Difficulty levels in the console version of Diablo III. The more difficult, the more interesting: the real Diablo III is only in heroic mode Diablo 3 on what difficulty to play

What does someone like that do? popular game Diablo? Of course, the answer to this question is character development and the possibility of creating your own savior of the world from evil forces. The third part of the game differs from the second primarily in its level system. So many changes have been made to it that it is now completely different and unlike what it was before.

For each level in Diablo 3, the hero is given 3 points of the main attribute (intelligence, agility and strength), 2 survivability and 1 for the rest. There are only 60 such levels. In addition, the player can no longer upgrade only certain skills. Upon reaching a specific level, they now open themselves. How many difficulty levels are there in new version games?

There are only four difficulty levels in Diablo 3, three of them were in the previous part of the game, and the fourth, called Inferno, is intended for playing at the maximum possible level - 60 character level.

The normal difficulty (Normal difficulty) is quite simple, at the end of it the character must reach level thirty. This is followed by Nightmare (Nightmare difficulty), which ends at approximately level 50, and Hell (Hell difficulty), the completion of which should bring the character to level 60. Unlike the second part of the game, there is no need to gain experience for a long time; in order to get the maximum level in Diablo 3, it will already be reached by the end of the passage of the last difficulty level.

The difficulty of the game gradually increases with each difficulty level, but on Inferno the difficulty increases greatly with each act of the game completed. But, anyway, the entire game can be completed alone at all difficulty levels. There are no difficult quests or bosses that would not be possible to complete without a support group.

Passing the Normal level is quite an easy task, and the only thing that can cause death is lags. It will take only twenty hours to complete. Instead of finally expressing gratitude to the developers for the fact that the game can now be completely played and watched by almost everyone - a large number of people complain about the easy difficulty of the Normal level. Please! A difficulty level was created especially for such players - Hardcore (the character is deleted after death).

Among the more difficult levels in Diablo 3, we can highlight the “Hell” and “Nightmare” levels - they provide new opportunities for character development compared to normal mode: More fearsome and powerful armor sets, higher-level runes, powerful unique items and improvements for artisans.

At subsequent difficulty levels, the monsters become stronger. At the new Inferno level (you can get to it only after completing the “Hell” level), they are generally stronger than the players. However, the rewards here are appropriate.

Leveling up is an important part of the gameplay process for any RPG. computer game: from easiest to most difficult. The role-playing system of Diablo 3 cannot in any way be classified as a complex scheme with numerous races, main and additional parameters. Diablo 3 has a hero class, basic and additional parameters, and a set of skills. Moreover, secondary characteristics directly depend on primary characteristics. So all the player’s experiences regarding the character’s characteristics come down solely to improving skills and increasing basic parameters. It should be said that in the second part of the game, the role-playing system was not too complex and varied. In any case, the developers have moved much further in Diablo 3.

It’s clear that the characters’ skills, as well as the primary characteristics in the form of dexterity, strength, vitality and magic, have not gone away. These parameters are still the backbone of the role-playing systemDiablo3. At the same time, when you increase your level, you no longer have to worry about the distribution of parameters and the correct distribution of free skill points. The choice of skills, accordingly, will be in the hands of the player, but there will be no need to discover (develop) skills. As a result, character development will be simplified - you will not need to first think through the specialization of your hero.

As you level up, new passive and active skills will become available. You won’t have to invest free skill points at the bottom; everything will happen automatically. It will be enough later to select the required set of active skills. This refers not only to a set of active skills, the use of which requires action on the part of the player, but also passive ones, the action of which remains until the player chooses another one to replace a certain skill. This approach allows you to make a hero out of anyoneDiablo3 universal: by changing the set of skills used, we can prepare our character for a particular battle. You no longer need to immediately draw up a plan for the development of your hero, where every free skill is taken into account and there is no room for improvisation. New approach is very convenient, it will allow you to use one hero without creating duplicates. Now it will also be easy to test a particular skill.

The increase in character parameters will also not depend on the player's choice. Depending on the class, the character's parameters will be increased automatically in the given combination. This is where some doubt regarding the correctness of such an approach was closed. As a result, the role system Diablo games 3 has become too simple, all characters of the same class will be identical in terms of basic skills and characteristics. All that remains under player control is the choice of skills that will be available in certain moment games. This combat set can be changed an unlimited number of times conveniently and simply. So it’s quite difficult to evaluate this approach to leveling up in Diablo 3 unambiguously.

Skills. The skills for each class are individual; you cannot choose them. They can be opened upon reaching a certain level and require certain costs. So, what do you need to know about skills?

1. Resources. In order to activate the skill (with the exception of a few units), you will need to spend a supply of a certain resource. An area of ​​a specific color at the right edge of the panel quick commands informs about the stock of a particular resource. Each class has a different resource - spirit (Monks), rage (Barbarians), mana (Sorcerers), magical energy (Sorcerers) and concentration/hatred (Demon Hunters).

2. You will have to use skills through the quick command panel. The skill in the first cell can be activated by clicking the left mouse button, or by pressing a specific key that is associated with the cell.

3. When you kill enemies, you gain experience as you progress through the game. Your hero's level increases with a certain amount of experience. In order to choose a skill, it is most often necessary to reach a certain level. It is also noteworthy that not all quick command slots will be available from the very beginning of the game. Upon reaching the 2nd, 4th, 9th, 14th and 19th levels, one cell will open. As your level increases, you will be given points to improve your performance.

4. Passive skills. In total, you can choose a maximum of three passive skills. Once you reach level 30, this will become possible. At levels 10, 20 and 30, one passive skill slot will be added. These skills constantly work on your side; they will not appear on the quick access panel. For example, a passive skill can increase the damage your weapon deals or increase your chance of dodging an enemy's attack.

5. About choosing a skill. There are only six skills in the game (accordingly, there are six cells on the quick access panel). Therefore, you will need to decide which skills to use when passing this location, and which ones to use when passing another. You can immediately change the set of these skills in the city by moving them to the quick access panel. If you have just returned from battle and expressed a desire to choose another skill, then you will need to wait until the cooldown to use the skill expires. Depending on what difficulty level you are playing at, the cooldown for skills will be different: 5 seconds – “Normal”, 10 seconds – “Nightmare”, 15 seconds – “Hell” and 120 seconds – “Inferno”.

6. About skill runes. These runes can increase the level of your abilities. From level 6 they become available. These runes increase the duration of a certain spell, damage, radius, range, and can add side effects (for example, enemies will fall down when using a spell).

To ensure maximum dynamism and high tempo of the game, health spheres were added to Diablo 3, which are small red balls that periodically fall out from killed monsters. If your character has incomplete health, then by crossing this sphere, he will restore a certain percentage of health to himself and his allies. They only disappear when used, so they can be saved for future use, which opens up additional tactical options in some difficult battles. Health restoration does not occur immediately, but over a short period, gradually.

Health Orbs are somewhat of a replacement for potions - they are now intended to be used only in extreme cases, as they have a delay between uses.

In Diablo 3, like in many arcades and shooters, there are checkpoints. They are invisible and automatically activate when the player crosses the corresponding location. If a character dies, he is reborn at the last checkpoint he passed with full health.

In Diablo 3, any attack can become a critical hit, be it a hit, a spell, or a skill. Critical attacks deal 50% more damage. This value, like the critical hit chance, can be increased with the help of skills, items and abilities.

In Diablo 3, the death of a character causes fewer losses compared to previous games in the series. When a character dies, he does not lose any equipment or gold. You just need to wait a few seconds until another player resurrects you, or continue the game from the last checkpoint that you passed. At the same time, for those who love thrills, the game has a heroic mode (Hardcore). Deceased characters in this mode cannot be revived and are lost forever.


The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to the basics of seasons in , as well as give you tips on character leveling and crafting that will maximize your seasonal experience.

1. What is a Season and why should you play it?

Season is an additional, repeating Game Mode, which allows you to start every few months, leveling up your character from scratch without previously earned items, hero levels, materials or gold. Seasons are divided into casual and hardcore game modes, and it may seem daunting that your seasonal character will have to start from scratch and need to level up and craft. However, none of your efforts will be wasted, as all your achievements during the season - characters, items, hero levels, gold, etc. - will carry over as non-seasonal after the season ends. Unique to Seasons are trackable seasonal journeys, exclusive transmog rewards, and a separate leaderboard that allows everyone to compete on a level playing field.

2. Level up from 1-70

2.1. Preparing the game

You make three important choices in setting up a game: creating a character, choosing a game mode, and setting the difficulty level. Starting a season in a group rather than solo, you receive bonuses: group loot and an HP buff (health bonus), and bonuses are now distributed among the participants. However, if you prefer (or simply want) to play solo, then read the Playstyle section below.

When it comes to game type, Adventure mode is vastly superior to Campaign mode due to its faster pace and more generous rewards. The only trick you can do is at the beginning of the Campaign game, find a Skeleton King that gives a guaranteed Crown of Leoric at Torment Level 5+ when killed in that mode. This helmet doubles the bonuses from the gem embedded in it, so add your highest level Ruby for a significant XP boost. Wear Leoric's Crown until you reach lvl 70.

Another choice before the game is difficulty, and the most optimal level for leveling up is the difficulty level Master: a good combination of mobs' health, their damage and a decent bonus of 75% experience.

Level frames

2.2. Playstyle

You have two main options when leveling up in Adventure Mode: quests and portals. To maximize the effectiveness of leveling up your character, consider making Act assignments with an active bonus; the game will automatically start and the activity will be marked as such when you open the world map. There will always be an active reward for killing the Boss; especially attractive ones that don't require much effort to find, (eg Zoltun Kul, Magda, Belial), but completing the quest will provide you with good experience from the very beginning, as well as a chest that contains nice rewards. After the reward for killing the Boss, consider finishing the remaining tasks in the Act with active bonuses for the chance to drop Deckard Cain's Fate and Bourne's Defiance, both sets can be forged at the blacksmith, whose bonuses provide additional experience to speed up leveling.

Once you've completed the above, it's time to think about the extra experience for the Carnage. The slaughter experience bonus system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for killing monsters multiple times. Warning is a bonus that only works in quests, and not while completing portals. To use successfully this bonus for killing monsters, kill mobs in very populated areas - the cathedral (Act I), the hall of agony of the 3rd level (Act I) and, most importantly, the “Fields of Suffering” (Act I). While clearing too quickly will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), this method is fast for leveling solo in Diablo 3, in about 2 hours you will be level 70. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to take down in a multiplayer game, Carnage Bonus Leveling can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; This is primarily a solo leveling method. This method also has a significant drawback, the loss of the chance of legendary items and bloody shards falling behind portals.

For groups and players who don't mind spending an hour leveling from 1-70, the general recommendation is to stick with Nephalem Rifts. Portals give you an increased chance of Legendary drops, blood shards for games with Kadala, and a bonus in the form of health. While Rifts have a higher degree of randomness than Quests (map layout, monster density, and composition are all RNG), removing rocks as a requirement for opening Rifts allows you to simply restart the game if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift .

A lesson best learned early in Diablo is to focus on large groups of enemies and ignore single goals– take advantage of the fact that the only specific enemies you have to fight are Rift Guardians. In the rift, this will lead to effectively skipping bad fights and better farming results; During leveling, this factor will allow you to reach the maximum level faster.

Lastly, minimizing downtime is a common mistake that is difficult to understand because it is unique and personal to everyone. As a rule of thumb, remember that gear up to 70 will quickly become unnecessary as you level up, and brooding over gear levels and stuff before lvl 70 is more than a waste of your time. good time for pumping, takes somewhere in the range of 2 to 3 hours.

2.3. Gearing

Set the game to a difficulty level that won't force you to fight for your life, but will allow you to focus on just one thing: fast and efficient clearing, which is directly tied to your damage. The biggest contribution to the cleanup will be your weapon, so allocate your resources and focus your attention accordingly. If you haven't upgraded this weapon slot at about five levels, consider crafting yourself something using a blacksmith. You can also steal weapons from your companions; they are 1 level higher than yours by default.

Classes are distributed according to several main characteristics: Strength for barbarians and crusaders; Agility for Demon Hunters and Monks; and intelligence for necromancers, sorcerers and wizards. Adding to your main stat has a significant impact on your damage in Diablo 3, and even more so during leveling where elite modifiers such as crit, attack speed and critical damage are infrequent and low.

To bolster your DPS, check merchants for rings and amulets, adding direct damage. This will give you massive damage in the early game where your weapon damage is in the 2-3 digit range. Merchants in cities sell jewelry, available at level 6 for rings and around level 10 for amulets. Don't be too busy checking on them, visit them during natural breaks in the gameplay– for example, the closing time of the Rift.

Also, do not forget about the existence and importance of gems in the pumping process. The most important thing is to upgrade two rubies to the highest level, and put them in your weapon and helmet. Adding a Ruby to a weapon adds physical damage, which is the best DPS boost up to level 70, where critical chance is low and low, and critical damage, and the Emerald gem, provides less benefit. The Ruby in the Helmet increases the experience gain factor, reducing the time it takes to reach the maximum level.

There's also a good chance that you'll farm 500 Blood Shards before you reach level 70, where you'll play 1 time per gambling with Kadala. Look at your gear, pick your worst slot - the one you haven't updated in a while, and gamble. This will not harm your progression, and you will feel the difference during leveling, especially with a successful drop.

2.4. Crafting

As noted earlier, crafting should not be overlooked as a source of weapon upgrades - and it is especially important during the initial character leveling. At level 42 and with a level 10 blacksmith, you can use some of your mined materials to craft level 60 weapons. They can have your level requirement reduced - up to 18 - in their secondary stats, dramatically increasing your DPS by a dozen levels and allowing you to overcome challenges to win XP. The same principle applies at level 60 and with a level 12 blacksmith, this time creating a level 70 weapon.

Breaking down everything that isn't an upgrade into ingredients should be a priority, since crafting resources will be needed for the vast majority of your seasonal games, and quality items at all levels provide versatile materials. Reforging has the added benefit of returning any gems left on your gear to your inventory for free, so don't make the mistake of yanking gems from old (unnecessary) items from jewelers for gold. The only acceptable item for the slot is the Crown of Leoric, for better winning in XP (experience).

An exception to the reforging rule should be made for legendary items with valuable affixes, the location of which in Kanai's cube is more important than the material for processing. A comprehensive list is difficult to compile, so check out the leveling guides for your chosen class and select key items for your class. Here are just some of the most necessary Crucible, Ashen Tunic, Unity, Elemental Assembly, Obsidian Zodiac Ring or other legendary items needed for your class.

Another exception to the pile of items to reforge should be two legendary items: Cow Berdysh and the Puzzle Ring. These items are very useful for initial farming. Insert the Cow Berdy into Kanai's Cube and press Transmog to open a portal with a cow level - with a rift-like area filled with cows, as well as normal and epic chests. Performing the same action with the Ring - Puzzle opens a portal to the Goblin treasury, which will give you starting capital (Gold) and the legendary gem Covetous Gift.

3. At level 70

Yours overall strategy will not change immediately after increasing to level 70; Portals will continue to be your best source of gear, and running errands should be delayed until you need to upgrade rare item or pull a legendary ability - both of which require materials. The exception will be to prioritize Seasonal Journeys up to the corresponding Chapter to get a full class set from Haedrig's gifts and get the Kanai Cube for the first time from the Ruins of Secheron in Act III, which you can do at any time and only 1 time.

3.1. Seasonal Campaign and Haedrig's Gifts

The Seasonal Journey consists of a series of achievements that provide cosmetic rewards, including profile frames, item transmogs, and pets. The seasonal journey is divided into chapters with individual achievements that are roughly equal in difficulty and leveling value, providing additional incentive and structure for seasonal gameplay. The journey is only available to seasonal characters and is shared by account, with the exception of the division of Normal or Heroic modes.

Completing certain seasonal chapters (II, III and IV in a season) grants Haedrig's Boons, a reward that gives two pieces of a set of a fixed class. With the completion of these chapters you will have a full bonus of 6 available to you, dramatically increasing the character's strength in medium and high torture. This makes the early part of the Seasonal Journey your first priority when reaching max level.

With Seasonal Journey, you have three main types of farming: Errands, Common Rifts, and Greater Rifts, each with their own distinct benefits.

3.2. Orders

The strategy is this: go into a group of four people and divide the tasks among each other, one person per task. Splitting an quest with the highest difficulty that you can handle solo is considered the most effective way receiving rewards for Horadric cache. Bounties are a decent source of crafting materials, and the only way to get legendary item(Ring of Royal Luxury) and, perhaps most importantly, the unique materials needed for Kanai's Cube. Thus, prioritize farming when you need to extract an modifier that modifies Legendary Power (examples above), craft a Legendary, or craft a set item from the Blacksmith. For general farming, choose one of the following methods.

Kanai cube

3.3. Launching Nephalem Portals

At the very beginning, Nephalem portals were the basis for you, and will remain the basis for leveling up at great tortures. Rifts no longer require stones to open, and you can launch them at any time; they are universal in structure and are generated differently each time. The portals have an indicator that must be filled by killing monsters until the Portal Guardian appears and must be killed so that the Nephalem Portal can be closed. You can also continue the Rift after killing the Guardian, but it is advisable to complete the passage as soon as you finish it - you can enter a new one and get more experience, gold and blood shards. You should prioritize clearing these rifts quickly for the vast majority of your early games, adjusting the difficulty to the highest level you can handle while maintaining efficiency - killing an elite in under 10 seconds is a good result. Regular portals will best level you up and provide you with Greater Portal stones, the next important step in your progression.

3.4. Speed ​​of passage (“Speed”) of Great Portals

Great Portals are usually used for three purposes: placing on the Honor Board, improving legendary stones, and leveling up Paragon. When you start the playthrough, the last two steps will be done at once, with a guaranteed Legendary Stone at the end of each Great Rift until you have a complete collection of these stones. In the Great Portals, monsters still pump you up, but you will only receive a reward from killing the Portal Guardian. To compensate for the material benefits, the Greater Rift provides more Blood Shards. This type of portal will gradually play a very important role in your game.

3.5. Portal of Daring

Starting with version 2.6, you can choose a unique mode in the pre-game lobby: Portal of Daring. The Portal of Daring system randomizes the completion of the Great Portal and reproduces the build, equipment, and even paragon level. All players can then compete for the fastest completion on a completely equal basis. There is a weekly reward associated with changing the timer for the better: a fee of 300 blood shards, 4 million gold, 8 unique materials for recipes from the cube. This is one of the strongest early bonuses you can get in the first week of the Season, so complete your Portal of Daring as soon as possible.

4. Conclusion

If you do decide to play during the season, make sure you do it right. Use our tips to simplify pumping. Consistency, exploration, and minimizing downtime will be the three most important factors in your seasonal progression and reaching your difficulty level. Good game!

Before starting the game, you will need to select one of the difficulty levels (by default, players will be able to choose “Normal”, “High” and “Expert”). Once you complete the game with one of the classes, you will be able to play on the Master difficulty level, and when one of your characters reaches level 60, you will be able to play on the Torment difficulty. You can change the difficulty level during gameplay by pressing the START button (in the console version of the game) or by opening the game menu (in the PC version, the default Escape key) and selecting “Lower Difficulty” or “Increase Difficulty”. However, there are certain restrictions associated with increasing and decreasing difficulty, so in some cases it will be necessary to start the game over again.

General changes

In general, more high levels difficulty (“High”, “Expert”, “Master”), monsters will have an increased health reserve, and their attacks will become much more dangerous. On the other hand, while playing on higher difficulty levels you will be able to obtain items best quality, as well as more gold and experience.

Difficulty levels in the PC version of the game

  • Normal difficulty level: 100% health, 100% damage, 0% extra gold, 0% additional experience
  • High level of difficulty: 200% health, 130% damage, 75% extra gold, 75% extra experience
  • Expert: 320% health, 189% damage, 100% extra gold, 100% extra experience
  • Master: 512% health, 273% damage, 200% extra gold, 200% extra experience
  • Torment I: 819% health, 396% damage, 300% extra gold, 300% extra experience
  • Torment II: 1311% health, 575% damage, 400% extra gold, 400% extra experience
  • Torment III: 2097% health, 833% damage, 550% extra gold, 550% extra experience
  • Torment IV: 3355% health, 1208% damage, 800% extra gold, 800% extra experience
  • Torment V: 5369% health, 1752% damage, 1150% extra gold, 1150% extra experience
  • Torment VI: 8590% health, 2540% damage, 1600% extra gold, 1600% extra experience
  • Torment VII: 18985% health, 3604% damage, 1850% extra gold, 1900% extra experience
  • Torment VIII: 41625% health, 5097% damage, 2150% extra gold, 2425% extra experience
  • Torment IX: 91260% health, 7208% damage, 2500% extra gold, 3100% extra experience
  • Torment X: 200082% health, 10194% damage, 2900% extra gold, 4000% extra experience
  • Torment XI: 438669% health, 14416% damage, 3350% extra gold, 5000% extra experience
  • Torment XII: 961759% health, 20387% damage, 3900% extra gold, 6400% extra experience
  • Torment XIII: 2108607% health, 28832% damage, 4500% extra gold, 8200% extra experience
  • Torment XIV: Monster health increased by 2889383%, and their damage increased by 40774%; players receive 5200%% more gold and 10500% more experience
  • Torment XV: Monsters' health increased by 6,334,823% and their damage increased by 57,664%; players receive 6050% more gold and 13400% more experience
  • Torment XVI: The health of monsters has been increased by 13888770%, and their damage by 64725%; players receive 7000% more gold and 17000% more experience

Diablo III Console Difficulty Levels

  • Low difficulty level
  • Normal difficulty level
  • High level of difficulty
  • Master I:+60% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +60% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +120% to experience gained
  • Master II:+70% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +70% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +140% to experience gained
  • Master III:+80% to the “Search for Gold” indicator, +80% to the “Search for Magic Items” indicator, +160% to experience gained
  • Master IV:+90% to the “Search for Gold” indicator, +90% to the “Search for Magic Items” indicator, +180% to experience gained
  • Master V:+100% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +100% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +200% to experience gained

The Ultimate Evil Edition for PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360 offers difficulty levels ranging from Normal to Torment VI, Playstation®4 and Xbox One- up to “Torment XVI” inclusive.

Health Steal

The Health Leech ability allows you to restore health up to a certain percentage of the damage dealt, and the effectiveness of this ability decreases as the character develops.

  • At level 60: The effectiveness of the Health Leech ability is reduced by 90%.
  • At level 70: The character can no longer regenerate health using Leech Health.

Monster Resistance

Control effects (such as stuns and slows) are a great way to quickly deal with opponents. However, the monsters of Sanctuary are so powerful that they can become resistant to such effects for a while. There are different types of crowd control effects that affect monsters to varying degrees:

  • Resistance to tight control: Hard control effects (such as stun, blind, subjugate, and fear) significantly reduce the combat effectiveness of monsters, preventing them from using abilities. When a monster is under the effect of a Hard Control effect, its resistance to all Hard Control effects increases by 10% every second, up to 95%. For example, if you stun a monster for 5 seconds, its resistance to hard effects will increase to 50%. If you immediately re-stun this monster, the stun will last 2.5 seconds, and the resistance to hard control effects will increase to 75%. If you stun him again, the stun will last only 1.25 seconds, while the resistance to hard control effects will increase to 95%.
  • Minimum control duration: When the monster's resistance to hard control effects increases, the duration of action decreases similar effects, applied to the monster. If this time decreases to a critical point (0.65 seconds for ordinary and elite monsters, as well as for minions and 0.85 seconds for rare monsters and bosses), then the effects of tight control cease to affect the monster. When a monster is no longer affected by Hard Control effects and is able to use abilities, its Resistance to those effects is reduced by 5% per second until it reaches 0 or is debuffed. new effect strict control.
  • Slow effects: These effects reduce the monster’s movement speed, allowing you to dodge its attacks more often and keep it out of melee range. Although movement speed reduction effects can be reapplied to monsters without any penalty, their effectiveness against elite and rare monsters, minions and bosses is reduced by 25%. For example, if an effect reduces movement speed by 60%, then when applied to a boss it will only reduce it by 45%.
  • Attack Speed ​​Reduction: These effects reduce the monster's attack speed and can also be reapplied without any duration penalties. The effectiveness of reducing attack speed is 100% in relation to ordinary monsters and 65% in relation to elite and rare monsters, as well as minions and bosses.
  • Knockback: knockback effects allow you to change the location of the monster, moving it away or, conversely, bringing it closer to the caster. When a monster's Hard Crowd Control Resistance reaches 65% or higher, the knockback stops working.

Diablo 3's difficulty levels have been redesigned not only for , but also for consoles. At the same time, changes will be made not only for Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls (PS4), but also for the original game, which is available on PS3 and Xbox 360.

In general, at higher difficulty levels (Hard, Expert, Master), monsters will have increased health, and their attacks will become much more dangerous. On the other hand, when playing on higher difficulties, you will be able to get better quality items, as well as more gold and experience.

Difficulty levels in the console version of the game

  • Low difficulty level:+0% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +0% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +0% to experience gained
  • Normal difficulty level:+20% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +20% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +40% to experience gained
  • High level of difficulty:+40% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +40% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +80% to experience gained
  • Master I:+60% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +60% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +120% to experience gained
  • Master II:+70% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +70% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +140% to experience gained
  • Master III:+80% to the “Search for Gold” indicator, +80% to the “Search for Magic Items” indicator, +160% to experience gained
  • Master IV:+90% to the “Search for Gold” indicator, +90% to the “Search for Magic Items” indicator, +180% to experience gained
  • Master V:+100% to the “Search for gold” indicator, +100% to the “Search for magic items” indicator, +200% to experience gained

Killing monsters, gaining experience and new levels is one of the foundations of the entire Diablo series.

Receiving new level in Diablo 3, the character increases his characteristics, the number of lives, and also gains access to new skills and runes.

Maximum level — 60 (but may be increased in future expansions).

Table of levels and required experience to obtain a new level*:


Until next time


Until next time

Total: 23,580,900

Looking at the table, it is worth noting that the progress in increasing experience to the next level is not strong this means that you can level up in “passed” locations, gaining more and more new levels. This is confirmed in the game: on the first playthrough to the Skeleton King (Leoric), the player takes levels 8-9, but at the same time, without much difficulty in locations up to Leoric, levels 12-13 are taken.


To receive it


To receive it


To receive it


To receive it

Total: 10,454,400,000

Levels of perfection in a diagram for clarity:

Increased experience gained

In Diablo 3, for the first time, the magical properties of items appeared to increase the experience gained for killing monsters, and also when Rubies are inserted into a helmet, they increase the experience gained by 5-31% (depending on the quality of the stone).

There is also the legendary ring Signet of Leoric, which gives a 20-30% bonus to experience gained, and the set (armor set) Memories of Deckard Cain, which gives a 30% bonus to experience.

If you equip your companion with the Signet of Leoric, you will receive a 25% bonus to experience from the bonus of the ring that he is wearing.

How can I see my level?

You can find out your current level either by opening your inventory ("I" key), where it will be shown in the upper right corner, or by hovering your mouse over the experience bar above the quick access panel.

Experience bar

At the bottom of the screen, above the quick launch panel, there is a bar that fills as you gain experience, and shows how much is left until the new level:

Pumping, exping

In Diablo and Diablo 2 there was only one way to gain experience and that was by killing monsters. In Diablo 3, the experience options have expanded significantly. Let's look at all the ways to gain experience.

Killing monsters

The classic and main way to level up is to kill hordes of monsters, receiving a certain amount of experience for killing each one.

But here it is worth mentioning the experience penalty, depending on how much your character’s level is higher than the monster’s level. To determine the penalty, tests were carried out in beta, using the example of killing the very first enemy Risen. Let's assume that its level is 1. Then:

Character level

Amount of experience gained per 1 monster (Risen)

V %

difference in levels

difference in %

From which it follows that leveling up on monsters 5 levels below you is ineffective.

Completing tasks

For completing tasks you will also receive a fixed amount of experience, the amount of which is fixed for each task. Neither the character level nor the number of completions of the task affects the amount of experience gained.


Diablo 3 also added bonuses in the form of experience for various massacres and destruction:


Given for a large number of kills (more than 6) in a row.

Mighty Blow

Given for a large number of kills (more than 6) with one skill.
Note: The amount of experience depends on the number of enemies killed and your level.


Given for a large number of destroyed structures (more than 6). These don’t have to be urns; you can get a bonus, for example, for destroying tombstones in a cemetery.

Reading books

Also, for reading a book you receive a fixed amount of experience for this book (does not depend on your level or on the difficulty at which you read this book).


Finish the battle with health below 10% (I play heroic mode, that’s why I’ve never been able to see this bonus).


Strange as it may seem, but experience for killing a lot of monsters game items not given.
