quests "Megalomania" and "Bound in Pain" require you to install a special silver bar lever. See below for more details.

Here you will find a green pyramid of teleportation and medical notes, which will allow you to start the tasks "Megalomania" and "Silent". For more detailed information see the description of the quest Secrets of the Blood Moon Island.

If you read the notes, you will understand that these vaults are actually inhabited by people stricken with demons that the healers could not cure. Thus, these sufferers were locked away with the healer so that the demon could never become a threat to humanity.

This crypt is unfinished and doesn't actually contain anything of value except for one silver ingot. However, its study may be required to complete the current quest.

Upon entering this vault, you will come across a broken link mechanism, which will require a lever crafted from a silver ingot. This is needed to repair and open the door. Unfortunately, when you try to use the lever, it won't work. Activate the ghostly vision spell to see the spirit of Brother Robert located near the statue. Talk to him, pass a persuasion check, so that he opens the door and asks you to kill the creature inside.

Enter the room and walk forward a little. If any character absorbs the energy of the source from the puddle in the room, then the lizard will start a conversation with him. So be careful! If you agree to release the lizard, then Rajarim will absorb the entire source of your hero and break free, which will lead to the start of the battle. Be careful also that after being released and the fight begins, your opponent will throw a powerful storm of arrows that will cause huge damage to the squad, especially if the heroes are grouped at one point - perhaps this spell will even kill two or three heroes. In any case, you will have to kill the possessed.

If you refuse to release her, you will eventually have to pass a speech test. If you succeed in the dialogue, then Rajarima will not be able to steal the source points from your character, and will not be able to break free. You can then simply shoot arrows at her or use ranged spells to take out the enemy safely.

Ultimately, the most easy way here is the attack of the lizard from a height at the very beginning. Don't even bother looking for the source and absorbing it so that the lizard doesn't speak to you. Regardless of the method you choose, once the lizard dies, you will earn 36,100 and 21,675 experience points, for a total of 57,775 XP. This will end the quest "Megalomaniac". Do not forget to talk to the spirit of brother Robert, tell about the decision and pick up the reward.

This hideout is the main location in the Pain Bound quest. Go into it, activate the ghostly vision spell and talk to the spirit of Brother Calvin. In any case, move forward and repair the broken lever using a lever crafted from a silver ingot. Then talk to Brother Calvin again and convince him to open the door for you. You will need to pass a speech test to convince Calvin that this must be done. Be careful: Speech testing requires intelligence. It looks like you will fail even with seven points of conviction. A memory check can be passed with five points of persuasion.

In any case, as soon as the door opens, you will find yourself face to face with a possessed gnome. He will ask you to destroy the pillars - when they are destroyed, of course, the dwarf will free himself, which will lead to the start of the battle. Unlike Rajarima from the second shelter, the dwarf is a much weaker opponent. You won't need too much effort to destroy it, and for this you will receive 28,900 experience points.

After the dwarf dies, a demon will appear and immediately attack your squad. He is slightly stronger than the Possessed Dwarf, but is still a relatively easy opponent. The danger in this case is that when you deal damage to a demon, there is a chance that it will instantly wrap one of your squad members and force you to fight against you (this effect manifests itself as a "Demonic Invasion" and is not cured). Simply attack a possessed ally to bring them back to their senses or kill them. So the demon will leave the body of a comrade. Attack him, and upon death, you will receive 21,675 experience points.

Also, there is a bug where if you allegedly land a final, fatal blow on a demon, it disappears, placing the Demon Invasion debuff on one of your party members, but that character does not actually "go crazy". In this case, the fight ends, and the debuff on your character remains until the moment when the character is dealt fatal damage, due to which the demon suddenly appears, and the battle begins again.

An alternative, better option is to simply save the gnome from the invasion. The trick is that you can damage the dwarf with the same character, but not kill him. It will probably be necessary to cast healing spells on the dwarf so that he does not die. Continue until it no longer falls, and then destroy the pillars.

The moment the pillars are destroyed, the demon must leave the body of the dwarf, leaving the dwarf unscathed. At this stage, everything will happen the same as above. Attack the demon, and if he moves into one of the members of your squad, then kill him to force the enemy to show himself. After the demon dies, you will receive 21,675 experience points. In this case, however, the dwarf will survive, and talking to him will result in an additional 36,100 experience points. The quest will be completed.

When you leave their hideout, be sure to talk to Brother Calvin about your choice to receive your reward. If you failed to save the dwarf, then Brother Calvin will most likely disappear, leaving you with nothing.

This vault is connected to the Silent One quest. Enter it and activate the ghostly vision spell to see the spirit of the healer, Brother Morgan. Talk to him and he will ask you to release the poor girl imprisoned in the shelter. Agree or lie to him and he will open the hideout.

Inside, in order to talk to the girl, you must first pass a speech test with the cat (requires the Animal Friend talent) in order for her to let you talk to her owner. In the event that you fail the speech test, you have no choice but to kill the cat and gain 1400 experience points. Break the source chains that bind the girl and talk to her, but note that if you fail the speech test, the girl will not be able to wake up from sleep. If the speech test by each of all four characters of the squad has not passed, then there is nothing left to do but leave the quest unfinished (or not change the companion). You also need to pay attention to the fact that you cannot kill the girl - in the game she is invulnerable to all types of attacks.

If you pass the speech test, you will gain 14,450 experience points and be able to teleport the girl aboard the Lady Vengeance, where she can be cured and completed. final stage quest. The Silent One quest will be completed. Speak with Brother Morgan to receive a reward for your efforts.

After exploring all four vaults, the quest should be automatically completed. The last entry should be "We found and cleared all four hideouts on Blood Moon Island."


  • 14,450 experience points for reading the book "The Decorated Psalter" by a character with the "Scholar" tag.
  • 57,775 XP for killing a Possessed Raptor and completing the Delusions of Grandeur quest.
  • 21,675 experience points for killing the demon possessing the dwarf from the third vault, as well as 36,100 experience points if you leave the dwarf alive by completing the Pain Bound quest.
  • 14,450 experience points for being able to wake the girl from the fourth shelter and complete the quest "Silent".


Read the Archivist's Journal found in the Archives in the northeast of Blood Moon Island. So you will know the name of the Ancestral Tree.

On the ruins in the western part of the island (where you will encounter some demons), use a ghostly vision spell to see the spirit of the druid. He will ask you to ease the suffering of the Ancestral Tree. The Tree is located in the center of Blood Moon Island itself, but to get there you will need to defeat members of the Black Ring.

To talk to the Ancestral Tree, activate the ghostly vision spell, which will alleviate his suffering. You may also have to kill the demons that are the objects of Luose's personal quest "Evil Spirit Hunter".

Then the Tree will ask you to kill the doctor, who is possessed by a demon (this will start the quest "Doctor's Order"). After freeing the Ancestral Tree, talk to the druid's spirit and complete the quest.

Doctor's orders

You can learn the name of the demon from the Ancestral Tree on the island of the Blood Moon. If you talk to Jaan, he will tell you that the doctor is currently hiding in Arx. Examine the wedding site on the Secrets of the Dwarfs quest to find out that it was this doctor who sent an explosive wedding cake as a gift to the dwarves.

Outside the Arx location school, the unfortunate citizen will tell you that the doctor thanked you for serving him on Blood Moon Island (if you helped the Lawyer). In addition, you will need to kill Isbale (quest "Secrets of the Dwarves") or Lord Kemm (quest "Linder Kemm's Refuge") in order to receive an invitation to a meeting from the doctor.

You can find the doctor (level 20) in the Black House in the northeast of the Arx location. Ailment will already be waiting for you near it. Talk to her and she will teleport the squad to the demon's dimension. When you walk with Ailment, you will see candles. Smell them, make a moral choice, but even after that, the health reserve will be around 11,000 HP. After you sniff all the candles, go inside and first finish off all the nurses who restore the doctor's health. When attacking them, use physical damage, as the enemies have very strong magical armor.

When you destroy all the nurses, then talk to the doctor so that he opens his true form for the first time. Try to use up all the source as soon as possible, as the demon can suck it out of you. Defeat the enemy and then talk to Louse.

You can visit the doctor's basement and find Jaan locked inside. There are also a huge number of magically locked rooms that you can open with a simple lockpick. One of the chests contains Quinn's armor, which will give you the ability to fly.

Clue. If you throw a box of death mist at him, he will be instantly killed.

Pain bound

To start this quest, you need to get into one of the statue-sealed vaults on Blood Moon Island. To open the statue, you must let one of the characters with the "Scholar" tag decipher the book "Decorated Psalter" so that it turns into "Taming the Sacred Fire". This book can be found in several places, including the Archives in the northeast of the island and the Black Ring representatives near the Ancestral Tree.

Travel to the ancient forge in the north of Blood Moon Island to craft a silver lever from a silver ingot. Use this lever on the slot inside the shelter, then activate the ghostly vision and ask the spirit to open the door. If he refuses, then you will need to use the "Source of Vampirism" (a skill that will be learned during the "Abrupt Awakening" quest).

A possessed dwarf is waiting for you outside the door, who will beg you to destroy the pillars. If you do this, then free the demon. You need to attack the gnome until he can no longer stand (when about 10% of his total HP is left), then free him by destroying the pillar.

Note. You may need to heal the gnome during this entire process. If you kill the dwarf, the quest will automatically be completed. In order not to accidentally kill the gnome, consider using the Life on the Edge spell.

As soon as the demon is released (you can do it during the battle, and for this, defeat the dwarf), attack it. After a while, he can move into one of your companions located within a radius of eight cells (but he cannot move into summoned creatures).

When you help the dwarf, you can find his treasure at the location at coordinates X:193, Y:379 in the western part of the island, where there are three graves (crosses).


To start this quest, you need to get into one of the statue-sealed vaults located on the island of the Blood Moon. To open the statue, you must let one of the characters with the "Scholar" tag decipher the book "Decorated Psalter" so that it turns into "Taming the Sacred Fire". This book can be found in several places, including the Archives in the northeast of the island and the Black Ring representatives near the Ancestral Tree.

Use the anthem to destroy the statue, enter the vault, and then use ghostly vision. convince the spirit of the protector to open the stone gate. If you fail to do this, then you will need to use the source of vampirism - this skill is learned in the quest "Abrupt Awakening".

Persuade or kill an undead cat so that you can get close to the possessed girl (you need a character with high strength to convince a girl). You will be able to teleport her to the "Lady Vengeance", where you can continue her treatment.


In one of the vaults on the island of the Blood Moon, you will find a note lying on a bookshelf. It details the case in detail.

In order to open the statue, you must let one of the characters with the "Scholar" tag decipher the "Decorated Psalter" so that it turns into the "Ornament of the Sacred Fire" book. this book can be found in several locations, including the Archives in the northeast of the island, or the Magisters of the Black Ring at the Ancestral Tree in the center.

Go to the ancient forge in the north of the island, where you can make a silver lever from a silver ingot. Use the lever on the slot inside the vault, then activate the ghostly vision and ask the guardian to open the door. If he refuses, then you need to use the "Source of Vampirism" on him, which you will learn in the "Abrupt Awakening" quest. Defeat the demon inside.

Reaper's Coast looks much more gloomy than the first Isle of Joy. No, of course, there are also cheerful glades bathed in the sun. But, fortunately, not so much. Literally a hundred meters from the shore, a cemetery begins - a blunder ...

There are many enemies on the coast of the Reaper - these are not only masters, but also gnomes, elves. A couple of trolls who are not friendly with each other at all, and such unusual creatures as scarecrows. So you help some, you kill others. In addition, there will be many monsters - fiends of the void, crawlers, skeletons and others.

Both in the sea and on the shore, the fiends of the void are rampaging. Even sharks escape from them - they are thrown ashore and die there. First task: look around. You don't have to rush into the city right away. You can chat with the boy Barrin Pruitt, who is lost. His mother locked herself in the house on the other side of the raised bridge. Later, you will have to help the family reunite, while it’s too early, just don’t pull the mobs. Someone is being hanged on the bridge not far from the post of masters. This character - Meister Siva - it is desirable to save at all costs. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight corrupt masters (there are still five of them), it is enough to give a bribe of 300 coins. They are going somewhere. However, if you want to shed blood, rangers should first be placed on a nearby platform - from a height they hit harder.

Changes in the composition of the group. On the Reaper's Coast, you arrive around level 9-10. The enemies that you will meet are from level 11, then 12, 14 and higher levels will go. It may be hard to fight them at first. But if you wait out these difficult moments and get to about level 12 and, most importantly, get good clothes (the easiest way is through theft), then it makes sense to remake the squad. That is, to refuse the services of all four characters and walk exclusively together. Two are easier to dress, two are easier to control during a battle. And you will be surprised how much a squad of two (and, regardless of the level of difficulty) is stronger than a group of four. To do this, however, in the talents for at least one character it is worth taking "Lone Wolf" - it gives 2 action points and increases health, magical and physical armor by 30%. Who exactly to take in such a squad is up to you. On “tactics”, I preferred a necromancer with a wand and a shield (necromancy - 20, summoning - 15, the rest in defense - while I’m trying to figure out which is better, dodging due to “leadership” or reflection due to “retribution”) and a fighter with one-handed and shield (20 to martial, 10 to one-handed, the rest to the art of assassination for crit). The first is better for attacks on single targets, the second for mass attacks. The first is greatly helped by the ability to "Raise Bone Widow", which deals huge physical damage, the second - a shield throw. By the current level 13, the necromancer has 1.5k of magical armor and 800 physical, the lizard fighter has 1.5k of physical and 800 magical. Health 1.2k (not enough, of course, you need at least 1.5k) and 2k, respectively. A series of attacks by various enemies survive - see the thread of several fights on tactics.

The fundamental difference between the Reaper's Coast and the Island of Joy is that here you can change the attributes of your characters as you like: it won't work with one set - you can try another. Such a change is useful not only during combat, but also in peacetime. Yes, some mobs are immune to certain elements - they even heal them, so you need to use others. Skeletons are easier to pick locks with their bones, in battle they can pretend to be dead.

To some extent, the set of quests on the Coast depends on how you completed the previous chapter. If some important character was killed, the quest chain associated with him will be unavailable. The main thing is not to tell anyone that you are a murderer and a sorcerer. The set of secondary tasks also depends on the composition of the group.

There are a decent number of merchants on the Reaper's Coast. This means that the squad can be dressed like a needle in the top. Where to get money? This means that you will have to not only collect all kinds of garbage in the neighborhood and craft something worthwhile out of it, but also steal. I preferred the second. He assembled a gang of merchants and thieves that robs the inhabitants of the glorious Coast to the bone ... In the city, you can easily steal 25-30 thousand coins from merchants, at least 20 thousand in the arena, and somewhere around 15-20 thousand from paladins. In the area 30 thousand at the sawmill. A thief of the sixth level is able to steal 6 thousand - in these locations it is found from 4 large merchants, plus some other little things. Count yourself. How exactly to steal - see the link.

Somewhere on the road you will meet bustling chickens. The quest associated with it deserves a mention, if only because at the very end one of the most strange and meaningless fights will follow. When you are already level ten (or even higher) fighting a lot of level one chickens. Of course, they can't do you any harm, of course, you kill them with the first blow. But there are a lot of these chickens, besides, they multiply and climb, climb on you ... So, for now, normal chickens will have to slip one of the distorted eggs, having previously beaten it off from the fiends. It will hatch into a black chicken and follow you, just like the cat in the first chapter. True, this time this beast will climb into the dredge. As soon as you get to the magic rooster (not far from the dwelling of the paladins, across the bridge to the north), it will climb. And after - fuss with aggressive chickens.

After - the city. It also has a lot of interesting things. And help the dog, find lost items (rings, etc.) that some beggar is tormenting, and talk to Raymond about the missing masters, and feed the guest of the tavern with rotten stew, and get drunk as an insole, and even have sex - this work is best entrusted to Red prince. The city also has an arena where you will have to defeat Murga, a tough dwarf. In general, on this island, there are very tense relations between people-magisters, elves and dwarves. Masters are disappearing - the gnomes are blamed for this. So you have to take sides: help some, kill others. Outside, the elves will offer to deal with the bandits at the sawmill. Again, a choice is given.

Crime in the tavern and in the arena. The only town on the Reaper's Coast is just a bunch of criminals. Masters easily hang, fishing dealers easily send poisoned fish to big cities. The bandits even arrange multi-moves - they rob the new arrivals in the brothel and force them to fight in the arena. The main character good or good too. I immediately believed a very strange person in a tavern who offered her a great night with the best lover. And in the morning she found that the gang had robbed her to the skin. And in negligee put on the town square. What to do? Revenge, of course. Having penetrated the arena - much larger than on the Island of Joy - the character again agrees to everything: to fight in bandages, in which long-range attacks are not available. You have to get very close to the enemy to destroy him. And all this - and the first battle, and the battle with a cool dwarf and a monster of the void - for the title of champion of the arena. Then you can arrange a massacre ...

After leaving the city, start moving deeper into the island, fighting off a variety of monsters. On the way through the forest, insane gnomes will often attack. The witch Alice is hanging out somewhere. By the way, if you come across a farm, talk to the animals there; they, it turns out, bewitched people - by killing the witch, these cows and frogs can be disenchanted.

You will certainly have to master one of the spells of the Source: The Look of the Spirit. This is done in Siwa's basement. Quite a lot of things to do in the mines. Paladins are also people, but they are quite noble, not like the masters - they suspect something and ask to investigate. It is imperative to complete Tarkin's tasks (otherwise he will not return to the ship) - he needs an artifact from the Surrey crypt.

The ultimate goal of being on the Reaper's Coast is to increase the number of source points from one to three, and in addition master the ghostly vision. One of the source points and ghostly vision, as already mentioned, is given in Siwa's basement. You only need to visit the other world twice. The third point is obtained in different ways, depending on which side you choose. For example, I saved a blind elf from the clutches of bandits from a sawmill, which I met in the first chapter on the Island of Joy. You can also help the lawyer on the island of the blood moon (and then kill him on the instructions of the sorcerer Jaan), or destroy the fiend boss in the area near the sawmill. How to get to the island - see puzzle note.

By the way, on the Reaper's Coast, you can replenish the composition of the ship. The bow master Korben Day, the sorceress Almira and her lover Mikal joined. Someone to rob...

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Having published one of my first articles, I was unspeakably surprised by the wave of merciless criticism and the hail of “stones”, since I believed that everyone plays exactly in the manner I described. My articles on Divinity: Original Sin II, which were criticized, were no exception: they say, why does the author offer almost a stealth passage, but there is nothing complicated in the game? Meanwhile, everything is explained simply!

You can rush headlong into battle, barely seeing the enemy; fill it with a hail of spells, drink liters of reinforcing-protective-healing potions, bring down a cloud of arrows. Or you can slowly explore the territory, find the best weapons and armor, level up a couple of times by completing “peaceful” quests and, having gained an advantage, deal with the same enemy without much noise and dust. I prefer the second style of play, so don't expect my articles to be "saber drawn". Let's continue!

So, the best merchants have been discovered, it's time to do quests. (Actually, what follows is full of spoilers. Decide for yourself whether it is worth reading?) First, I decided to complete a quest related to the danger of swimming in the open sea: the children on the pier are waiting for the return of their friend who has sailed to Fort Joy. I knew that to complete the quest it was necessary to kill the shark, but I forgot which one! And he took up arms against a predator that appears in a broken ship, in the caves of the Shipbreakers.

I crept in, found the hatch, but the lock does not open, and it is impossible to break open. So, Mordus most likely has the key. Attack when there are four higher-level allies around him? No! Sebilla moved around and left the archers without magic arrows. But how to rob Mordus, he moves all the time and is in the field of view of the guard? The elf drank the invisibility potion, went into the shadows (double invisibility!) and cleaned the villain's pockets; the extracted amulet allowed to unlock the hatch. A stone has been discovered that opens a secret passage in an abandoned house in Driftwood,

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

stone on it. But why so many toys? It's not clear yet...

a shark appeared and was destroyed, but there is nothing in its stomach! What the?!

It is interesting!

The shark does not appear alone, but is accompanied by crabs fleeing from it. Crabs can be destroyed by getting the same amount of experience for each as for a shark.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

But if you first kill the predator, then the crabs will disappear. By the way, the evil fish perfectly attacks people standing on the edge of the shore, and it is not so easy to defeat it.


Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

I load the game - again nothing! (Well, of course! The required shark is located on the shore, not far from the landing site! By the way, the quest can only be completed if there is an elf in the squad.)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

There is nothing to do, you must at least use the found stone.

It is interesting!

The stone opens access to the lich's prison. Which, according to him, supplies Mordus with magical power. But in order to deprive the villain of support by destroying the lich, you first need to kill the villain himself and take the amulet that opens access to the lich from the corpse! Here's a task... Looking ahead: having defeated Mordus, I didn't talk to him, but hurried to free the lich: I wondered what would happen next? The undead left their place of confinement and disappeared to no one knows where - his path could be judged by the dead guards at the bridge. But in the caves of the Shipbreakers, the lich did not appear! Perhaps he will meet the hero later, or maybe not - one of you will have to check this.

This time the trick with the chair did not work out: the latter was pulled out from under the hostess, but crashed in the process of teleportation. I moved the sleepy dwarf and, while she was rising, moved the chair further away. It doesn’t work out: because of the fall of the gnome, she woke up and began to pace next to the hatch. I had to attack ... A pebble is inserted into the skull,

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

solved the riddle with the vases (see the single passage material) - the path to the lich is open. And then I began to doubt: maybe you should deal with Mordus first? And before that - get a task from Lohar?

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Well, three of us: two distract, the third works.

And so he did; the systematic and tedious clearing of the caves of the Shipbreakers began.

The trio handled single ice crawlers without any problems, as well as other small things. But twice a situation arose that made us think unflatteringly about the developers. For the first time, the crawler (on the splash screen) began to retreat on its own, buried itself in the ground and disappeared. The second time the trio was captured, in different rooms. But revenge failed - two of the three crawlers disappeared. Straight "Legends of Eisenwald": Enemies flee combat, taking experience and equipment with them.

It is interesting!

Enemies fled from the losing battle, for example, to Discipline. But the fleeing enemy could be caught up and destroyed! But when he runs away without a trace ... In my humble opinion, this should not be. Not in any game, never and nowhere.

The divided heroes did not grieve too much; by that time, each of the three had a teleportation pyramid (the third was taken from the library on the island of the Blood Moon). Even if there were only two of them, you can transfer each other over any distance and reunite the squad. The Red Prince was the least fortunate: he was completely surrounded. They moved to him. Fighting in the environment is not my principle, a way out was quickly found: the heroes jumped over the gap and hid on a rocky ledge,

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

periodically setting enemies on fire with fireballs and Molotov cocktails. The change was burned, and the vampires of the void were finished off in close combat.

It is important!

Do not forget that the assortment of merchants is updated not only after each level increase, but also between them. Perhaps you can buy something outstanding, and for sure: chanterelles needed to make an invisibility potion; simple and fiery arrowheads (make exploding ones); empty bottles and other useful little things.

In the end, it's time to deal with Mordus. The trio approached him from the inside, through the wrecked ship, and teleported the villain out. By the time his retinue reached the battlefield, two rounds had passed, it was all over.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

It is interesting!

Found two places that do not have a visible path to enter them. The shipwreck in the Shipbreakers' Cave contained a chest and traps; a trick with throwing pyramids helped to get into it.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

It turned out to be much more difficult to go down to the coast: like any normal gamer, I suspected that a treasure was buried in a hard-to-reach place. But it was not possible to examine it: when trying to move, the Red Prince jumped headlong straight up the steep cliffs.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

The heroes set off to free the lich. The left switches are activated, and the undead jump out of the jugs; moreover, the liberated lich takes the side of the heroes. Not bad! (The first time I checked the jar, the skeletons immediately appeared, quickly proving that it was too early for the heroes to meddle in them.) The enemies are destroyed, the lich starts a conversation with the hero. Since I knew how his release would end, I decided not to let him go free. (I almost wrote - "Alive"!) But in the dialogue there is no line that makes it possible to attack (as well as it is impossible to start a fight during the dialogue, attacking with other heroes)!

Fortunately, before disappearing, the undead decided to take revenge on their prison's console by destroying it. The moment was used successfully, the lich was destroyed.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

It was possible to get the third "nest" of the source magic, using the help of Mordus, but I did not do this: he would have to be released.

It is important!

If you want to go through the Path of Blood at the end of the game, by no means get the source magic from Mordus or Advocate; in general, try not to deal with villains, not to steal, not to kill unnecessarily and not to absorb the souls of people in order to restore stocks of magic. Oh, and it is difficult to fulfill these conditions ....

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Pulled from Sebilla's neck, along with the rune fixed in it! (Extremely unpleasant surprise... Next time I'll try to keep it in the chest or even sell it for a while and see what happens.)

And the expected: all the possessed gnomes who ambushed the roads along the coast (three ambushes) after the destruction of Mordus disappeared into obscurity, depriving the squad of a fair amount of experience. They must have come to their senses and fled home ...

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Gentlemen, game designers, do you seriously consider THIS a reward?

It remains to go along the roads and collect everything useful. The duel with the undead archer and his bears was not too difficult: bears, like dogs, do not know how to go down stairs from platforms. (The trio did not have bows, but the ability to throw knives was present.)

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

As it turned out, I was in a hurry with this fight: I took and sold the backpack, and it was a quest item - the task to find it is given by Garvan in the Black Bull tavern.

Some delay was caused by an attempt to light five torches at once: earlier (in the final part) it was possible to do this by throwing a bottle with a Molotov cocktail; now I had to use a barrel of oil.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

This might be important!

How to deal with bosses? With a lawyer, trolls, a void dragon, a crying creature? I doubt very much that simple steel will suffice, albeit with critical damage in the back. Therefore, wherever possible, I collect barrels, filled and empty, sending them to the ship. (Later, it should be possible to fill the empty ones with oil.) Whether the method will work, I don’t know yet, but I hope to check it soon.

It is interesting!

More about the Advocate: how to fight him, even if you can’t get close: magical protection instantly disappears, and “Suffocation” is applied to the fighters. And it passes only after the application of regeneration!

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

I already tried to teleport the demon to the Death Mist surrounding the island - to no avail, it - the fog - does not reach small places. (Probably, one of the testers used this method not without success.) The following speaks of the seriousness of the potential enemy: I used the helmet to replenish the magic of the source, pulling it out of the previously killed fiend of the void. The Ashbringer who jumped out Kreer promised death to the hero, but did not have time to do anything else: the Advocate finished him off with two blows, the trio did not even have time to move.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Chatted with the genie and downloaded the game to come back later.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

"What's the point of a genie lamp?

Do not you know?

I know. Three wishes. Yes, but there was not yet a person, there was not yet a creature who managed to make the genie correctly fulfill at least one desire.

He helped the fisherman, who dropped the ring into the water: it turned out very well, the guards of the fish shop joined the battle with the creatures of the void.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

As it turned out later, their death facilitated the rescue of the merchant from the fish shop (sitting in a barrel, in a closed room, all containers are allowed for inspection).

The fisherman's ring turned out to be unique - with a bonus to persuasion. Return or not - decide for yourself.

The Red Prince went to the visiting room, only to wake up with no equipment and surrounded by robbers. The pyramids of teleportation came to the rescue and the robbers greatly regretted their actions.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Unfortunately, the pimp who organized the attack simply ran away: who knew that such a moment was possible? (However, one could already get used to such troubles.)

The next quest in line is to find the killer of the masters: a complex and intricate story. But with due patience and the ability to convince, it is not so difficult to unravel it. In general, we managed to examine an insignificant piece of the map, but it took time ...

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

So what? Trade continues, and no one bothers to inspect the room.

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")

Divinity: Original Sin II: THREE TACTICS (Part Four, "Reaper's Coast")
