Tips on tactics. Tactical tips World of tanks game tips

World of Tanks has many different game mechanic and formats. However, there are unspoken rules that every aspiring tanker must follow. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before heading into your debut battle.

1. Know your car

Before going into the first battle, carefully study the characteristics of the tank. From them you can determine his capabilities in battle. For example, if the viewing range is less than 380 meters, it makes no sense for you to scout the area. You will not indicate the enemy's positions to your allies, but you will give away your location. It is equally dangerous to collide with a heavily armored vehicle in a frontal attack if you are light tank. There are exceptions among the light class, for example, the French Bat.-Chatillon 25t, but such a technique is not available to players at the first levels.

2. Keep track of equipment, ammunition and equipment

Don't forget the importance of equipment like rammers and improved ventilation. This will enhance the best aspects of the car. Also be sure to buy repair kits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers. Playing with a damaged ammunition rack is a sea of ​​problems and suffering.

3. Decide on development branches

Try to immediately decide on the country and tank branch you want to study. To do this, study the characteristics of level 10 vehicles and choose the one you like. Remember, tens are the crown of development of design thought, because along the way there was a lot of trial and error.

4. Always keep an eye on the team composition

Studying the lineup at the beginning of the match is often forgotten, and this is extremely important. You can see the number and types of vehicles in the enemy and in your own team, which can help in predicting events. In addition, it will be easier to understand where your car is most needed. Remember: traveling alone is not heroism, but a stupid idea. You will die in vain, without bringing any benefit to your comrades.

5. Timeliness and the minimap

By keeping an eye on the minimap, you can always understand where your allies need help, which flank is about to be broken through, or where, say, a retreat has begun. If you get in the way of an enemy advance, you will die ingloriously, so don’t try to take cover behind a rock. It will be a surprise for the enemy if he lets you pass, and then suddenly fires a high-explosive shell into the gas tank.

6. Fulfill your role on the battlefield (vehicle classes)

There are often cases in the game when a heavily armored vehicle defends a base, and no one presses the enemy front. Artillery flying with a whoop towards the IS duo is also a bad idea. A light tank on duty at a self-propelled gun, and not conducting reconnaissance, betrays a beginner who could not understand the purpose of his vehicle.

World of Tanks is a role-playing game, so the tasks certain cars enclosed within the strict framework of gameplay. Target heavy tanks- push the direction. Medium tanks play the role of a kind of cavalry that rushes across the battlefield and bites everyone on the tracks. Light tanks must study the enemy rear and “shine” enemy positions for the allies.

7. Etiquette in battle

The game is “toxic”, like any multiplayer project. They don't really like newcomers here, so be patient. Just look at the map and think. Do not react to angry messages from your allies or provocation from your opponent. Learn for yourself and be sure to follow the mistakes of others. A useful skill.

8. Make decisions quickly

An important point. You should always leave your opponent in the minority. Pay attention to the almost destroyed tanks. Destroy them first. because otherwise, not one enemy vehicle will fire at you, but two.

Take care of your own, covering your comrades in a timely manner. It makes no sense to expose yourself to a lot of strangers for the sake of one shot. In this case, just keep the enemy in sight. Your artillery or allied tanks in a more advantageous position for shooting will themselves destroy the enemy. In the game, experience is given (and a lot of it) for helping your team.

It is complex and multifaceted, so it is not always easy for beginners to understand all its intricacies.

What should you do first?

First you need to learn all the classes of equipment and understand how each of them should behave on the battlefield. In total, there are five classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks game, each of which is suitable for a specific combat style.

Heavy tanks (TT). The most armored vehicles in the game have the greatest safety margin and do not have much mobility. TTs perform best at close ranges. TT is the main impact force your team, since strong armor and good weapons are never superfluous. Tanks of this class are great for beginners, as they can forgive even the most stupid mistakes, thanks to their armor and durability.

Medium tanks (MT). Fast cars, capable of changing flanks with lightning speed. The ST's guns don't do a lot of damage, but their rate of fire is very high. Continuous shooting is the main guarantee of victory for the ST. Tanks of this class easily hit everyone else's vulnerable sides and stern, can knock vehicles off their tracks and easily destroy them. The ST platoon is the most formidable force in the team, capable of not only pushing through an entire direction, but also intercepting light tanks, capturing or defending a base, and destroying artillery.

Light tanks (LT). The most mobile vehicles in the game, they are small in size and have the best visibility among all classes. The main task of the LT is to destroy enemy artillery, slow tanks and tank destroyers. In addition to these tasks, light tanks perform a number of others, such as highlighting enemies to allies so that they deal damage. LTs have a small margin of safety, rather mediocre weapons, and they have no armor at all. It should be said that LTs are the most difficult class in the game, so it is not recommended for beginners to upgrade them; LTs do not forgive players’ mistakes.

Tank destroyer. This class of equipment is designed for shooting from a long distance. Most tank destroyers do not have a turret, which makes them vulnerable in close combat. However, they have excellent camouflage and powerful weapons with high accuracy, armor penetration, and damage.

Self-propelled guns. Artillery or self-propelled guns is a support class that deals damage to the enemy in an arc - “from above”. Artillery has the least strength, it has no armor at all, and no turret. It is only effective when it is not visible to the enemy, because one shot can end the game for an artilleryman. The guns of the self-propelled guns are monstrous; they fire mainly land mines, which, if penetrated, can destroy a tank with one shot.

Which tanks to upgrade first?

Having understood the gameplay, you can start choosing a branch for pumping. Any professional player will say that for beginners there is no better branch than the Soviet TT branch. Why? Let's find out!

Already at level 5, players receive the KV-1 - one of the most powerful vehicles at the level, with the best all-round armor at the level, low speed and powerful guns, with high one-time damage. Many opponents simply do not penetrate the KV-1, so newcomers live on it for quite a long time, which allows them to bring more benefit to the team. Tanks up to level 5 are nothing special, but more high level more interesting.

After KV-1 you should download . This is a very dynamic vehicle, with average armor, an excellent weapon with good alpha and high damage per minute. At level 7 there is a legend - IS. The brave “heavy” has the coolest weapon in terms of damage, which is capable of destroying 390 points of strength on average in one shot. And the IS’s armor allows it to withstand the shots of its “classmates”, and gives it the opportunity to ricochet from more serious enemies. The speed of the IS is also not lame. It is followed by one of the most popular tanks in the game - the IS-3. This war chariot has one of the best weapons at level 8, with the same alpha, great penetration, and its armor and good speed allow it to play with even level 10 tanks.

Now let's move on to the “top cars”. At level 9, T-10 is conveniently located. This tank has the best speed indicators at the level (among TTs), an excellent weapon with one-time damage of 440 units, excellent armor penetration and a heavily armored turret. The IS-7 is considered the crowning achievement of the development of Soviet TTs - a true legend World of Tanks. The IS-7 is famous for its incredible armor, capable of holding guns of any caliber in the game in its forehead. The sides of the tank are protected by screens capable of reflecting all shells that hit them. The speed of the IS-7 is not bad (55 km/h), but it is difficult to accelerate. The tank’s gun is not its strongest point, but the one-time damage is impressive – 490 units.

What should beginners not do?

Ride the LT. This class of equipment is not suitable for beginners, because in order to “play” successfully, you will need to study the map in detail, as well as the characteristics of other tanks, so as not to die in the first minutes of the battle. When playing on LT, you need to quickly assess the situation on the battlefield so as not to fall into the enemy’s sights. Speed ​​and visibility are the main advantages of LT, and not all beginners are able to use them correctly.

Gstupid "tanking". Under no circumstances should you turn your stern or sides towards the enemy; always hold the tanks with your forehead - that’s where the armor is strongest. You should also not show the track rollers to your enemies, because they can be easily knocked down, and you will not be able to move for some time, which will make you vulnerable.

"Support" of allies. You should never prevent your allies from fighting, running away from opponents, pushing other tanks into the water, etc., because your allies can behave the same way. You should always focus your attention on your enemies, and not harm your allies.

"There is safety in numbers…". You need to learn this rule; you should never go into battle alone if no one is covering you. Even the most formidable tank in the game is not capable of killing a crowd of agile opponents.

As a result, we figured out what kind of tanks there are in the World of Tanks game and how to behave with them. Remember also that you can find an individual approach to each situation; you can play unconventionally on each tank. If you are a beginner, download TT USSR - they are your key to simple learning, gaining experience. Don’t interfere with your allies’ play, and act collectively, then you shouldn’t have any problems when starting.

Good luck on the battlefields!

The World of Tanks game is notable for the fact that it does not require the player to have only the most powerful military equipment; those who know the features of their own and others’ tanks, as well as those who can make informed decisions in battle, have an advantage. Now on the Internet there are many guides, tips and recommendations that will certainly help you understand the general principles of an effective game, but only your experience - victories and defeats - can make you a real player tank ace. It is important not only to shoot accurately, but also to calculate situations in advance.

There are many nuances to the game that should be taken into account. Today we will discuss the fundamental aspects of combat in WoT, the information will be useful, first of all, to beginners.

After you have chosen a tank and clicked “battle”, you should calculate your first actions, 20-30 seconds before the battle, when the map loads and other players join, you should look at where your base is, this will determine further actions - whether you will stand on the defensive or rush to the attack. The class of vehicle you have chosen also plays an important role: on a tank, and even more so on an artillery, rapid attacks will not work - these are not for such actions combat vehicles; on LT you need to “shine” in any case; when playing on a medium tank, you need to proceed from the actions of the team - ride as support for the heavy tanks, or rush to the flanks; if you play on a heavy tank, then you are the main striking and defensive force, immediately decide with your team whether you are attacking or defending.

The team itself also plays a huge role, look at the list of equipment of your opponents and “yours”, the number of artefacts, weights, etc., try to briefly draw up an action plan for the battle in the chat. Of course, in random battles it is sometimes difficult to meet adequate people, but you still try, 2-3 sane team members can effectively drag out the battle.

The battle has begun and the players are gradually starting to disperse, it all depends on the class of equipment you are playing on, you should not stand “in the bushes”, if you are a LT, it is better to start “shine” the enemy equipment for your art; if you are a tank destroyer, then it is better to take a secluded place behind cover for unnoticed firing; if you play on art, then move further to the borders of the map and choose an effective area for firing; in case you chose TTs or medium tanks, wait a couple of moments to figure out where your team members went. The main thing here is not to be a coward and not to go where there are more allied tanks, look at the map and evaluate which area has enough equipment and which one needs your help.

Look at the mini-map more often, because it will tell you what is happening beyond your visibility, and based on the situation, you can plan your actions in battle.

We won’t talk about the contractions themselves, because... they are individual and depend on many parameters, the main of which are the player’s experience and knowledge of his own and enemy equipment. Look in the chat more often, there can sometimes be quite reasonable suggestions on tactics from other players, also, if possible, come to the aid of your allies.

At the end of the battle, you need to look at the remaining players in the ranks, if your team prevails on the battlefield, then you should break through to the opponent’s base, but if you are outnumbered, then you need to consider further actions, it is quite possible that the players will need to return to effectively defend their base.

In this article, we looked at the basics of random battle in WoT; these tips are not a panacea or a secret to victory, but rather food for thought with subsequent implementation into practice. The mini-map in the game is of great importance; look at it often, it is the main source of information in battle. And don’t “pray” to the statue! Don’t pay attention to these numbers, just get experience and enjoy the game at the initial stage, the statistics will not improve immediately, but gradually. The main thing is to gain experience, fight 1-2 thousand fights and understand the strengths and weaknesses different classes technology.

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What tanks should you start playing in World of Tanks?

The German branch of tanks is the best option for beginners who are going to play and stay in the World of Tanks game for a long time. Heavy German tanks are the strongest, starting from level 7. It is better to start with PzKpfw 2, a little later you can take PzKpfw 3 Aust A. A little advice: after PzKpfw 3/4, the best option would be to purchase the Vk 3601 model, after which you can already go to the Tiger. Heavy tank E-100 will be the best option for level 10.

Soviet tanks good to download when it comes to middle branch tanks. You can start with the T-34. It is somewhat stronger than the German E-50 and the American Patton and has the following advantages over them:

Ricochet hull and turret;

Much faster.

Regarding light category tanks, then best choice there will be Soviet light tanks. First the T-46, then the T-50, which is considered elite. You should also not rush to sell the T-46, it is better to open the T-28, and only then switch to the KV. It’s pretty good on HF, you can make money. After the KV, you can unlock the best level 6 artillery - S-51.

Basics of camouflage in World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a universal game that contains many nuances gameplay, which are practically not found in other MMOs. One of the most important features in the game is camouflage, which has very subtle characteristics and which not all World of Tanks players can use. Such players are usually found very rarely. To fully familiarize yourself with this game mechanism, it is recommended that you read further information very carefully.

First, let's look at what camouflage itself means. Camouflage is a unique feature of the tank, which allows it to hide from enemy sight and allows it to fire at the enemy without fear of return fire. This game element requires pinpoint precision and maximum knowledge to use it correctly and effectively in battle.

Enemy tanks, and indeed all tanks in the game, are armed with special invisible rays that come out from the center of the tower and spread in a straight direction across the map. It is worth remembering that they do not only spread in a straight direction, but extend out from the entire tower in a circle, so you do not have to look at the enemy to detect it. But, if the rays on their path encounter an obstacle that does not let them through, then the enemy will not be detected. In addition, it is worth taking into account a special factor called a visibility check, it takes place every 10 seconds, but recent checks have shown that this is just a myth.

So, what rules must be followed to remain invisible to enemies?

Firstly, according to the data provided by the developers themselves, it becomes clear. To hide your tank in a wooded area, that is, in the bushes, you need to place your tank so that its body is hidden from enemy sight, that is, completely hide it behind the bushes. This is a fairly common method, but it doesn't always work. To use it correctly, you must take into account the distance from you to the enemy. To be more precise, in the game at a distance of 50 meters, the enemy tank will see you, regardless of where you are hiding. Then another question comes up: why are bushes needed in the game at all? To answer this, you will have to delve a little deeper into the mechanics of the game and need to start from the very beginning.

How to use bushes in World of Tanks?

To make the most of bush shelters, you must remember that the bush bonus only applies if there is a distance of more than 15 meters between you and the enemy. The bushes will be able to hold back the rays of the enemy tank, and you will be able to remain unnoticed. But not every tank can be hidden with one bush; you will also have to take into account the profile of the combat unit. If the tank's profile is small, then it will hide much better in the bushes. If you want to hide a tank called Maus, then you will have to find larger bushes and in large quantities for it. Moreover, it is worth remembering that if you stand behind double or triple bushes, the camouflage effect will increase, so choose the positions on the map correctly.

You can also hide behind trees, the effect is exactly the same as in the bushes, only to hide the tank you need a lot of trees, otherwise the camouflage will not be so effective.

Don't forget that while camouflaging, the tank's hull cannot be moved, otherwise you will be noticed and the entire camouflage bonus will be removed. But you can rotate the turret; it does not affect camouflage. Plus, World of Tanks has a special additional module. A camouflage network, it greatly increases the camouflage effect and allows you to hide from the enemy much more and longer, but there is also a condition when using it, you should not move and it begins to act only after 5 seconds when you stop. On an ART SAU, a camouflage net is needed only up to level 7, and beyond that it will not be needed, since it will not affect your camouflage at all. Therefore, it can be sold.

Tactics for capturing a base in World of Tanks and preventing it from being captured

To win the game World of Tanks, you need to capture the enemy base or destroy all opponents. But there is no need to rush into capture. Before the start of the battle, you need to distribute yourself across the battlefield and choose the most convenient positions. Each tank must keep a target on a certain sector and not interfere with its comrades.

The most advantageous positions are mostly located away from their base, but participants in the game often miss this opportunity. They try to take the lead in moving forward to the enemy base and line up against enemy tanks.

How to prevent your base from being captured in wot?

To prevent the enemy from capturing your base, you need to leave one tank on the defensive. But it often happens that the enemy’s main forces are gathered in one direction, and your main forces are thrown in another. Don't despair in this case. It takes time for the enemy to capture your base. You play as a tank leading the defense, and you see that large enemy forces are going to capture the base. The very first thing you need to do is load the cannon with a high-explosive projectile and inform your allies about this situation through voice chat.

It happens that your heavy tanks may leave the radio signal reception area and cannot assess the situation on the map, do not see that the enemy is ready to attack the base and they need additional time to cover the distance.

You need to move to a position away from your base with good review, let the enemy launch an offensive. At this time, select enemy tanks that are as close to each other as possible, take aim and fire a shot. Be sure that 80% of the time the high explosive shell will cause damage, and this will stop the attack.

Do not rush to give yourself away, remember, your goal is not to destroy the enemy, but not to let him capture the base.

How to capture a wot base?

You have set a goal - to capture the enemy camp. In this case, there is no need to rush. Wait for all enemy tanks to leave their base and enter the main attack line. On the battlefield, this is the very moment to attack the enemy base.

You arrived at the base in a tank. First of all, you need to drive around the base and look around. The main thing is not to cross the borders of the base, so as not to allow yourself to be detected for as long as possible. Your task is to find enemy artillery or a tank guarding the base.

The discovered artillery is a cherished target for your self-propelled units. Self-propelled guns do not have heavy armor, but they have the ability, even from cover, to hit any target on the map. After destroying enemy artillery, your chance of victory will greatly increase.

We have carried out reconnaissance, we need to move on to capturing the base. It is necessary to select and take a position on the edge of the radius of the base ring, as far as possible from enemy forces. We found a position - the main thing is not to move. This way, you will delay the moment of detection of your tank when the enemy returns to their base, and you will have extra time. During captures, it (time) is never superfluous.

Once you have taken a comfortable position, inform your allies that it is time to begin capturing the base and prevent the enemy from quickly approaching you.

Please note that when the capture scale reaches 100% and the message “Enemy base captured” is displayed, you can safely leave the enemy base. This will no longer affect the result of capturing the enemy bridgehead. The battle may still continue, and you will have enough time to take cover from the shots.

Well, I hope these few tips will be useful to you and you will improve your gaming skills. Play and develop.

How to play World of Tanks: registration in the project and installing the client on the device + 5 mandatory steps for World of Tanks in the development of a beginner + 5 recommendations for a professional game from experienced tankers.

It's no secret that World of Tanks is now on the market gaming industry Russia is a leader among military strategies. Belarusian developers did their best and created a truly high-quality product, worth attention every gamer who cares about simulators.

Today we will talk about how to play World of Tanks, and what rules of combat will allow you to defeat your opponents in the game more often.

Where to start in the World of Tanks project?

WOT is client game, which means that in order to enjoy all its delights, you will have to devote a little time to preliminary preparation of the space.

The main advantage of “clients” is quality - the elaboration of even the smallest details will satisfy you with its perfection.

1. What is World of Tanks?

A multiplayer strategy with arcade elements - some might say so, but in fact, WOT is something more.

Thanks to the reference to the fighting of the Great Patriotic War and the meticulous elaboration of technology based on the drawings of those times, we received an explosive mixture that produced a bomb effect, exploding the interest of hundreds of thousands of users of various age categories in the project.

Before we look at the question of how to play World of Tanks, let’s see what this project has to offer us.

The game has no obvious shortcomings, but the fingers of both hands are not enough to list the advantages.

Pros of World of Tanks:

  1. A relatively new idea, the implementation of which in the online gaming environment was not very popular before.
  2. Simplicity of control, as well as the entire gameplay as a whole - even a child can understand the process.
  3. High online numbers - thanks to the constant support of the developers, the project will not lose its audience for a very long time.
  4. Users prefer to play here without cheats.
  5. The technical support of World of Tanks does not raise any complaints at all. Server crashes are a very rare occurrence here.
  6. Big choice technology whose characteristics you can play with endlessly.
  7. Activities outside the game - communities, fan pages and the like.

The close supervision of the developers and periodic updates to the game only fuel the already great interest in WOT. Prospects further development the project is very good.

After such praise, you simply have to figure out how to play World of Tanks! To begin with, any user must install the client on their device and register on the official website. Let's talk about everything in order.

2. Installing World of Tanks and registering in the project

Let's say right away: WOT is demanding on the system and may not run on all computers. To accurately determine whether you can play World of Tanks on your hardware, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information in the table below.

ParameterMinimum system requirements World of TanksRecommended system World requirements of Tanks
Operating system:Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit
Minimum screen resolution:1024×768 pixels1024×768 pixels
Processor (CPU):With two or more physical cores, supporting SSE2 technologyIntel Core i5-3330
Random access memory (RAM):1.5 GB (Windows XP), 2 GB (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)4 GB (or more)
Video adapter:GeForce 6800 / ATI HD 2400 XT with 256 MB memory, DirectX 9.0cGeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c
Audio card:DirectX 9.0c compatibleDirectX 9.0c compatible
Free hard disk space:~30 GB~45 GB
Internet connection speed:256 Kbps1024 Kbps or higher (for voice chat)

If your hardware matches at least minimum requirements games, you can play without problems, but don’t rush to rule out minor freezes.

The connection with the Internet itself is of great importance - sudden changes in speed can give rise to anomalies in the game (shells from nowhere, the unexpected appearance of obstacles, and so on). If some characteristic is below the recommended indicator, you can install the client, but it is not a fact that the game will start at all.

Brief instructions By WOT installation on PC:

Only those who already have their own account in the game will be able to complete the 4th step in World of Tanks, otherwise the system will not allow you to play and will redirect you to the website to register a new account.

How to register in World of Tanks - algorithm of actions:

Now you have a login with a password + the client is installed, which means there is nothing else stopping you from starting to play World of Tanks. We launch the client, go to Personal Area and begin to analyze all the subtleties and intricacies of the gameplay from the inside.

Let's figure out how to play World of Tanks

The first thing everyone needs to do is get training on the game. More than half of users skip this step, but in vain! The abundance of bright elements can drive you into a stupor at first.

Having gone through all the stages of the training step by step, you can immediately start playing on the battlefield, knowing what to press and when.

5 mandatory steps for World of Tanks in the development of a beginner

This is what we decided to call our path of self-learning how to play correctly at the very beginning.

When you first get to , you will have 7 simple WOT tanks, which you will have to play with until you can explore something more intelligible. What to do next in the game?

Step #1. Decide on nation and technology

At the beginning of their journey, everyone is eager to take responsibility for defending the fatherland, preferring to play World of Tanks only on Soviet equipment.

If at first this approach to the game can partially justify itself, then after a couple of weeks you will understand that when team battles you are more of a hindrance than a help to gain the upper hand over your opponent.

Good technology is found not only in Soviet branch WOT tanks. The developers slightly adjusted the vehicle performance and tried to bring 2-3 WOT tanks to a competitive level in each nation.

Which branches should a newbie in World of Tanks play on:

    American tank destroyers.

    Relevant in the game only up to level 7. After the performance, compared to other WOT tanks, they sag significantly.

    Any inexperienced World of Tanks player can play these tanks. Fast aiming, high maneuverability, mobility, speed - this is not the entire list of advantages that will help you succeed on the battlefield using similar WOT tanks.

    Medium tanks of the USSR.

    Ricochet armor + stabilization – key features of this branch of tanks in WOT. Ideal for those tankers who prefer to play in platoons.

    Thanks to the speed characteristics of Soviet medium tanks, you can quickly occupy key tactical positions, or use them as support for heavy WOT tanks.

    American heavy tanks WOT.

    It is convenient not only to play, but also to learn, since good protection of the tower and other elements of the machines makes it possible to withstand a large amount of damage and not fall apart in the game on the go.

The abundance of equipment in World of Tanks can drive some people into a stupor: “?”, “Which vehicle does more damage?” and similar thoughts. No need to worry in advance!

Your initial goal is to learn how to play, and only then can you set more ambitious tasks for yourself, such as winning a tournament or a personal province for Global map.

Step #2. Study the interface and controls in the game thoroughly

All client projects have a similar interface - the key difference is only in the combat layout of elements during the game itself. Periodic game patches from developers partially change both the functionality and appearance of WOT, but essential elements the games remain unchanged.

A prime example of this is the interface during combat. Let's take a closer look at its contents.

WOT combat interface elements:

Having studied these elements, we will partially be able to understand how to play, but we should not forget about the tank control system in WOT. Experienced gamers will not have any difficulty getting used to the driving system, especially since in World of Tanks everyone has the opportunity to customize the “hot” keys specifically for themselves.

You can see the standard list of hotkeys in World of Tanks in the table below:

F1Call up help on the Hangar and Battle screen.
WThe tank moves forward in WOT.
SThe tank moves backwards in WOT.
AThe tank's movement in WOT is to the left.
DThe tank's movement in WOT is to the right.
RAutomatic movement of the WOT tank forward.
FAutomatic reverse of the tank in WOT.
ETurn off the tank's auto-aim in WOT.
CReload the cassette.
GSwitch to path view.
MHide/show mini-map.
QHold: enable voice communication.
VHide all elements of the combat interface (team composition panels, mini-map, etc.)
ZDisplay a radial menu of orders.
SPACELocking tank tracks in WOT for emergency braking.
LSHIFTSwitch to sniper mode/switch to artillery mode.
Keys 1-6
(top row)
Switch between types of projectiles (1-3),
use equipment (4-6).

We have analyzed the main type of interface in World of Tanks - combat. During the game you will notice a lot of small nuances, but learning the features of the project on your own is much more interesting than relying on ready-made instructions.

Step #3. Decide what style you will play in

There are as many opinions as there are people here. Everyone prefers to play as they please. But if we take into account the fact that victory depends on team chemistry (if you prefer to play in a party), then sometimes you need to make compromises in order to benefit all group members on the battlefield.

How to play if you are new to World of Tanks:

  • don't be a spectator– only team cohesion can bring you results;
  • don't try to finish the fight yourself– even if you defeat 1-2 opponents, you will be carried further, since the safety margin of tanks in WOT is not “rubber”;
  • the risk is justified only at the end of the battle– there are no draws in World of Tanks.

The easiest way to get the maximum benefit in the game is by working for a team from an ambush, but make sure that your weapons correspond to the intended purpose (tank destroyers, for example). As soon as more than 60% of the enemy tanks are destroyed, you can go to finish off the remaining ones.

Step #4. Do you need a donation?

First of all, let's say right away: you can play World of Tanks without donating. Upgrading WOT tanks will take a little longer, but the growth of equipment will be accompanied in parallel by your progress in the game, which will compensate for the lack of strength during battles.

Why do users prefer to play WOT with investments:

    Repair expenses.

    Silver in World of Tanks is a resource that is constantly in short supply. After each battle, equipment is not restored independently; credits obtained in the heat of battle are spent on repairs.

    If there are not enough of them, you have 2 scenarios for the development of events - spend gold on conversion or earn credits on cheaper base tanks in WOT.

    Purchases in the game's Premium Store.

    “Golden” equipment, more advanced in terms of farming. Some people prefer to play it in tournaments, since the characteristics are 10-20% higher than those of the basic WOT tanks available for silver.

    Slots in the hangar.

    For each new tank WOT takes 1 slot from the hangar, but the space there is limited. In order for all the desired equipment to fit, sooner or later you will have to spend 300 gold coins to purchase 1 cell for the next “favorite” in the game.

You can get gold in World of Tanks for free. The main thing is to know where to look.

There are several articles on our website devoted to this issue. We advise you to familiarize yourself with them as soon as possible - level up with gold in WOT for a newbie It will become 20-30% easier.

Step #5. Tournaments as part of progress in the game

Over time, your skill in fighting will also increase. Each battle will bring more and more damage - the game will become truly interesting. Having 1-2 months of brutal battles behind me world of Tanks, you can safely go to new level– tournament.

How to play in World of Tanks tournaments:

Over time, you will not be looking for teams to participate, but you will be looking for inclusion in their party for the tournament.

World of Tanks - how to play like a pro?

The first option to understand how to play from a professional point of view is World of Tanks practice for 10-12 hours a day. Agree, not everyone has so much time to play, especially if you are an adult, with permanent job, using the project as a tool for distraction from everyday affairs.

The second option is to study the experience of other gaming professionals and take it into account. This approach is more rational, given the frantic pace of modern life.

Flying ahead of the rest to be torn apart by enemies is not the best decision at the beginning of a battle. When playing in a team, each player has his own role, the compliance of which is very important from a tactical point of view.

ST and light WOT tanks perform well in the second line and as snipers from cover - most beginners prefer to play in these categories of vehicles.

By practicing maneuvers from battle to battle, you will learn not just to play, but to do it better. Advice from experienced comrades always has a positive effect on less experienced ones, forcing them to better think through situations on the battlefield and find ways to solve common problems.

You can link the recommendation to the first one: if you lose a tank in WOT right away, you will be of “0” use. Best players They always make calculations with a “cool head”, because panic inevitably entails defeat.

Newcomers are often given the role of “cannon fodder”, thrown under tanks as bait. This method does not always pay off - study the environment and situation, and only then decide whether to continue playing or give the car to the enemy for slaughter.

Each tank has a strength bar that needs to be brought to zero. Whatever your tactical role in World of Tanks, try to play with a focus on causing damage to enemy vehicles.

The summary table at the end of the battle is not the place where your sacrifice and kindness are taken into account. Only numbers influence the authority of a particular player in WOT.

How to play World of Tanks, causing maximum damage to enemies? A relevant question only for beginners. Experienced players know that the best spots are the back line and sniper positions. Having at hand powerful gun, taking out 2-3 tanks in WOT in a couple of minutes of battle will not be a particular problem even for an inexperienced player.

Taking out tanks one at a time in a group is easy and quick, regardless of the opponent’s skill. A group of 3-4 vehicles is capable of breaking through enemy defenses and successfully reaching the enemy base, if, of course, there is support from tank destroyers and heavy WOT tanks.

Here, newcomers also have a chance to become stars, but for good damage figures in the summary table, they should use weapons with high one-time damage.

World of Tanks - how to learn to play well?

Tank skills training.

A well-constructed battle strategy +-40% to your chances of success in a fight. Without experience in combat, it is difficult to play World of Tanks at the proper level, but it is not considered impossible.

There are hundreds of them posted online different tactics for popular tanks in the game. Your task is to look through everything and select only best strategies for Game.

Every unsuccessful battle should teach you something. Analyze the mistakes that were made during the battle, check to what percentage the tactics you chose justified themselves in the game situation, and what could be changed to improve the initial result.

By summing up all the recommendations into one single one, you will notice how much your growth rate as a skillful person will increase Player World of Tanks. In-game tournaments will be a walk in the park - only external events will be able to satisfy your needs and provide the opportunity to play among professionals in their field.

This article only partially answers the question of how to play World of Tanks. Even 100 pages of printed text would not be enough to describe all the nuances of the game, so it is better to learn everything gradually, on your own, starting from the basic level of knowledge that you received here.
