Download the program for battle net games. Download the Blizzard App. Alternative registration method

Many developers are trying to make life easier for their users, making access to their games easier, more convenient and safer. One option to achieve this goal was to create a special launcher. It provides access to all the developer’s products at once: you can download the game you are interested in and enter the already installed one. And not only.

Blizzard Entertainment, known for its online projects for every taste, did not stand aside and created This is a convenient, stylishly designed application, thanks to which you will have access to information about the studio's projects. Overwatch, Hearthstone, Diablo III and other popular games from Blizzard. All of them are in one place, conveniently located, with information and news about each. Some you can download for free, others are only available by subscription. Here everyone decides for themselves.

All games are launched through the launcher, which means you don’t have to register in each time. new game— authorization occurs automatically, using the login and password that you initially set on It seems like a small thing, but it saves a lot of time and nerves.

Functional is a standard, but very convenient launcher with an excellent interface, a nice stylish design and a menu that even the last “dummie” can figure out. Each game has its own tab, where you can read current news and information about it (even about those that are not yet in your collection). However, there is also a separate tab for “general” company news.

When you enter the launcher, the program automatically searches for updates for all your existing games and begins downloading them if necessary.

The communication tab allows you to join communities based on games/interests. There are also global chats. The communication system is quite convenient and simple. It costs nothing here, for example, to agree on a time cooperative game, or ask the “experts” for advice.

The “Store” tab allows you to buy some of the developer’s games, content for games, pay for a subscription, and also purchase a ticket to an event organized by Bliz.

In the BLIZZCON tab there is essentially only a link. However, it will take you to the live stream page of the event itself. But it's only for tickets. Which, as already mentioned, can be bought in the store.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Nice bright design.
  • Convenient and intuitive interface.
  • Creating one account for all developer games.
  • There are several languages, including Russian.
  • Available for all versions of Windows as well as Mac.
  • All games under one roof.
  • Convenient updates to your favorite games.
  • Powerful protection that almost eliminates hacking.


  • Minor freezes may occur during updates.
  • It is difficult to “reach out” to technical support.
  • It is impossible to clean your correspondence yourself. It is stored for 28 days.

System requirements

  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Vista.
  • RAM: 1 GB.
  • Disk space 40 MB.

Android version

Is it worth downloading Battle.Net

If you like high-quality “long-lasting” projects, then this is definitely the place for you. Each Blizzard project is a real “bomb”, winning an army of fans. At the same time, the developers do not forget about any of their creations; they regularly expand and update them. So you definitely need to download You will certainly find a game to suit your taste here.

Blizzard is a program that is designed to launch and update the games of this company. This platform is also known as or Blizzard Launcher. This site has a simple graphic design and a simplified design that is not difficult even for beginners.

This launcher is used to launch and update games from the publisher Blizzard. Now all large companies are trying to connect their “projects” in a single “hub”. Using this approach, gaming companies unifies all games and improves access to games.

Avid gamers claim that “playing on a launcher” is not very convenient, because you constantly need to download and install a large software package on your computer, creating unnecessary friend lists.

The main advantage of Blizzard is the security of this service and two-factor authentication, thanks to which the site generates special codes on any device using a mobile application.

The built-in firewall protects your account, which is linked to the ID. Another advantage of this launcher is its reliable protection against cheaters. All games that run on this client support multiplayer mode, so competition with other users will be fair, thanks to built-in protection against cheaters.


The Blizzard launcher allows you to download and update game distributions. In addition, the client shows gamers online, server maintenance day and reading current news that relates to games. By reading all the news about games, you will find out the latest information about updating or improving the product.

Now this software is used for launch World of Warcarft, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2 and other games. The site developers say that this list will be replenished with new games. The program has a chat for communicating with people who are your friends. You can communicate during the game or while in free mode, which shows players online.

Key Features

  • the launcher allows you to download, update and delete games from Blizzard;
  • there is a section that shows news and information on all games;
  • login to your profile via account protection;
  • the software displays a notification when there are technical problems on the server;
  • creating a list with friends in the friend list;
  • quick correspondence with players in text chat;
  • purchasing new games and installing updates in the official store. is a client for Windows OS designed to install, launch and manage games from Blizzard. The program can be used to install and automatically update such computer games, as well as the creation of individual user accounts that support personal settings and other options for individual users.

Among other things, the client part of, which can be downloaded for free, has an integrated modern dating system, an achievement system, thematic social networks aimed at gamers, structured competitive game options, a digital market, and also allows you to receive the latest gaming news and similar information about new Blizzard games and programs.

Out of interest, it is worth noting that uses a centralized account system with records that players can use to manage the Blizzard Entertainment games they use in one place, without having to worry about multiple sets of login information. Thus, the release of StarCraft 2 significantly increased the popularity of this service and attracted even more gamers to its ranks. users have at their disposal functions such as chat, game lists, and news. At the same time, users can update any game from the developer, have the opportunity to communicate with other players and join the network team game by inviting other participants. Features such as ladder ranking and game filters have been added to the service.

It is worth mentioning the most popular game of all time - Diablo, which switched to client-server model technology. It was no longer simulated on users' computers, but ran directly on the Blizzard server. At the same time, all personal data of the players was saved on the company’s servers.

also in latest version The client has expanded ladder support to include a "Hardcore" ladder, which lists players whose characters will be permanently removed if they die in their virtual world. With the release of sagas such as Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III a number of new functions of the online service have appeared.

The most important highlight was the feature that allowed the player, with a simple click of a button, to match himself with several participating players, similar in level (based on ranking), and those who also wanted to connect.

conclusions: provides users with quick and easy access to games, manages updates, and provides the latest news about upcoming changes in virtual entertainment. When you connect to, you automatically experience the fastest available servers in your region. Friends from all over the world can play together on such a server and not even know it. This is why the servers are open to everyone. We advise you to download this client in Russian and evaluate its advantages compared to other competitors (Steam, Origin and the like).

Blizzard recently began testing the client. This program will provide a number of unique features for those who play Blizzard games. On this moment Not all application functions are implemented. But the main features are already available. What has not yet been completed has been replaced by mock-ups and will appear in the near future.

So what is the client? This is a replacement launcher for all Blizzard games. The client performs updates, downloads games, and so on. In short, it does everything any good launcher should do. But in the client you get the opportunity to update any game without having to use multiple similar programs for each individual game. It's quite convenient. At this stage of testing, chat with friends is available. And it doesn’t matter which game you are in and which your friends are in. You can always write to them in chat. You can also view all the news from Blizzard in this program. In the future, it is planned to add a games and add-ons store, a player forum and user profiles. But at the moment this is only in theory. Don't forget that the announcement is still a long way off, so a lot can still change.

Key Features and Functions

  • launcher for all Blizzard games;
  • updating, launching games and much more in one program;
  • convenient chat;
  • constant updates of news from Blizzard;
  • nice graphical interface.

What's new in this version? (18.11.2016)

  • The microphone signal strength indicator is now only displayed if the user is using voice chat or performing a microphone test;
  • You can now enable or disable the input device (microphone) in the program settings. With the microphone disabled, you can connect to channels and listen to participants;
  • users whose microphone is muted are marked in the list with a special icon;
  • Fixed reset of automatic update settings when starting the game from a shortcut on the desktop. a proprietary program from Blizzard Entertainment. Designed for launching developer games, receiving free trials and purchasing games in the online store. In addition, the program also performs a social function: each user can communicate with other players online, and also gets access to all the latest news from the gaming industry.

Blizzard is both game server, Online Store, social network and account manager.

It is very popular among gamers.

Battlenet functionality

On our Internet portal you can download the client for free on your PC right now. Please note that there is also mobile version. What can a player do using Blizzard's service?

You can download Battlenet launcher for Windows 10, Windows 7, 8 and get acquainted with the application interface. It is attractive and intuitive.

Main advantages of the application

Like the popular analogue program, brand store Blizzard Battlenet provides easy access to a large number of branded computer games. These include World of Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty, Destiny and many other games. You can buy them or use free demo versions.

  1. Ability to set up parental controls to regulate the time spent playing the game.
  2. Convenient multi-user mode.
  3. Personal chat for personal communication and chat blocking option.
  4. Ability to install the program in Russian.
  5. Updates all games automatically from the developer's server, even if the client is not playing.
  6. Availability of gaming communities for communication based on interests.
  7. Simple registration and the ability to quickly log in.
  8. Supports network mode and broadcasts on Facebook.

Among the disadvantages of the program, users cite expensive game content. However, you are always available and free versions. All you need is just an Internet connection.

The latest version is already posted on our website. Use the download link and download the application to your computer. It will only take a few seconds to launch. A bright service with a lot of opportunities will open before you. Don't miss out on the news feed with useful and interesting information.

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