Outdoor games for camp. At summer camp. Outdoor games. Funny and cool outdoor games for summer camp


It’s difficult for those who don’t like children, don’t know how to manage time, who are overly irritable and touchy, who try to do too many tasks at the same time. After all, you have to work 25 hours a day - and there is always something not done, not completed, not in order. Everyone takes attention: children, leaders, other counselors. The counselors are threatened with responsibility and responsibilities, but their rights and salaries are meager. The counselors are very young - in fact, this is another senior squad. The head of which (deputy director or senior counselor) is also responsible and reports to the director. If you don't maintain a certain level of discipline, the whole job will fall apart. On the one hand, a counselor is the most insignificant position. On the other hand, he is the leader of a large team, a mentor to young people, educating individuals. Dozens of families entrusted him with their most valuable possessions. But that's not really what you need to think about. A significant part of the responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the camp administration, and counselors are usually punished only for gross intentional violations. However, the counselor bears a great moral and ethical responsibility: to the children's team, to the child's soul, to the parents. Finally, he is responsible to his clients (and the children in his squad are not “small fry”, but dear guests and clients) - for the quality of their stay in the camp. It is more convenient for some to imagine themselves in relation to their squad as a leader, guru, supreme judge, older brother or pop idol. But we should not forget that the counselor is also a manager who provides clients with access to all opportunities for recreation, health improvement and development in this camp.

Undoubtedly, organizing a summer holiday is of great importance for younger children. school age. Every adult understands that the cold season, constant mental stress and the life of a child within the walls of home and school for 9 months greatly deplete the psychological, physical and emotional strength of primary school children. Therefore, summer holidays are, first of all, a time for relaxation. However, in the summer, a different, additional educational program should be implemented, which, in addition to mental relaxation and health improvement for children, would ensure the development of their self-determination, promote their creative self-realization, and also provide them with social adaptation. That is why the most serious requirements are imposed on such health-improving and educational summer-type children's institutions. Children's summer camps must solve a number of important and significant problems. Their activities are aimed primarily at the positive socialization of children, as well as their physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development.

A special form of existence for all these aspects of human life is play. Play is the most important process of cognition and learning for a child’s development. Therefore, games for children in a summer camp do an excellent job with the above-mentioned tasks set for additional educational institutions of the summer camp type.

The age of a child - 6-10 years - is the period when he is already more or less independent. At this age, children are interested in the world around them and actively interact with their peers and with adults. They already know how to think critically, reason and organize their thoughts. They have already developed basic life values ​​and skills. At this age, children are quite active, curious, open to communication and learning. new information. They gladly agree to any experiments, to everything new and unusual. Therefore, for children aged 6-10 years, outdoor games that teach collective interaction, develop reaction, strength, endurance, imagination, memory and dexterity are acceptable. Games for children in summer camp are a creative activity where they express their vision of life, they reveal their thoughts, dreams, aspirations and feelings. This is an independent activity of children, where they are united by a common goal and joint efforts. Therefore, individual and computer toys fade into the background at this time, freeing up the entire field of activity for active and role-playing games.


When choosing a game, you must take into account the following circumstances:

1. Age of the players. When selecting games, one must proceed from the need for a gradual transition from simple games to more complex ones.

It is impossible to determine for each game what age children it is intended for. There are games that generally cannot be attributed to a certain age. For example, games such as “Fishing Rod”, “Odd Man”, “Squirrels, Nuts, Cones” can be played with equal success both with children and with older schoolchildren or even with adults.

Small children, for example, will happily clap their hands and stomp their feet in song games, but, as experience has shown, students in grades 7-8 do all this with no less pleasure. Of course, this does not apply to all games. In their games, older schoolchildren will not imitate bees or bunnies, imitate the voices of animals, etc., which first-graders do with pleasure.

2. Game room . When choosing games, you always have to take into account the size of the room. If the games are held in a large hall, there are no restrictions on the choice of one or another outdoor game. You can play circular and linear games, with running, jumping, a ball, and most of the relay races. You can combine two or three groups for games and hold a competition between them.

In a small space, options are limited. If there are a lot of children, you have to select only sedentary or quiet games, games for attention, observation, etc. Active games can also be played (for example, competitions-fights), but only with a very small number of players, provided that everyone else children are spectators, fans. In these cases, the participants in the game should be changed as often as possible. The room in which the games are held must first be ventilated and thoroughly cleaned so that there is no dirt and dust in it.

3. Game equipment . Many games require equipment: balls, clubs, skittles, hoops, jump ropes, relay sticks, sandbags, flags, ropes of different lengths and thicknesses, chalk, etc. When drawing up a game program, it is necessary to take into account , what equipment they will need, prepare everything you need in advance.

In some games, individual participants must be blindfolded. For this purpose, caps or bandages are usually used. The caps can be glued together from colored paper; they should be of such a size that they cover the face. If headbands are used in games, then each time the headband passes from one player to another, a clean sheet of paper must be placed under it.

The choice of game depends on the type of activity of the children before and after the games. If children have been sitting for a long time or doing mental work, they need relaxation. We need games with running, jumping, throwing and catching a ball or other movements. After engaging in physical labor, it is better for children to play calm, sedentary games, games to test attention, intelligence, etc. If, after engaging in outdoor games, children have to engage in mental work again, they must first calm down. Games with singing and round dances are very suitable for this.

When selecting games, the counselor should know the children's favorite games. For this purpose, you can interview all the children and write down the answers of each according to the following scheme: where they play (at home, on the street, in the garden, in the park), when they play and how often, with whom they play (with parents, brothers, sisters, comrades, girlfriends living in the same house), what games (list names), which of them are the most favorite (list 5-6 names), whether there are board games or toys at home (which ones).


When talking with children, the counselor must stand so that all the children can see him and he can see all the children. The best way to do this is to stand in a circle with the children (but not in the center of the circle, so as not to have your back to anyone). The explanation of the game should be brief, clear, but understandable, vivid and imaginative. Whenever possible, it should be accompanied by a demonstration of individual stages of the game.

If the game has a lot of rules that are difficult to grasp right away, you can deliberately omit some of them and provide additional information as the game progresses. You can not start the game immediately after the explanation, but conduct a rehearsal first, warning the children that the results will not be counted for now.


The correct choice of driver is of great importance in many games. His activity and ingenuity often determine the course of the game. The role of the driver is especially great in amateur games that children start without the participation of adults. The counselor, when organizing a game with the children, in which much depends on the driver, can appoint him himself. You can offer to choose a driver for the participants in the game, suggesting at the same time what qualities he should have (the one who runs well, who will not miss the ball, the most fun, etc.). This method is especially good because the chosen driver always tries to justify the trust of his comrades as best as possible.

But there are games where anyone can become a driver, especially since he will often change during the game. In these cases, the best way is to resort to a counting rhyme. The process of choosing a driver using a rhyme is a game for children.

Counting books are always rhyming, sometimes the children themselves come up with them, but most often children use those specially written by poets. They can be instructive, humorous, and funny. Children like the latter the most.

The procedure for selecting a driver using counting rhymes is not the same. Sometimes someone reads a funny rhyme and, as they say each word, points to the participants standing in a circle. The one of the children who gets the last word goes to drive. For example:

The bees flew into the field, they buzzed and hummed, the bees sat on the flowers, we play - you drive.

But there are also counters in which the player who had the last word leaves the circle, and the calculation is made from the beginning. They count until one participant remains, who becomes the driver. (This method is used only when there are few participants.) For example:

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys, a hundred good October kids, everyone sat down for lunch, everyone ate a hundred cutlets, and then went to bed. Start counting again.

Here are examples of several rhymes:

Tara-tara - tara-ra! We went out into the tractor field! They began to harrow the arable land, We should run, you should lead!

I'll go buy a pipe, I'll go outside. Louder, pipe, pipe, we are playing, you drive!

Where have you been so far? The traffic light was delayed. Red - clear - The path is dangerous. Yellow is the same as red, And green is ahead - Come on in!

A vitamin named Marinka was rolling. Didn't study my lessons And I got a bad grade. And when I went for a walk, I received the number “five”.

The month came out of the fog, He took a knife out of his pocket: “I will cut, I will beat - You’ll still have to drive!”

Scenarios of some games:

  1. Dating games

"And I'm a hare." The players sit in a circle on chairs, one of which is unoccupied. The person who sits to the left of this chair changes to it with the words: “And I’m going”, the next one - in his place: “And me too”, the third: “And I’m a hare”, the fourth - “And I’m with...” ( pronounces any name of a person from a given circle, who moves to an empty chair). The game starts again from the place where there is an unoccupied chair.

"When I was a child". The presenter invites you to remember and tell an incident from early childhood that happened to you, and could claim to be the most amusing. A baby's pacifier is passed around the circle, and the players take turns telling funny childhood stories. The game can be played on one of the lights.

“How can you say hello?” Everyone is walking chaotically. The driver says how to greet each other and everyone begins to greet each other in this way, learning each other’s names. After a few seconds the task changes. You can greet with your knees, little fingers, ears, backs, etc.

"It's me!". The presenter quickly says some statements: “movie lover”, “food lover”, “lazy person”, etc. If the player agrees, then he answers “That’s me!” The players answer in unison and quickly. You can catch the player: name something for a long time, to which he will answer “It’s me!”, and then unexpectedly ask a provocative question and the child, without hesitation, can answer the truth.


"Fishing rod". A group of children should stand in a circle. In the center of the circle stands the leader, who, holding the end of the rope, twists it, and there is a tied ball on it. He must spin it so that the ball hits the other players' legs. They must jump up and not let the ball hit their feet. Whoever is hit by the ball loses and leaves the game. And the winner is the last one remaining.

"The Crow and the Sparrows." A circle is drawn on the asphalt or scratched on the ground. The driver enters the center of the circle - he is a “crow”. All the other children stand in a circle - they are “sparrows”. The "sparrows" jump into a circle, and the "crow" catches them. The caught "sparrow" becomes a "crow".

"Hold the ball." The guys stand in pairs in a circle whose diameter is approximately 1 meter. They take balloon. And they hold it above them without using their hands. They must blow on it without touching the line of the drawn circle and trying not to go beyond it. The pair of children who holds the ball longer wins.

"Clap." All children have serial numbers. They stand in a circle and then take turns clapping their hands twice and their knees twice. When a person claps his hands, he says his number, and when he hits his knees, he says any other number. The player whose number was named claps. If he did not react and did not have time to continue the game or named a number that had already been said, he loses. Thus, the last two people are considered the winners.


"Bulldogs". This is a simple, but quite active and fun game. 2 “bulldogs” are selected. They stand guard and catch all the other players who must run from one side of the conditional field to the other side. If a child who was trying to run across is caught by a “bulldog”, he himself becomes one. The game continues until the bulldogs catch all the players. The last one wins.

"Homeless Hare." It is necessary to choose a “homeless hare” and a hunter. All the other children are hares, each in their own house. A house is a circle drawn on the ground or asphalt. One hare is running, and the hunter is trying to catch up with him. A “homeless hare” can hide from a hunter in a house he likes. But the hare, into whose house a “homeless man” has run, becomes homeless himself and runs away from the hunter. When the hunter finally catches the "stray hare", they switch roles and the game continues.

"Sardines." This is a game of something like hide and seek in reverse. First one person hides, and everyone else looks for him. Then the one who finds the first one hides with him. And so every single one of them hides in one place, and the last one is considered the loser and then hides first.

"Empty place". All children stand in a circle, and one remains behind him. He is a driver who walks around and touches any person, which means a challenge to a competition. They should both run in opposite directions, and when they meet, say hello and race to take the vacant seat.


"Yes-No-ka" One of the children is the leader. He asks several simple questions, to which other participants must answer without using the words “Yes” and “No”.

"Dispute". It is necessary to divide into 2 groups. Group 1 claims and proves something. And the 2nd group opposes them and proves the opposite.


"I know five names." Children take turns hitting the ball on the ground and at the same time say: “I know five names of boys” - and list what names they know, with the words: one, two, and so on up to 5. Can be increased to 10. And so one by one. Then, girls' names, cities, animals, plants and whatever. The one who takes a long pause and cannot remember loses.

“Say that again.” First you need to choose a theme for the game - anything. For example, animals. Then, one player says some kind of animal, the second must repeat what the first said and add his own animal, the third player must repeat the animals that have already been named before him and come up with his own, and so on. The one who forgot what was said before him or cannot come up with his own loses.

Most of these games involve not only physical, but also mental stress for the child. A child, participating in a particular game, develops his imagination, logic and attention. He reveals himself as a person and shows his individual traits. Therefore, such games help identify children with organizational skills. They liberate children and help everyone express themselves, join an unfamiliar team and find friends.


Physical education in a summer health camp is one of the means of today’s education of the younger generation, is one of the most important areas working with children. It has a number of features that are due to the relatively short period of stay of children in the camp, the diversity of the contingent of children by age, health status, level physical development and physical fitness, greater opportunities for swimming, hiking, outdoor games and outdoor games. Material of this term paper selects mass sports events that correspond to a certain age of children, and fills the remaining free time with other events from the general plan of the camp (work of various clubs, preparation for competitions, etc.)

In each camp, the organization of mass sports work will have its own properties, depending on the location of the camp, the sports base, and the abilities, knowledge and skills of the physical education director. It is important that a plan for organizing mass sports work is drawn up in the first days of the children’s stay, and that the entire team fights for its implementation. During the work process, some activities cannot be carried out, and some will have to be postponed from one date to another. Deviation from the plan is permissible depending on the current situation.

Physical education and mass work in a summer health camp, on the one hand, is integral part physical education schoolchildren and adolescents, and on the other hand, has a very strong influence on the formation of morality in children, their intellectual and spiritual qualities, instills in them readiness for future work activity and in this sense is a means of comprehensive and harmonious development of adolescents.


Dragon head

The players cling to each other like a train. At the command of the leader, the head of the dragon - the first person - tries to catch the tail - the last person. He, in turn, must dodge. When the last one is caught, it moves to the beginning of the chain.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center with a “fishing rod” - a jump rope or rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The leader spins the fishing rod in a circle, and the participants must jump, trying not to hit it.

Golden Gate (planets)

The participants form planets (3-4 people each), who, holding hands, stand in a circle. The rest form a snake, where each one holds on to the other's waist. To the music (or the planet participants all say together: “They don’t always let you through the Golden Gate. The first time it’s forgiven, the second time it’s forbidden, but the third time we won’t let you through! At this time the hands of the planets give up”) the snake runs under the hands of the “planets.” When the music stops, the “planets” capture those who did not have time to run under their hands. That. The planets grow and so on until the last participant - the fastest.


The players stand in a circle. The leader commands; “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players try to grab the thing (object, clothing, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one standing wins.

On the wreckage of the ship

The game is for 4 or more participants of any age, held outdoors - where there are objects on which participants can climb so as not to stand on the ground. Children younger age can play indoors, jumping on pillows or blankets scattered on the floor. In short, any territory with a sufficient number of “ship wrecks” - safe places of shelter - will do. The rest of the space is considered sea. One of the participants plays the role of a pirate who is chasing the others. They are surrounded by the sea everywhere, and the only way to escape is on the wreckage of the ship. The defiled player, who has at least one leg left in the sea, becomes a pirate himself. The pirate is not allowed to run after one player for a long time, because no one should remain in place for a long time. You can stay in safe areas for no longer than 10 seconds. Two players cannot occupy the same place at the same time. The winner is not determined - the game continues until the participants get tired.

Three lives

Each participant is given three “lives”. The ball lies on the ground, and the players stand on the court in random places. The player closest to the ball picks it up and throws it, trying to hit another player with it. The one the ball hits loses one “life”. But the game continues, and the participant who picked up the ball aims at another player. As long as the ball is in the air, you can move. As soon as someone catches the ball, everyone freezes in place until the ball hits one of the players or flies past. Participants who lose all three “lives” are eliminated from the game. The winner is the last participant remaining.

Hand made chair

Two teams. Start, finish and distance. Teams of three people are formed. Two team members cross their arms to form a chair, and the third sits on it. The player is carried to the finish line and back, trying to do this as quickly as possible. Then the players change - and so on until each team member sits on a chair. You can play the game in a shallow pool, or in a deep pool you can drag a team member while swimming through the water. The winner is the team that is the first to carry all its players on the chair.

Touch the Shadow

Game for any number of participants. It is grown outdoors in sunny weather. It is based on a game of tag, but in this case the goal of the driver is not to insult the player himself, but his shadow, with his hand or foot. The upset player becomes the driver. The only way to escape is to hide in the shadows. Otherwise, the player must be constantly on the move. While two players are running, the rest remain in place


A line is drawn that divides the field into two parts: the bank and the river. The driver calls “bank” or “river” at random. Players at this time must jump either to the shore or into the river. If on the command “river” the player is already standing in the “river”, then he simply jumps in place.

Scouts and sentry

A sentry is selected. Flags (5-7 pieces) are placed around it at a distance of 15-25 steps. All the rest are scouts. They move away to such a distance that the sentry cannot see. The scouts' task is to steal the flag. The sentry can only move around the perimeter limited by flags. If the sentry, having noticed the scout, calls him by name, the scout is eliminated from the game. If the sentry saw a scout running away with a flag and managed to call him by name, the flag returns to its place, and the scout hides again. The game ends either when there is 1 flag left, or if there is 1 scout.

(Scouts may not drop out of the game, but be captured, that is, stand in the limited space of the sentry. At the same time, other scouts can free him by touching him. If the sentry does not have time to name the name of the liberator, the captive is free. With this option, the game can last indefinitely).


The players are divided into two teams: guards and spies. A circle is drawn, around the perimeter of which guards stand blindfolded. There is a hostage in the center. Spies must free him by sneaking between the guards and take him out of the circle. The guards stand approximately at arm's length from each other. If the spy is touched by the guards, he becomes another hostage. After a certain period of time, the guards and spies change places.


7 or more people play. Inventory: whistle.

Each player builds a depot for himself: he draws a small circle. In the middle of the platform there is a driving locomotive. He does not have his own depot. The driver walks from one carriage to another. Whoever he approaches follows him. This is how all the cars are assembled. The locomotive suddenly whistles, and everyone runs to the depot, including the locomotive. The player left without a seat becomes the driver - the locomotive.


There is a stripe in the center of the room. Two teams of different sides the stripes are trying to win their friend over to their side. Anyone who steps behind the line goes over to the other side and fights for the opposite team.


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

At Uncle Tryphon's

There were seven children

Seven sons:

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader. Rules of the game. When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.

Frost-Red Nose

On opposite sides The playgrounds represent two houses, one of which houses the players. The driver stands in the middle of the platform - Frost-Red Nose. He says:

I am Frost the Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path? .

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, another driver is chosen.


Having split into two teams, the players form two circles. Each player standing in the inner circle remembers the player of the opposing team standing in front of him. Then, at the leader’s signal, the players standing in circles begin to move with side steps in different directions. At the second signal, the players of the outer circle scatter, and the players of the inner circle pursue them. You only need to chase the player who was standing opposite. The presenter counts to thirty, then says: “Stop!” - and counts those who have been greasy. Then the teams change roles.


The players are divided into two teams and line up in columns of two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the leader’s signal, the children standing last in the columns run forward under the raised hands of the players and stand in front of their column, raising their hands up. The latter is a signal for those who are behind, and they do the same as the previous pair. The team whose players finish the run first wins.


Two or three players join hands, forming a “net”. Their task is to catch as many “swimming fish” as possible. If the “fish” is caught, then it joins the drivers and becomes part of the “net”.


Children stand in several lines. 2 drivers (hare, wolf). Children stand at arm's length (the ones on the side do not raise their arms). The hare runs through the maze without running under his arms. At the teacher’s command “to the right,” the children turn and the hare is already running through another maze. The wolf catches up with the hare, if it catches up, they change.

Ball in hand

The players line up. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players stands behind them. He has a ball or pebble in his hand. Walking along the line, he pretends as if he wants to drop the ball into someone's palm. Players shouldn't look back. Finally he drops the ball into someone's hand. The player who received the ball suddenly breaks out of the line. Neighbors to the right and left must grab him (or smack him) before he moves. But at the same time they do not have the right to leave the line. If they fail to capture him, he can return to his place and the game continues. If he is caught, he changes places with the leader.

Moscow hide and seek.

One person turns his back to the participants and one of the participants hits him on the back with his hand, then he turns and speaks to whomever he thinks, and they answer him: “How much will you give?” (for example, run around a house or building), he says how many laps, and only then they tell him whether he guessed correctly or not. If not, then he runs away on his own, and during this time everyone hides in a certain area. Then he looks for everyone he finds, runs to a certain place and shouts “tukita”, whoever manages to tukita tukita himself. The one who gets tagged becomes the leader.

Ocean is shaking.

A presenter is selected and the participants say the following words: “The sea is agitated once, the sea is agitated twice, the sea is agitated three times, the sea figure freeze.” Participants must depict any figure they wish, and the presenter must guess the figures and say which one he likes best. The person whose figure you like becomes the leader (the game is supposed to be endless).?


Take 2 equal teams and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4 meters, holding hands tightly. In turn, each team says the following words: “Kondals” - the first team, “Chained” - the second, “Unchain us” - the first, “Which of us” - the second. Then the first team chooses any person from the opposite one and he must break their chain; if he does not break, then he is part of the first team. Then the teams change, i.e. the second team begins to speak the words. We play until there is not a single person in one of them.

Agents 007

Venue: lawn

Duration: 5 min.

Number:20 people

Equipment: film cans + for example: sand, cereals, pebbles, coin, pebbles, small screws, water, etc.

Progress of the game:

Each participant is given a can of film. There may be pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc. inside them. The participants' task is to find their match as quickly as possible by sound without opening the jar.


Let's start by asking everyone to call themselves a bird (animal), provided, however, that there should not be two identical birds in the game. The players are placed in a circle in the room, leaving the middle free.

One of the participants in the game is the driver. His place is in the middle of the circle. The driver is blindfolded. He's a blind man's buff. Perhaps it would be useful if someone once again reminded the driver what birds are represented in our game today. However, from time to time they themselves, as best they can, will make themselves known, calling to each other with bird voices - chirping, croaking, quacking. Blind Man's Bluff calls any two birds, which, according to his assumptions, are at opposite ends of the room. Those called must change places. When making a flight, that is, moving, they can resort to various tricks and subterfuges: squatting, crawling, distracting the blind man's buff with false maneuvers, thereby helping each other.

If they make the flight safely, they notify the blind man's buff by clapping their hands, and he calls the other two birds. This continues until the blind man's buff catches someone. In this case, the caught one becomes a blind man's buff, and the previous driver takes the vacant place in the circle, immediately declaring himself to be some kind of bird.

Neighbor on the right

All participants in this fun game sit in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Addressing first one or the other of the players, the driver asks each of them some question or asks them to perform some movement: stand up and turn around in place or clap their hands three times, etc. But answer the question asked or It is not the one to whom the driver is addressing who must perform the required movement, but his neighbor on the right, whom the driver does not even look at. Having received the answer, the driver immediately turns to another, to a third, and so on, until one of the players makes a mistake.

A question is asked (or a task is given) quickly and suddenly. Just as quickly you need to give an answer (or perform the required movement). If a question is asked that is difficult to answer immediately, then you can say: “I don’t know,” which is already the answer, but do not remain silent.

It would seem that these rules are very simple and easy to remember, but in the game they are often violated due to the suddenness with which the driver addresses the participants in the game. Either the one to whom the question is addressed answers it himself, or the neighbor on the right will be confused by surprise and will not immediately realize that he is supposed to be the one to answer. Whoever breaks the rule will have to give up his place in the circle to the driver and give a forfeit.


The playing field (length -8-10 meters is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers), their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another, there are a lot of options for players, a) the bouncer becomes “knocked out” or newly arrived player, b) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the team players are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to remain in the circle, or a return one of the eliminated players on the field, c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in the pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) on the field as follows:

| | | B1| I2 | I1 |B2 ] | ]

Each team takes turns in possession of the ball and kicks out the opposing players (I1-I2), knocked-out players from the player category go into the bouncer category, that is, they go beyond the boundaries of the field into the sector (B1-B2, respectively), only the player who caught the ball can take possession of someone else’s ball “candle” (a ball caught from the ground is not considered a “candle”; the player who caught such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players left wins, and they start the next game.


A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs further from the circle, the one of the players who managed to catch the ball shouts “stop” and assigns the number of steps to the driver (steps can be very diverse and in different quantities, for example, 2 “giants” and “5 “Lilliputians”), if, after completing the prescribed steps, he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can imagine yourself: " "Giant" - large steps in a jump, "midgets" - a half-foot step, "thread" - from toe to toe, "ducklings" - squatting, "umbrellas" - a jump with a flip, "bunny" - a jump with legs together).

The circle is divided into sectors - countries, while Voda says the game phrase (again, lost, you will have to invent it) the players scatter. The command “Stop!” sounds, the players freeze, then the water selects a victim (usually the one closest to him) and assigns steps; if he guessed correctly, he cuts him off the country that lost a piece to itself, no, gives up part of its territory (you can cut only by standing with your foot(s) on your territory, and then as soon as you reach it (the circle must be large enough).


The ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable one. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball each other(catch or hit as in the game “volleyball”), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a “potato” - he squats in a circle and can be hit with the ball. If the ball falls to the ground after hitting the “potato”, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed; if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the one who lost the ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players to drop the ball on the ground becomes the first “victim” of the new horse.

Tag on a string

Tie a rope 3 - 4 meters long to the post. Draw a circle of the same radius around the column. Scatter two to three dozen pebbles (cones, sticks, etc.) inside the circle. This wealth will be guarded by one of you, the one you choose by lot. And everyone else (five people), first positioned outside the circle, tries to take possession of the pebbles and take them out of the circle as much as possible. The watchman must hold on to the rope with one hand, but his other hand is free to spot unwary miners. The one who is stained is eliminated from the game. After the agreed time (is three minutes enough?) the watchman’s shift ends. You can count how many pebbles were stolen from him, and how many he saved.

Now repeat everything with another guard. When everyone is in this role, it will not be difficult to determine who was more successful in it.

Edible - inedible

The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, calling various items. If an “edible” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, an “inedible” word must be missed or discarded; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the trail, step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.

I know 5 names!

They hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, Sonya - four , Ira - five", "I know 5..." If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball passes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for that player resumes from the place where it was interrupted ( as is done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be named. This game is useful without a ball, at home.

You drive more slowly...

One of the options for “sea figures”, the driver stands on one side playing field, the players are at the other end of it, the water turns away and says: “If you drive more slowly, you will continue, one, two, three, stop” and turns around, the players who are running towards the driver at that moment must freeze, the one who did not have time to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interesting thing is that the phrase can be cut off in any way you like (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be “stop”, only after it can the water turn around.


Circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water goes around the houses collecting players in a chain and takes them away, while telling them where it is leading them, after the command “go home” everyone rushes back and the player who did not get a house , becomes a driver. I don’t remember the words at all, it’s not particularly important, but here’s my hasty version of the beginning of the saying: “the gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: gnome Misha (for example), gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further to taste)" followed by an unexpected command "go home" anywhere in the story - develops attention and reaction.


The players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded in a boat in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players one by one (more than once), putting its palms into the palms of the players, imperceptibly transferring the “ring” to one of them ", then says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the task of the player who received the ring is to stand up and go out, becoming the driver, the task of the others is to hold him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got this ring, it’s interesting to play in the lineup at least 4-5 people.

Traffic lights.

After the driver is chosen, everyone stands on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and names any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding on to it, they can freely move to the other side. The one who does not have this color must run across so as not to be caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

Squirrels - arrows

(someone mistakenly, or perhaps correctly, calls this game “Cossack robbers”) The players are divided into two teams, the “shooters” are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out along the arrow tracks placed by the “shooter” players on turns, and maybe more often. As soon as the last “arrow” is found and caught, the teams change roles.


Jumping over each other in a chain, “Rucheek” is also known to everyone and is more suitable for folk dances (IMHO).

Above the legs from the earth

Players run up in a row and position themselves so that their feet do not touch the ground (sit down, hang on trees, etc.) The driver’s task is to insult the one who could not resist and touched the ground; another interesting thing is that players at a respectful distance can change your location.


D version of tags (tags), the one who has been saluted clings to the water and together they salo the next one, the last player who has been saluted becomes the driver.

Pike 2

Another version of this game, but those who have been knocked out freeze in place, with their arms open, they can be re-enchanted if the driver allows other players to approach them, the last one becomes the driver greasy.

Grandfather merman

Everyone stands in a circle and walks around, leading with eyes closed: “Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water! Come out for a minute! Let’s play a joke!” After which the merman gets up and selects any player at random, touches it and tries to guess who it is. If you guess correctly, then the one guessed becomes “Water”.

Third wheel

“Players stand in a circle in twos (one after another), the driver runs after one of the free players around the outer circle without crossing it, a player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who is third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away. The salty one becomes the driver.

They sat on the golden porch

The driver spins in place and rotates jumping ropes around himself near the ground (if they are long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn a word): “On the golden porch sat the king, the queen, the king, the queen, the cook, the tailor, ... (I don’t remember further, but it rarely came to this, if you get there, figure it out yourself:) So, the players around should jump over the rope, whoever doesn’t have time, leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got entangled in the rope.


The cannibal sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him one by one; the one he manages to grab by the hand becomes the “cannibal.”


Two teams play: the “elephants” stand in a chain, holding each other in a bent state, the riders jump on them and the “elephant” tries to walk with this burden.

Ball game

The key phrase is Squirrel, but you can come up with it yourself; girls usually play it. Taking turns hitting the ball against the wall, they jump over the ball that bounced to the ground; if the jump fails, the player is given a name based on the next word of the key phrase. As soon as the phrase ends, the player is eliminated from the game.


The players stand in a circle, lead a round dance around the Leader (the “king”) with the words: - The _king_ walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, Found himself a princess, princess, princess, (the king chooses a princess from the round dance) Let’s jump with you, let’s jump , let's jump, (everyone performs the indicated actions) And we jump with our legs, we jump, we jump, And we stomp with our legs, we stomp, we stomp, And we clap with our hands, clap, clap, We shake our heads, and we start again... (it’s better to choose a princess with your eyes closed)

Rooster fight

The number of players is 20 - 40 people.

Preparation. Distribute the children into pairs according to their capabilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other, one leg bent, hands behind their backs.

Description of the game. According to signals, the players try to push their shoulders to throw the opponent off balance, forcing him to stand on both legs.

Rules. 1. You cannot push with your hands.

2. You cannot change your leg without a command.

Pedagogical significance of the game. This is a game of resistance. It promotes the development of strength, agility, and reaction speed.


The game involves teams of 4 - 5 people each. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left hand with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, with their hands down, walk towards each other with the words:

One two three four,

The order must be carried out.

No, of course not, in the whole world

Friendship is better than ours!

After this, the children disperse or scatter around the veranda. At a signal from an adult, they must stand in ranks and form a fence. The line that performs the action first wins.

Who's flying?

The players and the leader stand in a circle. An adult says, for example, the following words: “The starling is flying!” - and raises his hands up, the children do the same. After several repetitions, he suddenly says again: “The bear is flying!” If one of the players raises his hands, he loses and takes a step out of the circle.

Catch and throw

Children stand in a circle, with an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it back, saying: “Catch it, throw it, don’t let it fall.” The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from! up to 2 m or more. Ask older children with good catching skills to name words with opposite meanings. For example, one child, throwing a ball, says “narrow”, the one who caught it, throwing the ball to another, says the word of the opposite meaning - “wide”, etc.

Traffic light

Participants in the game must be very attentive. When the presenter says green, the guys should stomp their feet; when the color is yellow, clap your hands. When the color is red there is silence.

Make a figure

Children run and jump all over the playground, and one child - the judge - stands to the side. At the counselor’s signal “One, two, three!” all the children stop and make a “figure”. The judge examines all the “pieces”, chooses the one he likes, and this child becomes the judge.Rules. The players stop at a signal and each time depict a new “figure”. The judge, when choosing a “figure,” must evaluate the beautifully and accurately performed movement.

Stand still

The players form a circle. The driver walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom he addressed must stand calmly, and his neighbors must raise their hands: the neighbor on the right - left, the neighbor on the left - right. Whoever makes a mistake, raises the wrong hand, or hesitates, replaces the leader.

Chut - Gut

5-6 guys play. They stand in one line at the line. Each of them should have a stick 60 - 70 cm long. At the counselor’s signal, the players, one after another, begin to throw their sticks, trying to get them to fly as far as possible (but in the same direction). The one whose stick falls closest must run forward. collect all the thrown sticks and bring them back, but at the same time he must continuously repeat: “Chut - gut”, “Chut - gut” (until all the sticks are returned to their owners).

Then the game repeats. The one who is the most awkward 3 times in a row and whose stick is closest is eliminated from the game.


This game is best played with a large ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a punishment: he will have to continue the game standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the punishment is removed. If he misses the ball again, he will have to get down on one knee and try to catch the ball in this position. On the third mistake, you lower the unlucky player to both knees. If he manages to catch the ball, all is forgiven. On the fourth error, the player is out of the game;


This is a game of great mobility. It develops a child's quick reaction and eye. In addition, the game has educational value. Children practice counting, develop memory, and remember the names of the city!

A large circle is drawn on the ground. Everyone stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city.

The presenter throws the ball up and names a city. The player whose city he named must catch the ball. If he catches it, then, in turn, he can also throw the ball up and name any city. And if he doesn’t catch, then all the players scatter in different directions while he catches up with the ball. When the player grabs the ball, he shouts: "Stop!" And then all the “cities” freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any city and determines by eye how many kilometers it is. Every kilometer is a step.

He walks up to him and counts his steps. If after the specified number of steps he can reach the player with his hand, he becomes the city, and the player becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.


You run away from the leader, and he should make fun of you. Whomever he caught, he must take the leader by the hands to catch the rest. This continues until everyone is caught.

Day and night

Across the platform or hall, in the middle, two parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 from one another. On both sides of them, 10 - 15 m. parallel to them, lines of “houses”, “day” and “night” are drawn.

Everyone who wants to play is divided into two teams: one of them is “night”, the other is “day”. Both teams line up at their center lines. Moreover, the players of both sides turn to face their “homes”, i.e., with their backs to each other,

The leader stands in the very center of the site. He suddenly says “Day!” After this signal, the players of the night team run away to their “home”, and the players of the day team try to catch up with them and make fun of them. The salted ones move to the "day" team. The leader gives the signal again: “Day!” or "Night", trying to strictly alternate team names so that they are unexpected for the players. In order to distract the attention of the players and somehow diversify it, the leader before the signal may ask them to stand on their toes, raise their arms up or forward, sit down, etc. Then suddenly say: “Night” or “Day!”, Having won the team with more upset players. Rules:

1. It is forbidden to run to your home before the leader gives a signal. 2. The players can line up facing the leader (sideways to each other).


The players join hands and form a long “chain” or “snake”. At the head of the “chain” is the strongest player, who, while running, pulls the rest with him. He runs in different directions, describing various figures, passes under the arms of his comrades who make up the “chain”, and braids everyone. Sometimes it stops and spins around in place, wrapping the entire “chain” around itself. The twisted and curled “chain” must be able to untangle, otherwise he loses the right to further leadership.

Having done several exercises with the “chain”, the leader tries to break it with quick and unexpected turns. At first it pulls the “chain” in a straight direction, then suddenly turns sharply in the opposite direction, from which the last ones in the “chain” acquire such rapid movement that they cannot resist breaking away.

The player through whose fault the “chain” was broken leaves the game, but the “chain” is reconnected. The game continues until only strong players remain in the “chain”, whom the leader cannot lose, no matter how fast and unexpected movements he makes.

It's boring to sit like this

There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall. Read the poem:

It's boring, boring sitting like this. Everyone looks at each other. Isn't it time to go for a run? And change places?

As soon as the poem is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the free seats, which are one less than the participants in the game. The one who remains without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

Sick cat


more than five people play

Progress of the game. One player is a healthy cat who tries to catch everyone else. Each player who is tainted must place their hand exactly where they were tainted. He also becomes a cat, but a sick one, and helps the healthy cat when catching. A sick cat can only stain with its healthy hand. The player who is not stained wins. He becomes a healthy cat for the next round.

Thailand boxing

Two people in the ring, blindfolded, fight
bags, filled with soft rags. Various options are possible: you can
give one a bell, and the other a bag - he beats the sound, the man with
he bows with a bell, you can give bags to both, and introduce two intermediaries -
they direct their players with short commands.

Relay race

The group lines up in several columns. In front of each is a row of pins. The first person closes his eyes and tries to weave around them, and the group
tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when everything
groups begin to shout at the same time, to distinguish their teams from the general noise
group is extremely problematic.


Two people in a circle take a log. Need to push out with a log
opponent from the circle.

Two rings

A group stands hand in hand around a drawing in winter
rings. Inside this large ring is a small one. Human can
be only either outside the large ring or inside the small one. Everyone's task is
force others to step into forbidden territory and still hold on

Run in a bunch

You need to run a distance with your legs tied. You can do it in pairs or even several people.

American triangle

Everyone is divided into fours. Three form
triangle. The remaining one is the driver. His task is to kill one of the triangle.
The task of the other two in triangles is to protect their comrade. Salt,
You cannot stretch your hand through the circle, you can only run around the triangle. When
the driver manages to show off, the person who is dressed up becomes the driver, gradually everything
change roles.



10 or more people play.

Progress of the game. The game participants are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold on to each other and form one chain with their arms bent at the elbows. Stronger and more dexterous participants - “groovy” ones - become ahead of the chain. Standing opposite each other, the “clockwork” also takes each other’s arms bent at the elbows and each pulls in their own direction, trying to either break the opponent’s chain or pull it over the intended line.

Rule. They start pulling exactly at the signal.


The number of participants is odd.

Participants stand in a row in pairs, join hands, and raise their arms above their heads. It turns out like a “corridor”. The remaining participant, grabbing the hand of any person standing in a pair, runs with him along the “corridor”, and they stand together at the beginning. The participant left without a pair, in turn, does the same. During the game, each participant must change partners.


The host announces the dances. It can be any dance: slow or fast. You can dance in pairs or alone. Everyone starts dancing. The presenter has a hat. He puts it on the first participant he comes across. The most important thing is not to be left with a hat in your hands or on your head when the music stops. Therefore, we need to get rid of the hat as soon as possible and put it on someone else. If a couple is dancing, you can put a hat on one of the dancers and pick up the partner. The one remaining in the hat becomes the leader.

Kite and Black-White

Two drivers are selected: “kite” and “clough”.

All other players become chickens. They line up in a column, one at a time, behind the “club” and hold tightly to each other. The “kite” needs to drag away the “chick”, and the “buffalo”, spreading its arms to the sides, protects its offspring. Whoever the kite catches becomes naked.

Fight for the ball

The players are divided into two equal teams. Each team chooses a captain. The playing area is limited by lines. The approximate dimensions of the site are 18x36 meters.

Team captains go to the middle of the court and stand opposite each other. All other players, placing themselves on the court, become pairs: one player from one team, the second from the other. The presenter throws the ball between the captains, who try to catch it or pass it to one of their players. Having caught the ball, the player tries to pass it to someone else from his team. Members of the other team hit, intercept the ball from their opponents and pass it to their players. The task of all participants is to make ten passes in a row between their players. The team that succeeds earns a point, and the game continues from the middle of the court. If the ball is intercepted by the opponent, the pass count starts again.

They play for a set time: 10-15 minutes (or up to the designated number of points - 10 - 20). The team that scores the most points or scores the designated number of points earlier wins.

Rules of the game:

    You cannot snatch the ball, you can only intercept it on the fly or knock it out of your hands without pushing your opponent.

    If the ball crosses the field, then the opposing team throws the ball from the place where it crossed the boundary.

    If two players touch the ball at the same time, the game stops and the referee must throw a dropped ball between them.

    You cannot run more than three steps with the ball, but you can dribble it by hitting the floor, like in basketball.

    If during a pass the player committed rudeness (snatched the ball, deliberately
    pushed an opponent) the game is stopped and the ball is given to the team that passed the ball

Black horse

Participants in the game choose a leader. The presenter's task is to “tarnish” all the players. To do this, all participants scatter in different directions, and the leader, catching up, touches the shoulders of the players with a light touch. The one who has been “stained” freezes in place, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts: “Unspell me, a black horse!” You can only “crucify” your friends with a hot hug. So, the leader’s task is to “sully” all the players, the players’ task is to help each other out.

Fire brigade


10 or more people play.

Chairs according to the number of players are placed in a circle, with their backs facing inward. The players (firefighters) walk around these chairs to the sound of music (tambourine, drum). As soon as the music stops, players must place an item of clothing on the chair they are standing near. Game continues. When each participant removes 3 objects (they end up on different chairs), the alarm sounds: “Fire!” Players must quickly find their items and put them on. Whoever gets dressed the fastest is the winner.

Alone in a circle


5 or more people play.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game. Players stand in a circle and throw a large, light ball to each other until someone makes a mistake and drops it. This player goes into the circle and stands in the middle. The players continue to throw the ball, but try not to be grabbed by the person standing in the center, and the ball hits him. If, nevertheless, the central player manages to catch the ball, then he can throw it at anyone. Whoever it hits takes his place. The game becomes more interesting if it goes at a good pace and with a quick pass you manage to make the person standing in the center spin and jump a lot.

Capture the Flag

Rules of the game: Two teams participate. The camp territory is conventionally divided into 2 equal halves (you can draw a line or mark landmarks). Each team hangs its flag in an accessible, visible place. The task of both teams is to capture the enemy's flag and carry it into their territory without being greased. If the flag is captured by several players, the flag is allowed to be transferred.

The flag can be guarded by no more than three people, but not in the immediate vicinity of it, but at a distance (4-5 meters from the flag), i.e. in a circle with a radius of 4-5 meters, the guards do not have the right to influence (kill) the enemy if he is already inside this circle. The guards can only not let the invaders back when they try to leave the rescue zone. Each team has a prison on its territory, where the caught (salted) players of the opposing team are taken. You can only salt on your own territory. In the prison, the prisoner is vigilantly guarded, but he can be freed if a player from his team sneaks into the prison unnoticed and touches him. In this case, they return to their territory without hindrance, and no one can salt them.

Big hunt

Rules of the game; The camp is divided into three or four teams. Everyone’s task is to collect a sufficient number (for example, 50) of toothpicks or any other small identical objects. Some counselors have toothpicks, but none of the teams knows which ones. The players themselves must find out this, because... these counselors do not give themselves away, try to be inconspicuous or may even disguise themselves. Among the counselors there are also “killers,” whose task is to take a participant out of the game by drawing a stripe on an open area of ​​his body.

A wounded player is not allowed to search for toothpicks until he runs back to base and is “healed.” At the base he is cured by crossing out black stripe red. After that, he continues to collect toothpicks. The team that has collected the required number of toothpicks receives a plan (all teams receive this plan after collecting the required number of toothpicks), using which they are the first to be given the opportunity to find the real camp treasure - a box of sweets.


Preparation: the players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, the outer circle in the other.

Contents of the game: at the leader’s signal, both circles stop, those standing in the inner circle raise their hands, forming a gate. The rest either run into the circle, passing under the gate, or run out of it. Suddenly the leader gives the next command, and the players in the inner circle suddenly lower their hands. Those who find themselves inside the circle are considered to be trapped. They join those standing in the inner circle and join hands. The game is repeated and continues until then. until three players remain in the outer circle, who will be the winners. Rules of the game: 1 - the game begins at the sign of the leader and in the given directions 2 - the caught players stand in the inner circle,


All players stand in a circle at a distance of at least 2 meters from each other, one of the players receives the ball and passes it to another, that to the third, etc. round. Gradually the transmission speed increases. Each player tries to catch the ball.

Rules of the game: a player who misses the ball or throws it incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The last one standing wins.

Eagle owl and birds

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so as not to be heard by the eagle owl, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. The birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen.

At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly set a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Right-handed game. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

Cat and mouse

The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice. Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.


The players choose a leader - tag. Everyone runs around the site, and the tag catches them. Rules of the game. The one whom the tag touches with his hand becomes the tag.


1. Tag, feet off the ground. The player can escape from tag if he stands on some object

2. Tag - bunnies. The tag can only stain the running player, but as soon as the latter jumps on two legs/one leg, he is safe.

3. Tag with the house. Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site; these are houses. One of the players is a tag, he is catching up with the participants in the game. The persecuted person can escape from being spotted in the house, since it is forbidden to spot in a circle. If the tag touches one of the players with his hand, he becomes a tag.

4. Tags with a name. All players, except Fifteen, choose the names of flowers, birds, animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who named himself in time (for example, fox).

5. Circle tags. The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Everyone marks their place with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag already catches up with him. The empty seat is occupied by the player who started the game. If there is time, a free circle can be taken by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. The game continues, the tag catches up with the player who left the circle.

Ball up

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball upward with all his strength, while calling the name of one of the players. Those playing together with the driver scatter in different directions. The player whose name was called, as soon as he catches the thrown ball, must shout “Stop!” At this signal, the players must stop. And the new driver must hit one of the players with the ball, taking three big steps from the place where the ball was thrown. If he hits, then the successful player becomes the driver, but if he misses, then he leads again.

Flashing lights

Some of the participants in the game occupy chairs arranged in a circle, while one chair must remain free. Other players one by one stand behind the participants sitting on chairs. The one who ends up behind the back of an empty chair must wink at one of the players sitting on the chair, and the latter, in turn, can take the empty seat. It is important for the other participants standing behind the chairs to keep the players on the chairs.

Four forces

The players stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: “earth”, “fire”, “water”, “air”. If it says “land,” the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. When you hear the word “water,” the player names a fish. When the word “air” is heard, the player must give the name of the bird. When you hear the word “fire,” everyone needs to turn around several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game


Players stand in a circle and settle in numerical order. The presenter, being in the center, calls any two numbers. The players who received these numbers must hit their knees, adding: “Oh-oh-oh!” - and quickly change places. The presenter seeks to take the place of one of the players. The participant left without a place becomes the leader.


The players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the center, the music turns on, and the driver begins to dance, and the players must repeat all his movements. At the same time, the driver tries to unexpectedly and imperceptibly step on someone’s foot, and the players must try to dodge. Whoever fails to do this becomes the driver, and the game starts over.


The presenter is in the middle of the room, makes various movements with a request to repeat them. The players repeat the movements only if the leader adds “please” to his request. Whoever makes a mistake and repeats the movement when “please” is not said leaves the game.

Unusual relay race

Participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the team leader, they perform the following tasks: (everyone decides for themselves how to run. No need to look around - there is no single correct decision here. Be brave!)

    run in a triangle! No, not in a triangle, but in a triangle. How do triangles run?

    Now, in the other direction, we ran in a dotted line!

    They ran in squares, in an oblique line, in a column, soft-boiled. The team that completes the tasks first and in an original way wins.

    completed the tasks.

Bear on the forest.

Preparation: A leader - a bear - is selected, he stands in the corner of the area - the den. The rest of the players are children. They stand on the other side of the site in their house. The space between the children and the bear is boron
Game: Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, gradually approaching the bear. While collecting gifts, the children say in unison: The bear is in the woods
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear sits
And he growls at us
Only after the last words does the bear, who was pretending to be asleep, wake up and run to the children, and they quickly scatter in different directions from the bear. The latter's task is to catch one of the children. When caught, he becomes a bear and goes to the den.

Bird catcher.

Preparation: A circle with a diameter of 1 meter is indicated. Birdcatcher and Sparrow are chosen, all other participants are birds: pigeons, tits, ducks, etc. Sparrow sits in the center of the circle, in a cage. The bird catcher walks around the cage, protecting the captive from the attacks of birds who try to touch the sparrow with their hands to free him. Whoever the Birdcatcher hits is considered caught and goes into a cage. If Ptitselov fails to make anyone look bad for a long time, then they choose a new driver. Winner: Birdcatcher, if you catch all the birds.

Interesting, simple and short games for children's summer holidays.

Five-minute games

At first glance, it seems that these games are insignificant and not serious. In fact, this block of games is very interesting and important in organizing children's recreation. Rain on the street. Boring. What to do? And here five-minute games come to the rescue, which can drag on for a longer time.

Ha ha ha

Children stand in a circle. One of them says "ha." The second should say “ha-ha”, the third should say “ha-ha-ha” and so on in a circle. This must be said without smiling or laughing. The one who laughs is out of the game.

Birdie, squeak

Everyone sits in a circle, and one participant stands inside the circle blindfolded. He walks in a circle and sits on someone's lap. The one who sat on his knees must make a sound (squeak), and the one who sat on his knees must guess who it is.

People to people

After the leader’s words: “People to people,” the players are distributed in pairs and then carry out all the leader’s commands, for example: “Ear to shoulder,” “Right leg to left hand,” etc.

As soon as the leader says again: “People to people,” the players must be redistributed into new pairs. The leader's goal is to find a mate. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.


The players line up in a column. One of them is designated as a “mirror” and faces the column.

His task is to explain, without sounds or words, to the first person in the column who or what is reflected in the mirror. Next, the one who guessed the “reflection” becomes the mirror, and the one depicting the mirror moves to the end of the column.

We walked through the grove

All players are assigned numbers. Number 1 begins: “There were 4 crocodiles walking down the street.” Number 4: “Why 4?” Number 1: “How much?” Number 4: "A 8". Number 8: “Why 8?” etc. Anyone who hesitates or makes a mistake gives away a forfeit. The game starts again. Then all the forfeits are played out.

Interview in a circle

The counselor (teacher) throws the ball to one of the participants, calling his name. The person who catches the ball must answer the counselor’s question and throw the ball to another player, saying his name and asking his own question. Questions should be short and friendly. If someone doesn't want to answer a question, they say, "No answer," and the group asks them another question. It is important that all participants play the role of responder.

Telepaths (joke game)

The presenters invite 3-4 people to participate. Participants go out the door and call the first leader any word. To everyone else, the second presenter at this time names the key word, the one that the “telepaths” have to guess, after which the first presenter will name the word that the participant guessed. Every time the words need to be changed. At the end of the game, tell us what the catch is.

tell me a story

The guys are sitting in a circle. The presenter pronounces the first phrase, the first sentence, which is the beginning of the fairy tale. The next participant says the next sentence, logically continuing the story started. The result should be a single fairy tale story. Why fabulous? Because events can be unreal, magical.


The players sit close together. The left hand of each participant lies on the right knee of the neighbor, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor to the right. If the circle is not closed, then the first and last place one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly clap your palm without disturbing the sequence in your hands. If someone clapped out of turn or simply raised his hand, then he removes the “wrong” hand behind his back. To increase interest, you need to keep a high pace in the game.

Cheerful hippopotamus

The participants line up in a zigzag, with the leader at the head. Everyone repeats the movements and words behind him: “The hippopotamus ran and ran, the hippopotamus walked and walked, the hippopotamus sat down, and then decided to lie down.” With the last words, the leader pushes the seated players, and everyone falls.

Traffic light

On red we remain silent, on yellow we clap, on green we stomp. The presenter tries to confuse the participants by calling colors in random order.

Give me water to drink

Two participants in the game are given a glass of water and a tablespoon, blindfolded, seated on chairs and asked to give each other water from a spoon on command. The one who empties the glass in this way wins. It is forbidden to turn away and interfere with your opponent’s watering.

My cap is triangular

Guys, we will sing a song, only we will replace each word in turn with different movements. First, let's learn the words:

My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

This is not my cap.

And now when we hear the word “cap,” we point to our head with our hand, but we don’t say the word “cap” itself.

Then, when they hear the word “my,” the guys touch their chest with their hand, but do not say the word itself. When answering the word “triangular”, the guys should show three fingers, extending their hand forward, and then move it to their belt.

Guys, stand up

A game of attention. The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he pronounces the address “guys”. For example: “Guys, clap your hands,” everyone should clap. “Now stomp” - no one should move, since the address “guys” was not said.


The presenter offers the game for attention. Players must respond in reverse to any of his phrases. For example, the presenter says: “Good”, the players say “Evil”. Here is the possible text of the game. Host: “Hello, guys.” Players: “Goodbye.” Host: “Yes, hello.” Players: “No, goodbye.” Host: “Well, okay, goodbye.” Players: “Hello.” Host: “Oh, guys, how good you are.” Players: “Bad.” Host: “Well, they’re bad.” Players: “Good.” Host: “You were just bad.” Players: “Good.” Host: “Okay, okay, good.” Players: “Bad”, etc.

Beauty's heart

The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song’s verse: “The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal and change, like the wind of May.” And he invites the whole audience to sing a song without words. Words are replaced one by one. We replace the word “heart” by touching the left side of the chest with our hands. We perform the song, replacing the first word with a gesture. After introducing each gesture, we sing the entire song until we replace all the words with gestures. Here's what happens: Touching your hands to the left side of your chest - “heart”. We trace the outline of our face with our hands - “beauty”. We bend the body - “inclined”. We depict horns above our heads - “to treason.” Everyone sits cross-legged and changes legs, lowering one, throwing up the other - “and for a change.” They blow - “like the wind.” Extend a palm with five fingers - “may”.

I sing boom

The presenter asks you to repeat words and movements after him. “I sing boom, chicka boom” - clap your hands for the first word, clap your knees for the second, then repeat the movements. Words:

Chicka boom is a cool song.

Let's sing it all together.

If you need some cool noise,

Sing chicka boom with us.

I sing boom, chica boom.

I sing boom, chica-raca, chica-raca, chica-boom.

Oh yeah, more fun again.

Possible variations of the last word: louder, faster, more feminine, more courageous, longer, etc.

Outdoor games for summer camp.

"Sly Fox"

Any group of children can play, but the optimal number would be 6-10 people. At the beginning of the game, children stand facing in a circle, with their hands behind their backs. An adult or driver from among the children walks behind the circle and quietly touches the hand of one of the children. The one who is touched by the driver immediately becomes “sly fox ».

After this, the driver chooses one of the guys and invites him to look at the faces of his friends and guess who the “sly fox” is. If this player does not guess right away, then all the children ask in unison:

Sly fox, where are you?!»

and look at each other's faces, trying to guess and find the cheat.

If you guessed the fox, then the game starts over. If the fox still managed to escape, then after three questions asked, she answers:

I'm here!!!

and runs to catch the guys. Everyone scatters. After 3 children are caught and greasy, the game ends and everything starts all over again.

Merry little train

The squad stands in a circle. The counselor invites a boy and a girl to go out to the center - they will be drivers (cheerful trains), and all the guys around will be carriages. The counselor asks the drivers to give their names. On command, the engines run up to any trailer and say: “Hello, I’m a funny little engine, and who are you?” The “trailer” calls his name, for example Denis, after which the driver waves his hands right and left five times, pronouncing the name of the trailer for each movement: “Denis, Denis, Denis!” Then the engine says: “Come with me!” To which the trailer must raise and lower his right hand, while saying: “Tut-tu, tut-tu.” After which the engine takes the hand of the carriage, which now becomes the driver, and they go on to meet the guys. At the end of the game, the counselor declares the winner the cheerful little engine that has collected the most trailers.


Players (from 3 people) enter the water. In order to play comfortably, you need a fairly large area with a depth of approximately chest-deep or slightly deeper. The participation of an adult is highly recommended and supervision of children in the water is mandatory!

First, as in any other tag, you selectdriving . How in ordinary On the tag, he must catch up and make fun of the players. But at the same time, one essential rule applies: if the player dives and is under water, then the driver must dive and splash him under water. The player being chased by the driver can run away from him, swim away and dive. In addition, it can splash at the driver. But, of course, during the game everyone is prohibited from running out of the water onto the shore.

In addition, the usual precautions for playing in water apply: no pushing, drowning, or holding players underwater.

The player who has become the driver becomes the driver. But he cannot immediately kill the former driver.

Santiki - Fantiki - Limpopo

The counselor chooses a driver and asks him to go to the center and say his name loudly (for example, the driver’s name is Petya). Then the counselor asks Petya to close his eyes and, so that he does not see, silently chooses the second driver. Petya opens his eyes. The guys begin to say the same phrase: “Santiki - Fantiki - Limpopo,” while everyone crouches a little and makes movements with their hands, as if they were screwing in flashlights. The second driver, whom Petya doesn’t know about, but the guys know, begins to come up with new movements - squatting, like in physical education, or jumping like a ball. All the other guys repeat the actions after the second driver. Petya’s task is to determine who the squad is following, and to show who is the leader in the circle. If he succeeds, then the second driver goes to the center, says his name, closes his eyes, and the leader chooses a new player who will set the movements.

The tiger is coming

The counselor declares the leader a tiger and invites him to hide in a hole (leave the circle). When the tiger leaves, the leader tells the group: “We went for a walk in the clearing.” After these words, all the guys pretend to be walking around the clearing - tumbling, picking flowers, catching butterflies. When the fun is in full swing, the counselor shouts: “The tiger is coming!” All guys must freeze and not move. A tiger appears. He approaches the players and with his growl tries to cheer them up and make them move. The tiger is not allowed to touch the children. The guys who start laughing and moving are out of the game. And whoever does not make the slightest movement is declared the winner. Then a new tiger is chosen.

Earth, water, fire, air

Very funny group game with a ball, develops attentiveness in children.

Game description

All players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle. The driver throws the ball to any player, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, fire or air.

With the word “earth”, the one to whom the ball was thrown must name some kind of animal, “water” - some kind of fish, “air” - a bird, and with the word “fire” - everyone waves their hands. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated.

Rules of the game

  1. All players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle.
  2. The driver throws the ball to any player, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, fire or air.
  3. With the word earth, the one to whom the ball was thrown must name some kind of animal, water - some kind of fish, air - a bird, and with the word fire - everyone waves their hands.
  4. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated.

Dwarfs and giants

The host explains the rules of the game to the players.

When he says the word “dwarfs,” everyone must sit down, because dwarfs are small. He must pronounce this word in a thin voice.

When he says the word "giants" in a rough voice, everyone must stand up and raise their hands up.

The presenter announces: “Guys, remember, the correct commands are “dwarfs” and “giants”. You should not respond to other commands.” And he pronounces the above commands, as well as “Stand up”, “Sit down”, “Raise your hands up”, all mixed together. Those who carry out incorrect commands are eliminated. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.


With the help of a counter you selectdriving , the remaining players form a circle. It is advisable to mark the center of the circle with chalk. The driver takes the ball and stands in the center of the circle. The distance from the center of the circle to the rest of the players should be one or two steps.

The driver throws the ball high up and calls the nameany player from the circle. The named player must try to catch the ball. If he succeeds, the player becomes the new driver, and the former driver takes his place in the circle.

If a player did not have time to catch the ball and it fell after touching the ground, all playersrun away in different directions until the player picks up the ball and shouts “Stander!” or just “Stop!”. After this all players freeze, and the player, returning to the center of the circle, must hit any player with the ball. If he succeeds, the upset player becomes the new driver; if he doesn’t hit anyone, he drives again.

In the initial period of the formation of a children's team, the pedagogically unorganized interaction of children often becomes the reason for their hostility towards each other, turning into conflicts, indifference to the affairs of the team, opposing themselves to the entire team, etc.

Helps to avoid such troubles special games on interaction, the main goal of which is to establish close and friendly relationships between children, as well as between children and teachers. When these games are used correctly, relationships develop much faster and more favorably than in any other situation. What is the secret of such pedagogical success?

In our opinion, the main factors contributing to the rapid establishment of trust and friendship during the interaction game are:

The variety and dynamics of game situations, allowing for interaction with all members of the team in a short period of time;

Transition from a real situation of acquaintance (and interaction) to a game situation;

Extending the gaming situation beyond the actual play into children’s real, everyday relationships;

The ability to choose from a variety of options proposed by game technicians - strategies and tactics for managing the child’s behavior and his interaction with other children, not only in games, but also in the reality associated with these games;

Pedagogically organized, purposeful and systematic gaming activities;

Analysis of the psychological state of all children and the level of development of relationships in the children's team. This work must be carried out collectively.

Auxiliary factors that allow interaction games to achieve the desired effect:

Children’s desire to assert themselves (this is especially characteristic of adolescence and adolescence);

The child’s desire to demonstrate character strengths is a “façade” (V. Frankl’s term);

The orientation of most children towards friendly, friendly relationships;

The positive role of the teacher (his positive “reinforcements”, “strokes” of both individual members of the group and the entire team as a whole).

The teacher must take into account that “satiation” with interaction games (overplaying) can lead to children developing a persistent aversion to them. Therefore, games must be combined with other activities (sports, group conversations, walks in nature, collective creative activities).

The teacher needs to make sure that children have the opportunity to take at least a little break from the busy schedule of the first days of their life in a new team, to be alone or with friends.

When to conduct interaction games? At any free or specially allocated time. 30-40 minutes should be specially allocated for this purpose (depending on the age of the children) in the first stages of forming relationships in a team or in a situation where serious problems have arisen in relationships between children in an already formed team.

It is necessary to take into account another, no less important circumstance: often relationships that were formed very quickly are unstable and unstable. In order for them to become strong, they need to be tested not only in gaming, but also in real everyday, sometimes serious conflict situations.

Let's look at games whose goal is to organize effective interaction and create a favorable climate in a children's team. Some of them have already been discussed in the “Dating Games” section, so we will not describe them again.

Chaos molecule! (option I)

The presenter explains the rules of the game - you need to form “compounds of molecules”, the number of which corresponds to the number named by him. He then commands the participants: “Chaos molecule!” The icons depict the random movement of molecules within a circle (it can be drawn in advance). Then the presenter announces: “Molecule-2! (3, 4, 5, etc.).” Having found the required number of “molecules”, the participants in the “compound” take turns calling their names to each other. In this case, you need to join hands.

After the required number of participants have found each other, the leader gives the command: “Molecule chaos!”, and the game starts over. At the end of the game, the leader can say: “Molecule squad!” In this case, the entire squad (group) must stand in a circle and hold hands.

Chaos molecule! (option II)

The rules of this game have already been described in the previous section. The second version of the game is noticeably more difficult. Participants must follow all the rules described earlier, but one more thing is added to them: they must move chaotically within a circle (room, hall) with their eyes closed.

In other words, when the leader commands: “Molecule-2,3, etc.,” the participants look for their pair, three, etc. with their eyes closed. The most difficult task is at the command of the presenter “Molecule group!” stand in a circle.

A necessary condition for the game is that you need to move with your eyes closed, without peeking, otherwise all interest (and therefore the result of the game) will be lost.

Notes. Careful observation of the movements of all group members will determine their level of anxiety, aggression, and fear; the nature of psychological defense.

Pay attention to children walking very carefully, holding their arms at chest level or extended forward - these are people with increased level anxiety.

Some children move too confidently, pushing everyone away with their shoulders and elbows, stepping on the feet of other participants. They go ahead like a tank - these are people with increased aggression (it is necessary to find out the reason for this aggression). Of course, there are children who move confidently, but at the same time try not to harm others, caring for their comrades.

And finally, there are children (the least of them) who move outside the limits of the main movement. These children make their movements very slowly and carefully - most likely they suffer from fears or phobias.

The teacher needs to identify children who take on the role of coordinator and organizer in the game - these are children with leadership and organizational abilities and skills. Most likely, they will help the teacher in the future when forming a children's team (provided they have a positive attitude).

It is very important after the game to discuss it and reflect (comprehend).


The presenter is selected, his role is “person”. All the rest are “mirrors” (it would be more accurate to say “reflections”). The presenter moves around confined space(detachment place, room, hall). He looks into the “mirrors” (at other participants in the game), and they “reflect” him, repeating all the actions that he performs. It is important that the “mirrors” accurately repeat the movements, postures, and facial expressions of the “person.” The reliability of the “reflection” is important for establishing contact and developing empathy.

The presenter changes after 2-3 minutes. This is necessary so that as many players as possible “try on” the role of a “person” and at the same time try to play the role of a “reflection”.

Notes. Positive reinforcement (encouragement) should be given to its most passive participants.

The magic of words

All participants count on “first-second”, and then form pairs in which there is one “first” and one “second” number.

The presenter says: “Close your eyes and imagine a ten-point scale. Find your mood at the moment. Mark it for yourself (you can write it down on a piece of paper).” Next, the task for the “first” numbers is to turn to their partners in a pair and make several positive statements about them.

For example: “I’m very glad that you and I are in the same pair”, “you have a very pleasant voice”, “I like your name”, “you are very beautiful today”, “you have a charming smile”, “you performed great yesterday in a concert,” etc. Then the guys change places, and the “second” numbers speak out.

After this, all participants are again asked to close their eyes and mark their mood on a ten-point scale. The “before” and “after” results must be compared.

The active participation of each player must be a prerequisite. You can give a minute to think about your statement.

Don't tell children that they need to compliment each other - a positive statement is a much broader and more capacious concept.

Some children (especially in opposite-sex couples) may have difficulty. Therefore, it is better for the presenter to make several cards in advance with positive statements written on them.


The game, as a rule, is played in a circle during the evening fire, gathering of the squad, etc. The person who will be discussed is chosen.

Participants must come up with who or what they associate this person with.

For example, who (or what) will this person turn out to be if he suddenly becomes:

Tree. painting

Flower. song

Furniture. river

Animals. plant

Bird. time of year

An option is possible when each participant in the game is described in the form of metaphors: “prickly hedgehog”, “perpetual motion machine”, “Captain Vrungel”, etc.

Notes. The game can be somewhat complicated: choose a driver, ask him to leave the premises or detachment place for a while. At this time, all participants choose the person to be discussed. After this, they invite the driver. His task is to use questions (see above) to find out the associations of players and name the one they are talking about.

If the presenter has coped with this task, then the one he guessed goes to “lead”.

Image makers

Presenter: “We are all interested in knowing what impression we make on other people, what they perceive in us as significant, but do not notice. Now there is an opportunity to participate in the collective creation of images of the people present here, that is, try yourself in the role of image makers.”

The player goes to the center of the circle. The presenter asks the children questions: What image do you have when you look at our hero? What picture can be created for this image? What kind of people surround him, what kind of interior or landscape makes up the background of his portrait? In what era does all this happen? What time of year surrounds our hero? etc.

It is necessary to select questions so as to reflect the diversity of the child’s inner world, the characteristics of his behavior, and the nature of interaction with other members of the team.

Notes. After discussing the advantages and individual disadvantages, you can continue the work of “image makers” to form a positive image of the hero. To do this, the guys must talk about the character traits and personal qualities that are desirable, but absent.

Penetrate the circle

All participants stand in a tight circle; shoulder to shoulder, facing the center. One person is behind the circle. He must penetrate the circle, influencing those around him by any means: persuasion, affection, orders, facial expressions, poses, etc. The only condition that cannot be violated under any circumstances is that it is prohibited to use physical strength and threats.

Notes. The participant must find the weak link himself, that is, the person who will let him into the circle. Sometimes these attempts can take a very long time. In this case, the leader can interrupt the game and choose another driver.

Gesture relay

All participants sit in a circle. The presenter gives them the task of coming up with some gesture, movement, grimace with which everyone will participate in the game (snapping fingers, clapping palms, “horns” from fingers, sniffling, funny faces, etc.). After the gestures are invented, they need to be demonstrated to each other and try to remember everything that the other participants showed.

The presenter begins the game: he shows his gesture and the gesture of the person to whom he is passing the baton. The player’s task is to repeat the previous gesture (the leader), his own gesture and the gesture of the participant to whom the baton is passed. Thus, each of the participants shows three gestures: the previous participant, his own and the next participant.

Notes. At first glance, this is a game of attention (children very often get confused, forget to demonstrate some of the gestures, etc.). However, 5-7 minutes after the start of the game, you can notice that some gestures (and, accordingly, the participants) are repeated more often than others. Why? The reason is not that some gestures are more memorable. Practice shows that more often they choose guys who are pleasant to talk to and who have managed to successfully prove themselves in some business.

In order for the game to be interesting, a simple condition must be observed - it must take place in complete silence.

7-8 minutes after the start of the game, it can be complicated by giving the participants the task of doubling the pace of the game.

The game can make a shocking impression on “uninitiated” people who are nearby - try to make sure that strangers do not see it.


The game is very similar to the previous one and demonstrates the relationships, likes and preferences that are formed in the team.

All participants sit in a circle. At the command of the leader (starting with himself), the players are settled in order.

The presenter is number one, he says: “Five crocodiles were flying across the sky.” The player with number “five” asks: “Why five?” The presenter answers: “How much?” The player names any number that does not exceed the number of participants in the game. Now the player whose number was called begins to ask questions and continues the game.

It is important for players not to get confused and to conduct dialogue correctly at a fast pace.


Some time after the start of the game, you can ask the participants to play faster.

For some guys, the game may cause bewilderment: “What is all this for?” Explain that “crocodiles” are very thin psychological game(of course, this is not entirely true, but children need to be motivated), which helps to identify the level of team cohesion.

If you play "Crocodiles" for at least 10-15 minutes for 3-4 days, you will notice that children play faster and faster each time.

After a few days, it happens that the numbers that children choose more often than others change. This is natural, since there is an obvious dynamic in the development of relationships in the team.

Money box

Each participant can move within the room, choose a communication partner and ask him for any objects, things, decorations. It is important to convince your comrades that without this item your life will lose all meaning, that the thing is vital for you. It is prohibited to deceive or forcibly take things from each other. The transfer can only take place on a voluntary basis.


Whoever has the most things is the winner. But maybe the winner is the one who has nothing left?

What was the begging process like? Who was asked the most and why? Why did you give away your or already begged things? These are questions that should be discussed with children after the game.

It is necessary to ensure that valuables and jewelry (including jewelry) are returned to their owners after the game.


Each participant has a sign with the name of the animal attached to their back. There are two signs with the same name in the group. They are held by different players. It’s not difficult to read what’s written on a friend’s back. But can you read what is written on your back? You need to find your “mate”. The main rule of this game is that its participants are forbidden to talk to each other.

It is allowed to interact with each other using facial expressions and gestures, postures and conventional signs: “yes” - nod of the head, “no” - negative shake of the head, etc.

Notes. It is possible to replace the names of animals with numbers, flowers, geometric figures and so on.

Declamation lessons

The children are given the task: to expressively read a famous poem in chorus (at the same tempo and rhythm). This “lesson” usually does not cause serious difficulties. The next one is much more difficult - to read the same poem with the same intonation, at the same pace and rhythm, and at the same time the “students” must pronounce the words in turn, sitting in a circle.

Notes. You can teach the same “lesson” several times. Does the quality of recitation improve after repeated repetitions? What is the children's mood? Or maybe it's time to change the poem? Ask the children a series of questions: How did they feel during the “lessons”? To what extent did they manage to overcome the psychological barrier (shyness, constraint)? How did they tune in to the same wavelength as the “class”? How did their mood change?


The participants of the game stand in a line facing one direction. The leader begins to count or clap his hands rhythmically. For each count or clap, participants jump, turning 90°.

The players' task is to all turn in one direction and try to do it as quickly as possible. The task is completed in silence; you cannot talk to each other.

Notes. Watch how the guys negotiate among themselves, who takes the most active part in this, who takes on the functions of a coordinator or organizer.

The game brings the group together, improves children's mood, relieves physical tension and muscle tension. We recommend playing to rhythmic music!

Hello! You imagine...

The presenter turns to the participant sitting (standing) to his left and cheerfully says: “Hello! Can you imagine...” and then tells him some news, tells a funny story, incident, anecdote.

The participant’s task is to listen carefully and rejoice with the presenter. Then the participant turns to the neighbor on the left and also joyfully says: “Hello! Can you imagine...” and ends the sentence with his own news, incident, history.

Notes. You can change the task during the game. For example, ask children to retell the same news, story, incident. Observe how the information initially provided changes (it may become more concise, or perhaps more extensive).

Giant checkers

The presenter invites the children to play checkers. The role of checkers pieces on a pre-drawn field is performed by the children themselves. The main rule is that from the very beginning of the game, all participants are strictly forbidden to talk to each other. So the game begins! The first thing the guys need to do is split into two teams.

After the first task is completed, the leader asks one person from each team to come up to him and “pull out” their team color (black or white). Then each participant in the game must independently take his place on the checkers board. White makes the first move. Then everything goes according to the rules of the game of checkers:

Checkers move only on black squares and cannot move backwards;

In one move, a checker can only move one square;

A checker can hit the enemy back and forth across one square;

In one move you can hit several enemy checkers (if possible);

Having reached the last row of opponent's cells, the checker becomes a queen;

The queen can walk back and forth along the entire line of cells, hitting several enemy checkers at once (if there is such an opportunity).

The game ends when only checkers of one color remain on the field or when it becomes clear that winning is impossible (draw).

The one who is eliminated from the game has the right to advise other team members where to go. But the final decision is made by the checker on the field.

The “checker”, becoming a “queen”, folds his arms crosswise on his chest. All moves are made only at the command of the leader.


For this game, you need to prepare a pre-designated area with enough space for everyone. We remind you that on a checkers field, just like on a chess field, there are 64 cells. On each side of the field, the game involves 12 checkers of each color.

Children should be familiarized with the rules before starting the game in order to be able to ask clarifying questions.

If some guys didn't have enough space on the team and were left out of the game, try to bring them into the game next time. But now they, like all participants, are deprived of the right to vote.

Ball on the blanket

To play the game you need a blanket and a ball. Participants stand along the perimeter of the blanket, grasp its edges, lift it from the floor and stretch it so that a flat surface is formed. The presenter places a ball on the blanket.

The participants' task is to prevent the ball from falling from the blanket to the floor. Only well-functioning interaction between all participants in the game will prevent the ball from rolling onto the floor.


Make sure that the blanket is sufficiently taut and does not create any depressions into which the ball could roll.

Warn children that the blanket should not be pulled too tightly, otherwise it may simply tear.

Leaders must be closely observed to determine how they influence others.

Killer (Option I)

Despite its scary name, the game is very interesting. All participants stand in a circle (facing the center), pressing their shoulders tightly against each other. The leader is outside the circle. He walks around it and says some nursery rhyme or simply keeps score of the players. The leader, unnoticed by others, touches one of the players with his hand so that he clearly feels this touch. This player becomes the driver (“killer”). His task is to remove (“kill”) as many participants as possible from the game. The players' task is to find the "killer".

At the command of the leader, everyone disperses and begins to move chaotically within a certain space. A prerequisite is that everyone must shake hands (shak hands). Moreover, this must be done an unlimited number of times. The “Killer” also shakes hands with the players, but when shaking, he makes an imperceptible movement - his finger seems to slightly scratch the palm of the one with whom he is greeting.

If the “victim” greeted the “killer” and he made such a movement, then she leaves the playing field. The main rule is that the “victim” ire must (neither by word, nor by facial expressions, nor by any other means) make it clear to other players that she has been “killed.” Therefore, she makes two more handshakes with any players and only after that leaves the game.

You cannot refuse a handshake. If one of the players has a suspicion that someone is a “killer,” he raises his hand up and says: “I have a suspicion!” The host interrupts the game and asks all participants (except those who have already dropped out): “Who else has suspicions?” If three or four such participants are recruited together with the first player, then the leader counts to three, and they point to the one they suspect.

If they point to the same participant (whether he is the "killer" or not), that person leaves the playing field. If they have identified the "killer", then the game is over. If a regular participant drops out, the game continues. If they point to different participants, then the game continues and no one is eliminated.

If the “killer” completed his task, then he won. If he is exposed, then victory is for the whole group.


The game is played in complete silence. Talking, consulting, exchanging suspicions is prohibited.

The eliminated participants do not comment on what is happening on the site and, of course, do not name the one who “killed” them.

6-7 games can be played in one round.

Killer (Option II)

Number of participants: 15-40 people. Everyone stands in a circle, facing each other. At the initial stage, you need to press your shoulders tightly against each other. At the leader’s command, everyone closes their eyes, and he walks in a circle and recites a nursery rhyme or simply counts the players. Based on the number of players, the presenter randomly selects “killers”. In order for the “killers” to understand that they are “killers,” the leader must touch their back or shoulder with his hand. No one, except the person touched by the presenter, as well as the presenter himself, knows who the “killer” is. There can be from one to three or four “killers”. Then everyone opens their eyes and, at the leader’s command, take half a step back. The game begins. It passes in complete silence!

The task of the “killers” is to eliminate as many players as possible from the game. The task of all players is to identify the “killers” as quickly as possible and remove them from the game.

How does the “murder” happen? The “killer” winks at his “victim” with one eye the moment their eyes meet. Usually a moment is chosen when no one is looking at the “killer” except the “victim”. If the “victim” saw that she was “killed,” then she folds her arms over her chest (“victims” can leave the circle or sit down - the main thing is that other players understand that these participants have dropped out of the game).

If one of the participants saw the “killer” winking at someone, he raised his hand and said: “I have a suspicion!” The facilitator asks the participants: “Does anyone else have any suspicions?” If there are at least three people who raise their hands, then the leader counts to three. On the count of “Three!” players must simultaneously point to the suspects. If they (at least three people) pointed at the same person, he is eliminated from the game, regardless of whether he is a “killer” or not. The number of those who suspect may be more than three people. If less than three people have identified the real “killer,” then he remains in the game.


According to the rules of the game, you cannot look away; it is necessary to look at the faces of the participants.

Players' vision must be good enough to notice the wink.

You can’t show emotions, shout out, suggest to play silently.

If one “killer” winks at another, then this is a “blank shot.” The "killer" cannot bring out the "killer". This is how their “quiet” acquaintance occurs.

. “Killers” can also act as suspects. They can “agree” on this with their glances. Voting is another way for them to “kill.”

Although this is a game of interaction and is played at the initial stage of forming a children's team, since the children really like it, they play it later.

Rubber band

To play the game you need the following items: a plastic cup, an elastic band, a skein of strong thread. Several strings (according to the number of participants) 30-80 cm long are tied to an elastic band. A plastic cup is placed in the middle of the circle. Each participant picks up one thread.

The participants’ task is to stretch the rubber band so that it can be put on the cup, then move the cup to the place indicated by the presenter.


To introduce an element of excitement and competition, you can invite two or three teams to perform a speed exercise.

The teacher needs to carefully monitor the manifestation of leadership and organizational abilities of the participants.


The participants of the game sit in a circle. The presenter comes up with some movement and shows it to the neighbor, who must imitate this movement with his eyes closed. Then the next player repeats the same movement (with his eyes closed) and so on in a circle. At the end of the game, everyone shares their feelings.

The presenter finds a newspaper article or note in advance that can be read in a short period of time.

He reads this article (along with the title) to the participant sitting next to him, without others hearing its contents. The task of the person to whom the article was read is to retell it to the next participant, and so on in a circle.

It is better if the last participant retells its contents out loud for all participants.


Practice shows that a decrease in the amount of information becomes noticeable when retelling an article already on the second or third participant, and its obvious distortion - on the sixth or seventh. Sometimes information, having made a circle, returns to the presenter with the exact opposite of the original meaning.

The “Media” game is very similar to the “Broken Phone” game. Try discussing this situation with your children. Why has the information changed so much?

It is worth noting that in some cases the information may not be distorted by the participants, but a decrease in its volume always occurs.


Participants sit in a circle. The presenter calls the number, and that is how many participants must rise from their seats. Participants do not have the right to negotiate, but non-verbal interaction is allowed. Until the group acts together well enough, the game cannot continue.

Notes. It is necessary to bring the game to completion; Positive reinforcement is important. This game can be played standing in a circle: the participants, at the command of the leader, must take a step forward.

Counting to ten

The game is very similar to the previous one. But the players’ task changes somewhat: it is necessary, without agreeing with each other, to count out loud from one to ten. It is important to bring your counting to perfection.

A fairy tale with a continuation

The presenter begins to tell some fairy tale or story unknown to the children. After the first 6-7 sentences, he interrupts his narration and passes the floor to the next participant.

The player’s task is to come up with a short continuation of the fairy tale (3-4 sentences). Each participant has the right to change the plot of the fairy tale, introduce new characters into it, or, conversely, exclude someone. It is forbidden to interrupt the speaker. He has every right to compose his passage as he sees fit.

When all participants in the circle have taken part in composing a fairy tale, the floor again passes to the presenter, and he finishes the story.

Notes. Be prepared for the fact that the story will develop not as you would like, but as the storytellers decide. Namely:

Fairy tale heroes will often die, perish, disappear;

The heroes of a fairy tale can be real-life people, members of a team, and sometimes the teachers themselves who conduct this game;

There will likely be a frequent appearance of negative characters who will confuse the whole action and do all sorts of nasty things;

Some episodes of the tale will contradict each other;

Children can think for a long time about their episode of a fairy tale;

Some children will refuse to participate in writing, and some, on the contrary, will intervene even before they are given the floor, etc.

In order to avoid such developments, the teacher needs to take control of the sequence.

It makes sense to play the game several times over 2-3 days. Then the interaction of children becomes more harmonious, purposeful, the content of the fairy tale is kinder, and the plot is more logical.


For this game, you need to choose a platform on which all participants could lie down. First, one participant lies down, then another lies with his head on his stomach, the third with his head on the stomach of the second, the fourth with the third, etc., until all participants are settled on the floor. The circle of participants lying on the floor should be closed: the head of the last player should lie on the stomach of the first player.

The first participant loudly pronounces the word “ha!”, the second says it twice, the third three times, etc. The main task of the participants is not to make a mistake in the number of words that need to be pronounced and try not to laugh.

If these rules are broken, the game starts over. This happens until the last participant says the word “ha!” the required number of times, while no one should laugh.

Notes. Before starting the game, you need to wash the floor or lay some kind of bedding on it. If the game is played on grass, the ground should be warm.

The blind man and the guide

Leading: “Do we trust other people, do we trust ourselves? How often we lack this and how much we sometimes lose from it... Now everyone get up, close your eyes and walk around the room. Thank you, open your eyes. Now divide into pairs. In these couples, everyone can feel like a “blind” or a “guide”. Define your roles in each pair.”

So, one of the pair closes his eyes and becomes “blind”, and the second will lead him along a special route with obstacles (any furniture can be used as obstacles). The “guide” uses his hands to insure and guide his charge. Then the participants change roles.

You can complicate the task: guide the “blind” without using your hands, but only with the help of commands, advice or warnings.

After both participants in a pair have completed these exercises, a discussion of feelings is held (did you trust your partner or not, did you feel comfortable or constrained, did the “guide” feel responsible for the “blind” person, etc.).

Then the exercise can be repeated, changing participants in pairs (at their request).

Notes. Be careful: the objects that the “blind” will walk around must be light, otherwise you can get bruises or even damage your limbs.

Bees and snakes

Before starting the game, you need to split into two groups approximately equal in number of players. Those who want to become “bees” go, for example, to the window, and those who want to play on the “snakes” team go to the wall opposite. Each group must choose its own "king".

Then both "kings" go out the door and wait to be called. The host hides two objects, and the “kings” must find them. The "King of Bees" must find "honey" (for example, a sponge), and the "King of Snakes" must find a "lizard" (for example, a pencil).

"Bees" and "snakes" must help their "kings". Each group can do this by making certain sounds. All the bees will buzz: “W-w-w-w-w-w-w...”. The closer their “king” comes to the “honey”, the louder the buzzing should be. And the “snakes” help their “king” by hissing: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh...”. The closer their “king” gets to the “lizard,” the louder the hissing should be.

After explaining the rules of the game, the “kings” go out the door, the “bees” and “snakes” take their places. It must be remembered that no one should speak during the game. The winner is the group whose “king” found his item faster.

Notes. After the game, the children need to answer the following questions:

Did your group do a good job helping their “king”?

How did you interact with each other?

How did you feel as “king”?

What was the most difficult thing for you in this role?

Are you satisfied with your subjects?

Do you think “honey” and “lizard” are equally easy to find?


Leading:“Everyone is lining up in a chain behind each other, and now - attention! Each participant puts his right hand between his legs to his neighbor standing behind him, and with his left hand he takes the palm of the one standing in front. We have formed a chain that resembles a caterpillar. Now let's move forward without breaking the chain! Let's move back! Let's not break the chain!

Great! And now the most difficult task: moving backwards, the entire caterpillar must lie on the floor! How? First, the last participant lies down on the floor, passing over the last one, the second to last one, etc.

Do not forget about the main condition - do not release your hands under any circumstances! If it is violated, then the game starts all over again!”

At the end of the game, the “caterpillar” must stand up in the same way: first the very first player stands up, and then the second, etc.

Comment. To play the game you need a site, and all participants must wear sportswear or trousers or jeans.


To play, you need two benches or two squares made of any material (cardboard, plywood, whatman paper, etc.), located at a distance of 40-90 cm from each other (depending on the height of the participants).

The group is divided into two teams, each of which takes its place on the square. The task of each team is to change places with the other team by stepping only on these squares. If someone makes an attack, then everything starts all over again. The game leader must clearly show the boundaries of the square before starting (the team must stand very tightly on this square, there should be no free space).

Notes. At the end of the game, its participants share their impressions.


To play, you need to take a rope and tie its ends so that a ring is formed. The length of the rope depends on the number of participants in the game. The guys stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is inside the circle, with both hands. All participants need to close their eyes and, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle (or square, star, hexagon).

It is important to play without peeking!

Notes. Practice shows that at first there will be a pause and the guys will be inactive. Then one of them will offer, for example, to calculate and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then begin to direct the actions. Leaders usually behave this way.

A mysterious stranger

The presenter makes a riddle for one of the participants in the game and gives everyone clues (by talking or writing them down, they can also be in the form of picture puzzles) about this riddled participant. The host offers clues on behalf of the “mysterious stranger.”

For example: “I have blue eyes”, “I have blond hair”, “I can play the guitar”. Hints should be clear and concise. When the presenter has said all the clues, he asks: “Who am I?”

The task of the participants is to guess which of those present was guessed by the presenter. If the players have not guessed who it is, then the presenter repeats all the clues again and asks the “mysterious stranger” to stand up. When inviting the “stranger” to stand, the presenter must look him straight in the eyes.

Notes. Younger children may, without any prompting from you, begin to list the names of everyone sitting next to them.

Gymnastics late

The game can be played during morning exercises. Participants stand facing the game leader. He shows the group gymnastic exercises (a set of morning exercises is quite suitable).

The group must repeat the movements, but with a delay of one movement. Gradually the pace of movements increases, the movements become more complicated.


To play the game, you need to imagine that all its participants are members of a primitive African tribe. They stand in a circle and close their eyes. The presenter invites the children to pretend to play the tam-tam. To do this, children must beat out the rhythm on their knees.

The participants’ task is to find a common, collective rhythm. At first it is quite difficult to do this, but gradually the rhythm becomes synchronous and, finally, all participants begin to unanimously produce a single rhythm on their tam-tams.

Another option: after one of the group members, everyone in turn (in a circle) repeats the given rhythm, clapping their hands.


The participants in the game are counted out in order. Everyone remembers their number. The presenter calls two serial numbers (based on the total number of players). The guys whose numbers were called say “Oops!” and quickly change places with each other. At this time, the presenter tries to take the place of one of them. If he managed to do this, then the one who was late to take the free seat starts driving.

Notes. At the end of the game, the presenter can name not two, but several numbers at once. Turmoil guaranteed!


First, the most empathetic person from the group is selected. The rest of the participants are given pieces of paper on which states and moods are written that they must reproduce. Moreover, they must be reproduced in such a way that the one who solves them can recognize them.

In 1-2 minutes it is necessary to “enter” this state so that the driver can guess what is written on the next participant’s card.

Notes. The following states and moods can be listed on the cards: boredom, anger, disgust, fear, admiration, joy, sadness, fear, surprise, contempt, pride, thoughtfulness, irony, etc.

I trust!

Participants are divided into pairs. It is advisable if a girl and a boy participate in the game. The girl stands with her back to the boy and says: “I trust!” falls into his hands. The boy's task is to pick up the girl.

Free flight

Participants stand in pairs (4-5 pairs) opposite each other and hold outstretched arms tightly. One of the participants runs up and jumps face forward onto the hands of those standing in pairs. To ensure that no one gets hurt, the jumper’s arms should be pressed to the body or extended forward.

Notes. An option is possible when a participant falls face down from a small elevation (about a meter high) onto the clasped hands of other players.


Despite the ominous name, the game is so interesting and exciting that not only children, but also adults enjoy playing it. To carry it out, you will need the rich imagination and imagination of each of its participants and a minimum of preliminary preparation.

Before the game, you need to prepare cards for everyone except the host. It is very important to maintain role proportions, since the success of the entire game directly depends on this. Let's say there are 25 people in the game. We make 25 cards:

20 pieces without any markings (these are law-abiding citizens - civilians);

3 pieces with crosses depicted on them (these are “mafia”);

1 card with the inscription “Ambulance”;

1 card with the inscription “Police Commissioner”.

Participants sit in a circle so that everyone can be seen and no one touches each other. The leader goes around the circle and distributes cards. Having received them, players must look at what is written or drawn on them. They must do this in such a way that other players do not read the entry on the card. This is the intrigue: no one should know who is who!

Player tasks:

. “mafiosi” must destroy all “civilians”;

. “civilians” must expose and destroy the “mafia”;

. the “police commissioner” must destroy the “mafia”;

. The ambulance must help those who were shot by the mafia.

The playing time is not regulated. It continues until the “mafia” or “civilians” win complete victory

After the rules are explained to the participants, the game begins. The presenter asks everyone to close their eyes and begins the story:

Imagine that we are residents of the beautiful Italian city of Palermo. A gang of mafiosi is operating in the city. Nobody knows them by sight. During the day they look like ordinary people, and at night they begin to hunt the inhabitants of Palermo.

So, night spread its arms over Palermo. Today, under the cover of darkness, mafiosi go out on their next business. (Players with cards with crosses on them open their eyes.) They recognize each other (the players make eye contact) and take their shot! (“Mafiosi” should only show with their glances or hand gestures who they want to take out of the game. This must be done in such a way that the leader understands who their victim is. At the same time, those sitting next to them should not feel any movements.)

It was a beautiful morning. The residents of Palermo are waking up. From the morning television news they learn that a murder was committed in the city tonight... (The name of the person who was taken out of the game by the “mafia” is given. The presenter can name both the real names of the participants and the Italian names he himself invented. The main thing is that everyone understand who we are talking about.) Dear residents! We are asking you to give us testimony regarding everything strange and unusual that you saw or heard tonight.

Next is the improvisation of the presenter and all the “residents” sharing their suspicions. When making accusations, a witness must explain as convincingly as possible why he suspects a particular participant. The presenter takes testimony, but no more than 3-4 suspects in one round of the game (one day).

If the most votes are against one of the suspects, he is eliminated from the game, regardless of whether he is a “mafioso” or a “civilian.” This is one of the features of the game - you can, without wanting to, take both the “peaceful”, innocent “resident” and the “mafioso” out of the game.

After a player is eliminated from the game, he reveals his card and names his role. All “killed” and eliminated participants leave the circle. Game continues.

At the second stage of the game - after the “mafia” shot, when the “mafiosi” close their eyes, the presenter puts into action the “ambulance”. The task of this player is to save the “killed” person. He indicates with a nod of his head or a hand gesture to the one he wants to save. He may make a mistake, or he may actually get the “mafia” victim out of the attack.

At the same stage, the “police commissioner” is included in the game. His task is to take a shot at the “mafioso”. However, he does not know who the “mafioso” is and therefore can kill a “civilian.” This scenario does not honor him, and therefore he can refuse the right to fire

The game continues until one of the sides wins.


The average game duration is 20-25 minutes.

Typically, a series of 4-5 games is played to encourage more children to take on different roles.

However, there will be children in the team who, with enviable consistency, will play the role of “civilians.”

Oddly enough, the vast majority of children want to be the “mafia” in this game...

Various modifications of this game are known (with additional roles of “maniac”, etc.).

Dear Killer

Another game with a not very pleasant name, but also very fun and exciting. Its peculiarity is that you can play and simultaneously perform any other activities: communicate, play, read, etc.

To play the game, a little preliminary preparation is required, namely: you need to prepare cards according to the number of players (for teachers too). Each card contains the first and last name of the participant. The children themselves can take on this work, each writing their own names and surnames on their own cards.

All cards are collected by the game organizer, shuffled, and then distributed to each player. Thus, each participant has a card with the first and last name of the other player. This is a “killer order”. None of the players should know who placed the “order” for his “killing”. At the same time, each player knows the first and last name of his “victim”, but must not tell anyone about it.

The “killer” must carry out the “order” (“kill” his victim), and the “victim” must not create conditions for his “murder”.

The ultimate goal of the “killer” is to collect the cards of all players.

After all the cards have been dealt, the presenter announces the rules to start the game:

. the “murder” must take place at a time when the “killer” and the “victim” are alone, without witnesses;

You cannot use physical force to artificially create such a situation;

. a “murder” is considered to have taken place if the “killer,” being alone with his “victim,” shows her a card with her name;

After the “killer” has committed the “murder”, the “victim” gives him a card with his “order”. After this, the “killer” has a new “victim”;

The game ends when one of the players has all the cards.

The duration of the game is from several hours to several days. It all depends on the number of participants; it can vary from 20-25 to 100 people. It’s probably possible to play with a larger team, but we haven’t tried it yet.


It occasionally happens that when cards are dealt to a player, a card with his name appears. In this situation, the participant must, unnoticed by others, contact the game leader. While the game is just beginning, the host has the opportunity to quietly exchange “orders” between two players (with their mutual consent, of course). At the same time, none of them should know who placed the new “order”.

The name of the “killer” and the name of his “victim” must be kept secret. Otherwise, the game loses all meaning and becomes uninteresting.

Very often controversial situations arise that relate to issues of “purity” of fulfilling an “order”. These situations are decided only by the game leader at his own discretion.

Once the “victim” is “killed,” she must not tell anyone about it.

If the game is played in one team, then it is not difficult to find out the name of the “victim”. It is more difficult to fulfill the “order” if the “victim” is not a member of the team in which the “killer” is located. This condition causes particular difficulties for younger children, since they are very spontaneous and can ask all participants for first and last names, thereby giving themselves away.


Participants sit in a circle. It is better if the room is twilight or completely dark. In the center of the circle is a chair with a burning candle. Anyone can sit on a chair, take the candle in their hands and look at it, bringing it to their eyes. The others ask questions. The questions relate to the personal qualities, hobbies, and character traits of the participant who answers them. Answers should be as sincere as possible, and questions should be deep and sincere.

You can play this game a little differently - the one sitting on the chair asks all the children questions. These questions should be something like this: how does the whole group see this member of the team, how does it perceive him, what impression does he make, etc. It is advisable that as many children as possible take part in answering the questions.


This game can be played if more or less friendly, trusting relationships have already been formed in the children's team.

Provocative questions (including those related to a person’s intimate, personal life) are not allowed. This condition must be discussed with the participants in advance.

It is likely that there will be children who will not want to be in a role that is very unusual for them. No need to force them.

Facial expressions and gestures

Such games are necessary for the development of paralinguistic (extralinguistic) means of communication, as well as for the development of a free, relaxed style of communication.


Each participant, using only gestures, tries to show two opposite states, for example: anger and pleasure, sadness and joy, fatigue and vigor, tension and looseness, anger and kindness, etc.

The same thing, only with the help of facial expressions (without gestures).

The same thing, but now with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Everyone is divided into pairs. Each pair takes turns performing the task in front of the whole group.

For example, one of the partners receives a note with approximately the following text: “rearrange the furniture in the classroom”, “erase from the board and write a new text”, “leave the class and bring water in a glass”, etc. d.

The person who receives the note must convey the information to his partner using only facial expressions and gestures. The second one does. The group must evaluate how accurately the task was completed.

Seeing others

This game is about paying attention to each other:

One participant sits with his back to the audience. He must describe in detail appearance anyone present - costume details, hairstyle, shoes, etc.

One of the participants is called. The whole group must jointly reproduce the sequence of his behavior: gestures, actions, statements from the very beginning of the lesson until at this moment(for example, in the last half hour).

Study with an object

The purpose of the game is to demonstrate the role of a friendly atmosphere in creating the mood of the participants.

Two people are given the task to come up with two studies with objects. For example, one sketch with a diplomat (the diplomat can replace a mirror, a picture that needs to be attached to the wall, etc.). The second is with a ruler (a ruler can play the role of a pointer, cane, knife, etc.). While the two are preparing outside the classroom door or outside the playground, the facilitator negotiates with the audience about the group reaction.

For example, the sketch of the first performer is met with approval (smiles, friendly glances, interest on their faces). The second sketch is greeted coldly by the participants (indifferent faces, boring eyes, yawning). Replies from the floor are not recommended.

Then both performers talk about their feelings and evaluate the sketches. As a rule, a sketch performed in a situation of “indifference” is rated lower by the author himself than a sketch performed in a situation of “interest.” Then the essence of the “conspiracy” is revealed to the performers and the problem of psychological support is discussed with the entire audience.

Coherence of Thoughts

This game helps you learn to tune in to each other and be able to fully engage in the situation.

Two people come out. The first one stands 2-3 meters from the second one, with his back turned; the second one looks at the back of his head. The second partner’s task is to give the first a mental order to look back. The first knows about the task of the second, but does not know exactly when the order will follow.

Both players must be free and ready to feel their partner with their whole being.

So that the audience knows when an order is sent, the second partner raises his hand at this moment.


The game consists of five stages and helps to identify visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners in the group.

First stage. Three participants, located in the center of the site, are given the task: to walk through an imaginary labyrinth with their eyes closed. The group observes the physical condition of the performers (movements are free or constrained, whether the muscles are tight, what is the position of the head, hands, is there any fussiness, etc.). After 1-2 minutes of “wandering,” the participant is asked to describe “his” labyrinth.

The initial description is usually very short: 1-2 sentences, most often a definition of the place. For example: “it was a dark, damp dungeon”, “it was a glass labyrinth”, “this was the corridor of a spaceship”. The group may note stiffness and tension in the muscles, shoulder girdle, arms, and pelvis.

Second phase. The same participants are asked to examine the maze while walking through it (the task is performed with their eyes closed). When describing the labyrinth, the group makes sure that the describers do not stray into describing sounds and sensations. For example:

. “It was a glass labyrinth, very transparent, sparkling so much that it hurt the eyes” (the group should notice the kinesthetic word “hurt” and correct the narrator).

. “It was a corridor of a spaceship with blue walls and light from somewhere below. I heard... (the group stops) I saw a very beautiful remote control, on which there were many colorful lights.”

. “This is a dark dungeon with gray stone walls. I had a small candle in my hands, from which there was almost no light. I saw water flowing down the walls...”

After the description, the group discusses the physical condition of the participants. A high head and freer hand movements will likely be noted.

Third stage. You are invited to walk through the labyrinth and “hear” maximum amount sounds When describing sounds, the group makes sure that the participants do not get confused by pictures and sensations. For example:

. “The walls in this labyrinth rang like glass in a sideboard when a truck passes.”

. “There was a special, ringing silence there. All the devices worked silently, the special coating muffled the sound of footsteps, and yet I felt... (the group stops), I heard quiet breathing behind me.”

When the group describes the physical condition of the participants, they will probably note a head tilted to the shoulder, less constrained hand movements compared to the first stage of the game, and perhaps a cautious gait.

Fourth stage. Participants need to describe how they feel while walking through the maze (temperature, humidity, smell, etc.):

. “It was a very hot labyrinth, the sun was so hot that I was melting. And the walls were cold. I really wanted to get out, but I couldn’t find a way out. I wanted to break down the walls."

. “I was damp and cold, I stumbled and fell on sharp stones - it was very painful. I really wanted warm light and someone to be near.” (The group should note that in this case the subject’s movements were free, his face was down, his step was light.)

. “I felt the breath of another person behind my back and I felt very calm that I was not alone. The walls were soft and the floor was springy. In general, it was a very convenient corridor. I felt comfortable."

Fifth stage. The last “pass” through the maze with the task of “seeing,” “hearing,” and “feeling.” After this it is given Full description, which is compared with the original one. The changes that occurred in the physical condition of the participants are analyzed.

In conclusion, the floor is given to the subjects to analyze their condition, what hindered and helped when performing the exercise, etc.

Notes. This game can also be played in a group with a large number of participants (up to 12-14 people). In this case, the discussion should be very dynamic, and the training facilitator should take on the role of coordinator. He must single out from the entire group those who described the labyrinth as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

Choki na pshoda

The game must be played after first learning the words. All children stand in a circle, facing the center; the circle should be wide, so the players need to stand so that they are at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The leader says the words and shows the movements, everyone repeats after him:

Choki na pshoda (arms slightly bent at the elbows, extended forward, palms clenched into fists, thumbs up).

Elbows to the rear (elbows pressed to the body).

Legs are skeletal (squat slightly).

Knees are swollen (feet turn inward).

Belly operas (the belly is pushed forward).

Brod on the belly (the head is lowered onto the chest).

Tongue out (stick out tongue).

Ear to shoulder (the head is tilted, now to the right, now to the left).

And himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache, and himself with a mustache: O-pa! (turn left or right).

The lines are spoken in the following order: first the first and last, then the first, second and last; then - the first, second, third and last, etc.; at the end all lines are repeated. It is necessary to repeat not only all the words, but also all the movements. During the game, children walk in a circle (to the left, then to the right), turning at the command of the leader “O-pa!”

Notes. At the end of the game it makes sense to take a photo. We think it will enjoy continued popularity. In addition, if you play in winter, you can also warm up.

Santiki-candy wrappers-limpopo

The game involves from 15 to 40 people. Everyone stands in a circle, facing each other. One of the players is called for the circle. At this time, those remaining in the circle, unnoticed by him, choose the “ringleader”, and the game begins.

Everyone starts clapping their hands and repeating to the beat: “Santiki-candy wrappers-limpopo!” The driver is invited to the circle. From this moment on, from time to time the “ringleader” changes his movements (walks in place, rubs his stomach, slaps himself on the stomach, cheeks, shows a tease with his hands, etc.).

The players’ task is to repeat all of the “ringleader’s” movements. The driver’s task is to guess who the “ringleader” is. If the “ringleader” has been identified, then he becomes the driver and goes out of the circle. The game starts over.


15-40 people participate. Everyone stands in a circle, facing each other and holding hands. The driver stands inside the circle.

One of the participants says: “I am sending a telegram (letter),” and names his addressee. The “letter” is transmitted with a light handshake. You can only shake hands with the neighbor on your right or left. The handshake is passed clockwise (or counterclockwise) by all participants in the game.

The driver’s task is to intercept the “letter,” that is, to see who is delivering it. If he intercepted the “letter,” then the participant who transmitted it becomes the driver. If the letter reaches its addressee, then he says: “I received the letter” and sends it to one of the players.

A swan was flying

All children form a circle, facing the center. The circle should be quite wide, so you need to stand so that you are at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The arms are extended forward, the palms of each participant lie on the palms of the person standing next to them or support them.

One of the players begins a children's rhyme: “A swan was flying across the blue sky, he wished for a number...”. Each of the guys says only one word from the counting rhyme. The one who needs to name the number calls it, and the next ones start counting. At the same time, everyone makes a clap on the neighbor’s palm.

The one who received the final number must not miss it and remove his palm from under his neighbor’s clap in time.


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver goes outside the circle and turns to the side. At this time, the first participant begins to “tangle the knot,” that is, while continuing to hold hands, he twists the hands of the other participants, steps over them with his feet, passes others between the legs, etc.

All participants actively help him and also “tangle the knot” themselves. When the “knot is tied,” the driver is called. His task is to correctly “unravel” the tied “knot”.


Variety famous game into the "bottle". By the way, both adults and children play it with pleasure. Everyone stands in a circle. The driver is selected. He stands in the middle of the circle, closes his eyes and extends his hand forward. Those standing in a circle begin to move clockwise, saying the words:

Aram-shim-shim, Arma-shim-shim! Aramia-Gulsia, Point to me!

The one to whom the driver's hand pointed goes to the middle of the circle. The driver opens his eyes. Those standing in the middle of the circle stand with their backs to each other. Everyone around starts counting: “One, two, three!”

On command: “Three!” The driver and his partner turn their heads either to the left or to the right. If their heads are turned in different directions, they shake hands. If their heads are turned in one direction, they kiss. The driver leaves the center of the circle and takes the player’s place. The player becomes the driver. Game continues.

Notes. Alternatively, you can replace the kiss with patting each other on the shoulder.


Participants form a circle. One of them, portraying a hunter, must clasp his hands with a pistol and, pointing this “pistol” at one of the players, imitates a shot, accompanying it with the sound “u”. The “victim” instantly leans back, raises his hands up and also says “y”. Those participants who are to the left and right of the “victim” immediately lean towards him, join their palms and pronounce the same sound. Next, the “victim” becomes the hunter.

All this must happen very quickly. Those who do not have time leave the game.

To yourself - to your neighbor

To play the game you will need a small object: a ring, a key, a button, a keychain, etc. First, a driver is chosen, then the participants stand in a circle, arms extended to the sides; The palm of the left hand is held like a ladle, the fingers of the right hand are folded with a pinch. Repeating the words “to oneself - to a neighbor,” all players transfer a small object from their left palm to the left palm of the neighbor on the right. The driver's task is to guess who has the item.


Leading:“If you have not been to the Wild West, we invite you to take a trip across the prairie. There, cowboys drive herds of cows and bulls. They themselves travel on horses. There are all sorts of surprises in their lives, for example, meetings with Indians or wild animals. One of these great cowboy guys is Travolta. So, everyone stood in a circle and repeated the following words and movements.”

The following dialogue occurs:

- How are you? (The presenter extends his hand forward - the fist is clenched, the thumb points up.)

- OK! (Children repeat the movement.)

- Show me the cow! (The presenter places his palm with the visor to his eyes.)

- What you said?!

- I said - show me the cow!

- Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (The presenter and the children depict a cow.)

- Again! (Words and gestures are repeated.)

- Well done!

- This is us!

Then the game continues with the words of the presenter (second, third, etc. circle). Now the game host asks to show the mare, the jackal, the Indian, and, finally, Travolta himself - a wonderful guy and a fearless cowboy.

Knead, knead the dough

Participants stand in a circle, holding hands, and unanimously repeat the words: “Knead, knead the dough, knead, knead the dough,” while coming together as tightly as possible. To the words: “Inflate the bubble, but don’t burst, inflate the bubble, but don’t burst!” disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people whose knot has broken stand in the center of the circle, and they are already “kneaded”. Those in the circle have the right to help “break” the “bubble” with their backs. The strongest and most dexterous ones win.


Participants stand (or sit) in a circle. The presenter thinks of a word and says what letter it begins with. Everyone else must guess the word.

For example, the presenter says that the word begins with the letter “L”. In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to select a word starting with the letter “L” and give it a short description.

Let’s say one of the players says: “This is in the sky at night.” Whoever guessed it says “contact” and together with the player who gave the description, count to ten and name the word.

If the words turn out to be different, then the players continue to select words starting with the letter “L”. If the words match, then the presenter calls the next letter (for example, “A”), thus forming the syllable “La”. Now they begin to select words for this syllable, characterize them, count to ten, etc.

The presenter can also guess the words that the participants describe. If he guesses right, then he will have to choose new words. In this game, it is important for the leader that his word cannot be guessed for as long as possible.

kind animal

The game is played at the initial stage of forming a children's team or in a situation of correction of interpersonal relationships. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The presenter says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Guys, let’s imagine that we are one big, kind animal. Let’s listen to how it breathes and how its heart beats.” When you inhale, everyone takes a breath and takes two steps into the circle; when you exhale, everyone takes a breath and takes two steps to their place. Provided that inhalations and steps are carried out synchronously, the effect of a beating heart (steps) and the breathing of the animal (the breathing of all participants in the game) should be obtained.

As a variation of the game, you can imagine that the animal falls asleep and its breathing and heartbeat slow down. Or, on the contrary, that it is excited about something and its breathing and heartbeat are increasing.

Video clip

Communication game. It is carried out in a team with varying degrees of cohesion (the main thing is that the cohesion is at least minimal). To organize the game, you need phonograms of three or four modern songs with a clear plot and, if possible, with a large number of characters or items (this number must be known to the presenters in advance). The whole group can take part in the “filming” of the video clip. If there are not enough participants, one of them can take on two or more roles.

At the beginning of the game, children are asked to listen to the song chosen by the presenter two or three times. After which they are given the task of independently distributing existing roles and, if possible, building storyline clip. Three to four minutes are given for this task, after which the group must show a ready-made clip to the music.

If the teacher has the opportunity to film what is happening and show it to the children, then this can be used as a technique that unites the group and creates a favorable psychological climate in it.
