Cognitive speech games for preschoolers. Speech games card index on the development of speech on the topic. Speech games: playing with polysemantic words

Advised by Proskuryakova N.G.,

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU

Speech is not inherited; the child adopts the experience of verbal communication from others. Those. speech acquisition is directly dependent from the surrounding speech environment.

The main guide to the world of verbal communication and thinking for a child is an adult, on whom the very organization of meaningful children’s communication depends. Not only speech capabilities, but also his inner world, attitude towards others, cognitive abilities and self-image largely depend on how adults communicate with him, how and what they talk to him about.

It is necessary to create such conditions in the family so that the child experiences pleasure from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to correctly construct sentences, and correctly and clearly pronounce sounds in words.

Play with your child. This will benefit the baby and allow him to master correct speech faster and more successfully, and will bring you joy from communication.

Games on the way from kindergarten (in kindergarten):

"I noticed".

“Let's check which of us is the most attentive. We will name the objects we pass by; We’ll also be sure to indicate what they are. Here's the mailbox - it's blue. I noticed a cat - it was fluffy. The child and the adult can name the objects they see in turns.

"Magic glasses".

“Imagine that we have magic glasses. When you put them on, everything turns red (green, blue, etc.). Look around with magic glasses, what color everything has become, say: red boots, red ball, red house, red nose, red fence, etc.”

“Let’s look for words in the kitchen”

What words can be taken out of borscht? Vinaigrette? Kitchen cabinet? Plates? etc.

“I’ll treat you.”

“Let’s remember delicious words and treat each other.” The child names a “delicious” word and “puts it” on your palm, then you give it to him, and so on until you “eat” everything. You can play with “sweet”, “sour”, “salty”, “bitter” words.

“Let’s make some juice.”

“Juice from apples... (apple); from pears... (pear); from plums... (plum); from cherry... (cherry); from carrots, lemon, orange, etc. Did you manage? And now it’s the other way around: what is orange juice made from? Etc."

“Say the word.”

The adult begins the phrase, and the child finishes it. For example:

The crow croaks, and the sparrow... (chirps). The owl flies, and the hare... (runs, jumps). The cow has a calf, and the horse has... (foal), etc.;

The bear falls asleep in the fall, and in the spring...

Pedestrians stop at a red light, but at a green...

Wet laundry is hung out, and dry...

In the evening the sun sets, and in the morning...

"Guess who it is."

The adult says the words, and the child guesses which animal they correspond to:

Jumping, gnawing, hiding? (hare)

Butting, mooing, grazing?

Sneaks, scratches, meows?

Hisses, wriggles, crawls?

If you succeed, try playing in reverse. Let the child say what the animal can do, and you try to guess who it is.

“Guess the object by its parts.”

Four legs, back, seat.

Root trunk, branches, leaves.

Spout, lid, handle, bottom.

Root, stem, leaves, petals.

"Stubborn words."

Tell your child that there are “stubborn” words in the world that never change (coffee, dress, cocoa, movie, piano, subway). “I'm putting on my coat. A coat hangs on a hanger. Masha has a beautiful coat. I walk in a coat. It’s warm today and everyone’s wearing a coat, etc.” Ask your child questions and make sure he doesn't change the words in his sentences.

“Correct the mistake.”

The adult reads the sentences, and the child corrects and speaks correctly.

The kennel climbed into the dog. The puddle jumped over me. The chair got under the kitten. The grass jumped on the frog. The bush hid behind the hedgehog.


“Once upon a time there were words. One day they were having fun, playing, dancing. And they didn’t notice that they were mixed up. Help the words unravel. Words: ba-so-ka (dog, lo-vo-sy (hair), le-ko-so (wheel), po-sa-gi (boots), etc.)"

From birth, a child is surrounded by a world of sounds, which he begins to become interested in as early as preschool age. It is important to teach the child correct pronunciation, the ability to notice and correct speech errors as early as possible, and thus develop the child’s speech culture.

It is sometimes difficult for children to immediately correctly reproduce a word they hear: to clearly pronounce the sounds in it, without disturbing the compound structure of the word.

Clarity and purity of speech depend on many factors:

On the condition and mobility of the articulatory apparatus;

Development of speech breathing, which ensures normal sound production;

Diction development;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Ability to distinguish some speech sounds from others, in particular those that are similar in sound.

Listening to different words, “playing” with them, children develop their hearing, articulation, improve pronunciation.

IN preschool game is the leading activity of the child, an effective method and one of the forms of training and education that stimulates the speech activity of children.

Games with words and sounds for children are not only attractive, but also useful. are aimed at developing speech in children, clarifying and consolidating vocabulary, and developing correct sound pronunciation. At the same time, they are the basis for enhancing cognitive activity, development mental abilities. Preschoolers develop the ability to express their opinions, draw conclusions, and apply new knowledge in various life situations.

Speech games are of great importance for the development of speech and thinking of children; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, and instill interest and love for language.

Dear parents, play with your children!

Cooperation between teachers and parents is the key to success.

1. Word games for the development and enrichment of an active speech vocabulary

A) Complete the sentences

In summer the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn...

Bunny in summer, and in winter...

Mushrooms grow... and cucumbers grow...

The fish lives in... and the bear lives in...

Sugar is sweet and lemon...

It's light during the day, but at night...

B) Complete the sentence

Children take turns finishing each of the sentences:

I will help...

I'll bring...

B) Guess and tell me

Drawings are displayed on the board. The teacher names several features of one of the depicted objects, and the children name the object itself.

Raven, gray... - wing;

Green, voracious... - crocodile;

Predatory, wide-winged... - eagle;

Shiny, smooth... - mirror.

D) Tell me which one

The pencil is new, large, beautiful, ribbed, colored, thin, durable...

Autumn leaf, yellow, large, small, fallen...

Flower - fragrant, spring, forest, bright, small...

The river is fast, transparent, deep, clean, wide...

Mom is kind, gentle, sweet, affectionate, hardworking...

2. Word games to recognize parts of speech, clarify the relationship between them

A) Cheerful family

Name the animals and their babies correctly.

Mom is a fox, dad is a fox, the kids are foxes.

Rooster, hen, chickens.

Cat, cat, kittens.

Goose, goose, goslings.

Bear, she-bear, cubs.

B) Big - small

Choose an affectionate word.

Mom - mommy,

Vase - vase,

cat - cat,

The sun is the sun,

River - rivulet,

Birch - birch,

Leaf - leaf.

B) Two - one

Education from two simple words one complex one:

The sky and the slope are the horizon,

Forest and strip - forest belt,

Poultry and farm - poultry farm,

Leaf and fall - leaf fall,

Bread and making - the farmer,

The woodcutter is the one who chops the forest,

Snow and fall - snowfall.

D) Catch the ball

The teacher names the noun and throws the ball to the child. The child forms an adjective from the proposed word and returns the ball to the teacher.

Spring - spring,

The sun is sunny,

Birch - birch,

Linden - linden,

Rain - rainy.

3. Speech games to develop the ability to express one’s own opinion

A) Agreement - disagreement

The teacher’s task is to develop in children the ability to assert or challenge a thesis and justify their opinion.

Educator. It will be rain today.

Children. No, it won’t, because the sky is clear.

Educator. All the birds fly away to warmer climes.

Children. No, some remain for the winter (sparrow, crow, jackdaw).

Educator. This is a fish.

Children. No, it's not a fish. This is a mouse. A fish can't run, but a mouse can. The mouse has ears. but the fish do not.

B) Find by signs

The teacher’s task is to teach, based on sensory examination, to identify the essential features of objects (wooden table, linen napkin, glass vase); use words that name these signs while composing a story together with the teacher - reflection.

Look carefully at the table and answer the question: What color is the table? What shape? What is it made of? Why is the tabletop hard? Why is the table stable?

Together with the teacher, the children compose such a story. A table is a very important thing in the house because... (you can dine, draw, read at it). The tabletop must be durable, because... (it is inconvenient to place dishes or a vase on a soft one). The table must have four legs because... (it will be stable). You can't live without a table at home.

B) Fable story

The teacher’s task is to teach how to determine the topic of reflection with inserted constructions “I think”, “I know”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”; deny inappropriate phenomena using subordinating conjunctions “because.”

After listening to the tall tales, children identify the inconsistencies they noticed.

In summer the sun shines brightly, so the children went for a walk. They made a slide out of snow and started sledding. Then they made a snow woman out of sand. That's how much fun the kids had!

Autumn has come because the green leaves have begun to fall. The children went on an excursion to the lake. There they saw a lot of interesting things. There were two perches and a crayfish sitting on the shore of the lake. When the children came closer, the crayfish and perches fell straight into the water. Near the lake there were many birch trees, and on their branches there were mushrooms hidden among the green leaves. The children jumped up and picked a few mushrooms. That's how many interesting things they saw on the excursion!

D) Fantastic hypothesis

The technology of such hypotheses is quite simple. It takes the form of a question: “What would happen if?”

What would happen if all the adults disappeared?

What would happen if the sun suddenly disappeared?

What would happen if a crocodile came to us?

What would happen if there were no trees and flowers?

What would happen if there were no rivers?

4. Word games to improve correct sound pronunciation and develop phonemic awareness

A) New word formation

Replace the vowel sound [у] in the word:

squirrel is a bun, river is a hand, give is blow.

Replace the vowel sound [o]:

himself - catfish, frame - Roma, cash desk - scythe, race - dew.

It's no secret that with the help of games, learning is much more interesting and productive. Speech games contribute to the development of speech, children learn to listen to words and isolate them from the speech stream, remember the correct speech structures, while memory and auditory attention develop. You can play speech games from a very early age; no special skills are required.

Playing at home or speech games for kids

A few basic rules to remember!

1) All activities should be aimed at imitating an adult

2) Anything new should be repeated several times for the new skill to take hold.

3) All speech material must be carefully thought out and appropriate for the child’s age.

4) Games should be simple and understandable for the baby

5) Don't forget to praise your child.

Game "Who? What? Where?

These questions are some of the most important for enriching speech. little man. Everything your baby sees needs to be voiced.

For example,

What's coming? – pause – answer – That’s right, car.

How does the car honk? – BBC

Who is this? - Pussy? - How does the pussy speak? - Meow meow.

First, when asking questions, answer them yourself. Let the baby remember. And then, take a short break, giving the child the opportunity to answer your question himself.

The game “Who gives what voice?”

When naming animals to your baby, ask him to say how the animal speaks. Use not only words, but also pictures so that the child remembers the visual image of the animal.

For example, how does a cow talk? - Mu Mu

How does the sheep talk? – Me-me, etc.

Game "Kittens"

Invite your child to play with kittens. Let the child

repeats after you.

Meow-meow, I wash my face,

(washing movements)

I smile at everyone in the world!


Game "Planes"

Scattered across the ground

Rising to the sky!

The plane is flying

Straight ahead!

- Let's play airplanes! Planes flew in the sky, buzzing: “Uh- Ooh!”

With our arms straight out to the sides, we run around the room, accompanying our movements with the pronunciation of a long continuous sound U.

Game "Cars"

“Beep beep,” the machine hums:

I won't go without gas!

- Let's play cars! The cars started driving: “J-J-J!” The car honks:

“BEE-BEE! » Make way

Game “The Bear Has a Big House”

- Let's play bear and bunny. I will say a rhyme and show the movements, and you repeat after me!

The bear has a big house:


And the bunny has a small one:


Our bear went home:


And a little bunny:


Game “Na!” Give!"

Show the children how to play with a toy bunny. We hand the hare a small ball with the words:

ON, bunny, BALL! On the!

Then we ask the bunny for a ball, accompanying the words with a gesture - we extend our hand, make a “petitioning” movement with our palm towards ourselves.

- Now let’s ask the bunny for a ball: “Bunny, GIVE THE BALL!” GIVE!"

Invite the kids to take turns giving the bunny a ball, then ask for the ball. This game is played with a wide variety of toys and objects (for example, you can give a bear a cube, a doll a flower). Give the kids toys and ask them to repeat the game.

Anna Makarevich
Speech games for children

develop speech by playing

Better to develop speech skills in free communication with the child, in creative games.

Children captivated by the idea games, do not notice that they are learning, although they have to face difficulties in solving problems posed in a game form.

Playful activities in games and exercises always include a learning task. Solving this problem is an important condition for each child for personal success in the game and his emotional connection with the other participants. In addition, when playing with your child, you create an emotional connection, a friendly, trusting relationship with your baby.

There are many games that you can play with your baby on the way to kindergarten, on a walk, or in transport.

The reason and subject for speech development of children Absolutely any object, natural phenomenon, your usual household chores, actions, mood can become. Inexhaustible material can be provided by children's books and pictures in them, toys and cartoons.

For these activities, use what your preschooler sees around him - at home, on the street, in kindergarten. You can enter into its dictionary the names of not only objects, but also their parts and components. “Here’s a car, what does he have?” - “Steering wheel, seats, doors, wheels, motor.” - “What does a tree have?” - “Root, trunk, branches, leaves.” By the age of 3-4, children usually have well learned the names of the primary colors, which means they can be introduced to the shades of these colors (pink, raspberry, dark green, light brown, etc.).

When you and your child are looking at a subject, ask him a wide variety of questions. questions: "What size is it? What color? What is it made of? What is it needed for?" You can just ask: "What is he like?" This encourages you to name a variety of characteristics of objects and helps the development of coherent speech.


The names of the properties of objects are fixed in word games. Ask baby: "What is tall?" - “A house, a tree, a person.” - “What is higher - a tree or a person? Can a person be taller than a tree? When?” Or: "What is wide?" - “River, street, ribbon.” - “What is wider - a stream or a river?” This is how children learn to compare, generalize, and begin to understand the meaning of abstract words “height”, “width”, etc.

While walking, it is useful to make various observations of the weather, seasonal changes in nature, plants, birds, animals, people, and transport. All this must be commented on, discussed, and framed in the form of a conversation. New, unfamiliar words to the child should be explained, repeated several times, and the child should be taught to pronounce them clearly.

Here are examples of several games.

“Guess the object by its parts”

This game can be played in two versions. The first option is using cards with pictures. Participants games cards with pictures are distributed various items- furniture, vegetables, animals, transport, etc. The child, without showing his card to other players, and without saying what exactly is drawn, names the parts of the object. The one who first guesses what is being said takes the card for himself and gets one point.

The second option is without cards. Meaning the game remains the same. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see the doctor, etc. At first glance, does everything seem too simple? But in fact, not all children can describe objects.

Try it!

“Guess the object by description”

Conditions same games, as in the previous one.

But the task here is more difficult. Not only is it necessary

find the correct definitions of objects,

but also to coordinate correctly by birth

adjectives and nouns, as well as know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals.

"Steps" (Who gets there faster.)

With the help of this simple games With elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and speech development, in general. The players stand next to each other and agree on where the finish will be. (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the topic of steps. For example, "Polite words." Each child can take a step just by saying some polite word. We give a minute to think and “Start!”

Mothers, and their children along with them, spend quite a long time in the kitchen. And here you have the opportunity to develop your child’s vocabulary, grammar, phrasal speech on the following topics "Family", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Dishes", Food", "Appliances" and etc.

Tell your son or daughter what the products are called, what dish you are preparing, and what actions you take while doing it. Do not limit yourself to a primitive everyday dictionary; offer your child more and more new words. Try to make him remember and repeat them after you.

At the dacha, you have scope for vocabulary and grammatical work on topics "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Garden Plants", "Flowers", "Trees", "Insects", "Berries" etc. Observations, impressions, speech skills, obtained at the dacha are extremely valuable and visual. They remain in the child’s memory for life.

Develop your skills as a speech teacher and in a short time you will feel the taste of this exciting work and see its fruits.

"Come up with a phrase"

Target. Development of phrasal speech. Correct construction

offers from the lotto "What are we doing". Description games. One scene picture is shown. The teacher comes up with a short phrase based on it (of two or three words, then invites the children to add one new word to his phrase. Each called child extends the phrase by one more word. For example, the teacher speaks: Tanya is playing. The child repeats the sentence. Tanya plays and adds on the street. The next one repeats the sentence: Tanya plays outside and adds in the sandbox. The one wins who will come up with the last word for the sentence and pronounce the entire phrase correctly. Short phrases (three to four words) are pronounced in one exhalation, and long ones - with a pause after three or four words. When children master the rules games, you can invite them to come up with and lengthen phrases without pictures.

“Let’s talk about Olya and the bunny”

Target: compose a joint narrative text, teach how to complete the sentences of the story with intonation according to a diagram that the children will fill out.

Description games. The teacher offers to talk about Olya: “Once upon a time Olya. (I woke up, did some exercises and decided to go into the forest). She. (invited brother Kolya for a walk). The children took it with them. (balls, jumping ropes). In the clearing. (they saw a bunny who... (so scared I couldn't move). And suddenly. (the hare ran away from the guys). And Ole and Kolya. (it became a lot of fun)».

"Add a word"

Target: select verbs denoting

end of action.

The adult names the beginning of the action, and the child names its continuation and ending:- Olya woke up and... (started to wash).- Kolya got dressed and. (ran for a walk).- He was cold and. (went home).- They began to play. (with a bunny).- The bunny was scared. And (ran, hid)- The girl was offended and... (she left and cried).In such games you need to pay attention to the intonation of the completeness of the sentence. It is necessary to provide children with a variety of narrative schemes. First you need to teach children construct a statement consisting of three sentences ( “The bunny has gone. There he met. They became.", and then increase their number. When composing such stories, it is necessary to let children feel the intonation of the first, central and final sentence - this is important when developing the ability to construct even a text of three sentences.

In a joint story telling between the teacher and the child, the teacher takes on the planning function. He sets a scheme for the utterance, and the child fills this scheme with various contents. You can also include dialogue in your stories. characters, it is very important to correctly convey the intonation of a question, answer, exclamation, statement. After compiling a joint story, the adult clarifies the characteristics and actions of the characters and invites the child to tell it again, but on his own. It is best to lead to independent storytelling children in a game-dramatization based on the plot of familiar fairy tales ( "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushkina's hut"); by suggesting a certain sequence of narration or description, you can include elements of description in the text of the narration, suggest the necessary means of communication between phrases, as well as intonation.

“Who will see and name more”

Target: highlight and denote external

signs of an object.

Description games. Adult and child looking at

doll, called items of clothing and appearance (eyes, hair). Then the bunny comes. They say he has gray (soft, fluffy) fur coat, long ears, in one word you can say: hare is long. wow (long-eared). And the hare's tail. (short, which means it has a short tail. The cat is smooth, fluffy, its paws are white, which means it is white-footed. For correct answers, the doll gives the child flags (ribbons, pyramid rings).

“What did Pinocchio mess up?”

Target: find errors in the description and correct them.

Description games. Pinocchio comes to visit the child with his friend the duckling. When talking about his friend, Pinocchio makes mistakes and admits inaccuracies in the description, For example: “The duckling has a blue beak and small paws, he screams "meow!". “The hare has small ears, he is green”. "The cat has a prickly coat". The child corrects inaccuracies.

"Compare the bears"

Target: teach to distinguish objects (toys) according to characteristic features.

An adult offers to look at two different bear cubs coloring: one is black and big, the other is brown and small. - Tell me who they are and how they differ. One bear is big, he is black. - What can you call him so that you can see that he is black? (Chernysh.) What can he do? (Growl, eat raspberries, honey, run.)- How to name another bear so that it is clear that he is small? (Baby.)

The influence of speech games and exercises on the development of speech in preschool children

Most children preschool age Speech disorders and signs of speech underdevelopment usually appear. Simultaneously with the speech sphere, the emotional and sensory-perceptual sphere of the child suffers, as well as the motivational side when performing tasks.
Speech development is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children, as early as possible, master their native speech well and speak correctly and beautifully. Therefore, the sooner we teach a child to speak correctly, the freer he will feel in a group.
K.D. Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of every mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Timely and correct acquisition of speech by a child is the most important condition for a full-fledged mental development and one of the directions in the pedagogical work of institutions working with preschoolers. Without well-developed speech, there is no real communication, no true success in learning.
At the Center for Extracurricular Activities of the Sovetsky District of Bryansk, a comprehensive educational program “School for the Development of Preschoolers “Steps”” is being implemented to prepare preschoolers for school. The main section of the program is speech development. Over the course of 2 years, in speech development classes, we have been using a set of speech games and exercises that are selected in accordance with age characteristics students. In speech games, not only the assimilation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities occurs, but also the development of all mental processes children, their emotional and volitional sphere, abilities and skills. The game develops memory, thinking, attention, speech, develops independence, the ability to independently obtain and apply knowledge, develops curiosity, initiative, creative imagination.

Game exercises for children 5 – 6 years old.

I. Education of sound culture of speech.
Game “Catching the Sound”. Rules of the game: we tell the child that the sound we have chosen has gone for a walk around the world. And since we can’t live without it, we will catch it in words that begin with this sound. As soon as the child hears this sound in a word, he should clap his hands. (The sound can go for a walk in the forest, in the park, in the meadow, then you can choose words according to thematic principle). For example: I decided to sound “p” to look at the zoo, and there are so many animals living there. I will name them, and you clap your hands when you hear the sound “p”. Panda, parrot, hippopotamus, etc.).

Game exercise“Who will see and name more.” Equipment: set of toys (doll, hare, cat). Rules of the game: the teacher and children examine the doll, name items of clothing and appearance (eyes, hair). Then the bunny comes. They say that he has a gray (soft, fluffy) coat, long ears, in one word you can say: the hare is long...eared (long-eared). And the hare’s tail is...(short), which means it is short-tailed. The cat is smooth, fluffy, her paws are white, which means she is... white-footed. For correct answers, the doll gives the children flags (ribbons, rings from a pyramid, etc.).

Game exercise “Find the exact word.” Equipment: planar pictures (apple, lemon, snow, sugar, crow, fish, grasshopper). Rules: the teacher asks the children to find out what subject will be discussed.
- “Round, ruddy, sweet - what is it?” Items may differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color and shape. After the children name the object, one of the children looks for the desired picture on the teacher’s table and places it on the board. You can change the form of the question, for example, add other words. “The snow is white, cold..(what else?); sugar is sweet, and lemon...(sour).” - “Remember which of the animals moves how. Crow..(flies), fish..(swims), grasshopper...(crows), tiger...(growls), mouse...(squeaks), cow..(moos).
IV. Development of coherent speech.
Game “What does Misha need to go for a walk?”
Equipment: pictures depicting winter clothes: felt boots, mittens, socks, scarf, coat, fur coat, hat, etc. Rules of the game: the teacher addresses the children with approximately the following words: - “I’ll tell you a story about two boys. The boys' names were Tolya and Misha. Misha is neat. He has everything winter clothes neatly folded in a cabinet. What kind of winter clothes does Misha have in his locker? Children name items of clothing. As the name progresses, we display the corresponding pictures on the board. If the children don’t name something, we show a picture as a hint. - “Misha is getting ready for a walk. I put on socks, leggings, felt boots... (we list the items of clothing again; as we name them, we remove pictures from the board). But Tolya just can’t get it together. He was sloppy and always threw his clothes around. Tolya found only a scarf and a hat. What does Tolya need to go for a walk?” Children name objects from memory, and the adult puts corresponding pictures on the board. If a child makes a mistake, tactfully correct him. (There are not enough socks, felt boots, etc.)

Game exercises for children 6-7 years old.

I. Sound culture of speech.
Game "Chain of words". Equipment: subject pictures (5-8 pieces). Rules of the game: there are pictures on the table. The teacher places one of them on the board and asks to identify the last sound in the word. Next, the guys choose a picture whose name begins with a given sound, and place it on the board behind the first picture. Then the children select pictures according to the principle: the name of the next one begins with the sound that ends the name of the previous one.
II. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
Game "Tree of Related Words". Equipment: image of a tree (or a tree branch), leaves with Velcro (on strings). Rules of the game: the teacher tells the children. - “A magic tree grows in Lukomorye. Leaves appear on it only when the words - relatives - are found. Children are asked to choose related words for any given word. With each word, a leaf is attached to the tree. If children find it difficult, you can help them by asking guiding questions. For example: choose words with the same root for the word “fish”. Questions: “If the fish is small, what can you call it? What if it's big? What is the name of the fish soup? What do you call a person who fishes? Etc." After the children have matched the given word, “the breeze blows and all the leaf words fall to the ground.” It is proposed to return them back to the tree by coming up with related words to another word.
III. Enrichment of vocabulary.
"Word for word." Rules of the game: the teacher determines the topic, for example: animals starting with the letter “K”. The first child starts: crocodile. The next one must repeat this word and add his own, for example: crocodile, marten. The next child adds his word to the previous ones: crocodile, marten, cat. Thus, the children play until someone gets lost. Game themes may be: plants, household items, furniture, dishes, names of dishes, etc.
IV. Development of coherent speech.
Speech development game “Kuzovok”. Equipment: basket. Rules of the game: children sit in a circle. According to the counting, the one who starts the game is selected. The child is given a basket. He holds it, and at this time the children say the words: Here's a box for you, Put what's in it - ok. If you say anything, you will give the deposit. The child answers: “I’ll put it in the box...” and names the right word (lock, knot, box, boot, shoe, stocking, comb, etc.) This happens until all the children hold the box. The one who makes a mistake puts the deposit in the basket. After all the children have taken part, the pledges are played out: the basket is covered with a scarf, and one of the children takes out the pledges
one at a time, first asking: “Whose deposit am I taking, what should I do?” Children, under the guidance of a teacher, assign each pledge a ransom - some task (name a word with a certain sound, tell a tongue twister, divide the word into syllables, etc.)

Different games