Conclusions about the role of play in a child’s life. The importance of play in a child's life. An example of a role-playing game organized by developing a chain of actions

"The role of play in a child's life"

Have you ever wondered why children love to play? What does play give to a child? Do you remember what you played in your childhood?

Play is a free activity of children, which is perceived as “unreal”, but capable of completely capturing the player, and which is not dictated by any material benefit. The game becomes a part of the life of not only children, but also adults, it complements and embellishes life.

A child needs play. It promotes self-expression.

Games are not just useful, they are vital for people in general, but especially for children. Any kind of games - active and quiet, intellectual and those in which, in our opinion as adults, no intelligence is needed. If all adults (parents, educators and teachers) knew about this conclusion, it would, of course, not be worth talking about. Unfortunately, not everyone knows.

Play as the leading activity of a preschooler is of great importance for the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

First of all, in games it is carried out cognitive development children, since gaming activities contribute to the expansion and deepening of ideas about the surrounding reality, the development of attention, memory, observation, thinking and speech.

In games, children learn to compare objects by size, shape and color, and become familiar with the properties of the materials from which they are made.

Games have an impact on the physical development of children. They satisfy children's need for movements that become precise and confident.

During the game, the child’s moral qualities develop: honesty, determination, courage, goodwill. They help children develop communication skills, since most games are of a collective nature.

Play activities should be used to foster a caring attitude toward toys and play materials and to develop initial work skills.

Many games activate children's aesthetic senses. Forming in pairs, in a circle, and expressive pronunciation by adults of the text accompanying the game, teach children to understand beauty.

Formation play activity V preschool age involves its organization by all specialists of the preschool educational institution. Moreover, the younger the children, the more participation from adults should be in their games.

Play has a huge impact on children's speech development. Children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions - this helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improving spoken language, enriching the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, etc.

Round dance games and singing contribute to the development of expressive speech and coordination of words with movements. They form voluntary memorization of texts and movements. In the game, the child sensually connects with infinity, travels on an airplane, a rocket, creates and conquers everything. He is not subject to time and space. He feels like the embodiment of creativity and freedom, living in the game what will actually happen to him many years later. At the same time, the child does not realize this and does not set precisely such goals.

One of the first forms of children's activity is a role-playing game. It has a positive effect on speech development.

During it, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks for himself and for it, imitates the hum of a car, the voices of animals, etc.

During the game, it is advisable for adults to talk a lot so that children develop a need for verbal communication, this is especially important for non-speaking children. The child wants to ask an adult to tell him something. Therefore, it is advisable for adults to encourage children in every possible way to ask questions about toys.

“Every child is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The task of adults, parents and educators is to help him maintain the desire for knowledge and satisfy the child’s need for active activity.

Play is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout life. It is now generally accepted that play is the leading activity of a child before school age.

Play occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler. Researchers (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) note that it is independent forms of play that are most important in pedagogy for a child’s development. In games, the child’s personality is most clearly revealed.

In theory, the game is viewed from various perspectives. The game is a way of exploring the world, because... a playing child creates his own world; the game has an impact on the overall mental development child; the game helps to assimilate social experience.

K.D. Ushinsky defined play as a feasible way for a child to enter into all the complexity of the adult world around him. Through imitation, the child reproduces and assimilates the basic aspects of human relationships. According to D.V. Mendzheritsky's game is designed to solve problems for the development of moral and social qualities, and the game should be developmental in nature and occurs under the control of an adult.

Despite the importance of the game comprehensive development child, play is replaced by educational activities. Parents devote most of their time to preparing their children for education.

Therefore, the best and proven means of forming a child’s personality of preschool age is the active activity of the child himself. The game has a number of advantages in this regard. It is an important means of control in the lives of children and provides a great opportunity for the manifestation of childish spontaneity, positive feelings and actions. Character role and construction games promotes the development of kind and conscious relationships in children. Mastering various rules helps regulate children's relationships.

A child needs active activities that help improve his vitality, satisfy his interests and social needs. The game is of great educational importance; it is closely connected with learning in the classroom and with observations of everyday life. In creative games, an important and complex process of knowledge acquisition takes place, which mobilizes mental capacity child, his imagination, attention, memory.

With the development of interest in the work of adults, in public life, in the heroic deeds of Soviet people, children begin to have their first dreams of a future profession and a desire to imitate their favorite heroes. All this makes play an important means of creating the direction of a child’s personality, which begins to take shape in preschool childhood.

Conventionally, games can be divided into two main groups: role-playing games and games with rules.

Role-playing games are games on everyday topics, dramatized games, games - fun, entertainment.

Games with rules include didactic games and outdoor games.

The plot-role-playing game of a child is of a creative nature, where children take on roles and reproduce the activities and relationships of adults with you and the entertaining nature of the plot. In such games, children are capable of interesting inventions; they themselves add variety to this or that game. Children's initiative has a huge impact on the education of not only one child, but also the entire group.

Games with rules have a different purpose: they provide the opportunity for systematic exercises necessary for the development of thinking, feelings and speech, voluntary attention and memory, and various movements. Each game with rules has a specific didactic task, but ultimately, it is also aimed at solving basic educational problems. Didactic games Children are especially interested in their entertainment and content: guess, find, name. Children achieve results in the game, guided by certain rules. Interest in the quality of the game task is manifested: carefully fold the pattern, correctly, select a picture, and so on.

An interesting game increases the child’s mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class.

But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of games. Training requires the use of a variety of methods.

The game gives good results only in combination with other methods: observations, conversations, reading, etc., because While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice.

Games with rules require generalization of knowledge and independent choice in solving a given problem.

Sometimes parents, wanting to raise their child to be very responsible and literate, strive to introduce him to educational activities as early as possible (for example, by hiring a tutor and “settling” him to study foreign languages), leaving no time for games, thereby reducing sociality in the child’s development . The child’s development becomes disharmonious (for example, the child can count and write very well, but turns out to be completely unable to establish contact with peers; in the worst case, the child may experience nervous strain, behavioral problems, obsessive fears, etc. may arise) .

It is in preschool age that the ability to behave in accordance with the roles assumed arises, which is very important for the further social development of the child.

The main activity of preschool children is play, during which spiritual and physical strength child: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

In play activities, many of the child’s positive qualities, interest and readiness for upcoming learning are formed, and his cognitive abilities develop. Play is important both for preparing a child for the future and for making his present life full and happy. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to create in kindergartens all conditions for various games, treat them carefully, with respect, thoughtfully, and skillfully guide them.

By playing, children learn to live!


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Play is important in a child’s life; it has the same meaning as activity, work, or service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play. And the entire history of an individual person as an activist and worker can be represented in the development of play and in its gradual transition to work.

But even in his first self-care work, the child brings a lot of play. Gradually, he is entrusted with more and more complex work that is important for the whole family. Nevertheless, play at this time is the main activity of the child, and interests him most.

At school age, work comes first, responsibility appears, it is associated with clear ideas about future life child, is close to his future social activities. But even at this time, play seems more interesting to the child than work; he wants to put aside work and play.

There are many adults, long out of school, whose love of play prevails over their love of work. This is a category of people chasing pleasure, exchanging work for a pleasant pastime. They brought play settings from childhood, but these settings were not correctly transformed into working settings - this was the result of improperly organized play. But this does not mean that it is necessary to distract the child from play as early as possible and transfer him to work. This will most likely cause him to have an aversion to work and increase his desire to play. We must not eliminate the game, but organize it correctly. It is necessary to guide the child’s play and educate him in the game; parents must understand well what play is and how it differs from work.

The game brings joy to the child. It will be either the joy of creativity, or the joy of victory, or aesthetic joy - the joy of quality. Good work brings the same joy.

First of all, it must be said that there is not as much difference between play and work as many people think. Good game looks like a good job bad job looks like a bad game.

Some people think that work is different from play in that work has responsibility, but play does not. It's true: there is no less responsibility in the game than in work. The only difference between play and work is that work is a person’s participation in social production, in the creation of social values. The game does not have such goals, but it has an indirect relation to them: it prepares a person for the physical and mental efforts that are necessary for work.

In any good game, there is a mandatory effort of work and effort of thought.

A small child's games are mainly indoor games, in which toys occupy the main place. The child prefers to play alone and rarely allows one or two friends to participate. During these years, the child loves to play with his own toys; he does not like other people's toys. At this time, the child’s personal abilities develop. Do not be alarmed that the child is playing alone, now he needs games alone, but it is important not to miss the time when the child should move on to games where communication with peers is more important.

At this stage, the center of the game is the toy. Toys come in the following types:

The toy is ready-made, mechanical or simple. These are different cars, horses, dolls, soft toys, etc.

The good thing about a finished toy is that it gradually introduces the child to complex ideas and things; it develops the child’s appreciation for technology and complex human economy. Therefore, the finished toy evokes wider imagination.

A toy car in the hands of a child tunes his imagination to certain associations with transport, a horse evokes an idea of ​​​​the life of an animal, concern about feeding and care. Parents should ensure that the developing aspects of this toy are noticed by the child, so that he is not carried away only by its mechanics and convenience.

It is very important that the child is not proud of the fact that other children do not have such good toys, but he has a lot of them. In general, such toys are useful only when the child does not save it in order to boast to his friends, but plays with them and plays when not just observing the movement of a toy, but organizing this movement in some complex process. Cars must transport something, Little figures must move somewhere or do something, dolls must sleep, eat, change outfits, go to visit. In the world of children's play there is a lot of scope for imagination, and the wider and more seriously this space is used with such toys, the better. If there is a place for a bear cub, they are only shaking and gutting and throwing it, this is very bad. But if the bear has its own place, its own specific role in the gaming kingdom, this is already good.

Another type of toy is a semi-finished toy that requires some finishing touches from the child: different pictures with questions, cut-out pictures, cubes, construction boxes, collapsible models.

This type of toy is good because the child is given a task - usually one that can be solved with a certain tension and effort, which the child himself would never be able to set. Solving these problems already requires a noticeable discipline of thinking, logic, the concept of the correct relationship of parts, and not simple free imagination. But the disadvantage of these toys is that these tasks are almost always the same, of the same type and quickly get boring for the child.

Toy material: clay, plasticine, sand, pieces of cardboard, mica, wood, paper, plants, wire, nails. etc.

Various materials represent the cheapest and most effective gaming element. These toys are closest to human activity: people create material and cultural values ​​from materials. If a child knows how to play with such toys, this means that he has already developed a culture of play and a culture of activity is emerging. The toy material has a lot of real life, but at the same time there is a place for imagination, not just dreaming, but creative imagination. If there are pieces of glass, you need to make windows from them, and you need to come up with frames for the windows, therefore, you need a house for the frames. And vice versa.

It is believed that best way combine all three types, but in no case in excess. If your child has one or two mechanical toys, there is no need to buy more.

Add to this some kind of collapsible toy and add all sorts of materials, and now the toy kingdom is organized. There is no need for a child to get lost in the abundance of toys. Let him organize a game from a small number.

If you bought your child a small horse and he wants to transport something, he will need a cart. Don’t rush to buy it for him, you need him to make it himself from what he has at hand. If he does it, great - the goal of the game has been achieved. But if he needs a lot of carts, he can buy a second one.

The most important thing is to achieve the following:

So that the child really plays, composes, builds, combines.

So that he brings his activities to the end, and does not rush from one task to another.

So that in each toy I see a certain value necessary for the future, keep it, take care of it. There should always be complete order in the toy kingdom and cleaning should be done. Toys should not break, and in case of breakage, repairs must be made; if it is difficult, then with the help of parents.

Particular attention should be paid to the child’s attitude towards the toy. He should not break the toy, he should love it, but, at the same time, he should not suffer endlessly if it deteriorates or breaks.

We must come to the aid of the child in such cases, support him in despair, prove to him that human resourcefulness and work can always improve the situation. You should try to fix a broken toy and never throw it away prematurely.

There are other types of toys that are designed for children who already know how to play with simple educational toys and want to solve more complex creative problems.

In this they can be helped by metal, plastic and other construction sets, kits for assembling various models, including active ones, scientific and educational sets, such as the crystal growing set - which combines an interesting, game introduction to the mysterious world of nature and learning skills scientific experience. The set contains all the necessary devices and components for the child to conduct these experiments. Growing crystals is a very exciting and beautiful process, and if a child has the patience to wait for the results, he will be very glad that he created such a variety of shapes and shades of colors with his own hands. Set contains detailed instructions, information about minerals and the process of growing minerals. There are other scientific and educational sets for children in the fields of physics, chemistry, and optics.

Some earlier, some later, but all children are no longer interested in playing alone as before and they move on to group play. Parents must help their child during this rather difficult period. Expanding your circle of friends should take place in the most favorable environment. Usually this transition occurs in the form of an increase in the child’s interest in outdoor games and games in the yard.

The best situation at this time will be when in the group of children in the yard there is a little older person who enjoys authority among them and will be the organizer of the younger ones.

The difficulty here is that children no longer play in front of their parents, but in their own children's community. This period lasts until 11-12 years old, the child is already at school at this time.

Here parents' attention is required first of all. Your child went out into the yard and made friends with his peers. You must study carefully what kind of children these are. Your girl is reaching out to her friends in the yard; you should know these girls well. You should know what the children around your child are interested in, and whether there is anything bad in their games.

It often happens that the initiative of one parent in the yard helps change for the better the lives of an entire group of children in one place or another. Have you noticed that children roll off icy garbage heaps in winter? Agree with other parents or help the kids build a real slide alone. Make your son a simple wooden sled, and soon other kids will have something similar.

During this period, communication between parents is very important, which unfortunately does not happen often. At this stage, children are already organized into some semblance of a team; It will be very useful if their parents together guide them in the same organized manner.

Children often quarrel, fight and complain about each other. It’s a big mistake for parents if they immediately take their child’s side and get into a quarrel with the offender’s parents, even if your child came in tears. Calmly ask your son or daughter, imagine the picture of the coming. Mostly, more than one party is to blame. Explain to your child that in a game you don’t always need to be uncompromising, that you need to look for peaceful ways out of conflicts. Be sure to find a decent way to reconcile your child with the enemy, invite the offender to visit and talk to him too, meet his parents, find out everything to the end.

You should already see not only your child in front of you, but you should see a children's team in front of you and raise him together with other parents. Only then will you benefit your child. He will see that you are doing social work and will see this as an example for his behavior. There is nothing worse than the aggressiveness of a father or mother towards a neighboring family; It is this kind of aggressiveness that fosters bad character traits in the child, suspicion and blind selfishness.

School time

School brings into a child’s life a wider circle of friends, new areas of interest and new types of play activities, a strict regime and clear organization. If a child in the yard is also already a member of a children's society, in which there is neither strict discipline nor public control. Both appear at school.

The child begins to participate not only in play activities, but also in business and educational activities. Therefore, the game during this period takes on more strict collective forms and gradually becomes a sports game, i.e. related to goals physical development, rules, and most importantly - with the concepts of collective interest and collective discipline. But even here, parents still have leverage to influence the child’s character. Firstly, you need to carefully ensure that your passion for sports does not take on the character of an all-consuming passion; you need to point out to the child other aspects of the activity.

Secondly, it is necessary to make a boy or girl proud not only of his personal successes, but mainly of pride in the success of the team or group. It will be very good if parents get to know their son or daughter's teammates better. It is necessary to stop boastfulness, cultivate respect for the strength of the enemy, pay attention to organization, training, and discipline in the team. It is necessary to develop a calm attitude towards successes and failures in the child.

Mistakes parents make regarding children's games.

Some parents are simply not interested in their children's play and think that the children themselves know how to play better. With such parents, children play how they want and when they want, they choose their own toys and organize the play themselves.

Parents often pay too much attention to the game, even too much, they interfere with their children’s play all the time, and game problems are often solved before the child solves them.

In this case, the parents play more than the child. With such parents, children are not accustomed to overcoming difficulties, independently achieving improvement in quality, and very early they get used to the idea that only adults can do everything well. They develop self-doubt and fear of failure.

If you give a child a wind-up toy and you yourself wind it up and let it go, and the child watches and is happy, this game is no good. The child in this game remains passive, there is no participation in the game. If a child plays only such games, he will grow up passive, accustomed to looking at other people’s work, unable to bring creativity into his work, and afraid of difficulties. A game without effort, a game without active activity, is a bad game.

Play should not occupy the entire spiritual life of a child; it is also necessary to develop work skills. Parents should cultivate the desire for complete satisfaction, overcoming difficulties, and develop imagination.

The game should be such that it develops those mental and physical skills that will be necessary for future work.

Many parents believe that the issue is the number of toys. They spend a lot of money on toys, fill their children with a variety of toys and are proud of it. Children of such parents best case scenario become collectors of toys, and in the worst case, they play without passion, spoil and break the toy and demand new ones.

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Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character.

The main activity of preschool children- a game during which the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler.

A special place is occupied by games created by children themselves. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully shapes a child’s personality, and therefore is an important means of education.

The game is a reflection of life. Everything here is “as if”, “make-believe”, but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of reality: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings and experiences are genuine and sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are just toys, but he loves them as if they were alive.

A game- independent activity in which children first interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children choose the game themselves and organize it themselves. But at the same time, in no other activity are there such strict rules, such conditioning of behavior as here. Therefore, the game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal and helps to cultivate purposefulness.

In play, the child begins to feel like a member of a team and fairly evaluates the actions and actions of his comrades and his own. The teacher’s task is to focus the attention of the players on goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, and to promote the establishment of relationships between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.

Creative group game is a school for educating the feelings of preschoolers. Moral qualities formed in play influence the child’s behavior in life, while at the same time, the skills developed in the process of children’s everyday communication with each other and with adults are acquired further development in Game. It takes great teacher skill to help children organize a game that would encourage good deeds and evoke better feelings.

The knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home finds practical application and development in the game. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what was read and told to him; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more clear to him.

Translating life experiences into a game is a complex process. Creative play cannot be subdued by narrow didactic purposes, with its help the most important educational tasks are solved. Children choose their playing role in accordance with their interests and their dreams about their future profession. They are still childishly naive and will change more than once, but it is important that the child dreams of participating in work that is useful to society; gradually, through play, the child develops general ideas about the meaning of work and the role of various professions.

Most games reflect the work of adults: children imitate the household chores of their mother and grandmother, the work of a teacher, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot.

Consequently, games instill respect for all work and affirm the desire to take part in it.

Play and work often naturally come together. You can often observe how long and enthusiastically children craft, preparing for the game in a certain image: sailors build a ship, make life preservers, doctors and nurses equip a clinic. Sometimes the child introduces a playful image into real work. So, putting on a white apron and scarf to make cookies, he turns into a confectionery factory worker, and when cleaning the site, he becomes a janitor.

The game develops moral qualities: responsibility to the team for the assigned task, a sense of camaraderie and friendship, coordination of actions in achieving a common goal, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues.

Life in kindergarten also provides rich material for play activities, especially in junior groups when the child gets a lot of new experiences. The game reflects everyday life kindergarten and extraordinary joyful events: New Year tree, visit puppet theater, zoo.

The vast majority of games are dedicated to depicting the work of people of different professions. In all kindergartens, children drive trucks, travel on trains, on ships, and fly on airplanes. Thus, through play, children’s interest in different professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is fostered.

The teacher’s task is to help the children organize these games, make them exciting and action-packed. And also help the child choose from the mass of life experiences the most vivid ones, those that can serve as the plot of a good game.

In order to succeed interesting game, it is not enough for children to only see how they build a house, transport goods, sew clothes, etc. If we limit ourselves to only this, the children will only imitate the actions of adults, not realizing the significance of their work.

Spectacles have a strong influence on the game, especially television, which has become firmly established in the everyday life of every family. TV shows provide interesting material for games. Many games arise under the influence of special children's programs.

Based on the children's interests and their ideas, the teacher guides the choice of games. Using various techniques, he recalls to the children’s memory what they saw and what they were read about. For kids, for example, a visual reminder is important - toys, a toy piano suggests the idea of ​​holding music lesson, the toy animals are reminiscent of a familiar fairy tale. Sometimes, to give children an idea for a game, you can show them a puppet theater or toy theater performance. Repeating the dramatization, the kids basically remake it, combining what was shown with their own personal experience: So, Doctor Aibolit treats not animals, but dolls that are sick with the flu.

Young children usually start playing without thinking about the purpose of the game and its content. However, experience suggests that already in the fourth year of life, preschoolers are able to choose the theme of the game and set a specific goal. Before the game starts, the teacher asks: “What will you play? What will you build? Where will you go by train? Who will you be? What toys do you need? These questions force children to think and outline the main plot, which may change in the future.

Gradually the game becomes more and more purposeful, becomes more meaningful and interesting. In older preschool age, large gaming experience, more developed imagination helps children to come up with different interesting stories. The teacher only needs a verbal reminder about an excursion, a book, or a movie for the idea of ​​a new good game to be born. An important motivator for the game is also a conversation in which the meaning of what was seen and read, the characters characters, their experiences. If you manage to captivate children with the plot, the game arises naturally even without the teacher’s suggestion. But the teacher can also advise the children on the topic of the game if he knows that it will interest them.

If in younger groups it is important only to teach children to deliberately choose a game, then with older preschoolers it is necessary to jointly discuss not only the theme of the game, but also outline a plan for the development of the plot in general terms, and determine the activities of each of the players. Of course, the game plan can only be indicative; as the plot develops, many new things are introduced into it, but everyone’s invention is subordinated to a common goal. The teacher, therefore, manages the game, directs its content, and influences the children’s relationships.

The organization of a play group and the formation of the personality of each child in this group is one of the most important and very difficult issues in childhood pedagogy. This complexity is caused by the dual nature of the experiences and relationships of the players. Performing his role with enthusiasm, the child does not lose his sense of reality, remembers that in fact he is not a sailor, and the captain is only his comrade. Showing outward respect to the commander, he may experience completely different feelings - he condemns him, envies him. If the game greatly captivates the child, if he consciously and deeply enters into the role, the gaming experience overcomes selfish impulses.

When organizing a game, the teacher faces difficult questions: every child wants to be in charge, but not everyone knows how to take into account the opinions of their comrades or resolve disputes fairly. Choosing an organizer requires a lot of attention. Not everyone can cope with this role, but all children need to be taught activity and organizational skills.

It is especially difficult for a teacher to lead a game when it has already begun. While the plot is being discussed and the children have not yet entered into the character, the teacher can give advice without changing the children’s plan. Careless interference during role-playing can destroy the image created by the child. If the teacher understands the children’s plans and their experiences, then in order to offer a new interesting episode, to give the game a new direction, he must enter the game in some role and address the children as actors.

By properly organizing games, the teacher helps each child find his place in the play group, raises him to be a good friend, fair, and modest.

Every child needs an individual approach, even if his behavior in the game does not cause any concern to the teacher. Children who are timid and unsure of themselves require special attention, and because of this they seem uninitiative. The child’s apparent passivity is mostly explained by the fact that it is difficult for him to immediately enter the life of the group, and adults do not help him in this, do not understand his interests. Many facts show how such a child is transformed if he finds the support of a teacher, how his creative abilities and organizational skills blossom.

A teacher has many difficulties with children who are overly lively, courageous, and proud. For the most part, they are the ringleaders of the games, and the guys willingly obey them. While supporting and developing the organizational skills of these children, it is necessary to instill in them modesty, a sense of responsibility, respect for comrades, and the habit of taking into account the opinions of other people.

During the game, there are many moments that require the teacher to have keen observation and resourcefulness, and the ability to unite children.

To implement the plan, the child needs toys and various objects that help him act in accordance with the role he has taken on. If the necessary toys are not at hand, children replace them with others and endow them with imaginary characteristics. This ability to see non-existent qualities in an object constitutes one of the characteristic features of childhood.

The older and more developed children are, the more demanding they are of the objects of play, the more similarities they look for with reality. This naturally gives rise to the desire to do the necessary things ourselves. One of the trends in the development of the game is its increasing connection with labor. The teacher’s task is to support the child’s desire to make toys independently and help him in this.

Thus, play creativity develops under the influence of upbringing and training, its level depends on the acquired knowledge and instilled skills, on the formed interests of the child. In addition, in the game, the individual characteristics of children are especially evident, which also influence the development of creative ideas.
