The most atmospheric games on PC. From S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and BioShock to Mass Effect. Top most atmospheric games. Aragami video games

Games are countless virtual worlds that allow us to become what we want, but cannot real life. However, among these worlds there are those that have earned the title of the best, both from gamers and from impartial critics.

To select the best games on PC, we studied popular Russian-language resources, such as Iwantgames, Stopgame And Kanobu, and also read reviews about popular games ah na Metacritic. This is how a list of twenty best games on PC of all times which we present to your attention. Game ratings are based on data StopGame.

Genre: MMORPG.

Release date: 2004-present.

Platform: Mac, PC.

One of best online games for PC offers not only an epic confrontation between two opposing alliances - the Alliance and the Horde, but also a beautiful, very Big world, most interesting quests, carefully crafted history and raids.

In them you will be able to fully demonstrate your talent as a healer, melee fighter or ranged or a mighty protector. Or just kiss squirrels in the nearest forest, if your soul lies only in peaceful pursuits.

The game is quite old by today's standards, but additions are regularly released to it. Next up – Battle for Azeroth will be released on August 14th.

19. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Shooter, addon.

Release date: 2015

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE.

According to many players, this is the most realistic and intense tactical first-person shooter. The game does not have a solo campaign, but there is exciting team play. The task of the attacking side is to take the opponents by storm, and the team playing on defense must strengthen its positions as much as possible and set cunning traps for the enemy.

The plot is based on real events that took place during counter-terrorism operations.

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2011

Platform: PC, PS3, X360

As bullets whiz overhead and explosions hurl you to the ground, the battlefield feels more realistic than ever before. In Battlefield 3, players will temporarily transform into elite US Marines. Dangerous missions await them, both solo and cooperative.

Excellent graphics, a wide variety of vehicles, a well-designed environment and pleasant rewards for good team game- this is what even very picky gaming publications praise Battlefield 3 for.

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Arcade.

Release date: 2015

Platform: PC, X360, XONE

This is perhaps the most beautiful platform arcade game in our game rating. From the very first minutes, its unusual graphics attract attention and do not let go until the game is completed. An atmospheric world, a pleasant and unobtrusive soundtrack, RPG elements, a cute hero who will appeal to both young and adult gamers - what else is needed to while away a couple of evenings in front of the computer?

Rating: 8.9.

Genre: Strategy.

Release date: 2017

Platform: Mac, PC.

For many people, the sci-fi strategy game StarCraft represents one of the greatest computer games of all time. And StarCraft: Remastered lives up to the high bar set by its predecessor. With stunning new Ultra HD visuals, re-recorded audio and updated online support, this game comes highly recommended.

15. Assassin's Creed 2

Rating: 8.9.

Genre: Action

Release date: 2009.

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

The product of more than two years of intensive work and part of the popular Assassin's Creed franchise. In a vast open world environment, the game invites you to play as Ezio, a young nobleman living during the Renaissance. Interesting story about revenge and retribution are successfully complemented by a variety of missions, unusual gameplay elements, a wide selection of weapons and character development, which fans of the original Assassin’s Creed love so much.

Rating: 9.0.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2007

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, WII, X360.

This game was amazing for its time, thanks to the atmosphere of a real war, a clear plot, an exciting multiplayer mode, hundreds of beautiful scenes and a meticulous design of the game environment. Even now, the military blockbuster Modern Warfare can provide several hours of exciting gameplay.

Rating: 9.0.

Genre: Action

Release date: 2012

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XONE

The main character of the game is Jason Brody, a man stuck on a mysterious tropical island. In this wild paradise, where lawlessness and violence reign supreme, Brody will determine the outcome of the war between rebels and pirates for control of the island.

Rating: 9.1.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2017

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE

Twenty hours into this RPG, you'll still be discovering new mechanics you never knew about. In this regard Original Sin 2 is not very friendly to beginners, and requires some persistence and patience from them.

At the same time, the huge number of quests and secrets, the non-linearity of the game, and its world, which is almost unparalleled in terms of scale and detail, are an experience that should not be missed.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: Action, RPG.

Release date: 2010

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

This exciting space saga takes players to unknown alien civilizations and battles with aliens, mercenaries and sentient robots. Additionally, it offers one of the most interesting and well-designed characters in RPG games.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2011.

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

Bethesda Game Studios' open-world adventure doesn't boast the best combat, magic, or even best graphics compared to competitors. Instead, it offers something much more - one of the biggest, richest and most immersive worlds you've ever seen.

Traveling through locations in Skyrim will take so much time that you can lose sleep, take time off from work, and test the patience of family and friends while playing.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: Action, racing

Release date: 2013

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XONE

The best games of all time would not be complete without this superbly optimized, atmospheric game. Its action takes place in the sunny city of Los Santos, in which a criminal trio operates:

  • Franklin, a young thief looking for an opportunity to get his hands on some serious money.
  • Michael, a former bank robber whose retirement wasn't as rosy as he thought it would be.
  • Trevor, a violent guy suffering from a mental disorder.

Players can switch between characters at any time, and it's definitely worth doing. After all, each character has his own set of quests, as well as primary and secondary skills that help him survive and get the most out of the world of GTA5.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Strategy.

Release date: 1999

Platform: PC.

This legendary game has become the most popular title in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Compared to previous parts, it offered new types of cities, seven small story campaigns for each faction, and at the same time ran even on low-power computers. Thanks to its good localization, The Restoration of Erathia enjoyed huge success in Russia.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2009

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, X360.

As the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, one of the most successful role-playing games in the industry, Dragon Age: Origins is a symbiosis best elements fantasy with stunning visual effects. It cannot be called a revolution in the RPG genre, but rather an evolution.

The story of Dragon Age: Origins is exciting and action-packed, the characters are unforgettable, and the journey through the game world inhabited by people, dwarves and elves is something that will captivate you and will not let you go until the very end.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Puzzle.

Release date: 2011

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, X360.

Valve has created a fun puzzle game with excellent game mechanics. It offers players not only a single-player game for the main character Chelsea, who has to escape from the Aperture laboratory, but also a co-op mode for two players. The main thing in it actors there will be robots Atlas and P-Body. The storyline of the co-op mode does not intersect with the plot of the single-player mode, which leads to unexpected endings.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Action, racing.

Release date: 2002

Platform: PC

One of the best games in history still evokes warm and nostalgic feelings among those who played it. And those who did not pass can do so for three main reasons:

  1. The huge map of Lost Haven is filled with diverse and magnificent places. Each area has a unique appearance, has its own unique atmosphere and even musical accompaniment.
  2. Basic game process can be summarized by simply saying that it consists of shooting and driving from a third-person perspective. However, in reality it offers much more: from a variety of missions to dialogues and interaction with many NPCs inhabiting the streets The City of Lost Heaven.
  3. Unusual and very beautiful main theme song, created under the direction of Czech composer Vladimir Simunek, and with the participation of the Bohemian Symphony Orchestra.

The only weak thing in the game is the imperfect AI of the heroes' enemies and companions. On the other hand, the fact that Los Have Haven's police officers are not geniuses further enhances the realism.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2004

Platform: PC.

This game was very loved, and fans of the series are still waiting for the release of the third part. Graphics engine Half-Life 2 was so realistic that players felt like they were in the movie. Excellent character animation, original way presentation of the plot, variety of surroundings and ways of interacting with it, and most importantly - charismatic main character made the first-person shooter Half-Life 2 what it is to this day. Namely, one of the most popular games in history.

Rating: 9.4.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 1998

Platform: PC.

An amazing atmosphere, great music, and an exciting story make Fallout 2 a diamond in the RPG genre. This is a real non-linear game that allows you to do whatever you want in a world full of mutants, radiation, and hundreds of other dangers.

Rating: 9.5.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2015

Platform: Mac, PC, PS4, XONE.

The game about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia set a new bar for quality in games RPG genre With open world. Diverse and exciting locations, full of important decisions, interesting characters, and cruel enemies, excellent graphics and music, a thoughtful plot, funny and dramatic moments - all this gave players more than 100 exciting hours of gameplay.

For everyone who does not know the magical universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher 3 explains the history of all the important characters and what connects them to Geralt. This way, even beginners quickly get up to speed.

Rating: 9.6.

Genre: Addon, RPG.

Release date: 2016

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE.

The Witcher 3 is one of the highest rated games on PC. And its Blood and Wine addon is better made than most games released in 2016. Even players who have spent hundreds of hours in The Witcher greeted the new addition with surprise and delight with the most interesting storyline. It is an excellent ending to the story about the White Wolf.

The quantity and quality of content in this addon is simply stunning, making it a full-fledged game. Many quests, dialogues and, of course, monsters await you in new location Toussaint.

I couldn’t ignore this question. Despite the fact that many games have already been mentioned, I will make my contribution.

There are a lot of games with an exciting plot, because this is what all developers strive for at the creation stage, but there is also a narrower category - games without complex gameplay, the so-called “interactive movie”, where you don’t need to shoot at anyone, develop strategies, etc. This genre is now gaining popularity and developers continually delight us with new products.

From famous games I can highlight HeavyRain, Beyond: Two Soyls, Until Dawn, which successfully combine beautiful graphics and plot, a real movie! It’s a shame that it’s only exclusive to Sonya, but you can watch the walkthrough on YouTube, it looks like a TV series.

Life is Strange What can I say, I'm impressed by the game. Even my sister, who is far from gaming, was stuck to the screen, and until we got to the end, she couldn’t tear it away. The game keeps you in suspense until the end, and the ending pulls the rug out from under your feet. The action takes place in a college, in a small town in America, the game has a large number of characters, all of them have secrets that we will get to know during the game. And as we know, it is in such small towns that all the most interesting things happen...

Let's move on to the lesser known ones.

Blues and Bullets It's strange that no one mentioned it. The game is new, interesting graphics, if you watched Sin City, you will understand the Noir style; you will have to play as detective Elliot Ness, the same one who put Al Capone behind bars. Thus, we will investigate the disappearance of children under the control of a historically existing person, surrounded by luxurious scenery against the backdrop of stunning Blues.

To the Moon Just an indie game with a strong story, unusual plot presentation and emotional music. (I’m sure after completing your playlist your playlist will definitely be replenished) And don’t let the graphics scare you, the game is worth your time! By the way, if anyone is interested, then on the Freebird developer website you can find several mini-games, free for download, in the same style, in particular the addition to To the moon - The bird story. The guys try hard and regularly delight fans with art, games and music. For which we have great respect.

Fahrenheit. The oldest of them all, the progenitor of action-choice games. The first game from Quantic Dream, the guys who would later create the aforementioned HeavyRain and Beyond: Two Soyls. Yes, you'll have to tinker a little with the controls, the atmosphere is captivating, you can change your character during the game, and overall, it's a very good toy for its time.

I will include Mafia and Mafia 2 in this list, although this is not an interactive movie, it leaves an aftertaste no worse than others. The first part is generally ingenious, all the houses of the city are not drawings, but real photographs, also a chip with a weapon left on the other side of the city, whoever played will understand, they don’t make such things anymore, which is a pity(

Well, as I said before, there is a demand for such games, so I think our list will soon be replenished)

There are games that can hook you in some way. They don't have the most advanced graphics, the plot has holes and bloopers, and the gameplay itself is not up to par. But they want to forgive all this if the developers did their best and created an attractive atmosphere. It is precisely such games that we will discuss in our top today. Of course, atmosphere is not graphics and it cannot be measured, so all the games presented below are arranged in a very rough and subjective order.

Series S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. You can scold for a lot of things. And for unjustified expectations, and for a clumsy plot by modern standards, and for stupid dialogues. However, what cannot be taken away from the brainchild of Ukrainian developers is the meticulously recreated atmosphere of the Exclusion Zone. That's why we fell in love S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Even if he was not what we expected him to be, he plunged us headlong into the rapidly flowing life on this mothballed piece of the Soviet Union. The developers put their soul into every location, every building, every rusting car.

Fallout series

Without a doubt, the Fallout series can be considered one of the best examples of atmospheric games. This epic about the world after the end of the world has left a deep imprint in the heart of every gamer. We love these games selflessly, devotedly, and are ready to forgive them over and over again for their increasing bias towards the mass consumer, just to once again touch this enchanting atmosphere. It is the carefully crafted world and the atmosphere of the post-apocalypse, and not the gameplay or plot at all, that keeps us at the computer when we play Fallout.

Vampires:The Masqarade – Bloodlines

This role-playing game, which became the last for the legendary studio Troika Games, can rightfully be considered one of the most atmospheric games of all time. Excellent design, a gorgeous soundtrack that will definitely be on your playlist after completing it, and rich, vibrant characters create an indescribable atmosphere of night Los Angeles. This was not at all the Los Angeles we are used to seeing in movies. This is a dark place, full of drug addicts, freaks and maniacs, among whom vampires do not look like such scary monsters. Unfortunately, towards the end, the game suffers greatly due to the limited development time. But it's still one of the most atmospheric games ever seen.

Slender: The Eight Pages

Kids, don’t go for a walk in the forest... Especially if it’s a forest from a game Slender: The Eight Pages, in which a creepy creature named Slenderman awaits you. If you still value your mental health, don't touch this game. This horror movie will scare anyone, regardless of age and gender. Creepy game hide and seek with Slenderman will stay in your memory for a long time, and this huge, mysterious forest will look great in your nightmares. For its frightening atmosphere, Slender: The Eight Pages gets a place in our top.


It's scary to imagine the world of fevered fantasies of developers from Rockstar who were responsible for creating this game. At one time, she challenged all guardians of morality, becoming one of the most cruel games of all times. But besides the senseless violence, it was remembered for its oppressive atmosphere. The creepy TV show for perverts, of which we unwittingly had to be spectators, was perfectly directed and written. The gloomy streets of the godforsaken town left an indelible impression on the soul of everyone who visited here. It's unlikely that Rockstar will ever release a sequel, but maybe that's for the best.

GTA series

We can talk about this series for a very long time and a lot, but since our top is dedicated to the most atmospheric games, we will dwell only on this moment. Whatever era Rockstar wanted to cover in the next game in the series, they always did it well. Be it the eighties from Vice City, nineties of San Andreas or zero from GTA IV, each time the developers managed to capture the very essence of the era and meticulously transfer it to our screens. Sometimes you just want to wander the streets of these cities and observe, because Rockstar creates truly living worlds in which the player feels at home. The GTA series has been maintaining the highest level of quality for many years now and it doesn't look like Rockstar is going to stop there.

World of Warcraft

Why World of Warcraft has been alive for 11 years, and his killers, who come out almost once every six months, invariably die a sudden death? What do developers from Blizzard, what others don't have? To answer this question, take a walk through the Elvin Forest during the rain. Ride a swift-winged griffin as you admire the vast expanses of the Eastern Kingdoms. While away an hour drinking rum with friends in Pirate's Cove. Listen to how little children gossip about a huge crocolisk that lives somewhere in the canals of Stormwind. Stand shoulder to shoulder with your allies to once again repel the next Evil that is about to wipe out Azeroth from the face of the earth. I think then you will be able to answer your own question, but this answer will be impossible to express in words.


This strange, silent game that from the first seconds grabs you by the hand and pulls you somewhere into unknown distances. This is an adventure in which you write your own story, based on your own feelings. The most important thing this game has is the atmosphere of something fabulous, unforgettable, beyond words. Journey It will give you more questions than it will answer, and that’s what’s good about it.

Mafia Series

The great and mighty Grand Thief Auto there is at least one competitor that can compete with it. And we are, of course, talking about the series Mafia, which pleases us time after time with an excellent plot, interesting gameplay and, what is important in the light of our top, a great atmosphere of the 30s-50s. Fans of gangster films will be delighted with this epic, which undoubtedly can be classified as a classic of the genre. Mafia is a truly human, and very human story that takes place in a living and interesting world.

The Elder Scrolls series

This fantasy universe is close to the heart of every gamer. This huge world with its own history and mythology, which we get to know better and better with each new game series. And every time we give ourselves to Tamriel without reserve. Each game in the series takes us out of our daily routine for a long time. And not the least role here is played by the excellent atmosphere of a real fantasy. Games of the series The Elder Scrolls- this is an excellent fantasy that follows the classical canons and yet is free from outside influence.

Video games are usually evaluated according to certain, tangible criteria - graphics, sound, gameplay, plot elaboration, and so on. But there are projects that can be a failure in all respects, and at the same time adored by millions of gamers. Such games attract a thick, enveloping atmosphere that promotes full immersion V virtual world. We will tell you about them in this collection.

24. Heavy Rain

Just a month ago, this game could not get into our top atmospheric games on PC, but now that the PC version has been announced, we simply cannot help but include it in the list. from the studio will tell you the story of completely different heroes who are united by one thing - a serial killer nicknamed the “Master of Origami”. Gloomy plot, which through the choices made can lead to one of several endings, is complemented by a thick atmosphere of hopelessness from the feeling that a dangerous maniac is always one step ahead.

23. Half-Life 2

22. Mafia 1-2

21. Bioshock trilogy

Each game from the Bioshock line brilliantly demonstrates the setting in which its events unfold. Whether it’s underwater Rapture or celestial Columbia, in any case you will plunge headlong into the thick atmosphere of the era, feel the mood of decline and hopelessness hiding behind the screen of idleness and luxury. This is facilitated by both the visual style and plot, as well as minor trifles - a random phrase dropped by an NPC, an audio diary found in a box, a corpse lying in a gateway.

20. Dead Space

19. Tom Clancy’s The Division duology

18. Sunless Sea

Exploring murky waters in a universe reminiscent of Lovecraftian horror - what could be more exciting and frightening? Sunless Sea will invite you to take control of the ship and go to unforgettable journey across the ocean, which hides many nightmarish monsters. If you love games that focus on survival and exploration, then this might be just what you've been missing.

17. This War of Mine

Surviving in a city engulfed in civil war is not an easy task. Especially if you have never been a fighter, take refuge in a dilapidated house and are constantly thinking about how to feed a dozen hungry mouths under your care. This War of Mine is a game that will challenge you to look at war from a different perspective. Not the one where it’s so fun and exciting to shoot at enemies, but the one that forces you to rummage through buildings in search of canned goods, risking getting shot or running into looters. Perhaps the most powerful anti-war statement in gaming industry.

16. Alien: Isolation

A space station is the perfect setting for a good horror movie. Just add some crazy androids and one deadly Alien who behaves so intelligently that you have almost no chance of survival. This is exactly what the authors of Alien: Isolation did, presenting one of the most frightening games recent years. Here everything works for the atmosphere: the universe, recognizable surroundings, terrible enemies, and even the surname of the main character - yes, you have to play as the daughter of that same Ripley from the classic quadrology.

15. Assassin's Creed Odyssey

14. Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus

Each game in the Metro series is an excursion into the world. Even though this world is shown somewhat pretentiously and exaggeratedly, it nevertheless feels familiar to every gamer living in the countries of the former. The third part of the series has been especially successful in this field - Metro Exodus, the events of which go beyond and show how the fate of the survivors east of the capital developed.

13.Resident Evil 2

12. Limbo/Inside

The stories that are hidden behind the plots of games from the Playdead studio need to be imagined independently. You will spend more than one day trying to understand what exactly the developers wanted to say, what goals the characters are pursuing, and what generally happens in these universes. But even if you can't unravel all the mysteries of Limbo and Inside, you can't argue with the fact that these games leave a lasting impression.

11. RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard

The latest numbered part of the RESIDENT EVIL 7 line for 2019 plays in a slightly different field than its predecessors. Here the developers took as a basis a horror story about a house somewhere in the countryside, the owners of which are not at all happy about uninvited guests. Each member of this crazy family will be remembered for a long time, and the first-person view will make boss fights as frightening and atmospheric as possible.

10. Hellblade: Senua`s Sacrifice

A project from the British studio Ninja Theory. The developers set themselves an unusual goal for the gaming industry - to visually present gamers with human mental disorders. And they succeeded one hundred percent: thanks to excellent graphics with an abundance of special effects and very high-quality sound, the immersion into the palaces of the mind of the main character, a warrior named Senua, occurs very organically and frighteningly believable. Together with the girl, the player travels through Celtic myths, and it is simply impossible not to be immersed in the atmosphere of the enchanting world created by the authors.

9. Firewatch


7. Dark Souls

Everyone who has ever suffered in dark worlds Dark Souls, will definitely include them in the list of the most atmospheric games on the PC. The mysterious universe, full of unexplored secrets, both attracts and frightens, and numerous ones hiding in the shadows are always ready to punish the careless traveler who so carelessly wandered into their domain. All episodes are known for their high difficulty, but whoever can overcome all the difficulties will discover fascinating story fallen world.

6. Alan Wake

One of the most atmospheric thrillers in the gaming industry, as if straight from the pages of Stephen King's novels. The American outback, a writer trying to find his missing wife, and creatures of Darkness crawling out at nightfall - such adventures will be remembered for a long time. Alan Wake may not be as scary as other games in the horror genre, but in terms of immersion in the world invented by the developers, this project is able to give a head start to many of its competitors.

5. L.A. Noire

Rockstar knows how to create atmospheric projects, and Detective L.A. Noire, which asks players to investigate crimes in the 40s, takes a leading position among them.

The main character, a police detective, will have to expose murderers, rapists, swindlers, arsonists, and a revolutionary facial animation system for its time allows you to monitor the characters’ facial expressions and determine whether they are honest with the investigator or are cunning, hiding important information. Every aspect of the game is a virtual Los Angeles, story missions, – made with strict quality requirements and attention to the smallest details, which contributes to the deepest possible immersion in game world.

4. Silent Hill

3. The Witcher

When compiling the top most atmospheric games on PC, one cannot help but include this role-playing series to the selection. The Poles from CD Projekt RED managed to transfer the fictional universe authored by Andrzej Sapkowski to the screens, while preserving the unique Slavic flavor and medieval atmosphere with an admixture of fantasy.

The third part of the saga The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt deserves special mention - here the game makers jumped above their heads, creating a huge world filled with exciting quests, dangerous monsters and charismatic characters. In this game, you can easily forget about the main goal and go about your business - play Gwent in taverns, explore the swamps on Roach, have affairs in brothels, look for hidden robbers, fulfill witcher contracts. It is not surprising that with all this, many consider The Witcher 3 best RPG decades on PC and consoles.

2. Grand Theft Auto

If about Silent Hill Even those who don’t play horror games know it, but everyone is familiar with it. The franchise created by the studio has become a real cultural phenomenon, reaching far beyond the gaming industry. The secret of success is high-quality gameplay with complete freedom of action, a detailed world with a parody of modern society, a carefully written script and a huge number of little things that make the universe alive and believable.

series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Yes, the game is replete with bugs, the life simulation system is far from what the developers promised, and the plot sags in places - but how good is the atmosphere here!

Traveling through the Zone, you are tempted to leave everything and just enjoy your stay in this harsh but very beautiful world: listen to the jokes of stalkers around the fire, walk through the streets of an abandoned city, help one traveler fight off a pack of pseudo-dogs. The franchise has already celebrated its tenth anniversary and is now suitable even for weak PCs, despite the fact that at the start it was far from democratic system requirements, but players do not forget about it, releasing custom modifications with new locations, stories and characters - isn’t this an indicator of people’s love?


It was very difficult to compile this rating, because there are many more favorite projects than were included in it. Nevertheless, we managed to select the best atmospheric games on PC, but you can add to our selection or argue with us in the comments. After all, each list is subjective, and where one sees only a set of pixels, another will see the “soul”.

Computer games have always been considered the most colorful and effective way out of the reality of gray everyday life. PC Gamer compiled a list of the most atmospheric games. In the games listed, there is one hundred percent harmony of light, sound and environment.

Blade Runner

An unfinished but very ambitious project from the company Westwood. In the best traditions Ridley Scott and futuristic cyberpunk. Los Angeles has never been so truly unreal.

L.A. Noire

The same Los Angeles, only in the 40s. Manic attachment Rockstar attention to detail played a role. The result was one of the most unforgettable games.


The zone is the queen of atmosphere. The gloomy post-apocalyptic world left no one indifferent. Infinite world with huge potential, where games are simply made for replayability.

Alien: Isolation

Rough and lopsided technologies of 1970. The original Scott's legacy echoes throughout the Sevastopol space station. A tense, all-consuming atmosphere of fear.

Dear Esther

There will never be enough games about the Hebrides. And what could be better than a mysterious story in gray, windswept Scotland?

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

All games from Ubisoft are quite atmospheric. But Black Flag actually takes the player to another dimension.


The underwater city is a serious bid for atmosphere. Skyscrapers glowing languidly through the dark layers of water. Never has the inanimate been so beautiful.

Dark Souls

Wherever you go in Lordran, you can feel the breath of history. This is not just a game, it is an excursion into the ancient secrets of the world.

Wonderful world, bright in daylight. But mostly grey, dark and deadly. The atmosphere is like in Stalker. Who said it was bad?

We are used to seeing the end of the world and nuclear explosions from the front rows. But not in the game DEFCON. We are on the other side of destruction. Where the war is fought from.

Fallout 3

The third part of the game was exactly what the developers had in mind from the very beginning. A wonderful world full of adventures.

Does everyone remember the night battles in this game? So during the day this game is just as beautiful.

Gone Home

The way things should actually work. A moving, blinking, living monument to Fullbright.

Half-Life 2

I would never have thought that the setting of this game would be in some European city. City number seventeen is a delightful mix of abandoned streets, ruined houses and fading history.

Hotline Miami

Besotted. Fairy. Neon. And everything would be fine, but the soundtracks said their last word in the verdict - very atmospheric.

Kentucky Route Zero

An abstract, sometimes completely incomprehensible game, very similar to the films of David Lynch. Pixel hunting is perfectly saved by the plot and atmosphere.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Snow-capped mountains, icy streams, ringing spring air and blazing sunsets. Bethesda has broken all records for environmental development.

Portal 2

Everything in this game is perfectly designed. Painful perfectionism.

Sunless Sea

A good example of successful plotting and stage direction.

Take On Mars

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be the only person on the planet, Take On Mars - the best option.
