Walkthrough of the game mercenaries 2 rescue the kidnapped. Misha's test, air strike

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is a slightly crazy game in a good way. Fly to an American base in a Venezuelan helicopter, destroy the command headquarters, crash to the ground after being hit by the air defense system, steal a heavy tank, crush the air defense system. Lose a tank, get hit by a missile from an incoming helicopter, find yourself squeezed into a corner, and call a nuclear missile on yourself as you leave. So that dying alone would not be boring. Come to life in a mansion, buy a tank from the partisans and rush into battle against the Chinese.

This is, so to speak, everyday gaming.

Venezuelan oil

The plot of the game is outrageously simple and naive. Our old friend is hired by a Venezuelan businessman to rescue a general he knows from captivity. For professionals like us, this is a mere trifle. When the general is released, the entrepreneur decides not to pay and simply remove the mercenary. Therefore, instead of a sum with six zeros, we get a bullet in... um... the back while fleeing.

Meanwhile, the general and the businessman, having united, stage a coup in the country. The world community is horrified. Venezuela has the third largest oil reserves in the world, and in power is a dictator who decides that he himself can manage such a valuable strategic raw material. In general, we can say - a topical plot, current problems and other complex realities.

Our valiant mercenary, having picked out a bullet from the sirloin, decides that, in fact, it’s time for entrepreneur Solano to pay his bills. Therefore, there can be no talk of any escape. We cannot forgive anyone such impudence: whoever spares money, we will not spare lead. Even if it means blowing up the whole country with its damn oil.

Motivation, of course, leaves much to be desired. It is impossible to understand why Solano decided to frame the mercenary even with active brainstorming. In the game, everyone knows how tough the hero is, and the American and Chinese military generally say in plain text that the war cannot be won without him. However, so be it, in Mercenaries 2 the plot clearly does not play the main role. But we have three main characters. And who exactly you will play will have to be chosen at the very beginning of the game.

The fleet-footed Chinese woman and the hardy black man, capable of carrying a lot of bullets, are fairly standard characters and are not of particular interest. Another thing is Matthias Nilsson - a real anarchist and a favorite of players from the first part of the game. This huge Swede in torn jeans, a T-shirt and a leather vest is covered in tattoos, and, judging by his hairstyle, he had punks in his family.

Believe me, this big guy's vocabulary is appropriate. Once you get under machine gun fire, Matthias will yell: “Fifty caliber? Better try an air strike!” When he sees a tank, he rejoices like a child who has received a long-awaited toy as a gift. However, if you put aside funny phrases and colorful appearance, Mathias, like the rest of the characters in the game, is a complete zero. All the dialogues are in the same vein - oh, how cool I am, what else would I blow up? Towards the end of the game you start to get tired of it.

The graphics evoke conflicting feelings - the character models are clumsy, the textures of the ground and buildings seem to have moved from the last century, but the explosions and equipment look great. In addition, the game refuses to be saved if the “My Documents” folder is typed in Cyrillic, and support for widescreen monitors has to be enabled manually, after tinkering with the ini file, using third-party programs.

World in fire

As surprising as it may sound, Mercenaries 2 only pulls out the gameplay. It is so uncomplicated, fascinating and fun that you want to close your eyes to all the shortcomings. Showdowns often take place with the use of heavy weapons. Absolutely anything can be broken, the main thing is to choose the right caliber. The grenade launcher can't handle it - let's take a C4 or a tank.

There are a great many options for assault. You can try to get into a tank and brazenly break into the defenses brute force. Or take a helicopter, destroy the air defense and blow up ground equipment with impunity. Or maybe swim up from the sea and bombard the base with missiles? Need a targeted explosion? Attach C4 to the car, speed up, jump out while moving and detonate it when it is close to the target. You can even go wild and raze everything to the ground, staging constant air raids.

The abundance of weapons, tanks, jeeps, helicopters, ships and other vehicles evokes respect. Air strikes stand apart. There are so many of them that even the most demanding demolition master will be satisfied. Artillery strikes and conventional bombing are just the tip of the iceberg. Napalm, cluster bombs, anti-tank, air, infantry raids, precision strikes, laser-guided missiles, concrete-piercing bombs, and for dessert - a tactical nuclear charge.

The game features five factions - oil workers, revolutionary partisans, pirates and Americans and Chinese. The latter, however, will appear only in the second half of the game, when we have already rattled our weapons a fair amount and the governments of these countries will understand that oil - oh, excuse me, the freedom and happiness of the citizens of Venezuela - is in terrible danger. In general, you choose what to build - equality and democracy or communism and happiness.

The relationships between the factions are quite complex. The oil workers are friends with the United States, the partisans are sponsored by China. There is open confrontation between these two camps. The pirates keep themselves apart, they hate everyone and fight with everyone. Between a rock and a hard place were government troops, which, despite all the difficulties, were quite successfully led by Solano, sitting in a secure bunker.

Each faction besides story missions offers the main character additional tasks, completing which you will receive a cash reward and access to new weapons. The tasks are quite simple - recapture the outpost from the Venezuelans, deliver the cargo, win the race, destroy the building and capture an important person. Most of the orders are aimed at causing damage to another group, so you can say goodbye to the idea of ​​​​good relations with everyone or skillfully spin, eliminating unnecessary witnesses and changing contracts in time.

When sitting down to play Mercenaries 2, it is important to understand that this is by no means a “GTA about war”. Similarity with famous game Rockstar is purely external, and the same genre means nothing in this case. The only major drawback of the game is even technical problems not so scary - that she harnesses for too long.

Unbridled destruction, crushing air strikes, crazy shootouts when fuel tanks fly into the air and skyscrapers collapse, begin in full only after the arrival of the Chinese and Americans. That's when it gets really fun, and the subtitle fully justifies itself - the world is truly engulfed in the flames of war.

But that's almost half the game. Before that, showdowns with partisans, oil workers and the rebel general are, of course, fun, but there is clearly not enough gunpowder in the flasks. However, the result is worth the wait. After all, in what other action movie can you easily purchase a dozen tactical nuclear missiles to bring about total peace throughout Venezuela?

Character health

The character's health level is displayed in the lower left corner. If it has fallen below twenty-five points, I advise you to urgently seek shelter - this is already a dangerous minimum. Health is gradually restored, from 1 to 25 points quite quickly, and then much more slowly. Some time must pass before regeneration begins, and at this moment you must not be hit, otherwise you will have to wait again.

Matthias regenerates life faster than other characters, making him the most valuable hero. Health can be restored with first aid kits - they look like backpacks with a red cross. First aid kits usually fall out of enemies when your health is at a critical level. But sometimes the healing backpack just lies at the outpost. If things are really bad, and Evan is already on the team, you can select “Evacuation” from the main menu. You will immediately find yourself at the mercenary base, but your wallet will lose $10,000.


There are a huge number of vehicles in Mercenaries 2. All equipment in the game can be divided into four groups: light equipment- trucks, cars, heavy equipment - armored personnel carriers, tanks, multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems, water- various boats, boats, jet skis, helicopters- There are only helicopters here and nothing more.

Where can I get the equipment? You can first buy it in the store and then order delivery by helicopter. But stores will not become available immediately, and if you constantly order equipment, then you will get tired of collecting oil. That's why good way to obtain a vehicle - to temporarily borrow it. For civilian equipment, light enemy equipment and all (except helicopters) allied equipment, this happens as follows. Approach the car from the driver’s side and press the “Use” button.

To get heavy equipment from your enemies, you will have to try a little. If you capture a tank, the first thing you need to do is shoot the machine gunner on the turret. For armored personnel carriers this is not at all necessary. Then you run up to the trunk and press the indicated key. The character will jump onto the body, and a mini-game will begin, during which you need to press the keys that will be shown on the screen: the clip - the “Reload” key, the legs - the “Space” key, and the like.

If you hit the combination correctly, the car is yours. If not, the main character will be thrown to the ground and will have to try again. Each vehicle model has its own key combination, and it is much more difficult to capture a heavy tank than an armored personnel carrier. Spotted interesting feature: While the mini-game is running, you cannot be injured, although your health is restored regularly. Not a bad way to heal in battle.

While you are sitting in a vehicle, all the damage comes from the vehicle. Even when the vehicle explodes and the main character is thrown out, he receives minimal damage. Therefore, the car needs to be captured, even if you understand that it will not last long anyway. While you're capturing, heal a little. Then hold out for a minute, maybe even shoot someone. And when they blow it up, your health is already, consider, at maximum, and the enemy has at least lost one unit of armored vehicles.

By the way, never leave equipment unattended. The enemy, of course, is a fool and sometimes plays funny tricks (shooting a grenade launcher point-blank at a wall or at your own tanks - these are still little things), but he will never forget to steal an ownerless tank. Therefore, when leaving the car, make sure that no one can get close to it - soldiers usually shout across the entire map that they are going to seize the vehicle - or destroy it with explosives or a grenade launcher.

Capturing watercraft is somewhat different from capturing ground equipment. You press the "Use" button and main character just getting on the ship. There is no mini-game, you need to kill the soldiers, and you can safely use the ship. Some boats are quite large, so you often have to run around the ship to first swim to where you need to, and then shoot from a rocket launcher.

Capturing helicopters is a separate issue. By hiring mechanic Eva, you will receive a miracle hook as a gift. When a helicopter flies near you at a relatively low altitude, aim at it and press the “Latch” key. The main character will shoot a grappling hook, grab onto the car, pull himself up to the cabin, and the capture mini-game will begin. If you lose, you will fall to the ground and it is not a fact that you will be able to try again.

The helicopter will have to be captured in any case, even if it belongs to the allies. True, it is not entirely clear whether such a theft is considered an act of aggression. No matter how much I threw the pilot out of the cockpit, no one tried to report the emergency to their superiors. Perhaps because the pilot crashed to death, and there were no witnesses to the hijacking itself. Still, the height is high...

If, while in a vehicle, you stand for some time in a secluded place, you will disguise yourself as a representative of the group to which this vehicle belongs. The disguise will gradually disappear if representatives of this faction see you, and increase when you leave from under the watchful eyes. But until you are figured out, you can calmly move through enemy territory without fear of attack.

In general, camouflage is quite convenient, but it is not at all necessary to look for the enemy group’s equipment. It is enough to obtain transport for civilians. Nobody touches them, even if you don’t drive quite adequately, and a “peaceful” car can easily be found on any highway. True, if you want to enter someone’s border territory - they are marked in red on the map - you will have to look for the equipment of this particular group.

In border territory, it doesn't matter how good your relationship is with the faction. They attack without further ado, and if you shoot back, they will also declare you an enemy. If you want to lose your disguise, just shoot or beep. This is sometimes extremely useful when, for example, you are driving through the territory of revolutionary partisans in Venezuelan vehicles. However, if you forgot and they already started shooting at you, reset it anyway - the allies will immediately stop firing.


Oil is perhaps the most important resource in Mercenaries 2. It is consumed during air strikes and for the delivery of equipment and ammunition by helicopter. In the first missions, in addition to money, you will be paid in oil, but then you will have to extract it yourself. But we work in Venezuela, one of the largest oil-producing countries in the world, so black gold lies literally on every corner.

True, it is usually guarded, but for seasoned mercenaries like us, killing the guards is a matter of five minutes. You just need to shoot carefully so as not to accidentally blow up the tank. She, of course, has a good margin of safety, but a shot from a grenade launcher is too much. To steal a tank, you must first mark it, and then make a request to Evan. If there are several tanks, but they are located relatively close, you can mark them all at once. The helicopter is not small - it will carry you away without breaking down.

The capacity of tanks at the mercenary base is very limited, so you need to recapture Venezuelan outposts for groups and buy new tanks from allied stores. This will greatly reduce the routine of collecting fuel. One container adds only 500 units, and in the second half of the game black gold is heavily consumed during combat operations. The maximum oil reserve is about 6000 units.

Just remember that stealing oil from friendly factions is bad. Usually your allies get offended, they start shooting at you, and the relationship deteriorates slightly. Of course, things don’t immediately lead to open hostility, but a few antics and war is guaranteed. Therefore, if you are going to drag, first destroy the guards and witnesses.


Money in the game is given for almost every action. You have completed the contract - receive it and sign it. They recaptured the outpost - a large sum falls into your pocket. We completed the additional task and earned money for several air strikes and tanks. Blown up American tank- the Chinese pay, they shot down a Chinese helicopter - the Americans pay. By the way, completed contracts, tasks, as well as the destruction of enemies increase respect from the opposite side.

Everyone pays and always pays. Sometimes the cash is lying on the ground unattended; you just need to mark the cargo and call a helicopter. It looks simply wild when an ownerless $100,000 lies next to a poor man’s collapsed hut. Money is spent on equipment, supplies and air strikes. There is so much money that at the end of the game there is nothing to spend it on, even if you buy all the equipment indiscriminately.

Air strikes and equipment delivery

With the addition of a helicopter and airplane pilot to your team, you will be able to order the delivery of equipment and supplies and carry out air strikes. Equipment can be purchased in a store or given out for completing a task. Airstrikes can also be purchased from the store or awarded as rewards, but some of the bombings can be obtained for free if you search the map thoroughly. Boxes with bombs and shells are delivered to the base in the same way as tanks with oil.

With the help of a helicopter you can quickly move around the country. To do this, just talk to Evan in the mansion. Or, by selecting the “Move” item in the support menu, throw smoke bomb to a more or less convenient site. But the pilot can only drop you off at an equipped helipad - that is, at an outpost or headquarters, provided that you have good relations with this group.

Delivery of equipment occurs as follows. You select what you want to get from the support menu, and the main character throws a smoke bomb. If there is enough space, the pilot will drop the cargo at the specified location. Some air strikes are carried out in the same way. Throw a checker or a beacon - the amount of free space on the ground does not matter - and quickly run away before it explodes. You have about three to four seconds to do your legs.

Some of the missiles are aimed laser pointer. Aim at the object and hold down the left mouse button until the pilot confirms that he has received the coordinates. This method is convenient because it allows you to increase the accuracy of bombing and makes aiming more convenient. It is not necessary to climb directly into the firing zone and then quickly run away. You can simply stand on a hillock and set coordinates from a safe distance.

The third method is aiming from a satellite. They show you a picture of the area (viewed from above, of course), and you indicate exactly where to drop the deadly load, and quickly overcome the mini-game. In the middle of the screen, an arrow rotates in a large circle - in general, just like on a radar. When the arrow passes the dark area, a symbol for a specific key appears. At this moment you need to press it.

By pressing the key the required number of times, you will trigger an air strike. The size of the dark zone, the number of keystrokes, and the speed of the arrow movement depend on the specific type of bombing. If you are wrong, the speed of the arrow gradually decreases. The longer you aim, the more money you will be charged for using the satellite.

This type of airstrikes is the most accurate and safe. Everything is clearly visible from above; the enemy has nowhere to hide. However, do not think that you will be able to carry out a bomb attack while being a kilometer from the release point. The picture is tied to a certain radius around the character. If you are denied an air strike, it means that the enemy has air defense systems nearby and first you will have to destroy them.

But what stops a plane from taking off will not scare a helicopter pilot. True, this does not make the car invulnerable. Having received a certain amount of damage, the pilot will cancel the collection of resources or lose the cargo, and you will have to pay for the repair of the helicopter. True, the costs are ridiculous. A helicopter is generally much more vulnerable. You should not try to call him if the enemy has armored vehicles or grenade launchers. They'll shoot you down instantly.


Explosives play a special role in Mercenaries 2. The strength of the C4 charge is such that it does more damage than a shot from the main gun of a medium tank. Add to this high mobility. On foot you can get to places where a tank cannot reach in real life. At least it won't get there unnoticed.

Thrown explosives stick to any surface, but the throw range is short, so you need to stand almost close to the object you want to destroy. When C4 is installed, the character will take out the remote control - and all you have to do is run away and press the “Explosives/Grenades” key again. Bang! Target destroyed.

If the object is particularly strong, you can install up to five charges - there simply won’t be more in the character’s backpack - and detonate them all at once. It's done like this. Having installed the first explosive, press the key to switch between grenades and C4. The character puts away the remote control and takes out a second explosive package - you can use it.

Typically, large buildings and oil platforms require simultaneous detonation. In the latter case, you need to place one C4 on each support. Explosives are useful against enemy armored vehicles. They ran up to the tank, threw a charge and blew it up - there was no more tank. This is much more effective than a grenade launcher, because the latter needs to be fired two or three times, but here one C4 backpack is enough. True, you still need to run to the equipment, and this is problematic if the enemy is firing heavily.

And of course, my favorite trick with explosives is mining my own equipment. Let's say you're tasked with destroying a Venezuelan house. Find a Venezuelan jeep - there are a lot of them driving along the roads - and stick explosives on it. We aimed the car at the target, accelerated and jumped out while moving. When the car crashes into the building, detonate the charges. You can clear roadblocks and anything else in the same way.


Your miniature computer is a treasure trove of invaluable information. Firstly, it has a map of the area. On it you can see the location of cities, oil rigs, group headquarters, captured outposts and missions. If you click on a task, you will see who gave it, how much they will pay for it, and if it is a series of tasks - for example, capturing important people or destroying objects - then what rewards you will receive at each stage.

You can put marks on the map so that you can then navigate around the country, guided by GPRS. True, the navigator constantly slows down, offering suboptimal routes, and sometimes cannot create them at all. For example, if there is a closed gate or the road ends, GPRS will not be able to help. But it’s not so scary; it’s quite easy to navigate the area without a navigator.

The only thing you won't find on the map are boxes of spare parts. There are exactly one hundred of them, and they are scattered throughout the country. By collecting spare parts, you will receive a cash bonus ($200 thousand) for each box, and also replenish the stock in Eva's mechanic shop. Remember that at the end of the game, when Solano launches a nuclear strike on the headquarters of the Chinese or Americans (depending on who you worked for), this zone will become inaccessible with all the forgotten spare parts.

Also using the PDA you can view purchased supplies, equipment and air strikes. Everything is conveniently sorted - nothing superfluous. There are only three slots in the support menu for all of the above. What you put there can be called directly in the game - the rest is in the warehouse. However, this limitation is made for the sake of ease of management. It would be terribly inconvenient to search for the desired action, wading through dozens of titles. You can log into the PDA at any time - the game is paused - and change the set.

Finally, in PDA you can find out what your relationship with factions is. This is not superfluous at all, because due to a game bug or a careless shot, an ally may happen to be offended by you, and you won’t even notice it. You can also read all the dialogues previously heard in the game. True, no benefit was noticed from this, and the plot in Mercenaries 2 is not so good that you need to read the texts.

Standard tasks for all factions

Capture of outposts

When the first acquaintance with the group occurs, they immediately begin to demand the capture of several outposts from the Venezuelans. By completing these quests, you will gain access to story missions. How is the outpost captured? At this base there is a special building into which from three to six soldiers of the group that issued the task must run.

To do this, you must first clear the enemy base, paying special attention to grenade launchers, heavy equipment and air defense. Then call the allied helicopter. He arrives, disembarks troops, who go to storm the building. This happens as follows - the soldier simply runs inside, and one bar is added to the capture indicator. If one landing party is not enough, call another helicopter. Just don’t hesitate - the enemy, if he has soldiers, may try to recapture the building.

During the operation, the building must not be destroyed, otherwise you will have to start over. In general, you can call an assault group as backup. But there is practically no benefit from them. Even if the helicopter is able to land under massive fire, the landing party will die in a matter of seconds. It will not be possible to create a large group. If there are too many soldiers, you will be denied reinforcements until someone dies.

Bases come in different types and sizes, but each will definitely have barracks with soldiers and a bunker with grenade launchers. Infantrymen are constantly running out of the first, and grenade launchers are constantly firing from the second. The latter is very unpleasant, because the windows face different sides, so such buildings must be destroyed immediately (a grenade launcher is difficult to penetrate, it is better to use C4) or not be allowed to sound the alarm.

To do this, you need to destroy or prevent the siren from turning on, shooting the soldiers running towards it. The easiest way to attack an enemy base is from a helicopter. First, carefully destroy the air defense systems. Having captured the base, do not rush to meet with the new contact. First, collect all the ammunition and oil tanks. When you talk to the commander and go outside, all supplies will already belong to the group.

When you achieve good relations with the group - and this will happen after capturing several outposts - you will be given three types of tasks: destruction of objects, capture of important persons and “credit of trust”. For completing them, you will receive not only money, but also an expanded assortment in the store. Contracts remain active even if you are on bad terms with the faction. Moreover, by doing them, you increase the level of trust and can completely restore good relationships.

Destruction of objects

You just need to destroy some building. There are many options - explosives, tanks, helicopters, air raids. There are plenty to choose from! True, if you are destroying the building of a friendly faction and do not want to spoil relations with it, it is better to stop at a powerful bombardment so that there are no witnesses left.

Credit of trust

Simply kill the required number of soldiers or equipment of the specified group to complete this task and replenish the stock in the store. True, the partisans have especially distinguished themselves here - they will ask to blow up billboards.

Capturing VIPs

Your task is to deliver the specified target alive or dead. For a living person, which is typical, they pay twice as much. To capture, you need to run up to the victim, knock him out with a blow from the butt, tie him up, call a helicopter and push the prisoner into the cockpit. When you are carrying a bound target, the character moves much slower, cannot shoot, and is extremely vulnerable. If you don't want to suffer, just shoot the target, approach the corpse and take a photo.

Capturing the target is not too difficult. Another thing is that it is more difficult to fulfill all the contracts and at the same time maintain good relations with the factions. But nothing is impossible. If the security is not too serious, you can simply quickly kill the soldiers before they report our attack to their superiors.

You can tell that someone is reporting by the alarm icon, conversation, and timer. You need to find the soldier - he is marked with a special icon - and shoot him before time runs out. While the enemy is conducting radio communications, he does not move or fire back. Only one soldier always reports, and the attempt is repeated after some time.

But sometimes the security is too serious, and you simply won’t have time to finish off the signalman. I wish I could hold out on my own... In this case, you can forget about capturing him alive. We act like this. We drive into the camp and launch a powerful air strike. Usually 90% of the manpower is killed, and the remainder can be dealt with without any problems. We click the corpse of an important person and rejoice at how successfully we deceived everyone.

You can try to attack from the air, but you need a heavy attack helicopter with a lot of missiles. First we remove sirens, barracks, bunkers and equipment. We quickly switch to infantry, destroy the important person, land and take a picture. It is convenient to storm bases with medium-sized important people from a helicopter. Usually a helicopter is enough for three to five such operations.

Private Military Contractor

Ruthless, corrupt and extremely bastard mercenaries are the main character and his assistants. We are ready to work for anyone, as long as they pay us adequately and on time. But Solano made a mistake and decided to deceive the famous mercenary. Now our task is to find and punish the deceiver so that our business reputation does not suffer.

In addition to the main character - he could be Matthias Nilsson, Chris Jacobs or Jennifer Mu - the team includes: our eyes and ears, coordinator Fiona, supply department, helicopter pilot Evan, walking store, mechanic Eva and fire support from the sky - pilot Misha. At the very beginning, you work only with Fiona, and the remaining team members will have to be recruited as the game progresses, completing various tasks.

Free General Carmona

In the first mission, you will be told about the most basic things you need to know in the game and taught how to use airstrikes. The mission will begin with a landing on the beach. After leaving the boat, wait for the helicopter to drop a weapon crate and finish off the four soldiers at the gate. Then call for an air strike - targeting is done from a satellite - and destroy the gate.

Kill the guards and wait for the jeep to be dropped on you. Get into the car and, crushing the soldiers on the road, rush to the next gate. Destroy them with an airstrike and replace the car with the brought tank. Having fun destroying buildings, go to the river. Here you will have to abandon the tank, because the insidious enemy has destroyed the bridge. Hit the building with another air strike and go save the general. This is where the mission will end, the main character will be brazenly betrayed, and the long preparation for revenge will begin.

Capture of Villa Solano

Before you begin the hunt for Solano, you need to find a place for your operational headquarters. Get on the motorcycle and go to the villa where the enemy is entrenched. Finish off the guards at the approaches, break the box with explosives and destroy the gate. In the courtyard you will come under heavy fire from grenade launchers. Shoot the most annoying ones and listen to a new task - to finish off five crime bosses.

Go left into the labyrinth garden and find the first criminal. By the way, next to each boss there is a suitcase with money, which must be confiscated. Now you need to leave the garden; In order not to have to look for a way out for a long time, throw a grenade against the wall and wait until the foliage burns out. The second criminal hides behind civilians; If you don’t want to get a fine for killing civilians, use only small arms and do not open fire on fuel barrels.

The third bandit is hiding near the pier, and is covered by grenade launchers. The most dangerous one is the one sitting on the balcony. Smoke him out with grenades, the rest can be shot with a machine gun. The fourth is located near the pool. But before attacking the fortification, destroy the stationary machine gun with a grenade launcher. Go around the house and blow up the fuel barrels to finish off the last criminal.

Go into the house where a tank will literally run over you. It should not be destroyed, but kidnapped. Once near the equipment, press the desired key to start the theft mini-game. Having obtained the tank, finish off the rushing infantry. First of all, kill the grenade launchers to complete the mission.

Fiona's test, shooting with weapons

When you capture Villa Solano, your coordinator will have additional tasks. Although it would be more correct to call them bets. You can bet from $1,000 to $100,000 on each task. All in all, a good way to make money, especially early in the game. Each test has three difficulty levels. But the only difference between them is that the allotted time decreases - the tasks remain the same.

First you need to destroy the statues using a heavy machine gun. They stand tightly, you are unlikely to miss. Then they will ask you to use a stationary grenade launcher to blow up falling cars. Try to destroy them the moment they touch the ground, otherwise the car may fly far away and be difficult to hit. Finally, you will again be ordered to destroy the statues using a stationary grenade launcher. Fuel barrels placed near targets will greatly help with this.

For each successful hit - for example, if you hit a car as it hits the ground - the timer is paused for a while. At the first level, you are given four minutes to complete the task, at the second - three, at the third - two. On the first two tests you can safely bet $100,000, but on the third you bet the face value; without serious training it will not be easy to cope.

Fiona's test, shooting with a grenade launcher

Shooting a hand grenade launcher tests how well you can calculate the trajectory of charges. First you need to destroy the barrels, it's easier than steamed turnips. Then the statues on the roof - you need to aim not at the target, but at the barrel nearby. Then the statues in the courtyard. Again, shoot at the fuel barrels; detonation is a big deal.

The last test is the most difficult - you need to destroy the busts hidden behind concrete slabs. A grenade launcher cannot penetrate slabs, so you need to shoot close to the slab so that the charge explodes behind the barrier. At the first level you have three minutes, at the second two, and at the third - only a minute.

Fiona's Pistol Test

Probably the simplest test is shooting with a pistol. You need to get into a certain number of Solano's portraits within the allotted time. You don't need any special shooting skills to pass the test - just aim faster and pull the trigger. At the first level, two minutes are allotted, at the second - a minute and thirty seconds, at the third - exactly a minute.

Fiona's test, shooting with a sniper rifle

Shooting from a sniper rifle is complicated by inconvenient controls; don't get confused with the keys. You need to hit nineteen targets - these are portraits and cars. Cars can be destroyed by shooting at a barrel of fuel standing nearby. To stop time, shoot at the bust of Solano, which the helicopter pilot Evan periodically brings. At the first level you are given two minutes, at the second - a minute and thirty seconds, at the third - a minute.

Evan's test, grappling hook and helicopter

Once you have a personal pilot, you can try to pass his test. You need to place the object at a certain height within five minutes (you need to place it in a strictly designated area). The object must remain at the desired height for at least three seconds. The countdown will begin when you board the helicopter and turn on the engines.

At the first level, the object must be placed at a height of five meters, at the second - six, at the third - seven. Let's immediately look at how to create a tall tower to pass the third level of the test. Place two red containers next to each other, a blue container on them, and place a damaged tank on it, and seven meters are conquered. Do not use the vehicle; its roof is too sloping and the object will not hold up.

We are hiring mechanic Eva

The helicopter pilot will tell you about mechanic Eva. Drive to the indicated house - it is on Solano territory, so find civilian transport so as not to be an eyesore, and talk to the girl. She agrees to work for the mercenaries, but first she needs to check the car. The car, frankly speaking, is of respectable size. At first you just need to drive around the block, but this is only a light warm-up.

The real race begins in the quarry. Firstly, there will be Venezuelan soldiers there who will shoot at you at the first opportunity. Machine guns don't do much damage to the vehicle, but you still shouldn't be under fire from 50-caliber guns for too long. Secondly, tanks will be encountered periodically. They don't shoot too often, but you can't forget about the danger, so constantly maneuver.

Thirdly, the race takes place at checkpoints and against time. Each checkpoint adds time, but if you don't have time, you'll have to start over. Fourthly, the car can bounce. This ability must be used to jump over enemy vehicles, roadblocks, rocks and abysses. True, there will be few of the latter. After driving the entire canyon, you will return to the workshop and finish the race.

When a mechanic appears on the team, you will be able to assemble and buy improved cars from the spare parts found. These are mainly modified versions of civilian vehicles, some of which are equipped with weapons. You will also receive a hook with which you can hijack helicopters. As a final gift, you will learn about the pilot Misha, forever young and forever drunk.

Eve's Challenge, Devastating Ride

By hiring a mechanic, you can try out new bets. In the destructive race you need to time the track and destroy six targets. The latter have to be undermined by shooting at barrels of fuel. For testing you will be given a jeep with a machine gun - a stable and fast car.

During the first level of the test, do not drive forward, but remember the route and location of the targets, so that later you do not waste time finding a good shooting position and aiming. At the first level, the test is given 2 minutes 25 seconds, plus 15 seconds for a destroyed target, at the second level - a minute 45 seconds, plus 10 seconds for a destroyed target, at the third level - 1 minute 25 seconds, plus 7 seconds for a destroyed target.

Eve's tests, gas to the stop

The second test is a regular race. The track is not the easiest, but you are required to drive the car skillfully, and that’s all. I'll have to think about it some other time. At the first level, you need to complete the route in a minute 25 seconds, plus 15 seconds when passing the checkpoint, at the second level - 55 seconds, plus 10 seconds when passing the checkpoint, at the third level - 45 seconds, plus 5 seconds when passing the checkpoint

We are hiring pilot Misha

Misha can be found on the pirate island, where he drinks heavily. However, his friendship with the green serpent does not prevent him from being one of the best pilots in the country. But he will join your friendly team only if you kill the Venezuelan officer who framed Misha. The task is complicated by the fact that the villain is holed up in a fortified bunker that cannot be penetrated by conventional bombs. We need to look for something more serious.

These are more serious ones, called concrete-piercing bombs, and they are located on an island controlled by Venezuelan troops. You kidnap a Venezuelan boat - there are a great many of them in the bay - swim up to the pier, quickly steal a tank and destroy the enemy base. Having cleared the island of the enemy, carry three bombs by helicopter and look on the map where you need to swim to get to the bunker.

This base is guarded much more seriously, but the task is made easier by the fact that we do not need to completely knock out the enemy. It is enough to destroy the bunker. Get close to the fence, destroy it with explosives and wait until the armored vehicles move closer. Shoot several times with artillery strikes to ensure a safe corridor. Then drop a concrete bomb on the bunker once to kill the officer. The bomb is laser-guided, so coordinates can be reported from a safe distance.

That's all - pilot Misha is with you, which means that you have extensive opportunities. Now enemies can be bombed until they lose their pulse until the oil supplies or opponents run out. Let me remind you that some of the airstrikes can be found in caches, but the strongest ones can only be purchased from allied groups.

Misha's test, air strike

Pilot Misha will offer the most interesting bet - you need to earn a certain number of points with two air strikes. Points are given for destroyed targets: a barrel of fuel - one point, a jeep - two points, a truck - three points, a tank with fuel - five points. At the first level you need to earn fifty-five points, at the second - seventy, at the third - a hundred.

The objects are placed in such a way that two airstrikes will definitely not hit them all. It is necessary to strike in such a way that the barrels of fuel that come under the bombing set fire to other objects. In general, your task is to create a chain reaction of explosions. You can bomb in different ways, but you should always start from the edge of the area. Also, at the third level, you need to knock out at least seventy points with the first air strike, otherwise you will definitely not be able to score the required number.

Attacking the Solano bunker

Having obtained Blanco for the partisans, you will find out in which bunker Solano is hiding. Go out into the courtyard of the mansion and get into the helicopter. He will take you to the road, following which you will get to the bunker. The enemy had thoroughly prepared for the meeting - tanks, anti-tank guns, machine gun crews... you would get tired of breaking through such a defense. Of course, you can destroy all the defensive structures with two or three tanks, but this is quite difficult.

It's better to capture an enemy jeep and drive under disguise. You will be able to slip most of the way undetected, and go through the last part at speed. Or steal a helicopter and calmly fly to the bunker. True, before striking, you need to destroy two air defense systems protecting the airspace near the target. The bunker turned out to be stronger than we thought - a concrete-piercing aerial bomb is powerless. We need a nuclear concrete-piercing bomb, but where can we get it?

However, we'll think about this later. The mercenary headquarters was attacked by Venezuelan troops, we urgently need to rescue our comrades. How to quickly get to the mansion? Luckily, you are attacked by a Venezuelan attack helicopter, which you urgently need to capture. Having taken possession of the equipment, fly to the villa, just do not forget to take off your disguise in time if you fly into partisan territory. They may not figure it out and just shoot it down.

A group of tanks and mobile air defenses accumulated near the mansion. Wait for camouflage, go lower and quickly destroy the anti-aircraft guns. Then you can deal with tanks without any problems. They, of course, will try to snap back, but firing a cannon at a helicopter is simply useless. Don’t delay too much, the mansion will not last forever, sooner or later it will fall apart under enemy fire.

If the helicopter is still shot down, quickly capture the enemy tank. Having repelled the first attack, get ready for the second. The Venezuelans will attack from the side of the road and will try to flank it. If the captured tank is destroyed, you can always borrow another one. Just don’t forget to destroy it later with explosives or a grenade launcher, because otherwise the mission objectives will not be updated.

Enter the mansion to watch the video and meet the general in person. He, however, does not want to be a hero and will try to escape. They offer to take him alive or dead. The first option is much more difficult. Once the general gets into the car, it is very difficult to catch up with him, except maybe knock him into the lake. If that doesn't work, sooner or later he'll get to the helipad and try to escape by helicopter. The helicopter must be shot down or intercepted, otherwise the victim will leave and you will have to start over.

If you capture the general alive, no bonus will be given. In general, it’s easier to shoot him before he gets into the car. Then deal with the guards and take a picture of the corpse to end the level. From this moment the most interesting thing begins - the Americans and Chinese invaded Venezuela. This means that we will soon get new ones powerful guns, and most importantly, we will get a nuclear concrete-piercing bomb.

Attacking the Solano bunker, second attempt

Having completed the last mission for the Americans or the Chinese, surviving a nuclear explosion and receiving a nuclear concrete bomb, you can take revenge on Solano. Buy a Venezuelan assault helicopter “Anaconda” from the pirates and fly to the bunker. Before landing, destroy the armored vehicles and the enemy helicopter standing on the ground.

Then sit down and aim a nuclear concrete bomb at the bunker. There was a Solano bunker - and there is no bunker. Run inside the ruins, shooting off the infantry until the cutscene starts. Afterwards, you need to win a mini-game to defeat Solano. Remember that there will be no second attempt; if you lose, you will have to start the mission again.

Congratulations, you have completely completed the game. If you want, load an autosave to continue the game. You can take on additional tasks that are still available - the nuclear explosion was not in vain. But the main thing is that a nuclear concrete-piercing bomb worth a million dollars appeared in Eve's store.


Jet ski racing

Your task is to go through the course on a jet ski. The race takes place in a standard way - a series of checkpoints; passing each point gives you extra time. The most dangerous area is the minefield. There you need to slow down and drive more carefully, so try to gain more time on the previous sections of the route.

Try to be more careful when jumping on the trampolines, especially over the barn in front of the minefield. You can spin, fall unsuccessfully, crash your motorcycle and lose speed. Therefore, before jumping, release the throttle. There are three levels of the race in total. The track remains the same, but each time the time at the start and the number of added seconds when passing checkpoints decreases.

Yo-ho-ho - and a truck full of rum

A completely standard pirate mission, which we will encounter in the future with various variations. You need to swim to the island and steal a truck with booze. Then the rum will have to be transported safe and sound to the buyer.

But it's not that simple. The car has an open trunk, so boxes of rum tend to fall out. You need to drive carefully and avoid turning at high speed. In addition, the enemy will suddenly materialize along the route you are going to take and will try to destroy the truck. You can still survive the shots, although you shouldn't drive too slowly under machine-gun fire. Cars going to ram are much more dangerous. They must be avoided.

At the first level of the task you need to bring rum worth $4,700, at the second - $8,500, and at the third level - $15,100. With each level the number of enemies increases and they become more aggressive. This makes it very difficult to pass. There's a total of $27,300 worth of booze in the truck. In general, draw your own conclusions.

A thousand parrots in my trunk

You will have to smuggle again, but this time birds. The conditions are the same: deliver the cargo to the place, trying to prevent the birds from falling out of the trunk. In total, the car was loaded with parrots worth $79,800. At the first level you need to bring the birds to $13,300, at the second - to 28,500, at the third - to 47,500.

Driving this one is much more difficult because the road passes through mountainous terrain. It shakes quite a bit, birds fly out of the trunk just like that. This is also actively promoted by the Venezuelans, who have placed soldiers with machine guns and grenade launchers along the road. With each level, opponents become more aggressive. Before you go, study the map carefully. The most obvious path is the most dangerous. Choose a longer route, there will be fewer enemies and, accordingly, more chances of success.

Black market, strange cargo

Another cargo delivery mission, but this one still has a time limit. In total there is $30,000 worth of cargo in the car. At the first level you need to bring at least $3,000 in 7 minutes, at the second - $5,000 in 6 minutes 30 seconds, at the third level - $8,000 in 6 minutes. There's plenty of time. so it's not worth driving.

First you will drive through pirate territory, and no one will bother you. But troubles will begin on the highway. You will be attacked by oil workers and Venezuelans. As you drive along the road, fuel tanks will periodically explode and buildings will collapse, making movement very difficult.

Try to move not on the road, but on the lawn near it. This way you can quickly bypass roadblocks and there will be no problems with passing and oncoming cars. Each new level adds enemies - nothing new or revealing here. But the route does not change, so it will be easier.

Universal Petroleum

Universal Petroleum is the largest oil company in the country, pumping out fuel with all its might and selling it at a virtual loss for the Venezuelan government. Therefore, it is not surprising that when Solano came to power and announced the nationalization of enterprises, the oil workers became seriously worried. Despite the direct support of the United States, they are no longer in control of the situation.

On one side they are pressed by guerrillas, and on the other by regular troops of the Venezuelan army. The head of the company and the shark of capitalism, Dr. Lorraine Rubin, is very concerned about the current situation. The crisis in the country threatens large losses of the company's assets, and in order to prevent this, it is ready to take any measures. Including concluding a dubious deal with a ruthless mercenary.

Missing weapon

When you take the villa from Solano, Fiona will offer to work for the oil workers. But to do this you need to gain their trust. Let's do something useful - for example, return weapons stolen from oil workers by pirates. A truck with weapons is parked at the pier, near the road on the way to the city. Before getting into the car, take out all the guards (including the soldier on the boat) so that no one gives chase.

You don't need to transport the weapon quickly, otherwise it will fall out of the truck and the reward amount will decrease. But that's not so bad - if you lose too much, the mission will be lost. You can consider this assignment an easy warm-up - real hell awaits you in pirate missions to deliver contraband. After completing the order, you will receive some money, but the main thing is that Universal Petroleum will start talking to you.

Terrible Destroyer

After delivering the weapon, go to the gate and talk to the guard. He will only let you inside the building to talk to his superiors if you deliver the top-secret Destroyer. Get into some kind of transport and go to the indicated point. Along the way, you will come under fire from Venezuelan soldiers, but the attack is somewhat sluggish, so you can easily slip past without receiving significant damage.

Once at the oil workers' checkpoint, talk to the officer and run to the tank. Happily climb into the driver's seat. It turns out that this is not “Destroyer” at all. The weapon that can destroy the universe is a small and modest pink moped standing next to the tank. Get on this misunderstanding and ride to the oil workers' headquarters. They won't even shoot at you too much, they won't laugh at you anymore. Well, what can we do - we need to contact Dr. Lorraine Rubin.

Hostage Rescue

The head of the company will agree to help the mercenary, but first he must save the kidnapped high-ranking employee. To do this, you need to place three beacons at certain points to intercept the signal mobile phone. Get into a civilian vehicle - this is important - and drive to the northern point. There is a tank at the gate of the base. Disguise as a civilian, get close, get out of the car, finish off the shooter on the tower and capture enemy armored vehicles.

Enter the base and destroy towers, barracks, sirens and a bunker with endless grenade launchers. Throw the tank - you can drown it so that no one covets it - and install a beacon in the designated area. Find the civilian car again and drive to the western point. You need to climb to the roof of the building and install a beacon there.

However, first you need to visit the building a little to the north and destroy the air defense system, otherwise the helicopter will not be able to drop its cargo. Having cleared the way, move to the neighboring building and place a beacon. There's only one left, but the countdown has started. Now 15 minutes are allotted for everything - setting the last beacon and rescuing the hostage. When leaving the building, be prepared for armored personnel carriers to be waiting for you. Blow it up with a grenade launcher or just run away.

In any case, try to find a Venezuelan jeep and drive to the southern point. Under disguise, drive to the tank and quickly take the driver's seat. Shoot the barracks, the bunker with grenade launchers, the siren and the patrolmen. Throw the tank, remembering to blow it up, and place the third beacon. After talking with the criminal, you will be shown where the hostage is. He is transported around the city on a truck.

Find a civilian car, catch up with the thief and block the road with the car. The driver seems to be weak-minded because he does not react at all to our actions. Go around the back of the truck and grab the car. The hostage has been saved, and all that remains for you is to take him safe and sound to the headquarters of the oil workers. No one will really interfere, and the timer has turned off - so you don’t have to rush too much.

Transport of important persons

This additional task is issued at the northwestern outpost. You need to pick up a company official and take him to the headquarters. Venezuelan soldiers will try in every possible way to prevent this, and they will immediately create roadblocks. You need to meet the allotted time. In total, the task has three levels, each of which increases enemy attacks and reduces the time allotted for the trip.

At the first and second levels you are given four minutes, at the third - three. You can use the corporation's jeep. Enemies, of course, create roadblocks and dash around in jeeps, but breaking through at speed is quite possible. However, there is an easier way to deliver an official without any threat to his life. Buy a transport helicopter from the oil workers and calmly fly to your destination, laughing at your enemies.

Need for Speed

You need to drive a sports car along a track consisting of checkpoints and meet the allotted time. An ordinary race in a sports car. No one will even try to destroy you. You are driving in a civilian car under disguise, all that is required is to drive quickly and carefully so as not to crash the car yourself.

There is plenty of time allotted. I usually managed to reach the finish line with about a minute and a half to spare. The race takes place in three stages, and you can repeat the last one an unlimited number of times. For passing a checkpoint at the first level you get 7 seconds, at the second - 6 seconds, at the third - 5 seconds.

Covering our tracks

This task will become available when you come into contact with the partisans and complete at least one assignment for them. For this mission, it is advisable to buy one air attack and collect two artillery strikes. Your task is to first save the official from the Venezuelans, and then guard him until he destroys the documents.

Get into any car and drive to the specified location. Finish off the soldiers - you attack from the back, so with a well-aimed shot from a grenade launcher you can kill half of the enemies - go into the hangar and talk to the official. He will ask you to take him to the first office where he needs to destroy papers. Complete the assignment.

The enemy will attack alternately from two directions. The first two attacks will be repelled by the corporation's soldiers; the rest will have to be dealt with on your own. However, there is nothing complicated about it. The soldiers are armed only with small arms, and the only equipment is jeeps with machine guns. The main thing is to keep your car nearby so you can quickly move from one road to another.

When the documents are destroyed, pick up the official and go to the second office. First, hold the defense by standing at a checkpoint and shooting back at enemies with a machine gun. Enemies will attack from three sides, but the distance is small and you can quickly change position. When it gets really dangerous, climb the tower behind the office and shoot back with the stationary grenade launcher.

You can also drive away enemies with artillery strikes. Very effective, just don't hit the office. When enemy helicopters arrive, quickly destroy them with an air attack. If you did not purchase it in advance, go to the very top of the tower and find the missile complex. Ten charges are more than enough for two helicopters. When the official destroys the papers, all that remains is to take him to headquarters. There will be no problems with this.

People's Liberation Army of Venezuela

City on fire

However, Mercenaries 2 also has something in common with GTA. Overturned cars immediately catch fire and explode.

When you capture the outposts (not necessarily all) for the Venezuelan People's Liberation Army, you will be assigned a real mission. The first thing you need to do is destroy three fortified Venezuelan buildings in the city. An additional condition is that no civilians be harmed during the mission. If you manage to do without civilian casualties, you will receive half a million dollars in prize money.

The city is well guarded by troops, and the enemy has a lot of armored vehicles. It is, of course, possible to try to break through with a tank purchased from partisans or oil workers, but it will be difficult. Firstly, the enemy has many heavy tanks, and you only have medium ones. Add grenade launchers to this, and it becomes quite sad. Secondly, it means active fighting, during which innocent people may suffer.

You can try to attack from the air. But the enemy, again, has a good air defense system, so with a high probability you will be quickly shot down. Flying close to the ground to conduct targeted fire is quite dangerous, and if you attack from a height, the accuracy of fire decreases. You may simply not have enough missiles, and in addition, you will most likely hit civilians. For the same reason, air strikes are no longer necessary. They will, of course, solve many problems at once. But again, remember the civilians.

Therefore we will act differently. First, purchase two or three tank attacks from the oil industry (destroying armored vehicles from the air). Then find a Venezuelan jeep and drive into town. Find a lone tank - preferably a heavy one - and capture the car. Kill the witnesses and wait for the disguise to activate. Then drive to the target and destroy the building from the maximum distance.

You need to attack from the maximum distance. This way you will avoid massive shelling from heavy guns and grenade launchers. After blowing up the target, immediately retreat and restore camouflage. If the car is destroyed, grab some kind of transport and look for another tank that you can capture. Having blown up all three objects, you will receive an order to protect the church in which the partisans have settled from destruction.

Go there. The enemy attacks exclusively with tanks, which makes the task slightly easier. You can try to capture enemy tanks when they are attacking, so that you can then hold the defense with the help of captured equipment. But I wouldn't recommend it. The tank is not a very maneuverable vehicle, and while you are fighting with the driver (this takes three to four seconds), the church can be seriously damaged.

It is better to use stationary grenade launchers during defense. When they are destroyed, and this will most likely happen sooner or later, blow up the armored vehicles with a hand grenade launcher. At first it will be quite simple, but then you are unlikely to have time to follow all directions. The enemy attacks in four waves, with different sides, and you physically won’t have time to run from one fortification to another.

Therefore, when enemy tanks gather in a large crowd and begin to destroy the church, call for a tank attack. The area of ​​the air strike is enough to destroy all armored vehicles around the building. However, the church will not be damaged during the bombing. Having protected the object, you will know where to look for the Venezuelan officer who needs to be captured or killed.

He is in the stadium and is covered by hostages, which again excludes the possibility of air strikes. The stadium is well guarded. Some armored vehicles (these are small things) and stands full of grenade launchers. The first thing to do is to get a Venezuelan tank and, from afar, so as not to come under fire from grenade launchers, destroy the stand and barracks on the field.

Then take care of the enemy tanks. When the main forces are destroyed, and the enemy has nowhere to take reinforcements from, you can begin to capture the officer. Use an assault rifle to finish off the surviving soldiers, stun the victim and call for a helicopter. Just make sure that no prisoners get hurt during the shooting.

Hunt for oil workers

You will be tasked with destroying four oil workers who are especially bothering the partisans. Killing them is not at all difficult. A combat helicopter, a missile hall - and the targets are destroyed. The hardest thing is to do this in such a way that Universal Petroleum does not find out anything. There are two options - cheap and long or fast and expensive.

In the first case, you buy sniper rifle and start hunting. Just remember that three out of four targets are located in border areas. If you cross the border, they will immediately open fire on you. After shooting a target, do not rush to run away; perhaps one of the guards noticed you. Therefore, before leaving the territory, make sure that no one reports to the authorities.

A sniper rifle is good, but it takes too long to find good shooting positions. It’s better to strike the old-fashioned way with an air raid. The first two targets are in the same camp on the border territory - use a satellite-guided missile strike.

The second target is located at the oil workers' base. You can go here without raising any alarm. The target is located at the pier, so go to the crane and launch an air strike from there. So that the guards do not have time to raise the alarm before the air bomb is dropped, jump into the boat and quickly sail away from the base. Well, it’s quite logical - they went out of sight, which means nothing happened...

The fourth target is located at the airport, which is also declared a border zone. The victim can be reached with a laser-guided bomb. True, the enemy will almost certainly sound the alarm and begin reporting to his superiors. So what! When you finish off the last victim and the soldiers are chattering into the radio, save the game and load it again. The alarm was reset, the task was completed, and the oil workers still remained friends.

Jungle Journey

Another race, but this time on a boat. The rules have changed a little. You not only need to drive the track along the checkpoints before the time runs out, trying to prevent the boat from being destroyed by enemies (if you get less than 50 points of damage, the partisans will give you a cash bonus), but also get through minefields. The ship is equipped with a machine gun, so mines can be shot from afar. At the end of the route this will become necessary, otherwise you will not be able to pass through the checkpoint.

The race consists of three levels. The differences between the levels are standard - less time is given when passing through a checkpoint, and the enemy becomes more aggressive. You will have to complete the first race in any case, otherwise you will not receive the next mission, the rest are optional. However, the jet boat is one of the best ships in the game. If you prefer watercraft to helicopters, it's worth completing all three levels of the task.

Storming the fortress

It's time to hit Solano seriously: destroy the base on the island. The main objectives are the tower, castle and bridge, the secondary ones are the barracks. How to get to the island? You can attack from the sea. But the bay is the only place where you can land. It is guarded by missile boats and heavily mined, and the artillery in the fortress is shelling the coastal waters.

It's better to use an attack helicopter. The enemy has a well-established air defense, but if you use the oil workers' maneuverable attack aircraft, you will be able to evade missiles. Your first priority is to destroy air defenses, electronic jamming equipment, and infantrymen with grenade launchers or missile systems. Having secured the airspace, begin to destroy the Venezuelan barracks.

The scythe will hit a rock when it comes to the grenade launcher bunkers. The rockets do little damage, so you'll have to land the car and blow them up with explosives. When all the barracks are destroyed, go to the primary goals - it’s unlikely that anyone will interfere with you. A few air strikes or 5-6 C4 charges, and there will be nothing left of the buildings. When blowing up a bridge, do not forget that it consists of three sections. I once unsuccessfully brought down the central section, and had to go around the entire island to undermine the outermost one.

Get Blanco

It's time to catch Solano's assistant. No, we can kill him, but the partisans promised to pay if we bring him alive. He will still be tortured in captivity, but the extra money will come in handy. Blanco meets with the generals on an oil rig near the mercenary headquarters, so you'll need an attack helicopter.

First of all, fly around the platform and destroy the air defense systems. You need to act carefully; if you lose your car, there will be nowhere to get a new one. Therefore, it is better to use a Venezuelan helicopter. They approached under disguise, fired missiles and flew away. Having suppressed the air defense, disembark at the building where the meeting is taking place and knock on the door. After a dramatic cutscene, Blanco will start running.

Catch up with him and crack him in the back of the head with the butt. Tie up the traitor and clear the area so the helicopter can land. After sending the prisoner to the partisans, think about how to destroy the oil rig. If your helicopter survived, you can bomb it from the air. Or just get away with an air strike. But the easiest way is to install explosives on the supports, jump into the water, steal a boat and detonate the charges from a safe distance.

Allied Nations

Helicopter racing

You need to fly over the track in a helicopter and complete it within the allotted time. The enemy will not interfere, so there is nothing difficult in this race. The main thing is to hit the control point, which is not too large. At the first level you are given 24 seconds, plus 8 seconds for passing a checkpoint, at the second level - 22 seconds, plus 7 seconds for passing a checkpoint, at the third level - 20 seconds, plus 6 seconds for passing a checkpoint.

Suppressive fire

The Americans gave a whole list of tasks: destroy three artillery and three boats and finish off three Chinese officers. This mission is easy to complete if you are friends with the Chinese. If you are not friends, complete several tasks to become friends.

Let's start with artillery. You drive to the position, steal the rocket systems that need to be destroyed (as you remember, the allies are not at all against you using their equipment), and collect them in one place where there will be no unnecessary witnesses. Place a charge of C4 on each artillery and blow it up.

We'll do the same with boats. You climb onto the ship, quickly and quietly knock out the crew and swim to the next boat. For some reason, the enemy cannot take away ownerless boats, so retaliation will not follow. Having destroyed all the crews, collect the boats in one pile and sink them with an air strike.

If you acted carefully, the Chinese should still consider you an ally. Now comes the most crucial stage of the operation - the destruction of officers. First, you drop the missiles given by the Americans (they are free) onto the positions. You quickly descend into the bombing zone and finish off the surviving soldiers who may try to report the mercenary. Repeat the procedure three times to complete the mission.

Lost and Found

The war with China is in full swing, and no one is shy about funds. Recently, a secret American plane was shot down over the island. Its wreckage must be destroyed so that the technology does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. It would also be a good idea to save the pilots. They, of course, knew what they were getting into, but if you can get them out of enemy territory, you get four million for each pilot.

Not only are the prisoners and spare parts of the plane located on the island, but it is also located in the border zone. Coastal waters are well guarded, so it is better to forget about an attack from the sea. You need to get a Chinese attack helicopter. You can buy it if you are on good terms with the group. If not, attack some outpost, wait for the enemy helicopter and capture the equipment.

Having reached the island, carefully inspect the defensive structures and remember where the mobile air defense is located. As usual, they need to be destroyed first. Let's start with the wreckage lying on the deck of the ship. It can be destroyed by an attack from the air, but the helicopter will still be useful to us. Therefore, park your car in a safe place and walk. First, destroy the air defense systems, and then blow up the wreckage.

Before you return to the helicopter, make sure there is no tail behind you. A well-aimed grenade launcher can ruin all plans. The second fragment lies in the northern part of the island. Again, don't attack from the air. Sit somewhere nearby and steal Chinese tank. Wait for camouflage, drive to the target and destroy the fragment. The tank will most likely be destroyed by return fire, but you don't necessarily have to engage in a firefight. The main thing is to break away from the chase and get to the helicopter.

The third fragment remains. I recommend destroying it with a tank as well. Of course, there are plenty of armored vehicles on the island that can be stolen. Only this time you need to clearly calculate the time of the attack. The enemy has three tanks nearby, and your task is not to get under simultaneous fire from three guns.

Let's start rescuing the agents. They are kept in cages with prisoners. Be careful not to shoot by accident, otherwise you will get a fine. An enemy helicopter circles over every camp where prisoners are kept. He needs to be shot down first. Then take care of enemy air defense. You will need to secure the sky so that the American helicopter can land.

Then land and start shooting the guards. I do not recommend using air strikes, heavy weapons, or jumping next to a cage with a prisoner. The enemy can throw a grenade or fire a grenade launcher and end up in the wrong place. Carefully destroy the Chinese forces so that no one can interfere with the evacuation. You can destroy distant lines of defense with the help of air strikes. Having taken all security measures, free the prisoners and call a helicopter.

Fall of the Dragon

First you need to destroy four Chinese installations. It will not be possible to attack quietly and remain allies, so get ready for open confrontation. Steal a Chinese tank - there are plenty of them in this area - drive to the installation and fire from the main gun. True, a lot of all sorts of equipment will immediately arrive at the sound of shots, and you will most likely be quickly shot down if you don’t get away sooner.

You can use the Chinese attack helicopter to attack from the air. It's probably even easier that way. Under disguise, fly closer, launch a missile strike and immediately go to a higher altitude to avoid retaliatory shots. Just before bombing the installation, destroy the mobile air defenses. When all targets have been hit, it is time to move on to the second phase of the operation.

You need to kidnap or kill General Peng. The last option, of course, is easier - a missile salvo at the general, and that’s all there is to it - but there are only three mobile air defenses in the camp, so it’s no more difficult to capture. From a great height you destroy the air defense, go down lower and blow up the equipment with barracks. You finish off the infantry with a machine gun, and then you can capture the general. As a reward you will receive 25 million dollars and a nuclear warhead.

People's Republic of China

When the serious turmoil began in Venezuela, the Chinese quickly realized that the United States might lose control of the oil industry. But active sponsorship of the partisans gave not only positive, but also negative results in the form of an American invasion of the country. Realizing that the revolutionaries alone cannot cope - and oil is so close, China begins a full-scale invasion.

A local conflict develops into a confrontation on an international scale. The Chinese military will gladly pay a famous mercenary if he can help achieve victory. The commander of the troops is General Peng. He first appeared in the first part of the game, in North Korea, but with the rank of colonel. For successful military operations, he was promoted to rank, and the conflict in Venezuela allowed his long-time dream to come true - open confrontation with the Americans.

Tank racing

We have already organized races with cars, helicopters and boats, but with heavy tanks... Your task is to drive the track against the clock and at the same time stay alive. American troops will attack, but given that we have a heavy tank, they will not cause many problems. It's much more difficult to drive through the track before the time runs out. Checkpoints do not provide extra seconds. They will have to be earned by blowing up barrels of fuel.

The second factor that complicates the task is the soldiers trying to report your aggression to the command. It’s not difficult to kill them, but it all depends on the availability of free time. At the first level of the race you have a minute of 25 seconds, plus 15 seconds for destroying a keg, at the second level - 55 seconds, plus 10 seconds for destroying a keg, at the third level - 45 seconds, plus 5 seconds for destroying a keg. There are 19 barrels in total in the level.


Your task is to guide the ambulance to the camp with the wounded. The road passes through enemy territory, so you need to destroy mines - they can be seen by the flashing light - and American soldiers. The ambulance doesn't stop, but it moves slowly so you have plenty of time to clear the road.

Most importantly, do not forget to remove destroyed equipment and other obstacles from the road. Otherwise, the car will hit them and stall. American soldiers will try to report you to their superiors, so do not forget to destroy them in a timely manner, fortunately this is not difficult and does not take much time. At the first level you are given 10 minutes, at the second - 8 minutes 30 seconds, at the third - 6 minutes 30 seconds.

Hostage Rescue

The Chinese ask to rescue the captured agent, and also - this is a secondary task - to blow up three American buildings. If you want to remain on good terms with the United States, it is better to forget about the destruction of buildings. The soldiers will probably have time to raise the alarm, but you simply have no time to hunt.

To capture equipment, you need to win a mini-game.

In any case, before destroying the buildings, you need to save the prisoner, because he is sitting on the roof of one of these buildings. You will have to fly into the border zone, so be sure to get an American helicopter. Then fly under disguise, sit on the roof, untie the prisoner’s hands and quickly escape from the border zone.

They will shoot at you from rocket launchers, but you must reach the base. The main thing is not to return fire, otherwise you will ruin relations with the Americans. Now about the destruction of buildings. They can be brought down without raising an alarm, but it is very difficult. I got it right the tenth time, and I’m not sure the result was worth the effort. Want to try? OK. Drop off the prisoner in a safe place, but do not hand him over to the Chinese.

Then get into an American helicopter and, under disguise, go down to the roof of the building where the prisoner was picked up. Use a free Chinese missile strike (guided by satellite) to bring down two skyscrapers. As soon as they give you the coordinates, get into the helicopter - oh, how slowly the propeller unwinds! - and quickly fly away from the border zone. This is necessary so that the enemy does not have a reason to report to his superiors.

If someone does contact the command, try to shoot him and fly away from the border zone. But with this development of the situation, the chances of success drop sharply. To bring down the third building, find a convenient height from where you can set the coordinates. The higher the position, the better - fewer witnesses.

Death to oil workers

Before the decisive battle begins, the Chinese want you to destroy the oil workers in Venezuela. You are required to destroy the Carmona bridge, the central office of Universal Petroleum, as well as the main base of the company. For this mission you will need a lot of air strikes, which are guided by a satellite and a laser pointer. No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to maintain good relations with the oil workers. I had to bribe him after the operation to regain his favor.

Let's start the operation from the Carmona Bridge. It is guarded by electronic jammers, air defense systems and American helicopters. It's no use trying to blow up the bridge from the air. You will be instantly knocked down and end up in the water. So buy a boat from Universal Petroleum, sail under the bridge and trigger a missile strike from below. The satellite and laser pointer work great. You can try, while standing in a boat, to gouge it with a grenade launcher, but you will most likely be noticed and attacked, and you will also need a lot of ammunition.

Let's take care of the central office of Universal Petroleum. It can also be brought down with three air strikes. Sit on the roof of a neighboring house and set coordinates with a laser pointer or from a satellite. But I chose to steal an American attack helicopter and shoot at a skyscraper from a safe distance. It is not very strong and will crumble if hit by 10-15 missiles.

Then fly to the base and start destroying air defense systems. You, of course, will not completely protect yourself from infantry with missile systems, but at least you will get rid of equipment. Use the rockets left after the explosion of a skyscraper to destroy buildings. First of all, bomb the oil tanks. They will explode and destroy buildings. When the missiles run out, drop the helicopter and destroy the remaining buildings with air strikes.

Decisive battle

The time has come to finally kick the Americans out of Venezuela. If you managed to maintain good relations with them before this task, you don’t have to worry - this time they will definitely deteriorate completely. The first thing to do is blow up three buildings. For this purpose, the Chinese gave you four missile strikes. Cute.

All you need for this mission is a sports car, which you can buy from the pirates. You go to the city under disguise - and if you are still on good terms with the Americans, then it’s generally wonderful. You stop near the building that needs to be destroyed (make sure there are no witnesses) and throw a beacon for a cruise missile. You jump into the car and quickly drive away. The building will collapse without your help, and the Americans will not have time to react.

Blow up four buildings in this way. You may not have enough Chinese free missiles. In this case, use air strikes from your own reserves. Just choose one that allows you to travel far before the bomb drops. Now we need to capture Agent Jones. Steal an American attack helicopter and fly to the base.

First, determine where the air defense systems are and destroy them with missiles from a high altitude. This will allow you to remain unnoticed by the soldiers, which means that no one will try to raise the alarm. Then start destroying buildings and infantrymen. Kill those who are trying to contact their superiors with a machine gun or rockets. The main thing is not to get involved in a long battle. They knocked out one or two infantrymen and returned to a safe height to restore camouflage.

Having cleared the camp of all enemies (or, alternatively, the part of the camp where the target is located), you can land with Jones, he is walking around the yard. Stun the agent with a blow from the butt, tie him up and call the Chinese helicopter. By handing over the prisoner, you will receive 25 million dollars and a nuclear concrete bomb.

After completing Mercenaries 2 alone, be sure to try the mode cooperative game. Fighting together is not only easier, but also much more fun - many missions are completed in a completely different way. In general, have fun to your heart's content!

How to get saved games to work

A problem with saves may occur if the username in Windows XP and the name of the “My Documents” folder are in Cyrillic. If the username is Cyrillic, you will have to create a new account, nothing can be done. But even if the name is written in English, problems can arise if the name contains all sorts of special characters and even semicolons.

The problem with “My Documents” is much easier to solve - just rename the folder. To do this, press the “Start” button, click right click mouse over “My Documents” and select properties. At the end of the path, change “My Documents” to My Documents, click on the “Apply” button and confirm the transfer of files. True, if you have programs that worked with the “My Documents” folder, you will have to re-specify new way or poking around in the registry.

Wide Format Problems

Support for widescreen monitors is in the game menu, but thanks to the persistence of the programmers who worked on the PC version of the game, it refuses to turn on. This shortcoming can be corrected as follows. In the root directory of the game, open the Mercs2.ini file and set the desired resolution in the lines ScrW= and ScrH=. For a resolution of 1680x1050 this will be ScrW=1680 and ScrH=1050, respectively.

Then we take the merc2res2.ini file and the merc2res2.exe program from our CD and copy them to the root directory of the game. Run the program merc2res2.exe and set the desired screen ratio. For a resolution of 1680x1050 it is 1.6. Click the Launch button in the program and enjoy the result. Attention! The game will continue to need to be launched via the merc2res2.exe program.

If in the game the land is white, the main character is green, and the houses are black, open the Mercs2.ini file again and change the parameters to the following for everything under the line and before the line or :

ScrW= Required resolution

ScrH= Required resolution





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Mercenaries 2 walkthrough
Private employer

Rescue General Carmona

This mission is educational, here they will tell and show you everything. Learn how to shoot and perform other useful actions. At the very beginning you will acquire a grenade launcher. Don’t be stingy, use it whenever you want, because at the end of the mission it will be taken away anyway. Yes, this also applies to all other weapons received in this mission.

Here, in fact, there is no passage. We just shoot at all the enemies, you will have weapons, even if there are heaps of them, you don’t have to waste ammunition. Once you meet with the general, the mission will end.

Capture Villa Solano

Move towards the villa, the direction can be checked on the map. Soon this villa will be yours, but before you break in, you need to destroy the enemies around. You can approach the villa both from the front and from the back. In fact, it is better to attack from the back door. Clear the backyard first, it's much easier. You can also grab vehicles there, which will make passage easier and save your health. So we go to the villa from the southwest side. The first few enemies will be hiding in the garden, behind the hedge. If you have vehicles and grenades, you can simply crash through the plantings and blow up the enemies. If there is no transport, then there are trucks nearby, one of them can be captured.

The next part of the enemy forces is a little better protected and causes a lot of problems. On the second floor, on the balcony, an enemy has settled down and is pouring fire on you. You can deal with it with a grenade, just throw it onto the balcony. Now you can enter the building.

Go around the estate and pick up weapons and medicine. Pick up an assault rifle, it's a very good thing. Come inside through the front door. Ignore the stairs and go straight to the door marked with a marker. You will witness how a tank will break through the wall and enter the territory. Immediately kill the shooter so that he does not interfere with you, and then run and capture the tank. Once in the tank, use its main weapon to kill all remaining enemies. They will have grenade launchers, but if you act quickly, they will not cause problems, they will not be in time. When all the enemies are killed, you will be credited with completing the mission, and the estate is now yours.

Missing weapon

This mission is closely related to the mission issued by the Universal Petroleum faction (their missions will be described a little later).
Once Villa Solano is yours, go and talk to Fiona. She will tell you to steal weapons belonging to Universal Petroleum from Venezuelan pirates. Head north, checking the map, and grab the truck. These types of missions are quite problematic, but it's good that they don't have a timer. On the contrary, you must do everything carefully. You need to keep an eye on the cargo in the back. Drive in such a way as not to shake the contents of the body. If too much cargo flies out of the car, you will fail the mission. Your task is to bring the cargo to the territory controlled by Universal Petroleum. Check the map and drive in the indicated direction.
It’s worth noting that you won’t be able to steal a weapon, it can only be a cargo, it’s a pity. Checking the map, drive forward until you reach the marker, you need to park the truck there and the mission will be counted.

Walkthrough Mercenaries 2
Hire mechanic Eva

This task can be obtained from Evan, an Irish helicopter pilot. He will mark a shop on your map where you can find Eve. I advise you not to be distracted by the main story missions, and hiring a team first will make your life much easier.
Go to the place marked on the map. Talk to Eva, she will invite you to take part in a race in a monster car that can make small jumps. The route is linear, so you won't get lost. I will just note a few main points:
1. As soon as the wheels touch the ground, you can jump again, no need to recharge.
2. Jumping up does not increase the speed of the car, it remains the same.
3. when colliding with enemy tanks, it is better to jump over them, the collision will be very unpleasant for you.
Once you've finished riding, you'll end up on the fillet. Now you have the opportunity to capture low-flying helicopters. You have received a harpoon specially designed by Eva. So when you see a low-flying helicopter, just aim at it and shoot.

Hire pilot Misha

Remember, in this mission it is better not to use vehicles belonging to other factions, such a vehicle will immediately be attacked. So, to find Misha, you need to go to the pirate islands. Look on the map where his house is and go there. Misha will ask you to kill one Venezuelan officer. Its location will be indicated by a marker on the map, so you can easily find it.

Go to the place marked on the map. The easiest way is to call the artillery and it will cover the barracks with fire, guard posts and other surroundings that disturb you. The officer himself is hidden in a bunker, so it is impossible to reach him directly. Cause a strike with a special bomb, it is called a “bunker buster”. This way you will not only destroy the officer, but also capture a couple of soldiers who went into hiding with him. That's it, by killing the officer, you have completed Misha's task. Now you can safely hire him and use his services if necessary.

Mercenaries 2 walkthrough
Blanco's secret meeting

This mission is closely related to the faction of the People's Liberation Army of Venezuela, so read its passage in the corresponding chapter.

Bunker Solano

This mission will be available after you have dealt with Blanco from the previous mission. Be sure to save before starting the mission. Make sure you can hijack helicopters and have already hired Misha. He will provide fire support from the air.

If you're done with your preparations, go and talk to Fiona. You will receive this task from her. So, first, hijack some Venezuelan helicopter. Then find the Solano bunker on the map, it will be marked with a marker, and fly there. Land a little further away. First you will have to clear the area around the bunker, this is quite simple. Now pay attention, you need to bomb the bunker.
Since you hired the pilot Misha, you can deliver three strikes for free. Use only one bomb attack on the bunker, then run back to the helicopter and return to the estate.

The villa is attacked by the Venezuelan army, which even includes tanks. Now I will give you a little advice. This is generally quite risky, but if everything works out, you will deal with the attackers without any problems at all. The fact is that they attack you in waves. The second wave will include tanks. There will be three tanks in the southwest of the villa; they are not marked on the map. They will only attack you if you come within their line of sight. Your task is to sneak up and steal one of them. As soon as the tank is captured, destroy those nearby, so you will get rid of the second attacking wave.

On the captured tank, return back to the estate and break through the main gate. Start destroying enemy equipment with lightning speed. The main thing is to do all this quickly, then you can easily deal with your enemies. Destroy the remaining equipment, saving only one tank for personal use, choose the one with the maximum safety margin.

If you haven’t dealt with the second wave, then, leaving through the main gate, you will have to fight with those same three tanks.

It’s a shame, but now we’ll have to fight off another, third attack. Three new tanks will attack you from the eastern side. They will be located on the outside of the wall, so you just need to drive around in a captured tank. After destroying the enemies, return to the estate.

Now you need to destroy General Carmona. There are no bonuses for leaving him alive, so there is no reason for mercy. The point of the task is to catch him before he gets into the helicopter and flies off the map, in which case the mission will not count. The easiest way to catch up with him is in a jeep. If he still managed to board the helicopter, you need to try to hook him with a hook and capture him already in the air. You can just knock him down.

You will again be given one free bomb strike. Now it's time to return to the bunker. Well, you know the route, if anything happens, you can check the map. Having arrived at the place, immediately get rid of enemies, including heavy tank T-10. Your next target is a shooter with a stinger on top of the bunker. If it is not removed, it can ruin the entire bombardment.

Now illuminate the back of the bunker with a laser designator; if you do not do this, the mission will fail. When the cloud settles, go inside the bunker, where you will encounter Solano. To kill him you will have to repeat the button sequence. Well, everything is simple here. We press the buttons and win.

Walkthrough Mercenaries 2
Universal Petroleum
Capturing outposts

Here, strictly speaking, everything is simple. This is not even a mission, but rather an improvement in one’s own situation. Having captured such a post, in the future you will be able to freely land here from a helicopter. To capture, you just need to kill all the enemies and destroy the building marked with a marker. In general, you don’t have to be distracted by such nonsense at all.

Missing weapon

This mission has already been described above, in the part dedicated to the private employer.


Another basic mission. Go east to the Universal Petroleum warehouse. Get on the pink scooter and go to the place where you left the truck with weapons from the previous mission. First of all, kill all the enemies, the area should be cleared. Just in case, search the corpses to see if you can find a good trunk. Now you can continue the delivery mission. After the Devastator is delivered, but before you talk to the doctor, go back to the warehouse and steal the tank, you will need it a little later.


When you are ready for the mission, go and talk to Dr. Rubin, she will talk about her problems and ask for help. Go northeast, here you will have to face Venezuelan troops. Destroy them, then call Evans. Then head to the next objective in the northwest. Leave the southernmost target for later. When you reach the last goal, a 15 minute timer will start. You must meet the deadline, otherwise the task will fail. First of all, kill the launcher operator. It fires surface-to-air missiles.

If Evans is hit, he will fly away and you will not be able to summon him for quite some time. Place the last beacon on the roof of the garage, then return to Maracabio. Take some kind of transport, find the kidnappers' truck on the map and go in pursuit. The best part is that they have no idea that you have come after their hearts. So you can just sneak up behind him and steal the truck. Once you have it, take it back to the Universal Petroleum headquarters to complete the mission.
After completing the mission, you will receive Evans on your team, this will open up new areas. After talking with Eva, you will learn about the pilot Misha, who is also worth hiring for the team. A description of how to do this is in the previous chapter.

Leave no trace

So, this mission is the last one in the list of main missions of Universal Petroleum. It will not be available until you have completed at least one mission for the Venezuelan rebel army. To successfully complete it, stock up on fuel and it is advisable that your entire team is complete.
After receiving the mission, go to the point marked on the map. There you will have to kill Venezuelan soldiers, after which you will talk with the representative of the “oil workers”.

Jump into the first available vehicle and head to the warehouse. Protect it from attackers. This warehouse is located next to the docks. To protect it, go to the oil tanker, there is a powerful anti-tank rifle there. With its help, destroy all jeeps, tanks, and trucks with infantry attacking you. Once the first wave is destroyed, run to the right.

They will also start attacking you from the side of the second road. Well, in general, the approach here is the same, first of all we destroy the equipment, and only then we deal with the infantry. This wave will be quite easy to handle, so don't worry. But now there will be a third wave, it is a little more complicated. In order to repel the next blow, go back to the position where you stopped the first onslaught of enemies. Deal with the enemies just like the first time. Go back to the supervisor and order him to follow you.
Drive to the second warehouse. While he is busy destroying papers, you will have to fight off enemies. Run to the crane, there is an anti-tank rifle there. With its help, as before, we destroy jeeps and other equipment. Leave the position as soon as the helicopters attack you.

Use the grappling hook to steal one of the helicopters. Using a captured helicopter, you can easily destroy all enemies. Then return to the supervisor and take him back to headquarters.

The remaining missions involve capturing outposts. I would recommend completing them all before starting the final mission, it will be very helpful.

Walkthrough of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Venezuelan People's Liberation Army

A few words about the group. These are partisans, we will call them that in the future, so their weapons and skills are not so professional. They are slightly inferior to the regular troops, but they are ideologically savvy and will easily grind you to dust for your idea. And they don’t have any particular problems with weapons. They stole everything they needed from the regular troops, so you can’t count on an easy victory.

Capturing outposts

I have already described the essence of the task above. Capture everything you can so you don’t have problems in the future.

Color the city

Well, first you have to destroy three Venezuelan buildings. The best way to do this is to grab some light tank. It is faster and will allow you to easily reach your destination. Please note that in this mission it is not advisable to kill civilians. If you succeed, you will receive a bonus. If you want to get a bonus, it is better not to use an air strike.

Destroy buildings with a cannon. This mission is not limited in time, so take your time, calmly clear the area and destroy buildings, trying not to touch civilians.

After destroying the Venezuelan buildings, go to the center of Merida, where you will need to protect the church from destruction. The main thing is to take the fire away from the church. There are a lot of anti-tank rifles around it, but this will draw fire towards the church. You can also try to capture enemy tanks and use them to destroy enemies. Then grab a new one and repeat everything from the very beginning. Since enemies respawn in the same areas, this is quite easy to do. The main thing is to watch the church, don’t let it be destroyed.
At the end of this task, Fiona will mark on your map the location of the officer who must be destroyed. It is located in the Merida Stadium, just west of your current location. The main problem is the abundance of soldiers with rocket launchers, a brand new escape helicopter and tanks guarding the approaches to the stadium. In general, you can capture an officer, but I just killed him, it’s much easier. Deal with an air strike, and then break in with a tank. This way you can easily kill the guards. The main thing is not to let him fly away in a helicopter. As soon as you kill him, the mission will be completed.


To receive this task, you need to go to the outpost in the eastern part of Merida. Please note that it is better to end things first side quests from the “oil workers”, and only then proceed to this task. Please stock up on vehicles owned by Universal Petroleum in advance.
The first two targets are located near the outpost. The area in which they are located will become closed, and it will be possible to travel there only in an appropriate car. It's good that we stocked up in advance. In general, we drive inside, look for targets on the map and kill them. By the way, if there is no transport, you can walk along the outer perimeter and launch an air strike at the place where your targets are located.

The third goal is simply elementary. You need to go to Maracabio, there is a representative office of “universal petroleum”. Use the boat to get close to the target and launch an air strike. I would advise leaving it for later, since destroying the other three people could reveal your double play. So they should pay more attention and, if necessary, replay them again. First kill the first and second, then the fourth and finally the third.

The fourth goal is the most difficult. You need to enter the airport into the center of the protected area. Doing this without raising the alarm is extremely difficult. To remain incognito you will have to try. First of all, destroy the corner guard towers so that you are not spotted by snipers. Then use air strikes to destroy the remaining buildings and finally blow up the main target. It is best to use a laser designator to ensure that the bomb hits the target.

When all the targets are eliminated, you need to use one trick. This bug was suggested to me, so it may not work. You need to save the game immediately after you have completed the mission, but before your betrayal is reported to the company, and exit the game. By loading again, you will receive a completed mission, and at “universal petroleum” you will continue to be considered a friend and no one will know about your betrayal.

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames walkthrough
tropical island

Your task is to turn the fortress island into ruins. The mission is quite interesting, as it will give you free rein to shoot. If you destroy all the barracks marked in blue before destroying the main base, you will receive a bonus.

This is a closed area, you will need Venezuelan transport - a boat or a helicopter. Get to the eastern tip of the island, we'll start the assault from here. Start by destroying the barracks. It is best to resort to air strikes from Misha, or artillery strikes from Fiona. Now it's time to figure out the main goal. To win, you just need to destroy the two main towers. The easiest way to do this is with artillery.

Blow up Blanco

In general, this mission is closely related to the private employer, you already saw a mention in that chapter. However, it is the representatives of the partisans who provoke this mission. From Blanco you can find out the location of the main Solano bunker; this, if you remember, will be needed for the mission to destroy the bunker. So, head to your destination, just north of your villa.

Do not kill Blanco; if you deliver him alive to the revolutionaries, you will receive a bonus in the form of additional payment. Naturally, before this, you need to interrogate him yourself to find out everything about Solano.

The area is heavily guarded. There are many ways to get through here. You can hijack helicopters and attack from the air, or you can attack head-on in a tank. The easiest way, it seems to me, is to land by helicopter not far from the place where Blanco is located. Then run to the meeting room and open the door to trigger a cutscene. Upon completion, you will remain face to face with Blanco, who wants to kill you at all costs.

Run up close to him and knock him out, but don't kill him. Call a helicopter for evacuation and get out of here. Now you can destroy everything that remains. Throw a beacon so that the artillery knows where to hit.

United Nations

Agent Joyce will give you tasks for this faction. It can be found in Caracas. There are also four outposts that can be captured near Caracas.

Capturing outposts

Everything is the same as before, just grab them and don’t ask unnecessary questions.

Destroy rocket launchers

If you are on good terms with the Chinese, then this mission will be one of the easiest. Some installations can be destroyed simply on the fly while completing missions for the People's Republic of China.
There is a small settlement south of Caracas. There are the first three installations that you need to destroy. Hijack them, place all three things next to each other and blow them up with C4.

Now let's move on to the missile boats. Go back to the river and look for the boats. There will also be three of them. The tactics here are somewhat different. We select a boat and kill the shooters on board. Then we capture him and kill the helmsman. Sail back a little, because... The missiles fly along a high trajectory, and destroy the remaining two boats with a missile salvo. Then go ashore and destroy your boat to complete this stage.
The last stage of the mission is the murder of three officers. They will be marked on the map. As in the previous chapter, completing a mission may affect relationships with another faction. There is a very high chance of quarreling with the Chinese. Proceed as before, kill the last officer, save immediately after the mission is completed and immediately exit the game. When you restart, you will receive a completed mission and remain on friendly terms with the Chinese.

Mercenaries 2 walkthrough
Lost and Found

If in the last mission you maintained friendship with the PRC, then here you will definitely quarrel. First, you need to get hold of a Chinese helicopter or boat to get into the restricted area. This will make it much easier for you to get to the first captured pilot. It is located at the southern tip of the island. You will need a Chinese tank to deal with the enemies. There will be a lot of them, so you will have to try. When the area is cleared, go to the pilot and call for an evacuation for him. He will mark the next target on your map. Unfortunately, it's on the gray side, so you'll have to drive around a bit.

Along the way, try not to get involved in a fight, since the forces are clearly not on your side. Rescue the co-pilot. To do this, you will have to take him to an open place and call for evacuation. Now it’s time for the main task - destroying parts of the plane so that they don’t fall to the enemies. The first two parts are on the island, it’s very easy to deal with them, just destroy the guards and blow up the pieces of the plane with an air strike.
The third part will be the most difficult, it is on board the Chinese frigate patrolling the coast of Margoritas. It is impossible to steal this vehicle, so it will have to be destroyed, and this is a long and dangerous process. To destroy you you will need 4 - 5 bomb strikes.

You can hijack a helicopter and strike yourself, for example, that’s what I did. Just keep in mind that you need a Chinese helicopter, another one will simply be shot down on approach, you won’t even have time to understand what happened. By destroying the last part of the plane, you will complete this mission.

Battle of Caracas

This last mission, so make sure you finish everything Additional tasks, it won’t be possible to continue later. So, your task is to destroy four Chinese buildings. This is relatively easy to do, since enemies will periodically respawn, which means that each time you can easily steal a new tank and continue the mission on it. As soon as you see that the tank is about to fall apart, run and steal a new one. You can use artillery or an air raid, in general, it doesn’t matter how you destroy the targets.

Difficulties will begin in the second part of the mission. Here you will have to deal with the General Staff and General Peng. There will be no bonus for capturing the general, so you can calmly kill him. The headquarters will be guarded by several tanks, get rid of them, and then launch an artillery strike.

Having killed the general, you can move on to the final mission of the game - the destruction of Solano's bunker. The mission description can be read in the first chapter.

Walkthrough of the game Mercenaries 2
People's Republic of China

The Chinese guys also have their own interest in Venezuela, so you can work for them too. Their main habitat is Kumana. The main figure is General Peng.

Capturing outposts

See previous chapters, nothing has changed. We kill enemies and capture the point.

Rescue Plan

It's worth noting that the Chinese missions are somewhat destructive to all other factions, so you don't have to try to be good. You can calmly crush everyone you want, just to achieve your goal.

Go to the post in the eastern part of Cuman, there you can get the Apache helicopter belonging to the United Nations. In general, you only need a helicopter to get to the main goal. I just like to hijack helicopters, so let's fly it. This mission has a bonus for destroying three objects, just don’t try to destroy them until you take on board an important Chinese person whom you need to evacuate. It just stands on one of the buildings.

The strategy here is as follows. Pick up the evacuee and take him to some quiet part of the map, or even to the hills. Then go back and destroy all the buildings for a bonus. Go back, pick up the person and take him to the place marked on the map to complete the mission.

Gas price

This is truly the most evil mission of all. We will have to anger both the oil workers and the united nations overnight, because now we will go through them like a hurricane.

First of all, we have to destroy the Carmona bridge, connecting Maracabio, Cabimas and Altagrazia. The bridge is guarded very well, but you can use a little trick. Why walk on land when you can swim. Capture the United Nations boat and swim under the bridge. From here you can easily give the bombing order. Or experiment with "C4". In general, your task is to destroy three sections of the bridge, after which you can move on to the next part of the mission.

The second step will be the destruction of the Universal Petroleum warehouse. It's essentially a small outpost east of Universal Petroleum's headquarters. It is better to attack from the water. Swim to the place marked on the map and deliver an artillery strike. Then disembark and capture the tank. They will be nearby so you can do it easily. To get through this part without any problems, I advise you to pay attention to the pile of fuel tanks. They not only can, but also need to be blown up. In this case, you will not have any problems at all.

Finally, the last goal is the headquarters of Universal Petroleum. You won’t be able to enter the territory, the gates are closed, and the surrounding area is full of enemies. But we will go a different way. We have aviation and artillery assistance in reserve. Only three blows are enough to smash everything here to smithereens. And that’s it, nothing new is expected. Let's go and destroy the Solano bunker to complete the passage of the game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.

Platform: PC, X360, PS3
Language: Multi (Rus)

* Processor: Pentium 4 HT / AMD Athlon X2
*RAM: 1 GB
* Video card: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon ATI X1600/ 256 MB
* Hard drive: 9 GB required to install the game

GTA-like action with vehicle theft, non-linear plot and freedom of action. Distinctive feature is the complete destructibility of everything. allows you to play as one of the tough warriors, including a girl, play with excellent physics of destruction, shoot from various weapons, cause artillery attacks and even nuclear strikes.
The plot of the game begins when mercenaries are brutally captured, and when trying to escape they get caught in the butt... this simply cannot be forgiven.

Information about network modes:
Co-op mode:
Online battle mode: x
Number of players in co-op/online: 2
Free play option:

The official game servers are disabled, but everything works

Q: An error appears: "Mercenaries 2: World In Flames is unable to continue due to insufficient RAM (610 MB Required)". What to do?
A: Download this file and copy it to the game folder with replacement.

Q: I can’t change shaders in my graphics settings. Initially it is low, but not high.
A: Open the file Mercs2.ini in the game directory, look for the line there ShaderLevel=, then delete the equal number and write 5, save the changes.

Q: Saves don't work
A: For Windows XP:
Click start -> then go to the properties of My Documents and there will be a path to this folder -> at the end of the path change My Documents to My Documents -> click OK -> The OS asks to move files from the old directory to the new -> click yes. After this, all files will be moved from My Documents to My Documents, and the My Documents folder will become the default, i.e. The OS will only work with this folder. P.S Don’t forget that the username is also written in English letters.
For Windows Vista:
Click Start -> Then right-click on the "Documents" icon -> Select properties -> Then go to the "Folder" tab. And after that we assign a new path, and the most important name should not contain Russian. symbols.

Q: As soon as the game has loaded, everything works fine for 2 seconds, and then it starts: both cores are loaded at 100% and the game runs at 1k per 10s.
A: Lower the object detail parameter.

Q: What to do if the land is white, the GG is green and the houses are black???
A: Open the Mercs2.ini file in the game directory, and replace everything under the line and before the line with the following:


Q: I go into the game and the game freezes in the middle/end of the video with the EA logo..., who knows what's wrong?
A: Delete the movie files EA.bik, Pandemic.bik, from this folder: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Mercenaries 2 World in Flames\data\Movies. The same can be done with screensavers.

Q: Problems with sound - I can’t hear voices in the game. The sound is hissing, etc.
A:Control Panel, Sounds and Audio Devices, Audio Tab, Settings, "Recording Quality", move the slider " Hardware acceleration" (top) to the far left position.

(taken from the Gambling website)

Q: I can’t complete Evan’s first task, where I need to lift an object 5 meters above the ground. Well, I picked it up, but nothing counts. What's the catch?
A: You need to use a helicopter to throw containers that are lying around, and lower the box on them.

Q: How to steal a tank/armored car/helicopter?
A: You need to run up to it, press action (E by default) and then press the buttons in a certain order, watching the icons that appear on the screen. Legs are jump (spacebar by default), ammo magazine is reload key (R), hand is melee (F), open hand is action (E), arrows are WASD by default.

Q: How to destroy the gate at the very beginning?
A: Call support. Key "2".

Q: A mission where you need to blow up a bunker. I have already stolen 3 bombs, reached the bunker, but how can I show the pilot with a laser so that he drops the bombs?
A: Choose from a list of alternative weapons.

Q: A mission where you need to deliver 3 listening devices by helicopter. I leave the building and don’t understand what to do, how to call a helicopter? How to deliver these devices?
A: You select a smoke grenade from the list of alternative weapons -> Come to the place indicated on the map -> You will see a yellow circle into which you need to throw a grenade, -> Throw a grenade -> A helicopter arrives and places this device.

Q: Where can I get new clothes???
A: You go through all the missions (firing from stationary guns, firing from a grenade launcher, firing from a pistol) from Fiona (the girl who sits at the computer at the mercenary headquarters) 3 times (level 1, level 2 and level 3), for each mission you get a new one costume.

(taken from the Gambling website)

The developers will not be able to doze off normally after the resounding success of the games “GTA 3” and “GTA 4”. Anyone wants to do other than this, otherwise and better. Releasing your own GTA killer has become some kind of obsession.

But, as is not unusual, from time to time you come across some pretty decent things. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames can also be classified as such. Initially announced only for (as they say in that place, soulless?) consoles, the game was nevertheless honored to visit computers.

Here we will not commit any violations, everything is much more respectable. The evil Venezuelan dictator came to power over the country, controlling the oil fields and the entire processing industry. You yourself realize that this is not democratic. To persuade the villain to no avail, based on this, we, as a mercenary, go straight to the place to steal oil, i.e. excuse me, to counter the dictator.

In general, we have a fascinating walk ahead of us with shooting, a hot climate and explosions.

All missions in the game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames are divided according to the principle of belonging to one or another faction. I will list them alternately. Many missions do not adhere to a strict order, you are free to go wherever you want, the game, in general, supports non-linearity of passage. Please note that some missions are closely tied to the missions of the second factions.

In this case, you will need to choose a method for completing the game. So, off we went.

Personal employer

Rescue General Carmona

This mission is educational, here everything will be told and demonstrated to you. Determine how to shoot and perform other necessary actions. At the beginning you will acquire a grenade launcher. Don’t be stingy, use it whenever you want, because at the end of the mission it will all be taken away.

Yes, this applies to all other weapons taken in this mission.

There is, in fact, no passage here. We can easily shoot at all enemies, you will have weapons, even if there are heaps of them, and you may not need to skimp on ammunition. When you meet with the general, the mission will end.

Capture Villa Solano

Move towards the villa, you can check the direction on the map. It won’t be long before this villa will become yours, but before you break in, you need to wipe out the nearby enemies from the face of the earth. You can approach the villa both from the front and from behind. In fact, it is better to attack from the dark passage. Clear the backyard first, it's much easier.

In addition, it is possible to capture transport in that place, which will facilitate passage and save health. So we go to the villa from the southwest side. The first couple of enemies will be hiding in the garden, behind the hedge.

If you have grenades and vehicles, you can go through the plantings and blow up the enemies. If there is no transport, then there are trucks nearby, one of them can be captured.

The next part of the enemy forces is protected a little better and causes a lot of trouble. On the second floor, on the balcony, an enemy has settled down and is pouring fire on you. You can control him with a grenade, throw it on the balcony.

Now it’s possible to enter the building.

Go around the estate and pick up medicines and weapons. Pick up an assault rifle, it's quite besides a good thing. Come inside through the front door. Ignore the stairs and immediately go to the door marked with a marker. You will witness how a tank will break through the wall and enter the territory.

Immediately kill the shooter so that he does not interfere with you, and then run and capture the tank. Appearing in the tank, use its main weapon to kill all remaining enemies. They will have grenade launchers, but if you start functioning soon, they will not cause trouble, they will not have time.

At the time when all the enemies are killed, you will be credited with completing the mission, and the estate is now yours.

Missing weapon

This mission is closely related to the mission issued by the Universal Petroleum faction (their missions will be described a little later).

Once Villa Solano is yours, go and talk to Fiona. She will tell you to steal weapons owned by Universal Petroleum from Venezuelan pirates. Head north, checking the map, and grab the truck. The missions are quite problematic, but it's great that they don't have a timer. On the contrary, you must do everything carefully. You need to watch the cargo in the back.

Drive in such a way as not to shake the contents of the body. If too much cargo falls out of the car, you will be considered a failure of the mission. Your task is to bring the cargo to the territory controlled by Universal Petroleum.

Check the map and drive in the indicated direction.

It must be emphasized that it will not be possible to steal a weapon, it is only possible as a cargo, it’s a pity. Checking the map, drive forward until you reach the marker, in that place you need to park the mission and the truck will be counted.

Hire mechanic Eva

This task can be taken from Evan, an Irish helicopter pilot. He will mark a shop on your map where you can find Eve. I recommend that you do not get distracted by the main story missions for now, but hire a team first, it will make your life much easier.

Go to the place marked on the map. Talk to Eva, she will offer you to take part in a race in a monster car that can perform small jumps. The route is linear, so you won't get lost. I will just note a couple of main points:

1. When the wheels touch the ground, you can jump again, no recharging is needed.

2. Jumping up does not increase the speed of the car, it remains the same.

3. when colliding with enemy tanks, it is better to jump over them, the collision will be very unpleasant for you.

After finishing your ride, you will find yourself on the fillet. Now it is possible for you to capture low-flying helicopters. You took a harpoon specially designed by Eva.

So, when you see a low-flying helicopter, shoot at it.

Hire pilot Misha

Remember, in this mission it is better not to use vehicles belonging to the second factions, such a vehicle will immediately be attacked. So, in order to find Misha, you need to go to the pirate islands. look on the map where his house is and go in that direction.

Misha will ask you to kill one Venezuelan officer. Its location will be indicated by a marker on the map, so you can easily find it.

Go to the place marked on the map. The easiest thing to do is call for artillery and it will cover the barracks, guard posts and other surroundings that interfere with you with fire. The officer himself is hidden in a bunker, so getting to him directly is impossible. Lead to a strike with a special bomb, it is called a “bunker buster”. This way you will not only wipe out the officer from the face of the earth, but also capture several soldiers who went into hiding with him.

That's it, by killing the officer, you have completed Misha's task. Now it is possible to hire him normally and use his services if necessary.

Blanco's secret meeting

This mission is closely related to the faction of the People's Liberation Army of Venezuela; therefore, view its passage in the corresponding chapter.

Bunker Solano

This mission will be cheap after you deal with Blanco from the last mission. Be sure to save before starting the mission. Make sure you have the ability to hijack helicopters and have already hired Misha.

He will provide fire support from the air.

If you are done with your preparations, go and talk to Fiona. You will receive this task from her. So, first, hijack some Venezuelan helicopter. After that, find the Solano bunker on the map, it will be marked with a marker, and fly in that direction. Land a little further away.

First you will need to clear the area around the bunker, this is very easy to do. Now attention, you need to bomb the bunker.

Since you hired the pilot Misha, you have the opportunity to deliver three strikes for free. Use only one bomb attack on the bunker, after which run back to the helicopter and return to the estate.

The villa is attacked by the Venezuelan army, which also includes tanks. on this moment I'll give you some advice. By and large, this is quite risky, but if everything works out, you will deal with the attackers, by and large, without any trouble. The fact is that they attack you in waves.

The second wave will include tanks. There will be three tanks in the southwest of the villa; they are not marked on the map. They will attack you only if you get into their field of vision. Your task is to sneak up and steal one of them.

When the tank is captured, wipe out those nearby, so you will get rid of the second attacking wave.

On the captured tank, return back to the estate and break through the main gate. Start instantly destroying enemy equipment. The main thing is to do all this quickly, then you will easily cope with the enemies.

Erase the remaining equipment from the face of the earth, saving only one tank for personal use, choose the one with a large margin of safety.

If you haven’t dealt with the second wave, then, leaving through the main gate, you will need to fight with those same three tanks.

It’s not a pity, but at the moment it will be necessary to repel another, third attack. Three new tanks will attack you from the eastern side. They will be on the outside of the wall, so you only need to be around on the captured tank.

Having wiped out the enemies from the face of the earth, return to the estate.

Now it is necessary to wipe out General Carmona from the face of the earth. There are no bonuses for leaving his life, so there is no excuse for mercy. The essence of the task is to catch up with him before he gets into the helicopter and flies off the map, in which case the mission will not be counted. The easiest way to catch up with him is in a jeep. If, however, he managed to board the helicopter, you need to try to hook him with a hook and capture him already in the air.

Perhaps him.

You will again be given one free bomb hit. Now it's time to return to the bunker. Well, you understand the route, if anything happens, you have the opportunity to check the map. Having arrived at the place, immediately get rid of the enemies, including the T-10 heavy tank. Your next target is the shooter with the stinger, on top of the bunker.

If it is not removed, it can break the entire bombardment.

Now illuminate the back of the bunker with a laser designator; if this is not done, the mission will fail. When the cloud settles, go inside the bunker, where you will encounter Solano. In order to kill him, you will need to repeat the button sequence.

Well, everything is easy here. We press the buttons and win.

Universal Petroleum

Capturing outposts

Here, practically speaking, everything is easy. Moreover, this is not a mission, but rather an improvement of one’s own situation. Having captured such a post, in the future you will be able to freely land here from a helicopter. To capture, you only need to kill all the enemies and wipe out the structure marked with a marker from the face of the earth.

In a non-specialized environment, you have the opportunity, by and large, not to be distracted by such nonsense.

Missing weapon

This mission has already been outlined above, in the part dedicated to the private employer.


Another basic mission. Go east to the Universal Petroleum warehouse. Get on the pink scooter and go to the place where you left the truck with weapons from the previous mission. First of all, kill all the enemies, the area should be cleared. Just in case, search the corpses, you will suddenly be able to find a good trunk. It is now possible to continue the delivery mission.

After the Devastator is delivered, but before you talk to the doctor, go back to the warehouse and steal the tank, it will come in handy a little later.


While you are preparing for the mission, go and talk to doctor Rubin, she will tell you about her own problems and ask for help. Go to the northeast, here you will need to face the Venezuelan armies. Erase them from the face of the earth, after which call Evans.

After that, head to the next objective in the northwest. Leave the southernmost target later. When you reach the last goal, a 15 minute timer will start. You need to meet the deadline, otherwise the task will fail.

First of all, kill the launcher operator. It fires surface-to-air missiles.

If Evans is hit, he will fly away and you will not be able to call him for a long time. Install the last beacon on the roof of the garage, after which return to Maracabio. Take some transport, find the kidnappers' truck on the map and go in pursuit.

The best part is that they have no idea that you have come after their hearts. So it's possible behind and steal a truck. Once you have it, take it back to the Universal Petroleum headquarters to complete the mission.

After completing the mission, you will receive Evans on your own team, this will open up new territories. After chatting with Eva, you will decide about the pilot Misha, who is also worth hiring for the team. A description of how to do this is in the last chapter.

Leave no trace

So, this mission is the last in the list of main missions of Universal Petroleum. It won't be cheap until you complete at least one mission for the Venezuelan rebel army. To successfully complete it, stock up on fuel and have your entire team complete.

Having accepted the mission, go to the point marked on the map. In that place you will need to kill the Venezuelan soldiers, after which you will talk to the representative of the “oil workers”.

Jump into the original cheap transport and head to the warehouse. Protect it from attackers. This warehouse is located next to the docks.

To protect him, go to the tanker, in that place there is a wonderful anti-tank rifle. With its help, erase from the face of the earth all the jeeps, tanks, and trucks with infantry attacking you. When the first wave is wiped out, run to the right.

In addition, you will be attacked from the side of the second road. Well, in general, the approach here is the same, first of all we destroy the equipment, and only later we deal with the infantry. This wave will be easy to handle, so don’t worry.

But at the moment there will be a third wave, it is a little more complicated. To repel the next blow, return back to the position where you stopped the first onslaught of the enemies. Deal with the enemies, just like the first time.

Return back to the supervisor and order him to follow you.

Drive to the second warehouse. While he is busy destroying papers, you will need to fight off enemies. Run to the crane, there is an anti-tank rifle in that place.

With its help, as before, we destroy jeeps and other equipment. Leave the position when the helicopters attack you.

Use the grappling hook to steal one of the helicopters. Using a captured helicopter, you can easily wipe out all enemies from the face of the earth. After that, return to the supervisor and take him back to headquarters.

The remaining missions involve capturing outposts. I would advise completing them all before starting the final mission, it will be extremely useful.

Venezuelan People's Liberation Army

A few words about the group. These are partisans, we will continue to call them in the future, based on this, their skills and weapons are not so experienced. They are not much inferior to regular armies, but they are ideologically savvy and will easily grind you to dust for your idea. And they don’t have any particular problems with weapons.

They stole everything they needed from the regular armies, so they can’t count on an easy victory.

Capturing outposts

I have already outlined the essence of the task above. Capture everything you can so as not to have troubles in the future.

Color the city

Well, first you will need to destroy three Venezuelan buildings. It’s best to capture some light tank for this. It is faster and will allow you to easily reach your destination. Please note that in this mission you do not need to kill civilians.

If you succeed, you will receive a bonus. If you want to take a bonus, it is better not to use an air strike.

Destroy buildings with a cannon. This mission is not limited in time, so take your time, clear the area normally and destroy buildings, trying not to touch civilians.

Having erased Venezuelan buildings from the face of the earth, go to the center of Merida, in that place you will need to protect the church from destruction. The main thing is to take the flames away from the church. There are a large number of anti-tank rifles near it, but this will attract flames to the church.

You have the opportunity to try to capture enemy tanks and use them to destroy the enemy. After that, grab a new one and repeat it all over again. Since enemies respawn in the same territories, this is quite easy to do.

The main thing is to look after the church, don’t allow it to be destroyed.

At the end of this task, Fiona will mark on your map the location of the officer who needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. It is located at the Merida Stadium, just west of your current location. The main trouble is the abundance of soldiers with rocket launchers, a brand new escape helicopter and tanks protecting the approaches to the stadium.

By and large, it is possible to capture an officer, but I him, this is much easier. Deliver an air strike, and then break in with a tank. This way you can easily kill the guards.

The main thing is not to allow him to fly away in a helicopter. When you kill him, the mission will be completed.


To receive this task, you need to go to the outpost in the eastern part of Merida. Please note that first it is better to finish the side quests from the “oil workers”, and only later start this task. Please stock up on vehicles owned by Universal Petroleum in advance.

The first two targets are located near the outpost. The territory in which they are located will become closed, and it will be possible to travel in that direction only in an appropriate car. It's great that we stocked up ahead of time.

In general, we drive inside, look for targets on the map and kill them. It is possible, by the way, if there is no transport, to go along the outer perimeter and launch an air strike at the place where your targets are located.

The third goal is easily elementary. You need to go to Maracabio, there is a representative office of “universal petroleum” in that place. Use the boat to get close to the target and launch an air strike. I'd recommend leaving him for later, since taking out the other three people could expose your double game. So they should pay more attention and replay it again.

First kill the first and second, then the fourth and finally the third.

The fourth goal is the most difficult. You need to get to the airport in the center of the protected territory. It is very difficult to do this without raising the alarm. In order to remain incognito you will need to try.

First of all, wipe out the corner watchtowers so that you are not spotted by snipers. After this, use air strikes to wipe out the remaining buildings from the face of the earth and, finally, blow up the main target. It’s best to use a laser designator so that the bomb hits the target perfectly.

At a time when all targets are eliminated, you need to use one trick. This bug was recommended to me, so it may not work. You must save the game immediately after you have been credited for completing the mission, but before your betrayal is reported to the company, and exit the game.

By loading again, you will receive a completed mission, and at “universal petroleum” you will be considered the second one, just as before, and no one will tell you about betrayal.

tropical island

Your task is to transform the fortress island into ruins. The mission is quite entertaining, as it will give you the freedom to shoot. If, before wiping out the main base, you destroy all the barracks marked in blue, you will receive a bonus.

This is a closed area, you will need Venezuelan transport - a boat or a helicopter. Get to the eastern tip of the island, we'll start the assault from there. Start by destroying the barracks. It’s best to resort to air strikes from Misha, or artillery strikes from Fiona. Now it's time to figure out the main goal. In order to win, you just need to wipe out the two main towers from the face of the earth.

The easiest way to do this is through artillery.

Blow up Blanco

By and large, this mission is closely related to the private employer, you already saw a mention in that chapter. However, it is the representatives of the partisans who provoke this mission. From Blanco you can find out the location of the main Solano bunker; this, if you remember, will be useful for the mission to destroy the bunker.

So, head to your destination, just north of your villa.

Do not kill Blanco; if you deliver him alive to the revolutionaries, you will receive a bonus in the form of additional payment. Of course, before this you need to interrogate him yourself in order to determine everything about Solano.

The area is very heavily guarded. There are many ways to get through here. It is possible to hijack helicopters and attack from the air, or it is possible to attack head-on in a tank.

The easiest thing, I think, is to land by helicopter near the place where Blanco is located. After that, run to the meeting room and open the door to start the video. Upon completion, you will remain face to face with Blanco, who wants to kill you at all costs.

Run close to him and knock him out, but don't kill him. Lead to the evacuation helicopter and get the hell out of this. Now it is possible to destroy everything that remains.

Throw a beacon so that the artillery knows where to hit.

United Nations

Agent Joyce will give you tasks for this faction. It can be found in Caracas. In addition, it is possible to capture four outposts near Caracas.

Capturing outposts

Everything is the same as before, don’t ask them any unnecessary questions.

Erase missile launchers from the face of the earth

If you are on good terms with the Chinese, then this mission will be one of the easiest. Some installations can be easily wiped off the face of the earth by doing tasks for the PRC.

There is a small settlement south of Caracas. In that place are the first three installations that you need to wipe off the face of the earth. Hijack them, place all three things next to each other and blow them up with C4.

Now let's move on to the missile boats. Go back to the river and find the boats. There will also be three of them. The tactics here are a couple different. We select a boat and kill the shooters on board. After that, we capture him and kill the helmsman.

Sail back a little, because... The missiles fly along a high trajectory, and wipe out the remaining two boats from the face of the earth with a missile salvo. After this, go ashore and destroy your own boat in order to complete this stage.

The last stage of the mission is the murder of three officers. They will be marked on the map. Like last chapter, the execution of the mission may affect relations with another faction. There is a fairly high chance of quarreling with the Chinese. Proceed as before, kill the last officer, save immediately after the mission is completed and immediately exit the game.

When you restart, you will receive a completed mission and remain on friendly terms with the Chinese.

Lost and Found

In case in past mission If you have maintained friendship with the PRC, then this is where you will definitely quarrel. First you need to get hold of a Chinese helicopter or boat in order to get into the closed area. This will make it much easier for you to get to the first captured pilot.

It is located at the southern tip of the island. You will need a Chinese tank to cope with your enemies. There will be a large number of them, so you will need to try. When the area is cleared, go to the pilot and call for an evacuation for him.

He will mark the next target on your map. Unfortunately, it is on the gray side, so little driving will be necessary.

Along the way, try very hard not to get involved in a fight, since the forces are obviously not on your side. Help out the co-pilot. To do this, you need to take him to an open place and lead him to evacuation. Now the time has come for the main task - to destroy parts of the aircraft so that they do not fall to the enemies.

The first two parts are on the island, it’s very easy to deal with them, guards, and with an air strike, blow up the pieces of the plane.

The third part will be the most difficult, it is on board the Chinese frigate guarding the coast of Margoritas. It is impossible to steal this vehicle, so it will be necessary to destroy it, and this is a long and scary process. To destroy you, you will need 4 - 5 bomb strikes.

It is possible to hijack a helicopter and strike it yourself; for example, that’s what I did. Just keep in mind that you need a Chinese helicopter, a second one is on the way, and besides, you won’t have time to realize what happened. By erasing the last part of the plane from the face of the earth, you will complete this mission.

Battle of Caracas

This is the last mission, so make sure to complete all additional tasks, you will not be able to continue later. So, your task is to destroy four Chinese buildings. This is quite easy to do, since enemies will sometimes respawn, which means that any time you can easily steal a new tank and continue the mission on it. When you see that the tank is about to fall apart, run and steal a new one.

It is possible to use artillery or an air raid, in general, no matter how you wipe out targets.

Difficulties will begin in the second part of the mission. Here you will need to deal with the general and the general staff Peng. There will be no bonus for capturing the general, so it is possible to kill him normally.

The headquarters will be guarded by several tanks, get rid of them, and then launch an artillery strike.

Having killed the general, you can move on to the final mission of the game - the destruction of Solano's bunker. The mission description can be read in the first chapter.

The Chinese guys also have their own interests in Venezuela, so it is possible to work for them as well. Their main habitat is Kumana. The main figure is General Peng.

Capturing outposts

Look at the previous chapters, nothing has changed. We kill the enemies and capture the point.

The plan of salvation

It must be emphasized that the missions of the Chinese steam are destructive to all other factions, so it is possible not to try to be good. You have the opportunity to normally crush everyone you want, just to achieve your goal.

Go to the post in the eastern part of Cuman, in that place it is possible to get the Apache helicopter belonging to the United Nations. By and large, you only need a helicopter to get to the main goal. I like to hijack helicopters easily, so let's fly on it. This mission has a bonus for the destruction of three objects, just don’t even think about destroying them until you take on board a serious Chinese whom you need to evacuate.

He stands on one of the buildings.

The strategy here is as follows. Pick up the evacuee and take him to some quiet part of the map, or even to the hillocks. After that, return and destroy all the buildings to get a bonus.

Go back, pick up the person and take him to the place marked on the map to complete the mission.

Gas price

This is truly the most evil mission of all. We will have to anger both the oil workers and the United Nations overnight, because at the moment we will pass through them like a hurricane.

First of all, we have to destroy the Carmona bridge, connecting Maracabio, Cabimas and Altagrazia. The bridge is guarded quite well, but it is possible to use a little trick. Why walk on land when it is possible to swim? Capture the United Nations boat and swim under the bridge. From this you can easily give the bombing order. Or experiment with “C4”.

In general, your task is to wipe out three sections of the bridge from the face of the earth, then you can move on to the next part of the mission.

The second step will be the destruction of the Universal Petroleum warehouse. It's essentially a small outpost east of Universal Petroleum's headquarters. It is better to attack from the water. Swim to the place marked on the map and deliver an artillery strike. After that, disembark and capture the tank. They will be nearby so you can do it easily.

In order to get through this part without much trouble, I recommend paying attention to the pile of fuel tanks. It is not only possible, but also necessary to blow them up. In this case, by and large you will not have any troubles.

BATTLE ZONE 2 really wasn't that easy, even though I was able to finish it. Thanks to everyone who wrote me letters. I realize that in some missions it is difficult to understand what the message is about. So…

Walkthrough for the game War and Peace. Mission 1 Let me tell you right away that the first mission is very easy and can be completed in about half an hour. Enemy cities in the northeastern part (yellow) and northwest...

Game: Platform: PC, PS2, PS3, X360 Genre: action, racing Release date: August 31, 2008 Developer: LTI Gray Matter, Pandemic Studios Publisher: Electronic Arts Publisher in Russia: Electronic Arts / Track Have you watched "Team A"? Among other things, the series was popular. He spoke about the adventures of a team of former special forces soldiers convicted of a sin they did not commit. Having lost government support, the innocent A-Team stole a bunch of guns and a van from new technology, and then rushed to be homeless in the vastness of America, doing odd jobs. They paid mainly for the rescue of all sorts of businessmen who were being oppressed by criminal elements. In each episode, they were locked in a hermetically sealed room, and they, showing real doctoral knowledge in electrical and plumbing (and even political science), built a mechanical monster and defeated everyone. Ask why we told you all this? Yes, because Mercenaries 2 looks like this. With a slight touch of capitalism, though.

The frame looks great statically. But in the game itself it’s worse.

In Cash We Trust

So, before us are mercenaries who love crispy pieces of paper, beautiful fauna and a restless environment. There are no fundamental differences in the choice of protégé - some just run faster, some carry more ammunition, or heal wounds on the go. But by external features it is easy to distinguish: an experienced man with a mohawk, a Negro warrior with a put out cigar stuck in his mouth (there is an assumption that he kills anyone who does not allow him to light a cigarette) and a slender lady of Asian appearance.

And so, this means that these three work together and do the tasks of a financially secure man - he urgently needs to take his comrade with a cap nailed to his head out of captivity.
He does it and gets nothing in return, because he was simply set up. They even wanted to shoot him, but you can’t take a mercenary with your bare hands and feet, so, having received a bullet in the buttock, he still runs away. The first task is to take revenge. 2nd - to earn money with all this.

Once you find yourself in the gaming space, you are a little amazed: how beautiful and interesting everything looks! Car and motorbike enthusiasts are driving along the streets, they are being shot at by lawless men in uniform who have appeared from somewhere, all around are luxurious villas and remarkable painted polygons (except that bump mapping can be a little annoying). It’s a little, you know, in contrast to the videos, which smell not of “Silicon Graphics”, but of the real “3D-max” and the tired modeler/animator who rendered everything on this. In short, the locations are masterfully executed, but the cutscenes are not.

The hand is already raised for a terrible blow with the butt.

Also, almost any object here can be blown up, broken, etc.. A grenade launcher from time to time simply lies on the road - and there is a surplus of shells for it. Believe me, when the first rocket smashes some naked non-antique man made of granite to pieces (and does not leave the usual stain on him), then something pleasantly rumbles inside. Apparently, there has been a long-standing desire to see similar destructibility in at least some game. There are also airstrikes of critical power and even nuclear charges, with the help of which (sic!) you can raze an entire city to the ground. Obviously, not for free.


It's hard to die in Mercenaries 2. To do this, you need to deliberately get under the bullets of foolish enemies and practically lie with your chest on the explosives - there is no other way. It even gets to the point of curiosity - a mercenary emerges cheerfully from a truck that has exploded in a massive burst of flame, crawls at the command of the keyboard to the nearest bushes and 10 seconds later, already unharmed, pours lead on the stunned enemies.

Imagine: with the right amount of virtual means, explosions can be caused everywhere and without restrictions.

There are also button presses for speed (popularly called QTE) - a healthy pumped-up black man climbs onto a tank, a funny guy with a pistol gets out of the crowd and shoots a bullet into his heart, since we didn’t figure out which button to press. But the unlucky stormtrooper loses 3 (three!) points of health, rises to his feet and continues to perform the feat. Ultimately, he will remove the grenade from his uncle’s belt, trample the poor fellow inside the tank and feed him “lemon”. And here he will climb inside, not paying attention to the gigantic temperature and other powder gases inside the cabin, in order to take revenge on a couple more 10th fighters.

And our current guest would be an impeccable means of relaxation, if not for the strange management. The sight here tends to lag behind the movement of the mouse. You can crash anywhere on a bike, but you won’t get there normally until you arrive. There is no need to talk about various jams - a standard drawback of large levels.

Well, just a tropical GTA. Or Total Overdose with tweaked graphics.


Mercenaries 2 is not your average "GTA in Hawaii" or even a Just Cause clone. This is the kind of movie in which you just need to look at the wow effects and intensively lay out stacks of armed villains. A veneer of dishonesty and venality hides a fun and simple shooter that you can start, have fun and turn off until the next time without searching for florid dialogues and unnecessary details. Games like this are necessary.

Pros: Funny!
Minuses: Not the most comfortable controls - we recommend a gamepad.
