A funny game of what's where when at school. Abstract. Intellectual game “What? Where? When?". Questions from the field of history

Game “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren. Scenario

Intellectual Championship of the game “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren.

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher - organizer of the Children's Creativity Palace, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to teachers, deputy directors of educational work, organizers extracurricular activities. The game includes a series of intellectual competitions. One of the rounds of the intellectual game is presented.
Target: creation of a unified intellectual space that makes it possible to popularize forms of youth intellectual leisure and identify intellectual leaders.
Form and develop the intellectual movement of students
Identify the strongest youth teams
Develop competitive qualities of schoolchildren
Conditions for the Championship:
Teams from secondary schools take part in the Championship.
The team consists of 6 people, students in grades 6-8.
A manager works with the team and supervises the work throughout all stages of the Championship.
Teams are encouraged to have a name, uniform uniform, and paraphernalia.
Methods: questions
Decor: multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).
Progress of the game:


Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to the game “What? Where? When?".
Let me remind you of the rules of the Championship game: I read out the question, you are given one minute to discuss. After a minute has passed, you give your answer.
I then say the correct answer and the results of the first question are entered into the table. If a team answers a question correctly, it receives one point. There are a total of 24 questions in the game, after I read half the questions, you have a 5 minute break in order for you to rest. After the break, the game resumes again. Remember the rules. Well now Let's welcome the teams...
Let's welcome the jury.

- ………………
Let me remind you: Each team has its own individual number, which is kept throughout the game, the jury does not know which school has which number, so we have an anonymous game.
Ready in minutes
Break a leg.

Questions from 1-12
1. In the list of symbolic names it is located exactly in the middle. However, it is believed that she leaves this life like a captain from a dying ship.
Attention question: Who is she?
Answer: Hope
2. The Greeks said this about an uneducated person: “He can neither write nor....” Continue the phrase in one word for the ancient Greeks, considering that it has nothing to do with literacy, and we are talking about some kind of physical action.
3. In a work well known to you, the birth of the main character, her development, her color and becoming are described. This work also mentions two seasons, two representatives of the fauna - a rodent and a predator, an elderly man and children. I hope all of the above is enough to name the main character of this work.
Attention question: Name it.
Answer: Herringbone. Comments: Based on the plot of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
4.According to the custom of the ancient Romans, they drank 8 cups for the health of Octavian. For Vespasian's health - 9.
Attention question: How many cups did they drink for Seneca’s health?
Answer: 6. Comments: Number of letters in the name.
5. Recently, a new diet has become fashionable in Italy. Its essence comes down to consuming foods in a strictly defined sequence. You should start eating, for example, with raspberries, tomatoes or salmon. Then, after a short break, you can indulge in bananas, fried potatoes or a bun with butter. And for dessert - greens, cucumbers or kiwi fruits. By definition, both “white deaths” – sugar and salt, as well as black caviar and eggplant – are excluded from this diet. If you understand the principle on which this diet is based, you can easily write its name.
Answer:"Traffic light".
6. One day, journalist Yaroslav Golovanov proposed to the publishing house "Children's Literature" to establish a prize that would be awarded to a family in which the father is called Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. According to Golovanov, this prize should have a name that is familiar to you.
Attention question: Which one exactly?
Answer:"Three Bears"..
7.B Ancient Rus' silver bars served as money - they were called hryvnia. If the item was worth less than the entire block, then half was cut off. Money too!
Attention question: What was the name of the severed piece of silver bar?
Answer: This part of the silver bar was called a ruble. This is where the name of the monetary unit came from - the ruble.
8.During the First World War, newspapers reported an interesting incident that happened to a French pilot. He was flying on an airplane at an altitude of about 2 km and suddenly saw that some object was moving near him. When the pilot grabbed it with his glove, he was very surprised.
Attention question: What was it?
Answer: Bullet.
9. Try to continue the Arabic wisdom: “The brave man is tested by war, the wise man is tested by anger...”.
Attention question: And what tests a friend?
Answer: Need.
10. A certain Ananda Tur, at the age of 6, took her peers hostage and made demands: 100 kg of sweets and broadcast cartoons on TV. According to her, she decided to do this because her grandfather read her a certain well-known book.
Attention question: Which one?
Answer: Guinness Book of Records. She wanted to go there as the youngest terrorist.
11.According to one of the African legends, the first man descended to earth from the sky.
Attention question: And what animal (according to Africans, of course) helped him with this?
Answer: giraffe
12.Cow and chair, chicken and compass, tripod and piano.
Attention question: What do every couple have in common?
Answer: number of legs.
Commands during the game:

Five-minute break, musical composition.
Questions from 13-24
13. This list was compiled in the first century BC and it has still remained unchanged although hundreds of attempts have been made to change this list.
Attention question: What are we talking about?
Clue: seven point list
Answer: Seven Wonders of the World
14.Continue the Japanese wisdom: they give birth to a body, but not... What?
Answer:... character.
15. Once at the front, in the women’s air unit, it was decided to organize an amateur concert. The program turned out to be so large and diverse that one of the girls wanted to be an IM, because, according to her, this category of people is also necessary.
Attention question: Name HIM.
Answer: viewer
16. Indonesia is located on the islands of the Indian Ocean and they say about it: “Here, if it rains, then it’s downpour, if a tree, it’s like a giant, if a butterfly, it’s like a bird, and if it’s a house, it’s like...”
Attention question: And on what?
Answer:...on stilts A comment: because when the time of the Great Rains comes, there is water everywhere, but the houses are dry, for the stilts lift them high above the ground.
17.What did the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates call the best seasoning for food?
Answer: hunger.
18. In the 15th century, it was not uncommon for court documents to contain absolutely no IM due to the desire to avoid false interpretations. Reproduce in your answer a textbook example where EE can be placed both here and there.
Answer: Execution cannot be pardoned (that's a comma).
19. One of the famous labors of Hercules was cleaning the Augean stables.
Attention question: Can you name, with at least an order of magnitude accuracy, how many horses were in them?
Answer: Not a single one (there were only bulls in the barnyard of King Augius).
20. During a drought, Bulgarians ask THEM for rain. And in Poland, parents teach their children: “Don’t kill HER - maybe it’s your dead GRANDMOTHER.”
Attention question: Who are the Poles talking about like that?
Answer: About the butterfly.
21. This was invented by men three thousand years ago in the sultry deserts of the East. In medieval Europe, where the first Christian preachers brought it, women were also not allowed to do this. Many knights did this, and getting into the closed guild of professionals was possible only after six years of training and a strict exam. Times are changing: men have long forgotten about this and consider it entirely a female prerogative.
Attention question: What it is?
Answer: Knitting.
22. It’s no secret that submariners experience sensory hunger during long voyages. They say that after returning to shore, they are ordered to watch THIS in order to protect their money from being quickly wasted. And the newspaper “Friend for Drug” reports that the Kursk authorities recognized the elevator cabin as “an effective platform for THIS.”
Attention question: What is this?
Answer: Advertising.

1. This herbal plant is popularly affectionately called “silk grass.” What kind of plant is this?

(Feather grass)

2. What do mice, a nutcracker, a Christmas tree and a girl have in common?

(This characters fairy tales")

3. You need to name in thirty seconds the time of year that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin liked most.


4. There are rumors that an action-packed action film called “Seven Corpses in a Second” will be shot in Hollywood based on a fairy tale. Name the main character of this film.

(Brave Little Tailor)

5. These two very famous Russian fairy tales have six main characters, but there is only one hero in both fairy tales. Moreover, in one fairy tale this hero is the first, and in another - the last. What kind of fairy tales are these, who is this common mysterious hero?

(Tales: “Terem-Teremok”, “Turnip”, hero - Mouse)

6. Which fairy-tale hero lost his personal fishing gear because of his gullibility and stupidity?

(The wolf lost its tail)

7. “The joy took the breath away from the goiter...” From whom and why?

(At the fox from Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”)

8. What word consists of half a letter?

(The word "regiment")

9. Name a pit that is directly related to music.

(Orchestra pit)

10. He is the sickest person in the world who is treated with cookies and jam and sweets.

(Carlson, who lives on the roof)

11. This tree lives for hundreds of years, and therefore for many peoples it is a symbol of power and longevity. It does not bend in the wind, its leaves do not tremble, its branches do not groan. What kind of tree is this?


12. Where did the Bremen Town Musicians go?

(To the city of Bremen)

13. Title of Karabas-Barabas.

(Doctor of Puppet Science)

14. This product is now an integral part of confectionery products. It came from India, from where it came to the Persians, Arabs, and then Christopher Columbus brought it to America. What is it, if we know that we get it from simple beets?



15. What kind of water is only suitable for literate people?


16. Two mothers have five sons, all with the same name.


17. Light, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail!


18. It’s not a horse that’s walking in the field, it’s not a bird that’s flying in the field!


19. Gray cloth stretches out the window.


20. Round, but not money,
Red, but not a girl,
With a tail, but not a mouse.


21. Who has one leg, and even that one without a boot?


Carrying out the game in fifth and sixth grades

1. This lake is the “pearl” of Siberia. The purest water, impenetrable taiga along the coast, species of fish found nowhere else. And yet - it is the deepest on Earth! What kind of lake is this?


2. “The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.” What work are these lines from? Who is their author?

(Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”)

3. What will happen if you mix completely opaque sand, equally opaque soda and other opaque materials?

(The components of glass are listed)

4. Man learned to cultivate this vine in his gardens. She gives him sweet, tasty berries of more than twenty-five thousand varieties. What kind of vine is this?


5. “I am a tree, but absolutely without leaves, very hard, and the color is not green, but black. For you people, I am warmth, light. What's my name?


6. This sea is not a sea, but its size would be the envy of the “sea” Marmara or Aegean seas. For a precise definition, we will say that not only salt, but also oil is extracted from it.

(Caspian Sea-lake)

7. “I am energy, and plastic, and fabric, and cosmetics, and medicine, and even fat. Say my name."


8. When rays of sunlight pass through the air, we see them as white light. What color will the rays of the sun be if raindrops meet on their path?

(You will get a rainbow: seven colors)

9. This plant is warm and moisture-loving. And so much so that it grows only in water. It is very profitable for cultivation, since in warm climates it “yields” crops three times a year. Half of humanity eats it.


10. These travelers travel only by ocean, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. But meeting them is undesirable for ships. Who are these mysterious strangers?


11. This material is truly priceless. People drink from it, eat, make houses, works of art, and jewelry. Ancient books were “written” on it. What is this well-known material?


12. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it there is no correspondence. For some it is a passion. Who is this mysterious stranger?

(Postage Stamp)

13. These outstanding architectural monuments amaze with their size and grandeur, especially since they were created more than two and a half thousand years BC. The height of the largest of them is one hundred and fifty meters, and one hundred thousand people built it. What is this “miracle of the world”?

(Egyptian pyramids)

14. Translated from Italian, this word means “fresh”, “raw”; it is very closely related to the colors and walls of the room. What it is?


15. It was first made from plant fibers in China, then from the compressed pith of a bog plant. In the 10th century in Europe, it appeared from boiled and ground rags, tree roots, and bamboo chips. It was also made from straw, rye, wheat, oats, nettles, seaweed, reeds, etc. Now it can be cartographic, lithographic, or documentary. But the production of this has confronted humanity with a serious environmental problem.


16. Previously, this meant a light temporary building, usually used for trade at fairs. Then it is a folk theater, a spectacle of a comic nature. What is this word?


17. Many of you listened to the musical fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”. Who is its author?


18. In ancient times, Japanese children stuck goose feathers into a small, strong apple and manipulated it using a simple device. In a minute you must name the game that began with this unripe apple.


19. Name the name of the river, which consists of a note and a consonant.


20. Name a river named by a famous female name.


21. “The secret always becomes apparent” - such
a serious conclusion and suddenly - semolina porridge! In what work are they linked together?

(“Deniska’s stories” by Dragunsky)

Carrying out the game in seventh grades

1. This great poet was a talented artist, prose writer and, at the same time, a serf. Who is he?

(N.V. Shevchenko)

2. “Octave” - from music theory.
"Octet" is a group of musicians or singers. "Octahedron" is a polyhedron.
"Octane" is a chemical compound.
What do these different concepts have in common?

(General - the presence of the number eight - “okta”)

3. The first information about this instrument that has reached us dates back to 1688. He is the main member of the folk orchestra. What kind of instrument is this if it is known that it is often mentioned in Russian ditties?


4. Once upon a time, in one country there was one holiday every 1417 days. What kind of holiday is this if it is known that during it a pentathlon was held, and after it poets read poems and hymns, and speakers glorified the winners?


5. This fun was invented a thousand years ago in the East. Fuck-bang! Red, white, green stars flash in the evening sky and slowly fall. Now this invention has allowed man to master another element. What kind of fun is this? For the answer - a small hint in the form of the words “union”, “energy”, “buran”.


6. “Thin songs of a nightingale in a cat’s claws,” or “A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy,” or “Happy people don’t watch the clock,” “And Vaska listens and eats.” How can we call in one word these expressions from literary works that we often use?


7. Our distant ancestors, when hunting, specialized in certain types of animals, and therefore in technical means of hunting. But there was one “universal” hunting tool that had far-reaching environmental consequences. In thirty seconds, tell us about it or even show it to us.


8. You need to sing or name a song in Roman language in one minute.

(Any romance)

9. Do you know a great man who “fell slandered by rumor”?

(A.S. Pushkin)

10. This space object moving in an elliptical orbit does not exceed 800 kilometers in size. They even came up with a special name for it, consisting of two Greek words: “star” and “view”. We will call the translation of the second: “eidos”. But you will name the first word, just like the whole word.


11. Why is there always snow on the tops of the mountains? After all, their surface is closer to the sun?

(Air temperature drops with altitude)

12. That something that is the same has nothing in common?

(Words are homonyms)

13. Name the mountains, if you know that they are small in height, but of great length, extraordinary beauty, and unprecedented wealth in them. And also remember the fairy tales about... However, you probably already guessed what kind of mountains these are.

(Ural Mountains)

Carrying out the game in eighth grades

1. This trendy fabric has been known for a very long time. It was this material that Christopher Columbus chose for the sails of the “St. Mary,” and the Americans began to call it “denim” in honor of the city of Nîmes. What kind of fabric is this?


2. At the Paris World Exhibition in 1855, twelve bars of unknown material attracted everyone's attention. It was so expensive that it was only used jewelry. And now objects made from it are so widespread that this material is called the material of the 20th century. What is this?


3. You have all read the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". What epigraph did the author choose for it?

(“Take care of your honor from a young age”)

4. Housing is a serious matter. But if there is neither stone, nor wood, nor even earth for a dugout for construction, then snow is used. The Eskimos of Greenland build their igloos this way. Snow slabs are stacked on top of each other and the result is a dome - a hemisphere. Then an operation is carried out to strengthen the walls, an operation that could not be simpler than anything! In a minute, guess how the Eskimos achieved the strength of the igloo?

(A candle or a torch was lit under the dome, the snow melted, turning into ice)

5. After “putting in order,” the piece of music can be performed by a different composition, simplified or complicated. What kind of “tidying up” is this?

(Musical arrangement)

6. In 1912, one of the companies launched a confectionery product in the shape of a triangle. You should tell us it in a minute, especially since everyone still loves to feast on it.

(Napoleon cake)

7. They say: “A nomad is the son of the desert.” How to say this saying more correctly, based on an environmental point of view.

("The Nomad is the Father of the Desert")

8. This type of African-American folklore originated in the United States in the second half of the 19th century as a form of solo singing. Its themes are closely related to the social conditions in which the performers found themselves: suffering, fear, unhappy love. Then he had a great influence on the development of jazz. What kind of musical art is this?


9. In one famous capital, on one famous square, a wonderful building has stood for four centuries, amazing everyone. On a common base there are nine different-height and differently finished parts of the building, forming an octagonal star in plan. The central dome rose above the rest. Servants of worship, like all mere mortals, call this building.... What?

(Pokrovsky Cathedral or St. Basil's Cathedral)

10. “Give me a point of support, and I will turn the whole world around.” Who owns these legendary words?


11. The music of this composer has deep feelings, a swift impulse, it is inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution. We are more familiar with his sonatas. But what is striking is that he wrote his most remarkable works while completely deaf. Who is this composer?


12. In China, the entrance to the room is traditionally covered with a screen, but in Russia - no, the entrance (doorway) is free. Why? For a hint, remember the “evil one.”

(In China it is believed that the devil goes straight, but among the Orthodox (Russia) he looks for roundabout ways)

13. In a minute you need to name an ancient profession that contains the words “law” and “field”.


14. The device you need to name can “write far”. This is his literal translation. But he doesn’t write in letters, but..., however, we guessed what kind of device it was.


15. In the tropical forests of South America, a seemingly inconspicuous tree grows - the Hevea. If you cut its bark, white milky juice will come out, like our dandelion. The Peruvian Indians used this juice in wet weather... Then you should continue how. What happened?

(They placed the feet under the dripping juice, which froze and the resulting shoes were in the form of galoshes)

16. The picture before us depicts “something”, which translated means “dead”. What is this?

(Still life)

Holding games in high schools

1. Name the island where the most ancient wooden buildings of the North of Rus' are collected.

(Kizhi Island)

2. As you know, the clothes of the ancient Greeks did not have pockets where you could put a small key, for example, from a jewelry box.
How did the highly cultured Greeks get out of the situation?

(Instead of a key, rings were used, the pattern on which was used as a key)

3. Outstanding German playwright, writer, director and theater critic, creator of such great plays as “Mother Courage and Her Children”, “The Life of Galileo”, “The Threepenny Opera”.

(Bertold Brecht)

4. This science appeared more than a thousand years ago in Khorezm and was created by the great Uzbek scientist Muhammad al Khorezmi, and it operates along with what is “considered” and what is “written”. What kind of science is this?


5. About two hundred years ago, scientists discovered what constitutes four-fifths of one of the Earth's spheres. Translated from Greek, it means “non-vital”, because it is not suitable for burning and breathing. What is this?


6. Initially, drawings of this item were found in the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, and this item was first built according to the design of the Russian naval officer Mozhaisky in 1885. The working model of this item was created in 1903 by the Americans, the Wright brothers. In order to guess this item, you just have to remember one more name for aluminum.

(Airplane, aluminum is a “volatile” metal)

7. It is very light and can be found everywhere. And in space it is a common substance. What is it, if it is known that the English scientist Cavendini called it “flammable air”?


8. What you need to guess was first drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495. In 1817, this was recreated in Germany by the forester Draize. They called it a “bone shaker”, and later a “spider”. What is this item? To clarify, let's say that many of you have it.


9. In the XIV-XVI centuries, great changes occurred in the economy and culture in the countries of Western and Central Europe. In contrast to the old church view of man as an insignificant being, the conviction developed that man has the right to enjoy the joys of life. What name did these centuries get?


10. This person is a doctor. It is characteristic of his worldview that he considered man integral part nature. He placed health and illness in close connection with the climate of the country in which a person lives and the sanitary conditions of life. This doctor and his school achieved the greatest success in surgery. And his name is also associated with the concepts of honor and dignity of a doctor. Who is this doctor?


11. The great Italian scientist Galileo wrote about this science that it “... is the most powerful means for refining our
mental abilities and gives us the opportunity to think and reason correctly.” What kind of science is this?


12. This great Russian scientist is the creator of the theory of the structure of matter, the mechanical theory of heat, philologist, linguist, geologist, geographer. The list of his specialties goes on and on, but you already guessed who he is.

(M.V. Lomonosov)

13. This Russian artist traveled a lot around the world, was interested in Russian architecture, the art of Scandinavia, Western Europe and America. In 1923, he organized a scientific expedition to India, where he created his famous landscapes. Since then, this artist tirelessly studied the East, organized the Institute of Himalayan Studies in the Western Himalayas, where he remained to live. Who is this man?

(Nicholas Roerich)

14. Here is a certain ratio: 21-78-1. In a minute you must name what it belongs to.

(This is the composition of the air: 21% oxygen, 78 nitrogen, 1% other impurities)

15. There is a certain belt of animals, which, being renewed every month, remains constant from year to year. What is this?

(Zodiac signs)

16. You have all seen the famous “Trinity” icon, which depicts three young men - angels at a table around a sacrificial bowl. Who is the author of this work of painting?

(Andrey Rublev)

17. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it there is no correspondence. Who is this mysterious “stranger”?

(Postage Stamp)

18. In the 17th century, the Dutch scientist Van Helmont introduced a word derived from the Greek “kaos”. Nowadays the word is used as widely as the substance is widespread. What is this word?


19. B XVII-XVIII centuries fabric in the form of paintings was woven by hand according to the drawings of the best artists, which later began to be produced by machines. It had great artistic value, and then began to be used in draperies and for upholstery. What kind of fabric is this?


20. In the former Sultan's Turkey, there was a certain advisory body consisting of ministers and high dignitaries, which was called after the place for recreation. What kind of organ is this?


21. B Ancient Greece in honor of the god Dionysus (Bacchus), hymns were sung, accompanied by facial movements and music. Later, these works became close to odes in their praise. Now it is used more in an ironic, figurative sense. What are these hymns?


22. In ancient Mexico there was a certain coin, the name of which became the main currency of many colonial countries. What was it called?


23. In France, at the end of the 18th century, they took a cubic decimeter of water from the Seine at a temperature of four degrees Celsius. What prototype was obtained?


24. What you need to name means “mountain resin” in Latin. It was invented in 1822 and is so strong in strength that it is called “material for centuries”, and with additives it can be even stronger, even warmer, even lighter. We cannot imagine constructing buildings without it. What is this?


25. This state, which you need to name, does not exist in nature, and in space too. It is created artificially by lowering pressure. You probably already guessed that this is...


26. You all know what jargon is. You need to name how this word sounds literary. And for a hint, remember the Golden Fleece.


27. You need to name the fleet of the Spanish king Philip II, which he equipped in 1588 against England and was destroyed partly by storms, partly by English and Dutch naval forces. Hint: after the word “invincible” the word suggests itself...


28. You all know the state of Great Britain. Another common name is the name of one of the provinces: England. Do you know the oldest name for England? To suggest his first word, remember the type of weather often found there.

(Foggy Albion)

29. Each nation had its own name for singers and poets: among the Eastern Slavs, for example, boyans. What was the name of such a singer among the ancient Celts? To answer this question, connect the poet, the composer and the performer.


30. There is a city in the USA that is famous for being called card game, a dance that is a type of waltz, and woolen fabric. What kind of famous city is this?


31. In 455, one ancient Germanic tribe captured Rome and destroyed many works of art in it. In thirty seconds you need to name this tribe, especially since now this is what they call those who do the same.


32. During the campaigns of Alexander the Great, the Greeks saw something in India that they later called “tree wool.” What is this?


33. The Hermitage stores unique pocket watch. In addition to the clock mechanism itself, their metal egg-shaped case contained a clock striking mechanism, a musical apparatus, and a tiny theater - an automaton with movable figures. Who made such a watch? As a hint, let us clarify that all inventors are often called by this name.

(Ivan Petrovich Kulibin)

34. What you need to name was considered indivisible until recently. This name was born in Ancient Greece back in the 5th century BC. What is this “indivisible”?


Brainring “History of our region”

1. According to archaeologists, people first appeared on the Don... I wonder where?

(In the lower reaches of the Northern Donets and on the coast of the Taganrog Bay)

2. What do you think was the main occupation for the most ancient inhabitants of the Don region?

(For the most ancient - hunting)

3. Don steppe... Without end and without edge! Feather grass and wormwood! What was the former name of the Don land?

("Wild Field")

4. Scientists still argue about the origin of the word “Cossack”. Do you know at least two interpretations of this word?

(“Kosogi” are the people of the Caucasus.
"Kazars" - Scythian peoples.
"Kaz" is the Turkish word for "goose". The name of tramp warriors among the Tatars.
From the Polovtsian “Guardian.” “Ko” - armor, “mezha” - border, i.e. “a person guarding the border.”)

5. The highest body in many countries is the parliament. What was the Cossacks' name for it?

(Military circle)

It takes a lot of time to prepare, but children take part in such events with pleasure.


1. Check intellectual development children.

2. Develop speed of thinking and cognitive interests.

3. Foster a desire to gain knowledge from other sources of literature.

4. Learn to work in groups (teams).

Equipment: presentation, puzzles, cards, crosswords, games.

The progress of the intellectual game in elementary school

Leading. I am glad to welcome you to our hall!

I wish the participants to understand everything

and be the first to answer!

So let's all hit the road,

Interesting things await us!

Let's greet each other with applause!

"Team Greetings"

To win, all team members must be as one. Now will you show everyone if you really are a team?

(representation of teams - name and motto)


1 to. "Young Pathfinders"

Motto: “Rivers, mountains and seas -

This is all my Land!

2k. "Friends of Nature"

Motto: “Let's go through the field, forest, meadow

I will be nature’s friend!”

3k. "Helpers"

Motto: “Our motto is always:

More action, less words..."

2. Warm up

(everyone takes part)

Each student has 2 questions

1. Without an ax and without hands, but he builds a house.

a) shadow;

b) frost;

c) bird;

d) person.

Correct answer: c) bird

2. Doctor Aibolit’s specialty:

a) surgeon

b) veterinarian;

c) orderly;

d) ophthalmologist.

Correct answer: b) veterinarian

3.Which birds are the first to fly from warm regions?

a) starlings, rooks;

b) sparrows, swallows;

c) bullfinches, crows;

d) cranes.

Correct answer: a) starlings, rooks

4. At what time of year is Christmas celebrated?

a) in spring;

b) in summer;

c) in autumn;

d) in winter.

Correct answer: d) in winter

5. Which of these animals is a rodent?

a) tiger;

b) cat;

c) hamster;

d) owl

Correct answer: c) hamster

6. What do plants grow from?

a) fetus

b) root;

c) flowers;

d) seeds.

Correct answer: d) seeds

7. How does a bear lie in its den?

a) thin;

b) strong;

c) bold;

d) weak

Correct answer: c) bold

8. What important vitamin is contained in lemon?

a) vitamin A;

b) vitamin C;

c) vitamin D;

d) vitamin E

Correct answer: b) vitamin C

9. What applies to living nature:

a) stars;

b) sun;

c) plants;

d) water.

Correct answer: c) plants

10. A relative of cancer, walks sideways, lives in the sea?

a) Scorpio;

b) crab;

c) seahorse;

d) cancer

Correct answer: b) crab

11. Which of the characters in A. Barto’s poem sighed: “Oh, the board is shaking...”

1) bear

2) bunny

3) goby

4) horse

12. Which plant never has flowers?

1) at the fern

2) at the cactus

3) at the chestnut

4) in potatoes

13.Third day of the week:

a) Monday;

b) environment;

on Thursday.

14.How does a flower bloom first?

a) tulip;

b) poppy;

c) snowdrop.

15. What grows in winter?

a) Christmas tree;

b) icicle;

c) birch.

16. Which river flows through the city of Krasnodar - ...

a) White;

b) Pshekha;

c) Kuban.

17.Chips are made from...

a) carrots

b) apples;

c) potatoes.

18. Kalina is...

a) tree;

b) bush;

c) herbaceous plant.

19.A passenger traveling without a ticket...

a) rabbit;

b) hare;

c) fox.

20.What is the name of the underground part of the plant?

1) Kidney

2) root

3) flower

4) stem

21. Who has yellow spots on his head?

1) giraffe

2) lion

3) snake

4) already

22. What is the name of the book where the names of endangered species of plants and animals are recorded?

1) Constitution

2) Encyclopedia

3) "Red Book"

23. The man who guards the forest

1) Geologist

2) Journalist

3) Forester

4) Teacher

24. Which flower is called the flower of the sun?

1) Dandelion

2) Lily

3) Sunflower

4) Tulip

25. What animal builds dams across rivers?

1) Badger

2) Otter

3) Beaver

4) Turtle

26. What are the names of animals that feed on other animals?

1) Pets

2) Wild

3) Predatory

4) Homemade

27. Which of these animals hibernates?

1) Wolf

2) Fox

3) Hedgehog

4) Boar

28. The capital of our country?

1) Moscow

2) St. Petersburg

3) Krasnodar

4) Sochi

3. Crossword competition

Solve the crossword

For each team -10 points for correct guessing

Competition for all children

Game “It happens or it doesn’t happen”

There is a snowstorm in the forest, and a bear is picking raspberries.

Snow covers the ground, and the apple tree ripens in the garden.

A butterfly sat on a snowflake.

It's snowing - mushrooms are growing.

Children swim in the river, bullfinches sing in the bushes.

Storks are flying to warmer climes, the cherry trees are blooming.

Leaves fell from the trees, insects hid in the bark of the trees.

Game "Yes or no?"

Tell me, does the catfish sing songs? (No).

Can a goose swim? (Yes).

Does the red poppy bloom in January? (No).

Do crocodiles build their nests on pine trees? (No).

If he doesn't eat for three days, will a camel be able to walk? (Yes).

When a hedgehog gets angry, can he kill an elephant? (No).

4. My smart ringing ball

(Captain from each team)

The task is to hit the ball on the floor and say the word:

1 student - 10 plants

2 student - 10 animals

3 student - 10 birds

Before the competition, participants draw a card indicating what topic they have chosen

(10 answers - 10 points)

5. Tasks from the bag

Questions for the bag

1. Poodle Malvina (Artemon)

2. Uncle Fyodor's dog (Sharik)

3. Panther from the fairy tale “Mowgli” (Bagheera)

4. Cat from Prostokvashino (Matroskin)

5. Turtle from the fairy tale about Pinocchio (Tortilla)

6. Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)

7. The fly that gave everyone tea (Tsokotukha)

8. Who has sawdust in his head (Winnie the Pooh)

9. What did the wolf from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” use to catch fish? (Tail)

10. What was the name of the dog who helped pull the turnip? (Bug)

11. What was the name of the edible fairy tale character? (Kolobok)

12. What was the name of the girl whose crib was a nutshell and whose rose petal was like a blanket? (Thumbelina)

13. In what fairy tale did the hero receive a golden key from a turtle? (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

6. Puzzles


"Trees - bushes"

"Sedentary - migratory"

"Predatory - Domestic"

Arrange into groups (20-10 b.)

Summing up, awarding certificates (to teams)

Envelopes with questions are laid out in a circle on the table, with a spinning top with an arrow in the center. The team consists of six players. One minute is given to discuss the issue. The captain answers. The game is on up to six points.

The event is designed for children in grades 3-4.


A story has survived to this day about how an English sailor sent his mother a gift that was valuable at that time - an overseas drink. The mother invited the guests to a delicious meal. She boiled the entire product in a bowl, drained off the brown, bitter water that was unnecessary, in her opinion, divided the grounds into portions and, seasoning them with sour cream, served them to the table.

This drink has been known since ancient times. They first started drinking it in China. Later it became a popular drink in many countries, but at first it could not be grown and prepared everywhere.

What drink are we talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, large and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If a star is very hot, then its color is white or slightly bluish. If the star is cooler, like our Sun, then its color is yellow or orange. And there are even cold stars. What color are they? (Red)

Nowadays, cars mostly run on gasoline. But the very first car in history was not fueled with gasoline! This car drove slowly and carried only one passenger at a time. The driver was called a “chauffeur,” which translated means “stoker” or “stoker.” What did the first car in history work on? (On wood.)

At all times, children loved to play. For example, our grandmothers played hide and seek just like us, and our grandfathers played “grandmothers” (a game with dice), and also football, but not with a rubber, bouncing ball, but with a heavy rag one. Our ancestors also played with “zhivuli”. What did they not make “zhivulya” from? From clay, from long potatoes, from painted wood chips wrapped in candy paper, from a folded rag. What do they call “zhivulya” nowadays? (Doll)

This animal cannot run like other four-legged animals. It hops in large leaps on two long hind legs, and short front legs are pressed to the chest. A large tail helps him maintain balance while jumping, so that when he lands, he doesn’t fall or bump his nose. When the animal sits down to rest or eat, the tail is at work again - the animal leans on it. And if wild dingoes attack, he will be able to kick them so badly that they will suffer. He will lean on his tail and kick with his back leg.

Who owns this wonderful tail? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend about how a nymph lived in the forest. She was very talkative. The gods did not like this, and as punishment they deprived her of the gift of speech. But not completely, but in such a way that the nymph could only repeat the endings of strangers’ words overheard in the forest.

It so happened that the nymph met a very handsome young man. Because of her love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned invisible. Since then, the invisible nymph, wanting to remind the world of herself, repeats in the forest the words of others she overheard. Name this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(You have 20 seconds to think about each question.)

Cruel entertainment for people in which animals die. (Hunting)

Rapid advance of troops. (Attack)

A worker who is always painting something. (Painter)

This Russian folk holiday is celebrated on June 24th. In the old days, during the holiday they sang, danced, danced in circles, and put flower wreaths on their heads. The main event of the holiday is the night search for fern flowers. It was believed that whoever found it would be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the swimming season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Ivan Kupala holiday)

Black box. (Guess what is in the black box.)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head.

He doesn't cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

Until this vehicle had an inflated tire, people had to suffer a lot, for which they called it the bone shaker. Another name for this vehicle is a spider, since in front it had a huge metal wheel with many thin shiny spokes, which very much resembled a spider’s web.

What is its name now? (Bike)

Super blitz. (One player remains. He is given 10 seconds to think about each question.)

The country's armed forces. (Army)

A small piece of fire flying into the air. (Spark)

The back of the boat. (Stern)

. “Kaput” is what the ancient Romans called this vegetable. They spoke Latin and lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, from where it came to us, to Russia. "Kaput" means "head". The vegetable actually resembles a head. He fell in love with the inhabitants of the Russian land. When planting it in their gardens, the peasants said: “Don’t be long-legged, be big-bellied; don't be empty - be thick; don't be old - be young; don’t be small, be big.”

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)

Intellectual game"What? Where? When?"

For 5th – 6th grades.

Teacher of ShSR “Alter”:

Sabitova N.G.


The game is played in the form of a brain ring between three teams. The age of the players is 5th – 6th grade. There are 6 people in the team.


· 2 cubes (on the sides of one cube there are numbers from 1 to 6, on the sides of the other cube there are colors: green, red, blue, yellow, orange and white);

· colored plates with the name of the subject: green - biology and geography; blue – logic; red – mathematics; yellow – history; orange – Kazakh, English languages; white – Russian language and literature;

· a set of questions by subject;

· emblems for players;

· signal cards;

· questions to play with the audience.

Rules of the game:

· The game is played up to 6 points scored by one of the teams.

· The order of play of the teams is determined by drawing lots.

· The team players take turns rolling the dice, determining the question number and the color of the item.

· The right to be the first to answer is given to the team playing the round. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team cannot give an answer, then the right to answer is given to the fans. For the fans' correct answer, the team receives 0.5 points.

· If both the team and the fans do not give the correct answer, then the right to give the correct answer passes to the team that first raised signal card. In this case, the team receives 0.3 points for a correct answer.


Dear viewers, we have gathered with you today at game of three teams of experts.

Very often we hear that school science is boring. They are not boring - they are just very serious.

From the first years of life until old age, a person constantly turns to numbers, figures, rules, and concepts that he learned at school. When he wakes up, he usually remembers what day it is, what time he needs to go to school or work, and when he will return home. Every morning he looks at the thermometer to determine whether the day will be warm or cold and put on appropriate clothing. During the day, he needs to repeatedly calculate how much something costs, how much he needs to pay or receive, and before preparing dinner, he will have to measure out how much cereal, butter, and flour to take. They measure in spoons, glasses, liters, grams, centimeters, hours, minutes. While traveling, determines the route to follow using the geographic data of the destination. Once in another country, he uses all the means of communication available to him - facial expressions, gestures, and above all - language. Using the basics of school subjects has become so common and natural for us that we forget: once upon a time people, our ancestors, did not know any of this and, apparently, discovered science with great difficulty and for a long time. Today we will take a short trip through school subjects. And teams of experts will help us with this.

Today we are playing a game: “What? Where? When?". And I invite teams of 5/1, 5/2 and 6 classes to the tables. Let's meet the teams. (Welcome and introduction of teams of experts)

Math questions:

1. Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) plays with you

Kovalevskaya is an outstanding Russian mathematician; the world's first woman professor and corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1888, S. Kovalevskaya completed her scientific work - “The problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point.”

The natural and oldest measure of length is the step. However, to measure large distances in ancient times, other measures were also used. For example, the ancient Roman mile was equal to 1,000 steps.

In Ancient Rus', the following units of length were used:

oblique fathom (248 cm) – the distance from the toes of the left foot to the end of the fingers of the raised right hand;

fly fathom (176 cm) - the distance between the ends of the fingers of hands spread to the sides.

Attention, question: Dear experts, what was the distance from the end of the fingers to the elbow of the bent arm called?

Answer: Elbow.

2. Playing with you is Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky (1669-1739), the first teacher of mathematics and marine sciences in Russia, who had an original mathematical talent.

Attention question:Dear experts – Blitz sector:

1). The shortest distance from a point to a line. (Perpendicular)

2). Lilies grew on the lake. Every day their number doubled, and on the 20th day the entire lake was overgrown. On what day was half the lake overgrown? (On the 19th)

3). How many days are there in summer vacation? (92)

3. Euclid is playing with you - Ancient Greekmathematician , author of the first theoretical treatise on mathematics that has come down to us.Attention question:

“Mono” “di” “poly” is in Greek;

“uni” “bi” “multi” - this is in Latin.

How would it be in Russian?

Answer: One, two, many.

4. Dear experts - Blitz sector:

1. What shaft is depicted in Aivazovsky’s painting? (Ninth wave)

2. A city consisting of 101 names. (Seva-sto Pol)

3. Three hens will lay three eggs in three days. How many eggs will 6 hens lay in 6 days? (12 eggs)

5. Hans Christian Andersen plays with you.

The name of this ancient unit of length served as the name of a fairy-tale heroine.

Attention question:

What is this unit of length?

Who is this heroine?

Answer: Inch. Thumbelina.

6. Mathematics teacher T.S. Grigorieva plays. and Sabitova N.G.

In ancient times there was no such term. It was introduced in the 17th century by the French mathematician François Viète, and translated from Latin it means “spoke of the wheel.” What is this?

Answer: Radius

Questions on biology and geography

1. Played by geography teacher Chalapko L.M.

This is the only point in the northern hemisphere that does not participate in the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis. There is no change of day and night, no longitude, no east, west and north directions, and any point on the Earth’s surface is located in relation to it only in one direction. All meridians pass through this point.

Attention, question: What is this point?

(North Pole)

2. Thor Heyerdahl plays with you - famous traveler, anthropologist, author of many popular science books.
Sector "Blitz":

3) A part of the ocean or sea that extends deep into the land. Here the tide height reaches its maximum. (Bay)

3. Attention, black box!

Some of you have THIS. At one time, the church forbade the use of THIS, since IT distorts reality. Name an item that has been seriously competing with THIS lately.


4. The “black box” contains the fruit, consumed fresh, dried and soaked. This fruit belongs to a plant of the dicotyledonous class. Its wild ancestors grow in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The plant is cross-pollinated, very frost-resistant, can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees Celsius! The fruits are healthy and contain substances that remove heavy metals from the body. The southern capital of Kazakhstan is named after this fruit. What fruits are we talking about?

(About apples)

5. plays with you Christopher Columbus- Italian traveler, navigator. One of the South American countries, Colombia, is named after him. It is traditionally believed that it was he who discovered America for Europeans. Attention, "Black Box"!

The “black box” contains a talisman that medieval knights wore on their chests. He was credited with a miraculous property: supposedly he was able to protect a warrior from arrows and sword blows. The philosophers of antiquity, cutting this mysterious object crosswise, explained to their students the structure of the Universe, i.e. it was a visual aid for studying astronomy. At all times and among all peoples, medicinal properties were attributed to it, and in the Middle Ages they claimed that even its smell protects against disease. And in our time, it is used to prevent colds, and they even smear their heads with its juice to make their hair grow thicker.

Attention, question! What's in the black box?


6. Dear experts! What substance did the French pilot and writer Antoine De Sainte - Exupery write a hymn to: “You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are life itself." This is the most common substance on Earth.


History questions

1. Played by history teacher Isina A.S.

Sector "Blitz"

1) Nowadays, no one has a question: what to write on? Of course, on paper. What did the ancient Egyptians write on? (Papyrus)

2) This Saka queen ordered Cyrus's head to be placed in a bag filled with blood. (Tomyris)

3) Name the first period of the Stone Age (Paleolithic)

2. The black box contains what in German means “sample” and in Greek means “papyrus for writing.” They can be geographical, administrative, political, economic - schoolchildren, travelers, and the military cannot do without them.

What's in the black box?


3. The question is asked by history teacher Isina A.S. Attention to the screen! Here is a unique architectural monument of ancient Russian architecture, which is located in Russia, Karelia, on the island of Kizhi. In one minute, name an item that is necessary in the construction of such structures, but which was not used in the construction of this architectural monument.


4. Attention, “black box”. IN Ancient Rome taxes were due on the first day of each month. The first month of the year was called “calenda” by the ancient Romans. Debts were recorded in special debt books. In the black box lies one of these debt books. Attention, question: What is in the black box?


5. Sector "Blitz"

1) Image of God in the form of a figurine (Idol)

2) Burials in the Bronze Age (Mounds)

3) Upper wooden dome of the yurt (Shanyrak)

6. Sector "Blitz"

1) One of the first tools of ancient man (Chopper)

2) The “Golden Man” was found in the famous Saki monument... (Issyk)

3) Name of the New Stone Age (Neolithic)

Logic questions

1. The school has 400 students. How many students have the same birthday?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. Since the number of days in a year is less than 400; 365 (or 366) students may have birthdays on different days of the year, and everyone else will have their birthdays coincide with the first.

Answer: 35 people will match.

2. In 1900, January 1 was Monday. What day of the week was January 1, 1995?

(Thinking time 2 min.)

Solution. If the year is not a leap year, then it shifts the day of the week by 1 (365: 7 = 52 ost 1).

From 1900 to 1994 inclusive, 94 years passed, and 23 of them were leap years; the day of the week moved, taking into account the seven-day period, by 5 days ((94 + 23) : 7 = 16 ost 5). Therefore, January 1, 1995 fell on a Sunday.

Answer: Sunday.

3. There are two vessels with a capacity of 3 liters and 5 liters. How can you use them to get 4 liters of water from a tap?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. 1st transfusion: pour 3 liters from a 5-liter vessel into a 3-liter vessel, 2 liters of water remain in it.

2nd transfer: pour 2 liters of water from a 5-liter vessel into a 3-liter vessel. 1 liter of water is missing from the top.

3rd transfer: from a full 5-liter vessel, add 1 liter of water to a 3-liter vessel. There will be 4 liters of water left in a 5-liter container.

4. . A vessel filled to the top with water has a mass of 5 kg, and a vessel half filled has a mass of 3 kg and 500 g. How much water does the vessel hold?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. 5 kg – 3kg 500g = 1kg 500g is the mass of half the water in the vessel. Then the mass of all the water in the vessel is exactly 2 times greater, that is, 3 kg. Answer: 3 kg.

5. A snail climbs up a 10-meter-high pole. During the day it rises by 5 meters, and at night it drops by 4 meters. How many days will it take for the snail to reach the top of the pillar?

Answer: 6 days

6. Question:In a square dance hall, you need to arrange 10 chairs along the walls so that there are equal numbers of chairs against each wall. How to do it?


Questions on Russian language and literature.

1. Sector “Blitz”: Name the fairy tale:

1) “A soldier walked along the road: “One-two, one-two!” A satchel behind my back, a saber on my side..." ("Flint")

2) “He heard one amazing story, full of exciting adventures, from a swallow...” (“Thumbelina”)

3) “His mother is an old tin spoon, and he has 24 brothers...” (“The Steadfast Tin Soldier”)

2. Dear experts, Hans Christian Andersen is playing with you: “One of my fairy tales describes an effective test for identifying membership in the royal family. This 'test' is in a black box."

Attention, question: What test are we talking about?


3. Solve examples from grammatical arithmetic. In your answers you should come up with words denoting the names of the birds.

1) Karo + so (Soroka)

2) Flag + monica – ka (Flamingo)

3) Poison + body – o (Woodpecker)

4) Gol + willow (Oriole)

5) Ditch + section – ia (Starling)

6) Salo + dot – o (Swallow)

4. Dear experts, Russian language teacher E.N. Vodopyanova is playing with you:

Solve the charades:

1) Between conjunction and preposition

Put on a heavenly phenomenon

And three composed syllables

They will give a fence or a barrier (O-grad-a)

2) My first syllable is on a tree

My second syllable is a conjunction.

But in general I am matter,

And I'm fit for a suit. (Cloth)

5. Cartoon break!

(Series of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”)

6. Sector “Blitz”: Answer the questions with a proverb or saying:

1) Whose soul is in darkness? (Alien soul - darkness)

2) To what metal can silence be compared? (Word is silver, silence is gold)

3) What does money love? (Money loves the account)

Questions on English and Kazakh languages

1. What makes the offer unique?

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?

(It uses all 26 letters of the alphabet)

2. What's interesting about the word " racecar"?

(It is read the same from left to right and from right to left)

3. Which word can English poets never find a rhyme for?

a) month

B) lake

c) house

d) town


4. Name the word in English where they meet three double letters in a row.

(B ookkee per)

5. Sector "Blitz"

1) What is the difference between fairy tales and legends? (The legend describes events that took place once upon a time)

2) Name a fairy tale in which a cat paid with its tail for a rash act. (“Makta kyz ben mysyk”)

3) Name the cunning man who managed to get ten choice sheep from the bai for a gnawed bone. (Aldar Kose)

6. Musical pause

Playing with spectators

1. Guess the antiphrases. Well-known proverbs serve as clues.

1) The evil proposal is disgusting for the dog too. (A kind word also pleases the cat)

2) The night is short from the morning if you are full of worries. (It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do)

3) Started idleness - work cowardly. (Business before pleasure)

4) You can cut through weak enmity with a saw. (You can’t cut a strong friendship with an ax)

5) You can't sell stupidity for dollars. (Money can't buy intelligence)

6) Generosity is the end of rare happiness. (Greed is the beginning of all grief)

2. Guess the charades:

1) The first three letters are a siren signal,

And the last two are a pretext.

The whole thing - everyone saw it in the forest

And burned it in the stove in winter. (Pine)

2) You will add a preposition to the building,

but in general you will melt the ore (House - on)

3) The first syllable is among the notes,

The second is on the dance floor,

All together - a root crop,

Ripening in the garden. (Re – pa)

3. Ancient man (Australopithecus)

4. The oldest religious concept (Totemism)

5. The first cohesive permanent team of relatives (Rod)

6. The main condition for human development (Labor)

7. Ancient Greek historian (Herodotus)

8. Material for covering and insulating yurts (Koshma)

9. A woman turns to someone in your class and says, “I am your mother, but you are not my son.” What would that mean? (She addresses the girl.)

10. 1% of one thousand rubles? (10 rubles)

11. Unit of speed at sea? (node)

12. Is it possible to get zero when multiplying numbers? (yes, if one of the factors is zero)

13. What is 1 pood equal to? (16 kg)

14. How many vertices does a cube have? (8)

15. How many steps does the staircase have, where the middle step is the eighth? (15)

16. Multiply the number of continents by the number of oceans. What did you get? (24)

17. A rooster standing on one leg weighs 3 kg. How much does he weigh standing on two legs? (3 kg)

Solitaire Solitaire