Tanks games for children 3-4 years old. Tanks games online. Are tanks needed?

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What do we know about tanks

We have collected for you the best online games with tanks, which you can play just a few seconds after the page loads. The tank is one of the most popular units in computer games Oh. Moreover, it is found not only in military action strategies, but also in arcades, simulators and even racing. The developers have squeezed absolutely everything out of the unit; there are arcade games where tanks need to overcome various obstacles, jump on trampolines and even swim. Moreover, you can fight both for one combat unit, controlling an armored vehicle or a machine gunner from the first person, sitting on the very roof and destroying enemies, and for an entire platoon, controlling from a third person.

Of course, the game online tanks, neither the rendering of textures nor the gameplay will be able to compare with computer clients, but you will have several advantages - availability anywhere in the world and on any computer that supports an Internet connection, as well as the ability to fight on very weak hardware that simply cannot draws modern shooters and shooters.

About the appearance of tanks in games

One of the first games in which everyone's favorite armored vehicles appeared was an arcade game called tanks. It worked on dandy, as well as similar consoles, and consisted of a 2D field on which a labyrinth and characters placed there were drawn. The goal of the arcade was to protect your base, and at the same time, it had to be done without coming under enemy fire. IN further tanks appeared in first-person shooters, where in addition to regular battles, gamers could control various types of military equipment.

Screenshot from World of Tanks, a WARGAMING company.

After shooters, strategies appeared, including from Russian-speaking developers. It is noteworthy that tanks in online games are characters with well-developed defense skills and capable of withstanding numerous attacks from monsters and real opponents. Tank games for boys are a sea of ​​drive and adrenaline that comes from driving a huge armored vehicle! Let's remember the most famous and popular games, where this unit is present, excluding, of course, strategies.

GTA series

Gta - these three letters are known to every boy and representative of the younger generation, many of whom have not yet turned 30 years old. After all, GTA is the most famous simulator of the real world, allowing you to ride cars, boats and aircraft, buy houses and fight with the police. For the first time, the tank appeared in the fourth part of the series, called Grand Theft Auto Vice City, where he was called using an easy-to-remember code that is still remembered by many boys - “panzer”, or sometimes arrived when the crime indicator was filled to the maximum. In the future, this unit could be found in almost any part of the series, but without a code it was quite difficult to do this.

Call of Duty

In this series you can play tanks fighting during the Second World War, and there are several types of them - the famous T-34, Tiger, Panther, and the lesser known Panzer, Crusader and others. The controls will not be particularly intricate, but a little more realistic than in GTA.


Another famous military series, but it has a very realistic and interesting online mode. If you want to play tanks, then here it will be very easy to do so. Moreover, in addition to them, many other military equipment will be available for control. The controls themselves are very similar to Call of Duty, but latest version Battlefield 3 both graphics and gameplay will be noticeably superior to the previous one.

World of Tanks

Tank games have gained such popularity thanks to World of Tank. This is due to the fact that, thanks to a large-scale advertising campaign, many people from all over the world play it every day. As the name implies, here you will control combat vehicles that you can buy, improve, and on which you can fight with other real opponents. In general, immersing yourself in it for one evening, you risk forgetting about real world for at least a few months.

If you lack thrills and the usual pleasures of ordinary gray days make you bored, then there is a great way to change everything! Tanks games give you the opportunity to become the hero of the hottest military clashes and exciting battles! Tanks games are an indescribable atmosphere of a real male brotherhood, cemented by fire and blood on the fields of decisive battles, where the outcome of wars is decided! Break out of everyday life with cool adventures in cool armored vehicles.

Wars have always existed and will probably continue to occur until people learn to give in and negotiate. Another thing is that, thanks to specialized equipment, the military does not have to go at the enemy or victim with a knife or saber in their hands, and this increases the chances of survival. At one time, it was precisely this nuance - large losses of the army - that became decisive in the birth of the idea to create something fundamentally new, namely, equipment with high maneuverability, protected by bulletproof armor, capable of inflicting a serious blow on the enemy. It’s just that what is now something common even for a fan of the tank game, was once a non-existent hope for millions of soldiers.

The first tank in history was the Mark 1 tank - only very vaguely reminiscent of its modern “descendants”. Walked First World War, millions of soldiers died, their ranks thinned, and their defenses weakened accordingly. Unable to endure long expectations, Swinton turned to General George French, who was on the verge of nervous tension - his soldiers were dying, and he was beginning to lose his composure. Having talked about what experiments were taking place at that time, he received the full support of the general, thereby bypassing the nuance with the Killen Straight tests.

It is curious that the first tank was created, in fact, not only by engineers, but also by the entire officer corps under the leadership of French - they described in detail everything that they wanted to get from new technology. The prototype was created in just 40 days, but did not meet the main requirement - passing 4-meter funnels was impossible. Through long searches and tests, the “Big Willie” tank was created, later called “Mother”, “Centipede”, “Wilson Machine”, etc., but went into production under the name Mk.1.

Are tanks needed?

This question was mainly asked by skeptics back when the first machines were created. Some models lacked agility and speed, others were equipped with the maximum possible number of cannons or machine guns, others had enough of both, but lacked accuracy and efficiency, due to which the value of agility and equipment turned into nothing.

It is really difficult to combine all the criteria in one combat vehicle, or at least it was difficult, and today even the simplest tanks meet the basic requirements of officers.

The main advantage of tanks is that the soldier in it is maximally protected - he can attack the enemy, destroy obstacles, complex enemy structures and structures, but at the same time he himself is in relative safety. Again, maximally equipped tanks can fire a cannon and multiple machine guns at the same time. High passing ability helps to move both across fields dug up by explosions and over hills, of which there are a lot in places of military operations. The downside is the difficulty of control, because it’s not for nothing that tankers were often rewarded for just one decisive shot. All these aspects are carefully taken into account by the creators of game engines. While playing Tanks for Boys you will get an absolutely realistic feeling of controlling the most modern armored vehicles!

And everyone is now a tanker

It is curious that the very topic of battles, war and heavy equipment is so interesting for boys, for men and not only for them that the creators of online games use it with might and main - just like tanks today are associated primarily with games. In the game, tanks overcome the most difficult obstacles, hit enemies and take part in combat operations almost like in reality. The popularity of the game is off the charts - the realism and brightness of the picture, serious graphics and possibilities in the game make themselves felt.

Tanks today

The time has passed when the first tanks were delivered under the guise of tanks - they were very similar to them. Today these are iron monsters with even higher cross-country ability, surpassing their “ancestors” in everything: the same American Abrams (M1A1) has 4 seats, picks up speed up to 66 km/h (this is on a highway, on a dug up field, of course, less) , while they wanted to get at least 4 km/h from the first tank. The Abrams is also equipped with three machine guns - frontal, coaxial and anti-aircraft, as well as a smoothbore cannon.

We have collected on this page the best free online games Tanks for boys, which will bring great pleasure to all fans tank battles! Tanks games are a new word in the gaming industry, they are very exciting, have excellent graphics and cool gameplay.

Choose a game that you like and go roam deserts, forests, fields and swamps with the help of the perfect all-terrain tracked weapon, instill fear in your enemies and provide invaluable assistance to your own troops. Become a real "God of War"!

Heavy military equipment has always aroused increased interest, especially if its strength and power were demonstrated during a large-scale war or a lightning-fast strategic operation. Tank games will provide you with a unique opportunity to become the commander of a tank crew and take part in a heroic and bloody tank battle.

There is probably not a single male gamer who does not like to play tanks online. A huge armored vehicle, sweeping away all obstacles in its path and bravely challenging the enemy, has become so popular that special attention is paid to the development of this category of games. Dangerous and difficult missions, colorful graphics and realistic simulators give users such an emotional and exciting experience that playing tanks is becoming one of the most popular pastimes on the Internet.

Tanks online will take you into the world of fierce battles and difficult combat missions. You will have to shoot the enemy with precision, suppress popular uprisings, destroy fortified military bases and look for a way out of the abandoned labyrinth. We guarantee that you will have a great free time!

The main difference between a modern tank and other types of combat vehicles equipped with cannons is its ability to quickly transfer fire over a very wide range of horizontal and elevation angles. Thanks to this, few can compare with it in maneuverability. Once you start playing online tanks, you will quickly see this for yourself. But in this advantage there is also a catch: it is very, very difficult to control such a mobile weapon. It will take some time and a lot of wasted shells before you manage to get used to it.

In addition to the cannon located in the turret, the tank, depending on the model, has one or more machine guns. In 1939-1955, some were even equipped with flamethrowers, which were used as infantry support during assaults on fortified enemy positions. Modern models, as a rule, are equipped with anti-aircraft and coaxial machine guns (by the way, an acquaintance with one of these iron monsters awaits you while playing Tanks 3 for boys). The described equipment allows you to almost 100% get rid of the so-called “dead zones” when shooting along a flat trajectory.

Did you know that tanks were first constructed during the First World War in England? True, they looked completely different from modern ones; they were equipped with inactive heavy turrets and, often, a machine gun rather than a cannon. This was the British Mark I, which in appearance strongly resembled a diamond, and was even equipped with wheels. This design allowed him to maintain balance and more effectively destroy enemy dugouts. Later, when it was possible to create more powerful and durable tracks, it was abandoned. Subsequently, the principles of tank building changed more than once in the most dramatic way.

The Tanks games collected in our section in pictures and motion will show you all the stages of development of Russian and world tank building. You will be able to ride on the ancient French Saint-Chamond (pay attention to its unusual cylindrical towers and armor plates reaching to the ground), Swedish S-tank– the armored “star” of the 60s, the legendary T-34 – the brainchild of Kharkov plant No. 183, which went through the entire Great Patriotic War. Tanks online allow you to play on completely different models, performing no less diverse tasks. For example, in one game you will fight alone with an entire armada of enemy ground vehicles, in another you will resist air raids, defending the headquarters of your command, in the third you will take part in the battles of World War II, attend one-on-one tank duels and even conduct joint exercises between European armies and NATO countries.

What to pay attention to

Tank games are incredibly diverse. Their storylines, graphic decorations and, in fact, the cars themselves are so different from each other that you will be pleasantly surprised. But there is a point that is mandatory for everyone - the presence of a weapon and the need to shoot from it. And do it accurately and with correct frequency shots. We have already written that a tank gun is very mobile and has a circular firing sector. In order for a shot fired from it to hit exactly the target that is needed, you should be carefully prepared. Before pressing the trigger, determine the trajectory of the projectile and the speed at which it will move. To do this, set the correct angle of the gun muzzle. The difficulty is that you won’t have time for long thoughts after launching even the simplest online game Tanks: enemy artillery is pouring a hail of bullets from all sides, fighters are attacking from the sky, and the tracks on the enemy vehicles are in no way inferior to yours. So the decision about where and how to shoot needs to be made not quickly, but very quickly. And try not to make mistakes if you don’t want your war horse to be shot down at the very beginning of the mission.

By the way, if you are rather slow by nature and suffer from this, we recommend playing tanks more often. The need to quickly navigate a situation and make important decisions literally in seconds will serve you well, making you more decisive in the real world. Having slightly paraphrased Hippocrates’ famous statement about “life is what we eat,” we can well say that it is also what we play. And the need to be brave and wise in the game gradually becomes a habit, manifested in ordinary life. So we wish you more exploits not only in virtual battles between toys and tanks, but also in the yard, school, etc. Believe me, being a hero, although sometimes troublesome, is extremely pleasant.

What type of weapon revolutionized ideas about military science in the first half of the last century and radically changed the tactics and strategy of warfare? Of course, these are tanks! Tanks games will allow you to feel like the commander of an armored fighting vehicle and take part in large-scale battles! Online Games tanks for boys have excellent graphics, an abundance of varied equipment and, of course, exciting gameplay! Join a friendly company of fans of mechanized warfare around the world and take part in hot battles unfolding on virtual training grounds.

According to the official version, the first tanks appeared in 1916 in England and helped the British win the battle with the Kaiser’s army on the Somme River. Strictly speaking, there was, in fact, no battle. The German infantry, seeing 32 metal monsters crawling towards them, simply ran away, filling the air with cries about the appearance of the devil. And although, due to an insufficient number of tanks, the British failed to finally break through the front at that time, the battle on the Somme showed that a great future awaited new military equipment.

Following the British, their allies in World War I, the French, came up with and launched their own model of the Renault FT-17 light tank. It turned out to be so successful that it was actively used by the Polish and French armies in the battles of World War II until the end of 1941. Many design features of the Renault FT-17 have become recognized classics of tank building.

Since then, tanks have firmly entered not only the annals military history, but also into the armament of most armies of the world. And since then, boys, young men and men in all corners of our planet have been raving about and admiring them. The global light industry annually produces toys, prefabricated models and tank games worth billions and billions of dollars. And they are all selling out. Is it any wonder that “Tanks” games are also leaders among computer entertainment?

A modern tank is a maneuverable armored vehicle equipped with powerful artillery or rocket-artillery weapons, a highly automated complex of round-the-clock all-weather fire control and diverse protection: armor, dynamic, mine, optical-electronic, electromagnetic, against atomic weapons, and in addition a built-in diagnostic system and high maintainability.

As for assessing its combat properties, disputes in this area do not subside for a minute. The world leaders in the production of innovative military equipment today are the USA, Japan, Russia, Israel, Germany, France and Korea. Naturally, each considers its creations to be the very best in all respects, zealously seeking arguments in favor of such a position.

However, inexorable statistics tell us that over the last 10 years, in terms of the totality of firepower, level of armor protection, mobility and global sales volume, the top four are as follows:

  • At the first place latest modifications American tanks"Abrams"
  • On the second – the German “Leopard”,
  • In third place is the French Leclerc.
  • Our Russian T-90A closes the top four.

Behind last years Several new vehicles have been added to the world tank fleet. This is the German “Leopard-2A6” with an updated L-55 cannon, the M1A2 SEP model from the USA, the Israeli “Merkava” Mk. 4, South Korean K2 and K1A1, a couple of representatives from the People's Republic of China - "Type 96", "Type 99" and the latest version of the Russian modernized T-90A (M). There are a couple more Israeli and South Korean developments on the way.

As you can see, everyone plays Tanks games. Not only little boys and computer game lovers, but also entire states. And, alas, in soon It is unlikely that anything in our world will change significantly.

Tanks games are a combination of all best qualities, capable of captivating anyone! There are dynamic firefights, solving strategic problems, team actions and a complex, interesting system for modifying your combat vehicle. Tanks games online are free, fun and cool! Prove to everyone that you are the best tanker and have fun with the best tank simulators!
