Game modes wot. Setting up graphics in WOT. Removing dirt in sniper mode

Clan battles are a special game mode, similar to the rules of company battles (in particular, absolute companies), but with a previously known map. Only clan members can participate in clan battles. All battles take place at a strictly appointed time for the provinces - a site on global map... The battles for the province take place in several stages, at the end of which the team that has passed all the preparatory battles fights with the current command-owner of the province for the right to own the territory.

The clan that owns the province will receive gold from the territory to its treasury until the province is captured by someone else.

"Fog of war"

In this mode, the "Fog of War" is active. This means that all players not detected by the enemy during the battle will not be displayed in the team lists for him. If the player inflicted damage on the enemy, but he was not detected, then his nickname is displayed, but not the vehicle.

Blocking vehicles in the hangar

If a vehicle was destroyed during clan battles, it is blocked for participation in landings for a certain time, depending on the level and class of the vehicle. Level 1 vehicles are not blocked. In other modes, vehicles are not blocked and can take part in battles.

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 13

Good day, dear tankers! Today I will describe the main controls of the tank in game World of Tanks. The article will be useful for novice tankers to read as a manual for operating a combat vehicle.

Quite simple and intuitive, especially for people who have played more than once computer games... I will list the main keys in the game with the default control settings.

Tank movement:

- W, S, A, D used to move the tank hull (forward, backward, turn the hull to the left, turn the hull to the right, respectively);

Double keystroke R full forward - turns on the automatic movement of the tank in the forward direction, while holding the button is not required W, but buttons A and D you can steer; button press S stops the tank;

Double press the button F full back - the action of the button is the same as with R, only includes automatic movement of the tank back;

- R / F cruise control (when moving forward, backward);

- Space holding and stopping the tank while moving for a shot, after releasing the button, the tank continues to move;

X handbrake is used when playing on tank destroyers and self-propelled guns to fix the hull; turns off the rotation of the body when the sight reaches the horizontal aiming angle. Press again to turn off, or start driving.


- Mouse movement / keyboard arrows movement of the sight, turret, targeting;

- Mouse movement while holding right button mouse review without turning the tower, moving the sight;

- Mouse scroll wheel, keys PgUp, PgDn zoom - zoom in / out of the camera / sight, switch to sniper / arcade mode;

- Ctrl+ click right click for ACS, the inclusion of an art sight with aiming at the selected square of the minimap.

- Alt hold - turn on an alternative mode of displaying tank icons.


- Click left mouse button shot;

Cry right mouse button by target, the inclusion of auto-guidance, auto-tracking for the selected target;

Cry right mouse button, E key out of target disabling the auto-sight;

- Shift manual activation of the sniper / arcade sight mode;

- C reload key;

With the keys 1, 2, 3 the keypad selects the type of projectile used, one press of the button selects for the next shot, the double loader immediately proceeds to change the type of projectile to the selected one.

Keys 4, 5, 6 use of consumable equipment depending on the installation slot; after clicking, you must select the module to be repaired, or a crew member who needs to be cured

Battle chat:

- Enter enabling combat chat, opening the message editor line, sending a message after writing;

- Tab switching between message recipients (own team, enemy team, message to your platoon / company); By default, messages are sent to your team;

- Esc when combat chat is open or click left mouse button outside the chat window, exit the battle chat message editor;

Combat interface:

- Click left mouse button on the minimap while holding the button Ctrl indicating to the team a square on the minimap;

Buttons + and - - respectively, increasing and decreasing the size of the minimap;

- M show / hide the minimap;

- Ctrl turning on the pointer;

- Ctrl + Tab the change appearance lists of teams (ears);

- V- display / hide the entire combat interface in battle;

- Z opening the general menu of orders after opening it is necessary to select the order with the mouse pointer and confirm it by clicking left mouse button to send to the team;

Z when aiming at an ally / enemy, opening a menu of orders with a list applicable to this player. It also requires selecting the order with the mouse pointer and confirming its sending by pressing left mouse button.


- Button T when aiming at the enemy, the message to the team Support with fire on **, for the SPG Attack, where ** is the nickname of the player of the opposing team;

- F3 message to the team Defend the base!

- F5 message to the team That's right! - it is used as confirmation of an order, or confirmation of the completion of a combat mission, as well as a battle cry after a team wins a battle ☺;

- F6- message to the team No way! - refusal to perform a combat mission, or disagreement with an order;

- F7- message to the team Help is needed!

- F8- message to the command I am reloading still (where is the number of seconds remaining before the end of reloading), or Ready to fire! if the projectile / cassette is already loaded.

- Esc opening the main menu of the game. Attention! Do not leave the battle before it is over, if your tank is not destroyed and you are capable of any actions to the detriment of the enemy! Provided

Destroying enemy armored vehicles is the most obvious and simple way to victory, but it is not the only way to win the battle. In World of Tanks, two teams of 15 players can fight in one of three battle modes, each with different victory conditions.

In a standard battle, each team has a base. To win, you need to destroy all enemy vehicles or capture the rivals' base.

On the minimap, both bases are marked with flags: the green flag is the base of your team, the red one is the base of the opponents. To capture the base, you need to stay inside the white circle next to the enemy flag. During the capture of the enemy base, you will see a gradually filling green scale, and if you capture your base, the scale will be red. Taking damage or going outside the circle decreases the fullness of the scale.

Teams have 15 minutes to complete one of the victory conditions, otherwise the battle will end in a draw. In standard battles, both attack and defense strategies are used, because defending your base is no less important than capturing an enemy base.

In the assault mode, one of the teams plays the role of attackers, and the other - defenders. There is only one base on the map - the defenders. Their task is to protect the base and prevent its capture. The aim of the attackers is to capture the base or destroy all enemy equipment. A battle in this mode is given 10 minutes, and if the attackers do not have time to win during this time, then the victory is awarded to the team of defenders.

In terms of mechanics, the counter battle is similar to the game of "king of the hill": there is only one neutral base on the map, which both teams are trying to capture. They have 15 minutes to capture a neutral base or destroy all enemy vehicles. Capturing the base is paused if the vehicles of both teams are inside the circle, and continues when the capturing tanks of one of them knock down or push the opponents out of the circle.

Currently, there are 5 types of battles in the game: casual, training, team, company and clan battles. Battles are conducted in one of three modes: standard battle, assault and counter battle. Standard combat is primary, while assault and counter combat are optional. They are not available for all maps and battle types, in addition, they can be disabled in the game settings.

Random battles

The probability of falling out of the "Standard battle" mode is 50%, and 25% each - for other modes. When a player turns off one of the modes, the chance of dropping out the rest is approximately the following: 62.5% - "Standard battle"; 37.5% - "Assault" or "Encounter Battle".


In the game, there is an opportunity for players to be guaranteed to get into one battle for one team. You can assemble a platoon of two or three players. The game has built-in voice communication for members of one platoon, company or team (in the " Team fight Thanks to the coordinated actions of the participants, the platoon is able to have a great influence on the outcome of the battle. If one of the platoon members is unable to enter the battle, the platoon leader may decide to fight without him.

Standard fight

Standard Battle is the first game mode in World of Tanks. Before version 0.7.4, when two new modes "Assault" and "Encounter Battle" were added to the game, "Standard Battle" was the only one game mode in random battles. The essence of the game is as follows: the balancer collects two teams of 15 players on a random map. Each team has a base, which is usually located in a well-defended location. The goal of the game is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy vehicles. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), both teams are destroyed, or the battle time expires equal to 15 minutes, a draw is declared. If a team is captured and destroyed at the same time, the destruction is counted.

The standard mode is implemented on all maps, while "Assault" and "Encounter Battle" are presented only on some.


In the "Assault" mode, one team defends the base, the other, in turn, tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually more advantageous position on high; "Victory", if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survived (provided that the base has not been captured); 10 minutes of battle. The attackers, as a rule, have only the advantages of surprise and choice of direction of the strike. In addition, they do not need to worry about the defense of the base, since they do not have one.

  • Westfield
  • Robin - removed from the game in update 0.8.7

Meeting engagement

The goal of the "Encounter Battle" mode is similar to the usual one. random fight: destruction of all enemy vehicles or capture of the base. However, there is a small peculiarity, there is only one base for two teams on the map. Teams appear on opposite edges of the map, and there is one neutral base at the same distance from the respawn points.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to the standard fight. When two teams are in the capture zone at the same time (the number and numerical superiority do not matter), the capture stops, the filled part of the capture strip blinks. The battle time is standard: 15 minutes.

The mode is present on the following maps:

Team fight

In this mode, two teams of equal skill of 7 players meet. This format is the main one for most esports competitions.

Rules and features

  • The maximum duration of a battle is 7 minutes.
  • The type of battle is "Attack / Defense": one of the teams must defend two of its bases, and the other must capture at least one of them or destroy all the defenders' vehicles.
  • Battles are held on the following maps: Lasville, Monastery, Prokhorovka, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf (Winter Himmelsdorf), Cliff, Murovanka, Siegfried Line, Arctic Circle, Tundra, Kharkov, Lost City.
  • Possible lineups:
  1. Six Tier VIII tanks + one Tier VI tank
  2. five Tier VIII tanks + two Tier VII tanks.
  • Tier I – V and IX – X vehicles are not allowed into battles.
  • Honest selection of an opponent based on the developed for this regime personal skill rating.

Company battles

Company battles are a special type of battle that differs from the others in that the company is created by the commander, and all players are connected by in-game voice communication. The recruitment of fighters to the team is carried out through a point system.

After all the soldiers in the company are ready, the company goes to the lobby, where a team is selected for it for the battle. The selection algorithm requires at least four teams in the lobby, despite the fact that in company battles the balance weight of the teams is in no way taken into account.

Each team after the battle receives experience and credits depending on the damage they inflicted, highlights, etc. However, the winning team, in addition to its own earned experience and credits, receives a fairly significant percentage of the enemy's earned money, which is why the payouts for winning are quite significant, and the losing team leaves in a big minus.

In company battles, there are four battle levels: junior company, medium company, champion company, and absolute company. Each vehicle is allowed only of a certain level and the minimum / maximum number of vehicle points. Experience and credits are not required for training battles, but you will have to pay for the spent shells and equipment. Repair after a training fight is free. Also, the results of the training battle are not recorded in the player's statistics.


Garage fights

Before the battle, the player selects several tanks from the hangar. If during the battle his tank is destroyed, he is transferred to the next one from the list of selected ones.

Fights 30 to 30

Even at the origins of the game, the developers promised the introduction of 30 vs 30 battles. As has been mentioned more than once, the main problem of introducing such a mode is a strong negative impact on client performance, as well as high server loads. On this moment this regime is still under consideration.

One of the most important parameters affecting the playability of Online games is FPS.

FPS stands for Frame per Second (the number of displayed frames per second).

Why is this needed? Correct graphics settings in World of Tanks, as in any other Online game significantly increases the chances of winning. FPS drawdowns interfere with movement, difficult to aim, and usually end in "shots to nowhere", long reloading and victory of the enemy.

FPS depends on the configuration of your computer. Good FPS starts at 35 frames per second and up. The optimal result is 50 frames per second or more.

To achieve a good FPS, you must either have a high-performance gaming computer with a top-end video card, plenty of RAM and a powerful processor, or try to customize the game as much as possible for your configuration. Weak spots in the system, you can compensate for the competent graphics settings in World of Tanks, which we will now talk about.

For convenience, we have divided the settings according to the degree of influence on the graphics and FPS, using a color scheme

These settings can be twisted "as your heart desires". Do not affect FPS.

We recommend correcting first. This is true for mid-range systems, when you want to see beautiful graphics and stable FPS, but resources do not allow you to set "everything to the maximum". These settings do not greatly affect the gameplay.

Graphics settings not affecting FPS

You can tweak these parameters as you like without worrying about performance degradation.

Graphics settings affecting FPS

3D render resolution... Changes the resolution of 3D objects in the scene. Affects the depth of the 3D scene. Decreasing the parameter improves the performance of slower computers.

You can adjust the 3D rendering while playing. If your FPS dropped during the battle, use the "right Shift -" to decrease the depth of the scene drawing and "right Shift +" to increase it. Decreasing the depth will increase the FPS on the fly.

Screen resolution... The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. It is recommended to select the value corresponding to the monitor, otherwise "blurring of the image" will occur. On very old video cards, you have to lower the resolution to get "playable" fps. We recommend lowering the resolution below the screen resolution as a last resort, if other methods no longer help.

Vertical sync and triple buffering... Vsync is the synchronization of the frame rate in a game with the vertical scan rate of the monitor. Triple buffering avoids artifacts in the picture. If your system produces less than 60 FPS, the developers recommend disabling both parameters (note: on modern monitors, it does not particularly affect the picture).

Smoothing Removes the jagged edges of 3d objects (ladder effect) for a more natural look. It is not recommended to enable it with FPS below 50.

Go to advanced graphics settings: menu "Graphics", tab "Advanced" graphics options.

"Graphics" Has the greatest effect on number of FPS issued by your video card.
Switching the graphics mode to "Standard" switches the engine to the old render with outdated effects and lighting. With standard rendering, most of the advanced graphics settings are unavailable. It is recommended to enable it on weak computers.

Texture quality... The higher the quality of the textures, the more detailed and clearer the picture in the game looks. The higher this parameter, the more dedicated video memory is needed. If your video card has a limited amount of video memory, the texture quality should be set to a minimum. (The maximum quality of textures is available only when the "improved render" is enabled and on a 64-bit operating system.)

Lighting quality... Opens up a whole range of dynamic effects in the game: sun rays, optical effects, shadows from physical sources (trees, buildings and tanks). This parameter greatly affects the performance of the video card. If you have a weak video card, set the lighting quality from medium values ​​and below.

Shadow quality... Affects the rendering of shadows from objects. Reducing the quality of the shadows does not greatly affect game process... If you have an old video card, the first step is to set the shadow quality to a minimum.

Grass in sniper mode ... Affects not only performance, but also gameplay. If your FPS in sniper mode "sags" below 40 - you must disable it.

Quality add. effects... Affects the "special effects" in the game: smoke, dust, explosions, flames. By decreasing this parameter, you can reduce the number of particles in the frame and limit the distance at which they will be displayed. It is recommended to leave at least "low", otherwise explosions and other elements necessary for orientation in battle will not be visible.

Add. effects in sniper mode... They regulate the same thing, but in sniper mode. If during sniper mode your FPS drops, which undoubtedly affects your accuracy, it is recommended to decrease the parameter (not lower than the "low" level).

The amount of vegetation... Adjusts the density and distance of the vegetation in the game. At low FPS, it is recommended to set it to the minimum. This frees up precious megabytes of video memory.

Post-processing... Affects the effects in the afterlife - shading and the effect of hot air from damaged cars and burning objects. If, you are hiding behind a destroyed tank, and you start to drop FPS, it is recommended to disable this option.

Effects from under the caterpillars... Saturate the picture with the effects of scattered soil, splashes of water and snow. The setting does not significantly affect performance. By disabling, you can achieve a small release of video memory.

Landscape quality... The parameter determines at what distance the terrain quality begins to be simplified. This parameter puts a heavy load on the processor. Attention! At minimal setting there is a strong distortion of the landscape, so you may not see some kind of ledge behind which the enemy is hiding, and after the shot the projectile will hit the edge of the obstacle, and not where you were aiming. It is recommended to set the setting value not lower than "average".

Water quality... The parameter adds the effects of waves, vibration of water when moving, reflections from objects. If you have a weak video card, it is recommended to decrease the parameter.

Decal quality... Affects the rendering range and detailing of decals - detailing textures that increase the quality of the image (fallen leaves, traces of dirt, sidewalk tiles and other well-aimed objects scattered around the map). If the value is "off", even the shells from the shells disappear. The more decals, the more video memory is required to load them. If you are not embarrassed by the simplification of the terrain, it is recommended to set it to "minimum" when the FPS is low.

Detailing objects... In the game, all objects have several models of different quality. At the moment, buildings have 3 types of objects, tanks from five. The rendering quality of objects greatly affects performance, and small objects will still not be visible at large distances. With the removal of an object, its model changes to a coarser one. The parameter affects the distance at which a higher-quality model will be drawn. The lower the parameter is set, the shorter the drawing distance of high-quality models will be.

Foliage transparency... Disables drawing of foliage at close range. It is recommended to enable on weak systems.

Detailing trees... The setting works according to the same principle as "Object detailing", but only for trees. If you have FPS drawdown, when trees appear, it is most advisable to set this parameter to a minimum (together with it, it is recommended to enable "Foliage transparency").

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