World of tanks best tank destroyer 6. The best tank destroyers in World of Tanks. What are the main criteria for getting into the top?

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British Tier VI tank destroyer Excalibur

The service includes:

đź•“ Completion time: on average up to 12 days.

  • We will carry out all necessary personal combat missions campaign "Second Front" to obtain the Excalibur tank.
  • These tasks include 4 branches of 15 tasks each - Union, Bloc, Alliance, Coalition.
  • During execution, various game achievements- medals, class badges.
  • The account employs tankers with many years of experience.

đź”’ Account rules and requirements:

  • The following tanks are desired on the account - (T57 Heavy Tank), E 100/st E 50 Ausf. M, T-54, (e 50)/lt- 13 90, (ru 251)/art -(t 92), Conqueror Gun Carriage, (G.W. E 100)/fr- Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger, FV215b (183) , Grille 15
  • Tanks of all necessary nations are from level 6, art is required from level 10.
  • Do not log into your account while the order is being processed.
  • Do not log into your account 24 hours before and 24 hours after completing the work.
  • Do not log into your account so that there are no overlaps in IP and mac addresses.
  • Do not perform work on your account in different stores or tankers.

đź’¬ Contact our operator in the lower right corner for details, as well as answers to all your questions.

Performance characteristics of IKV 65 alt II

So, what characteristics are already available:

Strength – 580 units;
Hull armor – 15/10/10;
Vehicle mobility – 649;
Stealth of the vehicle – 382;
Observation – 430.

From all of the above we can already conclude that Swedish tank The Ikv 60 Alt II is a very solid, standard machine with average durability and low visibility - only 330 m.
The armor of this tank also does not cause much delight, since from the frontal projection it is quite obvious that there is absolutely no armor here, and this says one thing: any enemy will penetrate such flimsy protection, but high-explosive attacks from the KV-2 and others will be especially dangerous artillery.
The stealth factor of the tank will be very contradictory here, since it itself is quite small and pot-bellied, but still too tall to be invisible. In general, everything is relative here: it will be difficult to hide from the enemy, but it is possible.
But the chassis of this tank model has excellent characteristics: it is dynamic and quite fast car, whose chassis speed is average. With such indicators, the Ikv 60 Alt 2 tank can of course be turned on, but this will not be very easy.

Now about the weapon:
Gun caliber – 90 mm;
Rate of fire – 6.19 rounds per minute;
Penetration (on average) – 180/230/45 mm;
Damage (on average) – 240/240/320 units;
Gun dispersion – 0.34 (per 100 m);
Gun aiming time – 1.9 s;
Gun weight – 815 kg;
The shells used are high-explosive, armor-piercing, and cumulative.

The firepower of the Ikv 60 Alt 2 tank is as follows:
Damage caused by a basic projectile is 180-300 units;
Armor penetration with basic shells – 135-225 units;
Rate of fire – 6.45;
Reload – 9.3;
Horizontal guidance – 25.03 sec;
Vertical aiming angles – -10/12;
Horizontal aiming angles – 15/15;
Mixing time – 1.82 century;
Dispersion – 0.33 m per 100 m;
Damage per minute (average) – 1548.

If we talk about the armament of this Swedish tank, then there is a very good gun, although there are some shortcomings here, but first things first. The gun has a standard alpha strike, but there is one big drawback: the rate of fire here is completely unimpressive, which is why the total damage to the enemy is only 1550 units, and this is one of the worst indicators. Another thing is the armor-piercing ability of the gun, since the basic set of AP shells available here will allow the player to conduct successful battles even at the very bottom of the list. If the tank has to engage in battle with a really serious opponent, then here you can purchase no more than 15 gold cumulative shells.

Equipment and accessories for IKV 65 alt II

Due to the fact that this Swede is not without shortcomings, he needs optional equipment, and here's what you might need to purchase:

Commander – Combat Brotherhood, Sixth Sense, Camouflage, Radio Interception;
Gunner – Combat Brotherhood, Camouflage, Smooth Turret Rotation, Repair;
Driver - Brotherhood, Disguise, Virtuoso, Repair;
Loader – Combat brotherhood, Camouflage, Non-contact ammo rack, Repair.

To equip the car, nothing supernatural is required, and here the set will be standard - this is a Small First Aid Kit, a Small Repair Kit and a Manual Fire Extinguisher. But given the available opportunities, it would be better for the player to purchase a Large First Aid Kit, a Large Repair Kit and an Automatic Fire Extinguisher. It is also recommended to purchase Coffee and Pastries instead of a fire extinguisher, which will increase all crew skills by 10%.

Tactics of playing on IKV 65 alt II

A very advantageous quality here is the mobility of this Swedish tank: at the very beginning of the game you can quickly take a convenient position, and then quickly move along the flanks.

So, available fighting machine Swedish-made is a very versatile option, however, it must be said right away that close combat is excluded for such a tank. Also, the player must always keep in mind that the tank’s armor is very weak, the damage dealt is also mediocre, and if you engage in battle with a nimble enemy, then it is quite capable of spinning the Swede. That is why all owners of Ikv 60 Alt 2 must pay attention to the mini-map at all times, and also be wary of direct hits, otherwise being sent to the hangar will be inevitable.

Brief summary of the IKV 65 alt II tank

So, summing up everything described, we can say that this Swedish tank is a standard version of the tank, having a standard set of qualities. All combat tactics on such a vehicle boil down to one thing: take a convenient position in time and fire from there, trying to remain invisible to the enemy. Despite the fact that the accuracy characteristics of the Ikv 60 Alt 2 are very impressive, it is still not recommended to go further than 300 meters, since accurate shots It will be more difficult from such a distance.
Thanks to good performance vertical aiming, the Ikv 60 Alt 2 tank can drive onto a hillock and actively fire from there. Even if he is noticed there, it will be quite difficult to hit him in this position.


IN this moment There are more than 350 tanks of various nations and classes in the game. Depending on the playing style and personal preferences, each player discovers his own type of military equipment. And if at the first levels everything is simple, then starting from the fifth level of technology, the game becomes much more interesting. In this topic, we’ll look at which Tier 6 tank in world of s players prefer, based on survey data.

Level 6 Benefits
Despite the diversity of classes, nations, and levels, in wot there are tanks that are very comfortable to play on, no matter if it is a tank of the fifth, eighth or tenth level. Let us note that the sixth level really pleases us with good combat tank vehicles and each class has standing tanks, which many players leave in their hangar. In addition, many of the Tier 6 vehicles participate in company battles, fight for fortified areas and take part in battles for provinces on Global Map. It’s also good to raise your statistics and earn silver. And so, let’s find out what is the best tier 6 tank in wot in each class of military equipment.​


Medium tanks tier 6
First in the ranking best tanks Level 6 includes the Soviet T34-85. The tank differs from its “classmates” in its comfortable and accurate gun, excellent dynamics and low probability of engine fire. The top gun has good armor penetration, so it can penetrate and target weak spots for tanks of their level and higher. The tank has good camouflage, which allows sniper shooting from cover. The T-34-85 belongs to the support tanks, albeit in close combat, being able to arrange the hull in a “diamond” pattern and, thanks to its good dynamics, the tank is also quite effective.

IN British branch can't help but note medium tankСromwell, which pleases with its characteristics. This combat vehicle has excellent speed, which is 62 km/h, maneuverability, dynamics and good visibility, so if the player manages to penetrate behind enemy lines, you can easily find out the location of the entire enemy team. Regarding penetration, it cannot be said that the tank has high damage (145mm, damage - 135), the same applies to the stabilization of the top gun. But given the good angle of fire and the gun’s rate of fire, Cromwell is quite capable of spinning up a slow anti-tank gun, punching the enemy into the stern, the sides, or sending enemy artillery into the hangar in a few shots.

Tank destroyer
The best Tier 6 tank in the tank destroyer class, according to most players, is the Hellcat, or as it is called “hell cat.” Despite the fact that in one of the patches the developers reduced the dynamism and speed of backward movement of the Helkat, the tank has excellent characteristics for its level and many players leave it in their hangar. Hellcat is a tank destroyer with a rotating turret, which allows it to be played from cover and remain invisible to the enemy. The gun has good accuracy and high penetration, so Helka can deal significant damage from long distances, remaining invisible to the enemy. Like any anti-tank vehicle, the Hellcat has good visibility and camouflage, especially if you install the additional equipment “camouflage net” and “stereo tube”.

Among Soviet tank destroyers we can highlight the SU-100. The advantages of this machine include: excellent visibility, good speed, good armor, an accurate gun with high one-time damage, review.

Heavy tanks tier 6
Among the 6 levels, the first place in the ranking is occupied by the KV-85, which many players remember as KV1-S or simply “Kvass”. The tank has a choice of two guns: a top-end 85 mm or a 122 mm gun with a one-time damage of 395. But despite the high one-time damage of a 122 mm gun, for more comfortable game It is better to install an 85-mm cannon on a tank, which has a higher angle of attack, a higher rate of fire and accuracy. The tank has good front projection armor, an armored turret, which will be difficult to penetrate for tanks of low or higher heights. high levels. The KV-85 has good speed and dynamics, and feels confident in both close and long-range combat.

You can also note one of the most unusual vehicles at level 6 - the KV-2 heavy assault tank. Despite the weak hull armor and low dynamics, the main feature of the combat vehicle is its top gun (152 mm M 10 howitzer) or “shaitanka”, with high one-time damage, but low accuracy and slow reloading.

Among heavy tanks The American nation cannot ignore the M6 ​​combat vehicle. The top-end 90-mm gun Gun M3 is distinguished by high accuracy and rate of fire, so the combat vehicle poses a real threat to enemy vehicles of its level and tanks located one level higher. Excellent armor of the turret and hull allows you to confidently conduct tank battles head-to-head with the enemy.

Light tanks tier 6
Among the light tanks of the 6th level, the MT-25 can be noted. It has excellent dynamics, speed and good weapons, but, like most light tanks, it has weak armor and a low safety margin. The rate of fire of the top gun is 22 rounds per second, which is quite good for a light vehicle. But since the main purpose of all light tanks is to provide illumination for enemy vehicles, thanks great review, maneuverability and speed, the MT-25 copes with its main function perfectly.

You can also highlight the American T-37, which has a light weight, good weapons, an accurate gun with high stabilization, fairly high speed, maneuverability and good visibility. In addition to effectively detecting enemies, the T-37, thanks to its dynamics, can easily “disassemble” a clumsy enemy tank destroyer or sneak behind enemy lines undetected and destroy artillery pieces.

Artillery self-propelled guns
The following tanks can be distinguished here: British self-propelled guns FV304, American M44, Soviet SU-8 and among German technology-Hummel.

The advantages of the FV304 include: excellent speed and dynamics, small dimensions, thanks to which the self-propelled gun can quickly change its position, better speed information and rate of fire among “classmates” and comfortable UGN.

Su-8 with good one-time damage and rate of fire, but low projectile speed and slow aiming. The rate of fire is 2 rounds per minute, and the firepower of the tank is achieved by a 152 mm gun with a penetration of 88 mm. One-time damage with a successful hit on an enemy vehicle is 910 units of damage from a HE projectile.

German self-propelled gun Hummel with good UGN, an accurate weapon with good damage, great visibility, excellent dynamics, thanks to which you can quickly occupy key positions or quickly change positions in the event of the approach of enemy tanks or other combat vehicles.

6-08-2018, 19:15

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a very unusual vehicle that will become available to all players with the release of update 1.1 in World fo Tanks. The guide will talk about the premium British Tier 6 tank destroyer with a turret - Excalibur!

This tank destroyer is issued as a reward for LBZ 2.0 or the third company “Second Front”. You can get Excalibur into your hangar by completing the first operation: “The Sword in the Stone.” This tank destroyer will become the most popular and widespread of the 3rd campaign, since the tasks of the first operation are quite easy.

Learn more about LBZ on Excalibur.

Detailed performance characteristics of Excalibur

We got our hands on a rather interesting and unusual tank destroyer. Let's start with the fact that this is, in general, such a movable small box with a turret, although not full rotation, thanks to its high power density and good maximum speed of 50 km/h.

The health factor is quite standard for this level and amounts to 750 units. The visibility of 360 meters is also not something outstanding at this level.

Now to the most interesting part, the weapon. Quite typical for this level, one-time damage of 150 units and a very high rate of fire of 2300+ units per minute, which is very pleasing. Also pleasing is the aiming speed and dispersion. Armor penetration is also at the level of 165 mm for BB and 192 mm for BP. What is very pleasing is the comfortable UVN - 10 degrees.

As for the reservation, everything is sad, there is none. Formally, there is 50 mm in the front of the turret and hull, but it will not be possible to tank even 4 levels with such armor. What can we say about 8. And besides, land mines will hit the sides and stern with a bang. But this vehicle is not at all about armor and tanking.

Advantages and disadvantages of Excalibur

When playing any tank in World of Tanks, it is extremely important to understand its main strengths and weaknesses, because tactics in battle are built on this knowledge. Of course, everything has already been said in the analysis general characteristics and gun parameters, but for greater clarity it is better to highlight the advantages and disadvantages Excalibur WoT separately.
Good mobility;
High rate of fire and DPM;
Decent penetration parameters;
Good accuracy;
Excellent UVN;
Presence of a tower.
Poor booking;
Barn-like dimensions and rather weak camouflage;
Little alphastrike.

Equipment for Excalibur

To make your time in battle more comfortable and you can show good results, it is important to choose the right additional modules for a tank. Of course, preference should be given to the most necessary characteristics, so for Excalibur equipment better to put it like this:
1. is an excellent choice for any combat vehicle, which in our case will make the DPM even more dangerous.
2. – with our good review This module will be quite enough to outperform most of your classmates in review and keep up with higher-level technology.
3. is also a good option, because standing in one place in the bushes it will be more difficult to detect you, and accordingly, the process of causing damage will be safer.

As such, there are no alternatives to the set of three modules proposed above, but if for some reason you still don’t have enough, you can put . But again, the proposed set is optimal.

Excalibur crew training

As for the choice and leveling of skills, this aspect will be fairly standard for a tank destroyer, which will need to sit a lot in the bushes on the second line. That is, first of all, we give preference to stealth, and do not forget about improving the accuracy and general parameters of the machine. In other words, on Tank destroyer Excalibur perks look like this:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Excalibur

Another standard that you definitely need to think about before going into battle is the purchase of consumables. You can feel good in battle with a set of , and it will be much cheaper. But for greater safety, it is recommended to carry Excalibur equipment more expensive – , , , where the last point can be replaced by .

Tactics for playing Excalibur

The style and tactics of playing on the premium British Tier 6 tank destroyer Excalibur will be in many ways very similar to another British tank destroyer - adjusted for the difference in performance characteristics. Based on the totality of the advantages and disadvantages of this device, we can say that we have a very strong machine in our hands. Of course, it requires a special approach, but remembering the weak armor and large dimensions, for Excalibur tactics An ambush, so to speak, typical of many tank destroyers, is more suitable.

Thus, at the very beginning of the battle, make sure to take a position in the bushes on the second line as quickly as possible. Here it will be more difficult to detect you, and accordingly, implement the DPM of the rapid-fire gun that the Excalibur tank, it will be much easier and safer.

When taking a position, remember good elevation angles. Standing in the distance Tank destroyer Excalibur WoT is capable of very effectively shooting damage at allied light, an accurate weapon will help you with this. This way, you can provide serious assistance to your team.

As for close combat, it is better not to engage in it at all, because anyone can penetrate us. For this reason, the player Excalibur World of Tanks must constantly monitor the mini-map and in case of danger, it is better to take advantage of your excellent mobility and leave as quickly as possible, perhaps even change flank.

In special cases, we can act as a medium tank, highlighting enemy positions for allied vehicles. But be extremely careful, move gradually and even in such cases, try not to glow. Especially Excalibur tank vulnerable to land mines, so we need to be afraid of artillery and monsters like .

Bottom line

We have come into our hands with a rather interesting vehicle and this is encouraging, because in order to get it we will need to purposefully carry out a number of LBZs from the third company “Second Front”. Another thing is that not everyone is interested in gameplay at medium levels, not to mention the fact that farming at them is quite low. So the car will in many ways become a passable vehicle on the way to levels 8 and 10.

The tank destroyer class is something between classic tanks and self-propelled guns. From the former he received tracks, and from the latter he received a powerful and penetrating artillery piece. But in most cases, tank destroyers do not have a rotating turret. This class of combat vehicles is good for defending a base, as well as supporting the main offensive front from the second line.

We have studied absolutely all anti-tank self-propelled guns presented at the moment (beginning of May 2016) artillery installations in and now we are ready to tell you which of them are the best.

Tier II - T18 (USA) (PS4 and Xbox One only)

One rather funny trick came out with the public's favorite baby T18 not long ago. First, it was transferred to the self-propelled gun class at the end of 2015, and after some time it was completely removed from the PC version of World of Tanks. However, on PS4 and Xbox One T18 remained without any changes - in the same class and at the same level.

In general, thanks to its frontal armor, as if smelted from repainted mithril, and also thanks to the super-powerful short-barreled high-explosive weapon, this tank destroyer is capable of demoralizing and almost putting to flight any of its “classmates.”


  • a gun that takes out everything armored in one or two shots;
  • armor in the forehead is almost impossible to penetrate;
  • good dynamics coupled with a large mass provide excellent ramming potential.


  • review of a measly 240 m,
  • weapon accuracy is low.

Level III - Marder II (Germany)

In most cases, the key to success at low levels is high one-time damage and high armor penetration of the gun. “Kunitsa-2” has all this. Let's add to this good camouflage coupled with good dynamics and we get, if not "imba", then a very pleasant car to drive. There is really one fly in the ointment - there is almost no armor, but for experienced players this will not be a problem.


  • high-power weapon at level 2,
  • wide UGN (horizontal aiming angles),
  • high camouflage coefficient,
  • good dynamics.


  • weak reservation.
  • Level IV - Hetzer (Germany)

This little “scarab” is a level 4 thunderstorm. Having “imbalous” frontal armor at level 4, the “Instigator” also has decent weapons. Armed with a howitzer and a full load of “cumulative” ammunition, “classmates” become for us like ducks from Duck Hunt. There is an alternative 75 mm gun, which also has a right to life: unlike the “high explosive”, you don’t lose money on it in terms of silver and at the same time are able to show good results in terms of damage. True, the review let us down - only 260 meters... It’s not even funny...


  • thick frontal armor,
  • choice of two guns: a 105 mm gun with high damage or a 75 mm gun with a high rate of fire and penetration.
  • small dimensions and silhouette contribute to good camouflage.


  • weak armor on the sides (20 mm) and stern (8 mm),
  • extremely uneven UGN of -5/+15 deg.,
  • very poor visibility of 260 meters.

Level V - T67 (USA)

T67 is a tank that combines the features of LT and PT at level 5. From light tanks we got excellent dynamics and, thanks to their small size, high camouflage. Although not the most powerful, the AT gun has a fast reload and rate of fire. True, the ammunition (45 shells) may sometimes be insufficient.


  • wonderful dynamics,
  • rapid fire gun,
  • tower,
  • wide UVN (vertical aiming angles) of -10/+20 deg.


  • small ammunition,
  • very weak reservation.

Tier VI - M18 Hellcat (USA)

At the 6th level is the M18 Hellcat, also known as the “Witch”. Like its predecessor, the T67, it has a slowly rotating turret, which houses an excellent gun with a penetration of 243 mm. It also has high levels of camouflage and dynamics, allowing you to quickly change flanks and shoot enemies without “glowing” at the same time. In general, “Helkat” can be described simply - an improved T67 at level 6 in every way.


  • tower;
  • a weapon that allows you to fight even 9 levels;
  • good mixing and accuracy;
  • excellent dynamics;
  • high camouflage rates.


  • small ammunition,
  • "plasterboard" armor.

Level VII - SU-152 (USSR)

SU-152 is a “St. John’s wort”, frightening everyone with its weapon at the 7th level. And there is something to scare, the 152-mm ML-20 gun. If you played on the KV-2, then you know what 152 millimeters are capable of when used correctly. The tactics of use are the same - full ammunition of landmines. True, it will be a little more difficult to play without a tower.


  • high one-time damage,
  • armored gun mantlet,
  • tolerable dynamics.


  • thin hull armor,
  • small review,
  • long recharge.

Level VIII - Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger (Germany)

The Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger is distinguished by its compact size, excellent viewing radius, and excellent weapon. The favorite tactic of players on this combat vehicle is to quietly eliminate opponents one by one. The Borshchik's very good camouflage performance helps them in this.


  • powerful and fast-firing weapons,
  • one of the best camouflage indicators in the game.


  • very thin armor,
  • narrow UVN,
  • mediocre dynamics.

Level IX - Waffenträger auf Pz. IV (Germany)

A good option for hanging “cradles” from an ambush. The Waffentryager is poorly protected, but very, very biting. And also, thanks to its compact dimensions, it hides well in thickets. Therefore, do not skimp on loading his guns with gold shells and just enjoy the game. Just beware of enemy self-propelled guns!


  • biting weapon,
  • very wide UVN,
  • good maximum speed and “rotation” of the body,
  • almost invisible on the battlefield.


  • there is simply no armor,
  • the ammunition rack is extremely vulnerable.

Level X - ???

Unfortunately, problems arise with identifying a clear leader among tank destroyers at this level. The community simply hasn’t been able to decide for many years which of the level 10 pets in the game is the best. Absolutely all the cars here are good in their own way, they have their significant advantages and some not very significant disadvantages. Therefore, if you have upgraded the tank destroyer branch to the very end, then you will be indispensable in any high-level platoon as a support fighter.

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