Modes in here. Controls in the game World of Tanks. Storm. Sandy River

In the last article we talked about what is needed and this is the primary condition for comfortable game. But no less important is the correct setting of the game parameters.

Correct settings are the key to a comfortable game! Now we will briefly look at all the game settings and pay special attention to graphics settings.

1. General settings

The “Game” tab contains general settings.

In the “Chat” section, you can enable message censorship so that stars are displayed instead of swear words (recommended for children). Here you can also disable spam, invitations to a platoon, friend requests and messages from those who are not in your contact list (friends). Personally, I'm fed up with these messages, I turned off the chat altogether and am enjoying the game

In the “Types of random battles” section, you can disable “Encounter battle” and “Assault”. These modes use the same maps as in random battles, but the location of the bases and victory conditions have been changed. In the “Encounter Battle” mode, there is one common base and the team that captures it or destroys all opponents wins. In Assault mode, one team defends the base, the other defends. To win, the Defenders must prevent the base from being captured and at least one team member survive. To win, the Attackers need to capture the base or destroy all opponents at any cost. Personally, I don’t like these types of fights, but you can try them for a change and see if they suit your taste.

In the “Combat Interface” section, you can turn off the effect of optics (the green background in the sight) so that it does not spoil the picture, and turn off the display of the vehicle that destroyed you (if this makes you nervous).

Be sure to check the “Enable dynamic camera” and “Horizontal stabilization in the sniper scope” checkboxes, otherwise it’s simply impossible to shoot on the move, the scope dangles in all directions!

I uncheck the “Show vehicle markers on the scoreboard” and “Show combat effectiveness tapes” checkboxes, because I don’t see the point in them, they are just distracting.

As for the minimap options (camera direction beam, SPG firing sector and additional features), then I disable them because I use a minimap mod with advanced capabilities, which I will tell you about in the next article. This is important, if you, like me, use the minimap mod, then disable these parameters so that they are not duplicated, thereby reducing performance.

When the “Record battles” option is enabled, small files (replays) will be recorded in the “replays” folder, which is located in the game folder, which can then be viewed. This almost does not affect the performance of the game and you can easily share them with friends or upload them to the site “” so that other users can watch how you bend But these are not video files, they can only be played by the game itself and stop working after exit next patch. Therefore, if you want to post a video on YouTube or save the history of your victories for posterity, do not forget to digitize the best replays after hard battles using some program for recording video from the screen (ShadowPlay, Bandicam, Fraps).

Well, by checking the last checkbox “Display distinctive marks” you can compare barrels with players in the game. Stars or notches (from 1 to 3) received in battles for great services to the homeland will be displayed on the barrel of your tank

Immediately when you switch to the Graphics tab, the screen settings are displayed.

If you have just installed the game and it is still displayed in a window, and not on the whole screen, then check the “ Full Screen" and click the "Apply" button. Only after this you need to select “Screen Resolution”. If you have a liquid crystal (flat-panel, TFT) monitor, then choose the maximum resolution and leave the frame rate at 60. If you still have a fucking box of a picture tube (CRT) monitor on your desk, then a resolution of 1280x1024 with a frequency of 85 Hz is usually suitable for it ( or 75 Hz). Click “Apply” and if everything is displayed normally (not stretched or flickering), then this is good. If you cannot find the resolution you need or the image appears stretched, then try also changing the “Screen Aspect Ratio”.

In the Graphics Quality field, you can manually select low, medium, high, or maximum quality. This will install the appropriate set of settings, which we will talk about next. If you are not playing on a calculator (a very weak laptop), then make sure that the “3D render resolution” slider is set to 100% and uncheck “ Dynamic change"otherwise the picture in the game will be blurry.

It is better not to enable the “Vertical Sync” option, as it negatively affects performance. This is only required in case of noticeable frame tearing and is applicable on high-end gaming PCs. The “Triple Buffering” option is needed to improve the performance of the video card when “ Vertical Sync", but affects the performance of the processor that performs this buffering.

The Anti-aliasing parameter improves the picture, it becomes softer and more natural, but this significantly loads the video card and is designed for powerful gaming PCs. In this field you can select different anti-aliasing modes from lighter (FXAA) to quite heavy (TSSAA-HQ).

“Viewing Angle (FoV)” specifies the location of the camera relative to your tank. That is, the angle at which you will look at it. The default is set to 95 degrees and "Dynamic FoV" is disabled. Nobody really complains about these settings, so you can leave everything as it is. If you want to experiment, then you now know how everything was, so that you can put it back in place later

The “Gamma” parameter adjusts the brightness, but don’t touch it in vain, it’s better to reset your monitor to default settings, since the game is well calibrated.

“Color filter” is a gourmet option that imposes a different background in the game, similar to the effects in cameras. I tried it, it’s glamorous but useless...

Well, “Color Blind Mode” is intended for people with vision problems.

On the same “Graphics” tab, if you click on the “Advanced” button, the graphics quality settings will be displayed.

At the very top there are the already familiar “Recommended” button for automatically selecting the optimal parameters, the “Graphics Quality” field for setting a set of settings from low to maximum, the “3D render resolution” slider, which should be at 100%, and the “Dynamic change” checkbox. , which should not have a check mark.

As graphics quality increases, the frame rate per second (FPS) decreases. It is believed that a person sees 24 frames per second and for the smoothness of the picture it is desirable that the game produces at least 30 FPS. But from my own experience I can say that normal game dynamics start at 60 FPS.

What is the difference between low dynamics and high dynamics? With low dynamics, your tank drives like a Zhiguli (it just stalls), although maybe like a BMW. I have felt this more than once and you will feel it if you follow my advice! Extras (majors) have powerful computers that, even with high graphics settings, produce decent FPS (100 or more). Therefore, they feel the dynamics in the game much better, the machine subtly reacts to every fiber of the soul and they play more efficiently. And on a fast ST or LT without dynamics it’s generally sad... I’m not even talking about supercomputers that are used in e-sports. This is exactly what they are needed for - for dynamics.

An online game is not a single-player shooter and what is important in it is victory over a live opponent, and not sluggish participation in a meat grinder with bots. Then the game gives that desired moral satisfaction after hard work, and not frustration and a bottle of vodka. Convinced, no? Then read on

I have a mid-range gaming PC and it runs the game on maximum settings graphics, producing 40 FPS. At high settings it produces an average of 60 FPS. In the settings window that I provided above, you can select the graphics type “Standard” or “Enhanced”. So, despite what the hardware allows, I have long preferred to play on standard graphics, without any extra extras.

Just like that, simply and angrily, yes. But what a pleasure the game brings when you race on a bachata (or at least a four-wheeler) at a speed of 100-150 FPS! And there’s not a speck of dust in your eye, no clouds of smoke and rising earth from a T92 shell that fell nearby, no scary grass painted schoolchildren for ice cream highly paid designers, no fog that prevents you from aiming the T95 hatch from 500 meters, no other nasty graphic innovations that turn a BMW into a Zhiguli and prevent you from playing effectively.

Many computers handle standard graphics much better, the FPS is many times higher, and nothing prevents you from manually setting the available sliders to high parameters, at which the picture turns out to be quite neat, clean and dynamic!

I also recommend turning off grass and effects in sniper mode(they are very annoying), the transparency of the foliage (makes the game even cleaner and faster), tracks and effects from under the caterpillars (you never look at them at all). “Quality extra. effects" it is better not to set it above average or turn it off altogether, since they also interfere (for example, when an artillery shell explodes nearby). It’s better to uncheck the “Dynamically change the quality of effects” checkbox; there’s no need for the graphics in the game to float.

In addition to high dynamics and clarity of the picture, you will receive some pleasant bonuses that you will notice as the game progresses (for example, thanks to the transparency of the water, you can clearly see the bottom topography and where you can drive along it). Try it, play for a while and you will notice that you have become more effective at playing. The main thing is not to rush forward on the wings of FPS

I don't promise anything, because I don't eat ties or caps. But if you still don't like the standard graphics, just change the settings. The screenshot below shows the settings for improved graphics, providing an optimal quality/performance ratio for an average-power PC.

Download detailed description settings for improved graphics, how they affect image quality, what load they put on the video card and processor, you can see in the “” section.

And also, if you need to restart the game to apply the settings, a corresponding message will appear. In any case, I recommend restarting the game when major changes graphics settings.

When we get to mods, there are still interesting opportunities to make the picture cleaner and the sight more stable

If, despite all the settings, your computer is sorely lacking in performance, consider installing new level GTX 1050 Ti or 1060.

MSI GTX 1050 Ti graphics card

Here is a screenshot of the settings in the Sound tab.

Everything seems clear here, so I’ll just add a little personal experience.

I turn off the music right away, it interferes with the game no less than the improved graphics

If you are not using a microphone in team battles, then turn off voice communication by unchecking the only checkbox. Turn it on if necessary. Communication works on the principle of a walkie-talkie - you press the microphone activation button (Q), say, release and listen to others. Anyone who holds the button for a long time pollutes the air with noise from his microphone (computer, apartment).

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430

The microphone must be connected before starting the game. If your microphone is not always on, then after connecting it it is better to restart the computer, otherwise it may not work or work poorly. First check through the Skype testing service that the microphone is working properly, you can be heard well and there is no strong background noise. If necessary, increase (or decrease) the microphone sensitivity in the system settings (in Windows 7: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Manage audio devices\Recording).

Then launch the game, enable voice communication and select your microphone in the appropriate field. The Player Voice Volume setting affects how you hear others. The default “microphone sensitivity” should be sufficient; at level 70 and up, your voice may begin to hum and cause discomfort to other players, do not overdo it with this parameter and ask your comrades not “How can you hear me?”, but “Is it too loud?” ?. " General level I usually reduce the ambient volume during a conversation to 50, this muffles all the sounds of the game at the moment when a comrade addresses you and you don’t have to ask him again.

Well, the last, but not the newest feature is national voice acting. I usually leave the standard one, because who knows what the crew is babbling there Chinese tank But it's worth a try, it's a great thing

And yet, there is some other “Start test” button, which I just noticed. Try it, tell me later in the comments

In the mods we will also install sound on the light bulb, what a song!

With the settings on the “Management” tab, everything is even simpler.

But I will still give some advice. I recommend lowering the sensitivity sniper scope and increase the sensitivity of artillery. Set it approximately like in my screenshot. This will give higher aiming accuracy when you are in a tank, since with high sensitivity, especially at medium and long distances, it is difficult to target enemies, the sight moves too quickly. And when you’re on the art, on the contrary, you’re tired of dragging the scope back and forth across the entire map with low sensitivity, and the mat gets erased...

Mouse A4Tech XL-740K

Don’t even think about turning on any inversion, only plums will work

And one more good piece of advice. If you have a mouse with additional buttons, then you can assign a specific consumables cell to one of them. In cells 1-3, the types of projectiles are switched and there is no need to touch them. But in cells 4-6 there may be manually activated consumables. For example, I install a fire extinguisher in the first cell, which corresponds to key 4 on the keyboard. Instead of key 4, I long ago assigned the side button on the mouse in the game settings. This allows you to quickly put out a fire in the event of a fire, rather than searching for the right button on the keyboard while the ammunition explodes. In addition, if there is an increased risk of fire, for example, an AMX 1390 came aft of you and is glad that it got to the soft one, then it won’t hurt to click at that time side mouse button for prevention! Works like an automatic fire extinguisher, but costs 7 times less

In the next article about mods, I will tell you how to assign several keys to one action and shoot more accurately! And, if you mess up the control settings, there is a “Default” button there

Go to the “Sight” tab.

Well, there’s nothing to say at all. You can adjust the size and shape of the sight, which I once tried. But the default settings are close to optimal, except perhaps make the size larger. Yes, and somewhere there is a sight with an indication selected. If you point it at the enemy's VLD (upper frontal part), it turns red, if you point it at the NLD (you can guess it yourself), it turns green. In general, it makes it clear whether your projectile can penetrate armor in this place. Red - no, green - yes.

But don’t bother with this, since in the article about mods we will install a more convenient sight with the correct indication that takes into account the angle of entry of the projectile!

Well, I just have to say that on this tab there are two more pads (pun intended) for setting up a separate arcade (3rd person) and sniper sight (in optics).

Here you can customize various icons above the tanks.

I somehow made the optimal settings for myself and they were saved, since now most of the settings (except for graphics and sound, in my opinion) are stored on the server and are pulled up from it again, even if the game is completely reinstalled.

There are also pads for setting up markers for allies, enemies and destroyed vehicles. For allies, they are the same there, but for destroyed ones, only the model of the vehicle for reference, the rest is disabled so as not to interfere with the screen.

I'm telling you everything honestly, but I still hope that you will install correct mods and you don’t have to configure anything manually here

8. Removing unnecessary files

And finally, a little more useful information. You can significantly reduce the amount of disk space a game takes up by deleting all files from the Updates folder.

This folder contains temporary files that are downloaded during game updates. The developers themselves confirmed that these files are absolutely unnecessary and can be safely deleted. This is especially true for SSD drives that have a small capacity. For example, this folder took up 13.4 GB for me! For which she was sentenced to destruction without the right of restoration

Hard drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

9. Conclusion

To summarize, I want to say the following. If you want to win, forget about the special effects and set up the game well! After all, defeats do not bring any pleasure, but only irritate and leave a feeling of dissatisfaction!

10. Links

Below you can download a detailed description of all screen and graphics settings, how they affect image quality, processor and video card performance, with recommendations for the right choice parameters.

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430
Keyboard A4Tech Bloody B254
Mouse A4Tech Bloody A90


On this moment In MMO-action there are three game modes - Standard, Encounter and Assault. Standard, we will reject it indignantly, there are too many accidents and various tactics in it. In order to describe the tactical tricks for each of the maps in the Standard battle mode, you will have to print a good story of about a hundred pages, but with the other two modes - Assault and Counter battle, the situation is somewhat different. Here, the developers put the teams in the same position, forcing them to work out standard situations, like in chess. Everything here is more predictable, you just need to place the accents correctly.

In this material we will talk about the most key points conducting combat, both in defense and attack, using each type of technique. Everything is concise and as informative as possible. To facilitate further understanding of mental navigation on the map, we will describe maneuvers in a standard way: north at the top, south at the bottom. The card doesn't spin for anyone.

Storm. Sandy river.

If you are on the defensive, then it is important to take two key positions on the flanks closer to the center. Actually, whoever wins there will win. The left flank takes up defensive positions near the dirt road leading from the base at 10 o'clock. There are beautiful sand hills there, which is what the fight is about. Same thing on the right. We don’t go beyond the river, we keep the perimeter, this applies to everyone except the fireflies. They can escape if only the artillery stands up and closes down. Arta, by the way, will be standing at the bottom left. The entire map is well shot from above, so it’s better for the heavies to take a place among the buildings.

If you are on the attack, then it is better to take the most central hill, from where the enemy positions are clearly visible. There will be little point in driving up the left side of the dam, since the tank will be there in full view. For those who want to illuminate or simply escape, you can fall into the central reservoir. Just don’t drown there, but stay afloat. It doesn't always work out.

Storm. Erlenberg.

If you are on the defensive, then the artillery goes to the upper right corner. The middle class occupies the hill on the right with houses and a mill. The sooner you borrow, the better. Several heavies need to drive to the left and take cover in the forest at the foot of the hills. The map is well covered by artillery, so you can’t stand still.

If you are on the attack, then there is no point in driving through the ruins in the center, along the river. Some of the tanks, especially medium, high-speed ones, move to the left and take a position from above in the ruins of the old castle. From there you can set up an excellent shooting range if there is good lighting. But the key events, as a rule, develop on the right near the overgrown hills and the road between them. It is possible and even necessary to rush there, but you cannot climb the hill to the mill ahead of time, because it will be shot through. Arta positions himself so as to shoot through the left and right vertical roads.

Storm. Karelia.

If you are on the defensive, then it is better not to go far here. Deer, as a rule, move to the right, to an open bridgehead and wait for the enemy under the cover of rocks. Karelia is characterized by the fact that the enemy, on the approach to the base, will be forced to move through bare, clean terrain. It's best to meet him at the base. If successful, a medium or light tank can break out and drive behind enemy lines to destroy his artillery. Almost always it stands on a hill, between the rocks, not far from the lower right corner.

If you are on attack, then firefly or medium tank must break through the swamps through the center, and freeze at the very rocks. This is done strictly for the light. It won’t be easy for the defense team to take down such a firefly; they’ll have to leave, and that’s what we need. Attacks are coming along the flank. The main battles will begin on the approaches to the base and on the left in an open clearing on a hill. There are no special secrets, it’s just how the map goes.

Storm. Siegfried Line.

If you are on the defensive, then the tanks in the lower part of the city should take cover behind the houses and wait for the enemy to arrive. Don't be afraid to lean out a little. The first couple of shots can usually be taken painlessly. Arte needs to get onto the road closer to the right border. It will be calmer there and it will be easier to settle down. It is better for tanks in the upper, northern part of the city to leave the city and take positions in the forest, on the slopes of the hills and at their foot. The attacker will definitely rush into the attack, and enemy tanks scurrying across the field are an excellent target.

If you are on the attack. Medium tanks need to go around the map from below along the very edge through the lakes. There is a chance to hit the defencists hiding behind the houses in the flank. It only makes sense for medium tanks to go up over the hill. It’s better for the heavies to drive up to the central gate and force street fights. Artillery will be difficult here, since 90% of the enemy’s equipment will be in the city.

Meeting engagement. Siegfried Line.

It's simple: strands don't go to the greenery, only fireflies and medium-sized ones. It is better not to reach the central bunker, taking a position at one of the closest ones, but not at the central one. Arta is 90% entrenched in the forest, not far from the fields. The heavy loads go to the city, and already there the steel crumbling begins, which makes no sense to describe.

Meeting engagement. Ruinberg.

The situation is similar. No secrets. Some deer go to rush the alley, which only has weight in the Standard battle mode. When meeting oncoming traffic, an alley is not needed. Although, there may often be artillery at the end of the alley, the ATs also like to hide in the bushes there. The outcome is decided by the heavyweights and their street fighting skills.

Meeting engagement. Sacred Valley.

One of the smallest maps, and even without the ability to maneuver. Continuous corridors where battles are fought according to the following type: shot, drove off, reloaded, drove out. The weights decide. Rush is very effective. There is no point in going to occupy the base, you will be shot down anyway, the map is too small. You need to pay all your attention to destroying the enemy. Arte can't do much here. Medium tanks need to climb to any high ground and set up a shooting range there.

Meeting engagement. Prokhorovka.

Legendary card. Fireflies and PTs are needed in the alley on the left. One firefly should cruise in the center, at the foot of the long hill, but not go up. The trucks need to travel along the railway track under the cover of trees. It would be good if we managed to occupy the village. The fight for the mountain that is on the lower right, as a rule, does not give anything, but they still fight for the mountain. It is much easier to defend it than to attack it. Arta, in the north, should fire at the T-shaped intersection in the lower left corner, there is almost always enemy artillery in the bushes. There are almost no battles for the center.

Meeting engagement. Lasville.

Art decides here. She needs to stand to the left to shoot through the passage between the edge of the map and the mountain range. Fighting will break out there at the pass. A sudden and numerous rush gives an excellent effect, but you can miss the enemy, who at the same time will go to take the base. On the right side of the mountain range, it is better to drive carefully, covering yourself with stones, since the road is perfectly clear from the city. 90% of the heavies have to go to the city and fix things there.

Meeting engagement. El Halluf.

Classic shooting gallery. The key point is the mountain in the upper left corner, as well as the lowland in the lower right. The mountain, by the way, is perfectly covered by artillery fire, so you need to huddle closer to the stones. It’s better not to take the base right away, but if someone decides to take it, then 90% of them will die, but they will do it with benefit, forcing the enemy to crawl out from behind the rocks into the open area. But still, the mountain in the upper left is the key point. The sooner heavyweights from the team arrive there, the better.

Meeting engagement. Robin.

Much has already been said about this map, so we’ll keep it brief. The one who takes the main mountain will win. Fireflies and high-speed medium tanks can drive down the mountain without entering the base, drive around the map on the left edge and drive into the enemy’s flank. Arte needs to hide in the forest and fire at the mountain, since that is where almost all the heavy equipment will be. The base should be taken last, since the area is under fire.

Meeting engagement. Erlenberg.

The tactics are practically no different from the Assault mode. Although the base is relatively close to the center, it will not be possible to take it forcefully. And what needs to be done - see Assault. Erlenberg.

Meeting engagement. Sandy river.

The same can be said here. See description of Assault mode. The exception is that the teams are located very close to each other and no matter how hard they try, 80% of the deer will still trample the shortest route in a straight line to their opponent. The base is located in the city on the edge, so it is often possible to take it ahead of the logical deadline. This is what medium and light tanks use.

Meeting engagement. Murovanka.

The forest does not have the same importance that it has in Standard battles. You need to rush towards the base, and leave 2-3 tanks for the forest. It is better for artillery to immediately converge on the long hill on the left, especially the dirt road that crosses it horizontally in the center. Surprisingly, it is often possible to maneuver along the main street, right up to the opposite end of the map, because the sides often forget about the center, paying all attention to the flanks.

Meeting engagement. Steppes.

Space for art. Everything is simple here: the heavies move towards each other, because they are scattered indecently close, and the middle peasants and fireflies try to capture the base, starting childish shootouts there. The team that wins the “short” battle reaches the captured base and, as a rule, successfully breaks down the capture. It's difficult for Arte here. On the one hand, the battle is close, it’s difficult to settle. On the other hand, shelling the base is also not very effective, since there will be little things flickering around there that are difficult to hit.

Meeting engagement. Redshire.

The right and central mountains are the main points for each team. The game on this map, despite the counter mode, drags on, developing into a positional confrontation. Whoever survives this wins. There are often draws. The central point is the bridge. In principle, there are few tactics here: know, drive, and shoot at the enemy. You cannot enter either from the flank or from the rear. It's difficult for fireflies here.

Meeting engagement. Mines.

Great card with lots of options. The key to victory is capturing the central mountain. The confrontation on the left side of the map, where, by the way, artefacts often sit in the corners, should be considered as an opportunity to break through and drive into the rear of an unwary opponent. You cannot immediately capture the base. The team located on the north side, near the lighthouse, has a better chance of being the first to enter the mountain and gain a foothold there. It is better for the southern arta to stand at the bottom left on the island, and for the northern arta - in the upper left corner near the shore. Medium tanks need to clear the sandbank on the left, and then make their way to the rear.

Meeting engagement. Himmelsdrof.

You don’t have to take the mountain by driving behind enemy lines along the road to the left of it. Unfortunately, the indestructible deer still head for the mountain, which plays no role at all in the Meeting Battle. Arte definitely needs to go left and take up space on the railway track. The fighting in the center here is extremely sluggish. All the most interesting things will be on the rails and nearby warehouses.

Meeting engagement. Ensk.

Having a base in the city means the heavies will decide who wins. Arte needs to stand on the greenery on the right, otherwise there is no point. There, along the greenery, a couple of medium tanks should try to break through. It’s not worth driving onto the rails, because they are subject to gunfire. It’s better to wait for the deer to jump out there. Otherwise, all the fighting will take place on the streets of this very Ensk.

That's basically it. As soon as new modes are added to World of Tanks, this article may be updated.

This idea became especially relevant when the new April Fool's regime was introduced. We are talking about the IS-360 ball tanks. But let's not dwell on them, whoever wants to read about them - (and also some information at the bottom of this article).

And now to the memories. 2014, April 1. There was no sign of fun. But upon entering their hangars, the players were extremely surprised. Before him appeared an eight-bit tank game world, strongly reminiscent of the old days of the Dendy era of games.

The mode offered players to fight in a 7 vs 7 format on a special pixel map that was developed for this mode. The only tank used was the Karl self-propelled gun. It was distinguished by a very strong projectile throw, fast movement and quick reloading of the gun. It was also striking that not only the environment was redone in the 8-bit style. The sounds also changed and sounded extremely pleasant, truly reminiscent of the past. As a reward for an unusual battle, players were awarded a unique medal - “Operation Nostalgia”. Initially, the regime was intended as a minor April Fool's joke, but it created an extremely strong sensation. In just a few days, millions of battles were played, and tank forums were filled with messages about the new fan mode.

And also a video of the announcement of this mode (there will be a video for each mode).

Then came the next fun mode - T62-A "Football". On June 12, 2014, on the opening day of the Mundial (the great football feast, namely the World Cup), the game launched a fan mode dedicated to this event, namely “Football Battles”. The game was played in a 3v3 format on a heavily modified Himmelsdorf. For the game, everyone was given the same special T62A sport tank.

Victory in the battle was achieved in two ways - one of the teams needed to be the first to score 3 goals, or at the end of the playing time to have more goals scored in their account. There were two ways to drive the ball into the opponent's goal - with the body of a tank and with a gun (shooting the ball). Also interesting feature there was the fact that the tanks were not vulnerable, that is, they did not receive any damage. Also, there was only one type of shells - landmines (because they are easier to shoot at the ball with).

The mode has become extremely popular among players. In just a month of playing this mode, more than 60 million matches took place!

Well, without a video.

The next fun mode was "Tank Racing". They appeared in the game in the fall, on September 29, 2014. Based on the name, players had to “transform” from ordinary tankers into tank racers. This was facilitated by the very fast M24 Chaffee Sport (the only tank that was issued for the mode) and the redesigned Port map, which serves as a racing track (a moment of nostalgia for the Port map).

The goal of the race was to drive a long circle, and then go to the common base. The base was captured extremely quickly. It was possible to win a battle by completely destroying your opponent. For winning the mode, they were given an honorary medal - “Racer 2014”. The fight took place 3 on 3. The track was built so that the racers drove along to different parties roads, but were constantly (or periodically, depending on the place) shot at the enemy. Shooting on the move is difficult and inconvenient, but quite fun. High speed, turns, jumps. Tank racing has given great pleasure to many players. This type of fan mode has become incredibly successful - over 110 million game sessions were played in two weeks!

And a video (what would we do without it?).

There were no more fan events in 2014. But at the beginning of 2015 - no questions asked. On January 5, 2015, an exclusive New Year's holiday mode appeared in the game. Interestingly, it was also made in eight-bit style. It was a kind of combination of tank fighting World of Tanks with nostalgia from the classics console games. The next fun mode is called “Winter Battle”.

Three tanks, a special pixel map, cool new sounds (actually in an 8-bit atmosphere), as well as an interesting feature - a platoon of 5 people were specially developed for the mode! Naturally, a commemorative medal was provided for this regime as well. For winning a battle, players will be awarded a commemorative medal “Operation Winter”.

Now about the mode itself in a little more detail. The 3 tanks of this mode are 3 different gaming class. The Raider (similar to the T50-2) is lightweight and performs reconnaissance and flanking maneuvers. The second representative of this fan mode is "Mammoth" ( heavy tank, copy T110E5). Lots of hit points, large size and an interesting weapon with 3 shells in the drum. But the interest is not just in the drum, but in the fact that the shells fly out one after another at once, with a slight delay. And finally, the third representative of this fan mode is Berserk. This is a tank destroyer (a copy of the Foch 155) with high one-time damage (but of course without a turret) and good mobility, but with a mediocre hull rotation speed. Has an average amount of HP between Raider and Mammoth.

Also interesting are the types of shells in this mode. There are two of them - regular projectiles and healing ones. Both regular projectiles and healing ones deal damage to the enemy. Healing projectiles restore health to their ally (1 healing projectile - 200 hp). In this way interesting tactics were collected, e.g. Berserk riding forward and killing his opponents on cooldown, and two Raiders behind him, who restore his health. Thus, it was possible to shoot over 10 thousand damage without any problems.

The map prepared for the regime was mirror-like and extremely interesting. It is completely destructible, except that it should not be destructible for gameplay reasons. In the center of the map is the base. Near the base there is water in which you can drown your opponent (or drown yourself).

The goal in battle is standard - to destroy all enemy equipment or capture a base.

The video and therefore the fan mode are here to stay.

And finally we come to the modern fan mode, which is still in progress at the time of publication of the article. It was named " Dark side Moon". In this mode, the spherical IS-360 tank is used. The map selected (as always for fan modes) is special and extremely unusual. The map represents the lunar surface with craters and pits with lava. The main goal in battle is to push all opponents into the lava . Destruction of a tank by shooting from guns is extremely rare, because the tank has a lot of HP, but the gun has very little damage per shot. The battle lasts only 3.5 minutes and, as a rule, this is enough to defeat your opponent. Battle format - 7 by 7. A so-called “lunar platoon” is available for this mode, consisting of 3 people. In addition to these moments in battle, you will find non-standard gravity and various random effects that happen every 45 seconds of the game.

A video on fan mode is also present.

This post will be updated after some time. And there are reasons for this. The expected football event of the summer of 2016 has passed, passions have subsided, which means it’s time to sum up some results and leave a post in memory of another departed fan mode.

Football mode was not new to World players of Tanks, he already showed himself to the world in 2014 at the World Championship. This time it was timed to coincide with the Euro 2016 event. Football, of course, remained football, but certain adjustments and improvements were made.

The first important improvement was the increase in playing fields (cards). Previously there was only one, but in 2016 there were 3, each with its own specific features. Playing fields essentially the same, but appearance the environment was booming - light bright Himmelstadion, night Abandoned stadium and sandy Stud Eiffel.

The game format was not touched (still 3 on 3). The goal is the same - to score the ball into the goal. To do this, you can use both shots (only land mines) and the ramming ability of the tank. The winner is the team that scores 3 goals first, or the team that wins by score at the end of regular time. If regular time ends with a draw, then extra time is announced with a very interesting mechanic. There are also two ways to win: whoever scores the ball first wins; the second method is to keep the ball on the opponent’s field for 100 seconds (not in a row, but as a total amount of time). Whoever can be the first to keep the ball on the opponent's side for this period of time will take the victory into his piggy bank. To improve the dynamism of the mode and the efficiency of the game, a special consumable called the “Turbocharger” was added to certain sections of the match. It gives an increase in engine power by 15 percent for 10 seconds. Timely use of this consumable allows you to gain an advantage on the field over your opponent or even score a goal and snatch victory.

As in 2014, this fan mode attracted a lot of people to the game. A lot of people played - both football fans and those who are quite far from real real football. According to this fan mode, a tournament was even held with impressive cash prizes.

In short, this 2016 football mode in World of Tanks is a high-quality update of the old 2014 model. And it is right. There is no point in reinventing the wheel when you can simply introduce new features and correct shortcomings. Of course, screenshots and a video announcement of the football mode are included (see just below).

These were all the fun modes of our game World Of Tanks. Each with its own flavor, with its own peculiarity. As for me, the idea of ​​​​creating such modes was great and I hope that they will not stop delighting us with them.

From the editor: As I said, each mode is good in its own way, but the one that really stuck with me the most was the fan mode “Winter Battle”. I hope that someday it will return to our game clients again.

I hope you enjoyed plunging into such memories (and it will be useful for newcomers to know for the history of the game). All the best and successful battles, tankers!

Currently, the game features four permanent modes: random, training, clan battles and battles in fortified areas. In addition to permanent modes, there are those that are held in seasons, for example, ranked battles and Frontline. Random battles are held in one of three modes: standard battle, assault and counter battle. Standard combat is the main one, while assault and counter combat are additional modes of the World of Tanks game. Available within Standard Battle for X levels general battle. Additional modes are not available for all maps and types of battles; in addition, they can be disabled in the game settings.

Random battles

The compositions of two opposing teams are selected randomly using a special software mechanism - a balancer. All three modes are available for random battles: standard battle, assault and counter battle.

Standard fight

Standard fight - first Game Mode in World of Tanks. Until version 0.7.4, when two new modes “Assault” and “Encounter Battle” were added to the game, “Standard Battle” was the only game mode in random battles. The essence of the game is as follows: a balancer gathers two teams of 15 players on a random map. Each team has a base, which is usually located in a well-defended area. The goal of the game is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy equipment. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), both teams are destroyed, or the battle time of 15 minutes expires, a draw is declared. If a team is captured and destroyed at the same time, destruction is counted.

The standard mode is implemented on all maps, while Assault and Encounter are presented only on some.


In the Assault mode, one team defends a base, while the other, in turn, tries to capture it. The defending team has clear advantages: usually more advantageous position on high; “Victory” if time runs out and at least one player of the defending team survives (provided that the base is not captured); 10 minutes of battle. Attackers, as a rule, have only the advantages of surprise and choice of direction of attack. In addition, they do not need to worry about base defense, since they do not have one.

Meeting engagement

The goal of the Encounter mode is similar to the normal one random fight: destruction of all enemy equipment or capture of a base. However, there is a small peculiarity: there is only one base on the map for two teams. Teams spawn on opposite edges of the map, and there is one neutral base at the same distance from the spawn points.

The capture speed has been reduced compared to standard combat. When two teams are in the vehicle capture zone at the same time (quantity and numerical superiority do not play a role), the capture stops, and the filled part of the capture bar flashes. The time of an oncoming battle in WoT is standard: 15 minutes.

The mode is present on the following maps:

General battle

The general battle is the classic gameplay of standard battles, but large maps, where you can fight 30 vs 30 using Tier X vehicles. For participating in battle, you will be able to replenish your resources not only with silver and experience, but also with bonds. The number of bonds is directly proportional to the total amount of experience earned.

Other modes

Ranked battle

Ranked battles are seasonal competitions where the strongest tankers compete, and the best of the best receive well-deserved rewards.

Mode " Ranked battle» is based on the rules of Standard combat and is available only for Tier X vehicles. The balancer of this mode selects participants with equal levels of gaming skill into teams. Based on the results of battles, players are awarded a rank, which can then be increased by winning battles and earning chevrons.

Front line

Front Line is 30 vs 30 battles on a huge special map with an area of ​​9 square kilometers,

many new game mechanic and additional incentives for general progress and personal effectiveness. Frontline is available for Tier VIII vehicles.

Fortified areas

“Fortified Areas” is a game mode for clan players. It is available in the game client and is in no way connected with battles and campaigns on the Global Map. A fortified area is the property of a clan, which consists of a command center, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. A fortified area can be created by the clan commander for free, if desired.

Global map

« Global map" - This special regime V game World of Tanks. It represents a strategic struggle between gaming clans for territories. This article presents general information about the "Global Map".

Detailed information about this mode can be found on the World of Tanks Clan Portal.

The interface itself and the Global Map are also located on the official game portal.

Training fights

Training mode selected in the hangar, in the bookmarks under the “Battle!” button. Many parameters in this mode can be edited: mode selection, maps, team composition, battle duration, room privacy, description. How to play in a training battle is described in the instructions for the game Tanks. An online training battle has a standard limit on the number of participants: 15 for 15 players, plus additional places in the “reserve”.

Experience and training credits fighting World of Tanks is not required, but you will have to pay for spent shells and equipment. Repairs after a training battle are free. Also, the results of a tank training battle are not recorded in the player’s statistics. Video World of Tanks in a training battle clearly demonstrates the tactics and strategy of combat.

Destroying enemy armored vehicles is the most obvious and easiest path to victory, but it is not the only way to win the battle. In World of Tanks, two teams of 15 players can fight in one of three battle modes, each with different victory conditions.

In a standard battle, each team has a base. To win, you must destroy all enemy equipment or capture your opponents' base.

On the mini-map, both bases are indicated by flags: the green flag is your team’s base, the red flag is the opponents’ base. To capture a base, you must stay inside the white circle next to the enemy flag. During the capture of an enemy base, you will see a green scale gradually filling, and if your base is captured, the scale will be red. Taking damage or leaving the circle reduces the fullness of the scale.

Teams have 15 minutes to fulfill one of the victory conditions, otherwise the match will end in a draw. In standard battles, strategies of both attack and defense are used simultaneously, because defending your base is no less important than capturing the enemy’s.

In assault mode, one of the teams plays the role of attackers, and the other - defenders. There is only one base on the map - the defenders. Their task is to guard the base and prevent it from being captured. The goal of the attackers is to capture the base or destroy all enemy equipment. 10 minutes are allotted for a battle in this mode, and if the attackers do not manage to win during this time, then victory is awarded to the defending team.

Mechanically, a counter battle is similar to a game of “king of the hill”: there is only one neutral base on the map, which both teams are trying to capture. They have 15 minutes to capture a neutral base or destroy all enemy equipment. The capture of the base is suspended if the vehicles of both teams are inside the circle, and continues when the capturing tanks of one of them knock out or push the opponents out of the circle.

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