Self-analysis of the plot role-playing game family. Psychological diagnostics. Self-analysis of the teacher’s conduct of role-playing games. Did the children leave the game? Why



Institute of Preschool Primary Education and Special Pedagogy


Work completed:

4th year student

Volgograd - 2010

Topic 1. Observation of the organization and management of creative games of preschoolers

Photo recording of children in the school preparatory group playing the game “School”

Lisa: “I’ll take the bag too!”

Misha: “You have 2 apples”

Karina: “Wrong”

Lisa: “You have three apples”

Karina: “Well done! I counted"

Natasha: “I also want to play something else”

Teacher: “Okay, think about what else you can play”

1. What relationships do children reflect in their role-playing games?

The main activity of children preschool age- a game during which spiritual and physical strength child: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

A special place is occupied by games that are created by children themselves - they are called creative or role-playing games. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully shapes a child’s personality, and therefore is an important means of education.

The game is a reflection of life. Here, everything is “as if,” “make-believe,” but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of reality: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings and experiences are genuine and sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are just toys, but he loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a “true” pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, and is truly proud of his victory. Imitating adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

In the game, the children reflected the relationship between the teacher and students.

The theme of the game is the phenomenon of life that will be depicted: family, kindergarten, school, travel, holidays. The same theme includes different episodes depending on the interests of children and the development of imagination. Thus, different stories can be created on the same topic. Each child portrays a person of a certain profession (teacher, captain, driver) or family member (mother, grandmother). Sometimes the roles of animals and characters from fairy tales are played. By creating a play image, the child not only expresses his attitude towards the chosen hero, but also shows personal qualities. All girls are mothers, but each gives the role its own individual characteristics. Likewise, in the role played as a pilot or astronaut, the features of the hero are combined with the features of the child who portrays him. Therefore, the roles may be the same, but the game images are always individual.

Numerous observations show that the choice of game is determined by the strength of the child’s experiences. He feels the need to reflect in the game both everyday impressions associated with the feelings he has for loved ones, and unusual events that attract him with their novelty.

The teacher’s task is to help the child choose from the mass of life experiences the most vivid ones, those that can serve as the plot of a good game. The experience of the best teachers convinces us that the only correct way to manage a game is to create interest in a particular life event and influence the imagination and feelings of children. In order to succeed interesting game, it is not enough for children to just see how they build a house, transport goods, sew clothes, etc. If we limit ourselves to this, children will imitate only the actions of adults, not realizing the significance of their work. As a result, the game will be poor and lacking in content. It is necessary to deeply excite children with the events of life, the labor feats of people, so that they want to imitate them and experience them with them. A book, a painting, a movie, a puppet theater helps to accomplish this task.

Spectacles have a strong influence on the game, especially television, which has become firmly established in the everyday life of every family. TV shows provide interesting material for games. Many games arise under the influence of special children's programs, as well as programs about events that live in our entire country. Preschoolers, like adults, excitedly watch programs about space flights and ask with keen interest about the exploits of astronauts. Like adults, young citizens are proud of the successes of our athletes and try to imitate them in their games. The teacher supports these games and helps develop them.

Based on the children's interests and their ideas, the teacher guides the choice of games. Using various techniques, he recalls to the children’s memory what they saw and what they were read about. For kids, for example, a visual reminder is important - toys: a toy piano makes them think music lesson, the toy animals are reminiscent of a familiar fairy tale. Sometimes, to give children an idea for a game, you can show them a performance puppet theater or toy theater. Repeating the dramatization, the kids basically remake it, combining what was shown with their personal experience: for example, Doctor Aibolit treats not animals, but dolls who are sick with the flu.

Young children usually start playing without thinking about the purpose of the game and its content. However, experience shows that already in the fourth year of life, preschoolers are able to choose the topic of the game and set a specific goal. Before the game starts, the teacher asks: “What will you play? What will you build? Where will you go by train? Who will you be? What toys do you need? These questions force children to think and outline the main plot, which may change in the future. Gradually the game becomes more and more purposeful, becomes more meaningful and interesting. In older preschool age, greater gaming experience, more developed imagination helps children to come up with different interesting stories. The teacher only needs a verbal reminder about an excursion, a book, or a movie for the idea of ​​a new good game to be born. An important motivator for the game is also a conversation in which the meaning of what was seen and read, the characters characters, their experiences. If you manage to captivate children with the plot, the game arises naturally even without the teacher’s suggestion. But the teacher can also advise the children on the topic of the game if he knows that it will interest them.

If in younger groups it is important only to teach children to deliberately choose a game, then with older preschoolers it is necessary to jointly discuss not only the theme of the game, but also outline a plan for the development of the plot in general terms, and determine the activities of each of the players. Of course, the game plan can only be indicative; as the plot develops, many new things are introduced into it, but everyone’s invention is subordinated to a common goal. The teacher, therefore, manages the game, directs its content, and influences the children’s relationships.

2. What types of adult activities do children reproduce in their role-playing games?

Children choose their playing role in accordance with their interests and their dreams about their future profession. They are still childishly naive and will change more than once, but it is important that the child dreams of participating in work useful to society. Gradually, through play, the child develops general ideas about the meaning of work and the role of various professions.

Most games reflect the work of adults: children imitate the household chores of their mother and grandmother, the work of a teacher, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot, astronaut, etc. Consequently, games instill respect for any work that is useful for society, and affirm the desire to take part in participation.

The content of children's games is varied: they reflect the life of the family and kindergarten, the work of people of different professions, social events that are understandable to the child and attract his attention. The division of games into household, industrial and social is conditional. The same game often combines elements of everyday life, work and social life: a mother takes her doll daughter to kindergarten, and she herself hurries to the factory; parents and children go to a festive demonstration at the stadium. But in every game there is a predominant motive that determines its content, its pedagogical significance.

Playing with dolls as daughters and mothers has existed at all times. This is natural: the family gives the child the first impressions of the life around him; parents are the closest, beloved people whom, above all, one wants to imitate. It is also natural that dolls attract mainly girls, because mothers and grandmothers take more care of children. However, if boys are not instilled with contempt for such games (“why do you need a doll, you’re not a girl”), and they are happy to be dads, perform household chores, and carry babies in a stroller.

By observing a child’s behavior in play, one can judge the relationships between adults in the family and their treatment of children. These games help instill in children respect for parents, elders, and a desire to take care of children. By imitating the housework of adults, children learn some housekeeping skills: they wipe dust from doll furniture, sweep the floor in their “house,” and wash doll clothes. Life in kindergarten also provides rich material for play activity, especially in younger groups, when the child receives many new experiences. The game reflects everyday life kindergarten and extraordinary joyful events: a New Year tree, a visit to the puppet theater, the zoo.

The vast majority of games are devoted to depicting the work of people of different professions. In all kindergartens, children drive trucks, travel on trains, on ships, and fly on airplanes. Construction is underway everywhere in our country, and children are tirelessly building houses, factories, and new cities. These games reflect the specifics of work and life of each republic, each region. On collective farms, children turn into machine operators, build poultry farms, mine coal in the Donbass, and graze flocks of sheep in Kazakhstan. Thus, through play, children’s interest in different professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is fostered.

3. What is the structure of the game's plots?

In this game, the children reflected a one-theme game - the game of school. However, this game had many characters, because there were students and a teacher and there were different lessons that the children liked.

4. What roles do children play in their games?

You can often observe how long and enthusiastically children craft, preparing for the game in a certain image: sailors build a ship, make life preservers, doctors and nurses equip a clinic. Sometimes the child introduces a playful image into real work. So, putting on a white apron and scarf to make cookies, he turns into a confectionery factory worker, and when cleaning the site, he becomes a janitor.

Thus, creative play as an important means comprehensive development children is associated with all types of their activities. This determines its place in the pedagogical process of kindergarten. Play is the most important independent activity, which is of great importance for the development of individuality and the formation of a children's team. For each group, educational tasks are defined, which are solved with the help of games.

5. Are elements of co-creation evident in the management of creative games?

Guiding creative games is one of the most difficult sections of preschool education methods. The teacher cannot foresee in advance what the children will come up with and how they will behave in the game. But this does not mean that the role of the teacher in creative play is less active than in classes or in games with rules. However, the unique nature of children's activities also requires unique management techniques.

The most important condition for successfully leading creative games is the ability to gain the trust of children and establish contact with them. This can only be achieved if the teacher takes the game seriously, with sincere interest, and understands the children’s plans and their experiences. Children willingly tell such a teacher about their plans and turn to him for advice and help.

The question is often asked: can and should the teacher intervene in the game? Of course, he has such a right if this is required in order to give the game the desired direction. But the intervention of an adult will only be successful when he enjoys sufficient respect and trust from children, when he knows how, without violating their plans, to make the game more exciting. The game reveals the characteristics of each child, his interests, good and bad character traits. Observations of children during this type of activity provide teachers with rich material for studying their students and help them find the right approach to each child. The main way of education in a game is to influence its content, that is, the choice of theme, plot development, distribution of roles and the implementation of game images.

Children should not be offered ready-made game plots developed by the teacher. In play, children imitate the activities of adults, but do not copy it, but combine their existing ideas and express their thoughts and feelings. And if they are asked to act according to the teacher’s plan, to copy these images, then this will suppress their imagination, independence, and spontaneity.

The organization of a play group and the formation of the personality of each child in this group is one of the most important and very difficult issues in childhood pedagogy. This complexity is caused by the dual nature of the experiences and relationships of the players. Performing his role with enthusiasm, the child does not lose his sense of reality, remembers that in fact he is not a sailor, and the captain is only his comrade. Showing outward respect to the commander, he may experience completely different feelings - he condemns him, envies him. If the game greatly captivates the child, if he consciously and deeply enters into the role, the gaming experience overcomes selfish impulses. The teacher’s task is to educate children using the best examples from the lives and activities of people that contribute to the formation of positive feelings and motives.

When organizing a game, the teacher faces difficult questions: every child wants to be in charge, but not everyone knows how to take into account the opinions of their comrades or resolve disputes fairly. Choosing an organizer requires a lot of attention. Not everyone can cope with this role, but all children need to be taught activity and organizational skills. For example, the guys decided to take a sea voyage, and many want to become a captain. The teacher, based on the concept of the game, reminds the children of what they have seen and read, says that, besides the captain, there are many other interesting professions on the ship: assistant captain, radio operator, pilot, and invites them to think and decide who to appoint to this or that role. The children themselves remember that they need a cook and a doctor. “Is there a library on the ship?” - asks the book lover. It turns out that everyone has something to their liking. The teacher talks about the responsible work of sailors, and this role also becomes attractive.

It is especially difficult for a teacher to lead a game when it has already begun. While the plot is being discussed and the children have not yet entered into the character, the teacher can give advice without, however, changing the children's plan. Careless interference during role-playing can destroy the image created by the child. If the teacher understands the children’s plans and their experiences, then in order to offer a new interesting episode, to give the game a new direction, he must enter the game in some role and address the children as actors.

For example, there are two planes at the airport, passengers move from one to another, there is no order. The teacher in the role of a passenger asks: “Comrade chief, who announces boarding? What plane goes to Leningrad?” The boss picks up the idea, organizes a control center, negotiates with the dispatcher which plane will depart first, and takes care of the orderly boarding of passengers.

By properly organizing games, the teacher helps each child find his place in the play group and become its active member, raising him to be a good friend, fair and modest.

Every child needs an individual approach, even if his behavior in the game does not cause any concern to the teacher. Children who are timid and unsure of themselves require special attention, and because of this they seem uninitiative. We categorically object to dividing children into active and passive groups. The child’s apparent passivity is mostly explained by the fact that it is difficult for him to immediately enter the life of the group, and adults do not help him in this, do not understand his interests. Many facts show how such a child is transformed if he finds the support of a teacher, how his creative abilities and organizational skills blossom.

A teacher has many difficulties with children who are overly lively, courageous, and proud. For the most part, they are the ringleaders of the games, and the guys willingly obey them. While supporting and developing the organizational skills of these children, it is necessary to instill in them modesty, a sense of responsibility, respect for comrades, and the habit of considering other people.

During a game, there are many moments that require the teacher to have subtle observations and resourcefulness, the ability to unite children to complete a game task, and to distract them from imitation of bad things. For example, disputes and even quarrels between children can break out in games. Their reasons are different, and with the age and development of children, the nature of conflicts changes. Children most often quarrel over the ownership of a toy. The teacher will easily reconcile them by offering an equally attractive doll or car. At an older age, misunderstandings may arise due to the fact that when playing together, children do not always understand each other.

For example, two girls are playing in kindergarten. One put the dolls to sleep, the other picks them up and puts them in the car. A quarrel arises. The teacher finds out that the second girl has an interesting idea - to take the dolls to the dacha. They agree that the children will sleep first and then go to the dacha.

Children five to six years old have already accumulated experience cooperative game, they know how to explain their plans to their comrades, but even in a well-organized, friendly gaming group, conflicts sometimes arise. Preschoolers of this age develop self-esteem, which must be given the right direction so that it does not develop into conceit and vanity. Disputes may arise when choosing a game (everyone wants their proposal to be accepted), when distributing roles, when introducing new episodes into the plot. The attentive, sensitive guidance of the teacher helps to resolve conflicts fairly. Gradually, the teacher accustoms the children to do this on their own. Sometimes interesting disputes arise about how the hero of the game behaves in life, how the machine actually works. Such disputes are useful for clarifying children’s ideas and for cultivating their curiosity.

Every child should be involved in group games, children should feel and understand that playing together is interesting. But this does not mean that there should be no solo play in kindergarten. Even the most sociable child of any age has the desire to make a building on his own, to play alone with his favorite toy. Such games are especially useful for easily excitable children who get tired of the company of their peers. You can often see how long and concentrated a child builds something or acts out scenes with the help of toys, acting as a director and speaking for all the characters. Individual games help the teacher identify the child’s characteristics and find an approach to him.

The boys were captivated by playing astronauts for many days. They set up a spaceport and built a rocket. The cosmonaut squad conducted training, doctors examined them, and cooks prepared food. The designers of the spacecraft showed a lot of interesting invention and ingenuity. They did everything on their own, turning to the teacher for advice and sharing their projects with him. But this independence and ingenuity are the result of knowledge previously acquired in classes and during the game, constructive skills developed by the teacher, and organizational skills instilled.

Having done a lot preparatory work, the teacher continues to closely monitor the development of the plot, the nature of children's relationships, helps resolve controversial issues, gives advice and suggestions to the game in the right direction. The success of managing play activities largely depends on whether it is possible to connect them with the work activity of children. The child’s desire for independence is also manifested in the fact that he is never satisfied with ready-made toys, no matter how good they are.

The process of making toys is included in the game as one of its stages, during which the child can fully demonstrate his activity and independence. Starting from the younger group, children should be taught to prepare everything they need for the game. For example, the kids decided to celebrate the birthday of a doll. The teacher offers to prepare a treat for the birthday girl and shows how to make sweets and cakes from plasticine. Then, as a gift for the doll, children make drawings and small toys from plasticine. Subsequently, preschoolers are taught to make toys from cardboard, wood, and other materials suitable for this purpose, which are found in every home (boards, boxes, spools, scraps of fabric, etc.). In the summer, children, under the guidance of a teacher, learn to make things necessary for the game from pine and spruce cones, moss, tree bark, and branches. The ability to build and tinker significantly develops children's play creativity, making games more meaningful and purposeful.

To educate children in play, the selection of ready-made toys and a thoughtful way of using and storing them are also very important. For creative play, first of all, toys are needed that convey the image of a person or animal, depict various items, cars. A toy often encourages play, helps to carry out plans, and evokes good feelings in a child. There is a lot of imaginary and conditional in the game, but as we have already said, the child’s experiences and his actions are always real. With a doll in her hands, a girl feels like a real mother; with toy animals, children can create a zoo or a circus. In the family, the baby has sole control over his toys and gives names to dolls and animals. In kindergarten, for the first time, a child encounters public property and gets used to treating toys with care: however, in kindergarten, too, a joyful environment should be created. gaming atmosphere, maintain an attitude towards the toy as a playmate.

In each age group The selection of toys changes due to the development of children's gaming interests. Children usually have several identical toys of different sizes and designs, since variety distracts children’s attention and prevents them from focusing on one subject. As children age, games become more complex and the need for more different toys arises. Instead of several identical dogs and bears, you need a set of different toy animals with which you can play herd, circus or zoo. Dolls appear - pioneers, sailors, soldiers, dolls depicting people of different nationalities. To ensure that toys do not lose their attractiveness, it is necessary to change them: temporarily remove those for which interest has faded, and introduce new ones. Getting to know new toy may take place in different ways, but the teacher must always arouse interest in it and explain its purpose.

6. What types of games are more common among children in your subgroup?

Creative games vary in content (reflection of everyday life, the work of adults, events in public life); by organization, number of participants (individual, group, collective); by type (games, the plot of which is invented by the children themselves, dramatization games - acting out fairy tales and stories; construction games).

With all the diversity creative games they have common features: children themselves choose the theme of the game, develop its plot, distribute roles among themselves, and select the necessary toys. All this happens under the conditions of tactful guidance from adults, which is aimed at arousing initiative and activity in children, developing their creative imagination, while maintaining initiative.

In the school preparatory group, you can more often see children playing “School”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “To the Hospital”, that is, they reflect the work of adults.

7. Do behavioral stereotypes associated with their gender appear in children’s games?

Yes, in children’s games one can already notice emerging behavioral stereotypes characteristic of a girl or a boy. Girls behave like representatives of the female gender: appropriate clothing, manners, behavior. Boys also act like men.

8. Do your playing partners approve or reject these stereotypes?

Play partners approve of these behavioral stereotypes if they are gender-appropriate. That is, if a girl behaves like a female representative, and vice versa.

9. Are the strategy and tactics of playful interaction between the teacher and children correct?

Game management in each age group has its own characteristics. In younger groups, the teacher directly organizes the game, sometimes even becomes a participant in it, in order to influence the children by his example, instill in them the skills of playing together and the skills of handling toys.

In older groups, the role of the teacher in guiding the game is no less active and responsible. Children are given independence in choosing a game and its organization, but behind this independence lies the hard work of the teacher.

Thus, play plays a big role in the life and development of children. In play activities, many of the child’s positive qualities, interest and readiness for upcoming learning are formed, and his cognitive abilities develop. Play is important both for preparing a child for the future and for making his present life full and happy.

Topic 2. Observing the relationships of children in and outside of play

game preschool teacher creative

Photo recording of school preparatory group children playing

Game "School"

The game involves 5 children from a preparatory school group.

Kindergarten teacher Marina Aleksandrovna suggested playing “School”.

Educator: “Guys, you have already become big, you will soon go to school, but let’s try to play school.”

Alice: “Let's play school!!!”

Karina: “Okay, but I will be the teacher, and you will be the students!”

Natasha: “No, I want to be a teacher!”

Teacher: “Girls, don’t quarrel. Let’s each take turns being the teacher, okay?”

Misha: “I’ll now take the bag as if it were my school bag.”

Lisa: “I’ll take the bag too!”

Teacher: “Okay, get ready for the game”

Karina: “Hello children. I am your teacher and today we have a writing lesson. Take out your notebooks and pens and write those little hooks that I have drawn on the board in your notebook.”

Misha: “I can’t see what’s drawn there, I want to write whatever you want in the notebook!”

Karina: “Today I am a teacher and you must obey me, let’s write in your notebooks!”

Alice: “I’ve already drawn everything, check my notebook”

Natasha: “I’ve already drawn it too and I want a math lesson. Let there be mathematics!”

Lisa: “And I want a drawing lesson. I want to draw in a notebook and not do math."

Karina: “Calm down. Now I’ll check how you wrote the hooks in your notebooks.”

Natasha: “I was the very first to make hooks”

Karina: “Well done, Natasha, I’ll give you a good mark. And now we will count the apples that I will show you.”

Misha: “You have 2 apples”

Karina: “Wrong”

Lisa: “You have three apples”

Karina: “Well done! I counted"

Natasha: “I want to be a teacher now, I’m tired of being a student”

Educator: “Karina. Let Natasha be a teacher now.”

Natasha: “Now you have a reading lesson. Who will read me a poem?

Misha: “I know a poem about a clubfoot bear!”

Natasha: “Okay, tell me! Well done"

Lisa: “I also know a poem about autumn”

Alice: “I’ll tell you a poem about winter and I don’t want to play anymore”

Teacher: “Alice, why don’t you want to play?”

Alice: “I also want to be a teacher, I want to run and jump in class, and not read”

Teacher: “Now Alice will teach your physical education lesson.”

Alice: “Let’s walk around the room, now we’ve run, and now we’re crawling on our haunches.”

Misha: “I’m tired of playing school, and I don’t want to play anymore”

Natasha: “I want to play school, and other children want to”

1. How many children participated in the game at first? How many children joined during the game?

At first 5 people participated in the game. As the game progressed, none of the children joined the game.

2. Who decides on the admission of children to the game?

Questions about the admission of children to the game in a preparatory group for school are decided by the participants of the game themselves - that is, the children themselves.

3. Did the children leave the game? Why?

Yes, one boy left the game and did not continue it. He did not want to play anymore because he was no longer interested, perhaps because he was not in the role of a teacher in the game.

4. Did any conflicts arise during the distribution of roles? By whom and how were they eliminated?

During the distribution of roles, a conflict arose between the two girls over which of them would be the teacher. The teacher, for her part, invited the children to each play the role of a teacher, and the children agreed.

5. Who was the leader in the game?

The leaders in the game, of course, were those children. Who alternately played the role of a teacher, because they tried to manage the educational process: they assigned tasks, asked students, etc.

6. Were there any passive children who were completely subject to the will of others?

In my opinion, there were no such obviously passive children, because if they obeyed the will of other children, it was only because of their role in the game; if they were students, then they recited poems, ran around the room, and completed all the teacher’s tasks.

Conclusion:the real relationships between children and play relationships were very close to reality. This is characterized by the example that two girls Karina and Natasha were arguing about who would be the teacher. IN real life Girls are also a kind of rivals and natural leaders, so this relationship is reflected in their play activities.

Topic 3. The child’s personality through the eyes of the teacher

A child in whom I see a personality A child who irritates me A child who I understand Ideal child Aggressive -3+3-3+3 Stupid-3+2-3-3 Initiative+3-3+3+3 Observant +3-2+2+3 Loving +3-3+3+3 Sneaky -3+3-3-3Greedy -3+3-3-3 Cheerful +3-3+2+3Good organizer +3-2+2+3Affable+3-3+3+3Stubborn+ 1-3-3-3Conflict-3+3-3-3Affectionate+3-3+3+3Capable +3-3+3+3Sensitive +3-3+3+3Cunning+2+3+2+2Active+3- 3+3+3Sedentary -2+3-2-2Interested+3-3+2+3Nervous -3+3-3-3Closed -3+3-3-3Sociable +3-3+3+3Incapable -3+3- 3-3 Disciplined +3-3+3+3 Capricious -3+3-3-3 Mean -3+3-3-3 Honest +3-3+3+3 Erudite +3-3+2+3 Outgoing +3-3+3+ 3 Rude -3+3-3-3 Passive -3+3-3-3 Obedient +3-3+3+3 Hardworking +3-3+3+3 Sincere +3-3+3+3 Arrogant -3+3-3-3 Willful - 3+3-3-3Undeveloped -3+3-3-3Neat +3-3+3+3Defenceless -2-3-2-2Disinhibited -3+3-3-3Responsible +3-3+3+3Uncommunicative -3+ 3-3-3Striving for leadership +3-3+3+3Lazy -3+3-3-3Indifferent -3+3-3-3Modest +3-3+3+3Sloppy -3+3-3-3Spiritual +3- 3+3+3Cruel -3+3-3-3Insolent -3+3-3-3Independent +2-3+2+2Listener +3-3+3+3Trusting +2-3+2+2Angry -3+3 -3-3Attentive +3-3+3+3Ungroomed -3+3-3-3Inquisitive +3-3+3+3Rejected -3+3-3-3Not friends with anyone -3+3-3-3Inattentive -3 +3-3-3Executive +3-3+3+3Leader +3-3+3+3Ill-mannered-3+3-3-3Smart +3-3+3+3Teachable +3-3+3+3Responsive+3-3 +3+3

Present this table to the teacher and explain that it is necessary to assess the severity of these qualities not in this or that child, but in a general way. When filling out the table, a “+3” sign is given if the quality indicated in the left column is represented in the child to the maximum extent, “-3” - if this quality is not expressed at all - and intermediate points - in the case of a lesser or greater degree of expression.

From the point of view of the professional position of the educator, it can be noted that such personality qualities as:



Good organizer
















Aspiring to leadership











mainly prevail in his assessments of children who are understandable to him, in the assessment of the ideal child and in the assessment of the child in whom the teacher sees a personality.

Such qualities as:

















Not friends with anyone



on the contrary, they prevail in the assessment of a child who annoys the teacher.

Topic 4. The educational process in a preschool educational institution as an environment for the development of the subjectivity of a preschool child

Part 1. Observation of children's activities using the example of work activity.

Observe the work activities of children of this age group and determine the level of development of subjective properties in preschoolers: 1 - absence of properties; 2 - low level of property development (leading role of an adult); 3 - average level (a hint or a little help from the teacher is required); 4 - high level.

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them. In the process of introducing adults to the work, the teacher forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a caring attitude towards its results, and a desire to provide adults with all possible help. By including children in work activities, the teacher develops work skills, develops the habit of work effort, responsibility, caring, thrift, hard work, willingness to participate in work, without avoiding unpleasant work, and forms positive relationships between children.

When organizing work, the teacher is guided by the Program, which determines the content of the work activities of children in each age group.

The main types of work in kindergarten are household work, work in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duty and collective work of children.

Assignments are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten, but in younger groups they are the leading form of organizing child labor. Educators should know why work with children on labor education should begin with individual assignments that the child completes together with the teacher, and only much later move on to other forms. Due to their psychological characteristics, children of younger groups are not yet sufficiently independent in their actions, they are prone to imitation, they cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace required for the team, they are often distracted and do not finish the work they start. At this age, children are little interested in the result; they are attracted by the process of action itself (they do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve the result). Therefore, only in the second younger group from the second half of the year, when children already have some work experience, teachers use group assignments. The main form of unification in work for children of this age is “side by side” work, when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the teacher; at the same time, the child practices the skills and abilities necessary in team work.

At the end of the year, duty duties are introduced in the second junior group - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence. (The most widely used different types duty is received in the senior and preparatory groups.)

The most complex form of organizing children's work is collective work. It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, when skills become more stable and the results of work have practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience in participating in various types of duty and in carrying out various assignments. Increased capabilities allow the teacher to solve more complex problems of labor education: he teaches children to negotiate upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete a task within a certain time frame. IN senior group The teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all and when at the end of the work a general result is summed up.

In the preparatory group, joint work takes on special importance when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to cultivate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with requests, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

Properly organized and feasible work unites children, promotes mutual assistance, discipline, the ability to distribute forces and overcome difficulties, promotes independence, initiative, the desire to do a good job, and the habit of cooperation. Reasonably directed feasible labor contributes to physical development children, increased overall performance and endurance of the body, accuracy and coordination of movements. In the process of work, children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals, master the simplest operations with objects (pencil, hammer), learn about materials and their properties. Children develop an interest in work, a desire to work, and the correct idea that work brings joy.

When observing the work of children in each age group, it is important to establish: whether conditions for work have been created; are there tools and materials for all types of work appropriate for the age of the children; Are equipment and materials stored rationally, can children use them independently, and also pay attention to the content of children’s work, the system of including them in work, its duration and volume, forms of combining children in work, methods and techniques of raising children, gradual increasing the complexity of tasks and increasing demands on children’s independence.

During the academic year, monitoring of the implementation of the program should be carried out in all groups. Observations should cover all types of child labor and all forms of child organization. Thus, observing the educational process during self-service, in the younger group it is necessary to clarify what initial work duties are introduced for children, how they are absorbed by the kids; in the middle group, you need to pay attention to consolidating these skills and accelerating the pace of self-service; in older groups - check the independence of children in the process of self-service. Observing how household work is organized, in older groups one should see whether complications have been introduced into the content of work, whether children know how to distribute responsibilities, what is the effectiveness of child labor; and in younger groups - to pay attention to the availability of work, to the methods and techniques that encourage children to work, to the behavior of children in the subsequent time, their interest in work. When observing the work of children in nature, it is important to establish its correspondence to the age of the children, local conditions, and time of year.

The organization of manual labor also requires serious attention. Observations will help to find out whether all types of this work are used by educators; what types of work have become firmly established in children’s lives, and what types are just being introduced; what skills children are mastering or have mastered.

When observing the work of the attendants in the second junior group, you should pay attention to the children’s ability to act with the help of adults, to the desire to engage in work independently, without the help of others; in the middle group - on the ability of children to start being on duty without reminders, to work in a certain sequence, not to be distracted, and to finish the job they started; in the senior and preparatory groups - on the ability to independently distribute responsibilities, consistently perform all necessary actions, observe all the rules of hygiene in work (wash hands before duty, pick up a cup only by the handle, etc.).

When monitoring work on labor education, attention should be paid to establishing continuity between groups, as well as the unity of requirements among educators and other personnel.

During observations and in the process of analysis, the manager reminds of the need to pay constant attention to the development of children’s work skills, nurturing children’s attitude towards fulfilling their duties; discuss the results of everyday child labor, evaluate it, otherwise children lose interest in work. Interest in work disappears even if for everything the children do they are only praised: “Well done!” Carelessness, unnoticed by the teacher, lack of effort, and undeserved praise reduce the pedagogical impact of work. When analyzing the work of a teacher, these points should also be paid attention to.

When studying the work of teachers in the labor education of children, it is important to use different methods: observation pedagogical process, planning analysis, conversations with children and adults.

Materials and equipment for children's work activities

Equipment for children's household work. In order for children to be able to take an active part in caring for the premises and things that are available in the group and on the site, as well as being on duty in the dining room, preparing materials and aids for classes, a variety of equipment is needed.

For children to work in caring for the premises, the teacher must have the following at his disposal.

Aprons - white and colored cotton, oilcloth; white - for setting tables for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and subsequent cleaning; colored - for caring for the room and things; oilcloth - for washing toys and doll clothes, for working in a corner of nature.

Sweeping brush, dustpan - for sweeping crumbs from the table, tablecloth or individual napkins. Dimensions: sweeping brush - handle diameter - 2.3 cm; scoop-12X12 cm, handle length-8-10 cm.

Floor brush, dustpan. Dimensions: brush - length 20 cm, handle length - 100-110 cm, diameter - 2-2.3 cm, dustpan - 12X12 cm, handle length - 12-14 cm.

Basins, buckets, trays.

A specific place is allocated for storing equipment, and everything that children use independently is arranged so that they themselves can get and put away everything they need for work. In the senior and preparatory groups, this can be a combined cabinet of any design with closed and open shelves. In its closed part, brushes and dustpans are hung on hooks; in another compartment, basins for cleaning, for washing doll clothes, clamps, and buckets are stored on special shelves; in the open part of the cabinet there should be a compartment for storing white aprons, and in the closed part for storing oilcloth aprons.

Items for the care of clothes and shoes. Brush for cleaning clothes (14-15 cm). Brooms for sweeping snow (at the entrance to the room). Brushes for cleaning shoes (14-15 cm). A box with needles, multi-colored threads, braid (for hangers) and a set of buttons.

With the help of these accessories, children take care of their clothes and shoes and, if necessary, eliminate the mess in them.

Equipment for children's work on the site is necessary in order to properly organize children's activities in all seasons. Work items should be convenient for children, have an attractive appearance, and be made of light but sufficiently durable material (for example, shovels and scoops - iron or steel; buckets and watering cans - made of thin galvanized iron or tin, painted with oil paint, or polyethylene; wheelbarrows, stretchers, labels, etc. - made of wood).

The following equipment is used for cleaning the site, working in the vegetable garden and flower garden.

Shovels for digging up soil dug up by adults; the shovel tray is 15-13 cm, the length of the handle is 75-30 cm (see equipment drawings in the book “Observations and Work in Nature.” M., 1976).

A wooden shovel for clearing an area of ​​snow: its length with a tray is from 80 cm to 1 m, the tray is 12-14 cm, the diameter of the handle is 2 cm.

Wooden rake (for raking leaves) and iron (for loosening, clearing the soil surface from stones, leveling the surface of ridges): approximate number of teeth - 7, distance between them - 2.3-2.5 cm, height of teeth - 5 cm, length combs -20-22 cm, rake length - 100-110 cm, handle cross-section - 2-3 cm.

Broom for cleaning an area from dry leaves and other debris: stick length - 1 m, diameter from 2 to 2.3 cm.

Stretcher with sides for carrying earth, sand, fallen leaves: length - 20-25 cm, width - 20 cm, side height - 3-4 cm, length with handles -100-110 cm.

Wheelbarrow for transporting earth, sand, fallen leaves, pebbles: side height - 20 cm, length including handles - 100-30 cm, side length - 30-40 cm, wheel diameter - 12 cm.

Snow compactor. Engine for raking freshly fallen snow. Metal scrapers. Sleds, baskets or boxes for transporting snow on a sled. Buckets with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Watering cans with a capacity of up to 2 liters.

Scoops for digging and planting plants, for hilling and loosening the soil; tray length - 10 cm, width - 7-8 cm, scoop length - 16-20 cm. Hand claws for loosening the soil.

Equipment used by children in the process of working in nature is stored in the kindergarten area, in cabinets with shelves convenient for children.

Items for children's manual labor. Educators should encourage children’s desire to independently apply labor skills and abilities in the process of performing various tasks, as well as making homemade toys for games, gifts for children and adults. For this purpose, certain equipment and materials are made available to children.

The paper is thick, thin, tissue paper. Thick paper (landscape, cover, tabletop) is used for folding and gluing three-dimensional forms. It can be white, colored, marble, glossy. Thin paper is used for external pasting of finished forms. Tissue paper (multi-colored and white) is recommended for decorating finished products.

Cardboard. Usually, small strips or sheets of cardboard are given for work of such density that the child can cut it freely. From thicker cardboard, the teacher prepares templates for parts, from which the children independently cut out the desired shape, first outlining the outline.

Household materials: various boxes (matchboxes, cardboard, sugar, cosmetic creams, toothpastes, vitamins, etc.), spools, corks. Children make toys and souvenirs from this material.

Industrial waste: foam rubber, polystyrene foam, scraps of copper wire, twine. Foam rubber is soft, elastic, pliable to scissors, absorbs moisture well, and is easy to paint. Foam rubber is used for cutting vegetables, fruits, and berries of various shapes. To paint, the resulting product is first moistened with clean water, then it is saturated with paint by squeezing and unclenching. To design products made from foam rubber, pieces of wire (with or without a colored sheath), pieces of fur, and fabric are required.

Natural material: spruce, pine cones; hazelnuts, acorns, chestnuts; pine bark, bird feathers, grass, straw, moss, birch bark, poppy heads, halves of walnut shells, shells, etc. They usually collect dry branches and fallen leaves, teaching children that they need to take care and protect nature. All this is stored in closed boxes with holes drilled in the lids. Where there is a dark, dry room, you can dry them on old newspapers spread out - such drying makes it possible to preserve the natural color of the natural material and its strength. If natural material (cones, acorns, chestnuts) lies for a long time, then it becomes hard, so the blanks for future crafts are renewed every fall.

All of the listed materials must be in sufficient quantities so that they are enough both for conducting classes with all children and for individual use.

All materials should have their place in the group room so that it is convenient for children to use them in their free time. Next to them there should be tools that are necessary for work.

Casein glue is used for crafts made from cardboard and thick paper. Before class, casein glue powder is poured with warm water, thoroughly stirred until the consistency of sour cream and immediately placed into sockets.

Items and equipment for working with fabric. Various scraps: chintz, colored satin, white cotton fabric, silk, wool, flannel (children use them to sew clothes for dolls, soft toys, etc.).

Patterns for cutting dresses, aprons, blouses, panties for dolls; toy patterns. Sewing machines. Children use sewing machines to sew sheets, pillowcases, scarves, towels, and handkerchiefs for dolls.

Needles, pincushions, threads of different colors, as well as buttons of different colors and sizes, scissors are stored in special boxes.

Materials, tools, equipment for manual labor placed on shelves or in a closet. Next to paper of different sizes, shapes, types, colors, there are tools for working with it: scissors, brushes with hard bristles, simple pencils, a small tray with scraps of colored paper, pieces of plastic for working with glue, as well as casein glue in a bottle with a twist lid, brush holders, napkins.

On another shelf - matchboxes, as well as threads, wire, corks, pieces of fabric. A knife, a faceted awl, a hand drill are stored separately.

Space is also allocated in the closet for equipment needed for working with fabric: children's sewing machines, patterns, threads, buttons, cotton wool, foam rubber. (Needles and awls are kept by the teacher.)

Equipment for woodworking. A table for working with wood, slightly lower than the child’s waist height, is positioned so that the children working at it do not interfere with those playing and so that the light falls on it from the left side.

A backing board covered with felt is necessary for working with a hammer. On its rough surface, parts do not slip, and the felt absorbs noise that occurs during operation. The length of the board is equal to the length of the table, width - 25-30 cm, height - 3-4 cm.

A tool box with two compartments: a narrow one for storing a hacksaw, a wide one for a hammer, a box of nails, pliers, a ruler and a marking pencil. The toolbox is located on the right side of the workbench.

Tools: metal hammer weighing 180-200 g with a wooden handle (the cross section of the handle is oval); nails 2-3 cm long with a wide head, round; a hacksaw with a tooth height of 4-5 mm, the length of the hacksaw blade is 350 mm, the width of the blade at the beginning is 40-50 mm, at the end - 25-30 mm, thickness is 0.8 mm; the saw handle is wooden.

Wooden blanks: bars, slats, rectangles made of soft wood (linden, spruce, pine). The workpieces must be dry, well processed, without roughness. They are stored in a box with compartments near the desktop.

1. The ability to set a goal for an activity: ask the child why he is performing this or that action (watering flowers, etc.), whether he sees final result their activities, whether this activity has significance for the group, for the teacher.

Olya 5 years 8 months - watering flowers in a group. In the conversation, it turned out that she watered the flowers because they were thirsty and could die without water, the teacher told her that if you water the flowers, then there will be small flowers on them, because the guys took good care of them.

2. The presence of a motive for the activity being performed: ask whether the child willingly performs the actions, what motivates him in doing so - the expectation of praise, caring for his neighbor, the desire to be good, the desire to attract attention, something else.

Olya eagerly waters the flowers and says that she likes it because she wants to see small flowers (watering a Chinese rose). She also wants the teacher to praise her for taking good care of the flowers.

3. The ability to choose means of activity: observe whether the child independently chooses the tools for the upcoming activity, whether they correspond to its purpose and content; do not rush to conclusions, if the tools are chosen non-standard, analyze the child’s answers (how this or that tool can be used from his point of view).

Olya independently chooses a watering can to water the flowers. She has watered flowers many times before and knows where to get the necessary equipment.

4. Qualitative assessment of the content of the activity: whether the child knows how to carry out actions to achieve the goal, whether his actions are independent, whether he masters the necessary operations, whether he completes the task.

Olya waters the flower on her own without the help of an adult and knows how to do it. She masters the necessary operations to water a flower and completes the job.

Subject code Ability to set a goal for an activity Availability of a motive for an activity Ability to choose means of activity Assessing the content of an activity Degree of independence of an activity Olga 44444 Kirill 33323 Alisa 33333 Natasha 44444 Misha 23222 Liza 43444 Karina 44444

Part 2. Observe the activities of the teacher when organizing the work of preschoolers.

1. Does he always tell the children the purpose of this or that activity, and does he discuss the stages of its organization?

The teacher almost always informs the children about the type of activity and how it should be done. Well, for example, watering the flowers in the room.

2. Does the child have the right to choose tools for activity?

The teacher allows the child to choose his own tools, but if the child chooses the wrong tools, the teacher corrects him and tells him what to take.

3. Is the real ratio of the participation of the teacher and children in the activity involved in the course of the activity itself, what is its role?

Some children in the preschool group independently carry out work activities, however, some need help from the teacher, he shows them how to do it correctly and what tools to use when performing this or that activity.

4. Does he pay attention to the result of the activity, does he discuss possible difficulties, reasons for the error?

The teacher tries to praise all children and discusses with the children their correct actions during work.

Topic 5. Study of value orientations of preschool children

Goal: to identify which moral categories act as value orientations for preschool children.


Have a group conversation with the children on the topic “My friend.” To begin with, tell the children some fairy tale (“Teremok”, “The Bremen Town Musicians” ...), which would provide a smooth transition to a conversation on the designated topic; ask the children if they have friends, where they live, if they are currently in the group; talk about what a friend is, what kind of friend you need to be; ask the guys which one of them good friend and why, should friends be helped; Are the fairy tale characters friends and why?

It is more effective to conduct a conversation in pairs, when one of the students organizes it, and the second records the children’s answers.

Educator: Children, stand in a circle, friendship begins with a smile . Look at each other, smile, call each other affectionately by name. I have a ball of thread, I will take the ball in my left hand, wrap the thread around my thumb with my right hand. Looking into my neighbor's eyes I'll tell you, a friend can be someone who... (Children's answers in a circle) does not quarrel, shares toys, does not take them away, will help in difficult times, takes care of a friend, is friends with both boys and girls, will play with him, help, give advice. ..

Educator. - Let's remember what motto we use to start our day? Children join hands and say the proverb: One for all and all for one.

What does this proverb mean? (Children's answers).

And now I’ll read you a fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov How do friends get to know each other? . Do you think that the heroes did the right thing towards their friends? (Reading a fairy tale).

Why do you think the Beaver did not want to go further with the Fox and the Boar?

Why did the Boar say: You go first, you are older, do you deserve honor?

Did the Fox help the Beaver in any way?

Why did she shout: Boar, save the Beaver, will our Beaver disappear?


But what do real friends do? Tell me. (Children's answers).

Listen to the new proverb: Farewell yourself, but help your comrade . What does this proverb mean? (Children's answers). Let's say it all together in unison.

Conversation analysis:

  1. Do children have a developed idea of ​​friendship?

Children have formed an idea of ​​​​friendship. They know what it is and what a friend should be.

  1. What value orientations do children have (mutual help, cooperation, kindness, hard work, courage...)?

Basically, children believe that a friend should help in difficult times and be kind.

  1. Evaluate the children’s behavior during the conversation, namely the ability to listen to each other, ways of expressing agreement and disagreement.

Not all children can listen carefully to each other; some interrupt.

  1. Describe your impressions of the conversation: what caused difficulties, what was most successful, what explains the possible failure.

For me, it was quite difficult to prepare for a conversation about friendship with preschoolers, because I had to explain the concept of friendship to the children in a playful and entertaining way and find out from them how much they know who a friend is.

Tags: PRACTICUM. Role-playing games with preschoolers Practice report Pedagogy

Psychological diagnostics

Self-analysis of the teacher role-playing game

teacher-psychologist MBDOU "DS "Vasilyok" Tarko-Sale

As practice shows, not all kindergarten teachers know how to properly organize children’s play, manage it and, in general, competently use its opportunities for the development of children. A self-analysis questionnaire will allow them to analyze their activities in this direction, identify mistakes, strengths and weaknesses.

In turn, the results of this study can be the basis for the development of trainings and recommendations by an educational psychologist.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, forms and methods of work must be used with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics. Educational activities are based on the interaction of adults with children and are focused on the interests and capabilities of each child.

In preschool age, the game is leading. It is possible to create conditions that open up opportunities for his positive socialization, personality development, initiative and creativity based on cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Observation in natural conditions of independent role-playing play of children aged 4–7 years and study of the features of pedagogical management of the game showed:

    often the game is not age appropriate, the plots are monotonous in content and stereotypical (“Home”, “Barbershop”, “Hospital”, “Garage”, etc.). Few combinations of combining into game plot, only in 4 groups out of 8 did children’s play with one plot smoothly flow into another. When observing children, one gets the impression of endless movement in a circle within the framework of habitual role-playing actions and interactions. Not only do they not come up with new story ideas, but they also do not pick up the ideas of others; children do not know how to play, only a small number of them can initiate the game, they do not know how to correlate plans with the achieved result, they rarely fantasize; the teacher’s position is not very appropriate - children experience difficulties in assigning roles, turn to the teacher for help as an adult, and not a partner, and wait for instructions or demonstration of actions; the conditions for the development of role-playing games are not sufficiently created - children rarely use substitute objects, there are few imaginative toys, homemade ones, there is no creativity in selecting toys during the game.

Studying the features of pedagogical management of the game (by)

A teacher-psychologist observes how a teacher directs children’s play activities.

The data is entered into protocols and analyzed according to the following scheme:

1. What place does the teacher assign to games in the daily routine?
2. How it enriches children's experience in order to develop play.
3. What types of gaming activities does he prefer to organize?
4. How the beginning of the game is organized.
5. Can he get involved in the game and take on roles? How do children feel about the teacher’s participation in the game?
6. How to use direct (indication, demonstration of actions, etc.) and indirect methods of leading the game (questioning, problem situations, enriching children’s experience, taking on a role, reminding, etc.).
7. How the teacher regulates the children during the game. In what ways does he resolve conflicts: advice, appeal to the role being performed, reminder of a moral norm, forceful method, etc.
8. Does it take into account the individual characteristics of children when guiding the game? Does it use the game for the purpose of developing children and correcting their behavior?

Then he invites him to answer the questions:

    What place should play occupy in a child’s life? Why? What place do you give it in your daily routine? How are children's games managed? How are individual characteristics taken into account?

Observation and interview data are compared. A conclusion is made about how psychologically justified and appropriate the teacher’s position is in relation to children’s games.

Self-analysis of the role-playing game "Cafe".

I conducted an educational event,plot-role-playing game "Cafe" in the “Strawberry Strawberry” group of the “Little Red Riding Hood” kindergarten, the goal of which wasdeveloping children’s ability to act in a real environment when visiting a cafe through the role-playing game “Cafe”, modeling in this game various actions of people and forms of their behavior.

While holding this event, I set a number of taskssocial - communicative, cognitive, speech, physical and artistic aesthetic development.

1.Social and communicative

Use knowledge about the surrounding life and attributes in the game in accordance with the plot;

Exercise the ability to understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it;

Maintain friendly relationships between childrendesire to play in a group of peers.

2.Cognitive development

To consolidate children’s knowledge about the cafe, its employees and their areas of activity;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

3.Speech development

Activate children's speech;

Practice the ability to conduct a dialogue using forms of politeness in speech.

4.Physical development

To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans;

Develop physical activity.

5. Artistic and aesthetic development

Develop rhythmic movement skills in accordance with the nature of the music;

Improve children's emotional well-being and emancipation.)

I think that I implemented the set goal and solution to the problems in a sufficiently complete manner . This was evidenced, according to my observations and feedback from those present, by the actions, behavior, communication and speech of the children throughout the game. The children were interested, attentive, active, and friendly. Independence was observed in verbal communication with others, they communicated with each other respectfully. When reflecting on the lesson, it was noted that the guys who played the role of cafe visitors highly appreciated the work of the cafe representatives and left their wishes in the review books and suggestions in the form of emoticons and vice versa.

Note , having analyzedmethodology for this lesson , what contributed achieving the set goal and solving problems.

Firstly, in my opinion, it was very successfully and correctly chosengaming personality-oriented educational technology. This technology of role-playing game is fully consistent with the age and psychological characteristics of the children in my group. Moreover, I built the program content of the game in accordance with the requirements of the exemplary general education program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. VasilyevaT, taking into account age characteristics children 5-6 years old.

Secondly , all methods, techniques and forms of organizing children were chosen in accordance with this technology:

1. Leading method I chose modeling and design methods , which were applied at the stage of preparation for the game (we jointly discussed and created a model of a cafe, designed its interior; discussed models of behavior of visitors in the cafe, they were supposed to be them; modeled the actions and speech of each of the cafe workers, according to their profession, jointly and individually designed attributes of clothing of representatives of a particular profession, their speech.).

The children themselves gave the name of the cafe, although they argued a little; it was also good that the children expressed their opinions and came to a common opinion. Then we jointly created coziness in our cafe, decorated the tables, placed vases and napkin holders. The guys told us how to behave in in public places. With great pleasure we talked about the people of those professions who work in the cafe and what function they perform.

Implementation same developedmodels and projects , undoubtedly, was carried out during the game.

2. Since my children are preschoolers, I couldn’t do without usingexplanatory and illustrative method in form of conversation and discussion at the stage of preparation for the game, the children had a steady interest in the game, thanks to preliminary conversations, watching video materials, and reading fiction.

3. Undoubtedly, the lesson I conducted waspersonality-oriented character, because

Children were given the right to choose. Each child was given the opportunity to self-realize. Story roles were distributed according to the wishes of the children.

Not only the wishes of the children were taken into account, but also their abilities and capabilities, whichsignificantly increased children’s self-esteem and created a situation of success at all stages of preparation and conduct of the game.

This role-playing gamehad a strong positive emotional connotation Due to the children’s acceptance of one or another role they liked, they “lived” the accepted role (and the roles were varied: administrator, cook, waiter, musician, singer, security guard, driver, visitor).And positive emotions are always success, they are always health-saving .

4.Talking on forms of organizing children's activities , I would note the following:

- collective (everyone did a lot together, the success and final outcome of the game depended on the coordinated work of everyone);

- independent (children and their parents talked about the cafe employees, what they do and what their role is, they thought through the role);

-pairs (where it was necessary to act out a dialogue, work was done in pairs, for example, a waiter and a customer).

-group( scene “In a taxi”, conversation with a correspondent, etc.)

Such a variety of used forms of organizing children’s activities contributed to revitalization, change of activities of children, maintaining a stable interest of children and relieving tension and fatigue, which is important for children.

5. I would like to noteworking together with parents both during the period of preparation for the plot-role-playing game, and in the process of its implementation (to help make attributes, visiting a children's cafe with children.The role of the newspaper correspondent was taken on by the mother of Nifontov’s pupil Antoshi and played it with great pleasure, interestingly and artistically)

5. Equipment , which I used in the game, corresponds aesthetic requirements (tables, tablecloths, vases, badges, attributes, video materials, ICT, etc.) It is bright, colorful, attractive, safe and easy to use. I believe that the use of such attributes in the game is pedagogically justified.

Summing up the results of the self-analysis of this educational event that I conducted,I want to note that play in general in a child’s life, and this one in particular, is of invaluable importance, first of all, for the social development of the child, it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication and prepares him for life in society, children learn independently apply the experience they have gained in the future, making it easier for them to adapt in the future.

For me personally, holding such an educational event is also an acquired experience, an experience in improving my pedagogical skills and a lesson that I need to conduct role-playing games with preschool children more often in the practice of my work.

Thank you for your attention. I'm ready to answer your questions.

Nefteyugansk district municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten "Yolochka"

Summary of the role-playing game


middle group



Bondarenko I.T.

KHMAO - Yugra

Yuganskaya Ob village

  1. To develop children's interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment, and to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game.
  2. Develop friendly relationships in the game, the ability to change your role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners. Learn to carry out game actions according to verbal instructions.
  3. Enrich children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate respect for the work of a hairdresser. Activation of the dictionary: hairdresser, administrator, client, cape.

Preliminary work:

Examination of paintings, photo illustrations about the work of a hairdresser. Conversation with children “How I went to the hairdresser with my mother. Reading by S. Mikhalkov “At the Barber Shop”. Make and collect attributes for the game: aprons for hairdressers, scissors, combs, sewing capes, towels, used clean boxes and jars of creams, perfumes, deodorants, shampoos. Didactic game “What are these items for.” Preparing the space in the play area for the game "Barbershop".

  • hairdresser
  • clients.
  • Administrator

Game actions:

  1. Putting a cape on the client.
  2. Combing.
  3. A haircut.
  4. Washing head.
  5. Toweling.
  6. Blow dry.
  7. Curling with curlers.
  8. Braiding.
  9. Tying ponytails.
  10. Pinning hairpins.
  11. While your hair is drying, you can offer the client to look at a fashion magazine.

Developing subject-game environment:

  1. Mirror.
  2. Bedside table, shelf for storing game attributes.
  3. Different types of combs. Combs should have sparse, non-sharp teeth, short, rounded handles.
  4. Shampoo bottles have a bright, attractive shape.
  5. Curlers for one turn of the strand.
  6. Plastic scissors.
  7. Toy hair dryer.
  8. Cape for a client.
  9. Apron-cape for a hairdresser.
  10. Towel.
  11. Hairpins, elastic bands, bows, you can have one New Year's wig.
  12. Magazine with hairstyle samples.

Progress of the game

Surprise moment.

The teacher brings in a basket with the hairdresser's working tools.

A mirror, different types of combs, combs should have sparse, non-sharp teeth, short, rounded handles, shampoo bottles of bright, attractive shapes, curlers for one turn of the strand, plastic scissors (a non-functional machine for men's haircuts), a toy hair dryer, a cape for the client , apron-cape for a hairdresser, a towel, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, a magazine with hairstyle samples.

Guys, have you been to the hairdresser? Who works there? Do you know what the profession of a person who cuts and does hair is called? That's right, the hairdresser. The hairdresser won’t have time to serve everyone today, so I suggest visiting the salon one by one.

Children and the teacher go to the “Barbershop” play area.

Educator: (helps distribute roles) Nastya is the female master, Anya is the administrator. Look at your jobs. The rest of the girls are clients. (The teacher can give the children a model of actions and communication. “Please come in, sit down.”)

The administrator records clients on his desk with a pen and a journal for entries (name, surname, whatever they want). When there were a lot of clients, the administrator escorts them to the table and invites them to look at a magazine with hairstyles and offers tea and coffee.

The hairdresser asks the client what to do (wash his hair, what shampoo, how to cut his hair, what hairstyle to do) “What hairstyle would you like for yourself?” “Should I braid my hair or tie it in a ponytail?” “Do you want two braids? Very good" "Please!" "Did you like it?" “I’m glad you liked it too.” “Come to us again, I’ll do a new hairstyle.” “Please, next!”

The teacher helps the hairdresser, giving advice as needed.

Clients sit on chairs while waiting for their turn, looking at magazines with children's hairstyles.

Quitting the game

“What beautiful and varied hairstyles you all have! Well done our hairdresser. And now our hairdresser is closing, but tomorrow it will be open again. Be sure to come."

Self-analysis of the role-playing game “Barbershop”

In the middle group, teacher Bondarenko I.T. prepared.

The role-playing game of a hairdresser was carried out with children middle group, four girls took part in the game. All planned preliminary work has been carried out.

The necessary attributes were prepared in advance. The playing area was provided with everything necessary for the hairdressing game.

During the game, in my opinion, all the assigned tasks were achieved, the atmosphere was friendly, the girls coped with their roles, and actively used all the attributes. But it seemed to me that some of the girls were a little constrained, as they were being watched from the side.

At the end of the game, I couldn’t sum it up, because the girls were passionate about the game and wanted to quickly continue playing.

Elena Alekseeva
Summary and self-analysis of a role-playing game in the senior group “Opening a clinic”

Self-analysis of role-playing game: “Opening of a clinic”

Theme of the role-playing game: “Polyclinic”

11 children aged 5 years took part in the role-playing game. The form of work was carried out in subgroups. In it I outlined the following tasks:

The purpose of the role-playing game: to form in children an active interest in various professions, to cultivate interest in the work of doctors, the desire to become one, and to help people.

1. Educational: Encourage children to engage in play together with adults. Learn to play together and not quarrel. Help choose roles. Instill basic social communication skills. Deepen children's knowledge about the work of a doctor, nurse, and pharmacy worker; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

2. Developmental: Develop interest in professions. Use play to develop children’s diverse interests and creative abilities; instill a sense of teamwork, responsiveness, and goodwill. To develop active verbal communication of children during play activities, to expand and enrich their vocabulary.

3. Educational: To cultivate a sense of responsibility for the chosen role, initiative and independence in verbal communication with others.

Materials and equipment used: items - doctors' instruments, tables, chairs in doctors' offices, white coats and caps, medical supplies, syringes, thermometer, table, flashlight, medicines, telephones, medical cards, cash register, medicine, pills; bags for mothers; certificates - papers, pens, money - papers, dolls.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in audio recording. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, syringe, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor, nurse, medical receptionist. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

During the role-playing game, the priority tasks were related to social and communicative development. Also included in the game were: educational areas as cognitive and speech development.


Game (role-playing game);

Communicative (constructive communication and interaction with

adults and peers, oral speech as the main means of communication).

IN educational activities the following methods were used: verbal (conversation, guessing riddles, verbal-didactic exercise); practical (game). Techniques - encouragement, creating a game situation, questions, a surprise moment, showing a sample action)

During the role-playing game, each child was given the opportunity to self-actualize, including low-active children who received one of the main roles (For example, an ophthalmologist). We assigned roles both at will and with the help of counting rhymes and game situations.

During the game, children took on various roles, as if replacing people who were in certain social relationships with each other and their actions. We saw how the children “lived” the accepted role, and they were diverse (pediatricians and ophthalmologists, nurses, medical receptionists, pharmacists, patients, mothers, fathers, etc., tried to follow the rules, interacted with each other.

I believe that the children had a strong interest in the game thanks to the created conditions, preliminary excursions and conversations, and the preparation of attributes through the joint efforts of the children, teacher and parents.

The following can be said about the cognitive activity of my children: the children were interested, attentive, active, and friendly. Independence was observed in verbal communication with others, and sometimes there was embarrassment. The children showed good knowledge on this topic.

The equipment I used in the game meets the aesthetic requirements. It is bright, colorful, attractive, safe and easy to use.

The game reflects all the assigned tasks, they correspond to the age of the children.

As a teacher, I sometimes experienced difficulties in guiding the game process. But I still tried to develop in children the ability to correlate the name of the role with a certain set of actions and attributes; use different types of relationships between different role positions (management, subordination, equality).

Summary of the role-playing game "Polyclinic" senior group

Role-playing game "Polyclinic"

To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the hospital, clinic, the work of doctors, the pharmacy and the work of a salesperson, and family life in games.

Deepen children's knowledge about the work of a doctor, nurse, and pharmacy worker; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

To develop active verbal communication of children during play activities, to expand and enrich their vocabulary.

Suggested game: "Polyclinic"

Game situations: “Registration”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, “At an appointment with a pediatrician”, “Pharmacy”.

Game actions: The patient goes to the registry, takes a coupon to the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures their temperature, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections and vaccinations.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor and nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

Equipment: Doctors' instruments, tables, chairs in doctors' offices, white coats, medical supplies, syringes, thermometer, table, flashlight, medicines, cash register; phone bags for moms; certificates - papers, cards - cardboard, pens, money - papers, dolls.

Roles: Pediatrician, ophthalmologist, nurse, medical receptionist, patients.

PROGRESS OF THE LESSON (Children enter from the separate room and stand in a circle).

I am glad to see dear guests

Our favorite kindergarten,

We welcome all guests

What time did you choose?

And they stopped by to see us.

Organizing time

Guys, let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello). You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health because you said: Hello! I wish you good health! No wonder the Russian folk proverb says: “If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health.” (we sit down on the chairs).

V. Guys, now listen to the riddle:

He tapped my chest with a bent finger,

I touched my stomach and shook my head...

Well, I think that's it! He'll put on his glasses,

He will prescribe pills, then powders.

And after the mixture: give three times,

An injection and a compress, and he will put you to bed. (Doctor)

Q. Guys, what else can you call a doctor?

D Doctor.

Q. What qualities does a doctor have?

D. Attentive, caring, kind, responsible...

Q. Guys, what is the doctor doing?

D. (The doctor treats people)

Q Where does he work?

D. (Doctor works in a hospital)

V. But in a different way, as one might say.

D. Clinic.

Q. Guys, have any of you been to the clinic?

Q. What did you see there?

Q. What other doctors work at the clinic?

D. (Pediatrician, surgeon, ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT (otolaryngologist).).

Q. Guys, in order to get an appointment with a doctor, what does the patient need to do?

D. Call the reception desk and make an appointment with a doctor.

Q. Who answers calls at the reception?

D. Medical registrar.

V. Well done, and now I suggest you choose one item for each and tell me what it is needed for. (thermometer - measure temperature, phonendoscope - listen to why a person is coughing, medicine - to be treated, syringe - to give an injection, robe - doctor’s work clothes, spatula - to look at the throat, bandage - to bandage a wound, a device for measuring blood pressure, brilliant green - to disinfect, smear wounds.)

V. Well done.

Guys, today a new hospital will start working with you. But there is a problem: there are no doctors at all in the new hospital. Let's fix this problem and select the players.

Educator: - We have a reception area, a pediatrician’s office, an ophthalmologist’s office, and a treatment room.

Who will work at our reception? Nurse required.

Children: Let there be Nastya.

Educator: - why Nastya?

Children: She is responsive and polite. Nastya will cope with this role.

Educator: - Who will be our doctor - pediatrician?

Children: Nikita N.

Educator: - I think guys - this is the right choice.

Educator: - who will help the pediatrician and take the role of a nurse?

Milana: Can I be a nurse?

Educator: - Okay. Who will be our ophthalmologist?

Savely, do you agree to be an ophthalmologist?

D. Yes, can Sonya work as a nurse for me?

Educator: - Of course you can.

Guys, we still have a treatment room. Who will vaccinate us?

Veronica K.: Can I work in the treatment room?

Educator: - Okay.

Guys, we will also have a pharmacy with you and we need a cashier there.

Katya, I entrust this responsible role to you. You are an attentive and responsible girl. I think you can handle this role.

Katya: Okay.

Educator: Doctors and nurses put on gowns.

The remaining children, those who are left without a role, will be patients. Choose your dolls - they will be your children.

You can take handbags and wallets.

So, all the roles are distributed. Now we will open our hospital, and I will ceremoniously cut the red ribbon.

Guys, look at the offices that have opened here: a pediatrician’s office, an ophthalmologist’s office, a pharmacy.

All doctors have gone to their offices and are ready to see patients.

Teacher, I will also play with you: - Yes, I chief physician, and the patient.

The plot in "Registration"

Educator: - Guys, let's get in line.

D: - Who is the last one to go to the register?

D: “I’m the last one.”

Okay, then we'll be behind you.

Educator: - Guys at the reception, we will receive directions and coupons to see a doctor. And don’t forget to say “thank you” and “please”.

D: Please give us a referral to a pediatrician.

D: Now wait, I’ll write you a direction... Please take it.

D. Thank you.

D: Please give us a referral to an ophthalmologist.

D: I’ll write now. Please take.

D: - Hello, could you give us a referral to a pediatrician?

D: Yes, of course, I’ll write it now, take it.

D: Thank you.

Scene: “At the pediatrician’s appointment”

Educator: - Who is the last to see the pediatrician?

D: I'm the last one.

Educator: - Okay then we will follow you.

Tell me, please, has the reception already started?

D: Yes, we're going in now

Educator: - Guys, don’t forget to say hello.

D: (goes to the doctor) - Is it possible?

D: Yes, come in.

D: Hello, doctor!

D: Hello. Sit down, what hurts your daughter? What are you complaining about?

Nika: My daughter needs to get a flu shot. Doctor, please write us a referral.

Educator: - Katya, will you listen to the patient through a phonendoscope?

D: Let me listen to your daughter. Please lift up your dress. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. Everything is fine. Write a referral to the patient for a flu shot (gives the card to the nurse).

D: Here, take your direction.

D: - Thank you very much. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye.

The teacher enters the doctor's office.

Educator: - Hello doctor.

D: Hello, sit down, what are you complaining about?

Educator: - My throat hurts very badly and I’m also coughing.

D: Let me examine you. Open your mouth. Say, ah! So the throat is very red.

D: Now I’ll listen to you. Breathe. Don't breathe. Breathe. So everything is clear. Take a thermometer and hold it for 5 minutes.

D: Oh, what a high temperature you have. I’ll write you a prescription now, you can buy this medicine at the pharmacy. Take it 3 times a day. And drink hot milk with honey every evening.

Educator: - Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.

Plot: “An appointment with an ophthalmologist.”

Educator: - Savely, accept patients, they are waiting.

D. Can we? Hello.

D: Yes, of course, come in. Have a seat. Hello! What are we complaining about? Do you have any vision complaints?

D: We came to you for examination.

D: Okay. Then I will now examine your child's eyes.

D: (conducts an examination) I examined your daughter. She is healthy. Her vision is good.

D (speaks to the nurse) Write her a certificate stating that the child is healthy.

D: Okay... Take your certificate.

D: Thank you. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye. The next one pass.

D: Hello, doctor!

D: Hello, have a seat, what’s bothering you?

D: Our son has pain in one eye. You see, the doctor even blushed a little.

D: Let us examine your child now.

Educator: - Savely, do not forget to use medical instruments. Shine a flashlight. In order not to make mistakes and make a correct diagnosis.

Savely (examines): The eye needs to be treated, for this you need to buy eye drops. Now I’ll write you a prescription... Take this, you can go to the pharmacy right now and buy these drops.

D: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye.

Educator: - Children, look how our hospital has started working, what good doctors there are here. I'll go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine the doctor prescribed for me.

Plot: "Pharmacy".

Educator: - Guys, don’t forget to be polite to each other.

D: - Hello! Please give me some drops according to this recipe.

d: Hold it. From you 12 rubles 50 kopecks.

d: - Here, take it.

D: - Please take your change, drops, and prescription. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again. We will always be glad to see you in our pharmacy. Goodbye.

D: - Goodbye.

Educator: - Girl, hello, please, please give me the medicine according to this prescription.

D: - Yes, of course, wait a second. Here's your medicine. From you 76 rubles 34 kopecks.

Educator: - Take it, please.

D: - Your change. Thank you for your purchase. Come to us again.

Educator: Thank you. Goodbye.

Alina: - Goodbye.

Educator: - Guys, the end of the working day has come, and our hospital is closing, and with it the pharmacy. But tomorrow the hospital and pharmacy will be open again, and they will be glad to see you there. You can come to see the doctor tomorrow. Now we clean up all our workspaces, the game is over.

Vos. Did you guys like the game?

What did we play?

Which doctors saw us?

Let's say goodbye to our guests, thank them for coming and goodbye!
