Su 14 1 guide from Jova. Machine vulnerabilities

30-01-2017, 14:42

Hello, dear lovers of astronomical alpha strikes, the site is with you! Today we will talk about one of the most dangerous artillery at the seventh level, the Soviet Art SPG of the seventh level, in front of you SU-14-1 guide.

If you look at appearance of this unit, it immediately becomes clear why the players called it a refrigerator. But this refrigerator does not freeze, but rather sets fire to everything that it can reach. At the same time, the gameplay SU-14-1 World of Tanks far from the concepts of comfort or convenience, and in order to know how best to play this machine or what to expect from it, let's get to know it better.

TTX SU-14-1

As it usually happens, let's start the review of this vehicle with the fact that, like any other artillery at the level, we have at our disposal a meager margin of safety and a very mediocre base viewing radius of 260 meters.

You can’t say much about booking a refrigerator, certainly not on a good side. The problem is that the SU-14-1 characteristics bookings are very mediocre. Even in the frontal projection, the VLD, which is located at the chicest angle, has a reduction of only 65 millimeters. In other words, every enemy encountered in battle will pierce us without hesitation into any projection and hopes for ricochets in our case is practically not necessary.

The situation with weak security looks even worse when you realize the dimensions of this colossus. Soviet self-propelled gun SU-14-1 WoT is the largest at its level, this indicates two things: firstly, our camouflage coefficient is quite low, and secondly, when it hits the light, it will not be difficult to hit this shed from any distance.

In terms of mobility, the refrigerator is certainly not an outsider, but clearly not a champion. We have a mediocre maximum speed, which tank SU-14-1 World of Tanks it picks up and maintains quite briskly, thanks to a decent horsepower-to-tonne ratio. But the car turns extremely reluctantly, which is no wonder with such dimensions.


The armament of this device deserves special attention and I immediately want to say that our cannon is almost the same as that of our fellow S-51 in terms of level and nation, which you can get acquainted with.

It means that SU-14-1 gun has a very large one-time damage, allowing you to send most opponents to the hangar with one shot, subject to a successful hit. But due to the huge alpha strike, reloading takes a really long time.

At the same time, the penetration parameters, which are good even in the case of land mines, can be called the second advantage of this most powerful barrel. As for the ammunition load, then on Art SAU SU-14-1 WoT It is better to carry shells in the following proportion:
1. Land mines - we take them as much as possible, since we will shoot with them most of the time. The advantage of our land mines lies not only in their huge level, but also in a very impressive fragmentation radius.
2. Annual land mines - an expensive but improved version of the first point, which differs simply by an excellent fragmentation radius, and after the release of update 0.9. its characteristics.

Now as for the accuracy and comfort of dealing damage. We have very powerful cannon, but at the same time it has a large spread, and mixing is very long. But what makes life even more difficult is the fact that SU-14-1 tank received useless horizontal aiming angles, the gun rotates only 4 degrees to the left and right, which greatly complicates the process of aiming.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even in the case of artillery, it is extremely important to know the strengths and weaknesses of your vehicle, since any little thing in a battle can play a decisive role. For this reason, we will now highlight the main advantages and disadvantages sau SU-14-1 WoT.
Powerful one-time damage;
Good penetration indicators;
Large fragmentation radius;
Good dynamics for ACS.
Huge dimensions and poor disguise;
Weak booking;
Small margin of safety and review;
Long recharge;
Poor accuracy and mixing;
Uncomfortable UGN;
Weak mobility in general.

Equipment for SU-14-1

In order to correctly select additional modules and install them on this unit, you need to remember its main shortcomings and try to compensate for them. It is also worth remembering that due to the open felling it is impossible to put here, so on tank SU-14-1 equipment set the following:
1. - the standard and necessary choice for any artillery and most tanks in the game, because with it we will shoot more often.
2. - The information we have is already painfully long, so speeding it up is a top priority along with reloading.
3. - while the artillery has not been found, it is relatively safe, and with our disguise, it is vital to increase invisibility.

Crew training

No less important nuance in the game than the installation of equipment, because the sequence of choosing skills and the correct decision-making in this matter also greatly affects the comfort of the game and the results in battle. At the same time, even having not the most standard crew, on Art SAU SU-14-1 perks study in the following priority:
Commander (radio operator) - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for SU-14-1

Consumables are selected according to absolutely standard rules, but in the case of artillery, you can feel more than comfortable with a budget set of , , . At the same time, if you have enough silver, it is much more reliable to carry on SU-14-1 equipment in the form , , , where it is preferable to replace the last option with , in order to comprehensively improve all the parameters of the machine.

Game tactics on SU-14-1

Playing artillery, especially such as ours, only at first glance seems simple. In fact, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of nuances. It is primarily about a large number of weaknesses SU-14-1 World of Tanks.

First of all, you must take care of taking an advantageous position from which it will not only be comfortable to fire. You should be difficult to spot, and if you get caught in the light, it would be nice to have decent cover.

In addition, on SU-14-1 tactics combat is complicated by the fact that we reload for a long time, and also has a very oblique gun and poor horizontal aiming angles. All this suggests that you must know well the main ways of passing enemy vehicles on each map in order to accurately converge on the place where the enemy will appear, in order to be able to fire without taking the sight away from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe firing sector.

At the beginning of the battle, thanks to the extensive radius of fragmentation, you can try to search for enemy gunners by outgoing tracers. For this, it is also necessary to know the main places from positioning on different maps. In addition, you can also be searched for in a similar way, so after each shot on Art SAU SU-14-1 WoT need to move immediately.

Due to the poor accuracy and long flight time of the projectile, it is almost impossible to fire at moving targets. That is, it is better to shoot at stationary equipment, while you always need to wait complete information. Every miss on sau SU-14-1 costs too much time, which negatively affects your contribution to the victory.

Otherwise, always keep an eye on the mini-map, constantly look for the right moment to deploy a huge alpha-strike as efficiently as possible, try to choose targets with the most amount of health and never let the enemy close to you. spin SU-14-1 tank even a more or less mobile heavy can, that is, in close combat we are extremely vulnerable, often you will not have a chance to fight back on your own.

Review video guide tank SU-14-1 World of Tanks

SU-14-1 is a representative of the 7th level of the Soviet development branch of the SPG class. This artillery model is an improved development and was designed on the basis of the SU-14 self-propelled guns. In a real battle, she took part only 1 time. Leveling up this vehicle will take a lot of time, all SPGs in the game take longer than other classes of vehicles. And after full pumping the next development is presented in the form of SU-14-2, there are no other development options.

General information.

For the SU-14-1, WOT turned out to be a game in which artillery found its continuation in terms of use. But this combat unit, unfortunately, has a lot of minuses than pluses. The only positive side is her weapons, which have excellent combat power. And the disadvantages are speed, dynamism, reloading, size and poor armor.

The firepower of the tank is provided by its 203 mm gun, which has a penetration of 102 mm with both armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation (option for gold) projectile. Damage in this scenario reaches 1850 units. But the rate of fire completely failed, it is equal to only 1 shot per minute, which greatly limits its use.

Max speed this colossus is 30 km / h, pretty good, but the reverse gear is only 8 km / h, given its dimensions, this is very small. The weight of the machine is 53 tons, and the engine power is 700 hp. The artillery review is 360 meters.

Armor stats:

  • Body: forehead - 20 mm, sides - 20 mm, karma - 10 mm.

Tanks of the self-propelled guns class are also in great need of additional equipment:

  • Reinforced aiming drives - accelerate aiming;
  • Camouflage net - vital additional module, allows artillery to go unnoticed;
  • Rammer - increases the rate of fire of the gun.
  • repair kit;
  • twisted speed controller;
  • first aid kit.


With a large crew available, you can learn very useful skills that will come in handy in battle.

  • Commander: light bulb, brotherhood in arms, eagle eye, disguise;
  • Gunner: smooth turret traverse, AP, vindictive, camouflage;
  • Gunner: master gunsmith, AP, sniper, disguise;
  • Driver: virtuoso, BB, off-road king, disguise;
  • Loader: intuition, BB, desperate, disguise;
  • Loader: intuition, BB, desperate, mask.
Technique Comparison

If we compare the SU-14-1 with other similar models of other nations, then we can say that in terms of combat power, Soviet artillery comes out ahead, but other parameters are very low. Therefore, combining the reloading of other nations, we can safely say that the SU-14-1 is the most difficult to master and the latest most popular artillery of its level.

Battle tactics.

Self-propelled guns in World of Tanks, after the patch, have become very rare representatives in battles, but despite this, their tactics have not changed much. Still need to choose vantage point on the map and shoot as accurately as possible.

SU-14-1 is not an exception in this regard, due to low dynamics, it is necessary to choose the most advantageous point on the base, the best option would be to stand at the edge of the map and preferably in the bushes. Despite the dimensions of this vehicle, the camouflage net, together with the cover, perfectly conceals the artillery.

Since this representative has a very low rate of fire, choose the strongest opponents for yourself, for example, top tanks enemy team and artillery. In no case do not chase after the award, it is better to help the team, victory is better than any awards.

Hello dear tankers! Today I will introduce you to probably the most formidable "art" at my level (and no less terrible for levels 8 and 9). Thanks to our unprecedented 203 mm caliber gun, everyone is afraid of us, and those who are not afraid quickly and painlessly become our victims. Meet SU-14-1.

To research the SS-14-1, you will have to earn 62,200 experience on the SS-8 and spend 1,370,000 silver to acquire it. The crew is fully consistent with the crew of our predecessor, so we retrain in one of the ways described below:

  • Education for "gold". We still have all the tankers we need with the SU-8, so we can immediately retrain them for the SU-14-1. For this we will spend 6 * 200 = 1200 gold.
  • If you do not have money in the form of "gold", then it's okay. You can retrain the crew for silver. The entire retraining will cost you 6 * 20.000 = 120.000 silver.

Yes, we are self-propelled guns of the "barn" type - large and noticeable. But still, I would advise not to be stingy and apply camouflage, because staying unnoticed is one of our main tasks (if we want to live and cause damage, of course). The price of the camouflage for a month will be 3 * 70,000 = 210,000 credits. not much for a level 7 car.

Research tree

Well, the sums of experience are already quite large, but there is nothing unattainable in them.

We can immediately install the walkie-talkie available to us, which we received from SU-8. This will improve our "view" on the minimap. For arta, a good radio station radius is a very important aspect.

After that, we are forced to put the chassis, otherwise we simply won’t be able to fit our guns and equipment - the weight limit “will be against it.” In any case, the new goosenecks will give us a slightly improved cross-country ability, which is what we need so much.

Finally, we are buying the coveted 203 mm gun - our main feature. With it, you will forget about pumping as such and will simply enjoy the feeling of “bending”. Excellent penetration and one-time damage will definitely please you in every battle.

Installing a top-end "engine" will add a little to our dynamics and speed. The top engine will add 3.5 "horses" per ton. Not much, but noticeable.


The order in which modules are installed is as follows:

  1. walkie-talkie
  2. Chassis
  3. gun
  4. Engine

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration


  • 203 mm gun with alpha 1850 and penetration 102!
  • AP shells have 260 penetration and 1450 alpha


  • Poor accuracy and long mixing.
  • Large sizes (we are a "shed")
  • Poor dynamics and speed
  • Lack of adequate booking

Balance weight

The SU-14-1 is a tier 7 SPG, so it gets into tier 7, 8, and 9 battles. But even being at the bottom of the list (it's not a surprise for arta to be in the very top right now) we can bend down terribly, thanks to our level 9 weapon. Therefore, we will not feel any discomfort in this regard.


Technique of the 7th level (including art) often goes to zero or the minimum plus (without PA). With a premium, you will have a stable income, of course, without using "serbogold".


SU-14-1 is a very specific art. I would characterize it like this - stationary artillery mount. Why? We don't have dynamics. Forget about the fact that you can escape in the light. If you were seen - you can safely go out into the hangar without waiting for death (just kidding!). But in fact, there is little chance of surviving after the light - we are a “barn”, which is not covered by anything. Even a random "splash" of enemy artillery will simply take us out, because of the open cabin. BUT, there is one big but! For all this we get a weapon of incredible power, with which later we will travel up to the 9th level. Alpha 1850 and penetration of 102 allow us to "one-shot" even many 9th levels, not to mention our "classmates". Of course, it is worth considering the accuracy of the T92 level and the same convergence. The low rate of fire also adds fuel to the fire. On the other hand, it will only make us aim better and not shoot like "I'm lucky." Of the pluses, of course, BBs, which have good penetration and alpha, but given that we do not have a negative angle vertical aiming and poor dynamics - we are unlikely to be able to use them in close combat. And about maintaining ranged with these shells, then only for the sake of fun, because the VBR doesn’t like “armor-piercing” ones on artillery too much - sometimes it ricochets, sometimes it hits without damage. Personally, my opinion is art, which begins the "high chain" in the line of Soviet self-propelled guns. If you have reached it, then be sure that further - only fun!

Optional equipment

Well, as for any art, it puts a “rammer” and “aiming drives”. To install a "network" or not to install (with such dimensions) - the choice is yours. There is always an alternative in the form of a stereo tube. For the sake of fun, you can indulge in "anti-fragmentation lining" - we have a good mass, so we can catch desperate enemy fireflies. It will also help us survive the “splash” of enemy art. The prices are:

  • "Reinforced aiming drives" - 500.000 silver
  • "Medium howitzer rammer" - 300.000 silver
  • "Camouflage Net" - 100.000 silver
  • "Stereotube" - 500.000 silver
  • "Heavy splinter lining" - 500.000 silver


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Twisted engine speed controller

As always, our kit should include a “first aid kit” and a “repair”. Well, for such a "barn" we simply have to put a "regulator" that can save us a few seconds to enter the position and will not let us get under the primary light.

Crew perks


  1. Sixth Sense
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Disguise


  1. Disguise
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Optional


  1. Disguise
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Smooth turn of the tower

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Virtuoso


  1. Disguise
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Optional


  1. Disguise
  2. The Brotherhood of War
  3. Optional

Perks and skills are exactly the same as for the SU-8. Nothing has changed. In the "Optional" lines, you can choose what you like best.

Machine vulnerabilities

We have no reservations and an open cabin, with all this huge dimensions - we are a tasty morsel for any enemy equipment.

A couple of video reviews on this self-propelled guns

Today I have 2 artillery pieces in my hangar - SU-14-1 and BC 155 58 . So, when playing on the dryer, I automatically compare it with the Frenchman, although these are incomparable arts, in principle.

When I first bought the SU 14-1, the first fights were a nightmare. The horizontal aiming angles of +4 -4 degrees were simply terrifying. Combined with low mobility, arta seemed like a complete cactus, unsuited to the game. This was especially acute after French branch, where all art is nimble, with good UGN and, moreover, rapid-fire.

However, having upgraded the top barrel, I began to approach art a little differently, and the game improved. The main thing to understand is that by the time the reload ends, you should be brought to the place where there is an enemy tank. Or where it will appear with the maximum probability. Moreover, it is desirable that it be heavy tank, ST and LT are too mobile - it has moved a little to the side - and is already out of reach. This involves knowledge of the cards and the ability to take the right position.

Impressions from SU-14-1

  1. Often throws in the TOP. This is probably more of a minus than a plus. Seventh level - a lot of inexperienced players - the result of the battle is unpredictable, no matter how well you shoot. Often people forget about art and become a victim of a firefly. Playing against level 9-10 is more likely to land good damage.
  2. From time to time you have to shoot without full information - surprisingly often the shells hit the target.
  3. Despite the low accuracy of art, I hit very often. Feels as good as the much more accurate BC 155 58.
  4. I feel like a bully. It doesn't matter who I'm running against.
  5. Surprisingly low percentage of victories. 470 fights - 48%. This is incomprehensible.

SS 14-1 - skills and equipment

Of the equipment - a standard set - Rammer, Pickup Drives, Network. Ventilation, unfortunately, is not installed on this art. Skills - fighting brotherhood in the first place. Everything else is good, but not critical. By no means will you make this art movable or inconspicuous. If you are lit up, most likely you are a corpse. A light bulb would be nice - but sometime later. Now I'm downloading the second perk - this is a disguise for all crew members.

Summing up… Now Su 14-1 is one of my main farm machines. Inexpensive repairs allow you to make good money on this art. There are also minus fights, but for this the fight must be very unsuccessful. Being in the TOP by damage is a normal state after the battle.

SU-14-1 - soviet self-propelled guns Level 7. It has the highest one-time damage of a top gun among classmates, for which it pays with a low rate of fire.

The predecessor of the self-propelled guns SU-14-2.

Research and leveling

SPG SU-14-1 is researched on SS-8 for 62,200 XP.

  • First of all, the SU-14-1 chassis is maneuverability and the ability to install heavier modules.
  • Next, you should open the gun - 203 mm B-4.
  • The M-17F engine will slightly increase the dynamics.
  • The 12RT radio station will add communication range.

combat effectiveness

This self-propelled gun has a choice of 2 guns with approximately equal DPM, but significantly different characteristics:

  1. The 203 mm B-4 gun has the highest damage at its level, allowing it to destroy tanks of level 6, less often level 7, with a single shot. It pays for this with a significant deterioration in other characteristics. Forces you to support the attack of heavy vehicles, since it is extremely difficult to hit a moving or hiding enemy of a small size. Extremely effective against slow, heavily armored targets.
  2. The 152 mm BR-2 gun, despite having half the damage of the top gun, has twice the faster reload time. The aiming speed and accuracy of the guns make it possible to hit even fast-moving targets or quickly respond to new exposed enemies and changes in the situation on the other flank. Damage against heavy vehicles of level 8 and above is absorbed significantly, but not completely, so it's worth aiming weak spots tank.


  • high one-time damage of the B-4 gun.


  • low rate of fire, poor accuracy and long aiming of the top gun;
  • huge size;
  • weak dynamics;
  • there is practically no booking;
  • open cabin.
