The best level 8 TT. The best TT8 level is T32. And I will prove it to you. Tactical Tips

Forgotten French heavy tank AMX 50 100, with mediocre armor value, but an excellent drum gun.

Originally the AMX 50 10, inspired by German tanks The Panther and Tiger II were classified as medium tanks, but in the final version, at the request of the military and during all subsequent modernizations and changes, its protection was significantly enhanced, which made it possible to classify it as a heavy tank.

France's work on it began only in March 1945, and the first prototypes of the AMX-50 series tank were released only by 1950. Series heavy tanks The AMX-50 had significantly less weight in comparison with the tanks of the British and American allies, but at the same time the armor of the tanks withstood the same number of hits as their foreign counterparts.

For the dimensions of the TT, the AMX 50 100 had a rather impressive top speed of 51 kilometers per hour. At the same time, a swinging tower from FAMH was created for it.

With smaller dimensions, the space for the crew in the turret remained the same, and also made it possible to equip it with automatic loaders. Only limited funding prevented this tank from entering mass production.

The style of play on the French TT AMX 50 100 World of Tanks combines elements from both heavy and medium tanks, and drum loading on the one hand makes opponents both afraid of it and making it completely defenseless at the time of reloading.

Like all tanks French branch His booking cannot be praised, which immediately determines the style of play, how he came out, shot the drum, and drove over an obstacle. Tactically, the game tactics for the AMX 50 100 can be divided into single and group.

IN single player Having shot the drum, the tank becomes an excellent target for opponents and then it is best to have either a protective shelter or good allies next to you.

When playing alone, the player should forget about the front rows and 1 on 1 combat, sniper targeting weak points opponents from behind cover, a stab in the back, careful shooting from behind the backs of allies and picking up the dead, this is what should become the main thing for singles.

When playing aggressively, never stay on the flank alone, stay close to your allies and be wary of artillery fire. The most effective group tactics are either with allies on similar vehicles or with good armor.

A platoon consisting of AMX 50 100 becomes truly deadly if played correctly. A full drum of AMX is usually not enough to completely destroy a tank of a similar level, but two or three 50 100s can easily destroy any tank of their level, with full health, in crossfire.

Also, by taking turns, they have the opportunity to hold back the flank, covering each other during reloading. When playing in a platoon with a well-armored ally, the AMX 50 100 shoots off the drum and drives off under the cover of a player in his platoon, who takes the blow.

The opposite situation is to carefully fire from behind your ally, releasing him forward.

One of the lowest strength points at the level is key feature AMX 50 100, armor, which is extremely low for a TT, is still compensated by high mobility.

The French AMX 50 100 has excellent maximum speed, and also due to the high ratio of vehicle weight to engine power of 17 horsepower per ton, the Frenchman has excellent dynamics, which allows him to spin some TTs of a similar level.

The AMX 50 100 gun is one of the best in WoT due to the drum type of loading and 1800 damage from the drum, which is a really high figure, but at the same time the accuracy is significantly poor.

Low accuracy, long mixing and very mediocre stabilization make it difficult to shoot the entire drum with full impact, making light tank a target while reloading, and the lack of armor does not allow tanking.

The French combat vehicle AMX 50 100 has four crew members, a standard situation. Therefore, for more comfortable game It is advisable for all crew members to have a well-developed skill " The Brotherhood of War«.

The commander will find it useful " Sixth Sense", driver mechanic " King of off-road", radio operator " Non-contact ammunition rack", and to the gunner " Smooth rotation of the tower". Additionally, crew members need to be trained in the “Repair” skill.

For tanks with a drum loading system, it is not possible to install the “Gun Rammer” module; for this reason, in order to increase the reloading speed of the entire drum, you will need to install “ Improved ventilation“, which, together with the upgraded “Combat Brotherhood” skill, will increase all the characteristics and parameters of the tank, including gun reloading.
The stabilization of the gun is poor; to install this you will need the module " Vertical stabilizer". The TT AMX 50 100 has practically no visibility, and with excellent dynamics, it would be nice to have a more or less normal overview, we set “ Coated optics«.

As such, the AMX 50 100 does not occupy a leading position in any of the parameters, but it cannot be called an outsider either. No reservation as such a concept will not appeal to many players who prefer to rush into battle at all pores, it is compensated by high damage and high dynamics.

The drum loading system makes it possible to inflict a lot of damage on one opponent or pick up several wounded opponents at a time, which will provide a wide field for thoughtful players to find clever tactical solutions and will always allow them to remain at the top of the team in any of the parameters.

Good armor penetration is present even on the basic shell, allowing you to play quite comfortably even without premium shells, and the premium shells of the AMX 50 100 have one of the highest armor penetration rates at the level, excluding premium equipment. Not the best in the game angles vertical aiming They will force you to choose shelters on the map wisely, otherwise the player risks spending the entire battle with the gun pointed at the sky.

Overall, this is a perfectly balanced technique, the strengths of which are at the same time compensated by significant disadvantages. This machine, for smart and experienced players, with high, but difficult to implement, damage, poor armor and a long reload will not allow the player to simply click buttons, but will force him to constantly analyze the situation and control the mini-map, monitor the positions of both opponents and allies.

Video AMX 50 100 World of Tanks

Well, I can’t help but rejoice at your activity in the latest issue. By popular demand, this time we will dive into level 8 and see what will help us raise our statistics or how not to go into the red.
Indeed, level 8 tanks can be called the zero line. The fact is that they farm poorly, and if you lose, you can even go into the red. This is where it is important to choose the right unit, which will give you the best chance of winning. I want to say right away that level 8 is very demanding in terms of crew perks, not to mention equipment. Sometimes a stock tank is just a dull scrap metal, but in the top configuration, it tears and rushes.
Sorry for my digression, let's get to the facts.
As always, we start our analysis with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

Hmmm... To be honest, I expected slightly different results. But it all depends on the player and the ability to play a particular tank. Some stuff a statue on IS-3, which is actually a very imbecile tank, others (like me) crush everyone into pieces T-32 and playing on IS-3 doesn't add up. There are many opinions and I don’t dare advise you to choose one or another technique. Look at the table and draw your own conclusions.
Well, we move on and next in line we have medium tanks.

Medium tanks

Everything is clear here. Destroyer of all times and peoples Type 59 occupies a place of honor in our table. Those who once met this tank in battle will dreamily say: “I wish I had one like this!” Unfortunately, this tank cannot be purchased, but there is a good opportunity to win it. For those who don’t know, let’s move on to the news about participation in.
The British looks very good based on the results of the battles Centurion and Soviet Object 416, but I’ll say right away that playing on the Object is not easy, since it has a rear turret and this will not always be an advantage. I can personally recommend M26 Pershing or drum T69.

Light tanks

Well, we come to the class of light tanks. You all already know that with patch 9.3 new LTs were introduced into the game. Unfortunately, too little time has passed to get a clear picture, so we will omit them for now.

There is no need to talk about any outstanding values. If you compare these machines, then of course preference should be given AMX 13 90. Let's see how the new fireflies show themselves. In addition, the developers want to reduce the visibility of all tanks in favor of light tanks, which I think will serve as a revival of this class.
Be that as it may, let’s take a look at what we have with the PT class. Who to choose, who to bypass in the distant forest.

Tank destroyer

Judging by the results of our table, it is clear that the AT-15 with Borshchik have a good basis for bending. But as I already said, how you use this or that PT matters a lot. I just want to draw your attention to the fact that Borshchik is simply wildly popular among players, this cannot but give rise to thoughts.

Well, in the meantime, we are approaching the final class of our game at level 8. Of course, these are everyone’s favorite (possibly in quotes) self-propelled guns. Who will be the leader?

Hand on heart, I can’t say anything about artillery. I know that they shoot painfully, but I don’t ride it myself. So based on the results, I can't say M40/M43, superior to its competitors in all respects. Perhaps she will be your key to victory. Ride, try, write your opinion.

Well, I’m coming to the end of our review. I hope I was able to convey to you the complexity of choosing tanks at this level. Once again, I want to make a reservation that the figures at the time of publication of the article may differ slightly from reality. Write your wish, what level of technology you would like to see next time.

And I wish you success on the battlefields and see you again.

Prepared by: rho3

/ Reply to online game: / Which one in World of Tanks is the best Tier 8 tank?

Which in World of Tanks best tank Level 8?


To say which is the best Tier 8 tank in World of Tanks is not the easiest task, since the level is high and all the tanks presented on it are good in their own way. And a lot depends on the subjective preferences of the player and his playing style.

For example, the IS-3 and T32 are attack tanks, and the Royal Tiger, aka PzKpfw VIB Tiger 2, is a defense tank.

At IS-3 good speed and maneuverability, the turret holds damage well. But at the same time, the weapon is quite inaccurate, the viewing angle is not the greatest, and the rate of fire is not great.

The Royal Tiger, on the contrary, has an accurate weapon with a high rate of fire, but at the same time, due to the massive armor that protects it so well, it is characterized by low maneuverability and low speed.

T32 is a maneuverable and high-speed vehicle, has good armor on the tower, high accuracy, but at the same time small caliber of shells. As a result, we will probably give the palm to this particular car. She is good at everything, except for fighting large enemy tanks with powerful armor. Is it true, skillful hands with this car they will become a huge threat to absolutely any opponent, no matter what he is driving. And in urban battles the T32 is absolutely ideal.

As an introduction, why I took the TT8 for the first comparison.

1. They have been completed by many players
2. They do not participate in companies and HF

Those. 98.7% Royal Random alcohol is compared.

1. I didn’t take Slippers-A. He didn't get the stat.
2. The people who gave me this data secretly conveyed the wishes of the developers not to burn up the number of premium tanks. Therefore, all figures will be given relative to the total number of tanks in each class. We will respect people for their work.

Let's smoke this picture first, it will immediately say a lot.

All TT8 and players have been taken. Each group is divided into 5 parts by % of wins. So - with crappy players, 80% of the tanks drive just as crappy. And not at all because the tank is bad. For successful players, everything is different, as you can see, even with ultra-flexible players the tank may not move, but more often it’s the other way around.

This picture shows who drives tanks with varying degrees of success. Those. The graph is the opposite of the previous one. Again, 80% of unsuccessful tanks are driven by players from the two lowest groups in terms of percentage of wins. Comments, I think, are unnecessary.

These two graphs were presented to eliminate the subjective “here I am, but this is a trough” from the perception of the tank.

Let's move on to the objective. Which tanks do players of each group prefer?

The tops have no obvious preferences, in the middle the Is-3 is slightly in the lead, the foam doesn’t like KT and T32 for nothing, but gravitates towards the premiums.

Let's see the reverse picture

For some reason, losers love the KV-5 and ignore the T32 with CT.

Now - how successful tanks are distributed within themselves according to the percentage of victories on them.

Apart from CT and T32, the pictures are the same. 50% rides below 47%, 70-75% below 50%. KT is a little better, but T-32 is almost a guarantee of success!

But that is not all.

This is the dependence of % victories on a tank on the number of battles. Why do I believe that the kinks are open new tank? Because success grows and grows, then goes down. Obviously good players stop playing it? Why do they stop? They are pumping out a new tank.

The graph shows that all prems are better than IS-3 and worse than T32 on average, but worse than all TT8 at points full pumping. And despite the fact that the KT looks better in structure than the IS-3, it pumps up a little slower. However, it is possible that the fact that players accumulated experience on the E-75 made the maximum CT flatter, because it slightly extended the number of battles on it in the top.

And in conclusion: Which tanks did not work for the top players?

By and large, these are premiums with the prominent Lion and Duck + IS-3. To a lesser extent, this is the winner of our T32 review.

To be continued.

