Full characteristics of tanks in wot. Description of the game World of Tanks. Booking in World of Tanks

Currently, most Internet users play one of the most best online games– this is World of Tanks. And the main thing is that almost all participants in the game are concerned with the question of which tank is best to upgrade the team with, thanks to which tank model you can win faster and thereby earn more money, and much more. And this happens because the list of tanks is very large, almost 500 models. Therefore, comparing tanks in World of Tanks will always help you make the right choice and thereby win this game.

Comparing tanks in the game is considered a very necessary thing, which always helps you choose the best model for yourself. At the same time, all technical properties of combat vehicles are compared. Any military equipment in the game is divided into 10 levels according to its characteristics and purpose.

Combat vehicles have always been compared, are being compared, and most importantly will continue to be compared

There have always been and will always be wars between tank models. And yet, which model is the best? There is no exact answer to this question. Here you only need to rely on your own way of playing.

Some players like certain tank models, while other players like others. And that's okay. Since each model has its own technical properties. And also each player has his own individual taste. And they never argue about tastes.

Comparisons of tanks in World of Tanks happen all the time

Every day, millions of questions about comparing various tanks appear on the official website of the game. This category was created with the purpose of finding out the opinions of all players.

Comparison of game tanks, as when comparing real tanks, occurs in 3 main categories:

Firepower - compares armor penetration, as well as damage per unit of time;
protection - frontal armor is compared, but the angle of inclination, as well as the safety margin of tanks, is not taken into account;
mobility - the specific power of tanks is compared, as well as their maximum speed.

In addition, there is a classification by nation:
1. Soviet
2. German
3. Japanese
4. French
5. Chinese
6. American
7. British

But for a successful game, it is best to have at least one tank of different models in your hangar. Thanks to which the player will lead his team to a great victory. You should always remember that in the game everything depends on the player’s style, as well as his preferences.

World of Tanks is a multiplayer online game that gives you the opportunity to feel like a tank driver from the Second World War, controlling various equipment. It is worth saying that the game is quite popular in the CIS and has been awarded more than a dozen awards. It has nice graphics, dynamic and interesting gameplay, wide possibilities of pumping and choice of equipment. But before you enter the game, you need to decide who to fight for. Success can depend on a thoughtlessly chosen tank. Therefore, it is worth talking about the nations and types of equipment existing in the game. To do this, we will make a comparison of tanks in World of Tanks.

Nations in WoT

In total, the developers implemented 7 nations in the game: USSR, Germany, France, USA, Great Britain, China and Japan. Each of them has its own tanks that can be purchased and further researched, and each has unique features. Some nations will be discussed in more detail below.

Description of WoT nations

According to many players, the Soviet Union is the most balanced nation. Its tanks are fast, but at the same time they are well protected. For example, when playing on a Tier 5 KV-1 tank, you can safely go into battles with opponents equal to or lower than you, since the tank is armored enough to be immune to penetration. But, like any other nation, you really need to know how to play, otherwise it will be extremely rare for a gamer to win.

The peculiarity of Nazi Germany is its precision. A comparison of tanks in World of Tanks shows that most German guns simply “match” those of other nations in this indicator. But you have to pay in strength. Most "Germans" have very weak armor and are easy to penetrate even for low-level vehicles. Players call such tanks cardboard.

Britain and the USA are at about the same level, but while the USA has good firepower, the British are more resilient. For example, on the AT-2 you can easily get the “Steel Wall”, since non-penetrations fly by often. Really good tanks They are not so rare, but not often enough. France has almost all the positive qualities; their peculiarity is the possibility of frequent ricochets, since the tanks are quite specific in design.

World of Tanks - comparison of tanks

Detailed description of tank types in WoT

A brief comparison of all World of Tank tanks will begin with light tanks. They are ideal scouts and fireflies. Fireflies are those tanks that must detect the enemy and transmit data about his location to the allies. These are light vehicles, they are very mobile, have high speed, but at the same time they are poorly armored and are destroyed with a few hits. Therefore, to play LT, you need to have a quick reaction and be efficient.

Medium tanks are vehicles tasked with breaking through and destroying enemy forces. They combine light speed and have good weapons that will allow them to successfully fight the enemy. Many of them are quite specific, but you get used to playing them pretty quickly.

Heavy tanks are the main firepower of the team. They are slow and do not have good maneuverability, but at the same time their firepower is the highest. But you also need to be able to play TT, since an unsuccessful attack on the enemy is guaranteed death. And the characteristics of the TT, which depend on the nation, do not disappear. Some of the best TTs are from the Americans.

Tank destroyers are hunters of enemy equipment. They have very high firepower, but at the same time they are terribly “cardboard” (not all) and die quickly. Therefore, the favorite tactics of those playing tank destroyers are ambush, or support. There is no point in getting into an open battle. In subjective opinion, Germany has the best tank destroyers in the game.

Self-propelled guns are the most specific branch. A comparison of tanks in World of Tanks shows that few people play self-propelled guns, and it is the self-propelled gun or artillery that can cause the most trouble, for which many people really don’t like it. This is a technique that does not necessarily require direct contact, since it shoots from cover. But at the same time, the art is terribly “cardboard”, and even kills light tank. So you need to be able to find the right hiding places and have patience.

We hope that comparing tanks in World of Tanks will help novice gamers choose the most suitable unit for themselves and achieve success in the game.

Vehicles have many characteristics that are displayed in the hangar: armor thickness, one-time damage, visibility, radio range, etc. But many players do not know that there are characteristics that are not available in this way. Moreover, they are not disclosed by the developers at all, so any data is unofficial. What are these characteristics?

The article does not dwell in detail on the specific features of American, German, French or British branch, the pattern of their armor. It is dedicated to the key characteristics of cars, regardless of which branch they belong to. This information will help you choose the right machines for subsequent downloads.

Booking in World of Tanks

A hidden parameter of tanks in World of Tanks is armor. The performance characteristics (hereinafter - TTX) of the vehicle indicate only the largest armor, for example, the sides of the hull or stern. For example, at A-44, a Soviet medium tank of the seventh level, 150 mm is indicated for the front of the hull, but only a small strip between the upper and lower frontal part has this thickness.

Without the help of special programs (the same Tank Inspector) it is impossible to see the exact values ​​of individual armor places. A variety of historical reference literature, which contains reservation schemes for real prototypes, will help here. But few players are willing to spend time studying such books.

Many hidden characteristics of tanks can be found in Tank Inspector

Ground resistance, or chassis permeability

An extremely important hidden characteristic of machines is soil resistance, in other words, cross-country ability. This is an extremely important characteristic that greatly affects the dynamics of the tank as a whole. Developers try to give virtual machines engines similar to real ones, in other words, give them the same amount of horsepower.

But from the balancing requirements, the virtual tank needs to be made either more mobile compared to real prototype, or less. Moreover, such a difference can be very significant. For example, in reality the American Chaffee recruited with great difficulty maximum speed even on good soils, and in the game even on weak ones, it accelerates and turns well.

In other words, the specific engine power, which is indicated in the performance characteristics of the tank in the hangar, says little without meaning cross-country ability of the chassis. A tank may have a powerful engine, but poor dynamics precisely because of mediocre cross-country ability. It is indirectly indicated by the turning speed of the chassis (usually the higher the turning speed, the better the cross-country ability of the chassis), but there is no exact formula for the relationship.

Another extremely important characteristic of vehicles is the stabilization of the gun, in other words, the effect of movement of the hull and turret (or just the barrel) on increasing the range of dispersion. As in the case of cross-country ability, without stabilization the explicit characteristics that are indicated in the performance characteristics in the hangar mean little.

One of the important characteristics of vehicles in World of Tanks is gun stabilization

Accuracy, stabilization and aiming speed of guns

There are guns in the game with relatively good accuracy And speed of information, but actually mixing them takes a long time precisely because poor stabilization. The opposite is also true; in general, accuracy in itself does not mean that you will hit often. After all, if the stabilization is bad, then after stopping you will have to come down for a long time, which you often don’t have time for.

Typically, stabilization is directly related to the convergence speed: the higher the speed, the better the stabilization. But there are many exceptions here. For example, many Tank destroyer The aiming speed is very high, but stabilization is still worse than most medium tanks. In other words, nothing can be said with complete certainty.

Everyone is accustomed to the hidden characteristics of tanks - both the developers and the players themselves. The former try not to overload the game with information, while the latter, if they are really interested, can find the necessary information themselves using mods and additional programs.

Strictly speaking, even the actual characteristics of the tank in battle are hidden, which are obtained after applying various modifiers to them (primarily, this is equipment and the level of proficiency of the main specialty of the crew members). On a pure client without mods they are not indicated, so the player can only guess how much exactly it is, for example, review of his tank.

A secret to the whole world...

Why do developers keep such data about Tank World of Tanks secret? There may be several answers here. Firstly, it is worth noting that this state of affairs has been around for a very long time; both players and the developers themselves have become accustomed to it. Introducing the display of hidden characteristics requires time and effort; developers most likely spend it on something more important (at least from their point of view).

Secondly, there is an opinion that training players in general is simply not profitable for developers, since a good player has fewer reasons, for example, to pay for a premium account. And showing hidden characteristics is a stage of such training, as it allows you to better understand the mechanics of the game. But it's worth saying that good players They are unlikely to invest less money in the game compared to inexperienced tankers; there is no direct correlation.

Revealing hidden characteristics is the main stage of training a new player. This is the only way he can better understand the mechanics of the game.

Thirdly, the developers of World of Tanks try not to complicate the game and not to overload it with information, since the gaming audience mostly consists of inexperienced players to whom such hidden characteristics will mean little at all. The developers’ approach here is quite simple: those who really need and are interested in it will find everything themselves using mods, specialized resources, etc. However, knowing all the parameters of the tanks, you can choose the best models.

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WoTCalc is a new unique service for World players of Tanks.

Not long ago, a website appeared on the World Wide Web - a very convenient specialized service for World of Tanks players. The main purpose of the service is to compare any tanks from WoT by characteristics, which will certainly be extremely useful for anyone who wants to better understand the intricacies of the game. This article will discuss in detail the wide capabilities of the site.

Sections of the site

Tank comparison

The main section that interests us most. On the left and right we see two columns with the tactical and technical characteristics of tanks. In the middle there is a “Comparison” column, where you can see the difference in the performance characteristics of the selected vehicle (the comparison is carried out relative to the vehicle in the right column, that is, for example, if the characteristic is indicated in green, then the tank on the right has it better than the tank on the left). The following functions are available in the section:

  • Studying all the characteristics of tanks - both public and hidden, and even calculated ones, such as average damage per minute. You can study the performance characteristics of not only the tank as a whole, but also each module separately. The calculated characteristics are calculated using reliable formulas and taking into account one hundred percent of the crew;
  • Comparison of tanks in various configurations - want to know how the stock configuration of your tank differs from the top-end configuration? You can specify the same car in both columns, and then compare the characteristics of the modules you are interested in by simply selecting them from the drop-down list;
  • Comparison of technology in different versions of the client- a completely unique functionality, thanks to which you can track changes in the characteristics of tanks from patch to patch. Do you think that after the next update your favorite tank has become harder or easier to play? Using this service, you can easily check whether the car you are interested in has had a hidden nerf or upgrade;
  • View all tank development trees in current patch- by clicking on the “Select tank” button, a list of nations with the corresponding development branches will open in front of you. Using this functionality, it is much easier to search for the equipment you need. However, you can do this by simply entering the name of the car in the search bar just to the right of the list of nations:

Also pay attention to the projectile icons next to each column:

By hovering over them you can find out detailed characteristics each projectile, such as caliber, speed and range, average damage, armor penetration and price. Just below are circles that indicate the average damage per minute for a weapon using the corresponding projectile. By hovering your cursor over the circle, you will find out the number of shots and reloads that this weapon makes per minute.


An equally useful section where you can track changes in the latest World updates of Tanks, such as nerfing or upgrading vehicles, adding tanks, or replacing existing vehicles with new ones. Links will also be provided there, by clicking on which you will find direct comparisons of the changed or replaced equipment, for example, a comparison of the Japanese premium tank Heavy Tank No VI, better known as the “Japanese Tiger”, introduced into the game in patch 0.9.9, with Tiger 1 from the German branch.

Help the project

Every interesting project needs financial support, and this site is no exception. Anyone can transfer a voluntary monetary donation to one of the wallets indicated in this section.

Other advantages of WoTCalc.ru

In addition to extensive opportunities, the first impression and ease of working with the resource are very important. The site pleases the user's eye with a discreet but strict design, unloaded with all sorts of unnecessary garbage and a comfortable layout of functionality. It is also necessary to note the almost complete absence of advertising - you will not see any pop-ups or huge half-page banners.

Of course, the project does not stand still, and as it develops, the functionality of the site will only increase - new features will be added and old ones will be improved. But even now this service can provide a lot of information that is extremely important for any player. Thanks to this, you will be able to accurately calculate what your favorite tank is capable of and use it in battle with maximum efficiency, which will undoubtedly change the quality of your game for the better.

World of Tanks(“World of Tanks”) is a massively multiplayer online game entirely dedicated to armored vehicles of the mid-20th century. Players will have the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder with fans of the steel giants from all over the planet, defending their claims to world tank domination.

An advanced pumping and development system will allow you to try out any of the cars presented in the game. Whether you like to wear down the enemy with nimble light tanks, make frantic breakthroughs with versatile medium tanks, incinerate enemies with gigantic heavies, or you want to become a first-class sniper, controlling long-range artillery - a vehicle of any class can become a truly deadly weapon in the hands of a real pro.

But even the strongest players cannot succeed alone. In World of Tanks, everything is decided by the team, and victory is achieved through well-coordinated teamwork, where each player has his own role. Additional Information about the game World of Tanks, tips on how to play tanks online, you can find by visiting the official WOT website.

Killer atmosphere of tank battles

Being an MMO action game, World game of Tank does not limit itself to this genre. The game of tanks does not recognize clichés and cliches, providing players with genre diversity.

RPG. You get a new vehicle in its basic configuration, but its combat potential can be increased by installing a more powerful weapon, a better engine, and replacing other components. Various equipment and consumables will also enhance your tank's capabilities on the battlefield. Finally, you can give your combat vehicle a unique appearance, applying camouflage, colorful emblems and historical inscriptions on it.

Action. Team operations to detect and eliminate enemy tanks, as well as sudden clashes with the enemy, will require you to lightning-fast reaction and quick, effective action.

Shooter. The moving camera can transform the game from a third-person action game into a full-fledged shooter, allowing you to destroy enemies in both normal and sniper modes.

Strategy. There is a simple rule in World of Tanks: do not act as a hero thoughtlessly. Proper distribution of roles and effective planning of joint actions is the key to overall success.

Huge tank park

Your arsenal is impressive - more than 500 steel machines that were designed and produced in the Soviet Union, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, China and Japan from the 30s to the 50s of the XX century. You will have the opportunity to control any combat unit - from the legendary tanks of World War II, such as the T-34, Tiger or Pershing, to experimental models and prototypes that never left the walls of the design bureaus. Explore specifications tanks in World of Tanks and select the equipment you need. All tank models are recreated based on real-life prototypes and balanced for battles in the game, which allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere tank battles World War II.

Go straight into battle

Anyone can download it completely free of charge. World client of Tanks, join the battle and play online immediately after installing the game. No tedious waiting: developing your crew, gaining access to new tanks and unlocking more advanced modifications takes place within the framework of dynamic PvP battles, which you can participate in at any time.

Variety of battle maps

Huge fields of Eastern Europe, the narrow streets of German cities or the recreated legendary Prokhorovka - all this is just a small part of what awaits players. A large number of maps with open terrain and dense urban areas will allow you to play tanks, enjoying the diversity of landscapes, and using tactical tricks based on specific combat conditions.

Tank redistribution of the world

Divided into provinces global map will bring great pleasure to fans of clan wars. Captures of enemy territories, alliances with other clans to destroy a common rival, profitable trade and flexible diplomacy - in World of Tanks it is not only the size of the caliber that rules, but also far-sighted politics.
