Word and didactic games on the theme of the school. The value of verbal didactic games in the mental development of children. Who will notice more fables

Play for young children is the main method of learning real world. To teach the baby the necessary skills in a comfortable and easy way for him, teachers and speech therapists have developed special didactic games for the development of speech. They can be focused on improving various speech skills - it all depends on the age of the child and the specific learning goals.

In total, in pedagogy there are 3 types of didactic games for children preschool age(they have one goal - the development of speech):

  1. didactic word games with objects, toys;
  2. board games with printed materials;
  3. word games.

Sometimes they also distinguish didactic games for the development of speech by age - some tasks are designed for kids 3-5 years old (younger preschool age), they allow you to correctly quickly. And others - for children 6-7 years old (senior preschool age), allow you to correct and improve existing speech skills.

Each type should be considered in more detail.

Didactic games with surrounding things

First of all, these games are aimed at developing the child's tactile sensations, his ability to properly use toys and other household items. Object games also develop the imagination of the baby - he learns to think creatively.

What is the subject?

The simplest didactic game in this set teaches children to name the objects they see.

The baby takes a toy or other object out of the bag, and then simply names it (for example, a phone, a cup or a soft toy).

chest with pictures

There are similar to the previous didactic games for the visual perception of children. The teacher or parent should take a small chest, put pictures or photographs in it various items, and then invite the children to get the pictures and name what is shown on them.

Sasha's helpers

This didactic game helps to understand the difference between singular and plural in verbs, and also introduces the child to the structure of the human body.

The teacher tells the children that now the Sasha doll with assistants will come to them, and the task of the children is to guess what they are called. The teacher “leads” the doll, and then points to her legs, asking the children what this part of the body is called and what she can do (legs - run, walk, dance). When the guys answer, the teacher begins to point to other parts of the body and ask the same thing (eyes - look, blink, mouth - speaks, chews food, yawns, etc.).


This speech development game preparatory group improves the diction of babies, allows them to develop or improve onomatopoeia.

To complete the exercise, you will need a cube, on each side of which an animal or object is depicted that can make recognizable sounds (for example, an airplane - “uuu”). The kid throws a cube (you can also say “twist and turn, lie down on your side”), and the teacher asks him to say what is shown on the dropped edge, what sounds this object makes (for example, a cow - “muuu”, a donkey - “ia”) .

What item is suitable?

Didactic games based on comparison teach children to compare the sizes of objects, as well as to find analogies between these sizes. For example, you can take several teddy bears and plates of different sizes, and then invite the child to compare which bear which plate is suitable in size (large - large, small - small).

word games

Didactic games for the development of speech of this type develop the attention of children, teach them to remember, develop speech and the ability to express their own thoughts. In these tasks, the words of the children are connected with their actions.


The teacher takes a toy train, offering the baby to call him. The child begins to say “Uuuu” (the exercise works out exactly this sound), and the teacher at this time brings the train to the baby, as if the toy had arrived at this sound.


This didactic game for the development of speech is used in the preparatory group. The exercise is aimed at practicing the correct pronunciation of vowels. The teacher should loudly pronounce the practiced sound, and the child should quietly repeat after him. For example, the teacher says “OOO” and the kid echoes back “Oooh.” You can work out vowel combinations in the same way.


The exercise works out the correct pronunciation of the sound "I".

Like the “Steam Train” exercise, the teacher needs to take a horse figure and invite the baby to call her. The child begins to say "Eee", and the horse "jumps". When the baby stops making a sound, the toy should “stop”. Then her name is the next children in turn.

Board didactic games

Didactic games based on pictures develop visual memorization, increase attentiveness, and allow you to visually assimilate the material.

Main didactic exercises There are three such types used in practice.

For the first, you need to take a picture cut into pieces or puzzles, and then invite the children to assemble the image with their own hands and name what is shown on it.

Sometimes teachers use other didactic visualization games - finding pairs for images. For this, a lot of various small color pictures are taken. An important condition is that each image must have a pair. Kids look for the same pictures and match them. You can change the game a little - take two similar pictures and invite the child to find a few differences.

You can also prepare and select pictures that logically match each other (house - roof, car - wheel, tree - leaf, etc.).

In practice, another task is used. To complete it, they take several toys and their corresponding pictures (if the toy is a kitten, then the picture should also show a kitten). Children are invited to correlate real and drawn objects with each other. This teaches the right balance between real and unreal things.

Games for children 3-5 years old

In children of primary preschool age, the main goal of education is the production of sounds and the correct pronunciation of words, since it is during this period that such skills are formed and laid down. For this, there are didactic games for sounds and words.

Vowel sounds

Helps children learn to identify vowel sounds in words and identify them. It is better to repeat this exercise with children daily.

The teacher gives the children a word of one, two or three syllables (it is better to start the game with one-syllable words for simplicity, and then gradually increase their length). At the same time, the children must pronounce the word and name all the vowel sounds that they found in it (for example, for the word steam locomotive, the baby must name A and O).

Three words

Didactic games on semantic analogies allow you to make the baby's vocabulary more active.

To complete the task, a group of children must be lined up. Each teacher asks a simple question. The kid should take three steps forward. Taking each step, he pronounces the answer to the question (that is, there should be three answers in total). For example, to the question of the educator “how can I draw”, the baby can answer “with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens”.

Finish the sentence

The exercise helps children learn to use additional connected words in sentences.

The teacher gives the children a sentence that is missing one word. Children must complete it on their own. Offers may vary:

  • sugar is poured into ... (sugar bowl);
  • sweets are put in ... (candy bowl);
  • bread is stored in ... (bread box).

You can do similar didactic games on syntax and add complex structures:

  • we will go for a walk ... (if it doesn’t rain);
  • Sasha did not go to kindergarten ... (because he caught a cold);
  • I don't go to bed... (because it's not time).

Superfluous word

A preschooler, performing didactic games for an exception, learns to find extra words by ear and perceive oral speech.

The teacher pronounces a series of words to the child, in which the child must find the superfluous and explain his choice.

  1. cat - fox - hare - umbrella - horse (umbrella - not an animal);
  2. locomotive - train - ship - plane - bed (bed - not a mode of transport);
  3. porridge - cube - tea - soup - candy (the cube is not edible).

5 titles

Didactic grouping games help a preschooler to generalize words according to their meaning.

To perform the exercise, you need to prepare the ball. The teacher says a general word (for example, “dishes” or “fruits”), and the child must name a specific word (“cup”, “apple”, etc.) and throw the ball to another so that he does the same. You get a chain of words (optimally, there are five names - for example, apple - pear - plum - orange - kiwi).

Change of words

More complex didactic grammar games - changing the form of the same word for the subsequent understanding of numbers and cases.

The teacher gives the preschooler a simple sentence, and he must put actor in plural:

  • I took candy - I took candy;
  • bought toys in the store - bought toys in the store;
  • I cut out a snowflake - I cut out snowflakes.

All the above exercises can be modified and changed, making them more interesting or difficult - it all depends on the level of preparation of children.

Didactic exercises for children 6 or 7 years old

Games for the development of speech in senior group a little more difficult, because by this age the guys already master the basic skills of speech, and they need to improve it.

"Heat - cold"

Didactic games for the development of the speech of preschoolers of this kind are aimed at finding antonyms for words.

Before doing it, you need to make sure that the child understands the meaning of the words “different”, “opposite”, “similar”, “same”.

The teacher gives a word and a phrase to the child so that he says the expression opposite in meaning (the ball is large - the ball is small, the ribbon is long - the ribbon is short, the figure is white - the figure is black, the cube is light - the cube is heavy, the pond is deep - the pond is small, the boy is cheerful - the boy is sad , the weather is clear - the weather is cloudy).

Didactic games on antonyms can be complicated - add not only an adjective, but also a noun for replacement (clear day - rainy night, warm summer - cold winter).


The exercise helps the preschooler to understand family relationships and establish the degree of relationship between people.

The teacher, as part of an exercise to develop an understanding of kinship, asks questions about family ties, and the child must answer them:

  • who are you for mom and grandmother (son / daughter, grandson / granddaughter);
  • who is your father's brother (uncle);
  • who is your father's brother's daughter (cousin).

To make a sentence

Didactic games for sentences helps to increase the attention of a preschooler and teach him to correctly coordinate words. The speech therapist gives 2 words that are inconsistent with each other, and the child makes a phrase or sentence out of them.

For example, the teacher says “jump the ball”, and the preschooler says “the ball jumps”, “the girl swims” - “the girl swims”.


Speech development games for preschoolers related to professions improve the child's knowledge in professional areas, and also teach him to form another part of speech from one part.

The teacher, offering such didactic word games, gives the name of the profession, and the preschooler says what such a person does. For example:

  • builder - builds;
  • doctor heals.

Diminutive words

Didactic games on the forms of words teach to form diminutive forms of words known to children. The teacher imposes the word in its usual form, and the student - in a diminutive:

  • doll - doll;
  • bag - handbag;
  • scarf - scarf.

Didactic games to improve speech is one of the simplest and most effective ways improve children's communication skills and teach them to distinguish word forms as well as their meanings.

For different groups of children, the complexity of the exercises is different - speech development games in the older group are much more difficult than in the younger group. Parents can come up with tasks on their own using examples, or you can turn to speech therapists for help.

Verbal didactic games in work with preschoolers

1. The value of verbal didactic games in mental development children

Word didactic games are a comprehensive method of teaching preschoolers, which includes a self-built gaming activity, and learning the basics of a role-playing game.

Since the game is the leading activity of a preschool child, the choice of this method for the development of a child is more than justified. Verbal didactic games are divided into lesson games and autodidactic games. The essence of the first type is that when using this method, the main role belongs to the teacher, he directs children to find solutions to cognitive problems, uses a variety of techniques and methods, increasing children's interest in the lesson, creates a game situation with a problem, a way out of which preschoolers themselves find. . In a similar way, the educator not only conveys certain knowledge to the child, but also teaches children the game.

One of the tasks of the teacher is to create conditions for children to transfer the knowledge gained in the classroom into independent games. Didactic games as a form of teaching children

Word didactic games used as a form of teaching children include two components: cognitive and entertaining. During the lesson, the educator is both a mentor and a full-fledged participant in the game; he, like the children, is included in game process. To deepen and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers, the teacher asks leading questions, makes riddles, stimulates the cognitive activity of children, directs children to find a way out of the created situation.

Verbal didactic games for the development of speech are used in their classes by both educators and speech therapists. With their help, the child's vocabulary is activated, cognitive skills, abilities to compare and analyze are developed. The result of the work is that children are able to independently arrange sequential pictures in order, understanding causal relationships, compose a story based on plot pictures, retell events from their lives using complex-subordinate sentences.

Word didactic games:

Games - travel (they are designed to enhance the impression, give cognitive content, draw the attention of children to what exists nearby, but they do not notice it)

Games - assignments (“Collect cubes of such and such a color in a basket”, “Get round objects from the bag” Encourage children to comprehend the next action, which requires the ability to compare knowledge with circumstances or proposed conditions, establish causal relationships, active work of the imagination.

Games - riddles (develop the ability to analyze)

Games - conversations (the basis is the communication of the educator with the children, the children among themselves, which appears as game learning and play activities).

Didactic games should develop curiosity, the ability to independently solve mental problems, contribute to the creation of stable gaming teams united by common interests, mutual sympathy, and comradely relationships.

2. Methodology for conducting verbal didactic games

The didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components. Consider these components:

1. The learning task is the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate. For children, the learning task is formulated as a game. Thus, in the game task, the “program” of game actions is revealed. In addition, with its help, the desire to fulfill them is stimulated. The game task is often included in the name of the game: “Guess by the description”, “Say the other way around”, etc.

2. Game actions are ways of showing the activity of the child for game purposes: put your hand into the “wonderful bag”, find the toy, describe it; see and name the changes that have occurred with the toys placed on the table; pick up outfits and household items decorated with a geometric pattern for the doll. Game actions vary depending on the age and level of development of children. But there is one pedagogical rule that the teacher must always follow when organizing a didactic game: its developing effect directly depends on how varied and meaningful the game actions performed by the child are. If the teacher, conducting a didactic game, acts himself, and the children only observe and sometimes say something, its educational value disappears.

3. Rules - provide the implementation of the game content. They make the game democratic: all participants in the game obey them. Even within the same didactic game, the rules differ. Some direct the behavior and cognitive activity of children. They determine the nature and conditions for performing game actions, establish their sequence, sometimes the order, and regulate relations between the players. Other rules limit the measure of the child's motor activity, let it go in a different direction, thereby complicating the solution of the learning task. Some games have rules that prohibit certain actions and provide for punishment. Forbidding rules strengthen the child's control over their behavior, which increases the latter's arbitrariness.

There is a close relationship between the learning task, game actions and rules. The learning task determines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

If, after the game, the knowledge, skills and abilities of students do not grow, this means that the game is not effective and the results of its implementation are negative, then you need to look for the causes of negative consequences. there may be two:

1) the quality of the game itself is low and does not meet the requirements.

2) the method of conducting the game is wrong.

In the process of didactic games, children learn in practice to independently apply the knowledge gained in the classroom about the environment in new, game conditions.

With children of primary preschool age, the game “find out who lives in the house” is selected and played for the lesson on acquaintance with pets. This game can be played on the day of class (in the afternoon) or the next day. It depends on the availability of time and the development of the children. The didactic task of this game is to fix the names of animals, and later the task can be complicated - to offer to recognize not only the animal, but also the cubs of this animal. The game action is built in such a way that children can recognize the animal by the sounds of its voice.

AT middle group you can conduct a lesson with the task of "teaching children to describe the subject according to the main features." In the second part of the lesson, it is advisable to conduct a didactic game "wonderful bag". The content of the game is familiarity with objects. The didactic task in this game is to consolidate the ideas of the children about the material from which this or that toy is made.

Simultaneously with the fulfillment of the main didactic task, children develop touch, attention, the ability to apply the knowledge that they received during this lesson in the game. Such a game contributes to the development of speech and thinking. The game action is to take the toy out of the beautiful “wonderful bag” by touch. The rules of the game - the child should take out only one toy that he liked to the touch, taking out to name it, say what it is made of, and tell what he knows about it. The same game can be played again, but with more difficulty. So, for example, take out a rubber or plastic toy from the bag, and then, when all the toys are taken out, the children group them according to the material from which the toys are made, play with them. With children of older preschool age, word games are widely used, requiring great attention and mental stress. In the classroom, the teacher introduces the children to where and how collective farmers grow wheat, oats and other crops. In the second part of the lesson, d / and “make no mistake” can be held. The game can also use the knowledge acquired by children earlier, when getting acquainted with the garden and the garden. Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to one of them and says: "garden". The person who catches the ball must name a vegetable that grows in the garden. This d / and set several tasks: consolidating and clarifying knowledge of where and what grows, cultivating attention, restraint, quick mental reaction to the word.

In the preparatory group, after direct presentation to children, knowledge in the classroom about vegetables and fruits, bakery products, school supplies, etc. a “store” or “self-service store” may be planned and carried out with the didactic task of fixing the names of school supplies or vegetables and fruits, as well as other items sold in a particular store. At the same time, in this game, children consolidate knowledge in counting, they develop speech, thinking, and comradeship. The preschool period of speech development is characterized by practical methods: the imitation method, the conversation (conversation) method, the retelling method, the storytelling (composition) method. The methods by which the simulation method is implemented can be:

Observation of a real object while getting acquainted with the environment

Games, in the process of games, the child's speech is enriched not only with new vocabulary, but also with new word forms for him.

Reliance on a verbal pattern: children repeat the phrase uttered by the teacher.

A more complex (for a child) method of teaching speech is the method of conversation (questions and answers), the method of conversation. The method of conversation is that the teacher asks and the teacher answers.

Reception of reliance on real objects or on pictures can be organized if there is an appropriate handout: each child should receive a set of pictures.

The method of conversation is difficult to carry out with the same methods as the method of imitation (the method of observing real objects, relying on a picture, on a verbal sample), as well as methods of setting various questions - tasks.

Retelling method. The methodology has developed several methods of retelling used when introducing children to fiction, for example, playing favorite characters, staging fairy tales, stories, etc.

Writing methods (storytelling)

This method provides preschoolers with speech independence.

3. Pick up and describe a number of word games from teaching aids

"Come up with a riddle"

Didactic games for children 4-6 years old - "Come up with a riddle"

The purpose of the game: the development of speech and communication skills of a preschool child.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; improve coherent speech; activate dictionary.

Game inventory: cards with images of objects.

Game progress:

The game is very exciting. 3-10 people can take part in it. You can come up with riddles at home, together with one kid.

Children sit on a rug, sofa or chairs. The first of them approaches an adult and receives a card. The kid should not show it to anyone. He stands in front of other players and describes the object depicted on the card. However, he does not have to name it.

For example:

doll - toy, beautiful, with a bow, in a dress, for girls, etc.;

ball - round, rubber, played on the street, and so on;

wolf - predatory, angry, gray, lives in a forest or a zoo.

Children must guess and name the described object.


Purpose of the game: vocabulary activation.

Tasks: develop logical thinking; improve coherent speech; activate dictionary.

Game inventory: Ball, skittle, flag, soft toy to choose from.

Game progress:

If there are two participants (an adult and a child), they stand opposite each other. If there are more of them, they become in a circle. The first participant holds a soft toy in his hands (ball, flag, pin, etc.). He passes it to a neighbor and calls the word. The neighbor must name another that is in some way related to the previous one. Etc.

For example:

autumn - rain - overcast - cold - wet;

game - fun - dolls - cars - friends;

kindergarten - educator - nanny - quiet time - walk.

Game "Seasons"

An adult reads a text about the seasons of the year. The child guesses which one is being discussed.

Purpose: to activate the dictionary

Tasks: develop memory, attention; expand vocabulary, form interest in games.

"Guess from the description"

An adult has six different items on the table. Then he describes one of them. The child determines from the description which object the adult described. Repeat the game until the adult describes all the items.

Tasks: develop attention, memory; activate the child's vocabulary; to form interest in the verbal didactic game.

Guess what

Purpose: vocabulary activation

Tasks: to develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge about berries.

Materials: pictures for each child with the image of berries. Book of riddles.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and raise a guessing picture.

Edible - inedible.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; Expand words knowledge; to form an interest in the word game.

Materials: basket, subject pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher guesses a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put a picture-guide of an edible mushroom in baskets.


Verbal didactic games are a kind of didactic games aimed at developing children's speech, as well as mental education. In such games, both words and all kinds of actions are used. Toddlers learn to describe various objects, recognize them by descriptions, determine common and distinctive characteristics.

Didactic word games have the following goals:

    Consolidation of knowledge;

    Refinement and expansion of information about the world;

    Formation of cognitive interests;

    Development of mental processes;

    Effective development of thinking and observation in children.


    Barchan, T. A. Air balloons. Didactic games from 2 to 5 years. - M.: Karapuz, 2011. - 128 p.

    Berlova, A. Games with fairy tales. I listen and discuss. For children of middle and senior preschool age. In 2 books. Book 1 /. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2016. - 2292 p.

    Volochaeva, I. A. Geometric city. Didactic game. Issue 3. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2011. - 2050 p.

    Gerbova, V.V. Classes for the development of speech with children 4 - 6 years old (older mixed age group). - M.: Education, 2015. - 207 p.

    Davidchuk, A.N. Didactic game - a means of development of preschoolers 3-7 years old. Toolkit. - M.: Sfera, 2013. - 176 p.

    Derkunskaya, V. A. Playing techniques and communication games for children of senior preschool age. Teaching aid/ V.A. Derkunskaya, A.G. Ryndin. - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012. - 112 p.

    We play, we develop, we grow. Didactic games for preschool children. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2010. - 368 p.

    Lykova, I. A. Didactic games and activities. Integration of artistic and cognitive activity of preschoolers / I.A. Lykov. - M.: Sphere, Karapuz, 2009. - 160 p.

Julia Veretennikova
Verbal didactic games in the development of voluntary attention of children of senior preschool age

Verbal didactic games in the development of voluntary attention of children of senior preschool age.

For development of voluntary attention is necessary, first of all, interest, entertainment. Entertaining mental labor is achieved by various methods, among which in a special place is word didactic game containing great potential for development mental activity children, for development independence and activity of their thinking. Didactic the game implements a number of principles of game interaction, is distinguished by the presence of rules, a fixed structure and an evaluation system.

AT verbal didactic In play, children learn to think about things that they do not perceive directly at the time. This game teaches to rely in solving the problem on the internal representation and knowledge of the subject, the memory of it.

Word didactic games can be done in all age groups , but they are especially important in education and training children of senior preschool age, so how are u older preschoolers more knowledge and understanding of the world around.

Word didactic games contribute to the preparation of children for education in school: develop the ability to listen carefully, act according to the instructions, quickly find the right answer to the question posed, accurately formulate their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

Examples verbal didactic game:

2. Game: "If you know, keep going!"

Target games - development ability to generalize concepts by features.

Rules games: Presenter enumerates words denoting objects of the same subject. The task of the players is to name word, which generalizes all the others.

For example,

Tomato, cucumber, potato, carrot (vegetables)

Chamomile, rose, dandelion, bluebell (flowers, etc.)

2. Game: "Secret word» .

Target games - teaches children act according to certain rules.

Rules games: The host explains to the children that now he will read them a fairy tale, but not a simple one, but with a secret. Magic hidden in this fairy tale words that represent an object (dishes, food, animals, etc.)

Children, as soon as they hear the secret in the text word, will have to submit prearranged signal(clap hands, stomp, shout word"secret" etc.).

3. Game: "Guess What It Is".

Target games - teach children recognize an object by its description.

The facilitator invites the children to guess what object he conceived, while giving a description of the object not according to its purpose, but according to its constituent parts (for example, tall, wooden, roomy, with doors (cupboard). The child who guesses the object becomes the leader himself.

In the game, you can use cards with the image of various objects, it will be easier for the child to describe what was hidden.

4. Game: "Repeat after me"

Target games - development of attention.

The host agrees with the children that they will repeat after him any words only then, when he say a word"repeat". The one who made a mistake and repeated word, which was not preceded word"repeat" coming out of games.

5. Game: "Sharp eye"

Target games - development of attention, observational.

Children are invited to look around the room and name all hard, then soft objects, then wooden, glass, etc.

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Well no

Didactic task. To teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.

Game rule. The driver’s questions can only be answered with the words “yes” or “no”.

Game action. Guessing the subject through questions given in a logical sequence.

Game progress.

Option 1. The teacher tells the children the rules of the game and explains the name:

Why is this game called that? Because you and I can only answer the questions of the driver with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on what object in our room we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where the object is, what it is, what it is for. We will answer him with only two words. I will be the driver first. When I leave the room, Vova will tell you what object he proposes to make. Then you will call me.

The teacher leaves, then enters the room and asks: “Is this object on the floor?” - "No." - "On the wall?" - "No." - "On the ceiling?" - "Yes." - "Glass? Does it look like a pear? - "Yes." - "Light bulb?" - "Yes."

Taking on the role of the first leader, the teacher teaches children to logically raise questions. He explains:

- Children, did you notice how I asked? First I found out where the object is, and then I found out what it is. Try to guess the same.

This game teaches children to think logically: if an object is not on the floor, then it can be on the wall or on the ceiling. Children do not immediately draw the right conclusions. It happens like this: having learned that this object is not on the floor, the child continues to ask: “Table?”, “Chair?” The teacher in such cases helps the child to come to the correct conclusion: “Ira, we answered you that the object is not on the floor. Where is the chair, table? - "On the floor." - "Should they have been named?" - "No." - "You found out that the object is on the wall. Look at what objects are on the wall and guess what we have guessed, ”the teacher offers. "Is it square?" - "Yes", - "In a frame?" - "Yes." - "Does it have flowers painted on it?" - "Yes." - "Picture?" - "Yes".

Option 2. Can offer more difficult option. The teacher thinks of an object that is outside the room:

- There are a lot of objects, children, and it will be difficult to guess if you do not know whether it is on earth or in the sky, in a house or on the street, whether it is an animal or a plant.

If children have played this game several times, they quickly begin to pick up questions and guess the intended object. For example, the children thought of the sun. Misha the guesser asks the following questions: “In the house? Outside? In the garden? In the woods? On the ground? In the sky?" Having learned that the object is in the sky, he asks the following questions: “Air? Clouds? Snow? Sparrows? Rocket? Airplane? The sun?"

From his questions, one can trace the course of logical thinking: having learned that an object is in the sky, he already names only those objects that can be there.

didactic task. To teach children to compare objects, find signs of differences, similarities in them, recognize objects by description.

Game rules. To compare objects by presentation, take only two objects; highlight both similarities and differences.

Game actions. Guessing, passing a pebble to one of the players who must name two objects, guessing them according to the description of a friend.

Game progress. The teacher, having put the children in a circle or at tables, invites them to play new game, which is called "Looks like - does not look like."

Addressing the children, he says:

- Remember, we learned to describe two objects, tell how they are similar and how they differ? Today we will play like this: everyone will think of two objects, remember how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and tell us, and we will guess. Remember. (Pause.) I have a pebble in my hands, to whom I put it, he will guess.

The one who received the pebble makes a riddle, for example: “Two flowers, one with white petals and a yellow center, the other pink, with beautiful fragrant petals, with thorns. One field, the other grows in a flower bed. The guesser, after a short pause, passes the pebble to any of the players. He must quickly answer and guess his riddle. If the guesser is wrong, he pays a phantom, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Examples of riddles invented by children.

Galya. Two beetles crawled. One is small, red, with black dots, and the other is large, brown. One does not buzz at all, and the other buzzes a lot. (Ladybug and Maybug.)

Ira. Animals, both agile. One is grey, the other is red. They live in the forest, one in a hole, and the other just runs like that. One loves cockerels, and the other attacks the flock. (Fox and wolf.)

Seryozha. Two cars. One plows the land, the other carries goods. One crackles loudly, and the other goes quietly. ( Tractor and truck.)

Answer fast

Didactic task. To consolidate the ability of children to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.

Game rules. Select only those words that can be called one generalizing word; you can only throw the ball back after you have said the right word.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes with the children in a circle and explains the rules of the game:

- Now I will name a color and throw a ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball must name an object of this color, then he himself names any color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, his color, etc.

"Green" - the teacher says (makes a short pause, giving the children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball to Valya. “List,” Valya answers, and, saying “blue”, throws the ball to Vitya. “Heaven,” Vitya answers and says “yellow”, throwing the ball to the next one. The same color can be repeated several times, as there are many objects of the same color.

The main feature for classification may not be the color, but the quality of the object. For example, a beginner says, "Wooden," and throws the ball. “Table,” replies the child who caught the ball, and offers his word: “Stone.”— “House,” replies next player and says: "Steel." - "Spoon." Etc.

The next time, the form is taken as the main feature. The teacher says the word "round" and throws the ball to any player. “Sun,” he replies and names another shape, such as “square”, throwing the ball to the next player. He names a square-shaped object (window, book, handkerchief) and suggests some form. The same shape can be repeated several times, since many objects have the same shape.

When repeating, the game can be made more difficult by offering to name not one, but two or more objects.

Come up with a proposal

didactic task. To develop in children speech activity, speed of thinking.

Game rule. It is possible to transfer a pebble to another player only after he has come up with a sentence with the named leading word.

game action. Transfer of the stone.

Game progress. Children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

“Today we are going to come up with proposals. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close" and give Misha a pebble. He will take a pebble and quickly answer: "I live close to the kindergarten." Then he will say his word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him.

The word in the sentence should be used in the form in which it is proposed by the guesser. So in turn (in a circle) the pebble passes from one player to another. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.

This game is played after the children have become familiar with the word and sentence.


folk game

Didactic task. Exercise children in the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.

Game rules. You can step over to the next cell only after you name the beast. The winner, a good hunter, will be the one who reaches the forest, naming as many animals as there are cells on the way to the forest.

Game actions. Step over the line, name, without repeating, wild animals. Who can not remember, returns.

Game progress. Somewhere in a free place at one end of the yard or playground is a group of players. This is a house. At a distance of a few steps from the house - the farther the better - some mark is put and a line drawn. This is a forest where different animals are found. The hunter, one of the players, goes to this forest. Standing still, he utters these words: “I am going to the forest to hunt, I will hunt for. . ." Here he steps forward and says: . .hare"; takes the second step. . .bear”; takes the third step. . .wolf"; fourth step: . .fox"; fifth: ". . .badger. . .". At each step, the hunter names some animal. You cannot name the same animal twice. You can’t name birds either, but if you play bird hunting, you need to name only birds.

The winner is the one who reached the forest, naming a new beast at each step. The one who could not do this returns home, and the next one goes hunting. An unsuccessful hunter can be allowed to go hunting again. Perhaps this time the hunt will be successful.

Note. According to the principle of this game, you can play the game "Fisherman". The fisherman says: “I'll go fishing and catch it. . . pike, crucian, perch. Etc.

Who will name more actions?

Didactic task. To teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession; activate dictionary; cultivate the ability to think quickly.

Game rules. Name only one action of a person of this profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and then throws it back to the leader.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher conducts a short conversation before the game, clarifying the children's understanding of the words profession, action. Then he says:

“Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. Tolin's mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is the profession of Antonina Vasilievna, who prepares dinner for us? (Children answer: "Cook".) What professions do you know. (Children call: “Driver, teacher, shoemaker, pilot, etc.”) Each person, having a profession, works, performs some actions. What does the chef do? (Children answer: “Cooks, bakes, fries, grinds meat with a meat grinder, cleans vegetables, etc.”) Now we will play the game “Who will name more actions?” I will name the profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person of this profession.

The teacher says the word "doctor" and throws the ball to one of the players. Children answer: "Examines patients, listens, heals, gives medicine, makes injections, operations." "Tailor". - "Bastes, cuts, smacks, irons, tries on, sews." Etc.

The teacher names the professions familiar to the children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. The children remember what people in these professions do.

Whoever names the most actions is considered the winner.

Say it differently

didactic task. Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

The game rules and game actions are the same as in the previous game.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

“Big,” the teacher suggests. Children name the words: "Huge, large, huge, giant."

"Nice". - "Pretty, good, beautiful, lovely, wonderful."

"Wet". - "Raw, wet." Etc.

In preparation for the game, the teacher selects in advance words that have a number of synonyms. It is better to write down these words so as not to remember for a long time, since the game takes place at a fast pace.

The teacher can, by analogy with this game, develop other games, for example: he calls a noun, and the children select suitable epithets for it. So, for the word sea, children pick up the epithets "calm, stormy, quiet, azure, formidable, stormy, beautiful, southern." A child who remembers more words should be praised.

All games can be played in the native language class (as part of the class).

Pick a word

Didactic task. To develop children's ingenuity, the ability to select the words they need in meaning.

Game rules and game actions are the same as in previous games.

Game progress. The teacher, addressing the children, offers them questions, for example: "Remember what you can sew." Children's answers: "Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, boots, fur coat, etc." "Darn?" - "Socks, stockings, mittens, scarf." - "Tie up?" “Wear?” - “Coat, dress, stockings, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, sundress, tights.”

The teacher calls the words he has previously planned. Children give answers by choosing words that make sense.

Make no mistake!

Didactic task. To develop the speed of thinking, to consolidate the knowledge of children about what they do at different times of the day.

Game rules. Having received a cube in your hands, you need to name any one activity, an action that is done in certain time day, then, calling any time of the day, pass the cube to another player.

Game action. Cube transfer.

Game progress. The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, consolidating their knowledge about different parts of the day. Children remember what they do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. Then the teacher offers a game:

- Children, let's play with you like this. I will name one word, part of the day, and you remember what you are doing at this time. For example, I will say the word "morning". What will you name?

Children remember:

- Wake up, say hello, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair.

“That’s right,” the teacher says. “But during the game, only the one to whom I put the cube will answer, and only one action can be called (“I’m going to Kindergarten”, or “doing gymnastics”, or “doing”); The caller passes the cube to another player. If someone does not remember and does not say anything, he must hit the cube on the table and pass it on. Then he is considered a loser. Be careful, make no mistake!

The teacher calls different parts of the day, the children answer.

The same game can be played differently. The teacher calls the various actions of the children, and they must answer with only one word: day, morning, night, evening. For example, the teacher says: “I’m having breakfast,” and puts the cube to the player. He quickly replies: "In the morning." Teacher: I watch TV. Children can name two words: “Day”, “Evening”.


Didactic task. Develop auditory attention; activate vocabulary, thinking; develop ingenuity.

Game rules. Only those words that end in -ok can be “put” in the box; who called the word, passes the box to another child.

Game actions. Imitation of movement, as if an object is lowered into the container; whoever makes a mistake naming an object with a different ending pays a phantom, which is then won back.

Game progress. The players sit at the table. The teacher puts a basket (box, box) on the table, then asks:

Do you see, children, this box? Do you know what you can put in a container?

— We don't know.

- In this container you will put everything that can be called a word ending in -ok. (At the beginning of the game, the teacher explains that it is not necessary to put the object, just name it and make the appropriate movement at the same time.) For example: a lock, a scarf, a stocking, a sock, a lace, a leaf, a collar, a lump, a bun, a hook. Everyone will put in the box what he wants, according to the rule, and pass it on to his neighbor, who will also put something from the things whose name ends in -ok, and pass the box on. Remember the condition? Let's start playing!

The first took the box and said:

- I put a flower in the container.

The second one said:

- I'm a fungus.

The third one said:

- And I'm a hammer.

The fourth said:

- And I - matches boxes.

“The box was walking, walking, and suddenly they put an apple in it,” the teacher continues the game.

Hearing this, the children say:

Don't put an apple in our box.

- Why?

“Yes, because the apple does not end in -ok,” the children answer.

Who said nothing, gives a phantom. The body is again passed from hand to hand. The game ends with the playing of forfeits.

Continuing the game, you can call words with a different ending (for example, -ka, -ek), but the condition remains the same: do not make mistakes and do not “put” objects in the box with other endings in their names.

Only for this letter

didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge of the letter and sound; cultivate auditory attention, speed of reaction to the word.

Game rules. Name words only with the letter that the child has chosen. Whoever makes a mistake and says a word not with the intended letter pays a fant, then wins it back at the end of the game.

Game actions. If the answer is correct, clap one hand, if the answer is wrong, raise the phantom.

Game progress. The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children, drawing their attention to the fact that one must be very careful in the game. Everyone must choose a letter for themselves, to the question of the presenter, find and name a word that begins with the chosen letter. For example, Vasya chose the letter A. The driver asks him:

- What is your name? What should Vasya answer? He must say any name that begins. . . What letter?

- AND! - the children answer in chorus: Alyosha, Andrey!

Making sure that the rules of the game are learned by the children and everyone

chose a letter for himself, the teacher continues the game, asks the child:

What is your letter?

For all of the following questions, this child must answer with words with the letter A, quickly, without hesitation.

The teacher asks:

- What is your name?

- Andrey.

- What is your last name?

— Azbukin.

- Where did you come from?

— From Astrakhan.

- Where are you driving?

— To Astrakhan.

- What will you ride?

- By bus.

- What grows there?

- Watermelons.

- And what else?

— Apricots.

- What kind of birds are there?

- What kind of animals?

- Argali.

Who will meet you at home?

What gift will you bring him?

— Album.

Then the teacher turns to another child (letter) and asks him similar questions.

It happens that one of the participants in the game to the question “What is your name?” he will say his name or make a mistake in the name of the city where he should go, a tree, a flower, a bird, all the players raise forfeits. If the same participant in the game makes a mistake a second time, he is asked to do something: jump on one leg around the table, crawl under the table and shout “crow” three times, etc.

The game continues until all the children have answered the leader's questions.

Who will notice the untruths more?

didactic task. To teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.

Game rules. Whoever notices a fable in a story, a poem, must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed.

Game action. Using chips. (Whoever noticed and explained the fables more, he won.)

Game progress. Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Now I will read you an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Confusion". It will contain many lies. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable, puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more stories will win. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.

First, a small part of this poem is read, slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.


Kittens meowed:

“We are tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,


And behind them and ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,


The pigs meowed:

"Meow meow!"

The cats grunted:

"Oink oink oink!"

The ducks croaked:

"Qua, qua, qua!"

The hens quacked:

"Quack, quack, quack!"

Sparrow galloped

And mooed like a cow:

A bear came running

And let's roar:


Only hare

There was a good boy:

Didn't meow

And did not grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

babbled like a hare

And foolish little animals


"Who is ordered to chirp -

Don't purr!

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Do not be a crow cow

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!

K. Chukovsky.

After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the noticed fables. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.

Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, as the game requires a lot of mental stress. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who spotted more tales and explained them correctly.

Note. Other tales can be used in the game, for example:

Happy, happy, happy

bright birches,

And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

Happy, happy, happy

dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Growing oranges.

Then it didn't rain out

And not hail

That fell from the cloud


And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

Chickens have become peahens

Bald - curly.

Even the mill - and that

Danced on the bridge.

So run after me

To green meadows

Where there are clouds above the blue river

A rainbow has risen.

We are jumping on the rainbow,

Let's play in the clouds

And from there down the rainbow

On sledges, on skates!

K. Chukovsky.

We have a house with miracles in the alley, -

Come take a look and see for yourself:

Under the white curtain on the first window

Cats lie and bask in the sun.

In the next window, to the delight of the guys,

Five silver fish swim side by side.

And in this window - canaries sing.

And in this - bindweeds turn green on the rail.

And in this window there is a big dog

Lies quietly, without disturbing anyone.

Here is a girl with a doll sitting on the window,

And an old man is playing the harmonica.

Here the boy reads funny books.

Here the grandmother knits socks for the boy.

But Volodya knows some word,

He will say it in a whisper - and you're done!

The dog sits down to play the harmonica

Red cats dive into the aquarium

Socks begin to knit canaries,

Kids' flowers are watered from a watering can,

The old man lies on the window, sunbathing,

And the granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls,

And fish read funny books,

Slowly taking them away from the boy.

Now in the yard we do not know peace.

What is the word? Which? Which?. .

3. Alexandrova.

Pan and storyteller

Belarusian folk tale


Yanka squatted down in front of the plate and began to tell:

- And what, punk, does not happen in the world! This is what happened to me once.

It was at a time when my father had not yet been born. I lived with my grandfather. There is nothing to do at home, so my grandfather gave me to one owner of bees to graze. And that owner had as many as fifty decks (hives) of bees. We must count them every day in the morning and drive them to the pasture. And in the evening to drive, count again, milk and drive into the hives. And the owner told me firmly: "If you lose even one bee, I won't pay you for the whole year."

... Once I drove the bees from the pasture, counted: there is no one bee. . . I ran back to look for the bee. And it's already evening. I go there, I go here - there is no bee. Suddenly I hear a bee roaring somewhere. I look - across the river, seven wolves attacked my bee. And she, poor thing, fights them off with all her might, does not give up. I rushed to the aid of the bee. I ran to the river - there is no crossing. What to do? And here the wolves are about to tear apart the bee. I, without thinking for a long time, grabbed myself by the forelock, shook it - and the goplya across the river! But he did not reach the other bank - he fell in the middle of the river and, like a stone, went to the bottom. Somehow he came to his senses and began to look for a way to get upstairs. And then, as luck would have it, at the bottom of the river someone lit a fire and let out such smoke that it eats right in the eyes, even the fish sniffs with its nose and the road cannot be seen because of the smoke. I'm going to feel it, looking - the bear is standing. ... I got to the tail and grabbed it.

The bear was frightened, and how it would rush up - well, he pulled me out. He himself rushed out of fright into the forest, but I remained on the shore, but not on what was needed.

Then I grabbed myself by the forelock, shook it even harder than the first time - jumped to the other side!

... I jumped to the other side, but with a run I crashed to the ground so that I got stuck up to my waist. I'm here and there - I can't get out. Without a shovel, I think you can't do anything. He ran home, grabbed a shovel - and back. I dug myself out and ran to help the bee.

Didactic games (word) for older preschoolers

Author: Pashkova Larisa Alexandrovna, teacher of the speech therapy group, MBDOU "Shegarsky kindergarten No. 1 of the combined type"
Games can be used in the learning process, in educational work. This material is recommended for teachers of various types of institutions, including additional education, educator, and teachers. The games are intended for older children. Games were used in the form of separate lessons, games and exercises.

Game "Carpenter"

Target. We develop the imagination and speech creativity of children; we learn what tools the carpenter uses at work.
Description of the game. The facilitator asks the children riddles on a given topic. For quick and correct answers, players are given chips. And at the end of the game, when counting, the most savvy receives a prize.

Bowing, bowing
When he comes home, he stretches out.

toothy animal
Gnawing with a whistle oak.

The fat one will beat the thin one,
Thin something will beat.
(Hammer and nail)

wooden river,
wooden boat,
And over the boat flows
Wood smoke.

Game "Merry Olympiad"

Target. We teach children to guess riddles, strengthen speech-evidence skills, develop speech-description skills.
Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a name. Teams compete in guessing riddles about sports. Players must correctly guess the riddle, prove the riddle if possible to beat. For each correct answer, the team receives an Olympic ring (hoop). The first team to score 5 rings is declared the winner.

Small in stature, but daring,
Jumped away from me.

Swimming white goose
Wooden belly,
Linen wing.

The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we run.

Wooden horses gallop through the snow
And they don't fall into the snow.

When spring takes over
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me.

Feet go down the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my …

Game "Sounds messed up"

Target. Preparing children for sound analysis; develop auditory and visual memory.
Description of the game. The host reads funny poems, intentionally making mistakes in words. The child names the word correctly and says what sounds the pairs of words differ in.

I found a plum ... blouse,
Fenya put on ... a bone.

Ripened on a tree ... caftan,
In winter, I put on ... a chestnut.

A count sat on a tree,
Lives in beautiful house... rook.

Green in the park ... kids,
And for a walk ... branches.

In the forest fly in the summer ... cats,
They hunt mice ... midges.

Clawed at the pussy ... slippers,
Vika has brand new ... paws.

Far to go to me ... stump,
I'd rather sit on ... laziness.

Add-ons game

Target. Develops children's speech creativity.
Description of the game. The host reads poetry without the last word. Children must quickly find the right words. For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. The winner will be the one with the most chips.

Fluffs are all sliding from the sky -
Silvery ... (snowflakes)

Architects - creators
They build wonderful ... (palaces)

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf.
He built in the forest ... (house)

In this house, you believe me
Locked securely ... (door)

Hardened crust of snow
Ours will be slippery ... (slide)

Baby has a rattle
Very noisy ... (toy)

Our kids know
Hide and seek is the best ... (game)!
