Vampire the masquerade bloodlines liberation of the spirit walkthrough. Walkthrough of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. Hotel massacre

The Regent's Riddle / The Regent's Riddle

This quest will appear in your diary when you read one of the notes on the table in your apartment in Santa Monica.

To complete this quest you need to find Strauss and talk to him. His home is located in Downtown. After talking with Strauss, the quest will be completed. To complete this task you must go to another location, so it’s better to focus on the main tasks for now, and when you find yourself in Downtown, take on this quest.

The Pain of Being Mercurio

You will receive this quest if, in a conversation with Mercurio, you offered your help. You need to get medicine for a wounded vampire. The best pain reliever is Morphine, which can be found in the hospital.
You can get there through the front or side entrance. If you enter through the main entrance, speak to the charge nurse at the counter. Having a conviction of at least 4, you can lie to her that you are a computer specialist who was called to set up a network on the second floor - the sister will give you the key. Playing for various classes You can use your abilities to convince the nurse to let you through, but you may not be given the key to the second floor, where the medical supplies are stored.

If persuasion fails, wait until the phone rings, and when she is distracted, walk through her. Morphine can be found in the room with sign Dr. Malcolm St. Martin. The door is locked and requires a level 4 hack to open it, but you can use Power of Blood to open the door with any character. There is another way to get into the office; Malcolm's office can also be accessed through the ventilation shaft from the utility room on the second floor. Taking Morphine from the office, take it to Mercurio, this will complete the quest.

Bloody Mess

You will receive this quest from the prince Lacroix by email (after you get the astralite). You need to collect the blood of a werewolf, which a local newspaper sent for analysis to the Santa Monica hospital. A bag of werewolf blood is in a safe on the second floor of the hospital.
Go to the hospital, go up to the second floor. The blood is in the safe" Controlled Substances" The door and safe can be opened via the computer (it's in the room marked " CIS"), to do this, hack the directories “cs door” (password – dosage) and “cs safe” (password – paige).

Take the werewolf blood from the safe and put it in your mailbox. The next time you come home, you'll find $150 from LaCroix in your mailbox. Don't forget to read Lacroix's email, with gratitude for the completed task. The quest will be closed only after reading the letter.

Thinned Blood

This quest can be obtained on the beach by talking to E. Thinblood, from him you will learn about the girl Lily, who made him a vampire, he will ask you to find her. (You can threaten Thinblood and get $50 from him, but the quest will be lost).

You should start your search for a girl at a diner. Surfside Diner. Talk to the saleswoman, she will confirm that the girl was here and will give you the things Lily left behind: photograph, Car keys And receipt guarantor for release on bail in the name of Rolf Toten. You can also just take Lily's things from the back counter. After that you need to find a car. Information about Rolfe Totena is on the computer Arthur Kilpatrick V Bail Bonds. After reading the information on the computer, you find out that the color of his car is red.
The car is parked, its parking space 1E, you can go straight to your car from the cafe without rummaging through your computer. Take Lily's diary from the trunk and read it. From the last entry it becomes clear that you need to look for it at your local blood bank.
The blood bank is located in the basement of the hospital. You can get inside either by persuading Vandal(blood merchant) open the door or break into another door (lock difficulty 3). After going through the first refrigerator, you will find yourself in the place where Lily is. Inside the refrigerator the door is closed combination lock. Code ( 1969 ) can be read on the computer in one of the rooms. Go to freezers menu –> pass-code (password – ambrosia).

Untie Lily and talk to her after the cutscene. Vandal is not happy that you released Lily and refuses to continue selling you blood. There are several ways to restore relations with him:

  • Give a bribe of $100;
  • Intimidate (Intimidate 4);
  • With high Conviction and low Humanity, you can talk about the most brutal murder you have committed;
  • Offer a replacement for Lily, Daniela from the second floor in Asylum(option not available to nosferatu).
  • The Ventrue can also take advantage of dominance.

To complete the quest, visit Lily and Thinblood on the beach.

The Hunted Hunter

The quest is given by a ghoul Knox, V Asylum'e. (When you first meet him near the hospital door, you cannot receive this quest). Its owner, and this is none other than Bertram Tang, instructed Knox to monitor a certain Asian vampire. But for some reason it turned out that it was not Knox who was watching the vampire, but the vampire who was watching him, and this worried Knox very much. Offer to help him, he will give you a driver's license in the name Virgil Crumb(Virgil Crumb) dropped by an Asian vampire. Kilpatrick's computer reveals that Crumb is dead and his body is in the Santa Monica Hospital morgue. Go to the hospital, go down to the basement and go to the laundry room. In the laundry room, move the board covering the hole in the wall and crawl into the adjacent corridor. Crumb's body lies on the table, and his things are in a drawer nearby. Open the box (you will need level 4 vision), inside you will find the keys to Foxy Boxes.

Go to this place and kill the vampire, after which you can return to Nox.

In Search of the Bloodhound / A Bounty For the Hunter

This quest can be obtained from Arthur Kilpatrick at Bail Bonds. He will tell you that his best detective Carson has disappeared and will ask you to find him. After receiving the key to Carson's apartment from Kilpatrick, go there (he lives in the same house as Mercurio). Listen to the message on the recorder, and then hack the computer (password – Imalia). As a result, you will find out that Carson was hunting for a certain McGee and was going to look for him in Devil's Brand Tattoo Parlor This is a tattoo parlor, the key to this building is on the TV.

The tattoo parlor is empty, but when you go down to the basement, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone - Stan Gimble is also looking for McGee, who was supposed to work as a model for him to create prosthetics. Offer yourself to him as a model and go to Gimble's Prosthetics(this is the basement at the end Main Street). Inside, talk to Gimble, he will soon leave to prepare his tools. Don't wait, follow him. Take the blood bag from the refrigerator and go down the stairs until you reach the operating room. Approach the locked cell, Carson will speak to you and ask you to free him. A disgruntled Gimble will immediately appear, armed with a club. After dealing with the maniac, free Carson. Gimble managed to cripple him and Carson is no longer going to work as a detective for Kilpatrick. Tell Kilpatrick at Bail Bonds this news and the quest will be completed. As a reward from Kilpatrick you will receive $201 and, if you still need it, information that Trip sells weapons in his pawn shop.

Jumpin' the Bail

After you find Carson, Arthur Kilpatrick will ask you to find Mike Durbin, who has jumped bail. You should start your search in Durbin’s girlfriend’s apartment (it’s opposite your own apartment). The key to the apartment is hidden behind a flower pot in the hallway.

Go inside and listen to the message on the answering machine. You will learn that Mike has escaped from Santa Monica and is now hiding with his friend Milton in Downtown, Skyline Apartments, apartment 2A. From the shelf near the stove, grab the book Peepin" - A Voyeur`s Field Guide (increases your attribute 1). You can return to Kilpatrick and tell him everything you managed to learn. Having received the reward, you will complete this task and begin a new one - “ Dirty hunt».

Mudd Hunt

This quest will automatically appear in the journal during the quest " On the run» after listening to a message on the answering machine.
IN Downtown go to Skyline Apartments, apt. 2A. You can get into the apartment by taking the elevator to the second floor and opening the lock (difficulty 5) or from the basement through the ventilation shaft. In the apartment, listen to the message on the answering machine, an unknown person talks about meeting with Milton and Durbin in some place opposite the Last Round bar ( The Last Round).
Go to the indicated location, from Last Round, forward along the alley that is opposite the entrance to the bar, and through the white door. Inside you will find a headless corpse impaled on the fittings, the head lies nearby. This corpse was once Milton. The homeless person who lives here will tell you about this, as well as the fact that he was killed by some terrible creature. If you convince the homeless person not to tell anyone about what happened here, you will receive the restoration of the masquerade and another additional experience point. At the top, take the room key to the Luckee Star Motel. This motel is located in Hollywood.
Once in Hollywood, go to the specified address. Mike Durbin will be killed before your eyes, but the killer will get away so quickly that you won't have time to look at him.

But the evidence card will remain Brothers Salvage in Santa Monica.
Mike Durbin is dead and therefore the search for him is over. The quest will be completed, but the quest information will be updated " Carnival of Death»

The Carnival of Death

The quest will appear in the diary after you read the newspaper with an article about bloody murders. Such newspapers can be found in different places (in the hallway of the house where you live, on the second floor Asylum, on the street not far from Kilpatrick’s house, etc.)
The first thing to do is inspect the murder scene on the Santa Monica Pier. Once on the beach, turn left and go up to the pier. Walk down the street to the left until you see police officers huddled around a corpse. The diary entry will be updated - “you examined the crime scene, but did not find anything interesting.” To further advance in the investigation you need to complete the quest " Dirty hunt».
After completing other tasks, go to Brothers Salvage.

Go inside and go to the car junkyard. The killer will throw cars and firebombs at you from time to time - so be careful. After going through the rubble, you will see the killer. Talk to him, if you have a conviction equal to or higher than level 7, you can persuade him to stop killing (you will receive an additional 2 experience points and a Humanity point, but at the same time you will earn a masquerade violation), otherwise you will have to kill him. This completes the quest.

Missing Data

This quest can only be obtained Nosferatu.
After you find the head of Nosferatu in the Hollywood dungeons Gary Golden, check your email. You should receive a letter from Bertram.

Visit him, he will tell you that he is looking for a data disk, which should be somewhere in the Hollywood Nosferatu dungeons. The easiest way to enter dungeons is now through a secret passage in the mausoleum in Hollywood Cemetery. Go through Gary's room to the exit, then almost to the very beginning of this level to the underground pier. There, turn left and walk along the corridor until you see a TV standing on the sofa. The desired disk lies on the floor to the right. Take it and take it to Bertram, as a reward he will increase your hacking skill by one point.

Spiritual Release


Plague in the City of Angels / A Plague For the Angels

The quest is given by the regent of tremors Maximilian Strauss. He is concerned about the plague epidemic among the poor and asks to find out its causes. Maximilian suspects that the anarchies are to blame for the plague and suggests starting the search from the Last Round bar, the residence of the anarchs.

In order to complete this quest, you must first complete the quests “Fun With Pestilence” and “More Fun During the Plague.” As a reward you can choose either money 350$ artifact - Bloodstar(Doubles the duration of Blood Power).

Fun During the Plague / Fun With Pestilence

The quest is given by Damzel in the bar " Last round" The anarchies are also concerned about the epidemic and are looking for its source. Damsel will give two tips:

  1. Talk to the sick ghoul Paul, who lives at Skyline Apartments, apt. 5;
  2. Ask local homeless people.

Choose where to start your search.
Having gone to Paul’s apartment at the indicated address (Skyline Apartments, apt. 5), in the kitchen you will find Paul’s corpse; it seems he will no longer be able to tell anything. Listen to the message on the answering machine, there is a message from his girlfriend who lives in the same building on the sixth floor. She tells Paul that she is not feeling well and asks him to bring her some medicine, she also reminds her door code is 1203. Go up to her on the sixth floor.
You will find the dying Hana in the bedroom on the second floor of the apartment. Tell her that you are a doctor or use class ability for persuasion. You learn that you became infected from your client Jezebel Locke, who lives at the Empire Arms Hotel.
If you failed to convince her, then you can find out the necessary information from her diary lying nearby.
Before leaving, you can clean out the safe ($200), but Hana won’t need the money anyway (the key to the safe is at the front door).
At the Empire Arms Hotel, talk to the clerk at the counter. With a high level of persuasion or intimidation, he will give the key to the Jezbel Lock room. If you were unable to get the key, go to the room behind it and make a magnetic key yourself using a key making machine. After receiving the key, go up to the fifth floor to Jezbel.

After a short conversation, Jezbel Locke will attack you, having won, go to the Last Round to report to Damzel about your successes. Grab a book before you leave Finance Manual. If you first investigated the homeless line and already killed Kanker's brother, Jazbel's corpse will drop a brotherhood pass.

After talking, you will find out that Tin Can Bill has been saying something strange lately. With a high level of persuasion or intimidation, you will receive information for free, otherwise for $20. You will find Bill in the alley opposite the Last Round bar, before one of the homeless people tells you about Bill, the passage there is blocked by a van. Bill will tell you that the monster that bit him disappeared into the sewers in this alley.
Go down this hatch, climb through the sewer, you will eventually find yourself in a large hall where you will meet with a certain Brother Kanker. After a short conversation, kill him. And if you have already dealt with Jezbel Locke, then pick up the brotherhood pass. If Locke is still alive, then go with a report to Damzel (then there will be no brotherhood pass). Get out of the sewer. Turn the lever on the wall opposite the entrance, it will raise the grate. Go there and jump over the rubble on the right. Then follow the tunnel until you see a drain. Dive there, if you dive deeper (key B - swim down, V - up) and look around, you will see a vertical shaft on the ceiling. Climb it, you will find yourself at a crossroads not far from the door you hacked. Opposite the door is a hole leading to the exit to the street.

After killing the first of the plague carriers, report this to Damzel on this quest " Fun during the plague"the quest will end and the quest will begin" Even more fun during the plague».

Even more fun during the plague

This quest is a continuation of the quest " Fun during the plague" To begin with, if you dealt with Jezbel Locke, kill Kanker's brother, if you killed Kanker, then deal with Jezbel. Pick up the brotherhood pass from the corpse of the second plague carrier.
There is a skull on the pass; the same skull is on the wall of the building opposite the Tremor residence, where the residence of the head of the brotherhood is located. Enter the building, show your pass to the person on duty, and he will let you through. On the first floor you can talk to the intimidated girl - you will find out that something bad is happening in the Brotherhood.

Climb higher, a delegation of zombies will greet you there. Through the zombies (and they are endless here, constantly being restored), make your way into the room with a hole in the floor and jump down. On the bottom floor, look for a double door, behind it you will find the head of the fraternity, who calls himself - Bishop Vic. Having dealt with the last of the plague carriers, report this to Damzel and the regent.


If you buy a fire ax from Fat Larry, the next time you visit him, he will offer you a paradise. In a Downtown parking lot, a meeting is about to take place between two local Tonga gangs from Chinatown. And some are willing to pay for the suitcase that one gang is going to give to another. Your task is to go to the parking lot and bring this suitcase to Lari.
If you get to the suitcase and take it without killing anyone, you will receive an additional two experience points.

In order to get to it unnoticed, you need to use a ventilation duct system. Upon entering the parking area, go through the door opposite and climb into the ventilation shaft. Climb from one shaft to another until you reach a suitcase lying on the floor on the fourth underground floor. Having secretly obtained a suitcase, on the way back you can kill all the bandits, you will still receive additional experience.
For such work, Larry will pay you $500 and provide access to “special goods.” If your conviction is high, you can ask Larry for a discount on all future purchases and raise your Finance skill by 1.

Repentance / Confession

After completing the quest " Traffic", Larry will tell his friend the owner of the club Confession– Venus, I need help. With seduction 5 and above, this quest can be obtained in a conversation with Venus, without prior guidance from Lari.
Venus has problems with the Russian mafia; she has nothing to pay this month. Your task will go to a meeting (parking near Empire Arms Hotel) and say that there is no money.

With a high level of persuasion and intimidation, you can convince to give Venus a reprieve. If you play as a Ventrue, you can convince the mafia that the money has already been paid. Well, if you can’t convince or don’t want to, then the trio will have to be killed.
Having solved the problem with payment, return with a report to Venus, this will complete the quest.

Her Name Was Venus

After completing the “Repentance” quest, Venus will offer you, for a share in the business, to solve the mafia problem once and for all by killing its head - Boris and will give the keys to his apartment. Mafia boss lives in Empire Arms Hotel on the sixth floor.
As long as you haven’t attacked anyone or stolen anything (so that they can see it), Boris’s guards don’t pay attention to you, only in front of Boris’s office will his personal bodyguard stop you.

You can persuade him to let you through, but on the condition that you high level beliefs. If you got to Boris with the permission of the bodyguard, you can talk to him and tell him that Venus wants to take over the club. If you can convince him, then you will go over to his side and receive the task of killing Venus. In this case, the quest “ Venocide"(Venicude). You can't complete both of these quests at the same time, so choose which side you're on.
If you remain loyal to Venus, simply kill Boris. After that, search his apartment, you can find a ring there, $200 in his office and the Brawling Manual book (+1 to Brawling). When you finish your work, return to Venus and receive $250 immediately, plus interest on the club's profits. You will need to periodically come to Venus for interest.


The quest is taken in conversation with Boris during the quest " Her name is Venus" Boris offers to work for him and kill Venus.
If you decide to go over to Boris's side, go to the club Confession.

Tell Venus that you want to talk to her face to face, and she will invite you to her office, where you can kill her, for which you will lose your Humanity. (With the death of Venus, the quest And Her Name Was Venus will be failed)
After killing Venus, report this to Boris and receive a reward of $1000.

Attention Whore

This task is given by Skelter (on the second floor of the Last Round bar). You need to deal with the ghoul Patty, who, after the disappearance of her owner, began to cause trouble. Patti is in the club Confession.
There are three ways to solve Patty's problem:

  1. With a conviction of 5 or higher, she can be told that her master Ryan has left for San Diego, she will immediately go after him, and the problem will be solved bloodlessly.
  2. Tell her that you saw Ryan nearby in a dark alley, and there, when no one can see you, kill her. In this case you will lose your Humanity
  3. Available if you have already met Pisha. Send Patty to the abandoned hospital where she will be eaten.

Having somehow gotten rid of Patty's presence, return to the "Last Round" and receive your reward from Skelter.

Necromantic / Necromantic

Enter the abandoned hospital building. Not far from the entrance, you will encounter journalist Milligan from the program “Ghosts of Los Angeles”, shouting that someone is killing members of his film crew.

After listening to Milligan, go into the room on the left and on the monitor you will see someone being killed. Then make your way through the ventilation shaft into the next room, from there you can reach the stairs. Destroy the wall under the stairs, you will find yourself in the next room with a monitor - you will see another murder. Go out into the corridor, go through the double doors into the room (grab a couple of bottles of morphine from the bed), climb through the hole in the wall and go down through the hole to the floor below. In the room on the left along the corridor you can grab another jar of morphine.
Clear the rubble in the middle of the corridor until you can jump over it. Go through the door at the far end of the corridor, you will see another murder. Move further until you come across another dilapidated wall. Climb through the gap, there you will meet a certain creature who will introduce herself to you as Pisha.

It was she who ate the entire film crew and now she needs to finish with Milligan. You need to convince Milligan to come to her.
You can quickly return to the entrance through the ventilation shaft. But Milligan will no longer be on the spot, take his business card from the floor, from which you can find out that he lives at Apartments, apt. 1.
Go to this address, you can get into the apartment through the door by picking the lock of difficulty 4 or from the basement through the ventilation shaft.
Milligan is hiding in the bedroom closet. Convince him that it was a joke from the film crew, that they are all alive and waiting for him in an abandoned hospital. This requires high conviction. After this, return to Pisha, this quest will be completed, and you can get the next one from her.

Mystical Personality / Occultish Personality

Having successfully completed the quest " Necromanity", you will receive a task to find two magical artifacts - Fetish(it can be found in the museum - see the passage of the story quest) and the book Voce del Morte (can be found in Giovanni's mansion - also during the story quest).

For the fetish, Pisha will give you The Odious Chalice - an artifact filled with the blood of the enemies you kill. And Key of Alamut, an artifact that increases all defense (including defense against fire and magical attacks) by 1.

A Dish Best Served Cold

After visiting Hollywood, check your email on your computer. There you will find a letter from Lacroix in which he asks you for a favor. You need to visit a local restaurant critic and convince him to write a bad review of Cavoletti Cafe, which is located in Hollywood.

The cafe is located next to the motel Lucky Star, Tommy Flayton (critic) is standing at a table outside, not far from the entrance. You can convince him to write a bad review with a high level of persuasion, intimidation or ability (minimum level 5). To complete the task, read the letter of gratitude from Lacroix on your computer, the cash reward should appear in your mailbox.

They only die once a night


You Only Die Once A Night

The assignment can be obtained from Romero, which can be found in the Hollywood Cemetery. He will ask you to guard the cemetery for five minutes while he is away.

Your task is to guard the zombies for 5 minutes and prevent them from breaking the gate. There are two gates, one opposite Romeo's gatehouse, and the other where you enter the cemetery.
For completing this quest, Romero will increase your Firearms skill by one point (or give you ammo - if the skill is already at maximum) and allow you to keep the Jamie Sue rifle.

Pimpin" For Romero

This quest can only be obtained if you refused Romero's first request (“ They only die once a night"). Romero will ask you for another favor - to bring him a prostitute.

A prostitute stands outside a motel Lucky Star In order to invite her with you, you need a high level of persuasion. Go to the cemetery, the prostitute will follow you. As a reward for his efforts, Romero can choose to give $100, ammunition, or increase his shooting skill (a female character, but not a nosferatu, does not have to run after a prostitute).

Gargoyle Removal Service

The task is taken from Isaac after you bring him the first tape. To do this, talk to him again and ask him “ what else can you do in the city?" You learn that a gargoyle has settled in the building of the Chinese theater and Isaac wants to get rid of it, or win it over to his side.
To get started, go to Max Strauss in the Tremere Chapel (Downtown). From him you will receive an amulet that protects you from gargoyle attacks, and will also tell you that gargoyles are vulnerable to blunt weapons. Be sure to prepare for battle, and then go to the Chinese Theater.

With level 6 persuasion, a gargoyle can be persuaded to defect to the anarchs, otherwise it will have to be killed.
Having dealt with the gargoyle, return to Isaac, in a conversation with him you can tell him that the gargoyle was made by Strauss. If you tell us, you'll get an extra pair. experience points, but then the entrance to the Tremere chapel will be closed and one of the game endings will become unavailable. By keeping Strauss's secret a secret, you can get $500 from him.
If you are playing as a Tremere, then after completing this quest you can get new housing in the Tremere Chapel. To do this, two conditions must be met:

1) Complete the quest about the plague carriers for Ostrich.

2) Don't talk about the owner of the gargoyle.

Among Hunters / Hunters Hunting

To get this quest, go to the Asp Hole club and go up to the second floor, talk to Ash Rivers there, he needs your help.

You can help in two ways:

  1. With high conviction, you can chat with Ash's double (standing on the first floor) so that he exchanges clothes with his original. After persuading your double, return to Eshu and receive $250 as a reward.
  2. Get Ash out of the club through the sewers. Several hunters will meet you there, kill them. By bringing Ash to the right place, you will receive $500 as a reward.

Hot Stripper Assassin Action

At the Vesuvius club, talk to ViVi, she can be found not far from the bar, if the seduction level is high, she will invite you to go upstairs to her. There she will complain about the hunters and asks you to deal with them, namely Chastity, who is now working in Sin Bin. Having agreed to help ViVi, go to Sin Bin.

The owner of the establishment will tell you that your goal is in one of the booths below. Go down to the basement and break open the door to the manager's office. Hack the computer, go to the peepshow directory (password - sinner). Use the lockdown command to close the booth windows. After that, leave the office and hack the coin change machine standing next to you (you need a high hacking skill), you don’t have to hack the machine, but simply break it with a sledgehammer. Take $150 from the machine and wait, soon the unnecessary witness will go to change change, but will not be able to do this. All the windows are closed, and you can go to the strippers.
There will be another witness here, talk to the girl and ask her to leave or pay her ($200). Having dealt with the witnesses, it is time for the flogging to take care of your goal. After dealing with Chastity, return to ViVi for your reward.

This is the second quest from ViVi, it can be obtained after completing the quest" " Hottest Murder" Talk to Vivi again and ask about David Hutter. She will tell you that he is writing an all too plausible script about vampires, and one of his relatives, breaking the masquerade, gives him information. Your task is to take the script, find and deal with the informant, but at the same time Hutter must not be harmed.

Writer works in a motel Lucky Star, talk to him, if you manage to persuade him, he will give you the script and name the co-author - this Julius Thinblood from the beach in Santa Monica. Go to him, he will immediately confess everything and ask you to let him go. You can kill him or let him disappear from the city; if you let him go, you will receive +1 humanity.
Having dealt with Julius, return to ViVi, she will ask you to tear up the script. This will complete the quest. And if you spoke “correctly” with VV and agreed to tear up the script, you will receive an autographed photo from him. And on the wall in your apartment it will appear poster of ViVi.

A Tagled Web

The quest is taken from Mitnik in the Nosferatu dungeons. You need to help him with the Nosferatu network, go through all four districts of the city and connect four servers. You will receive task details by email. Go to your apartment and read the letter. Afterwards, head to Santa Monica Megahurtz Computing, the key to this building will be in your drawer. The entrance to the building is located in the alley behind the club Asylum.

There is no one here, you need to turn on the electricity and use the computer. You can hack the locked door (hack 8) or go through the open one, and then through the ventilation shaft into the room with the switch.
Turn on the electricity supply - then use the computer in the next room. Run the net security program (password - Gil Bates) and activate the first schrecknet hub. After starting the first server, return to your home to read another letter. Next destination theater Nocturne in Downtown. At this point, in addition to turning on the server, you must turn on the camera (located in the mailbox) in the specified location and at the same time you should not be detected.

You can get to the theater through the sewer. In the theater, immediately go into stealth mode, if the guards notice you, the mission will fail.
Sneak onto the stage, go up the stairs and install a web camera on the beam above the hall in the place marked with a cross. Go down to the stage and sneak into the corridor, at the end of the corridor in one of the rooms there is a computer. Log in to net security (password - Break a Leg) and activate the second schrecknet hub. Sneak out of the theater and return home for the next instructions. Your next goal - Metalhead Industries in Hollywood, the door key is in your mailbox
In Metalhead Industries, first sneak through the door on the right, hack the computer and use the unlock command to open the door at the top. Get out of the room with the computer and go up the stairs. Run net security on your computer (password - Bang Your Head) and activate the third schrecknet hub. Using the same computer, open the safe (password - Turbo Lover), and take the CD from it. After this, get out quietly; if you are discovered, the task will fail.
Finally, head to Kamikazi Zen, which is in Chinatown, instructions in email. This time it is not necessary to sneak; you can break through by force under the guise of robbery. It is necessary not only to connect the network, but also to clean the safe. The key to Kamikazi Zen is in your mailbox.

In Kamikazi Zen, in one of the offices, find a computer that allows you to run power (password - gwailo), and activate the hooligan virus. This virus will cut off the electricity for 10 minutes and open the door to the interior. Go there, in the third room from the exit, look at the information on the computer, find out the code for the door - 4567 . After reading personal notes on the computer in the last room along the corridor (password - elba), you will find out that a certain Larry uses his last name backwards as a password to access the safe, and after reading the signs near the offices, you will find out that the last name of the only one in Larry’s company is Schleppin, thus you will find out the password to access the safe - nippelhcs.
Open the combination lock and go to the server room. Run net security (password – nirvana) and activate the schrecknet hub. Then go to the safe menu (vault, password - nippelhcs) and open it. Take $500 from the safe and return to the exit.
If you didn't make it within 10 minutes and the door has already closed, go to Rob Nesler's office, go to the mitnick menu on the computer, and open the ventilation shaft in the same room. Get out of Kamikazi Zen, this task will be completed.

Citizen model / Model Citizen

The task is given by the former fashion model Imalia in the dungeons of Nosferatu. She hates Townie Sessions, who took her place. You are required to install three web cameras in Tawni's apartment so that Imalia can collect incriminating evidence. Imalia will leave the key and cameras in your mailbox, the cameras will be given out on the spot (if there is no space in the inventory, the cameras will fall to the floor).
Townie lives in the house across from the motel. Lucky Star. You must not be noticed in Tawni's apartment, otherwise the quest will fail.
Cameras must be placed in living room, bathroom And bedroom.

Having placed them, connect to the laptop in the bedroom (password - cleopatra) and activate the cameras. Get out of the house unnoticed and go with a report to Imalia. If you are noticed, you can simply kill Tawni and her friend; in this case, Imalia will not be happy, the reward is less, but the quest will be counted. If you did everything quietly, you will receive two experience points and $400.

Cover Girl

If you are not entirely polite in a conversation with Imalia, she may be offended by you and stop communicating with you. To make peace with her, you will have to bring her a magazine Guy.
The magazine can be purchased at Sin Bin in Hollywood. Talk to the store owner and he will ask for $500 for the magazine, the price can be reduced to 400. After receiving the magazine, return to Imalia and she will forgive you.


Killer Dead End / The Hitman Impasse

The quest can be taken by talking to Ji Wen Ja (fortune teller near the entrance to the Golden Temple) or Liu Fang (can be found in the Red Dragon restaurant after dealing with the Tongs). Any of them will offer you to kill the second one for 10% of the contents of the cache, which they once did not divide among themselves. If you have a high level of persuasion, you can reconcile them, but you will not receive any money at all; in compensation, you will receive 2 more experience points than with a forceful solution.

If you still decide to kill one of them, then after talking with the first, talk to the second, he will offer 20%, then go to the first, etc. Thus, you can bargain for up to 80% of the contents of the cache as a reward. Having decided on your reward, kill one of the old men, the quest will be completed.

Fish in troubled waters / Gone Fishin

Having visited Ramen's Shop You can meet the girl Yuki. (If you have taken but not yet completed the quest “Hell in Your Eyes”, Ramen's Shop is locked and Yuki is not inside.) Having offered her her help, she will not refuse and will direct you to several places where you need to talk with demons.
Go to the Golden Temple and talk about Hengiekai with Ming Zhao, she will point to another demon that can be found in the Red Dragon restaurant. Go to this establishment and talk to the guy at the table there, he will introduce himself as Ziegena's business partner. From him you will learn that Siegen's location is a fish warehouse Golden Ocean.

After that, return to Yuki and tell him everything, and then go to the warehouse. Having teamed up with Yuki, go inside and kill the demon, after his death Yuki will thank you, this will complete the quest.

Hell in your eyes / Eye Gouge Hell

This quest is given by the owner White Cloud Gifts Mr. Ox, after you return from the Fu syndicate. After listening to the story about a thief named Lin, receive tasks to bring Lin's eyes.

Lin's corpse is in the freezer in Ramen's Shop, It’s best to enter not through the front door, there are locks of difficulty 8 and 10 waiting for you, but through the back door. Take your eyes off the troupe and return to Mr. Ox.

Bad Luck Farmer

After completing the Sower of Misfortune quest, Mr. Ox will offer you the next task. You need to plant a talisman of misfortune in the locker of one of the massage parlor visitors Lotus Blossom.
In Lotus Blossom, go downstairs to the locker room and put the talisman in the locker marked with a black circle.

When you do this, the owner of the locker will appear and will be very unhappy that you are rummaging through his things. Some classes can make him leave or charm him. Everyone else has no choice but to kill him. One way or another, having dealt with the owner of the locker, return to Ox and take your reward.

After watching the introductory video, we find ourselves in a “training” location, where the homeless-looking vampire Jack will be waiting for you. I strongly advise you not to abandon the training and complete it in full (i.e., choose the first answer option) - otherwise you will not receive 2 experience points and master keys. Otherwise, the training mission is not difficult at all, just read the prompts that appear, listen to Jack's instructions and look in the diary. After finishing your training, Jack will take you to Santa Monica.
We wake up in a tattered bedbug infestation, which will soon become our apartment. First of all, we go to the table, there we read the note left by Mercurio, Prince Lacroix’s agent in Santa Monica, and go into the computer (password “sunrise”). You read the emails and find out that Mercurio lives at 24 Main Street, apt. 4, you need to visit him.
Don’t forget to also read the card on the table with a riddle from the head of the local Tremere Strauss (the quest will appear in the diary The Regent's Riddle) and take 100 bucks from the desk drawer, which the caring Mercurio left you.
Before leaving, look in the toilet (there is a bottle of pills on the shelf, there is a regular clock on the floor behind the toilet) and in the refrigerator (three bags of blood).
Go out into the corridor, you don’t have to go into other apartments for now - you will still get there by completing other quests. In the corridor, read the newspaper lying on the floor with an article about a terrible murder, this starts the quest Carnival of Death
When you go outside, you will see a scripted video in which a beaten man, coughing up blood, crawls into a neighboring house. This is Mercurio, follow him.
On the way, you may notice that on the lawn near Mercurio’s house there is a decently dressed man standing - alone at night in a gangster area! He's just asking for trouble. With Intimidation 3, you can threaten to knock out of him first 20 bucks, and then a watch and another 100, with Persuasion 4 he will donate twenty voluntarily, with Seduction 4 (regardless of the gender of your character) he will agree to take a walk to the nearest dark corner, where they can have a good time refresh yourself. The Malkavians will not be able to use Persuasion - the man is clearly not inclined to trust unfamiliar individuals with gadgets.
After talking with Mercurio, you will learn that he was beaten and abandoned by local bandits when he tried to buy explosives - astrolite. Mercurio will ask you to take the money and explosives.
If you question Mercurio sympathetically, you will learn that he needs a strong painkiller. If you agree to help, a quest will appear in your diary The Pain of Being Mercurio
When you leave Mercurio's, turn right and go into the parking lot, then follow the Beach Access signs through the parking lot to the beach.
On the beach, a strange prophetess girl named Rose will run up to you and tell you that you need to go to the right and up (and she won’t lie). After talking with her longer, you will hear some vague advice and predictions of your fate.
Besides Rose, there are several other gloomy vampires hanging out on the beach. The shirtless guy is E. If you talk to him without pushing him, he will tell you that they are all Thin Bloods here, but he himself doesn’t really know what Thin Blood means. If you promise to help him find out, the quest will start Thin Blood. If you threaten E. in a conversation, you can squeeze 50 out of him, but you won’t receive the quest.
You can talk to the other two types. One of them is convinced that there is a certain Supreme Vampire, and if you kill him, you can become human again. If you don’t dissuade him, then with Persuasion 3 or more you can say that only the Sacred Stake will kill the Supreme Vampire. You can also convince the faint-hearted that you can be cured of vampirism by a unicorn blood transfusion (also Persuasion 3. A stake (an ordinary sharpened stick) is lying here, not far from the rise to the pier. Pick it up and sell it to the fool for 100 (with Intimidate 3 the stake can be driven for 200 You can also sell him up to three regular bags of blood, each for 120. Keep in mind that after receiving the stake, the guy will immediately run to kill the Supreme Vampire, so he needs to sell the blood before the stake.
Following Rosa's instructions, go up the stairs (the one fenced with wire mesh), and the location with the bandits' hut will load.
There is a guard at the entrance to the courtyard of the house. You can kill him, you can sneak into the yard through a hole in the fence, or you can persuade him to let you in - for this you need Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction =3. If you are playing as a Ventrue or Malkavian, you can use domination/dementation (select the red line in the dialogue) to order the guard to let you through.
In the house in the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grill, behind it is $250 (this is Mercurio's money).
Then you can either kill everyone in the house (if you haven’t already done so), take the astrolite and leave, or, without touching anyone (yet;), talk to Dennis (a black man in a white coat) - you will hear one of the best dialogues in the game. If you are rude in conversation or mention Mercurio, the bandits will be offended and attack. With Persuasion 4, you can convince a black man to give you the astrolite “on parole”; with Persuasion 3 (or using domination/dementation) he will agree to sell the astrolite (if Haggle=3, then for 300, otherwise for 500 bucks). If you play as a female character, then with Seduction 3 you can pay... hmmm... not with money :)
You can also grab a car radio in the kitchen, but keep in mind that if the bandits are still alive, they will be offended and attack.
Having received the astrolite in one way or another, return to Mercurio with a report. If you give him the money you found, you will receive an additional experience point.
Mercurio will tell you that now you need to blow up a warehouse belonging to Sabbat vampires. But there is a small problem, the only person... or rather, a vampire who can lead you to the warehouse is Bertram Tang. And he is now hiding because he had a big fight with Teresa Voeman, the owner of the Asylum club.
As soon as you enter the Asylum, Jeanette, Teresa's sister, will speak to you. After chatting with her, go to the bartender and tell him that you came to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Go up to the second floor, pick up a gold ring from the floor in the corridor, you can, if you haven’t already done so, read the newspaper to start the quest Carnival of Death
As you approach the door, you will hear Jeanette and Teresa quarreling. When the sisters finish sorting things out, you can open the door and enter (there are enchanted doors there, or what? :)
Talk to Teresa about Bertram Tang. She will agree to end the war - naturally, in exchange for a favor. The Ocean House Hotel she owns is haunted. You need to bring some thing that belongs to the ghosts so that Teresa can drive them out.
Teresa gives you the key and pleases you with the message that at night the Ocean House can only be accessed through the sewers.
We go out into the street, go down into the sewer hatch, open the door near Access Point A and climb out.
Go to the watchman's house in the far corner, take the key hanging on the wall. Then go into the hotel and start getting scared carefully. One of the ghosts living in the hotel has an extremely nasty character and poltergeist abilities. He will constantly throw objects at you and do nasty things.
Start climbing the stairs, it will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room where one of the walls can be broken through (if you approach the wall, the corresponding action icon will appear). In the next room, read the newspaper, after which the washing machine will start loudly in the laundry room. Follow the noise and get the key to the boiler room from the washing machine. Go to the boiler room (the door to the boiler room is illuminated with a red light - it’s difficult to confuse it), in the far corner of the boiler room, press the button that turns on the electricity supply.
You can go back to the elevator - it is now working, go up to the second floor. Go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go in the opposite direction and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. There, climb into the mini-elevator for dishes and go downstairs to the kitchen. Read the diary lying there, this will start the quest Spiritual Release. After reading the diary, you will hear a woman's voice warning, “He's coming,” and soon dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will collapse. Go there and climb into the ventilation pipe. Before exiting the pipe, a female voice will warn you, “Be careful.” Jump onto the stairs and climb to the third floor. If you are not careful enough and delay, the falling elevator will crush you.
Go right, in the room (first door on the left) take the Weekapaug Thistle (increases defense by 1). Then you can return and go to the left corridor from the elevator. Immediately after the second elevator, enter the room and climb through the hole in the ceiling to the next floor. Avoid touching the ghostly fire, crawl under the broken steam pipes until you reach the room at the end of the corridor. When you enter it, the burnt room will suddenly turn into a whole, clean and bright one (the only time in the game when you will see something like daylight :). Take the pendant from the table in the far corner of the room, the room will return to its previous state.
Return to the elevator shaft and go down to the second floor, from there you can jump over the railing to the first and leave the hotel.
Go to Asylum, but instead of Teresa, Jeanette is waiting for you there. She will ask in a plaintive voice to give the pendant to her, if you give it away - a quest Spiritual Release will fail. If you give the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future.
In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - go to Gallery Noir, cut up the paintings with a knife and steal money donated to charity from the cash register. She gives you a knife to complete the task. If you agree, the quest will begin Slashterpiece.
Regardless of whether you agreed or not, go outside and go to Gallery Noir (it's opposite Mercurio's house).
If you refused to cut the carinas, there will be a couple of police cars parked outside the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.
If you agree to cut the paintings, go to the side door of the gallery. On the way you will be waylaid by a fat policeman - Officer Chunk. During Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you pass. The Malkavians can use Dementation to force Chunk to give the key to the side door. Ventrue using Domination to open the main entrance. You can not contact Chunk at all, go behind his back to the parking lot, break down the fence beam (if you don’t have enough strength, cast Blood Buff) and crawl through the hole.
The complexity of the side door lock is 1, so even a paralyzed old lady will not have problems with breaking in
In the gallery, pick up a knife and start your dirty work. The paintings should be cut in chronological order: Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith. After this, jets of blood will begin to flow from the paintings, from which a Blood Guardian will rise in the center of the hall. Kill him, take 250 from the cash register and go outside.
Return to Asylum, Teresa is now waiting for you there. If you anger her by giving Jeanette's pendant or cutting up the paintings in the gallery, she will demand another favor. You need to go to the Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa doesn't hold a grudge against her.
Diner - directly opposite the club, go inside and go to the telephones at the far end of the room. When you approach, bandits will start shooting at you. When you're done with them, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone, you will hear Jeanette's voice saying that Teresa hired the bandits to kill you; Jeanette herself is now locked in the bathroom because Teresa is threatening her with a gun.
Return to Asylum to the cheerful sisters, they are quarreling as always. This time you not only hear them, but also see them - it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. You can support Teresa in the conversation, then she will kill Jeanette’s personality; or support Jeanette to kill Teresa. With Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, this gives an additional experience point. Either way, you finally learn that Bertram Tang is hiding in an empty fuel tank at Sunco Gasoline.
Go there, talk to Bertram, he will be able to immediately take you to the Sabbat warehouse. If you are not going to complete the mission secretly, I advise you to first stock up on weapons and blood packs - there will be a lot of enemies in the warehouse, albeit mostly people.
Once you get to the warehouse and kill (or sneak past) the first bandit, go to the next room. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go out into the street (through the back door or through the hole in the wall), you can eat some food from the homeless man standing there, then go back, behind the house you can find shotgun shells.
Then take out or sneak past the two bandits who are staggering between the carriages. Hack the door of one of the cars (you need lockpicking 4, if yours is lower, use Blood Buff), there you will find more cartridges for the revolver. Behind this carriage, a couple of bandits are playing cards, do with them as you wish. In the next building, going up the stairs you can find some more shotgun shells. From there you can get into the fenced yard and get your hands on more cartridges.
Go through the narrow passage behind the building, there is a single sentry guarding the door, break it open. You will find yourself behind several bandits guarding the stairs to the top. You can kill them all, you can sneak past them, or you can sneak onto the landing, press the lever and drop a heavy container on them. Go to the second office, plant explosives in the table and run to the exit of the location (you will have 3 minutes to do this). Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two ghouls.
When you get to the place where the homeless man was standing, a scripted video will start and Beckett will run up to you. After talking with him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank.
Now it's time to go report to Lacroix in Downtown. You can get to Downtown by taxi; it will be waiting for you on Second Street, not far from the entrance to Asylum. If you play as Nosferatu, then you should move between areas of the city not by taxi, but through the sewers, using the map of Los Angeles hanging on the wall (not to be confused with the map of the city area).

Side quests

The Pain of Being Mercurio (How painful it is to be Mercurio)

After agreeing to get painkillers for Mercurio, go to the hospital. At the main entrance, a guy (actually he’s a ghoul) named Nox will talk to you, I advise you to ask him about who ghouls are and how they are created.
You can enter the hospital through the front entrance or (if you don’t want to attract too much attention) through the side entrance.
If you enter through the main entrance, talk to the nurse on duty at the counter. With Persuasion 4, you can lie to her that you are a computer specialist who was called to set up a network on the second floor - the sister will give you the key. When playing as a Malkavian, the key can be obtained by using dementation. With Persuasion 3 (or with the help of domination, if you play as a Ventrue), you can say that you came to visit a sick friend, and your sister will let you in, but will not give you the key to the second floor. If your Persuasion skill is not high enough, you will have to wait until the phone rings and the sister will move to the far end of the counter. While she doesn't see, sneak further down the corridor unnoticed.
Go through the first door - there is a bloody girl lying on a gurney. If you already know who ghouls are and how they are created, you can feed her your blood. Get +1 to Humanity and the opportunity to meet this girl in the future (don't worry, she will find you herself).
Further along the corridor you will see a door with a sign Dr. Malcolm St. Martin, you should go there. To break the door, you need the Lockpick=4 skill, if not enough, use Blood Buff. If you are not looking for easy ways (or your moral principles do not allow you to pick locks), you can get a key to the door. To do this, go up to the second floor, there is a guard hanging around. You can simply kill him, you can talk him out (you need Persuasion 3, Intimidate 4 or Domination\Dementation, if you play as a female character, Seduction 3 will also work.
Go to the Security room, take the key to the Maintenance room, go to the utility room. There, climb into the ventilation shaft, crawl to the right and down, go down into the room, on the table is the key to Malcolm’s office.
One way or another, you ended up in Malcolm's office. Take three bottles of morphine from the table. I advise you to read the doctor’s email (password – panacea), you will find out that he is dating several girls at the same time. Thanks to this information, you can squeeze $75 out of the doctor (he is nursing a patient in one of the rooms on the way out), the doctor will put the money in your mailbox. With Intimidation 3, you can squeeze $150 out of Malcolm.
Then go to Mercurio and give him the morphine - the poor guy has already suffered.

Bloody Mess

You will receive this quest from Prince Lacroix by email (don't forget to check your email regularly). You need to steal the blood of a werewolf, which a local newspaper gave for analysis to the Santa Monica hospital. Go to the hospital, go up to the second floor (for information on what and how to do in the hospital, see below). The Pain of Being Mercurio. The blood is in the "Controlled Substances" safe. The door and the safe can be opened through the computer (it is in the room marked "CIS"), to do this, hack the directories "cs door" (password - dosage) and "cs safe" (password - paige). Take the werewolf blood from the safe and put it in your mailbox. The next time you come home, you'll find $150 from LaCroix in your mailbox. Don't forget to read Lacroix's email, in which he thanks you for the completed task. The quest will be closed only after reading the letter.

Thinned Blood

After talking with E. on the beach, you will learn about his girlfriend Lily, whom he met at the Surfside Diner. Go there and talk to the old lady at the cash register. During Persuasion or Intimidation 2, you can pretend to be a health inspector and receive a bribe of $50. When you talk about Lily, the saleswoman will tell you that a strange pale girl really was here, and will even hand you Lily's things so that you can return them to her. You can steal Lily's things from the back counter without any further discussion.
Lily's belongings include a photograph, car keys and a bail bondsman's receipt in the name of Rolf Toten. Go to your local Bail Bonds, Arthur Kilpatrick. He himself knows nothing about Lily, but he can give you a quest A Bounty For the Hunter . After talking with Arthur, go into the computer and look at the information on Rolf Toten (s-z, toten, r). You find out that he owns a red car. It is logical that you need to look for it in the parking lot - it is located in parking space 1E. Open the trunk, take and read Lily's diary. The latest entry is that she is going to rob the local blood bank.
Go to the hospital, the blood bank is in the basement (the easiest way to go is through the side door). You can talk to Vandal (a guy selling blood... or is it such a scary woman?), with Persuasion 3 you can persuade him (her?) to open the door. Or you can simply break into another door (lock difficulty 3) and move on. In one of the rooms there is a computer, go to the freezers menu - pass-code> (password - ambrosia), you will find out that the code for the electronic lock of the refrigerator is 1969. The code can also be found out from the guy who hangs out in the room next door (Persuasion 6 is required , Intimidation 5, female character can use Seduction 6).
Go to the refrigerators, enter the code, go downstairs. Untie Lily, after she has refreshed herself with the doctor who has entered, ask her about the Thin Bloods. Also say that E. will be glad to see her.
On the way back you will be met by a wildly dissatisfied Vandal. It is advisable to make peace with him - otherwise you will not be able to buy blood. There are several ways to make peace. You can just pay $100. With Persuasion 3 and low Humanity, you can talk about the most brutal murder you committed - this will settle the matter. You can simply intimidate (Intimidate 4), and the Malkavians can use dementation. Well, the most sadistic option - you can offer to bring someone in Lily’s place (this option is not available for Nosferatu). A suitable candidate is Danielle, who hangs out in the Asylum on the second floor (if you go up the stairs). At Persuasion 3, she can be lured to the blood bank, but you will lose a Humanity point.
One way or another, having established relations with Vandal, go to E. to turn in the quest and gain legally earned experience.

The Hunted Hunter

When you walk past the hospital for the first time, the ghoul Nox will speak to you. He won’t give you the quest right away, but talk to him later in Asylum. It turns out that he is carrying out the task of his master (Bertram Tang) - keeping an eye on the Asian vampire. Or rather, he should be watching the Asian vampire, but for some reason it turns out that this vampire is watching him. Offer to help him, he will give you a driver's license in the name of Virgil Crumb, which the Asian vampire dropped. No, the rights clearly do not belong to the vampire, but this is the only clue.
Go to Bail Bonds (you can talk to Arthur Kilpatrick there to get another quest - A Bounty For the Hunter), look on your computer for information on Virgil Crumb (a-f, crumb, v). You learn that he recently died, and his corpse is in the morgue of the Santa Monica hospital. Go to the hospital, go down to the basement, go to the laundry room. (For information on how to get to the hospital and open the doors on the basement floor, see the passage of quests The Pain of Being Mercurio And Thin Blood). In the laundry room, move the board covering the hole in the wall and crawl into the adjacent corridor.
Dig into the computer (password - Cowbell) to find out that Crumb's things are in storage B. Now go to the morgue, Crumb's body lies on the table, next to it is a box. Open it (you will need lockpicking 4), inside you will find the keys to Foxy Boxes. Go there. When you enter the warehouse, that same Asian vampire will appear, according to all the rules of oriental politeness, bow to you and get into a fight. After killing the Asian, return and please Knox.
In addition, you can find out from Knox that Trip sells weapons in his pawn shop.

The Regent's Riddle (Regent's Riddle)

This quest will appear in your diary when you read a card with a riddle in your apartment in Santa Monica:
Dark blood, our curse, a light this universe
Such power I sense in one so young
Come find me where burns the mystical sun.

(Dark is our blood, white is this verse
I feel strength in those who are young
You will find me in the house under the mystical sun)

The indicated house is located in Downtown, next to the Hallowbrook Hotel, the mystical sun is also there - you just need to look up. Go inside, forward along the corridor, then to the right. In the small library, take the book “Thaumaturgical Creatures” from the table and read about gargoyles - you will need it later. Then go further until you reach a room where Maximilian Strauss is standing by the fireplace. Talk to him, quest The Regent's Riddle this ends successfully. Be sure to ask Strauss about the plague, he will ask you to find its causes - the quest will begin A Plague For the Angels.

A Bounty For the Hunter

This quest can be obtained by talking to Arthur Kilpatrick at Bail Bonds. He will tell you that his best detective Carson has disappeared and will ask you to find him. After receiving the key to Carson's apartment from Kilpatrick, go there (he lives in the same house as Mercurio). Listen to the message on the recorder, rummage through the computer (password - Imalia), you will find out that Carson was hunting for a certain McGee and was going to look for him in Devil's Brand Tattoo Parlor. The key to the tattoo parlor is on the TV. Pick up a silver ring from the floor by the table, take $25 from the table and go to the tattoo parlor.
There is no one in the salon, but when you go down to the basement, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone - prosthetist Stan Gimble is also looking for McGee, who was supposed to work as a model for him to create prosthetics. Agree to replace McGee and go to Gimble's Prosthetics (it's in the basement at the end of Main Street). Talk to Gimble over the intercom, he will open the door.
Inside, talk to Gimble, he will soon leave to prepare his tools. Don't wait, follow him. Take the blood bag from the refrigerator and go down the stairs until you reach the operating room (if this nightmare can be called that). Approach the locked cell, Carson will speak to you and ask you to free him. As soon as you try to do this, Gimble will run in and attack you. Kill this maniac, free Carson and talk to him. It turns out that he is no longer going to work for Kilpatrick. Return to Bail Bonds, report to Kilpatrick and receive $201.
Left without a detective, Kilpatrick will offer one more job - to find Mike “Muddy” Durbin, who has escaped bail. This is how the quest begins Jumpin' the Bail.
In addition, Kilpatrick can tell you that in Santa Monica you can buy guns at Trip's Pawnshop.

Jumpin" the Bail

After you find Carson, Arthur Kilpatrick from Bail Bonds will ask you to find Mike Durbin, who has jumped bail. You need to start looking in Durbin’s girlfriend’s apartment (it’s opposite your own). The key to the apartment is hidden behind a flower pot in the hallway. Go inside and listen to the message on the answering machine. You learn that Mike has escaped from Santa Monica and is now staying with his friend Milton in Downtown, Skyline Apartments, apartment 2A. From the shelf near the stove, grab the book Peepin" - A Voyeur`s Field Guide (increases sneaking by 1). You can return to Kilpatrick and please him with the news that Durbin left Santa Monica. Get $150, quest Jumpin' the Bail this is where it ends, but it begins Mudd Hunt.

Mudd Hunt

This quest will automatically appear in the log while completing the quest Jumpin' the Bail after listening to a message on the answering machine.
Once in Downtown (with the help of a taxi that appears next to Asylum after the warehouse explosion), go to Skyline Apartments, apt. 2A. You can take the elevator to the second floor and break open the front door (you will need lockpicking 5), or go down to the basement and crawl through the ventilation shaft. Listen to the message on the answering machine - an unknown person says that he will meet Milton and Durbin at some place opposite The Last Round bar. Take a couple of car receivers from the table, go upstairs - there you will find the book Kendo For Advanced Students (+1 to Melee).
Go to the Last Round bar, go forward along the alley that starts opposite the entrance to the bar, and go through the white door. Inside there is a lovely sight - a headless corpse impaled on the fittings, the head lying nearby (by the way, try throwing it into a basketball basket). There is a frightened homeless man trembling here - ask him. You find out that the corpse is Milton, and some terrible creature killed him, screaming something about revenge. With Persuasion or Intimidation 5, you can convince the homeless person not to tell anyone else about what he saw (get Masquerade Redemption and an additional experience point).
Use the boxes to go up to the second floor and pick up the key to the room in the Luckee Star Motel (this is in Hollywood).
When you get to Hollywood, go to the hotel, walk through the courtyard and go upstairs. The key will go to number six. Mike Durbin will be killed literally before your eyes, but you won't have time to see the killer. The only piece of evidence in the room is a Brothers Salvage card in Santa Monica.
This is the quest Mudd Hunt will end, but the quest will be updated in the journal Carnival of Death

The Carnival of Death

The quest will appear in your diary after you read a newspaper with an article about bloody murders (one is lying in the corridor of your house, the other is in Asylum). The first thing to do is inspect the murder scene on the Santa Monica Pier. Once on the beach, turn left and go up to the pier. Walk down the street to the left until you see police officers huddled around a bloody stain (unfortunately, they will be fenced off from you by wire mesh). The diary entry will be updated - you examined the crime scene, but did not find anything interesting. To solve the murders, you will need to visit Downtown and Hollywood and complete quests A Bounty For the Hunter, Jumpin' the Bail And Mudd Hunt
Found during the quest Mudd Hunt Brothers Salvage card in Santa Monica, go there. Go inside and go to the car junkyard. The killer will throw cars and firebombs at you from time to time - so be careful. After passing through the rubble of scrap, you will finally see the killer. Talk to him, at Persuasion 7 you can persuade him to stop killing (you will get an additional 2 experience points and a Humanity point, but you will also earn a masquerade violation), otherwise you will have to kill him. This is the quest The Carnival of Death completed.

Missing Data

This quest can only be obtained by Nosferatu.
After you find Gary Golden's head of Nosferatu in the Hollywood underground, check your email. You should receive a letter from Bertram Tang (the one who hangs out in an empty tank in Santa Monica). Visit him, he will tell you that he is looking for a data disk, which should be somewhere in the Hollywood Nosferatu dungeons.
The easiest way to enter dungeons is now through a secret passage in the mausoleum in Hollywood Cemetery. Go through Gary's room to the exit, then almost to the very beginning of this level to the underground pier. There, turn left and walk along the corridor until you see a TV standing on the sofa. The desired disk lies on the floor to the right.
Take the disk to Bertram, to celebrate, he can increase your Computer Knowledge skill by one point.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is another game dedicated to the children of the night. The action takes place in modern Hollywood, where the hero, who has become a vampire, finds himself drawn into the story of the search for a powerful artifact. The gender of the hero is determined when he is created

Gambling addiction

Guides and walkthroughs

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is another game dedicated to the children of the night. The action takes place in modern Hollywood, where the hero, who has become a vampire, finds himself drawn into the story of the search for a powerful artifact. The gender of the hero is determined when he is created. Naturally, I played as a girl who, by default, received the wonderful name Klopil (quite appropriate for a vampire).

It’s not clear to me how I got involved in this story. After all, my mother told me: “Don’t hang out with just anyone in the bar.” In general, today’s guy was little different from yesterday or the day before, maybe only there was something wild in his eyes, some red sparkles. But for a one-night stand, he seemed quite good... until we were alone in the room and he suddenly sank his teeth into my neck. There was blood - horror! Thinking “mom was right,” I passed out.

I don’t know what this bastard did, but when I came to my senses, it broke me in a terrible way. When I finally stopped shaking and almost managed to gather my eyes into a bunch, the door flew out with a roar. A group of people burst into the room with aspen stakes in their hands, and we were dragged somewhere. As a result, this biting idiot and I ended up kneeling on the stage in a large hall. And there were vampires around. Maybe it's just a nightmare? And will I wake up now? Oh, that's unlikely. There are no such dreams - crap! - the head of my toothy friend flew away, and his body immediately turned to dust.

After the execution was over, the guy called the Prince said that since he left me alive, he was responsible for me. But I have to prove my usefulness. Why go to Santa Monica and look for some Mercurio there.

I'll try, there's no other way out. My first life couldn’t be called particularly successful. Maybe the second one will turn out better?

List of control keys

W up arrow- forward

S down arrow- back

Right arrow- turn right

Left arrow- turn left

Space (space)- jump

Ctrl- duck to hide

B- swim up

V- swim down

Left mouse button, Enter- primary attack

Tab- change the type of attack

R- weapon reloading

Right mouse button- use vampire abilities

Mouse wheel- choice of vampire ability

F8- cancellation of current ability

E- perform an action, use. When approaching an object, a round icon with an image appears at the bottom of the screen, showing what you can do - open the door, pick up an item, etc.

F1- melee weapons

F2- weapon

F3- armor

I- hero's luggage

\ - last used weapon

Backspace- throw an object

K- hotkey menu

F- eat or bite, whichever you prefer

C- character screen

H- hide the weapon (holster)

L- list of tasks (Quest Log)

Z- switch to third person view

; - mouse lock

F9- quick save game

Home- viewing dialogues

PgDn, PgUp- scrolling the list of dialogs

Esc- menu

Cheat codes for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Here is an incomplete (the full one is obscenely long) list of cheat codes for the game.

Launch the game with the parameter -console. Click ~ to show the console window. Now you can enter codes:

impulse 101- get maximum weapons, items and 1000 coins in addition;

giftxp N - get N experience points;

god- God 'mode;

give item_w_- get a weapon (selected from the list);

give item_a_- get armor (also a choice from the list);

give item_g_bloodpack- receive a pack of blood;

give item_g_bluebloodpack- get a pack of blue blood;

notarget- enemies stop seeing you;

freecasting- the use of special abilities does not require blood;

revive- restore health;

totals- show information about the level.

Guide for a successful life

Vampire Characteristics

There are no role-playing games without characteristics. In Vampire: Bloodlines, characteristics are divided into primary (actual characteristics and abilities) and secondary (skills). Primary ones increase with training; experience points are spent on this, and the further you go, the more of these points you need.

So, to increase the main primary characteristics (physical, social, mental abilities) from 1 to 2, you need to spend 4 experience points, and from 2 to 3 - already 8.

The same goes for additional primary characteristics (combat skills and special knowledge, although the countdown starts from 3 points) and abilities (they are even more difficult to train: 5 points to move from level 1 to 2 and already 10 from level 2 to level 3).

It turns out that it is more profitable, as in many other RPGs, to create an “uneven” hero with well-leveled basic characteristics and minimal others, since it will be easier to improve them.

Experience points are distributed on the character screen, and, admittedly, this is done very conveniently. If you move the mouse pointer over a characteristic, the skills that depend on it will be highlighted in yellow. If, on the contrary, you move the mouse over a skill, the characteristics that affect it will light up. At the bottom right, the number of experience points required to increase the selected characteristic by one is displayed. But even with such a convenient interface, it is useful to have a quick reference before your eyes. So let's get started.

Primary characteristics

Physical Attributes

Agility(Dexterity) - determines the speed of movement, needed to pick locks (Lockpicking) and hide (Sneaking).

Endurance(Stamina) - the degree of resistance to damage, but only to damage from bullets and blunt weapons (fists, police batons, and so on).

(Strength) - the damage you inflict on the enemy in melee (both with and without weapons) depends on it.

Social Skills

Charm(Charisma) - important for the ability to persuade an interlocutor (affects Persuasion).

Manipulation(Manipulation) - helps with trading (Haggling).

Appearance(Appearance) - reflects the physical attractiveness of the character and affects the success of seduction (Seduction).

Mental Attributes

Mind(Intelligence) - the higher the intelligence, the easier it is to learn, remember, and also intimidate others (Research and Intimidate skills, respectively).

Perception(Perception) - the ability to notice the necessary details when examining an area, necessary for ranged(Ranged Combat) and attentiveness (Inspection).

Quick wit(Wits) - clarity and clarity of thought. The ability to hack computers (Hacking) and, which is also true, defense in battle (Defense) depend on it.

Other skills (Talents)

Fight(Brawl) - just a bare-handed fight, needed for the Unarmed Combat skill.

Evasion(Dodge) - the ability to evade blows in battle, increases Defense.

Intimidation(Intimidation) - the ability to force others to do what you need.

Mysteriousness(Subrefuge) - the ability to hide one's own motives of behavior and understand others. It is necessary primarily for seduction.

Combat Skills

Shooting(Firearms) - also affects shooting accuracy, and the damage caused upon impact.

Melee(Melee) - combat with edged weapons (knives, swords).

Security systems(Security) - ability to understand security systems. First of all, it is necessary for lockpicking.

Stealth(Stealth) - like agility, it is necessary for the ability to hide (Sneaking).

Special knowledge (Knowledges)

Computer science(Computer) - needed for hacking computers (Hacking).

Economic Education(Finance) - the ability to competently evaluate the market. Needed for the ability to bargain (Haggle).

Intelligence service(Investigation) - the ability to study the situation, affects attentiveness (Inspection).

General education(Scholarship) - it turns out that it is also necessary. It affects the ability to research (Research) and persuade (Persuasion).

Special Features

Humanity(Humanity). In this game, it is rather not “humanism”, but “the ability for socially adaptive behavior.” Inhuman monsters fall into madness and lose control of their actions, attacking everyone in sight. As a result, they become victims of human vampire hunters or law-abiding vampires.

Humanity falls if you kill an innocent person. It can be restored, but this will require spending precious experience points. The normal level of humanity is seven points out of ten.

Masquerade(Masquerade). Living among humans, vampires are forced to hide their true nature in order to avoid persecution and destruction. Masquerade is a code of rules that the children of the night must follow. For example, it is not recommended to attack the victim in crowded places. For more details, see below - in the section "Additionally".

If you break the rules more than five times (initially you have five disguise units - five masks), then the game will end.


Vampires have many supernatural abilities, there are as many as 11 of them. Abilities can be trained by improving from 1 to 5 levels. At each level, the vampire gets the opportunity to do something useful (for himself, of course; for others, this “something” is often very harmful). Of course, all this comes at a cost in blood (Bloodpoints). The only good thing is that it’s not yours.

However, each clan only has three abilities. Therefore, before creating a character, please read this chapter CAREFULLY. In my opinion, be sure to take either Dementation or Domination, the rest is up to your taste. Celerity and Auspex are not really needed. Animalism is perhaps too exotic for real use in combat. But this is in my opinion, and you can play completely differently.

Let's list the “utilities” for all abilities so that you can make an informed decision about which one to train first.

Animalism- summoning ghostly creatures.

Level 1: A flock of crows appears and completely distracts the enemy's attention. The problem is that at your first hostile action the flock will fly away and the effect will end. Price - 1 spoon of blood (Bloodpoint).

Level 2: The enemy is attacked by a Burrowing Beetle. But this woodborer prefers to gnaw on the bones of living people. Price - 1 spoon of blood.

Level 3: A Spectral Wolf appears, attacks the enemy, and then returns to the spirit world. Price - 2 spoons of blood.

Level 4: refueling tankers. A flock of bats not only sucks blood from the enemy, but also gives it to its owner. This miracle of nature is called Bloodsucker's communion, it costs the same 2 tablespoons of blood.

Level 5: Pestilence. A flock of midges attacks the enemy. Some are mauled to death. Price - 3 spoons of blood.

Auspex- mystical vision, the ability to see the auras of other creatures. The cost of all actions is 1 spoon of blood; as the level increases, the magnitude of the effect and its time increase. This skill does not violate the rules of Masquerade.

Level 1: your Wits increases by one, you see the auras of the living and the dead at a short distance. The duration of the effect is 20 seconds.

Level 2: not only intelligence increases by one, but also perception (Perception), the radius of visibility of auras increases. Action time is 24 seconds.

Level 3: +2 to intelligence, +1 to perception, see far, happiness lasts 28 seconds.

Level 4: +2 to intelligence, +2 to perception, you see right up to the monitor frame and a whole 32 seconds.

Level 5: +3, +3, 36 seconds, and all for the same one spoon...

Celerity- speed. Everything is simple and honest. We pay a spoonful of blood and run faster for 14 seconds. The speed increases from one to 5 depending on the skill level. Sprinting abilities are not recommended to be demonstrated in public, as this breaks the Masquerade.

Dementation- bringing it to the handle. In my opinion, a very useful ability. And in ordinary life Same. This skill can only be mastered by vampires from the Malkavian clan.

Level 1: hysteria (Hysteria). The enemy starts laughing and completely loses the ability to attack you. But just touch it and the effect ends. Price - 1 spoon of blood.

Level 2: mass hallucinations. The combat abilities of everyone near you are sharply reduced (-2 to the abilities of melee weapons, firearms, fist fighting, defense and protection from vampire bites). The price is 2 spoons of blood.

Level 3: Vision of Death. Simple and sweet. Use it and the mortal victim dies. The undead and vampires may survive such an attack, but they will also have a hard time. The price is the same 2 spoons.

Level 4: Berserk. The enemy is seized by madness, he attacks the first one he comes across, and after the attack dies. Some supernatural beings may not succumb to your efforts. The price is already 3 spoons of blood.

Level 5: bedlam. Both the victim and everyone around her are hit in the forehead with one of the Dementation spells (which is determined randomly): from hysteria to berserker. The price is 4 spoons of blood.

Dominate- dominance. The same manipulation of other people's minds as in Dementation. These two groups of skills are very similar, so choose one of them.

Level 1: trance. Actions are exactly the same as for hysteria (Dementation ability group), but instead of laughter, the enemy is taken over by deep thoughtfulness. Price - 1 spoon.

Level 2: brainwashing (Brainwipe). Enemies who are close to you think for 5 seconds that you have disappeared. But what can you accomplish in 5 seconds? And the price is 2 spoons of blood.

Level 3: Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to suicide, Suicide). You convince the victim to kill himself. What if she doesn’t know how?

Level 4: command (Possession). The victim attacks any other enemy of yours and then dies of a heart attack.

Level 5: mass suicide. Enemies, looking at you, decide that they have nothing more to do in this world.

Fortitude- durability. For 1 spoon of blood, your resistance to any damage increases for 25 seconds. The degree of increase depends on the level - from 1 to 5 points to Soak Feats (see section “Characteristics of a Vampire”). The abilities of this group can also be used within the Masquerade's area of ​​effect.

Obfuscate- invisibility. You can become invisible only at the moment when no one sees you. As long as you don't move, the effect is not spent. You can have fun in a similar way in the Masquerade area. Cost: 1 spoon of blood.

Level 1: shelter (Hide). The duration of action is 18 seconds; when moving, invisibility is very conditional.

Level 2: Limited Invisibility. 20 seconds. As long as you move, crouched, no one will see you. But as soon as you touch someone, an alarm will be raised. You can't lift objects either.

Level 3: Hidden Killer. Well, this radically changes things. In 22 seconds you can now sneak up on someone and stealth kill them.

Level 4: Advanced Invisibility. 24 seconds, but you can move freely (without crouching).

Level 5: invisible force (Unseen Force). 26 seconds you can move freely and use objects. You can't touch anyone.

Potence- potential, increases melee abilities both with weapons (Melee) and without (Brawl). Costs 1 spoon of blood, lasts 25 seconds and increases Strength from 1 to 5 points, depending on the level of development of the ability.

Presence- fortitude, the ability of a vampire to frighten others. The cost of each action (regardless of level) is 1 spoon of blood (1 Bloodpoint), duration of the effect is 16 seconds.

Level 1: An enemy who comes close to the player loses 1 point each of Strength, Wits and Perception, and the speed of his attacks slows down.

Level 2: the same, but the radius of the curse increases, the enemy has a 10% chance of being hypnotized, and his strength, skills and perception are reduced by 2 points each.

Level 3: the same, the radius is even larger, the chance to hypnotize is 20%, enemy losses are 3 points of each quality.

Level 4: same, 20%, 4 points.

Level 5: the same, 25% probability of hypnosis, loss of the enemy by 4 points.

Protean- metamorphosis. It looks like Auspex, but we see heat sources rather than auras. Price is 1 spoon of blood, duration is 25 seconds. In addition, there are additional effects.

Level 1: +1 to Wits.

Level 2: hands turn into hooks (claws), which can cause very significant damage to the enemy.

Level 3: +2 to Stamina.

Level 4: +2 to Strength. By the way, from this list you can see which qualities developers value more and which ones they value less so.

Level 5: claws also grow on the legs, the damage inflicted on the enemy increases incredibly.

Thaumaturgy- blood magic.

Level 1: blood arrow (Blood Strike). You create a magic arrow from 1 spoon of blood and throw it at the enemy. If the enemy survives, the blood returns to you.

Level 2: cleaning (Purge. Remember Purgen?). Everyone near you gets sick and starts vomiting (probably political correctness did not allow the developers to show the effect of purgen in all its glory). Mortals, vampires, and undead alike suffer. Price - 2 spoons of blood.

Level 3: Blood Shield. Cost 3 spoons of blood, absorbs part of the damage. The shield has a certain capacity: after receiving as many hits as it can withstand, it disappears. Price - 3 spoons of blood.

Level 4: Blood Salvo. This is already shrapnel. Acts as Blood Strike on all nearby enemies. Blood from survivors returns to you. The price is the same 3 spoons of blood.

Level 5: Blood Boil. The blood in the veins of the enemy instantly boils and simply tears the unfortunate person apart. Everyone who stands around ends up covered in pieces of the victim and suffers a lot from this.

Finally, all clans receive the Blood Buff ability, which increases physical parameters, allowing you to perform actions that are normally inaccessible. For example, picking a complex lock. Or take down the boss with your bare hands.


Combat skills(Combat Feats)

Protection(Defence) - reduces physical damage in battle. Depends on Wits and Dodge. Doesn't help against some types of attacks (see Soak Feats subsection below).

Melee(Melee) - determines the damage inflicted on the enemy in contact combat with weapons (knives, clubs, swords). This skill is influenced by Strength and the actual ability to fight (Melee).

Distant battle(Ranged) - accuracy and damage when shooting. Depends on perception (Perception) and, of course, the ability to shoot (Firearms).

Fight without weapons(Unarmed) - the ability to punch someone in the eye without a weapon depends on the strength and art of fist fighting (Brawl).

Secret skills (Covert Feats)

Hacking computers(Hacking) - a teenager's dream, the ability to guess the password for an XXX site on the third try. Needed to work with computers and other electronics, depends on intelligence and computer knowledge (Wits and Computer).

Attentiveness(Inspection) - the ability to notice the necessary details depends on Perception and Investigation.

Breaking(Lockpicking) - you will have to open a lot of locks during the game. And this requires agility and knowledge of security systems (Dexterity and Security).

Study(Research) - the ability to learn new things and acquire new skills depends on it. Depends on intelligence and scholarship.

Hiding(Sneaking) - not all conflicts are worth resolving brute force. The higher your agility and stealth (Dexterity and Stealth), the greater the chance of achieving your goal without unnecessary problems.

Behavioral skills (Mental Feats)

Trade(Haggle) - helps to buy cheaper, sell more expensive. Depends on your ability to manipulate people and knowledge of the market (Manipulation and Finance).

Intimidation(Intimidation) - smart and unprincipled (Intelligence and Intimidation) is quite capable of getting everything he wants from others. But for how long?

Belief(Persuasion) - works like Intimidation, but depends on other indicators: charm and education (Charisma and Scholarship). Helps you achieve your goal without getting into a fight. Ventrue and Children of Malkav have their own analogue of this useful skill, so leveling it up is not necessary for them.

Seduction(Seduction) - the logic of the game creators is this: the prettier and more mysterious you are (Appearance and Subrefuge), the easier it is to encourage others to act altruistically. “The less we love a woman”...

Evasion (Soak Feats)

Ability to avoid blows. Similar to Defense, but divided into three groups.

Heavy(Aggravated) - reduces damage from fire and electric current (Defense against such types of attacks is useless). It also helps protect against claws and fangs (Defense also saves from this).

Percussion(Bashing) - protection from bullets and blunt weapons. The higher your Stamina and the more armor you have, the better your Bashing Soat Feats. Works in tandem with Defense.

Lethal(Lethal) - protection against piercing and cutting weapons. Depends only on the armor worn. True, the higher the Defense indicator, the less likely it is to get hit.

Finally, let's draw a nice sparse matrix that clearly shows the dependence of characteristics and skills.

What does this book teach us, I mean table No. 1? And the fact that any skill increases both when pumping up primary characteristics and when pumping up skills. But most stats increase two skills, and skills (with the exception of Scholarship) only one. And although increasing a characteristic from 1 to 2 costs 4 experience points, and a skill costs only 3, it seems that first of all you need to pay attention to the characteristics.


Social life

Vampire Clans

In the world of Vampire, there are 7 clans of vampires, each with their own abilities. Even if you create a character yourself, he will inevitably turn out to be similar to one of them, and you will be “assigned” to one of the clans.


One of the most marginal clans. Its members are full of punks, terrorists, revolutionaries, gangsters and just bandits. From the outside it seems that this is not a clan, but a gathering that nothing holds together. But it only seems so. The Brujah are one of the most dangerous and untamed clans, and few dare to provoke their wrath.

Quite a few Brujah enter the camarilla, but this does not add joy to the elders and the prince. Even the relatively “calm” vampires of this clan are prone to disobedience and rebellion, and those who are younger often go to the anarchists. However, the camarilla tolerates the Brujas: they are very skilled warriors, and perhaps in a direct confrontation there is no one more dangerous than them. Therefore, angering the Bruj is a sure way to commit suicide.

At the beginning of the game, the young vampire of the Brujas clan receives:





1 knowledge point (Knowledge).

These points can be allocated to specific skills (see section “Primary characteristics” higher).

Each clan also has advantages and disadvantages, which translate into direct increases or decreases in certain skills.

The advantage of the Brujas clan is manifested in skirmishes (+ 1 point to a fight, Brawl).

Disadvantage: Brujas go berserk more easily (-2 points to control check, Frenzy check), so they must behave well at all times and maintain a high level of Humanity.

Finally, the most important thing is which three of the 11 abilities will be available to your hero. Brujas has the following abilities: Celerity (speed), Potence (potential), Presence (strength of spirit).


The most vampiric vampires. Gangrels prefer solitude to the conventions and restrictions of society. They say that among them there are many werewolves who can turn into a wolf or a bat. They really are great at getting along with animals.

Starting points:

2 physical ability points (Physical);

1 point mental abilities(Mentals);

2 other skill points (Talents);

3 combat skill points (Skills);

1 knowledge point (Knowledge).

The benefits only appear in a state of frenzy. The psychopath becomes 5 units stronger, more resilient and smarter, but how much joy does this bring to him and those around him?

And weaknesses are easier (though not as much as Brujas) to go berserk (-1 to control checks).

Clan abilities: summoning ghostly creatures (Animalism), fortitude (Fortitude) and metamorphosis (Protean).


The Children of Malkav include representatives of all races and social classes. They have one thing in common: they are slightly shifted. They feel like pariahs, outcasts from vampire society. Indeed, few people are able to endure their whims and unpredictable mood swings. But wise vampires prefer to make friends with Malkavians: among these psychotic lunatics there are real geniuses.

Starting points:




2 combat skill points (Skills);

3 Knowledge points.

The advantages of the clan are significant: +2 to Inspection. And only they have access to the wonderful ability Dementation.

Disadvantages, according to the Malkavians, are due to the fact that they are envied. Negotiating is not easy for vampires of the Malkavian clan.

Clan abilities: mystical vision (Auspex), bringing to the handle (Dementation), invisibility (Obfuscate).


The Nosferatu clan is an extreme manifestation of vampirism. The rest of the clans are able to more or less get along with people, but for Nosferatu the entrance to the mortal world is closed. These vampires are forced to spend their entire lives in caves and underground catacombs. Other clans think that this is too much, and even feel disgust towards Nosferatu.

But thanks to this marginal lifestyle, the Nosferatu became masters of survival.

Starting points:

1 physical ability point (Physical);

2 mental ability points (Mentals);

1 other skills point (Talents);

3 combat skill points (Skills);

2 Knowledge points.

The benefits are questionable: Nosferatu get more blood from rats than others.

Disadvantages: they can only move through sewers, they look scary (minus to Appearance).

Clan abilities: summoning ghostly creatures (Animalism), invisibility (Obfuscate) and potential (Potence).


Toreadors are vampire aesthetes. Everything they do, they do with pleasure. The main criterion for them is aesthetic. Harmony and beauty occupy them more than expediency and, for example, honor. There are many bullfighters in vampire high society.

The advantages and disadvantages are associated with the clan's sophisticated approach to life: both rewards for good deeds and punishments for evil ones (loss of Humanity) are doubled for them. Restoring humanity costs twice as much (in experience points) as for others.

Starting points:

2 physical ability points (Physical);

1 mental ability point (Mentals);

3 other skill points (Talents);

1 combat skill point (Skills);

2 Knowledge points.

Clan abilities: mystical vision (Auspex), Celerity (speed), Presence (strength of spirit).


Even among vampires, the Tremere clan is spoken of as traitors. The clan originates from human sorcerers who stole the secret of immortality from vampires. A bad reputation makes life very difficult: many vampires take pleasure in causing trouble for the Tremere. At the same time, the Tremere play an important role in the Camarilla Inquisition and the organization of the Masquerade. Many Tremere families continue to practice the magical arts that go back to their human ancestors.

Starting points:

1 physical ability point (Physical);

2 mental ability points (Mentals);

2 other skill points (Talents);

1 combat skill point (Skills);

3 Knowledge points.

Advantages: strong Domination ability (comparable only to Dementation).

Disadvantages: you cannot develop physical characteristics above 4. But with Domination and Thaumaturgy, do you need it?

Clan abilities: mystical vision (Auspex), dominance (Domination), blood magic (Thaumaturgy).


Elegant and aristocratic, these vampires are the lords of the Camarilla. It was from the Venture clan that most of the princes came. Unlike Toreadors, these are not aesthetes, but leaders, burdened with a sense of duty and self-esteem.

Starting points:

2 physical ability points (Physical);

1 mental ability point (Mentals);

2 other skill points (Talents);

1 combat skill point (Skills);

3 Knowledge points.

Advantages: You can use the ability to dominate dialogues, turning the tide of events in your favor.

Disadvantages: they don’t like rats, and if they eat homeless people or prostitutes, there’s a 50% chance they’ll vomit, and you’ll have to look for lunch again. Strange, however, are prostitutes in the West.

Clan abilities: Domination, Fortitude, Presence.

IN table No. 2 The starting points of vampires of all clans and their abilities are given.

Vampire sects

Vampire organizations in the game are called “sects”. But these are rather not religious, but rather political associations, similar to mafia families or parties.


This is an association of vampires who reject the rules of the Camarilla. One day, anarchists captured Los Angeles and declared it a “free city.” But shortly before the events described in the game began, the Camarilla returned. The anarchists held out only in a few areas, including Hollywood.


An alliance of vampires created back in the late 1400s to protect against mortals. The Camarilla is the most powerful sect among vampires; it controls most cities. The Camarilla is built according to a rigid feudal scheme, as a result of which the idea of ​​​​organization, which is good in itself, is discredited in the eyes of many vampires.


Eastern vampires. They are significantly different from Western ones and, generally speaking, closer to Asian undead. The Kwai-jin do not like European vampires, but they do not go as far as direct antagonism.


The Sabbath, or Sabbath, are the original enemies of the Camarilla. They have a rigid organization, reminiscent of the Catholic Church, and operate in every city. This sect is also known as the Sword of Cain.


Thirteen generations separate these aristocrats from mere mortals. They can be found anywhere; it is rather a matter of pedigree rather than political leanings.


Masquerade is the vampire's main concern. Wherever he is, no matter what he is doing, the thought of the Masquerade should not leave him even for a second. After all, there are very few real dangers. Garlic - children's fairy tales, a cross... the game gives a direct and uncomplicated answer to what can be done with it. Flowing water, aspen stakes... It's not even funny. But what you really should be afraid of is a charge of large buckshot to the head. This is a problem, and a serious one. Therefore, vampires are forced to carefully hide the fact of their existence from prying eyes. The mistake of one of them can turn into a mortal threat for the entire family. The masquerade says:

  • even if you are mortally hungry, never drink blood in public places;
  • do not reveal your abilities in public;
  • control your emotions - don’t let thirst turn you into a beast;
  • remain humane - loss of appearance threatens loss of control;
  • keep an eye on others: if someone breaks the Masquerade, kill him.

Masquerade is a forced law of survival. This is a set of strict rules. It's eternal double game. This is fear, this is mutual responsibility. That's what Masquerade is.

On-screen indicators

Blue bar on the left- this is your health. If the bar drops to zero, you will die. In the sense that the game will end for you.

Health is restored slowly over time. Filling with blood speeds up recovery. If empty top part The column is tinted yellow (consequences of special influences) - the healing process is slowing down.

Icon under the blue bar shows what weapon you are armed with.

Icon above the blue bar- shows what area you are in and whether you must follow the rules of the Masquerade. If there is a mask there, behave decently, otherwise you will face a fine. And if there is a pistol, then anything is possible.

Red bar on the right- shows the amount of blood that can be spent on vampire spells. This is a kind of analogue of vampire mana. You should look for sources of blood - people, rats, or even buy blood at a blood donation center.

Icon under the red bar shows a vampire ability that will be activated when pressed right button mice.

If the hero is sneaking, hiding in the shadows (Ctrl), then to the right of the blue health bar appears measuring tape. It shows how far you can get close to enemies without being noticed. If the green light is on at the top of the meter, you are invisible. Yellow - you may be noticed. Red - they will definitely notice if they look in your direction.

When a vampire bites a victim, a horizontal red stripe, showing the victim's blood supply. You must learn to eat properly. That's right - so that after the meal the dinner stays alive and goes away on its own. If you drain the victim to the bottom, killing an innocent person for no reason, then you become brutal, your humanity falls, and in the end the vampire goes crazy.

Well, now you know enough to return to our new vampire Klopili. You have to work hard to become a real “horror flying on the wings of the night.” First, you should take the advice of the vampire Jack and complete the training mission. This is necessary in order to get comfortable in a new environment, acquire your first weapon (a crowbar and a baseball bat) and receive a couple of useful experience points as a reward.

Training mission

After the conversation, the door slammed behind me, and I found myself in some kind of backyard. An unkempt, swaying figure looms ahead. I think I saw this guy during the trial. The guy introduces himself as Jack. It seems that he turned into a vampire back in the era when herds of wild hippies roamed the roads of America. Well, he’s unwashed, but he’s friendly and ready to tell us how to behave in our new Dracula life.

Good news - it turns out that, theoretically, I am now immortal. And garlic, crosses, running water and so on are just fairy tales. And sunlight is no worse than tickling.

It is interesting that an aspen stake does not kill, but only paralyzes a vampire.

The bad news is that I am immortal only in theory, and if I don’t quickly learn to behave like a law-abiding vampire and find food, then I won’t be Dracula for long.

The first task is to find lunch, eat and (most importantly!) stop in time. Jack says that a drunk is wandering around in the alley nearby, looking for his car. Just dinner for an aspiring vampire. We go forward and to the right. Here he is, the sun, standing and swaying, full of blood. We approach and jump. Wow! I didn’t even know I was so hungry! How hard it is to tear yourself away...

There is no point in retelling the events further. Jack is an excellent guide, willing to repeat instructions. You have to open the door where Jack was standing, learn to jump on the boxes, pick up the first item (master key), perform the first break-in (the door to the office), find the password to the computer (written on a piece of paper on the wall), unlock the safe and find the key to the exit .

The second series of tasks is to sneak past the guard through the garage parking lot (right, forward, right), then, after talking with Jack, kill this guard. Then go into the small room, open the hatch and go down the stairs. You will learn how to use vampire abilities to break open doors and deal with opponents. Towards the end of the mission you will even be given a 38 caliber barrel. However, you will quickly discover that without the appropriate skills, hitting a head of cabbage from a distance of ten centimeters is a task of incredible difficulty.

Finally, after dealing with two guards at the warehouse, Jack will say goodbye to you. Now your path lies to Santa Monica, where you must complete the Prince's task.

Where can I get money?

Finance is not such an idle question, if you think about it. At first, you can only spend them on a fortune teller or “girls,” but later you can’t escape the purchase of cartridges and bags of good blood. At the moment I have found the following ways to earn money.

  • Side quests. For example, you can ask a young man at a bus stop for a small sum for a taxi, receive a bribe from a cashier in a cafe, clean out a charity fund, take Mercurio’s wallet, and so on.
  • Lacroix. In some cases, you manage to convince the Prince that for a job well done or for the success of future enterprises, it is simply necessary to improve the financial situation of the best agent.
  • Trade in junk. In many missions you find a bunch of useless items: watches, rings, radios, medicines, drugs and a lot of other things that do not play a role in the passage. When your inventory is full and your trading skill has been raised to a decent level, sell this junk to a speculator.
  • Arms trade. A very interesting option. Gradually, a lot of extra weapons, mainly firearms, accumulate in your arsenal. Select one or two of the most reliable models, and hand over the rest to the buyer. During combat missions you will probably get some trophies - sell them again, freeing up these positions. At a certain stage, it makes sense to regularly get rid of all pistols, and generally dispose of machine guns immediately: they are of little use in battle. Walking around Chinatowns, I advise you to sell your katana and buy a hook as a replacement: enemies armed with katanas are a source of expensive trophies.
  • Club business. Become a co-owner of the “Confession” club - from now on, your earnings will become constant, all you have to do is come in from time to time to claim your share of the profits.
  • Personal ghoul. By feeding a girl in a hospital with your blood, you will receive a helpful and devoted servant. Look into her room: at a certain stage she will provide you with money.


Alexey Shunkov AKA Stager

Next, you will learn how to get to the end of the plot without any hassle, for which the guys from Troika Games have always been famous. I will tell you how to earn more money, acquire modern weapons and armor, use every little thing for selfish purposes and choose your future destiny.

Also, as a sign of respect for the creators of thoughtful scenarios, I will try to help you understand the essence of the tasks and the intrigues associated with them. After all, they are, in my opinion, the main essence of this genre. And when such a glorious team is behind the scenes of a project, a little more pepper is added to the salt, giving the final product additional sharpness and piquancy.

So, Los Angeles at night awaits a young vampire...

Santa Monica

There are several portions of blood in the hotel room refrigerator. Take it with you - it will come in handy in an emergency when you need to regain strength in difficult conditions. There is some money in the desk drawer.

On a note: on the table you will find a note from the Regent. Think about it the first time you find yourself in Downtown. There you can go to the library (green double door not far from the red and white skulls on the wall), where you can chat with the author of the note.

After checking your mail, you will find a letter from Mercurio - he is eager to meet. In a nutshell: Mercurio is a careless agent of Prince Lacroix who failed everything possible and now needs help himself. And Prince Lacroix, in case you forgot, is your savior, by whose will life was granted to a vampire who was born at the wrong time. Well, let's not disappoint him.

Oh, where did Mercury go?

Leaving the hotel, you will see a barely alive subject crawling in a pool of blood. This is Mercurio (well, yes, he was unlucky, he was beaten). Follow him, following the trail, find the only open door and enter.

By the way, right next to the blue door, behind which is the corridor leading to Mercurio, a neat gentleman is waiting for a taxi. Using the vampire's gift of persuasion, you can beg him for some money, citing the robbers who stole his wallet. And using an order or seduction, it will not be difficult to lead him into a dark alley and refresh himself.

This is interesting: this gentleman will remain in the lane forever - you can eat regularly as you pass by.

A Pill for the Suffering

Apparently, Mercurio is in deep trouble. He was supposed to get explosives, but instead he was beaten and robbed by some guys on the beach. And now he is bleeding and suffering immensely from unbearable pain. Of course, people with much less serious injuries usually decorate anatomical theaters.

Let's do him a good deed - go to the hospital for morphine. In order not to arouse the nurse's suspicion, explain that you are going to visit the patient, using the vampire's gift of persuasion. Well, if you can’t persuade the nurse, you’ll have to go through another door (Blood Bank), find the key in one of the offices and go through the laundry room - the door with the “Laundry” sign.

At the top, look for a locked door, open it with a master key and take morphine for our “mortally wounded cat.” In order for the master key to work, try enhancing your abilities with blood. By bringing the medicine (although, it would seem, what is the use of an opiate?), you will receive an increase in humanity.

Cards, money, two bottles

Now go to the beach. To do this you will have to go through the parking lot and then down the tunnel. On the coast, turn right (where the fortune teller points), open the gate and go upstairs. Here you will have to fight - there will be no dialogue. To make your life easier, you can try to enter the house from the backyard.

Having won, take the money from the house - it is behind bars to the left of the bed - and the astrolite (two bottles with some kind of explosive on the table), with which you return to Mercurio.

The beginnings of modern explosive technology

We are completely replacing Mercurio - this unfortunate man is no longer capable of anything, but the task must be completed. The point is to blow up one of Sabbat's important warehouses. But the only one who can lead us to the warehouse, Bertrand Tung, is now on the run, having quarreled with one influential person in this city. The person's name is Teresa Voerman, she is the owner of the nightclub “The Asylum” on 2nd Street. In other words, the explosion is being postponed for now. Let's go to Citizen Teresa's club and find out if it is possible to hush up the conflict that is interfering with the common cause.

Things are not going well at the club. First we meet the careless, but sexy sister of the owner of the establishment - Jeannette. She introduces herself as the owner of this cozy club (what a twist!) and invites you to come in and settle down. “ I am passion itself, my name is written on the wall of every men's toilet, I am a dream woman...“- the girl does not calm down. But we need to see Teresa. Having used all available persuasion skills, we will tell the bartender that they have already waited for us upstairs, and - forward to the elevator. Upstairs we will overhear one of the many typical scandals of the two sisters and go to an audience with businesswoman Teresa.

As it turned out, there is no conflict as such. Tung just constantly gets in Teresa’s way, and besides, he has a bad influence on his sister, who is already... hmm. In general, the influential lady started a couple of ominous rumors, scared Tung half to death and breathed a sigh of relief when he disappeared from sight.

Don't try to mentally influence Teresa - she is no stranger to vampire affairs and will easily escape control. Instead, you can offer her a favor - visit the mansion she plans to buy and exorcise the ghost from there. Some time ago it was a good hotel, the Ocean House, but then there was a fire and the entire third floor burned down. Eyewitnesses claim that since then a ghost has settled in the abandoned building, protecting the silent walls from outside intrusion.

Business is business, and the woman quickly agrees, rewarding you with the key to the sewer grate - after all, this is the only way to get into the hotel.


A midnight ghost haunts

Go around Madame Teresa's establishment and open the sewer hatch. Once you go down, find a corridor ending in a grate. If you get lost, find the map on the wall: Right place corresponds to point A, and we came from point C.

The hotel door is opened with a master key reinforced with blood. Come in...

Advice: To get the most out of an abandoned hotel, turn off the lights in the room. Ideally, also wear headphones turned on at medium volume, and also read all the newspapers you find along the way. Try to understand what happened here on that ill-fated day.

Climb the stairs and go... smack, grunt - the dilapidated boards could not withstand the weight of the vampire... go right. Follow the frightened woman and turn right again. Having broken through a fragile section of the wall, go into the room and read the newspaper. Hmmm... The child's head was found in the washing machine... Ay-ay-ay, what a shame, just think! Exit through the door and go to the laundry room shown in the photo in the newspaper. Instead of the promised head, there is just a key, but that will do too. Go to the boiler room (the door illuminated by a red lantern), turn on the units and thoughtfully return back, minimally getting under the steam jets. Electricity has been turned on everywhere, and the elevator (in their name - Elevator) is now also working. Go to the second floor - where you couldn’t get to using the fragile stairs. We need the right wing of the second floor, as seen from the main entrance. Behind the second door is a room decorated with the simple slogan “Get out!” In the nightstand to the left of the bed is the key to the locked room on the second floor.

Unlock the room and break the boards in the floor - you are in the hotel bar. Also, of course, abandoned. Call the dumbwaiter and climb up there, bending over. In the kitchen, take the diary of the murdered ghost woman. She seems to be starting to realize that you are capable of helping her. “ He is here!“- warns an insinuating female voice - and indeed, soon the ghost of a jealous husband appears and begins to rage. As soon as he knocks down the door, we go out, climb the boxes, break out the grate and crawl along the ventilation pipe. “ Be careful...“- this time the voice advises to avoid the falling elevator, that is, after jumping, immediately run to the other end of the shaft and jump onto the ledge. Then - along the stairs to the upper floor and along the corridors.

In the 211th room (don’t be alarmed - this is not a count, but just such a hotel room) you will find a sprig of thistle, and you will go upstairs along the collapsed beams in the 218th room. In the back room on the top floor there will be a table on which lies a woman’s pendant, which caused a quarrel between the spouses. Take it and return - through the elevator shaft, onto the balcony, down the stairs and onto the street.

When you try to take the pendant to Teresa so that the restless soul leaves the hotel, you will find a negligent sister, Jeannette, in the manager’s office. Pouting her lips, she will begin to beg in various ways to give the jewelry to her. I don’t recommend it - you remember that there is some tension in the relationship between these beauties. In return, go and fulfill Jeannette's little request...

Noodle cutter

And the essence of the request is this. Tomorrow a thematic exhibition is due to open in the Black Gallery (Gallery Noir). Everything would be fine, and the exhibits are interesting - either Cain or Lilith. The catch is that the exhibition was allegedly opened by some visiting person, brazenly laying claim to a piece of local business. This should be... as Jeannette put it, “ spoil his milk” - in general, he should spit in borscht.

Finally, we are rewarded with a knife to make it more convenient. Go to Main Street and look for the entrance to Gallery Noir. The identification mark is a fat policeman who memorizes all the points of the bourgeois Criminal Code.

On a note: There are many ways to get past the policeman, but I recommend seducing him. In this case, you will not only be able to get to your destination, but also have a snack.

The paintings in the gallery are not simple. They must be cut in the following order: first, Cain kills Abel, then the Lord curses him, after which Cain meets Lilith and, finally, rejects her. In another sequence, the canvases will carefully resist destruction. The Bloody Guardian will appear from the torn paintings - you will have to fight and defeat him. Should I pick up the donation box? Think about what is more valuable to you - money or one point of humanity. Eventually head back to The Asylum.

Teresa is dissatisfied with something... Yeah, it turns out that it was her gallery, and her sister did not miss the opportunity to put another of the countless sticks in the wheels. Luckily it didn’t harm us at all. By giving her the necklace, you will complete two tasks at once: clear the hotel of the ghost and... release the ghost from the hotel. How good it is when the wishes of the parties coincide. Not like with these damn sisters who strive to quarrel over any suitable reason.

Now something strange is afoot.

Blood bath

According to Teresa, she was supposed to meet her sister at a diner across from the club to talk and discuss future plans for her life. But either the stars were somehow aligned wrong, or the weighty butt of the owner of the establishment is absolutely not suitable for transportation across the road, but she is not going to go. Instead, she asks you to go there and talk to Jeannette, and be sure to tell her how much Teresa loves her. All this is suspicious.

This is true. As you enter the cafe, pay attention to the silent types in the corner. As soon as you go a little further, they will pull out their weapons and start shooting - you will have to kill them. Use the trance mode and the bloody boost, and when your health leaves much to be desired, hide behind the counter and heal. Having finished with the arrows, pick up the phone and talk to our old friend - wow, she again invites you to visit Asylum (no, after all, it’s more of a mental hospital than a refuge). Get fed by a local chef and head out.

There are police on the street. Urgently look for a secluded corner (best of all - a parking lot), where you can sit until the valiant law enforcement officers get tired of looking for you. And when you get bored, hurry up to our girls at Asylum: you’ve been waiting too long, I guess.

Twins Quarrel

Now things are not just bad, but very bad. Teresa and Jeannette have gotten hold of a pistol somewhere and are seriously preparing to blow each other's brains out, casually exchanging caustic remarks.

But it finally becomes clear where their controversial relationship began. It turns out that they both once had a father (which, however, is beyond doubt). So, the father loved Teresa very much, although not quite in the way a father should love his daughter. He loved her, loved her, until one fine evening she lingered somewhere, and Jeannette fell asleep in her bed. Coming home drunk, the drunken father did not notice the difference and... in general, he fell in love with the second daughter, whom he had disliked so much earlier. Then Teresa appeared, saw these two and found nothing better than to be offended and shoot dad. And Jeannette, in turn, was offended by this - and since then they have not loved each other.

But the lyrics are lyrics, and something needs to be done. By interfering in the conversation, you can tilt the situation towards one of the options: either Teresa will shoot Jeannette, or she will receive a bullet herself. However, there is another option when no one shoots at anyone: to do this, use persuasion and do not offer them “ stop talking and finally shoot each other" Then you will get three experience points instead of one, which is also good.

In any case, the sisters (or sister, if the shooting did take place) promise to leave Tung alone, which gives him the opportunity to return to the city and help us complete the demolition work.

This is interesting: if you think about it, it turns out that these two girls are the same person suffering from a severe split personality. Remember - you never saw them at the same time.

Having resolved the conflict one way or another, you can already go to Tung and complete the previously started job of blowing up the warehouse. Go to Second Street to the chain-link gate. Landmark: a crazy guy shouting on the corner about the End of the World - the gate is two steps away from him.

Ask Tung to take you to the warehouse and get ready - there is a rather long action episode ahead. You need to go through several rooms, eliminating the guards, then go out into the courtyard, open the locked doors of the carriage and go through. Eventually you will reach a heavily guarded hangar-like area. Go deeper, go up the stairs and plant a bomb. It's time to go out. Go down and continue running from the stairs - at this moment a certain ghoul will break through the door. Exit through the gap, not paying attention to the vile creature.

After a few turns, you will come across a door that is now unexpectedly closed (I warn you right away - you won’t be able to open it). The way out is this: go up the stairs, on the top platform of which there is a box with shotgun shells, and jump over the railing onto the carriage. Then follow the usual path.

It is important: The main catch of this task is the security of the warehouse. There are quite a few guards: I personally was killed here twice in a row. I advise you to lure them out one by one, preferring vampirism as a method of killing. In addition, inspect the utility rooms: there is a lot of cartridges for both a revolver and a shotgun.

At the exit, a strange person awaits you - Beckett. Either a werewolf or a vampire. He is neither an enemy nor a friend - he is simply interested in what is happening. A couple of minutes of conversation, and now you are back on Second Street.

Take the yellow taxi (just around the corner) and head downtown. But before that, I advise you to read and take note of the next chapter: it contains other useful tasks that are available in Santa Monica, but do not form the main storyline.


Andrey is a sabbath to all sabbaths.

Alas, not all vampires share the idea of ​​the Masquerade. One of the very influential sects - Sabbat, led by Andrei - acts strictly contrary to the Masquerade, which harms both themselves and the rest of the vampires inhabiting the Earth.

The reason, in all likelihood, lies in the fact that the Sabbat vampires sincerely believe in the legends of the Apocalypse. According to the apocrypha, the Day of Judgment is just around the corner, when all life will be wiped out from the face of the Earth. Among the signs that indicate the approach of the end of the world, the texts mention, in particular, the rise of the Ancient One from the grave, as well as the arrival of vampires with “lower” blood.

The vicissitudes with the sarcophagus from Ankara were perceived by the Sabbats as the beginning of the final countdown before the death of the world. The inferior blood flowing in the veins of weak vampires has long filled the night streets of the city. What is the point of any precautions when tomorrow or the day after tomorrow nothing will matter?

Sabbats were previously known for their cruelty, intemperance and violent vampire orgies. But during the period that coincided with the main events of the game, the sect’s outrage reached its apogee, going beyond all permissible limits. For this reason, the only way to save the Masquerade was the total extermination of the Sabbats.

Among other features inherent in this sect: blind faith in Cain - the progenitor of all vampires, rigid internal organization and fanatical devotion to the leader. By order of Andrei, they are ready to sacrifice their lives without hesitating for a second.

What else to do in Santa Monica

In addition to the obligatory tasks for the benefit of Prince Lacroix, some attraction is hidden around every corner, and behind every door lies a task that allows you to accumulate additional money and experience.

Private detective

Service to the hunter

Go to Arthur Killpatrick at his office - Bail bonds, which is located at the very far end of Second Street. He will talk about the difficult fate of a private detective and complain that his best agent (and it seems - the only one, if you believe not other people’s words, but his own eyes) disappeared three days ago. Here, you see, orders are a dime a dozen, and this Carson doesn’t show up in touch - what does he think?

Having received the key to Carson's room from Arthur and a promise to pay generously, go on your first detective mission. Look for the room exactly opposite the room where Mercurio lies. Come in, look through the files on your computer (mcgee recording), listen to the answering machine and collect everything that is in bad shape. This is a wallet on the table, a ring on the floor and a key to the tattoo parlor on the TV. If you have the ability to crack a chest - great, no - come back later.

In the meantime, our path lies to a tattoo and piercing salon. Judging by the appearance of the walls, if anyone is tattooed here, it is only elephants on an industrial scale, and they disdain anything less than scrap as tools. When you hear the call, go down to the basement and talk on the phone - doctor Stanley Gimble is calling. After talking with him, offer the services of a model - don’t be confused by the fact that the doctor specializes in prosthetic limbs. If he needs a model, he will get one.

Go to the doctor. His office is located in a basement at the end of Main Street, and the door is equipped with an intercom. He seems genuinely happy to see you. “ I'll get some equipment now.“, he mutters and leaves. Follow him!

The further we go down, the less certainty remains about his mental health. Well, what normal person would need so many basements, stained with blood and littered with gardening and medical instruments?

It is important: Take a bag of blood from the refrigerator - it will come in handy.

We enter the section hall. The voice coming from behind the door appears to be Carson's. But then a doctor appears, waving... a human hand. Not such a weak weapon. I advise you to immediately strengthen your abilities with various vampire things and not get caught by Gimble - forgive the pun - with a hot hand. By the way, you can take this very hand with you and use it when the need arises for a melee weapon with shock-crushing action.

The doctor is dead, but Carson won't be returning to work. The sadistic doctor deprived him of a finger, and the three days spent next to the corpse clearly did not do the agent any good. All that remains is to convey this news to Arthur Kilpatrick from the agency and do not forget to collect the money.


Since Arthur temporarily does not have an agent, you can take an assignment from him. It consists in finding a certain subject who has escaped from custody. Or rather, while under investigation, a certain Mr. Durbin was released on bail, after which there was no trace of him. For now, we are not required to catch him - we just need to find out if he is in the city.

It is important: if you convince Kilpatrick that you absolutely need a weapon (after all, the guy you are looking for was once convicted of murder!), he will advise you to contact the store on his behalf. Now you can buy revolver cartridges.

We go home to the lady who paid the deposit. What a coincidence - her door is exactly opposite our own, and the key to the door lies behind a flower pot. Listen to the recording, take the book from the closet (“Tips for a beginning voyeur” - increase your stealth skill) and report the situation to the boss. Experience and money, as usual, are included.


Doctor Martin's Secret

After reading Dr. Martin's email, go talk to him in room 3. If you put a little pressure on him, he will get nervous and give you money, or rather, put it in your mailbox. And the password to his computer is in the staff room.

Personal ghoul

At the clinic, do not pass by the first room on the left of the aisle. It’s signed like that – “Room 1”. There is a girl lying on a bed in a pool of blood, she is definitely feeling bad, but not a single doctor comes to her.

Remember the conversation with the yellow-eyed ghoul at the very beginning of the game. If you want to have your own ghoul for the future, give the girl a sip of your blood. Ready. We will meet her again in the future. And... don't admit to her that you are a vampire.

Fuss around the werewolf

Among all the heaps of spam on your computer, sooner or later you will find an email with the subject “A favor”. Prince Lacroix asks to do a favor - to get from the hospital a blood test from a werewolf, who knows how it ended up with people.

Read the mail in the hospital administrator's office, and then take the stairs to the top floor. The doors here can be opened with a master key, or you can take the keys from the guard - by persuading or killing him. By the way, there are a lot of keys lying around the offices, you just need to look hard. There are two ways to the room with the CIS sign - either through the utility room (Maintenance), or through the hacked door. From the computer, disable the “cs door” and “cs safe” locks.

Finally, disable the first camera in the Security Room, look for the door with the Controlled Substances sign and take a blood sample from the safe. If you find drugs, it means you mixed up the safe - there are two of them on the floor.

When you get home, put a blood sample in your mailbox (not the electronic one, but the one at the bottom of the stairs!). Next time you will find some money in the box - a fee from Lacroix.

Low blood

It all starts on the beach. After talking with a certain “E” (Edward, Edison?), in short, with a guy naked to the waist, you will learn a sad story about a girl he met during a surfing championship. It turns out that there is another peculiar, lower caste of vampires, who are somewhat disliked by the higher vampires... However, I digress. Go to the Dinner cafe.

On a note: here you can get extra money. You just need to convince the cashier (or whoever is behind the cash register?) that you are an inspector who has come for another bribe. “Yes, yes, we already had an inspector. He explained what should be done in such cases...” mutters the excited woman and puts fifty dollars in her pocket. Well, thank you.

Now ask the cashier about the lower blood, the girl Lily and other oddities that caught her eye. After receiving the photo and the key, go to the detective and use the generously provided computer to view the file “Toten, R”. The red car mentioned in the file is waiting for you in the parking lot, and in its trunk is Lily's diary: “A boy loved a girl, this boy was... a vampire”. The recordings end with Lily planning to sneak into the clinic and steal some blood from there for food.

The necessary rooms on the lower floors can be accessed through the Laundry and the morgue. Look for the locked door opposite the morgue and on your computer look for the file “falz, d” from the cadavers folder. Then look at the code on the computer that controls the refrigerators, open the secret door using the remote control in the refrigerator compartment and free Lily.

It is important: if you want to bring the aspiring vampire back, repenting of her actions, this can be done by finding her in the Asylum club and convincing her to return to the blood bank. But I don’t recommend it - you will lose the point of humanity that you gained with such difficulty upon liberation.

All that remains is to go to the beach and congratulate the happy couple on a successful reunion.

On a note: on the same beach, approach a subject in a gray T-shirt who is eager to be healed. Tell us that there is a recipe: kill the main vampire and drink a portion of the unicorn's blood. From now on, he will be happy to buy aspen stakes from you (more precisely, one stake - why does he need more?) and bags of blood. I recommend selling him a couple of bags first, and then a stake - otherwise he will immediately run to hunt the vampire. The stake can be found on the beach if you turn left before reaching the stairs.

Hunting the hunter

Ghoul Knox in the Asylum club will complain about a mysterious stalker. When you agree to help, the only thing he will be able to provide to assist the investigation will be his driver's license. Go to the detective and look at the file on the owner of this document - crumb, v.

This is interesting: his full name is Virgil Crumb. Doesn't remind you of anything?

Alas, he is dead. Let's visit the deceased. Go to the hospital morgue and examine the box with the dead man’s belongings: there will be a key card to the doors of the “Foxy Boxes” - the place where there will be a serious fight with some kind of vampire yakuza. After defeating the Asian adversary, go and please Nox.

The publication

After the explosion in the warehouse, you get an additional opportunity - to drive around Los Angeles in a beautiful yellow car with a personal driver who doesn’t even charge you money. If you haven’t completed all the tasks in Santa Monica yet, it doesn’t matter: you can always come back and finish what you haven’t completed before.

But for now, get in a taxi and go to the hottest area of ​​the city - Downtown. It's time to visit Prince Lacroix and report on the subversive work done.

Date with Elizabeth

After getting out of the taxi, go to the doors of the nearest building - this is Lacroix's main office. Having talked the guard out in one way or another, take the elevator and report to the Prince about your successes in the fight against the Sabbats. However, I do not advise you to mention Mercurio’s failure - we did not spend so much effort saving his skin in order to pawn the agent at the last moment.

The high-born vampire, apparently, is seriously counting on us. Having generously pardoned an obvious suicide bomber, he was not guided by the altruistic traits of his dark essence, but, on the contrary, recruited a reliable and devoted agent, ready for any task.

The next order will not be long in coming. I'll have to go on a “date with Elizabeth.” This beautiful name, alas, does not belong to the girl, but only to the ship that transported the sarcophagus. Let me briefly tell the background of these events.

A certain ship (we already know the name) was carrying valuable cargo - a mysterious sarcophagus, as well as some ancient ceramic tablets and boxes of considerable scientific value. The beginning of the cruise did not foretell anything bad, but after a couple of days, one after another, the people who made up its crew began to disappear. These strange disappearances coincided with the captain's unexpected discovery: the sarcophagus had been opened, and its contents, whatever they were, were also missing. The picture looks as if someone opened the lid from the inside and walked away. Eventually, with no crew members left on board, the ship was towed to Santa Monica Bay. There it hangs out to this day, and the police draw up reports and scratch their heads in bewilderment.

So, here is the Prince’s order: get onto the ship, inspect the sarcophagus, get a police report and a ship’s manifest, and then deliver all the materials to him personally. Get to work!

We return to Santa Monica and go straight to the beach. Wow - Mercurio has already come to his senses! He is eager to serve the one who saved his fillet from execution by his superiors, so he has already taken care of a motor boat for traveling to the ship. Jump in and, as they say, start the launch.

On deck, talk to the dishonest policeman. He secretly made an agreement with the editors of some printed publication, dreaming of getting sensational facts about the missing team. Even a novice vampire will not have any difficulty introducing himself as “that same journalist” and happily agreeing to an astronomical bribe (the editor-in-chief will pay!). Immediately go down the stairs and turn right, where you wait for the policeman to distract his colleague: “ Come here quickly! I just saw a whalebone overboard!" The path is clear.

In the corridor, take the first door on the right and go up the stairs. Using the control computer, open the locks and turn on the surveillance cameras. Actually, the cameras are a little trick: instead of having to make your way to the guarded sarcophagus, you can see it in full view, just by switching the images on the television screen a few times. Go back down the same stairs, in the lower room take the list of cargo from the table and run back to your boat, and then take the trophies to the Prince.

This is interesting: If you have already given blood to a sick girl in the hospital, now she will be waiting for you at the door. After listening to well-deserved thanks, send the girl to your room, but don’t forget about her. She will also help you out by obtaining, among other things, an excellent body armor.

Call the doctor!

The next task won't keep you waiting. A well-known vampire hierarch from the Camarilla clan - a certain Doctor Grout - disappeared some time ago and has not been in contact. Suspecting something was wrong, the Prince gives instructions to look into his mansion and find out what actually happened there.

On a note: Before this task, I advise you to drop into the “Last Round” bar and talk with Nines Rodriguez, the leader of the anarchs. Until the war between the clans begins, you can learn basic fighting techniques from him.

Get into a taxi and go straight to the doctor - his home is marked on the map. At the gate you will meet Nines (leader of the Anarchs). He is clearly dissatisfied with your appearance: reluctantly saying that this is not a good place, the vampire leaves in English.

The mansion is teeming with all sorts of creatures, namely hysterical girls and ghouls in leather masks, evoking thoughts of BDSM. Walk along the corridors, pass under a pile of rubbish and enter a room with three candelabra, a tape recorder and a book. Take the book, listen to the sound recording and pull the candelabra until they all light up. Further along the way you will come across other similar tape recorders - listen and be enlightened.

In a room with a staircase going up to the ceiling, pull the lonely candelabra. Then there will be two spiral staircases: one up, the other down, as well as a certain number of doors and, of course, aggressive creatures. You will even have to go through the fireplace by pressing the button directly above the future secret passage.

This is interesting: Having killed two hysterics, notice that they are still reflected in the mirror. Trying to ensure that our vampire was not visible there, the developers clearly went too far and “settled” in the mirrors a kind of parallel reality that had lost touch with the original.


dragon tail

Catch your breath and go check on Johnny. His establishment is located in the passage behind the Lotus Flower, and the code to open the lock is 725, which Ziao shared before his death.

Johnny himself sits on the second floor, in an office behind a double door. But the guards will not let you onto the stairs without a fight: I advise you to put the first guard into a trance, get up and sneak around the hall, following the other guard. It is unwise to start a firefight here: you will waste more ammo than you can get.

Johnny is not alone in the office, or rather, not completely alone: ​​you are accompanied by Mr. Fu, grinning from the TV screen on the wall. “ Johnny, what are you doing, shoot!“, he advises with a mocking tone in his voice. The very first shot makes the petty gangster shit his pants: the bullet goes right through the abdominal cavity, but a vampire is a vampire: he doesn't care. Without allowing him to come to his senses, deal with the unfortunate shooter (the best thing, in my opinion, would be to drink his blood).

Here Mr. Fu breaks the silence again. From the very beginning, it became clear to him who Johnny had run into: in addition to the usual video camera, the room was filled with heat sensors that recorded the room temperature of our body. You remember that a vampire's body does not live biologically? Well, Mr. Fu is very interested and offers to meet to discuss the conditions for the release of Barbarus.

It will not be possible to leave the building as quietly. I recommend luring a guard with a katana towards you (isn’t this better than buying it in a store?), deal with him, then jump over the railing and run left, to the door.


The meeting place is a huge building decorated with the sign “Fu Syndicate”. Enter the far left room, which at first seems empty. But as soon as you try to leave, the doors slam shut and the floor rises, taking you into an isolated room.

Now everything is clear. Mr. Fu, in his spare time from work, enjoys researching vampires, trying to find a way to effectively combat them. Without wanting it, we are taking part in a deadly experiment, the purpose of which is to test the effects of a variety of traumatic factors on the vampire’s body.

  • First room. It turns out that ultraviolet radiation is absolutely harmless to a vampire. As well as poisonous gas: after all, a body that is dead from a physiological point of view does not need to breathe.
  • Second room. Powerful laser beams can already cause harm. Make your way to opposite side rooms. There is no need to jump or bend down, you just need to choose the moment when the next moving laser goes back, and the beam turns off for a short time.
  • Third room. The rotating blades do not destroy themselves, so you will have to break the three shields behind the bars. It's best to shoot them with a pistol, but you can break the bars with a melee weapon and finish off the shields manually if you want to save ammo.
  • Fourth room. First, Mr. Fu will test the validity of the superstition about the crucifixion. During Operation Helsing, a guy in a protective suit will look at us blankly, waving a ridiculous cross. When you get tired of watching, kill him. The next test will be special forces armed with shotguns. A portion of a fraction, as you remember, is a real problem. The best option her solution is to hide and shoot back, and then arm herself with a katana and get up: this way she can save ammo and have a snack.
  • Fifth room. Do not enter it until you disable the electrodes on the ceiling. A shotgun is perfect for these purposes, especially since after the previous room there should be no problems with cartridges.
  • Sixth room. Here it is - Fu's mistake. Flamethrower cylinders are not protected by an armored body, so they explode from the first shot. The explosion breaks the glass, through which it is now easy to escape to freedom.

Kill the guards, go out onto the balcony and deal with the hapless researcher. A melee weapon like a katana is best suited for this. Take the key from the dead man, go down and free Barbarus.

Final cleanup

A prisoner who has just been rescued does not change agent traditions, that is, he first of all thinks about the case. Vampire research data must not be allowed to become available to the general public. Therefore, you need to find the computer where the deceased stored the results of his previous experiments and delete the dangerous data.

Go out into the hall through the double doors and kill the guards. In principle, you don't have to pay much attention to them: Barbarus is an excellent fighter and copes well without outside help. In one of the rooms there is a valuable book that improves skills, in the other there is a computer. Once you have the key, unlock the computer room door and open the next door with the “open” command in the “door control” group. Behind the opened door is a computer that allows you to delete secret data about supernatural beings: the “purge” command.

Exit the building through one of the double doors and pick up the ringing phone. Harry calls: he is pleased and ready to repay the favor by telling the location of the Sarcophagus. The story continues.

Lunch in Italian

As it became known from the generous Harry, the sarcophagus is kept in Giovanni’s mansion, where your favorite yellow car with checkers will take you.

Getting into the building is not so easy: there are many ways, but they all involve some difficulties. For example:

  • distract and kill arriving guests in order to take away the invitation from them;
  • talk to the guests and convince them that they do not need an invitation;
  • kill the guard and open the door with a master key;
  • feast on the guard (while the rest of the guards in the yard will not come running to the sounds of battle), and pick the lock;
  • fool the guard by persuading him to let you through;
  • go around the building, deal with the guards and enter from the back door.

But keep in mind: if you fight your way inside, the entire internal pogrom team will be ready, and the other guests will flee.

So, if you didn't shoot, there will be three useful people in the hall: Mira, Chris and Adam. After talking and finding out all the secrets, you can gain additional experience by “pawning” the other two to one of them. Although this is not related to our main task, extra experience has never harmed anyone.

Now let's continue the mission. From the central hall, go right, then there will be another door. Find a library where there is a decorative sword hanging on one of the walls. By pulling it, you will open a secret passage behind one of the cabinets - go down.

It is important: If your hacking skills are not enough to open the second door, talk to Nadya in the main hall. Invite her to find a private place for the two of you, and she will open the doors herself.

The very first secret room resembles a hybrid of a kitchen, library and sectional room. Go down further: either through the door, or by standing on the table and pulling the lever. Before this, be sure to pick up the Book of Giovanni - this is the second of the items that the vampire Pisha was looking for.

Downstairs, kill all the zombies. This is not difficult due to their slowness and the sharpness of your katana. The door at the far end of the hall does not open, but it shatters into pieces from the blow of an obliging zombie. In one of the tombs you will find a small amulet. Go through the next door, go down and turn right. After jumping into the hole, run to its far end, open the secret door and climb the stairs, then continue down as if nothing had happened.

After passing through several automatic doors, turn to the side as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Walk around the circular corridor until you find the only open door. Now it’s just a stone’s throw to the sarcophagus, which is guarded by two strong guys: Brother Claw and Brother Cleaver.

During the fight with the brothers, I advise you to deal with the clawed brother as soon as possible - he is weaker, and dealing with one enemy is much easier than with two.

Finally, this, the longest story in the entire game, with the Sarcophagus has ended. At the same time, we completed the task for the vampire. After talking with Lacroix, be sure to go to her hospital to exchange two unnecessary items for two useful amulets.

Now all that remains is to open the sarcophagus. This is not as simple as it seems, but there are only one or two specialists in the world on ancient enchanted sarcophagi. One of them - the same one who oversaw the study of the Sarcophagus from Ankara - could clearly help. But not so long ago he was kidnapped by fanatics from Leopold's society (something like a modern Inquisition), so that his knowledge would not fall into the wrong hands.

Society for the Defense of Professors

Soon you and I will surpass Chip and Dale in the number of successful acts of rescue, so to speak. Next up is the professor. Having found out from Beckett everything that the Prince did not know or did not want to tell, take a taxi and go to your destination - the Society of Leopold location. Before the trip, I highly recommend purchasing a more powerful firearm, since the resistance does not promise to be symbolic.

The first security cordon can be overcome in one forced march to the door, but there you will still have to face a superior enemy face to face. Mostly these are strong guys, armed with knives, pistols, shotguns, machine guns and rifles - quite a package, I can assure you.

Having dealt with the first portion of the hostile element, turn off the laser beams using a laptop computer. Having picked up the lonely book, go upstairs and look for the key to the interior. There is also another wonderful example of non-canonical literary creativity lying around - the apocryphal “Vampires”. Armed with the key, go down to the wine cellar, pull out the barrel in the back room and dive into the resulting niche leading down.

Near the first fork, you can turn left to get an additional point of humanity by feeding the blood of a certain Ash. If you don't have enough hacking skills, return to the main direction (the right branch of the fork) and destroy the guards - one of them will definitely have the key to the camera.

On a note: The local warehouses are replete with cartridges and shells. Alas, we have nowhere to load the shells, but a well-aimed shot at the box can confuse the guards.

Having finished with the poor fellow or spat on him, continue along the right branch of the tunnel. Go straight, pass through the coastal warehouses and get to the door behind which the fanatical hunter - Grunfeld Bach - is waiting. His combat arsenal is amazing: grenades, a rifle, a sword... If only he could straighten his brains out, or rather, shake out a few obscurantist ideas about the grace of God - he would have no value at all. Otherwise you'll have to kill him.

Profession: vampire hunter.

I’ll say right away that this is a very difficult fight. From a long distance you are in approximately equal conditions, and he withdraws from hand-to-hand combat as soon as he receives several blows from his katana. However, I preferred close combat, although it requires a lot of running.

When the cult minister finally gives up his holy spirit, go up the stairs to the cell where Professor Johansen is being held. Ask about everything a vampire needs to know in such circumstances, and then use your own discretion. You can kill the poor fellow, or you can leave him alone - he will still die in less than a minute.

Where does this figure come from? It's simple. An unfinished vampire fighter will meet you at the exit. He is no longer capable of fighting, but in his hands (oh, mom!) is a remote control for some kind of brutal bomb. From the moment he presses the button, you will have no more than a minute to leave the dungeon, and the puny professor will not keep up with you.

Run back until you return to the lake with the boat. Get on the bridge and... don't jump into the boat!

This is a bug: In most versions of the game, a crash occurs at this point. I advise you to save before going down into the boat. If the game crashes, do the following: launch the game with the “ -console”, load the scene with the boat, call the debugging command panel with the “ key ~ ” and dial changelevel2 la_hub_1 taxi_landmark. This crash, as well as many other errors, is corrected by the official version patch 1.2 (posted on the March DVD “Gambling” and CD “LKI”).

Hotel massacre

As soon as the taxi drops you off near the Lacroix Tower, you will immediately notice that something is wrong. Both the pile of rubbish in front of the main entrance and the police car - all this suggests that something happened here during your absence.

And it's true. The prince is beside himself with rage. The Sabbat vampires finally became insolent and allowed themselves to try to storm the holy of holies - the Lacroix citadel. Of course, the Prince, together with a regular executioner, did not leave the office free from freaks, but it’s a fact! This is simply indescribable audacity!

And in general, Sabbat has recently shown unprecedented activity and is energetically capturing more and more new territories. As it became known, they occupied the Hollowbrook Hotel, making it their transshipment base. They had never come so close before: we should teach them a worthy lesson.

After listening to the instructions, go to the hotel. All the doors there are closed, but in the backyard you can find a strange lever that miraculously transports any vampire inside who decides to pull it. And here we are in the building...

This is a purely combat mission, and, in my opinion, one of the most dangerous in the game. Many narrow corridors are teeming with armed vampires actively using their innate abilities. You will have the opportunity to feel both the vampiric presence and dominance, in a word - everything that you used to enjoy using yourself.

On a note: in some rooms there are paralyzed people - apparently, the vampire brethren were stockpiling food for a rainy day. After you've been battered by a series of skirmishes, take a moment to grab a bite to eat and collect your thoughts.

Strategically, your path looks like this: down, down and down again. Go towards the vampires and ghouls breaking the walls, and at the first opportunity, go down.

The quintessence of an unpleasant alteration awaits you in a spacious room inhabited by teleporting vampires armed with shotguns. They have more than enough health, these creatures shoot well too, but you won’t be able to simply ignore them and move on. All that remains is to pray, save the game and study the dictionary of invective vocabulary (which, by the way, is what your humble servant was doing while going through this episode).

Something completely indecent happens in the next room. What on earth is my personal ghoul girl doing surrounded by all this scum? Yeah, clearly - he plays the role of the victim. They made a big mistake by killing her. I'll put them all down, geeks!

It's not every day that a vampire experiences an event such as the death of a beloved ghoul. Armed with reasonable rage in such cases, go ahead and destroy all those who are left alive. So, in the next room, the experienced vampire Sabbat, who knows how to ignite with his gaze, awaits his fate. I advise you not to be afraid of the lights on the stairs: it is better to jump through them and cut the villain with a sword than to shoot at a moving target.

The most important, although not the most difficult, battle is expected in the next room - the half-defeated leader of Sabbat (Andrey, remember this one?) is running into trouble again. You can choose a torch as a weapon, although a sword is quite suitable for our purposes. Carry out reprisals, and... of course, again to the Prince.

Enemy of my enemy

As soon as you leave Sabbat's hideout, which a minute ago was turned into a family crypt, Ming Xiao, the leader of the eastern branch of vampires, appears right in front of you. She is also interested in the sarcophagus, but who would doubt it. The situation turns out to be a stalemate - they have the key, the Prince has the sarcophagus, but no one wants to share.

And then a strange metamorphosis happens to her. Click! And Nines, the leader of the Anarchs, is already standing in front of us. Click again! A girl with slanted eyes. Some kind of devilry. Apparently, the girl has the gift of transformation, which allowed her to change her appearance a couple of times in order to reliably quarrel two strong clans with each other. It’s not clear why she gave herself away with this foppish display.

Having immersed ourselves in these thoughts, we go to Lacroix and share our thoughts. He puts two and two together, probably gets about fifteen, and sends you to forge an alliance with the Anarchs to unite in the face of the common Chinese threat.

On the way to the Last Patron bar, a very excited Beckett suddenly appears around the corner. And although he still does not believe in fairy tales about the Apocalypse and any special role of the sarcophagus in the context of it, he now categorically advises against opening it. Why remains a mystery. Having finally said that we might not see each other again, the historian hides in a dark alley. Whatever you say, events are taking an increasingly interesting turn.

Of course, Nines is not in the bar. The eccentric girl on the first floor will tell you where it is, but don’t rush to go there right away. I’ll tell you a little secret: there will be no going back. If you have unfinished business in any part of the city, I advise you with a clear conscience to postpone your trip to Griffin Park until later. certain time and do everything side quests. And one more thing: only fights await you ahead, so invest all the experience points you receive into combat skills.

Welcome to the Point of No Return station! Get into a taxi and go straight to the park, where, according to the girl from the bar, Nines is hiding. Climb into the cable car cabin, close the doors tightly and... off we go.

Yes, the freedom-loving leader is truly here. But the conversation is suddenly interrupted, first by sparks from an approaching fire, and then by a completely obscene spectacle.

It is important: If you were told that a werewolf is a person who can turn into a wolf, forget it immediately. A werewolf is a hefty bandura who cannot be killed by any vampire weapon, but who fiercely hates vampires.

We're trapped. Someone started a forest fire and, worse, put a werewolf on the trail. And the nearest trolley back to the park may not be launched earlier than in a few minutes - pay attention to the timer at the top of the screen. Until then, you will have to avoid death in one way or another, running away as fast as you can from a two-legged wolf twice the height of a man. Hide your weapons: nothing in your arsenal will leave a single scratch on the monster's skin.

However, there is still a way to kill him: you need to pinch his tail. First, go (or rather, run at a brisk trot) to a small booth with a switch: it turns on the electricity in the observatory building. Now go inside the building, run to the telescope, climb the stairs and open the roof with the second switch. All that remains is to ensure that the werewolf is outside the building. Lure him out or go down, make a circle and run through the open gap in the roof, going up the stairs. As soon as the creature pokes its head into the narrow opening, pull the switch again. The tail is not a tail, but we definitely pressed something on him, receiving an additional portion of experience for this.

Bloody Hunt

Do you think the troubles are over? And the hell with it - they are just beginning. It turns out that the incident in Griffin Park is the work of Prince Lacroix. The leader of the Camarilla suspected you of treason and decided to eliminate two unwanted people at once: a traitor in his own ranks and a strong leader from a hostile group. However, this is just one of the hypotheses. The facts that Jack (our first instructor) told us are that a bloody hunt has been announced for us.

On a note: A blood hunt is a hunt for a vampire that takes place with the participation of all other vampires of the clan. When the leader recognizes someone as objectionable or dangerous to the common cause, the rest are forced to obey and make every effort to find and kill the offender.

There is only one way out - to run. We start from our first room in Santa Monica. You need to get to the second street and get into a taxi at all costs. The city blocks are empty - not a single passerby is visible. Or rather - not a single one alive passerby, but motley vampires are prowling everywhere, tracking down their prey. It was necessary to annoy the Prince so much that for the sake of your death he would even spit on the Masquerade!

I frankly do not advise entering into a firefight - they will kill you. At best, you will waste a lot of ammo and blood packs, which is also not good. The ideal option is to move in short bursts, never rising to your full height. Here, finally, is the treasured checkered machine. Where to go? Move away from here!

Conversation in a taxi

Knowing the harmful nature of the leading developers from Troika Games, it would be naive to expect a linear plot and one ending in the game. Of course, there are a whole bunch of ending options, but the choice of ending happens in a taxi.

Who is this strange taxi driver? How does he know everything?

The question still occupies me to this day is who is this mysterious person behind the wheel? The extent of his awareness suggests that he is, without any doubt, a vampire. And obviously not the last ten, otherwise he would not have known most of the nuances of relationships between clans and internal intrigues. If Jack, then where does such impartiality come from - after all, his political orientation is quite obvious? If Beckett, then why did he get involved in a story that, generally speaking, touches him only from a natural science point of view? In general, if you appreciate detective stories with a complex plot, try to understand and answer this question.

Be that as it may, now you need to choose one of five options for your future fate. Who do you ultimately trust?

  • Prince Lacroix. In this case, you should go straight to the Tower to clear up the misunderstanding. After all, the Prince once saved you from imminent execution, which earned you gratitude until the end of the world.
  • Anarcham. If so, then go to an audience with the leader of the anarchist organization, realizing that Lacroix has betrayed you. This is where you find out that Nines is alive, and even chalked up the murder of a werewolf to his account.
  • Chinese clan. The logic is simple. The anarchs, apparently, are left without a leader, and the head of the Camarilla is confidently leading this rotten organization to final collapse. The only group that still has order is the Chinese vampires Ming Xiao.
  • Camarillas. It's also possible. Let the Prince - an overbearing tyrant, intoxicated with power - manage to get involved in all possible wars, but he is not the whole organization! It is enough just to overthrow the dictator and restore order.
  • For yourself. A vampire has no friends. Everyone who has met us on our journey so far has pursued only their own interests and are happy to let us go to waste. It's time to remember our interests.

Depending on your choice, there will be one or two serious assaults. Staying loyal to the Prince, you will go to steal the key from the Golden Palace, and after contacting the Chinese, you will get the sarcophagus from the Tower. In all other cases, storm both. Decide.

Golden Palace

If you are going on this task at the direction of the Prince, let him invest some money in the matter. By asking for financial assistance, you will receive about two thousand dollars: this should be enough to purchase the missing weapons and bags of blood. Let me remind you once again: spend all your experience points on improving your combat skills, since practically no others will be needed. When choosing between a good firearm and a good melee weapon, choose the latter, although it’s a good idea to save the flamethrower for the decisive battle. And the last piece of advice: the more packs of elder blood you can stock up on, the better - you will need an incredible amount of health.

The courtyard and the first level of the building are not difficult - at least in terms of choosing a path. As for security, I’m not your advisor: it all depends on battle tactics and reaction speed. When you reach a door that is bolted, place your face on the handle, no matter how bad it looks, and push the bar to the right. In the room with the large Buddha and stone vases, move one vase onto each square: a staircase leading down will open right in front of the statue.

Below you will find a hall with a large “Tao” sign in the center. In the neighboring rooms there are figurines of a Cat, Crane, Elephant and Dragon - take them with you. Remember what the pedestals looked like where you took the figurines from: were there rings, twisted or straight cylinders, and so on... Having collected all the figurines and not falling under the blades, return to the round hall and place them on exactly the same pedestals. A portal will open leading to the Throne Room. We've arrived...

After a short conversation in a raised voice, Ming Xiao turns into a giant cuttlefish, spits mucus and hits with tentacles. The fight does not promise to be short. The infection has more than enough health, and the same cuttlefish will soon grow from severed limbs, if the process is not nipped in the bud.

Advice: Save all 300 flamethrower charges before fighting Ming Xiao. It still won’t be enough to completely fry the Chinese beast, but it will take off at least half of its life quickly enough.

Having won, take the key to the sarcophagus hanging in the air and jump into the portal.

Prince's Tower

In my opinion, this assault is much simpler than taking the Golden Palace. Having advised the fat guard to run as fast as he could, kill all the fighters on the first floor and go to the elevator. It won't take you all the way to the top, but will stop between floors. Well, we'll have to continue on our own.

The path is simple enough that there is no need to describe it down to each turn. But if in the Golden Palace you always wanted to go deeper underground, here, on the contrary, you will have to climb up. Once you find the stairs, know that this is where you need to go.

Going out onto the roof of one of the lower floors, pay attention to the vertical pipe at the very end - it is highlighted with blue sparkles. Having suppressed resistance, crawl under the hole and climb along it to the next floor.

Next is a fight with Lacroix. He is frankly weak, and in terms of weapons he cannot compare even with a hunter from Leopold’s society. The only thing that can slightly spoil the blood is the rest of the commandos on the floor. Kill them before contacting the Prince.

Pick up the explosive we already know - astrolite. Install it in the only open elevator car and send it up, but, of course, do not get into it yourself. When the sound of “Bang!” is heard, sounding in unison with dozens of offended screams, call the elevator and go up in person.

A truly serious fight is expected further, when the Sheriff, who is also the Camarilla’s full-time executioner, gets in the way. At the first stage, he appears in his usual appearance, with a giant cleaver at the ready. The main thing here is to immediately turn around as soon as the Sheriff melts into the air: he always appears behind you. As soon as the enemy's health comes to an end, an unpleasant metamorphosis will occur - the vampire will turn into a giant griffin and throw you onto a roof swarming with guards.

Turn on the spotlight and blind the “bird.” While she lies there and trembles nervously, burn the creature with a flamethrower. As a last resort, there is a second spotlight on the roof, and the remaining health, if any remains, can be removed from the rifle at best traditions duck hunting.

Camarilla and Prince Lacroix

The Camarilla is one of the most ancient organizations of vampires, created to protect the clan from extermination. The term “Masquerade,” as well as its principle itself, was introduced by one of the first leaders and has since taken the place of law number one.

The Camarilla's logic is simple. If at the dawn of civilization, in its modern understanding, humanity almost wiped out vampires from the face of the earth, now, when people have powerful weapons, high technology and communications in their hands, they can put an end to the bloodsuckers in a matter of days. The only way to ensure survival is secrecy and conspiracy. Agents of the Camarilla spread deliberately delusional rumors about vampires and monitor compliance with the Masquerade - both within their own ranks and in other groups. From time to time they eliminate traitors and witnesses.

The Camarilla's authoritarianism is understandable. They cannot take the position of “my house is on the edge.” If a witch hunt begins, people will not understand the types of vampires. Whoever puts the hunters on the trail puts every living vampire at risk, including members of the Camarilla. But, on the other hand, such a tough position obviously gives rise to conflicts with other sects, since it is perceived as an attempt to introduce dictatorship for the sake of dictatorship. As a result, almost any period in the history of the sect is replete with wars and riots.

Among the important persons of the Camarilla, it is important to note two:

  • Prince(he is on the right in the picture). This is a leader with the right to speak on behalf of the entire sect, make strategic decisions, declare wars and truces. The events developing in the game take place during the reign of Prince Lacroix. Rumor has it that he is a useless leader - too young and narcissistic to easily succumb to the temptation to gain absolute power.
  • Sheriff(he's on the left). The judiciary, the executive, the head of the security service and the executioner rolled into one. His powers are not much inferior to those of the Prince. The sheriff maintains order, quickly makes important tactical power decisions, receives messages from informants and punishes criminals. In case of force majeure, the sheriff is selected from among the most powerful vampires. Often he personally resolves issues that require immediate intervention.

Vampire in the big city

As long as you haven't reached the “point of no return”, that is, you haven't gone to Griffin Park, you can earn extra money, experience and skills by getting involved in several stories in the city center. Namely:

Afterlife fun

When passing through the cemetery, look into a small booth - it is halfway from the gap to the crypt. Security guard Romero is sad there. True, he is not an ordinary security guard: instead of protecting the cemetery from attacks from the outside, he saves the city from attacks from the cemetery. Namely, day and night it drives the dead back into their graves.

The reason for the young man’s sadness is extremely simple: sexual dissatisfaction. Well, what else can you expect from a person who spends his nights among tombstones? You can help him in two ways: either stay to guard the cemetery, shooting the undead until he returns, or provide him with a girl. If you choose the second path, do not rush to go to the city for a prostitute (although this is also a completely acceptable option). If you have enough seduction skills, you may be able to satisfy the poor fellow right on the spot, without resorting to the help, so to speak, of third parties.

Reward options include money, ammunition, and bullet shooting skill.

Angel Plague

During the conversation with Regent Strauss, who left you a note on the table in the first room, bring up the topic of the plague. Actually, this is where the task, consisting of two parts, will begin.

Plague fun

Go to “The Last Patron” and start a conversation with the fighting maiden in the passage. She will complain that a plague carrier has appeared in the city. She advises starting his search with the ghoul Paul, who lives in the Skyline Hotel. Go to the fifth floor of the hotel. After listening to the message on the answering machine, remember the code and go up to the floor.

When communicating with Anna, try to find out where she could have become infected. If you can’t get her to talk, it doesn’t matter: in the toilet there is a notebook where the lady meticulously wrote down all her meetings. Having dealt with the records, look into the Empire Arms Hotel, where a cowardly employee will happily give the right key. If he doesn’t give it back, it’s no problem either: turning left, you’ll quickly find a room where the same key lies.

The future victim rents the fourth room on the fifth floor. It would seem that it could be simpler... Kill the carrier of the infection, take a useful book from the table and return to the customer in “The Last Patron”.

The plague fun continues

It turns out that's not all - the fun continues. First, find a homeless person warming himself by a burning barrel near the Confession Club. A homeless citizen will direct you to Tin Can Bill, who can be found in the alley near the Last Patron bar. Then, following the intelligence information, walk a couple more steps along the alley and go down into the sewer. Having found the rusty door, unlock the lock and go through. Having fallen down, find brother Kanker and, after exchanging a few words, kill him with a clear conscience, picking up the flyer.

After opening the door with the lever, go right and go down. After jumping, swim until you find a hole in the ceiling through which you can get back into the city. It's time to show our lady the flyer - what if she tells you something?

However, we ourselves could have guessed: we had already seen this badge not far from the library where Regent Strauss whiles away his days. Go through the door at the very end of the street, introduce yourself to the guard behind the glass and climb the stairs until you meet the infectious zombies. After a few turns and dips, you will certainly come out to a double door, on the other side of which Bishop Vic is hiding. There is only one way to solve the plague problem once and for all: kill the bishop.

To compensate for the effort expended, the satisfied regent will offer you the choice of an artifact that increases the duration of all vampire tricks, or money. I recommend taking the artifact: we will solve the money issue some other way.

Chatty woman

The large black man named Skelter, standing not far from Nines in “The Last Patron,” is not worried about the plague. The long tongue of one overly talkative lady has recently begun to pose a serious threat to the Masquerade. Leading an active lifestyle in the city's clubs, Patti (that's the name of our walking problem) chats about everything that has ever caught her eye. Sclater would be grateful to anyone who could silence her.

Well, clubs are just clubs. During a conversation with a girl whom you can easily find at the Confession club, mention that her friend has gone to San Diego. After all, if you send her to feed the vampire from the hospital or personally kill her around the corner, you will lose one unit of humanity.

The story of one suitcase

Do you remember Fat Larry, the speculator behind the white van? It turns out that he also has a thing for a young vampire (vampire), but he still doesn’t realize that it’s you he needs. After you buy some weapons from him, try talking to him again.

According to Larry, in just a couple of minutes a deal will take place between two mafia clans, during which diplomats with unknown contents will be exchanged. If you can get one of these, the fat guy will be just happy. And if you put a little more pressure on him, you will receive a lifetime discount on all products from his range.

Not far to go. The meeting point is an underground parking lot a stone's throw from Larry's van. Pay attention to the ventilation shafts and stairs: you can use them to get to the goal absolutely unnoticed, which will bring more experience. So, you need to go down four floors, steal the case and bring it to Larry.

The value of this task is not in money and skills: it opens the way for a series of subsequent orders that will follow from Venus (the owner of the Confession club) thanks to the recommendation of the fat merchant.

Russian Mafia

The red icon shows that Russian bandits are also good for food.

Check out the Confession club. By mentioning in a conversation with the owner that Larry meant you, you will receive the first task. The bottom line is that the Russian mafia clan is engaged in racketeering in the area, collecting regular tribute. But the situation with the club is completely special - Venus took out a large loan to open it, and now gangsters regularly take away most of the money.

And now the three thugs are waiting for their share at the appointed place. If you go and convince them that they have already received the money, or simply kill the gang, the gratitude of the club ladies will know no bounds. You should look for bandits in the nearest parking lot around the corner.

Kill Boris

Convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, Venus offers a more difficult task - to get rid of the Russian mafia altogether. The leader of the clan, Boris, lives in the penthouse of the Empire Hotel, from time to time he persuades the owner of the club to have unnatural sex and extracts the last of her money. The business is declining, so in exchange for the death of Boris, Venus offers you the status of co-owner of Confession.

It’s just a matter of little things: take the key from the girl, go up to the sixth floor of the Empire Hotel, bypass the security and shoot Boris. When you return to Venus, she will pay you honestly and advise you to come in once every couple of days for your share of the establishment’s profits.

This is interesting: if instead of killing Boris and his bodyguard Dima, you talk to the bandit, you can switch sides and receive a contract to kill Venus. Think about what is more valuable to you - a large amount of money at once or regular income from time to time.

1 2 3 4 5 All

Santa Monica

When you leave the house on the street, you will see a scripted video in which a man beaten half to death crawls into one of the houses. This is the ghoul Mercurio you need, follow him along the bloody trail. With meeting him this story quest will end and the next one will begin.

Surf's Up (High Surf)

Mercurio was beaten and robbed of his money by local bandits when he came to them for explosives - astralite. Now your task is to take the astralite from them, in addition, Mercurio wants to return the money taken from him.
If you sympathetically ask Mercurio if you can help him in any way, you will find out that he needs painkillers. If you agree to provide Mercurio with this service, it will appear in the diary quest The Pain of Being Mercurio (How painful it is to be Mercurio).
Head through the car park to the beach. There, the prophetess Rose will run up to you, among other things, she will tell you the direction where to go - to the right and up. Following Rosa's instructions, go up the stairs to the location with the bandits' house.
There is a guard in front of the courtyard entrance; you can kill him, convince him to let you through using Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction (requires 3 or higher to succeed), or sneak past him through a hole in the fence. Ventrue or Malkavians can use domination or dementation respectively and simply order the guard to let you in.
Look around the house. In the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grill, Mercurio's money is hidden behind it - $250. You can simply kill all the bandits and take the astralite, or you can try to resolve the matter peacefully. To do this, talk to Denis (the black man in white). If you are not polite enough in conversation or mention Mercurio, he will attack you. If Persuasion 4 and higher, you can persuade him to give the astralite. With Persuasion equal to 3 or using domination or dementation (Ventrue, Malkavian), convince him to sell it to you. For $500 (if Haggle is greater than or equal to 3, then the price will drop to 300). A female character with Seduction 3 or higher may pay with her own body. In the kitchen you can grab a receiver for further sale, but in this case the bandits will immediately attack. One way or another, having obtained the astralite, return to Mercurio, if you give him his money, you will receive an additional experience point. This will complete the High Surf quest and begin the Explosive Beginning quest.

Explosive Beginning

Now you have to blow up a warehouse belonging to Shabbat vampires using astralite. But there is one problem: only a nosferatu named Bertram Tang knows about the location of this warehouse. But at the moment he is hiding from Teresa Voeman and his whereabouts are unknown. And in order to meet with him, convince Teresa to stop pursuing Tang. To meet Teresa, go to the Asylum club.
As soon as you enter the Asylum, Teresa's sister Jeanette will speak to you. After talking to her, go to the bartender and say that you came to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Go up to the second floor, pick up a gold ring from the floor in the corridor.
Talk to Teresa about Bertram Tang. She will agree to stop the war, but not just like that, but in exchange for a favor. Teresa is bothered by ghosts in the Ocean House, and in order to get rid of them, she needs to bring something belonging to the ghosts from the hotel. From Teresa you will learn that you can only get there through the sewers and you will receive the key to the grate. After this conversation with Teresa, another quest, “The Ghost Comes Out at Midnight,” will begin.

The Ghost Haunts at Midnight

Head through the sewers to the Ocean House. (in the sewer not far from entry point A, you need to open the door and go up outside).
The door to the Ocean House is locked, you can pick the lock with enough skill or find the key. The key hangs on the wall in a small building.
One of the ghosts living in the hotel is extremely aggressive and will constantly try to damage you by throwing various items, so be careful, the items can cause significant damage to your health.
When you climb the stairs to the second floor in the hotel, they will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room where one of the walls can be broken through. In the next room, read the newspaper, after which the washing machine will start loudly in the laundry room, there will be a key to the boiler room. In the boiler room, turn on the power (the door to the boiler room is illuminated in red), now the elevator from the basement to the second floor is working.
You can try to get to the second floor without wandering around the basement. To do this, at the moment when the stairs begin to collapse, jump forward and jump over the gap, or jump back in time, and then calmly jump over the hole. On the second floor, go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go in the opposite direction and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. Use the dish lift to go down to the kitchen. Take it from the table and read the diary. When you read the diary, two events will happen: firstly, the Spiritual Release quest will start, and secondly, dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will break. From there, climb up the ventilation pipe into the elevator shaft. Inside Do not stay long in the mines, quickly run to the stairs, otherwise you will be crushed by the fallen elevator. Climb the stairs to the third floor.
Go right, and in one of the rooms (the first door on the left) take Weekapaug Thistle - increases defense by 1. Return to the elevator and go to the left corridor, in one of the rooms, through the hole in the ceiling, go up to the next floor.
Trying not to touch the glow, crawl under the exploding pipes until you reach the room at the end of the corridor. Once you are in this room, it will transform and become the way it was when the hotel was in operation. The pendant lies on the table in the far corner of the room, as soon as you take it everything will return to its previous state. Return to the elevator shaft, go down to the second floor and exit the hotel.
At Asylum, Jeanette will meet you. She will ask in a plaintive voice to give the pendant to her; if you give it, the Spiritual Release quest will fail. (If you give the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future.)
In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - go to Gallery Noir, cut the paintings with a knife and/or steal money donated to charity from the cash register. She gives you a knife to complete the task. If you agree, the Slashterpiece quest will begin.

Slashterpiece (Art carving)

If you agreed to help Jeanette, then your path lies to the gallery. Outside, the gallery is guarded by a fat, intellectually disabled policeman named Chunk. During Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you pass. Malkavians can use Dementation to force Chunk to give the key to the side door. Ventrue using Domination to open the main entrance. You can not contact Chunk at all, go to the parking lot, break down the fence beam (if you don’t have enough strength, Blood Buff will help) and crawl through the hole to the side door; any character can open the lock of the side door (difficulty 1).
Inside you must either cut up the paintings, or steal donations, or do both. The paintings must be cut in a certain order (otherwise they will be restored), namely in the chronological sequence of the events from Caine's life depicted on them: Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith. After all four paintings are cut in the right order, a Blood Guardian will appear in the center of the hall, kill him and you can leave the gallery.
You can take money from the donation box, but for stealing $250 you will pay with a unit of humanity, but the quest will be completed.
After cutting the paintings or stealing the donations or doing both, go outside and go visit the sisters, this is the end of the quest.

If you refuse to cut up paintings or steal donations, still go to Gallery Noir. There will be a couple of police cars parked outside the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.

Bad Blood

Return to the sisters' club, this time Teresa will be waiting for you there. And if you didn’t please her in some way - you gave Janet’s pendant and/or sabotaged the gallery, she tells you to go to the Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa doesn’t hold a grudge against her.
Enter the diner and go to the phones at the far end of the room. When you approach it, a group of bandits will open fire on you from the opposite corner. After their untimely death, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Jeanette, she asks you to come to the club quickly.

Sibling Rivalry

Return to Asylum to the sisters, this time you will see their quarrel, it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. This time they decided to kill each other. You can support Teresa in the conversation, then she will kill Jeanette’s personality; or support Jeanette to kill Teresa. With Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, for this you will receive an additional experience point. In any case, you will learn that Bertram Tang is hiding in an empty fuel tank at Sunco Gasoline.

Explosive Beginning - continuation

Bertram, ready to transport you to the desired warehouse. Your task in the warehouse is to get to the office, plant explosives there and within a certain time (3 minutes are given) get to the platform near the place where you entered the location.
Once you enter the warehouse and kill or sneak past the first bandit, go to the next room. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go through the back door or through a hole in the wall to the street, behind the house you can find shotgun shells.
There are two bandits walking between the carriages, kill them or sneak past.
You can either break into the interior of the warehouse head-on, attacking groups of bandits, or you can slowly through the side entrance. Once you get to the office one way or another, plant a bomb there and run to the exit of the location. Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two hostile vampires.
When you reach the platform, a scripted video will start and you will meet Beckett. After talking with him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank. Your main task in Santa Monica is completed and the next area is now available - Downtown. Everyone except Nosferatu moves between areas by taxi; after the warehouse explodes, it will appear near the entrance to Asylum. Nosferatu use a map in the sewers to travel between areas.
To complete the quest “Explosive Beginning,” you must report the results of your activities in Santa Monica to Lacroix.


Elizabethan Rendezvous (Date with Elizabeth)

Arriving in Downtown, after the scripted scene with Nines Rodriguez, go to the Lacroix Tower. Officer Chunk is sitting at the duty desk there, if you killed him during the “Slashterpiece” quest, then his brother, tell him that Sebastian Lacroix is ​​waiting for you and he will call the bodice. (For nosferatu, Chunk will not summon the bodice; in this case, you will have to use the elevator in the basement.)
After listening to your report on the work done in Santa Monica, Lacroix will give the following task - to inspect the ship Elizabeth Dane:
find out what happened to the Ankara sarcophagus, which was transported by ship;
obtain a copy of the police report;
obtain the ship's cargo declaration.
It is advisable to do all this without attracting attention to yourself.
Additionally, LaCroix will ask you to go to the Last Round and talk to Rodriguez to find out what he wants from you. It's better to do this before sending to Elizabeth Dane.
Head to Santa Monica Beach and there's a boat waiting for you. Jump into it and you will soon find yourself at the ship. Climb up the rope ladder. A little further on, a policeman, bribed by a local newspaper, is chilling along the side. During Persuasion, Intimidation or for a female character Seduction 3 (Malkavians can use Dementation 2), you can pretend to be a journalist and get a police report from him. The first part of the task is now completed.
In addition, this policeman will distract his colleague guarding the passage to the interior of the ship and give you the password to the computer (lighthouse). Having enlisted the help of a policeman, go down below, wait until he calls the guard on the radio, and sneak into the corridor.
In the middle of the corridor, turn into the door and go upstairs. There, hack the computer and run the ship control programs (password – lighthouse) - you should be interested in the “unlock” menu the doors” and “turn cameras on”. Having opened the doors and turned on the cameras, view the images on the adjacent monitor, when you reach the picture with the Ankara Sarcophagus, your diary will be updated and the second part of the task will be completed. Now all that remains is to get the ship's cargo declaration. Leave the room and go downstairs. There, go to the archive (Records Room) and take the ship's declaration from the table.
If you have not yet received the report from the policeman, then a second copy can be found on the table halfway to the sarcophagus, and you can also examine the sarcophagus not only through a computer monitor, but also with your own eyes. In order to get to the sarcophagus and back without catching the eye of the police, you must have a more or less developed Sneaking or Obfuscate skill.
Having completed all three tasks in one way or another, return with a report to Lacroix. After completing this quest, everyone except the Tremere and Nasferatu can receive new, more comfortable housing from the prince, located at Skyline Apt. 4. If you gave a girl your blood at the Santa Monica hospital, meet her at the entrance to the tower.

Calling Dr. Grout (Calling Dr. Grout)

Lacroix will report that the original Malkavian, Alistair Grout, did not show up for today’s meeting. Of course, you are entrusted with finding and bringing Dr. Grout to Lacroix.
Before heading to Grout's mansion, it is recommended to go to the Last Round bar and talk to Rodriguez. At making the right choice replicas in dialogue, he will raise the Melee or Brawl skill by one point.
At the entrance to Grout's mansion, you will encounter Nines Rodriguez coming out of there. After talking with him, go into the mansion.
Go right, crawl under the rubble of furniture and go into the library at the end of the corridor. There, a crazy vampire is having fun pulling a candlestick lever. Press the levers in the correct order (left - right - middle), the door at the other end of the corridor will open. Grab the nearby book Scarlet Torkelson: Circus Performer (+1 to Dodge) and go back to the exit. From the exit now go left. In the large hall, press the candlestick lever, this will open a hatch in the ceiling. Go upstairs, go to the next room, there - to the left and down, then go up the spiral staircase, go along the open corridor and down the stairs again. Go down until you find yourself in a large hall, through the door at the far end into the next room, with a fireplace and a couple of vampires. Press the button in the fireplace, a passage to the next room will open. Walk along the corridor until you find yourself on the second floor of the library. There are candlestick levers again. Press the levers until all three lights are on, then press the middle light. A secret door on the first floor of the library will open.
You can do without fiddling with levers - to do this, you need to activate a fake book-button on one of the shelves.
Go down through the hatch in the floor to the first floor of the library and go into the opened corridor, it will lead to a room with a unit striking lightning. Press the lever to the left of the entrance, go to the center, and from there to the left. Pick up the Tarulfang amulet (reduces the likelihood of falling into rage) and press the next lever, etc. until the entrance to the next corridor is safe. Activate the lever and return to the large hall with the stairs. Now the large doors at the end of the hall are open, you can go there. There, in the room on the right, take the key to the refrigerator. The refrigerator itself is opposite the entrance to the previous room. Take a couple of bags of Elder Vitae and three bags of regular blood from the refrigerator.
Then go down the stairs on the left, you will find yourself in the next corridor - there are three ghouls and a locked door with a lock of the 5th difficulty level. If you can, pick the lock - you can pick up some ammo inside (or a weapon if you don't already have one).
At the end of the corridor, go through the door and go down into the unfinished part of the mansion. Climb up the boards, go through the only door and go up to the second floor and the room with a woman in a glass cage. Turn on the gramophone, the door to Grout's bedroom will open.
In the bedroom you will see what was once Grout. Go to the balcony, there will be a conversation with the leader of the hunters - Bach. After the conversation, jump from the balcony and run to where there is no fire yet until you find yourself in a dead-end room. There, open the window and get out.
Report to Lacroix about the fate of Grout, and about the meeting with Rodriguez and Bach, this will complete the quest.

Patron of the Ancient Arts

After clarifying the fate of Grout, Lacroix will give a new assignment - we need to get the Ankara sarcophagus from the Museum of Natural History, where it was delivered. It is advisable to complete this task without killing the museum guards.
You can ask Lacroix for money for current expenses, you will receive $300.
Before going by taxi (or through the sewer) to the museum, it is recommended to take the Occultish Personality quest from Pisha, since you will not be able to get into the museum a second time.
In the museum, go down the stairs into the corridor. Walk along the corridor, no matter which way, until you see a half-open door, take the key there. Walk along the corridor to the nearest red door, through it you will enter the main hall of the museum.
If your character is quite well developed physically, go up to the bridge and jump onto the pterodactyl, someone left $100 on its back.
From the main hall, sneak into the men's room, from there into the back room and climb into the ventilation shaft. Along the shaft, get to the room with the computer, jump there. Sneak into the red-lit room and take the basement key from the table. Then return to the main hall of the museum and sneak to the opposite door. Go down to the basement.
In the basement, watch the cameras carefully. If they notice you, the alarm will be raised and the guards will come running. When the camera turns away, make your way under it, and when it turns back into the security room. A character with sufficiently good stealth can hack into a computer, disable the cameras (passwords pterodactyl and velociraptor), take the Security Manual from the table (+1 to Lockpicking) and leave unnoticed by the guard located in this room.
in order to get a fetish for Pisha, follow the green line until you find yourself at a large window through which you can see the room and the fetish standing on the table. Break the window, take the fetish and go back along the green line.
Once near open door, go in and take another key from the table. Hack the computer (password ihatemyjob), read in the emails that the electronic lock code is 2358. Another way to find out the code is to read a note in one of the offices located along the red line.
Go through the door with a combination lock and follow further along the corridor. You will find yourself near another glassed-in security room, behind it are laser alarm beams. There are two ways to get through them without raising alarm:
Break the electrical panel located right there, as a result the beams will work unstably and you can climb over them.
Disable completely. To do this, you need to hack the computer in the next room. This task is for a character who is good at camouflage. No matter how you have to break the glass, crawl into the room, hack the computer and leave without being noticed by the security guard who is in this room.
If you go through the museum killing the guards, then you can not pay attention to these rays at all.
After passing through the beams, go through the door on the left. If you have walked through the museum quietly, the door will be open; if you make any noise in any way, the door will be locked and a guard will be standing nearby. If a guard is killed or some kind of "distraction" discipline is used on him, a key will drop out of him.
Enter this door and you will soon reach the room with the sarcophagus, or rather the room where the sarcophagus was. And now Beckett is there, who, however, has nothing to do with the theft of the sarcophagus. If you conduct a conversation with Beckett correctly, he will raise your Scholarship skill by 1. After completing the conversation, you will automatically be transported to Lacroix.
Report your actions in the museum - this will complete the quest, and if you didn’t kill anyone there, you will receive an additional two experience points as a reward.

The Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus

This quest includes several other story quests that will be taken and completed in Hollywood and Chinatown.
After you report to Lacroix about the disappearance of the sarcophagus, he will send you to find the head of the local Nosferatu, Gary Goldon. Gerry knew that the sarcophagus was delivered to the museum, it was he who informed Lacroix about this, and Lacroix assumes that he conveyed this information to someone else. Gary must be found in the sewers under Hollywood.


Dead Ex (Ashes of Past Glory)

As soon as you get out of the taxi in Hollywood, a local vampire will speak to you and advise you to first talk to Isaac Abrams, the local baron. Abrams is waiting for you at the end of the street at Golden Age Jewelry (enter through the side door).
Before Isaac says that no matter what, nosferatu must carry out his instructions. Isaac wants you to deliver him a certain tape. Unsolder yourself in the Ground 0 Internet cafe, there, on one of the computers (the last computer in the right row, the password is Kafka), contains information about the meeting place with the courier. near one of the computers you can find the book The Cowboy's Guide to Cyberspace
Go to the indicated meeting place, behind Fast Buck, the courier is there, only he doesn’t have the cassette with him, having said that the cassette is hidden somewhere at “Ginger Swane”, he runs away in panic around the corner, where he is, judging By the sounds of it, they are safely eaten.
From Isaac Abrams you can learn that Ginger Swane is a movie star from the 40s and 50s, now resting in a local cemetery. The same information can be emphasized by rummaging through the computers in an Internet cafe.
The cemetery gates are closed at night, but you can enter the cemetery through a hole in the wall near the gate, after clearing it of debris. In the cemetery, follow the path to the end until you come to a large graveyard, inside it find the place where Ginger is buried, the bones lying nearby can serve as a guide. Take the tape and take it to Isaac. After looking at it, Isaac will say that this is not a complete version, the beginning is missing, so you need to look for another one. At this point, the quest “Ashes of Past Glory” will end and the next one will begin.

Snuff is Enough

In order to determine the location of the film, a complete version of the film is needed. Isaac advises asking the local "dirt peddlers", so the next stop is the Sin Bin shop at the opposite end of the area.
The owner of Sin Bin - Flynn, at Persuasion, Intimidation or, for a female character, Seduction 6, you can get the necessary information on how to contact the filmmakers. If there are not enough skills, then the same information is bought from him for $500 or pulled out from his computer (Private section, password - dirtydog).
Communication with the filmmakers is carried out using a pay phone at the Red Spot store (password - "The moon is a mysterious mistress...", review - "...who walks the night with demons of dread"). Once you find out the review and password, go and talk on the phone. You will be given an appointment in the second room of the Luckee Star Hotel.
There will be no one in the hotel, but there is a key to the door to the Ground 0 computer club and a gold ring for sale. In Ground 0, open the door to the interior and go up the stairs, you will find yourself in the snuff film studio. Move forward (grab a couple of jars of morphine in the second room) until you see the animals killing a person. With lockpicking 10, you can break the door and immediately enter this room and take the desired cassette from the table. If the skill is not enough, go through the door marked DMP and talk to the studio employee who is still alive. Before being eaten, he will tell you that the studio did not make the film of interest; the tape was found in a certain “scary house on the hill.” Go to the next room, climb through the ventilation shaft into a room with a lock of difficulty 10. Take the tape from the table and go with your report to Isaac.
This time you got it full version film, and Isaac finds out where it was filmed - in a mansion located at 609 King's Way.

Going the Way of Kings

On global map there is a new location 609 King's Way, go there.
In order to get inside the mansion, you need to climb the ivy behind the building to the second floor, from there along the stairs to the third. And on the third floor through the window inside.
In one of the rooms on the table there is a table artifact Mummywrap Fetish (increases healing speed). Go down the stairs, on the next floor you can find a ring and several bags of blood in the refrigerator.
In the basement you will find the author of the film, the vampire Andrei. After you deal with him and his little animals, go through the door to the dungeon.
After crawling along a dilapidated pipe, you will find yourself in the sewer. The corpse of a worker lies nearby, you can take his diary and read the entries.
Use the lever to open the grate and turn left at the next fork. Climb into the left pipe near the next grate, after getting out of the pipe, go right and open the next grate with the lever.
If you turn left at the fork, then after opening the door of a small room, you will find cartridges. Through the door opposite you can get out to Hollywood and replenish supplies.
At the next fork, turn left and then right and climb into the second pipe on the right. After making your way through the pipe, in the end, your character will find himself in a room illuminated by a red light, turn the valve there, and a stream of water will wash you away to the second level of the dungeon.
Get up the stairs before you get wrapped up in the blades. Make your way through the pipe to the next room, take the barrel in the corner and throw it into the water. The barrel will jam the blades, now you can crawl into the pipe above them. In the next room, cross the bridge, go down the stairs and jump into the dry pipe. You will find yourself in a green room, go through the door at the far end, go up the stairs and through the next door. When you try to walk along the bridge to the control panel, it will collapse under you.
Get out of the water up the stairs. Now you need to turn off the electricity; this can be done by breaking the lock in the room next to it and turning the switch, or you can do it through the computer.
After a power outage, turn the switch on the device that controls the pumps to the “Safe” position (the indicators are green), after stopping the pumps, jump down as quickly as possible and swim along the underwater corridor to this pump, turning right near the fan. This needs to be done as quickly as possible before the pump reaches full power and the flow of water throws you back. If you fail to swim the first time, return to the control panel and repeat the maneuver until the bitter end.
After defeating the pump, you will find yourself on the third level of the dungeon. Use the lever to open the grate and go left at the fork.
(If you need to replenish your supplies, turn right at this fork. At the end of the corridor there will be another service room with a magazine and you can again climb out to the surface in Hollywood.)
Go down, then up, until you reach a door marked Authorized Personnel Only. Pick the lock on the door (lockpicking 5), cross the bridge to get to the door. In the next room a “spider” is waiting for you, deal with this beast. In the corner, throw the barrels aside and make your way along the ledge to the ventilation grill. Break down the grate and make your way through the ventilation shaft to the fourth level of the dungeons.
Go down by jumping from pipe to pipe, or you can just jump and pay some health.
Walk along the corridor and at the fork go left, then right. After passing through this tunnel, you will see a fight between a nosferatu and a couple of creatures. There is a corpse on the right, pick up the magnetic key from it. Return to the fork where you turned right and now go straight and then left. Eventually, you should end up in a round room with a platform in the middle. Go to the computer and use the magnetic key you found, then climb onto the platform in the center of the hall and jump down into the hole leading to the fifth level of the dungeon.
Now you have reached the lair of Nosferatu. Here you can find the Nosferatu hacker Mitnick, talk to him and receive the quest “The Web Stretched Everywhere.” From Mitnik’s room to the left lives the former supermodel Imalia, you can take the task “Citizen Model” from her. Go to the rocks next to Imalia's room and pick up the Galdjum artifact from the floor (+25% to the duration of all passive disciplines).
At the end of the settlement you will finally find Nasferatu Chief Gary Golden. It’s just that Gary doesn’t want to share information about the location of the sarcophagus, but demands that he first fulfill his instructions - to find his missing agent Barrabus, who disappeared in Chinatown. At this point, the current quest will be completed and the next story quest I Spy Barabus will be activated.
After receiving the task from Gary, get out of the room through the back door and climb out into the Hollywood Cemetery. The next area is now available - Chinatown.


Kikinapped (Kikineping)

The first thing to do in Chinatown is go to the Golden Temple and talk to Ming Zhao, the head of the local kwei-jin. She herself doesn’t know anything about Barrabus, but she will advise you to ask Wong Ho, the owner of the Red Dragon restaurant. After leaving the temple, you will see a scripted scene, several guys running, one dragging a girl on his shoulder. Go to the restaurant. In the restaurant, talk to the head waiter girl, she will open the elevator doors, you can call the elevator yourself by pressing the button on the desk.
Take the elevator to the second floor and talk to Wong Ho, from him you will learn that his daughter Kiki has just been kidnapped by Tongan bandits, and to get information you must first return Kiki to her father. During your conversation, someone will call Wong Ho and report that his daughter is being held at the Lotus Blossom massage parlor. Go to the indicated address.
Inside the salon, in the second room on the right along the corridor you can find a gold ring, in the last room on the right - an expensive watch. Then return to the entrance, go through the first door and go upstairs. In the room opposite the stairs, take the key; in the first room on the right along the corridor there are $250 lying around. Return to the locked room above the stairs and open it with the key. In the boarded closet you will find the kidnapped Kiki, free her and take her to Wong Ho.

Original Gangster

After rescuing his daughter, Wong Ho will say that he himself does not know anything about Barrabus, but will direct you to Zhao, the owner of the warehouse.
At the warehouse, Zhao is waiting for you in the glassed-in office upstairs; he is sure that the leader of the Tongs, Johnny, had a hand in the disappearance of Barrabus. He sits in the Tong Glaze club, strangers are not allowed into the club, but Zhao knows the lock code - 725. At the end of the conversation, the Tongs will raid the warehouse, kill them and leave the warehouse, this will complete the quest.
Before leaving the warehouse, you can grab three tape recorders for sale, two on the first floor, the third is on the second among the boxes.

Dragon's Tail (Dragon Tail)

After meeting Zhao, go to Glaze, enter code 725 and go inside the club.
Your task in the club is to go to Johnny’s office and talk to him. This problem can be solved in three ways. The first way is to kill all the bandits. The second is to quietly sneak to the second floor behind the guard’s back, without touching anyone. And the third is to approach Johnny’s deputy, he stands behind the partition not far from the DJ, and with Persuasion 7 or Intimidate 8 you can get permission from him to go upstairs to Johnny.
Go upstairs using any of the above methods and talk to Johnny. During your conversation, the screen on the wall behind Johnny will turn on and someone who calls himself the Mandarin will appear there. This Mandarin will provoke Johnny into attacking you and, after his untimely death, invite you to visit him at the Fu Syndicate.

Come Into My Parlor (Come to my abode)

Since you are invited to pay a visit to the Fu Syndicate, you have to go there. Just before entering the syndicate building, make sure that you have firearms and cartridges for it, it will be needed there.
Once you enter the building, you will have no choice where to go; only one direction is open, which leads to the elevator. The Mandarin will insistently offer to enter this elevator through a screen on the wall. It is not difficult to understand that the elevator leads into a trap, but you will still have to go, because it will be impossible to go anywhere else. Having entered the elevator and taken it up, you will see that it was indeed a trap. The syndicate is studying vampires and you will play the role of a guinea pig, they will study methods of destroying vampires.
In the first room you will be exposed to the effects of poisonous gases and radiation, neither of which can harm you. Once convinced of this, the observers will open the door to the next room and invite you to go there.
In the second room there are laser beams, you can run through them and a passage will open to the third room.
In the third room, where they test your resistance to slashing weapons. Three mechanisms equipped with sharp rotating blades move around the room. To pass the room you need to destroy all these “meat grinders”. To stop them, shoot the blocks behind the bars opposite the observation window. Once all three devices are disabled, you will be launched into the next room.
In the fourth room, you will first be greeted by a man with a crucifix. Having made sure that the cross against vampires does not help, the Mandarin will send a team of armed men at you, and after their untimely death, the door to the next test room will open.
In the fifth room they will test the effects of electricity on you. To survive in this room, shoot the electrical dischargers on the ceiling of the room; after they stop functioning, the door to the next room will open.
In the sixth and final room you are going to be tested for fire resistance. Shoot one of the flamethrowers, which will result in an explosion that will shatter the armored glass and now you can get out through it and settle accounts with the experimenters. After killing the guards, catch up with the runaway mandarin and take the key to the cell in which Barrabus is kept from his corpse. Free Barrabus from captivity, but before leaving, you must destroy all vampire research data.
Go through the double doors, take the key from the body of one of the guards, open the door with it, hack the computer (password - Freedom) and open the door to the next room. Go there, hack the server (password - autopsy) and erase the information, after which Barrabus will break the door to the lobby. If your Lockpicking is leveled up to 10, hack the last of the three doors, grab the book Bustin" It: Harmful If Swallowed Hint Book (Melee +1) from the table there and read the interesting email (password – elimination).
After destroying the data, leave the syndicate building, go to the pay phone near the entrance to the syndicate and Gary will call you and inform you that the sarcophagus should be with Giovanni and Giovanni’s Mansion becomes available on the map.
If you play as Nosferatu and were not rude to Gary, then after liberating Barrabus, you will receive a new apartment in the Downtown sewers, between exits E and F.

Italian Dinner

Giovanni's Mansion is now available on the global map, take a taxi there. There is a big reception going on at the mansion, but unfortunately you are not on the guest list.
There are three ways to get into the mansion: 1. Break in by force, interrupting the guards; 2. quietly sneak past the guards through the back door; 3. Approach the couple at the fountain, with Persuasion 6 you can convince them that the woman has had too much and it is better for them not to go to the reception, but to return home. After they leave, pick up the dropped invitations and enter as a guest.
If you got to the mansion peacefully, you can complete a small quest. Among the guests in the main hall are three members of the Giovanni family: Adam, Chris and Mira. They are competitors for position in the family and each is eager to get dirt on the others.
Adam is on the verge of bankruptcy, this can be found out in a conversation with him at Persuasion 8. For information about Mira and Chris, he will give a gold ring and an expensive watch.
Chris is not really Giovanni, but the illegitimate child of a fashion writer; to find out, you'll need Persuasion 9. He won't give anything for dirt on Mira and Adam.
Mira has AIDS, to find out this fact you need to have Persuasion 10 and Seduction 8. She gives $100 for information about Adam and Chris.
Having dealt with or ignored them, talk to the girl in white - Nadya. At Persuasion or Seduction 8, she will want to show you "something special." Follow her (you can pick up the Dodge II book in the library) and find yourself in the place where Giovanni is working on the corpses in this room, grab the Voce del Morte book for Pisha from the table to complete the Occultish Personality quest. After a short conversation, Nadya will open the next door.
You can also get here on your own. If you choose a hidden type of passage, use the system of secret passages that are hidden behind false panels in the walls. If you approach such a panel and press the action button, it will open. In the library, to open the door, use the lever disguised as swords hanging on the wall. And in the embalming room, either break the door (lockpicking 8) or use the lifts.
One way or another, you will find yourself in catacombs inhabited by zombies. In the last niche on the right, pick up the Saulocept amulet (+1 experience point whenever you gain 3 or more experience points). Go through the door and follow the corridor, which will lead you to the lower level of the catacombs. There are grates built into the floor in some places, which open when you approach, and you can fall into a pit with zombies. You can get out of the hole through a secret door in the wall. After making your way through the zombies, get to a circular corridor, in the center of which there will be a door leading to the third floor of the catacombs.
There you will be met by a couple of kwei-jin - agents of Ming Zhao, who came here for the same thing you did, that is, for the sarcophagus. With Persuasion 5, in a conversation you can get information about a certain agreement between Lacroix and the kwei-jin. The conversation with the agents will end in a fight; after the brothers’ death, a scripted video will start demonstrating the loading and removal of the sarcophagus on a truck. After the end of the video, you will automatically find yourself in Downtown in the Lacroix building.

Final quests

Society For the Preservation of Professors

The sarcophagus was delivered to Lacroix, but his attempts to open the sarcophagus were unsuccessful and the sarcophagus was locked. And you have to find a way to open it. Talk to Beckett, he advises you to talk to Professor Johansen - the man who found this sarcophagus. However, there is a small problem, he was wanted and hidden by hunters from Leopold's society. But Beckett managed to track them down; they keep the professor in an abandoned monastery on the coast. Now this location is available on the global map, go there by taxi or through the sewer.
If you play a gangrel during a conversation with Beckett, you can increase Animalism.
Having arrived at the coast, head to the monastery building, the monastery has good security, so decide to force your way through or sneak in slowly. Inside, in addition to guards, there are boxes with ammunition that explode when you hit laser beams. These beams are tuned to only react to vampires. If you hack nearby laptops (password soc), you can either turn off the beams or reconfigure them so that they do not react to vampires, but are triggered when people cross them.
On the first floor you can find Grunfeld Bach's diary, on the second floor the book Vampyr Apocrypha and the book Art of the Quick-Draw by Ned Nederlander (raises the Firearms skill), as well as the key to the basement. You need to go to the basement, the door to the basement is locked, lockpicking 9 or a key from the second floor of the monastery is required to break into it. In the basement, deal with three hunters, and drag aside one of the barrels at the far end of the cellar. Behind the barrel there will be a hole in the dungeon of the monastery, go down there.
Go down to the bottom of the cave and go along the corridor. Turning left, you will come to a cave with cages. Your old friend Ash Rivers is sitting in one of the cages; after all, the hunters caught him. The cage lock has a difficulty level of 10, if your skill allows, break it, if not, you can open it with a key. One of the guards has the key in the cave into which the right corridor leads. For freeing Ash from the cage you will not receive any experience or material reward.
From the right cave, go to the next location, Grunfeld Bach is waiting for you there. First a conversation will follow, and then a battle, having dealt with the main hunter, go up the stairs to the room where the hunters are holding Professor Johansen. From the professor you learn that the sarcophagus can only be opened with a special key that was stolen.
When you go back, on the stairs you will encounter a still alive Bach, who will activate the self-destruct mechanism. And you will only have one minute to escape. Run to the previous cave, there is a boat at the pier - jump into it, after which you will automatically find yourself in Downtown.
In the unpatched version of the game, there is a bug that makes the game unplayable; after you get on the boat, the game crashes. The patch corrects this error, but the game must be patched before you descend into the monastery dungeon.
You can get around the glitch using console commands, to do this, be near the boat itself, otherwise inventory items may disappear, type the commands in the console:
SaveJohansen() – to save the professor
changelevel2 la_hub_1 taxi_landmark – for everyone except nosferatu
changelevel2 la_hub_1 sewer_map_landmark – for nosferatu.
The console is called by the ~ key in a game launched with the –console key.

Hell at the Hotel Hallowbrook

In Downtown, near the Ventrue tower, a pile of some rubble, in the tower itself bloody trails. Something happened here.
If you have the ghoul Heather, and you treated her, then before visiting Lacroix, go to your apartment and talk to her, you will get the best armor in the game. Just be sure to go to her after returning from the monastery and before Lacroix reports on this.
From Lacroix you will learn that the tower was raided on the Sabbath. Lacroix is ​​about to strike back, with your hands, of course. You are tasked with defeating the enemies at the Hallowbrook Hotel and killing the leader.
Before leaving, you can scam Lacroix out of $300 for operating expenses.
Get inside the hotel using the construction lift, which is now located in the alley behind the hotel. Inside the hotel there are many enemies, both vampires and ghouls. On the first level of the hotel you can find the sword Tal "mahe" Ra Blade (the best melee weapon in the game has the same characteristics as a katana, only it is twice as fast as a regular katana) and a flamethrower. Moving forward along the corridor and through the gaps in the walls, you will eventually find yourself in a room with a hole in the floor, jump down, at this level make your way to the next gap in the floor. Next, go until you find an elevator shaft and go down it.
There, if you fed Heather your blood and did not drive her away, you will see a scripted video of her death. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save her, you can only avenge her death. Having avenged Heather, go into the next room. Suppress the resistance there, make your way further until you reach the stairs to the hotel basement.
In the basement, go through the double doors and find yourself in the leader's lair. This is your old friend - Andrey. Deal with him, this time completely, and you can leave the hotel outside.
Ming Zhao is already waiting for you outside the hotel. She will tell you a lot of interesting things. Firstly, that an agreement was concluded between her and Lacroix against the anarchs. Secondly, she can change her appearance and it was she in the image of Nines Rodriguez that you saw at the entrance to Grout’s mansion, and Lacroix knows about it. And thirdly, she has the key to the sarcophagus and she is not going to give it away.
If you are polite in your conversation with Ming Zhao and say that you believe her, then you will later have the opportunity to choose the ending for the kwei-jin.
After talking with Ming Zhao, return to Lacroix.

The Enemy of My Enemy (Enemy of My Enemy)

Tell Lacroix about your conversation with Ming Zhao, he denies his conspiracy with the kwei-jin. Lacroix will announce that he is stopping the bloody hunt for Rodriguez and that he needs an alliance with the anarchs. Your task is to find Nines who is hiding and inform him about it.
Go to the “Last Round”; on the way, Beckett will catch up with you and advise you, no matter what happens, under no circumstances open the Ankara sarcophagus.
At the Last Round bar, talk to Damzel, she will tell you where Nines is hiding. He found refuge in Griffith Park. Go there by taxi.
In the park, as soon as you go up the lift, you will meet Rodriguez, your conversation will be interrupted by a forest fire and the appearance of a pair of werewolves. One werewolf will attack Rodriguez and they will both fall down, while the second will take care of you. It is useless to fight a werewolf; he is absolutely invulnerable to any weapon or spell. You need to escape on the same lift you came here on.
Although the werewolf is not vulnerable to your attacks, you can still kill him. To do this, run to the transformer booth behind the observatory building; you can get there either through a hole in the fence or by running through the observatory building. Turn on the electricity by pressing the lever on the wall of the transformer box. After this, run to the main hall of the observatory and climb onto the platform. Use the lever to open the observatory doors, and when the werewolf is at the gate, press the lever again. The gate will close and kill the werewolf. After this, you can safely ride the lift down.
At the exit from the park, Jack is waiting for you with unpleasant news. Lakrau accused you of selling out to the kwei-jin and declared a bloody hunt for you. Jack will take you to your first apartment in Santa Monica.

Out For Blood

You are in your old apartment and all the vampires, or almost all, are hunting for you. Jack has prepared an escape route for you, you need to get into a taxi and the taxi driver will take you wherever you want, but you still need to get to the taxi. Go outside, this time Santa Monica is a war zone and you can use any techniques to break the masquerade. Force your way or sneak to the taxi.
Talk to the taxi drivers, during this conversation you will choose the ending of the game. There are five possible endings in total, which of them will be available to you depends on your actions throughout the game.
1. For yourself - always available.
2. For the anarchs - available if during the game you completed tasks for the anarchs to find the Plague Carrier and successfully dealt with Patti (quest Attention).
3. For Prince Lacroix - if you obeyed him unquestioningly.
4. For the Camarilla - if you didn’t tell Isaac that the gargoyle was created by Maximilian Strauss.
5. For kwei-jin - if you weren’t rude to Ming Zhao, but in the conversation after leaving the Hallowbrook Hotel you said that you trust her.
Depending on the ending you choose, you must complete one or both of the quests Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die.

Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die)

This quest will be available in all endings except the Kwei Jin ending.
The taxi will take you to the Golden Temple in Chinatown. In the Golden Temple, break through or sneak inside the pavilions and collect ammunition from the chests there, the chests are locked with a level 4 lock, so any character can open them if desired. After replenishing your ammunition, go to the main building. Go down one of the stairs, the stairs are in the nooks to the left and right of the main entrance, and you will find yourself on the second level of the temple. This level is filled with enemies and traps that are activated if you step on certain floor tiles. Make your way into the hall with the water mill, there will be double-leaf gates closed with a bolt, move the bolt (to open the bolt, press against the handle and move forward) and go through the gate.
Sometimes a glitch occurs in this place with the bolt “sticking”; it completely refuses to move. If this happens, you have several ways to solve the problem: 1. Try saving and loading the game again. 2. If this does not help, then change the screen resolution in the game, exit the game and boot again. 3. A stuck deadbolt sometimes comes unstuck on its own after a fairly long period of time.
Behind the door, turn left and go to the fork, where you need to turn right and go until you find yourself in a room with a large statue. Move the stone structures so that they are on the plates that activate the mechanism. As a result, the statue will move to the side and open a passage to the lower level.
At this level, you need to collect four jade statues and place them on pedestals in the hall near the entrance. The statues are located in the rooms in the corners of the level, when you take the statue, remember what the pedestal on which it stood looks like, in the hall it will need to be placed on exactly the same pedestal.
Having collected the figurines, place them on the correct pedestals in the hall. If you didn’t pay attention to which pedestal stood which figurine, then the correct order is as follows: cat, heron, dragon, elephant, clockwise, standing with your back to the exit from the level.
If the figurines are placed correctly, a portal to the inner sanctuary will open. There you will find one of the most serious fights in the game with Ming Zhao. The easiest way to deal with it is with a flamethrower.
Having dealt with Ming Zhao, pick up the key to the sarcophagus that fell from her and enter the portal.

LaCroix Must Die

This quest will be in all endings except the ending for Lacroix.
An old acquaintance, security guard Chunk, is waiting for you in the tower lobby. You can kill him, or you can convince him to leave with PersuasionSeduction 9, Intimidate 8 or DominationDementation 1 for Ventrue and Malkavians.
Having dealt with Chunk, get into the elevator and go upstairs, however, you won’t get far on it, the elevator will soon stop and you will have to continue walking. There is nothing interesting on this floor, turn left from the elevator, go through the conference room and go up the stairs.
On the next floor, move to the right and go into the hall with dining tables, as soon as you go there, several special forces will fall on you through the glass roof. It is useless to fight with them, since reinforcements will continue to arrive at them ad infinitum, and it is impossible to kill them all. Run through the door behind the tables and go out onto the roof. Sneak or force your way to the opposite end of the roof and climb into the pipe.
On the next floor, sooner or later you will meet a special forces soldier with the face and voice of Lacroix, talk to him, then kill him and take the astrolite from his body. Approach the lift, put the astrolite in it and send the lift up; it’s better to run away from the lift yourself. As a result, the next floor will be cleared; you can, of course, not clear the floor or clear it yourself without using an astrolite. Call the lift and go up to the cleared floor. You can collect the harvest - the ammunition and weapons left behind by the special forces, then go into the elevator, the entrance to it is hidden in a dark nook and rise higher.
This floor is guarded by vampires - the Ventrue. Force your way through them or sneak through them. If you are planning to pass without unnecessary noise, then go up the stairs and go through the left door. Go into the room on the right along the corridor, there you can use the computer (directory lights, password - hitthelights) to turn off the electricity, which will make it easier to move through the level unnoticed.
Anyway, go to the conference room and take the elevator to the next floor. A very serious opponent awaits you there - the Sheriff. When you almost kill him, he will turn into a giant Chiropteran Behemoth bat, grab you and carry you to the roof. At which the second round of the fight with him will take place. The second battle will be easier than the first. Use the spotlights on the roof to blind Behemoth so the mouse won't get you big problems. You can focus on destroying the constantly attacking beast-like creatures by leaving the mouse to the snipers.
When the sheriff is dealt with, you will find yourself in Lacroix's room.

Game endings

1. For myself.
You decided not to take sides, but simply get out of town. The taxi driver convinces you that you still need to destroy Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die quests.
After defeating the Behemoth at the top of the Ventrue Tower, you will find yourself in Lacroix's office. Lacroix will try to subdue you with Dominate and take the key, but he won't succeed. And you will have the choice to give him the key and leave, or ignore Beckett’s advice and open the sarcophagus on your own or together with Lacroix.
If you wisely left, then Lacroix will pick up the key and open the sarcophagus and fly into the air, and you will meet Nines Rodriguez on the street, tell him everything you think about him and safely leave the city.
If you open the sarcophagus, you will find a bomb there, the timer of which is counting down the last seconds and greetings from Jack.

2. For the anarchs.
The taxi driver will take you to the Luckee Star Hotel in Hollywood. At the entrance to room 1 of the hotel Damsel is waiting, and inside Nines Rodriguez, he still managed to cope with the werewolf, as evidenced by the head lying right there. Nines will tell you that the trap in Griffith Park was set up by Ming Zhao and Lacroix and will send you to deal with them. See Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die.
Then everything is the same as in the ending for yourself, only if you give the key to Lacroix, the meeting at the exit from the tower with Nines will go differently.

3. For Prince Lacroix.
If you still decide to stay on Lacroix's side, a taxi will take you to the tower. Talk to Lacroix, he will say that he will forgive you everything if you kill Ming Joa and bring him the key to the sarcophagus, he will give you $2000 for expenses. After completing the Ming Must Die quest, return to it. As a reward for the key, he will allow you to be present at the opening of the sarcophagus and, as a result, fly into the air with it.

4. For the Camarilla.
If you are for the Camarilla, but against Lacroix, then the taxi driver will take you to the chapel of Maximilian Strauss. Ostrich will promise to support you and send you to deal with Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die quests.
When you get to Lacroix, the Ostrich will appear and Lacroix will be finished. Masimilian does not intend to open the sarcophagus.

5. For Kwei-jin.
If, contrary to the driver's advice, you still go to the kwei-jin side, the taxi will take you to Golden Khoram. Talk to Ming Joa there and she will send you to kill Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete the quest LaCroix Must Die.
During your conversation with Lacroix, Ming Joaso will join you with his men. As a result, Lacroix will lose his head, and the sarcophagus along with you will be sent to the bottom of the ocean, but you were warned not to trust the kwei-jin.

Before starting the game you need to create your character. You can do this in two different ways. The first, quite banal, you simply distribute the attributes of your hero and determine his clan. The second method is more interesting, you will be given questions, answering them the game itself will create a character for you and distribute its characteristics.

After creating the character, a cut-scene will begin, which will explain how main character became a vampire. When it's over, go outside and talk to Jack, agree to take training in the basics of a vampire from him in order to gain experience and a free master key. All you have to do is follow the instructions of your mentor. First, you will need to drink blood from a person, then go into the building and pick up the master key, which is in the boxes. Then hack the door to the office, and in the room there is a computer - password: chopshop.

Taking the pass card from the safe, open the door and go outside. Now you just have to go through training in the game's combat mechanics and stealth. This is a fairly simple task, all you have to do is follow Jack's instructions. After completing the training, you will find yourself at home, in the so-called “sanctuary”.

When you leave the house on the street, you will see a scripted video in which a man beaten half to death crawls into one of the houses. This is the ghoul Mercurio you need, follow him along the bloody trail.

Once you meet him, this story quest will end and the next one will begin.

High surf / Surf's Up

Mercurio was beaten and robbed of his money by local bandits when he came to them for explosives - astralite. Now your task is to take the astralite from them, in addition, Mercurio wants to return the money taken from him.
If you ask Mercurio if you can help him in any way, you will find out that he needs painkillers. If you agree, the quest "" (The Pain of Being Mercurio) will appear in the diary. Head through the car park to the beach. A soothsayer will run up to you there Rose from it you will learn where to go - to the right and up. Following Rose's instructions, go up the stairs to the bandits' house.

There is a guard in front of the entrance to the courtyard, he can be killed, persuaded to let you through using Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction (requires 3 or higher to succeed) or sneak around past him through the hole in the fence. Ventrue or Malkavians can use domination or dementation respectively and simply order the guard to let you in.
Look around the house. In the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grille, hidden behind it are Mercurio money - $250. You can simply kill all the bandits and take the astralite, or you can try to resolve the matter peacefully. To do this, talk to Denis (African-American in white). If you are not polite enough in conversation or mention Mercurio, he will attack you. If you have Persuasion 4 and higher, you can persuade him to give up the astralite. With Persuasion equal to 3 or using domination or dementation (Ventrue, Malkavian), convince him to sell it to you for $500. A female character with Seduction 3 or higher may pay with her own body. In the kitchen you can grab a receiver for further sale (in this case, the bandits will immediately attack). One way or another, having obtained the astralite, return to Mercurio, if you give him his money, you will receive an additional experience point. On this quest " High surf" will end and the quest " will begin.

Explosive Beginning

Now you have to blow up a warehouse belonging to Sabbat vampires using an astralite. But only Nosferatu by name knows about the location of this warehouse Bertram Tang. But at the moment he is hiding from Teresa Voeman and his whereabouts are unknown. In order to meet with him, convince Teresa to stop pursuing Tang. To meet Teresa, go to the Asylum club.
As soon as you enter Asylum, he will speak to you Jeanette, after talking with her, go to the bartender and say that you came to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Go up to the second floor, pick it up from the floor in the corridor Golden ring.

After talking with Teresa, she will agree to end the war, but in exchange for a favor. Therese is haunted by ghosts Ocean House, and in order for her to get rid of them, she needs to bring something belonging to ghosts from the hotel. From Teresa you will learn that you can only get there through the sewers and you will receive the key to the grate. After this conversation with Teresa, another quest "" will begin.

The Ghost Haunts at Midnight

Head through the sewers to Ocean House(in the sewer not far from the entry point, you need to open the door and go up outside). The door to the Ocean House is locked, you can pick the lock with enough skill or find the key (hanging on the wall in a small building).

One of the ghosts living in the hotel is extremely aggressive and will constantly try to damage you by throwing various objects at you, so be careful, the objects can cause significant damage to your health.
As you climb the stairs to the second floor, they will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room where one of the walls can be broken through. In the next room, read the newspaper, after which the washing machine will start loudly in the laundry room, there will be a key to the boiler room. In the boiler room, turn on the power (the door to the boiler room is illuminated in red), now the elevator from the basement to the second floor is working.
On the second floor, go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go in the opposite direction and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. Use the dish lift to go down to the kitchen. Take it from the table and read the diary. When you read the diary, two events will happen: firstly, the quest “ Liberation of the Spirit"(Spiritual Release), and secondly, dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will break. From there, climb along the ventilation pipe into the elevator shaft. Don’t linger inside the mine for long, quickly run to the stairs, otherwise you will be crushed by a fallen elevator. Climb the stairs to the third floor, go right, and in one of the rooms (first door on the left) take Weekapaug Thistle- increases defense by 1. Return to the elevator and go to the left corridor, in one of the rooms go through the hole in the ceiling to the next floor.
Trying to avoid the light, crawl under the exploding pipes until you reach the room at the end of the corridor. Once you are in this room, it will transform and become the same as it was when the hotel was operating. The pendant lies on the table in the far corner of the room, as soon as you take it everything will return to its previous state. Return to the elevator shaft, go down to the second floor and exit the hotel.

At Asylum, Jeanette will meet you. She will ask you to give the pendant to her, if you give it - the quest " Liberation of the Spirit" will fail. (If you give the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future). In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - go to Gallery Noir, cut paintings with a knife and/or steal money donated to charity from the cash register. She gives you a knife to complete the task. If you agree, the quest "" (Slashterpiece) will begin.

Artistic carving / Slashterpiece

The gallery is guarded by a non-intelligent policeman named Chunk. During Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you pass. The Malkavians, using Dementation, can force Chunk to give the key to the side door, and the Ventrue, using Domination, can force them to open the front entrance. Or you can simply go to the parking lot, break down the fencing beam (if you don’t have enough strength, Blood Buff will help) and crawl through the hole to the side door; any character can open the lock of the side door (difficulty 1). Inside you need to either cut the paintings, or steal donations, or do this and that. Paintings must be cut in a certain order (otherwise they will be restored), namely in the chronological sequence of life events depicted on them Kaina:
Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith.

After all four paintings are cut in the right order, a Blood Guardian will appear in the center of the hall, kill him and you can leave the gallery. You can take money from the donation box, but for stealing $250 you will pay with a unit of humanity, the quest will be completed. After that, go outside and go visit the sisters, this completes the quest.

If you refuse to cut up paintings or steal donations, still go to Gallery Noir. There will be a couple of police cars parked outside the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.

Bad Blood

Returning to the sisters' club, this time Teresa will be waiting for you there. And if you didn’t please her in some way - you gave the pendant to Janet and (or) committed sabotage in the gallery, she tells you to go to Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa holds no grudge against her.

Enter the diner and go to the phones at the far end of the room. As soon as you approach him, a group of bandits will open fire on you from the opposite corner. Having dealt with them, the phone will ring, pick up the phone and talk to Jeanette, she asks you to come to the club quickly.

Sibling Rivalry

Return to Asylum to the sisters, this time you will see their quarrel, it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. This time they decided to kill each other. You can support Teresa in the conversation, then she will kill Jeanette’s personality, or support Jeanette so that she kills Teresa.

With Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, for this you will receive additional experience points. In any case, you will find out that Bertram Tang hiding in an empty fuel tank on Sunco Gasoline.

Explosive Beginning (continued)

Bertram, ready to transport you to the desired warehouse. Your task in the warehouse is to get to the office, plant explosives there and 3 minutes get to the platform that is located at the entrance. Once inside the warehouse, deal with the bandits or sneak past them. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go through the back door or through a hole in the wall to the street, behind the house you can find shotgun shells. There are two bandits patrolling between the carriages, kill them or sneak past.

You can either break into the interior of the warehouse head-on, attacking groups of bandits, or you can go through the side entrance. Once in the office, plant a bomb there and run to the exit of the location. Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two hostile vampires.
When you reach the platform, a cutscene will play where you will meet Beckett. After talking with him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank.

Your main objective in Santa Monica is completed and the following area is now available - Downtown. Everyone except Nosferatu moves between areas by taxi; after the warehouse explodes, it will appear near the entrance at Asylum. Nosferatu use a map in the sewers to travel between areas. To complete the Explosive Beginning quest, visit Lacroix.

Date with Elizabeth / Elizabethan Rendezvous

Arriving in Downtown, go to Lacroix Tower. After listening to your report on the work done in Santa Monica, Lacroix will give the next task - inspect the ship Elizabeth Dane:

  1. find out what happened to the Ankara sarcophagus, which was transported by ship;
  2. obtain a copy of the police report;
  3. obtain the ship's cargo declaration.

It is advisable to do all this without attracting attention to yourself.
Additionally, Lacroix will ask you to go to Last Round and talk to Rodriguez to find out what he wants from you. It's better to do this before sending to Elizabeth Dane.

Having completed all three tasks in one way or another, return with a report to Lacroix. After completing this quest, everyone except the Tremere and Nasferatu can receive new, more comfortable housing from the prince, located at Skyline Apt. 4. If you gave a girl your blood at the Santa Monica hospital, meet her at the entrance to the tower.

Calling Dr. Grout Grout

In this task you need to find - Alistair Grout. Before heading to his mansion, it is recommended to go to the bar Last Round and talk to Rodriguez. With the right choice of lines in the dialogue, he will increase the Melee or Brawl skill by one point. At the entrance to the mansion, you will encounter Nains Rodriguez coming out. After talking with him, go into the mansion. Go right, crawl under the rubble of furniture and go into the library at the end of the corridor.

Here, press the levers in the correct order ( left – right – middle), the door will open at the other end of the corridor. Grab the book lying nearby Scarlet Torkelson: Circus Performer(+1 to Parry) and go back to the exit. From the exit, go left, in the large hall, press the candlestick lever, this will open the hatch on the ceiling. Go upstairs, go to the next room, then go left and down, then go up the spiral staircase, go along the corridor and down the stairs again. Go down until you find yourself in a large hall, through the door at the far end into the next room, with a fireplace and a couple of vampires. Click button in the fireplace, a passage to the next room will open. Walk along the corridor until you find yourself on the second floor of the library. Here are the candlestick levers again, by pressing the levers, make sure that all three lamps are lit, and then press the middle lamp - a secret door will open on the first floor of the library.

You can do without fiddling with levers - to do this you need to activate a fake book on one of the shelves.
Go down through the hatch in the floor to the first floor of the library and go into the opened corridor, it will lead to a room with a unit striking lightning.

Press the lever to the left of the entrance, go to the center, and from there to the left. Pick up an amulet Tarulfang(reduces the chance of going berserk) and press the next lever, etc. until the next corridor is safe to enter. Activate the lever and return to the large hall with the stairs. Now the large doors at the end of the hall are open - you go there. In the room on the right, take refrigerator key. The refrigerator itself is opposite the entrance to the previous room. Take a couple of bags from the refrigerator Elder Vitae and three bags of regular blood.
After this, go down the stairs on the left, you will find yourself in the next corridor - there are three ghouls, and a locked door with a lock of the 5th difficulty level. If you can, pick the lock - you can pick up some ammo inside (or a weapon if you don't already have one). At the end of the corridor, go through the door and go down into the unfinished part of the mansion. Climb up the boards, go through the only door and go up to the second floor and the room with a woman in a glass cage. Turn on the gramophone, the door to Grout's bedroom will open.
Immediately go to the balcony, there will be a conversation with the leader of the hunters - Bach. After the conversation, jump from the balcony and run to where there is no fire yet until you find yourself in the last room. Open the window in it and get out. Report to Lacroix about the fate of Grout, and about the meeting with Rodriguez and Bach, this will complete the quest.

Antiquities Lover / Patron of the Ancient Arts

Now you need to get Ankara sarcophagus from the Natural History Museum, where it was delivered. It is advisable to complete this task without killing the museum guards. You can ask Lacroix for money for current expenses, you will receive $300. Before you take a taxi (or through the sewer) to the museum, it is recommended to take Write quest " Mystical personality"(Occultish Personality), since you will not be able to get into the museum a second time.
In the museum, go down the stairs into the corridor. Walk along the corridor until you see a half-open door, take the key there. Walk along the corridor to the nearest red door, through it you will enter the main hall of the museum.
If your character is physically well enough, go up to the bridge and jump onto the pterodactyl, you can find $100 there. From the main hall, sneak into the men's room, from there into the back room and climb into the ventilation shaft. Along the shaft, get to the room with the computer, jump there.

Sneak into the red-lit room and take it from the table basement key. Afterwards, return to the main hall of the museum and sneak to the opposite door and go down to the basement.

In the basement, watch the cameras carefully. If they notice you, the alarm will be raised and the guards will come running. When the camera turns away, run underneath it. A character with sufficiently well-developed stealth can hack a computer, disable cameras (passwords pterodactyl And velociraptor), take from the table Security Manual(+1 to Lockpicking) and leave unnoticed by the guard in this room. In order to get a fetish for Pisha, follow the green line until you find yourself at a large window through which you can see the room and the fetish standing on the table. Break the window, take the fetish and go back along the green line.
Once near the open door, go in and take another key from the table. Hack the computer (password ihatemyjob), in the email category read that electronic lock code2358 . Go through the door with a combination lock and follow further along the corridor. You will find yourself near another glassed-in security room, behind it there is a laser alarm.

There are two ways to get through them without raising alarm:

  1. Break the electrical panel located right there; as a result, the beams will work unstably and you can climb over them.
  2. Disable completely. To do this, you need to hack the computer in the next room. This task is for a character who is good at camouflage.

After passing through the beams, go through the door on the left. If you passed the museum quietly, the door will be open; if you made noise in one way or another, the door will be locked, and a guard will be standing nearby. If a guard is killed or some kind of "distraction" discipline is used on him, a key will drop out of him.
Enter this door and you will soon reach a room with a sarcophagus. In the room, talk to Beckett, if you conduct a conversation with him correctly, he will raise your Scholarship skill by 1. After completing the conversation, you will automatically be transported to Lacroix.

The Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus

This quest includes several other story quests that will be picked up and completed in Hollywood And Chinatown.
After you report to Lacroix about the disappearance of the sarcophagus, he will send you to find the head of the local Nosferatu Gary Goldona.

Gerry knew that the sarcophagus was delivered to the museum, it was he who told Lacroix about this, and Lacroix assumes that he conveyed this information to someone else. Gary can be found at sewer near Hollywood.

Ashes of Past Glory / Dead Ex

As soon as you get out of a taxi in Hollywood, a local vampire will speak to you and advise you to first talk to Isaac Abrams- local baron. He's waiting for you at the end of the street in the jewelry store Golden Age Jewelry(enter through the side door). He will assign you several tasks. First, you need to deliver the tape to him. Go to an Internet Cafe Ground 0", there, on one of the computers (the last computer in the right row, the password is Kafka), contains information about the meeting point with the courier. near one of the computers you can find a book The Cowboy's Guide to Cyberspace.

Go to the indicated meeting place, behind Fast Buck, you will learn from the courier that the cassette is hidden somewhere at " Ginger Swane" From Isaac Abrams you can learn that Ginger Swane is a movie star from the 40s and 50s, now resting in a local cemetery. The same information can be found by rummaging through the computers in an Internet cafe.
The cemetery gates are closed at night, but you can enter the cemetery through a hole in the wall near the gate, after clearing it of debris.

In the cemetery, follow the path to the end until you come to a large mausoleum, inside it find the place where she is buried Ginger, nearby bones can serve as a guide. Take the tape and take it to Isaac. At this point, the quest “Ashes of Past Glory” will end and the next one will begin.

Enough sadism / Snuff is Enough

Isaac will ask you to ask local gossips, so go to the store Sin Bin at the opposite end of the area. The owner has Flynn, with Persuasion, Intimidation or, for a female character, Seduction 6, you can get the necessary information on how to contact the filmmakers. If there are not enough skills, then the same information is bought from him for $500 or pulled out from his computer (in the section Private, password - dirtydog). Communication with the filmmakers is carried out using a pay phone near the store Red Spot(password - " The moon is a mysterious mistress...", review - " ...who walks the night with demons of dread"). Having found out the review and password, go and talk on the phone. You will be given an appointment in the second hotel room Lucky Star.

There will be no one in the hotel, but there is a key to the door to the computer club Ground 0 and gold ring for sale. In the club, open the door to the interior and go up the stairs, you will find yourself in the studio. Move forward until you see animals killing a person.

With lockpicking 10, you can break the door and immediately enter this room and take the desired cassette from the table. If the skill is not enough, go through the door with the sign DMP, talk to the studio employee who is still alive. Before being eaten, he will tell you that the studio did not make the film in question; the tape was found in a house on the hill. Go to the next room, climb through the ventilation shaft into a room with a difficulty 10 lock. Take the tape from the table and go with your report to Isaac.
This time you have obtained the full version of the film, and Isaac finds out where it was filmed - in a mansion located at 609 King's Way.

Going the Way of Kings

A new point has appeared on the global map 609 King's Way, go there. In order to get inside the mansion, you need to climb the bush behind the building to the second floor, from there along the stairs to the third. And on the third floor through the window inside. In one of the rooms on the table you can take an artifact Mummywrap Fetish(increases healing speed).

Go down the stairs, on the next floor you can find a ring and several bags of blood in the refrigerator. In the basement you will find the author of the film, a vampire Andrey. After you deal with him and his minions, go through the door to the dungeon. After crawling along a dilapidated pipe, you will find yourself in the sewer. The corpse of a worker lies nearby, you can take his diary and read the entries. Use the lever to open the grate and turn left at the next fork. Climb into the left pipe near the next grate, after getting out of the pipe, go right and open the next grate with the lever. At the next fork, turn left and then right and climb into the second pipe on the right. After making your way through the pipe, in the end, your character will find himself in a room illuminated by a red light, turn the valve there, and a stream of water will wash you away to the second level of the dungeon.
Get up the stairs before you get wrapped up in the blades. Make your way through the pipe to the next room, take the barrel in the corner and throw it into the water. The barrel will jam the blades, now you can crawl into the pipe above them. In the next room, cross the bridge, go down the stairs and jump into the dry pipe. You will find yourself in a green room, go through the door at the far end, go up the stairs and through the next door. When you try to walk along the bridge to the control panel, it will collapse under you. Get out of the water up the stairs. Now you need to turn off the electricity - this can be done by breaking the lock into the room next to it and turning the switch, or you can do it through the computer.
After a power outage, turn the switch on the device that controls the pumps to the “Safe” position (the indicators are green), after stopping the pumps, jump down as quickly as possible and swim along the underwater corridor to this pump, turning right near the fan. This must be done as quickly as possible before the pump reaches full power and the flow of water throws you back. If you fail to swim the first time, return to the control panel and repeat the action until the bitter end. After passing the pump, you will find yourself on the third level of the dungeon. Use the lever to open the grate and go left at the fork. Go down, then up, until you find yourself at the door with the sign Authorized Personnel Only(Unauthorized entry is prohibited). Pick the lock on the door (lockpicking 5), cross the bridge to get to the door. A spider is waiting for you in the next room. Having dealt with it, throw the barrels aside in the corner and make your way along the ledge to the ventilation grill. Break down the grate and make your way through the ventilation shaft to the fourth level of the dungeons. Go down by jumping from pipe to pipe, or you can just jump. Walk along the corridor and at the fork go left, then right. After passing through this tunnel, you will see a fight between a nosferatu and a couple of creatures. There is a corpse on the right, pick up the magnetic key from it. Return to the fork where you turned right and now go straight and then left. Eventually, you should end up in a round room with a platform in the middle. Go to the computer and use the magnetic key you found, then climb onto the platform in the center of the hall and jump down into the hole leading to the fifth level of the dungeon.
Now you have reached the lair of Nosferatu. Here you can find the Nosferatu hacker Mitnik, after talking with him you will receive the quest "". From Mitnik’s room to the left lives the former supermodel Imalia, you can take the task from her “ » . Go to the rock next to Imalia's room and pick up the artifact from the floor Galdjum(+25% to the duration of all passive disciplines). At the end of the settlement you will finally find the head of the Nasferatu Gary Golden. It’s just that Gary doesn’t want to share information about the location of the sarcophagus, but demands that he first fulfill his instructions - to find his missing agent Barrabusa, who disappeared in Chinatown. After receiving the task from Gary, get out of the room through the back door and climb out into the Hollywood Cemetery. The next area is now available - Chinatown.

Kikineping / Kikinapped

The first thing to do in Chinatown is go to the Golden Temple and talk to Ming Zhao, the head of the local kwei-jin. She herself doesn’t know anything about Barrabus, but she will advise you to ask Wong Ho, the owner of the Red Dragon restaurant. After leaving the temple, you will see a scripted scene, several guys running, one dragging a girl on his shoulder. Go to the restaurant. In the restaurant, talk to the head waiter girl, she will open the elevator doors, you can call the elevator yourself by pressing the button on the desk.
Take the elevator to the second floor and talk to Wong Ho, from him you will learn that his daughter Kiki has just been kidnapped by Tongan bandits, and to get information you must first return Kiki to her father. During your conversation, someone will call Wong Ho and report that his daughter is being held at the Lotus Blossom massage parlor. Go to the indicated address.
Inside the salon, in the second room on the right along the corridor you can find a gold ring, in the last room on the right - an expensive watch. Then return to the entrance, go through the first door and go upstairs. In the room opposite the stairs, take the key; in the first room on the right along the corridor there are $250 lying around. Return to the locked room above the stairs and open it with the key. In the boarded closet you will find the kidnapped Kiki, free her and take her to Wong Ho.

Gangster of the old school / Original Gangster

After rescuing his daughter, Wong Ho will say that he himself does not know anything about Barrabus, but will direct you to Zhao, the owner of the warehouse.
At the warehouse, Zhao is waiting for you in the glassed-in office upstairs; he is sure that the leader of the Tongs, Johnny, had a hand in the disappearance of Barrabus. He sits in the Tong Glaze club, strangers are not allowed into the club, but Zhao knows the lock code - 725. At the end of the conversation, the Tongs will raid the warehouse, kill them and leave the warehouse, this will complete the quest.
Before leaving the warehouse, you can grab three tape recorders for sale, two on the first floor, the third is on the second among the boxes.

Dragon's Tail

After meeting Zhao, go to Glaze, enter code 725 and go inside the club.
Your task in the club is to go to Johnny’s office and talk to him. This problem can be solved in three ways. The first way is to kill all the bandits. The second is to quietly sneak to the second floor behind the guard’s back, without touching anyone. And the third is to approach Johnny’s deputy, he stands behind the partition not far from the DJ, and with Persuasion 7 or Intimidate 8 you can get permission from him to go upstairs to Johnny.
Go upstairs using any of the above methods and talk to Johnny. During your conversation, the screen on the wall behind Johnny will turn on and someone who calls himself the Mandarin will appear there. This Mandarin will provoke Johnny into attacking you and, after his untimely death, invite you to visit him at the Fu Syndicate.

Come Into My Parlor

Since you are invited to pay a visit to the Fu Syndicate, you have to go there. Just before entering the syndicate building, make sure that you have a firearm and ammunition for it, it will be needed there.
Once you enter the building, you will have no choice where to go; only one direction is open, which leads to the elevator. The Mandarin will insistently offer to enter this elevator through a screen on the wall. It is not difficult to understand that the elevator leads into a trap, but you will still have to go, because it will be impossible to go anywhere else. Having entered the elevator and taken it up, you will see that it was indeed a trap. The syndicate is studying vampires and you will play the role of a guinea pig, they will study methods of destroying vampires.
In the first room you will be exposed to the effects of poisonous gases and radiation, neither of which can harm you. Once convinced of this, the observers will open the door to the next room and invite you to go there.
In the second room there are laser beams, you can run through them and a passage will open to the third room.
In the third room, where they test your resistance to slashing weapons. Three mechanisms equipped with sharp rotating blades move around the room. To pass the room you need to destroy all these “meat grinders”. To stop them, shoot the blocks behind the bars opposite the observation window. Once all three devices are disabled, you will be launched into the next room.
In the fourth room, you will first be greeted by a man with a crucifix. Having made sure that the cross against vampires does not help, the Mandarin will send a team of armed men at you, and after their untimely death, the door to the next test room will open.
In the fifth room they will test the effects of electricity on you. To survive in this room, shoot the electrical dischargers on the ceiling of the room; after they stop functioning, the door to the next room will open.
In the sixth and final room you are going to be tested for fire resistance. Shoot one of the flamethrowers, which will result in an explosion that will shatter the armored glass and now you can get out through it and settle accounts with the experimenters. After killing the guards, catch up with the runaway mandarin and take the key to the cell in which Barrabus is kept from his corpse. Free Barrabus from captivity, but before leaving, you must destroy all vampire research data.
Go through the double doors, take the key from the body of one of the guards, open the door with it, hack the computer (password - Freedom) and open the door to the next room. Go there, hack the server (password - autopsy) and erase the information, after which Barrabus will break the door to the lobby. If your Lockpicking is leveled up to 10, hack the last of the three doors, grab the book Bustin" It: Harmful If Swallowed Hint Book (Melee +1) from the table there and read the interesting email (password – elimination).
After destroying the data, leave the syndicate building, go to the pay phone near the entrance to the syndicate and Gary will call you and inform you that the sarcophagus should be with Giovanni and Giovanni’s Mansion becomes available on the map.
If you play as Nosferatu and were not rude to Gary, then after liberating Barrabus, you will receive a new apartment in the Downtown sewers, between exits E and F.

Italian Dinner

Giovanni's Mansion is now available on the global map, take a taxi there. There is a big reception going on at the mansion, but unfortunately you are not on the guest list.
There are three ways to get into the mansion: 1. Break in by force, interrupting the guards; 2. quietly sneak past the guards through the back door; 3. Approach the couple at the fountain, with Persuasion 6 you can convince them that the woman has had too much and it is better for them not to go to the reception, but to return home. After they leave, pick up the dropped invitations and enter as a guest.
If you got to the mansion peacefully, you can complete a small quest. Among the guests in the main hall are three members of the Giovanni family: Adam, Chris and Mira. They are competitors for position in the family and each is eager to get dirt on the others.
Adam is on the verge of bankruptcy, this can be found out in a conversation with him at Persuasion 8. For information about Mira and Chris, he will give a gold ring and an expensive watch.
Chris is not really Giovanni, but the illegitimate child of a fashion writer; to find out, you'll need Persuasion 9. He won't give anything for dirt on Mira and Adam.
Mira has AIDS, to find out this fact you need to have Persuasion 10 and Seduction 8. She gives $100 for information about Adam and Chris.
Having dealt with or ignored them, talk to the girl in white - Nadya. At Persuasion or Seduction 8, she will want to show you "something special." Follow her (you can pick up the Dodge II book in the library) and find yourself in the place where Giovanni is working on the corpses in this room, grab the Voce del Morte book for Pisha from the table to complete the Occultish Personality quest. After a short conversation, Nadya will open the next door.
You can also get here on your own. If you choose a hidden type of passage, use the system of secret passages that are hidden behind false panels in the walls. If you approach such a panel and press the action button, it will open. In the library, to open the door, use the lever disguised as swords hanging on the wall. And in the embalming room, either break the door (lockpicking 8) or use the lifts.
One way or another, you will find yourself in catacombs inhabited by zombies. In the last niche on the right, pick up the Saulocept amulet (+1 experience point whenever you gain 3 or more experience points). Go through the door and follow the corridor, which will lead you to the lower level of the catacombs. There are grates built into the floor in some places, which open when you approach, and you can fall into a pit with zombies. You can get out of the hole through a secret door in the wall. After making your way through the zombies, get to a circular corridor, in the center of which there will be a door leading to the third floor of the catacombs.
There you will be met by a couple of kwei-jin - agents of Ming Zhao, who came here for the same thing you did, that is, for the sarcophagus. With Persuasion 5, in a conversation you can get information about a certain agreement between Lacroix and the kwei-jin. The conversation with the agents will end in a fight; after the brothers’ death, a scripted video will start demonstrating the loading and removal of the sarcophagus on a truck. After the end of the video, you will automatically find yourself in Downtown in the Lacroix building.

Society for the Preservation of Professors

The sarcophagus was delivered to Lacroix, but his attempts to open the sarcophagus were unsuccessful and the sarcophagus was locked. And you have to find a way to open it. Talk to Beckett, he advises you to talk to Professor Johansen - the man who found this sarcophagus. However, there is a small problem, he was wanted and hidden by hunters from Leopold's society. But Beckett managed to track them down; they keep the professor in an abandoned monastery on the coast. Now this location is available on the global map, go there by taxi or through the sewer.

If you play a gangrel during a conversation with Beckett, you can increase Animalism.
Having arrived at the coast, head to the monastery building, the monastery has good security, so decide to force your way through or sneak in slowly. Inside, in addition to guards, there are boxes with ammunition that explode when you hit laser beams. These beams are tuned to only react to vampires. If you hack nearby laptops (password soc), you can either turn off the beams or reconfigure them so that they do not react to vampires, but are triggered when people cross them.
On the first floor you can find Grunfeld Bach's diary, on the second floor the book Vampyr Apocrypha and the book Art of the Quick-Draw by Ned Nederlander (raises the Firearms skill), as well as the key to the basement. You need to go to the basement, the door to the basement is locked, lockpicking 9 or a key from the second floor of the monastery is required to break into it. In the basement, deal with three hunters, and drag aside one of the barrels at the far end of the cellar. Behind the barrel there will be a hole in the dungeon of the monastery, go down there.
Go down to the bottom of the cave and go along the corridor. Turning left, you will come to a cave with cages. Your old friend Ash Rivers is sitting in one of the cages; after all, the hunters caught him. The cage lock has a difficulty level of 10, if your skill allows, break it, if not, you can open it with a key. One of the guards has the key in the cave into which the right corridor leads. For freeing Ash from the cage you will not receive any experience or material reward.
From the right cave, go to the next location, Grunfeld Bach is waiting for you there. First a conversation will follow, and then a battle, having dealt with the main hunter, go up the stairs to the room where the hunters are holding Professor Johansen. From the professor you learn that the sarcophagus can only be opened with a special key that was stolen.
When you go back, on the stairs you will encounter a still alive Bach, who will activate the self-destruct mechanism. And you will only have one minute to escape. Run to the previous cave, there is a boat at the pier - jump into it, after which you will automatically find yourself in Downtown.
In the unpatched version of the game, there is a bug that makes the game unplayable; after you get on the boat, the game crashes. The patch corrects this error, but the game must be patched before you descend into the monastery dungeon.
You can get around the glitch using console commands, to do this, be near the boat itself, otherwise inventory items may disappear, type the commands in the console:
SaveJohansen() – to save the professor
changelevel2 la_hub_1 taxi_landmark – for everyone except nosferatu
changelevel2 la_hub_1 sewer_map_landmark – for nosferatu.
The console is called by the ~ key in a game launched with the –console key.

Hell at the Hotel Hallowbrook

In Downtown, near the Ventrue tower, there is a pile of some rubble, there are bloody traces in the tower itself. Something happened here.
If you have the ghoul Heather, and you treated her, then before visiting Lacroix, go to your apartment and talk to her, you will get the best armor in the game. Just be sure to go to her after returning from the monastery and before Lacroix reports on this.
From Lacroix you will learn that the tower was raided on the Sabbath. Lacroix is ​​about to strike back, with your hands, of course. You are tasked with defeating the enemies at the Hallowbrook Hotel and killing the leader.
Before leaving, you can scam Lacroix out of $300 for operating expenses.

Get inside the hotel using the construction lift, which is now located in the alley behind the hotel. Inside the hotel there are many enemies, both vampires and ghouls. On the first level of the hotel you can find the sword Tal "mahe" Ra Blade (the best melee weapon in the game has the same characteristics as a katana, only it is twice as fast as a regular katana) and a flamethrower. Moving forward along the corridor and through the gaps in the walls, you will eventually find yourself in a room with a hole in the floor, jump down, at this level make your way to the next gap in the floor. Next, go until you find an elevator shaft and go down it.
There, if you fed Heather your blood and did not drive her away, you will see a scripted video of her death. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save her, you can only avenge her death. Having avenged Heather, go into the next room. Suppress the resistance there, make your way further until you reach the stairs to the hotel basement.
In the basement, go through the double doors and find yourself in the leader's lair. This is your old friend - Andrey. Deal with him, this time completely, and you can leave the hotel outside.
Ming Zhao is already waiting for you outside the hotel. She will tell you a lot of interesting things. Firstly, that an agreement was concluded between her and Lacroix against the anarchs. Secondly, she can change her appearance and it was she in the image of Nines Rodriguez that you saw at the entrance to Grout’s mansion, and Lacroix knows about it. And thirdly, she has the key to the sarcophagus and she is not going to give it away.
If you are polite in your conversation with Ming Zhao and say that you believe her, then you will later have the opportunity to choose the ending for the kwei-jin.
After talking with Ming Zhao, return to Lacroix.

The Enemy of My Enemy

Tell Lacroix about your conversation with Ming Zhao, he denies his conspiracy with the kwei-jin. Lacroix will announce that he is stopping the bloody hunt for Rodriguez and that he needs an alliance with the anarchs. Your task is to find Nines who is hiding and inform him about it.
Go to the “Last Round”; on the way, Beckett will catch up with you and advise you, no matter what happens, under no circumstances open the Ankara sarcophagus.
At the Last Round bar, talk to Damzel, she will tell you where Nines is hiding. He found refuge in Griffith Park. Go there by taxi.

In the park, as soon as you go up the lift, you will meet Rodriguez, your conversation will be interrupted by a forest fire and the appearance of a pair of werewolves. One werewolf will attack Rodriguez and they will both fall down, while the second will take care of you. It is useless to fight a werewolf; he is absolutely invulnerable to any weapon or spell. You need to escape on the same lift you came here on.
Although the werewolf is not vulnerable to your attacks, you can still kill him. To do this, run to the transformer booth behind the observatory building; you can get there either through a hole in the fence or by running through the observatory building. Turn on the electricity by pressing the lever on the wall of the transformer box. After this, run to the main hall of the observatory and climb onto the platform. Use the lever to open the observatory doors, and when the werewolf is at the gate, press the lever again. The gate will close and kill the werewolf. After this, you can safely ride the lift down.
At the exit from the park, Jack is waiting for you with unpleasant news. Lakrau accused you of selling out to the kwei-jin and declared a bloody hunt for you. Jack will take you to your first apartment in Santa Monica.

Smell of Blood / Out For Blood

You are in your old apartment and all the vampires, or almost all, are hunting for you. Jack has prepared an escape route for you, you need to get into a taxi and the taxi driver will take you wherever you want, but you still need to get to the taxi. Go outside, this time Santa Monica is a war zone and you can use any techniques to break the masquerade. Force your way or sneak to the taxi.

Talk to the taxi drivers, during this conversation you will choose ending of the game. There are five possible endings in total, which of them will be available to you depends on your actions throughout the game.
1. For myself- always available.
2. For the anarchs- available if during the game you completed tasks for the anarchs to find the Plague Carrier and successfully dealt with Patty (the Attention Whore quest).
3. For Prince Lacroix- if you obeyed him unquestioningly.
4. For the Camarilla- if you didn’t tell Isaac that the gargoyle was created by Maximilian Strauss.
5. For kwei-jin– if you weren’t rude to Ming Zhao, but in the conversation after leaving the Hallowbrook Hotel you said that you trusted her.
Depending on the ending you choose, you must complete one or both of the quests Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die.

Ming Zhao must die

This quest will be available in all endings except the Kwei Jin ending.
The taxi will take you to the Golden Temple in Chinatown. In the Golden Temple, break through or sneak inside the pavilions and collect ammunition from the chests there, the chests are locked with a level 4 lock, so any character can open them if desired. After replenishing your ammunition, go to the main building. Go down one of the stairs, the stairs are in the nooks to the left and right of the main entrance, and you will find yourself on the second level of the temple. This level is filled with enemies and traps that are activated if you step on certain floor tiles. Make your way into the hall with the water mill, there will be double-leaf gates closed with a bolt, move the bolt (to open the bolt, press against the handle and move forward) and go through the gate.
Sometimes a glitch occurs in this place with the bolt “sticking”; it completely refuses to move. If this happens, you have several ways to solve the problem: 1. Try saving and loading the game again. 2. If this does not help, then change the screen resolution in the game, exit the game and boot again. 3. A stuck deadbolt sometimes comes unstuck on its own after a fairly long period of time.
Behind the door, turn left and go to the fork, where you need to turn right and go until you find yourself in a room with a large statue. Move the stone structures so that they are on the plates that activate the mechanism. As a result, the statue will move to the side and open a passage to the lower level.
At this level, you need to collect four jade statues and place them on pedestals in the hall near the entrance. The statues are located in the rooms in the corners of the level, when you take the statue, remember what the pedestal on which it stood looks like, in the hall it will need to be placed on exactly the same pedestal.
Having collected the figurines, place them on the correct pedestals in the hall. If you didn’t pay attention to which pedestal stood which figurine, then the correct order is as follows: cat, heron, dragon, elephant, clockwise, standing with your back to the exit from the level.
If the figurines are placed correctly, a portal to the inner sanctuary will open. There you will find one of the most serious fights in the game with Ming Zhao. The easiest way to deal with it is with a flamethrower.
Having dealt with Ming Zhao, pick up the key to the sarcophagus that fell from her and enter the portal.

LaCroix Must Die

This quest will be in all endings except the ending for Lacroix.
An old acquaintance, security guard Chunk, is waiting for you in the tower lobby. You can kill him, or you can convince him to leave with PersuasionSeduction 9, Intimidate 8 or DominationDementation 1 for Ventrue and Malkavians.

Having dealt with Chunk, get into the elevator and go upstairs, however, you won’t get far on it, the elevator will soon stop and you will have to continue walking. There is nothing interesting on this floor, turn left from the elevator, go through the conference room and go up the stairs.
On the next floor, move to the right and go into the hall with dining tables, as soon as you go there, several special forces will fall on you through the glass roof. It is useless to fight with them, since reinforcements will continue to arrive at them ad infinitum, and it is impossible to kill them all. Run through the door behind the tables and go out onto the roof. Sneak or force your way to the opposite end of the roof and climb into the pipe.
On the next floor, sooner or later you will meet a special forces soldier with the face and voice of Lacroix, talk to him, then kill him and take the astrolite from his body. Approach the lift, put the astrolite in it and send the lift up; it’s better to run away from the lift yourself. As a result, the next floor will be cleared; you can, of course, not clear the floor or clear it yourself without using an astrolite. Call the lift and go up to the cleared floor. You can collect the harvest - the ammunition and weapons left behind by the special forces, then go into the elevator, the entrance to it is hidden in a dark nook and rise higher.
This floor is guarded by vampires - the Ventrue. Force your way through them or sneak through them. If you are planning to pass without unnecessary noise, then go up the stairs and go through the left door. Go into the room on the right along the corridor, there you can use the computer (directory lights, password - hitthelights) to turn off the electricity, which will make it easier to move through the level unnoticed.
Anyway, go to the conference room and take the elevator to the next floor. A very serious opponent awaits you there - the Sheriff. When you almost kill him, he will turn into a giant Chiropteran Behemoth bat, grab you and carry you to the roof. At which the second round of the fight with him will take place. The second battle will be easier than the first. Use the spotlights on the roof to blind Behemoth and the mouse won't cause you much trouble. You can focus on destroying the constantly attacking beast-like creatures by leaving the mouse to the snipers.
When the sheriff is dealt with, you will find yourself in Lacroix's room.

Game endings / Endings

For myself

You decided not to take sides, but simply get out of town. The taxi driver convinces you that you still need to destroy Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die quests.

After defeating the Behemoth at the top of the Ventrue Tower, you will find yourself in Lacroix's office. Lacroix will try to subdue you with Dominate and take the key, but he won't succeed. And you will have the choice to give him the key and leave, or ignore Beckett’s advice and open the sarcophagus on your own or together with Lacroix.
If you wisely left, then Lacroix will pick up the key and open the sarcophagus and fly into the air, and you will meet Nines Rodriguez on the street, tell him everything you think about him and safely leave the city.
If you open the sarcophagus, you will find a bomb there, the timer of which is counting down the last seconds and greetings from Jack.

For the anarchs

The taxi driver will take you to the Luckee Star Hotel in Hollywood. At the entrance to room 1 of the hotel Damsel is waiting, and inside Nines Rodriguez, he still managed to cope with the werewolf, as evidenced by the head lying right there.

Nines will tell you that the trap in Griffith Park was set up by Ming Zhao and Lacroix and will send you to deal with them. See Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die.
Then everything is the same as in the ending for yourself, only if you give the key to Lacroix, the meeting at the exit from the tower with Nines will go differently.

For Prince Lacroix

If you still decide to stay on Lacroix's side, a taxi will take you to the tower. Talk to Lacroix, he will say that he will forgive you everything if you kill Ming Joa and bring him the key to the sarcophagus, he will give you $2000 for expenses. After completing the Ming Must Die quest, return to it.

As a reward for the key, he will allow you to be present at the opening of the sarcophagus and, as a result, fly into the air with it.

For the Camarilla

If you are for the Camarilla, but against Lacroix, then the taxi driver will take you to the chapel of Maximilian Strauss. Ostrich will promise to support you and send you to deal with Ming Zhao and Lacroix.

In this ending, you must complete both the Ming Must Die and LaCroix Must Die quests.
When you get to Lacroix, the Ostrich will appear and Lacroix will be finished. Masimilian does not intend to open the sarcophagus.

For Kwei-jin

If, contrary to the driver's advice, you still go to the kwei-jin side, the taxi will take you to Golden Khoram. Talk to Ming Joa there and she will send you to kill Lacroix.

In this ending, you must complete the quest LaCroix Must Die.
During your conversation with Lacroix, Ming Joaso will join you with his men. As a result, Lacroix will lose his head, and the sarcophagus along with you will be sent to the bottom of the ocean, but you were warned not to trust the kwei-jin.
