World of tanks is better to upgrade the crew. How to quickly upgrade perks for the crew of one nation. Additional skills and abilities

Hello, my dear tankers!

Today I will tell you about the most valuable thing in WorldofTanks, namely about crews your combat vehicles.

Why is the crew the most valuable thing in the game? Very simple. If your account is hijacked and the attacker sells all the tanks and spends all the money, the community department can reimburse the cost of your equipment, but no one will return the crews, they will all be entry-level. Taking into account the fact that the maximum level of crew development can be achieved as a result of at least 10,000 battles on one tank, the loss of a well-trained crew can be considered irreparable.

IN "antediluvian" At the time, crews did not have any additional skills, but when purchasing basic skills, they could, as now, be obtained in three options:

  • 50% (the crew is available for free when purchasing a tank, but has significant disadvantages in terms of accuracy, maneuverability, and so on);
  • 75% (the crew can be purchased for 20,000 silver - each tanker, there are disadvantages, but they are already less than with a 50% crew);
  • 100% (crew can only be purchased for gold and has no disadvantages or penalties).

This does not mean that the 50% crew did not become 100%. He became, but only after a certain number of battles in which he earned experience along with his tank.

General view of a tanker’s personal file with researched and incompletely researched perks.

Crew development level from 0 to 100% is possibilities crew, which allows the tank to fight better. The dynamics of acceleration, aiming speed, reloading and many other parameters directly depend on the level of the crew. At the same time, armor, damage, theoretical maximum speed and other strictly defined parameters do not depend in any way on pumping.

Upgrading will not add armor to BatChat, but he will accelerate and turn faster, and this is critical for him.


Now, after achieving 100% of the main specialty, tankers can receive additional skills and abilities , which seriously improve the combat characteristics of the tank and add some special abilities, essentially bordering on "battle magic".

The first skills (or "perks") that Wargaming company introduced World of Tanks into the game, were as follows:

  • Repair(with the development of this perk, a tank that received damage “repaired” the damaged module faster).
  • Firefighting(with the development of this perk, the likelihood of a fire decreased and the speed of its extinguishing increased).
  • Disguise(this perk increased the camouflage of vehicles and worked even while moving, unlike the module "camouflage network").

Each crew member now has 8-9 perks, and if someone combines two or more positions (like the commander of this T2, who is also responsible for the gunner), the number of perks can reach 16 pieces.

At the moment, a large number of skills And skills - both general (for all crew members) and individual, which are available only to tankers of certain specialties.

ATTENTION: Skills start to act straightaway, A skills- only upon reaching 100% development in this skill.

General Perks

So, let's look at the general perks first.

This is already known to us "Repair", "Firefighting", "Disguise", and "The Brotherhood of War".

  • If this skill is developed by all tankers by 100%, then the tankers receive the maximum bonus to repair, fire-fighting and camouflage time.

"Repair"+ 100% to repair time.

"Firefighting"+ 80% to fire extinguishing speed.

"Disguise"+ 100% to the initial “camouflage” indicator.

  • If not everyone has leveled up this skill and/or not to 100%, then the arithmetic average is taken.

For example, by 40% for all tankers, the bonus is still valid, but its usefulness is reduced accordingly by 60% of the maximum. This algorithm also works if, for example, you have two tankers in your crew who are 100% proficient in the skill, and two who are not proficient at all - in this case, take the “average temperature in the hospital” and the total bonus of the perk will be 50%. When three tankers have learned 100%, and there is only one ignoramus for the crew, it turns out (100+100+100+0)/4=75% from the maximum bonus.

To speed up the leveling, I would like to take the “Mentor” to the commander, but then I won’t have to wait for the second perk to get maximum camouflage.

"The Brotherhood of War"- a very specific skill. It gives a 5% bonus to all professional abilities of the crew - turn speed, reload speed, etc. (the action is similar to the module "Ventilation"), but starts working only when ALL crew members reach 100% pumping. And since many tankers have much more important skills and abilities, and achieving 100% of each next perk requires much more experience, the “combat brotherhood” has extremely limited use - as a rule, for artillery.

Personal perks

Now, let's look at the individual skills of each crew member.

  1. Commander.

The commander is the central member of the crew, his brain. The game has a so-called " commander bonus ": every 10 percent of commander development (from 0 to 100%) gives a 1% increase to the crew. That is, if your commander has 50% development, then the crew receives +5% to their capabilities, and if 100%, then +10% to their capabilities.

However, in addition to this bonus, the commander has a set of, perhaps, the most useful skills.

"Sixth Sense" skill, allowing you to determine whether the enemy has “exposed” you. It starts working 3 seconds after illumination - a light comes on at the top of the screen. This skill is incredibly useful because it allows you to avoid receiving “extra” damage from enemy tanks, artillery or tank destroyers. If the light bulb goes on, you need to urgently look for cover or change your position so as not to get splashed. Starts working at 100% learning. Important on all tanks.

The work of the Sixth Sense perk.

"Mentor" - skill, gives a bonus in the form of additional experience when leveling up the crew. For every 10% of developed skill, all tankers (except the commander) are given + 1% of the experience earned in battle. At 100% leveling, it gives 10% of experience in battle per tanker. A very useful skill if you are “pumping up” the crew for a top tank. Important on all tanks, but keep in mind that it is useless in battle. Here you decide for yourself what is more important to you - accelerated pumping or increased efficiency.

"Eagle Eye" - skill, gives a bonus to maximum visibility of the tank. Upon reaching 100% of the skill, the bonus is 2% for working optical devices and 20% for broken ones. The bonus is cumulative with the radio operator skill "Radio Interception" and bonuses from modules "Stereoscopic telescope" or "Coated optics". The perk is useful on all tanks (especially light ones), but is not a priority. Its effect is too modest.

"Expert" is a skill allows the commander to “see” critical damage to enemy equipment, which is this moment sight is aimed. Unfortunately, it works with a time delay (2-3 seconds after aiming at an enemy tank). An interesting perk, but again not a priority, since if you are in a clinch with an enemy tank, it will be more important for you to remember the zones of penetration of this vehicle in the forehead than to know that the enemy’s radio operator died (this is useless) or the turret is jammed (this is so visible). By the way, self-propelled guns can use this skill only if they themselves “see” the enemy in close combat, and not through artillery sight by someone else's light.

“Jack of all trades” is a skill allows you to replace a disabled tanker by 50% (if skill = 100%). That is, when the gunner is wounded, the commander takes his place and fires from the cannon himself, thereby reducing the spread of the aiming circle by half; when the radio operator is wounded, he himself begins to turn the transmitter knobs, and so on. This is not the most necessary skill if you have a tanker killed, that is, a first aid kit. If your tanker is killed for the second time, then you are doing something wrong and you don’t have long to live. Partly useful on French tanks, where there are small crews and every specialist is worth gold.

  1. Gunner.

The gunner is responsible for the accuracy of the gun's fire. Accordingly, all his skills are aimed at improving this particular parameter. ATTENTION! There can be two gunners in the game, so there is no point in leveling up the same skill/ability for both gunners, since according to the game mechanics only one of them will work. Namely, the one whose level of this skill is higher.

"Sniper" - skill, adding 3% to the probability of causing critical damage for armor-piercing, cumulative and sub-caliber projectiles (on reaching 100% of the perk). A useful skill, since dealing a crit, killing a crew member, or setting an enemy tank on fire is much better than just dealing a few points of damage. Not very useful on most self-propelled guns, since they mainly fire high-explosive fragmentation shells.

“Smooth turn of the tower” - skill, which reduces the convergence circle when aiming at a target. Maximum - 7.5% less than usual (at 100% skill). The effect stacks with the stabilizer module vertical aiming" Quite a useful skill, as it reduces the aiming time by a split second and allows you to make an aimed shot faster. It even works on self-propelled guns, since turning the gun in a stationary wheelhouse is equivalent to turning the turret.

"Master Weaponsmith" - skill, allowing you to fire from a damaged gun with less spread. When reaching 100%, it gives -20% to gun dispersion. Not the most important skill, since if your gun is knocked out, it can be repaired with a consumable. If your gun is knocked out a second time, you are clearly doing something wrong. The exception is American TTs, who like to tank with their impenetrable masks, which is why they often receive barrel crits.

"Grannomous" - skill, which allows the tank to “see” the enemy for two additional seconds. The downside is that it only works if you yourself see the enemy tank, and also only in a sector of 10 degrees from where the sight is aimed. Useful for light tanks working as a "stationary light".

For a ST, a full set of spread-reducing skills is never a bad choice.

  1. Driver mechanic.

The mechanical drive in the tank is responsible for the maneuverability and controllability of the tank. We can say that his perks are the second most useful in the game after commander ones, since movement is life in a tank battle.

"Virtuoso" - skill, allowing you to quickly deploy the tank in battle. Maximum adds 5% to turning speed (at 100% learning). The effect of the perk is cumulative with the equipment “Additional lugs”, equipment “Lend-Lease oil”, “Twisted engine speed controller” and “100-, 105-octane gasoline”. Quite a useful perk, since quickly exposing strong frontal armor to an enemy guaranteed shot can be invaluable. Important for TT, ST, PT.

"King of Off-Road" - skill, which allows you to not lose speed so much on bad soils (and there are many of them in the game). Maximum + 10% speed for soft and + 2.5% for medium soils (with 100% study). The effect of the perk is cumulative with the “additional lugs” equipment. It is important for LT and ST, for whom it is important to cover the enemy in motion for a long time, to quickly occupy a dominant height or the necessary point on the map.

"Smooth Move" - ​​skill, reducing dispersion in shooting on the move. The maximum value is -4% to the spread of the aiming circle when shooting on the move (with 100% study). The effect stacks with the vertical stabilizer module. Important for ST and LT, who often shoot on the move.

"Battering Ram Master" - skill, which reduces the damage to your tank and increases the damage to someone else’s tank when ramming. The maximum value is +15% to enemy damage and -15% to your own damage (with 100% study). Important for LT and ST, who often need to catch same-level “brothers” who break through to your artillery. In a mirror image, the same skill is useful for artillery, which is often rammed.

“Cleanliness and order” is a skill, reducing the likelihood of a fire when an enemy shell hits the engine compartment. The maximum value is -25% to the probability of fire. The effect is cumulative with the “automatic fire extinguisher” consumable. Most important for German tanks, where the flammable transmission is often located at the front of the tank.

German LT and ST are the recognized kings of ramming. Therefore, leveling up the “Battering Ram Master” is always useful for them.

  1. Radio operator.

Responsible for radio communications and improves the visibility and radio communication parameters of his own and allied tanks.

ATTENTION! There can be two radio operators in the game (for example, in PzB2), accordingly, there is no point in upgrading the same skill/ability on both radio operators, since according to the mechanics of the game, only one of them, with the largest bonus, will work.

“Radio interception” is a skill increasing the viewing range of your tank. Maximum +3% to review (with 100% study). The effect of the perk is cumulative with the commander’s “Eagle Eye” skill, the “Coated Optics” and “Stereo Tube” equipment. Very important for ST and LT. PT and TT - in the second. It is virtually useless for self-propelled guns.

"Repeater" - skill, increasing the radio communication range of allied tanks. Maximum 10% to radio range (with 100% study). In fact, a necessary skill is only for self-propelled guns, and even then not always. When more important skills have been learned, you can upgrade the “Repeater” to LT, so as not to be left without support in long-distance raids behind enemy lines.

"Inventor" - skill, which increases the communication range of your tank's radio station. The maximum increase is 20% to the communication range (with 100% study). It seems like a useful skill, but by the time you level up high levels you are guaranteed to have powerful radios that cover the entire map. This perk makes sense only on self-propelled guns, which may not be able to “reach” enemy self-propelled guns when their tanks are illuminated (for example, on the Redshire map from corner to corner of the map). Well, for the LTs themselves with weak walkie-talkies (for example, the ELC AMX with a walkie-talkie is a complete disaster, although it drives no worse than the T-50-2).

“With all your might” is a skill, allowing the radio operator (if he was alive at the time of the destruction of the tank) to transmit data about enemy exposure for 2 additional seconds. Useful only for LT (mostly), and only after “Radio Interception” and “Inventor” (if the radio is weak).

If they overwhelm me, then for a couple of seconds I will transmit the coordinates of the enemies with all my might. But it’s better, of course, not to be noticed. Therefore, camouflage was introduced much earlier.

  1. Charging.

Responsible for the reloading time of shells.

ATTENTION! There can be two loaders in the game (mostly on American tanks, top Germans and tips), accordingly, there is no point in leveling up the same skill/ability on both loaders, since according to the mechanics of the game, one of them, with the greatest bonus, will work.

“Non-contact ammo rack” is a skill reducing the likelihood of an ammunition rack being detonated when it is hit by an enemy projectile. The maximum value is +12.5% ​​to the strength of the ammo rack. The effect of the perk stacks with the “Wet Ammunition Storage” equipment. Quite a useful skill, as it often allows you to save on installing a “Wet Ammunition Rack” in tanks where it is critical ( T-44, IS-3, Type 59 and other explosive models)

"Intuition" is a skill giving the probability of instant loading of a different type of projectile when changing. The maximum probability is 17%. This skill CUMULATES with the skill of the second loader. In fact, if you often shoot different types of projectiles, then it makes sense to level up this skill. If you switch to high explosives/sabot shells only once or twice per battle, then it won't be of much use.

"Desperate" is a skill giving faster loading of your gun if you have less than 10% of the tank's HP remaining. Reduces reload time by 9.1%. Oddly enough, a useful skill for heavy tanks, which helps at the decisive moment in 1 on 1 duels. It is also useful for self-propelled guns - often when blindly shooting at enemy self-propelled guns, you are covered, leaving less than 10% of your hit points. Some smart guys, however, asked the platoon “fireflies” to reduce their health to 10%, but this is stupid, since the very first splash from the tracer hunter will simply kill the “cunning one”.

The Desperate perk does not work.

The Desperate perk works - the difference in reload time is as much as 3 seconds.

Examples of perk sets for different crews

Naturally, you won't be able to select all the perks at once. Naturally, all people have their own playing style. And, of course, each type of tank has its own set of perks.

I'll show you my options for different classes machines, you can trust my experience, or modify these sets at your discretion.

  1. Light tanks.

For LT on high levels There are 4 most important indicators - camouflage, visibility, maneuverability and speed.

Commander- sixth sense, training, eagle eye, camouflage, repair - further on the residual principle.

Gunner- disguise, vindictive, repair.

Driver mechanic- king of off-road, master of ramming, camouflage.

Radio operator- radio interception, camouflage, last resort, repairs.

Charging- disguise, repair, desperate, wet.

What does this give us?

At the first level of perks, we have the ability to shine from the bushes - +40% to camouflage (2 tankers), know that we have been detected - “Sixth Sense”, not lose too much speed over rough terrain and, thanks to the radio operator, see further.

At the second level of perks, we are already planning for further training, we turn on the “Venedictive” skill, since more often we have to rush to the enemy base. You can intercept enemy fireflies with a ram, improving your camouflage.

At the third level of perks, we further increase visibility, camouflage and add repair as the most useful skill of the remaining ones.

General view of the upgraded crew for a light tank.

In total, at the third level of perks, the firefly receives bonuses:

Visibility: +2% (Eagle Eye), +3% (radio interception) + 10%/25% (bonus from Optics or Stereo Tube equipment) + bonuses from ventilation and commander skill.

Camouflage: + 80% (skills of 4 tankers), + 5% from the camouflage on the tank, + 25% (bonus from the camouflage network).

In this form we get a very invisible and far-seeing firefly.

  1. Medium tanks.

There can be a LOT of options for developing medium tanks, since the play style for each of them is specific.

For example, the “Baming Master” is very useful for German STs, since they have an impressive combination of “mass + speed”.

It is more important for the American ST and British ST to enhance visibility, accuracy and give additional bonuses to maneuverability and visibility.

Soviet and Chinese CTs are required to increase visibility, camouflage (which is already one of the best in the game) and shooting accuracy.

French STs value speed, maneuverability, repairs and crew insurance against each other, as they have weak armor and suffer greatly from high-explosive damage.

Chinese STs are already very invisible. Why not enhance this characteristic to achieve perfection?

  1. Heavy tanks.

For all heavies, the speed of repair and the ability to maneuver are important in order to expose the thickest part of the armor to the blows of enemy guns.

It makes sense for German TTs to upgrade their fire extinguishing capabilities, although it’s better not to skimp on automatic fire extinguishers and spend the perks on something more interesting. However, be sure to download “Cleanliness and Order” among the first skills of the driver.

TT tracks are a complete and perhaps the most important part of the armor. It is the tracks that are exposed to attack when driving around a corner. But at the same time, it is extremely unpleasant to remain motionless. They'll come in from the side and push it into the sides...

The most important indicators for them are camouflage, visibility, repair and virtuoso, so that you can quickly turn the car around if the enemy is driving into a clinch towards your PT.

Oddly enough, not all PTs need camouflage; some feel better in the front ranks of assault forces. For the die-hard French, this is a personal choice of the player; they are good in any role.

  1. Self-propelled guns.

Perhaps the only class of equipment on which you can primarily upgrade the “Combat Brotherhood”, since the first and second perks for self-propelled guns are not particularly critical.

General view of the upgraded crew for self-propelled guns.

Standard set:

1 perk: “Sixth Sense” for the commander, the rest are “Camouflage”.

Perk 2: “Combat Brotherhood.”

3 perks: “Training”, “Smooth turn of the tower”, “Virtuoso”, “Desperate”, “Repeater”.

“Combat Brotherhood” seems to be specially created for artillery self-propelled guns. Other classes always have much more important perks, but here you can start with “brotherhood”, which, in combination with a fan, gives noticeable bonuses.

Some tricks when working with perks

Leveling up a crew is quite a long process. Let’s say, 50% of tankers won’t even have time to really level up at the first four levels. And already at level 6 it’s quite possible to earn your first perk.


  • First of all, be patient. Leveling up a crew is a VERY long process.
  • See what crews will be on the tanks that go further along the pumping branch (on top tanks very often some specialties turn out to be unnecessary) - and you end up with a tough tanker in your hangar who can be used on other equipment.
  • When a skill becomes available, you have a “+” icon in your tanker’s personal file. Don't rush to use it. It’s much easier to wait a little (40,000 experience) and retrain the tanker for the next researched tank for silver with a small penalty - this way you will get a tanker with 100% leveling and a small amount of experience on the perk.
  • Resetting crew skills for silver/gold also turns all perks into “+” and makes it possible to retrain new tank using silver with a small penalty.

A personal file of a tanker with an unexplored perk, so that later he can be retrained for the next tank without penalty.

Crew with unexplored perks for further retraining.


Remember that the most important thing in World of Tanks is the tankers. Take care of them! Good luck to you on the battlefields!

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 18

Many may say that there is nothing secret about leveling up perks. The answer, of course, is obvious: you learn the main specialty of a tanker and then upgrade your perks. But now you have already pumped out this or that vehicle and you need to buy a new tank, as well as retrain the crew, but at the same time you will again lose precious experience for upgrading the main skills of the crew.

Here's a little help.

If you retrain a crew at a regimental school for 20 thousand silver for one crew member whose main specialty has been studied 100 percent, then after retraining for equipment of the same class, but at a higher level, he will lose only 10 percent of his initial skill from the previous tank . In experiment this will be approximately 39153 combat experience, which, of course, is not very noticeable while you are upgrading a new tank from stock to top-end.

But it would be possible, for example, with these 39,153 combat experience, to upgrade the third perk from 0 percent to 37 percent. Not bad huh? Of course, you can do it much simpler and buy yourself some kind of premium tank, such as the IS6, and upgrade the crew after retraining, for example, to .

This will happen without loss of basic skill, but here it is necessary to retrain the crew from the previous tank to the IS-3. This will again lead to the loss of the same 39,152 combat experience (if the retraining took place through the regimental school). But since the IS-6 is immediately elite equipment, then when you check the box for accelerated crew training, the crew will upgrade 50 percent faster, since all the experience earned will go toward crew training.

And the secret that I wanted to tell you is that it is not necessary to retrain the crew immediately after purchasing new equipment of the same class.

Let's look at this using the example of medium tanks of the USSR.

You've been pumping yourself for a very long time. While leveling it up, you have already learned several perks and the military brotherhood. And finally, you have researched the legendary . So, the loss of the crew, without retraining them for the new T-54 tank, will be only 25 percent of the total skill. But we have already upgraded the “combat brotherhood” perk, which gives us a plus of five percent to the entire crew’s skill, plus we’ll add here equipment in the form of improved ventilation and equipment in the form of additional rations. We already get a plus of 20 percent to the basic skill of the crew. After some simple calculations, it turns out that the crew that has not been retrained will already have 95 percent of the main skill, but since they have not been retrained on the T-54, the crew’s main skill will not be upgraded, and all the experience earned will go towards learning additional skills, that is perks Which isn't so bad, right?
And the difference between a fully retrained crew and one that has not been retrained for a given tank will not be significant. By playing on this crew, while you have fully studied all the modules and the next tank from this development branch, you will already learn a couple more new perks.

You can also transplant crew from the same nation, but different types of tanks. The losses in the main skill will be much greater, namely 50 percent of the original skill.

Summarizing all of the above, I want to note that this scheme for leveling up the crew is very convenient, especially for leveling up the third and subsequent perks, where leveling 3 perks from 0 percent to 100 percent requires 840,240 combat experience. And all subsequent perks will require twice as much experience, and to upgrade the eighth perk you will already need 26,887,880 combat experience.

Prepared by: Pilot_An2



The crew is an intermediary between the player and the machine. Each tanker, depending on his specialty and the availability of additional skills, affects various parameters of the combat vehicle. Crew members gain experience in combat, thanks to which they can improve their mastery of their main specialty, as well as master additional ones. It is for this reason that a tank with an experienced crew has a greater advantage over its counterpart driven by green beginners. To understand which perks are best to upgrade in World of Tanks, you need to think about what your crew needs and what your playing style is, and study tank science. The player has access to many functions for working with crews: tankers can be recruited and demobilized, they can be sent to rest in the barracks or retrained from one vehicle to another. Regardless of which tanks a particular tanker drove, you can always look at his track record, which is likely filled with numerous awards. If a tanker is concussed in battle, the tank's performance will noticeably decrease. If the entire crew fails, the vehicle is considered destroyed and leaves the battle.


Each tank has its own crew with strictly defined specialties. For example, the MS-1 crew has only two tankers: the commander and the driver. However, in the KV-1 there are already five of them: commander, gunner, driver, radio operator and loader. Some crews may have two tank crews with the same specialty: for example, the SU-8 crew has two gunners and two loaders, and the T-28 crew has two radio operators. Tankers can combine specialties: for example, in the MS-1 tank, the commander, in addition to his main role, performs the duties of a gunner, loader and radio operator. In total, there are five different specialties in the game.

Commander- affects the detection range of enemies. In addition, he has a “commander bonus”: the crew, under the leadership of a skilled commander, copes with their duties better, which is expressed in the number with a percent sign next to the portrait of the tanker.

Gunner- affects the aiming speed of the gun and overall firing accuracy, as well as the turret traverse speed, if any.

Driver mechanic- affects the maximum speed of the tank, as well as its maneuverability and acceleration.

Radio operator- affects the maximum communication range, which is responsible for the visibility of enemies on the mini-map.

Charging- affects reload speed.

Bonuses to tanker skill

There are five ways to increase a tanker's proficiency level in the main specialty, and you can even exceed the threshold of 100%.

Commander's bonus 1% to each crew member for every 10% of commander's experience, rounded up. That is, if the commander and the rest of the crew are 100% trained, then the skill of all fighters except the commander will be 100% + 10% = 110%. Equipment Bonus The only equipment that affects the crew is Improved ventilation, adding 5% to all skills (or 6%, provided that the commander is 100% trained - after all, he also receives 5% from ventilation, and due to this his bonus increases by 1%). Equipment bonus The equipment affects the crew Additional ration(THE USSR), Chocolate(Germany), Cola box(USA), Strong coffee(France), Pudding with tea(Great Britain), Improved diet(China), Onigiri(Japan) and Bays(Czechoslovakia). All of them give a 10% increase to all crew parameters. The Brotherhood of War The Brotherhood of War- the only skill that affects the entire crew at once. It gives a 5% increase to the main specialty and all additional skills of tankers. Mentor Mentor- a skill that speeds up crew training. This skill can be upgraded to the commander. At the end of any battle, the entire crew (except for the Commander) receives 10% more experience (when learning 100% of the skill). With 1%, the crew (except the Commander) receives 0.1% more experience based on the results of any battle.

Penalties to tanker skill

Various fines are imposed on the tanker if he is transferred from tank to tank without retraining. The fines are:

  • If you transfer a fighter to a vehicle of the same class (with the exception of premium ones), the penalty will be 25% of the current skill level.
  • If the car into which the crew is transferred is of a different class, then the fine will be 50% of the current skill level.
  • When transferring to any tank (except premium ones of the same class), the penalty on the experience gained is 50%.

Separately worth noting fine for concussion:

  • If a tanker was shell-shocked in battle and was not cured with a first aid kit, then he will receive 90% of the experience for the battle (that is, the penalty to the experience gained in battle will be 10%).

Crew shell shock

A hit on a tank that penetrates the armor can lead to concussion (incapacity) of a crew member. Despite the fact that a shell-shocked tanker is effectively incapacitated, his parameters are reduced by only 50% of the normal skill level. Also, additional skills stop working, except Combat brotherhood.

Commander- visibility is reduced by half, and the “commander bonus” ceases to operate (the 6th sense does not work).
Gunner- the speed of aiming and turning the turret, as well as accuracy, are halved.
Driver mechanic- maximum speed is halved, maneuverability and acceleration are halved.
Radio operator- communication radius is halved.
Charging- gun reload time is doubled.

If a tanker combines several specialties (for example, the commander is also a gunner), then penalties for concussion affect all of his functions.

Small first aid kit or Large first aid kit can cure one or all tankers, but are disposable. After treatment of any tanker, it is possible for him to be re-concussed under the same conditions.

Additional Commander Skill Handyman reduces the negative consequences of shell shock for other crew members, but does not bring any benefit if the commander himself is shell-shocked.

In vehicles with an open wheelhouse, the crew can be located outside the visible model of the vehicle. That is, a shell flying over a self-propelled gun may hit one of the tankers, who, for ethical reasons, are not displayed visually. Thus, it is possible to damage internal modules without hitting the tank, although this happens extremely rarely.

Crew training

See more details. Training and retraining

Crew training and retraining

Each crew member receives experience for participating in battles. The amount of experience for each tanker is equal to the experience earned on the tank during the battle. The bonus from the commander’s “Mentor” skill is added to this value and a penalty is subtracted if the tanker was shell-shocked in battle. In addition, for elite vehicles it is possible to enable the “Accelerated crew training” option. The experience gained by the tanker goes towards learning skills. After studying the main specialty, you can choose additional skills and abilities. The number of additional skills is unlimited. Each subsequent skill requires 2 times more experience than the previous one.

See more details. Additional crew skills and abilities

Additional skills and abilities

Additional skills and abilities available for study by a crew member after mastering the main specialty 100%. When this mark is reached, a “plus sign” will appear in the menu, by clicking on which you can select the first additional skill or ability. After studying it, you are given the opportunity to learn the second, third and other skills. Theoretically, a tanker can learn all the additional skills and abilities available to him. But to learn each subsequent skill, you need twice as much experience as the previous one, so the average crew usually has no more than 3 skills and abilities. For this reason, the question of which perks to download on art should be approached wisely.


USSR Private Corporal Lance Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Major Ensign Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain Major
USA Private First Class Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Technical Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Major
China Lie Bing Shang Deng Bing Xia Shi Zhong Shi Shang Shi Zhun Wei Shao Wei Zhong Wei Shang Wei Da Wei Shao Xiao
Great Britain Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Warrant Officer Class 3 Warrant Officer Class 2 Warrant Officer Class 1 Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Major
Czechoslovakia Vojin Svobodnik Desatnik Četař Rotny Praporčík Podporučík Poručík Nadporučík Captain Major
Germany Panzeroberschütze Gefreiter Unteroffizier Unterfeldwebel Feldwebel Oberfeldwebel Stabsfeldwebel Leutnant Oberleutnant Hauptmann Major
France Cuirassier Brigadier Brigadier-chef Maréchal des logis Maréchal des logis-chef Adjutant Adjutant-chef Sous lieutenant Lieutenant Capitaine Chef d'escadrons
Japan Nitou-hei Ittou-hei Joutou-hei Go-chou Gun-sou Sou-chou Jun-i Shou-i Chuu-i Tai-i Shou-sa

Titles are assigned when a crew member reaches 100% experience in the main specialty, as well as for every 50% and 100% in additional ones. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to increase the rank of a crew member is quite simple. The highest rank (major) can only be awarded to the tank commander.

Maximum ranks established in the game for tankers: Commander- "major" Gunner, Driver- "captain" Loader, Radio Operator- "senior lieutenant".

Crew training

Crew training

General provisions

In World of Tanks crew is an intermediate link between the player and the tank. Each tanker, depending on his specialty and the presence of additional skills, affects various parameters of the combat vehicle:

  • Commander: enemy detection range.
  • Gunner: gun aiming speed and turret traverse speed.
  • Driver mechanic: dynamics and turning speed of a combat vehicle.
  • Radio operator: communication range (displaying enemies on the mini-map).
  • Loader: gun reload speed.

Tankers can combine specialties. For example, the commander of the MS-1 tank is simultaneously a gunner, loader and radio operator. Depending on the model, the tank may have more than two crew members. If at least one of them is empty, the combat vehicle will not be able to go into battle.

In each battle, the tank crew gains experience that improves their main specialties. Initially, all tankers are only 50% proficient in the profession. The more effective the outcome of the battle, the more experienced the tank crew becomes. A crew that has mastered the basic specialties 100% is much more effective in battle, which means that the tank they control shows the highest possible efficiency on the battlefield, becoming a real threat to opponents.

Please note: every 10% of a tank commander's combat knowledge gives his crew members a 1% bonus! Thus, a commander who is 50% trained has a crew that is 55% trained; a commander who is 100% trained has a crew that is 110% trained.

Crew pumping mechanism

Tank crew training can be accelerated at any time. Thus, when purchasing a new combat vehicle, you can immediately train tank crews to be 100% proficient in their main specialty. Well-trained tankers will force a tank they know well from the very first battle to show everything it is capable of. To do this, select in the purchase panel Tank Academy, but note that this operation will require in-game gold:

If you want to make the existing crew of a combat vehicle more skillful, nothing could be easier! Select this vehicle in the Hangar, click right button mice by hovering the cursor over the tanker you want to train, and in the context menu that appears, select “ Private bussiness».

In the tanker’s Personal File there is a “Training” tab, where you can direct the fighter to study Regimental school (for credits) or to the Tank Academy(for game gold). In the latter case, his level of proficiency in the main specialty will immediately increase to 100% .

If tankers have already fought and gained experience, as well as when retraining tankers, their level of training is Accelerated courses or in Regimental School may differ in b O more than the above. For example, retraining a tanker with 100% skill from one heavy tank to another in Regimental School will give not 75%, but 90% of the skill.

Accelerated crew leveling

All the experience that a combat vehicle receives during a battle can be used to increase the professionalism of the crew. A combat vehicle must have elite statue s, to obtain which it is necessary to study it completely. When the car becomes elite, go to the hangar, select it and check the box " Speed ​​up crew training».

In the panel that appears after this, confirm your choice:

From now on, the weakest tanker in terms of his skills will receive twice as much experience per battle, the rest of the crew will receive the same as usual. In this case, experience is not accumulated on a combat vehicle, but the existing experience is not removed.

You can also accelerate the development of the current skill of a particular crew member using free experience.

If you are going to sell a tank to buy a new one, but do not want to demobilize your experienced tank crews, they can be retrained from one vehicle to another. Of course, the nationality of the fighters must be taken into account, because Soviet tank crews would never agree to control German or American equipment (and vice versa). To retrain soldiers, first land them in Barracks. This can be done by selecting the tank in the hangar that you are going to sell, and then selecting the tanker and clicking right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select " Disembark the entire crew" or " Drop off at the Barracks", if you prefer to land tankers one at a time.

In addition, it is possible to disembark, retrain or return the entire crew to the vehicle at once.

You can also move tankers to the Barracks automatically when selling a tank. The crew option “To the Barracks” in the sales panel is set by default.

When purchasing a new tank, instead of a sold one, check the box " Buy a tank without a crew“, because you already have tankers in the barracks.

Having installed a brand new combat vehicle in the Hangar, put your old, battle-tested tankers in it:

Retrain them for a new tank by opening Private bussiness everyone. Select your level of study ( Accelerated courses, Regimental school or Tank Academy) and press the button Retrain.

When retraining the crew at the Tank Academy, the tanker does not receive a penalty for the level of proficiency in the main specialty, and it remains 100%. The cost of this training is 200.

When retraining the crew at the “Regimental School”, the crew will receive a fine of 20% of the level of proficiency in the main specialty (when transferring from one type of equipment to another type, for example, from light to heavy tank). However, when transferring the crew to equipment of the same type (for example, from a heavy to a heavy tank), the fine will be 10% of the level of proficiency in the main specialty. The cost of retraining is 20,000.

When retraining a crew on “Accelerated Courses” from one type of equipment to another type, the penalty for the level of proficiency in the crew’s main specialty is 40% (and 20% when retraining for equipment of the same type). This retraining is provided free of charge.

When a tanker is retrained through “Accelerated Courses”, the level of the main specialty is reduced.

In addition, after retraining the crew in this way, it is impossible to train tankers through the “Regimental School” for credits up to 90%, since the skill level will be 80%. When studying for credits, the maximum proficiency level is 75%.

When retraining, the default method is “Accelerated Courses”.

Crew transfer (without retraining) from regular to premium equipment of the same type occurs without penalties.

Change of main specialty

Perhaps, every player who has fought more than one thousand battles will have several “extra” tankers in the Barracks, whose specialty remains unclaimed. It would be a pity to demobilize them: the guys are experienced, but there is no tank on which they can be used.

It is possible to change the specialization of crew members. In the tanker’s personal file, under the main specialty, you will see a button Change. By clicking it, you can select a vehicle class, a tank, and, most importantly, a new specialty!

The cost of the operation is 500. It is due to the fact that the player performs 3 actions at a time: changes the main specialty, specialized tank and resets additional skills and abilities of the tanker.

As a result of retraining, the player will receive a tanker of the specialty he needs, studied 100%, as well as the opportunity to choose for him current additional skills in accordance with the new specialty.

Some features of crew leveling

Each tanker has a nationality, and he can only control tanks of the corresponding country (for example, retrain an American gunner to german tank impossible).

Tankers are trained to operate a specific tank ( as well as all premium tanks of the same country and class- for example, light Soviet ones). When a tanker is retrained for another tank, knowledge about the previous one is lost.

The crew always gains experience for battles. The base experience for each crew member is equal to the experience gained by the combat vehicle during the battle. For example, when an MS-1 tank receives 1000 experience units during a battle, the commander and driver also receive 1000 experience points.

Gaining base experience is reduced in the following cases:

  • If a tanker fought in premium tank, but trained to be a tank another class(the tankman from the Panther fought on the Lion), then he will receive 50% experience(500 units).
  • If the tanker did not fight on premium same class(the tankman from the Panther fought on the Panther 2), then he will receive 50% experience(500 units).
  • If the tanker did not fight on premium tank and he is trained for another tank another class(the tankman from the Panther fought on the Mouse), then he will receive 25% experience(250 units).
  • A shell-shocked tanker is subject to a fine of 10% experience. If the tanker was shell-shocked and not healed before the end of the battle or the tank was blown up (not to be confused with being hit!), the tanker will receive 90% experience(900 units).

Visually in the hangar this is shown by the color of the percentage number and the name of the vehicle. Let's give an example for the T-34 tank.

1 - tanker trained for this tank :

2 - a tanker trained for another tank of the same class:

3 - a tanker trained for a tank of a different class:

note (using the example of the same 1000 units of experience):

  1. If this is the first victory of the day, each crew member receives 2000 experience points.
  2. The first victory of the day is “tied” to the tank. In other words, having earned double experience on the MC-1 and immediately transferring the crew from it to the premium T-127, you can get double experience for the crew if it is still possible to gain double experience on the T-127.

Additional skills and abilities

When studying the main specialty, a tanker immediately gets the opportunity to learn additional skills and abilities.

  • Skills begin to operate from the very beginning of training. The effect of their action gradually increases from minimal to maximum.
  • Skills only begin to work when they are studied to 100%.

General additional specialties:

Repair (skill): the more pumping, the faster damaged tank modules are restored (to the “yellow” state). The average level of pumping of this skill for the entire crew is taken into account.
Camouflage (skill): the more developed this skill is, the worse the tank is visible to the enemy (at shorter distances, better shielded by bushes, etc.). The average level of pumping of this skill for the entire crew is taken into account.
Firefighting (skill): the more developed this skill is, the faster the fire is extinguished. The average level of pumping of this skill for the entire crew is taken into account.

Combat Brotherhood (skill): improves all skills of all crew members. The skill begins to take effect only when all crew members have studied it to 100%. The skill continues to operate if a crew member is incapacitated.


Jack of All Trades (Skill): The commander has mastered all trades and replaces incapacitated crew members. In this case, only the main specialties are replaced. The effectiveness of replacement is inversely proportional to the number of crew members incapacitated.
Mentor (skill): All crew members except the commander gain additional experience in combat. The amount of additional experience increases as the skill improves.
Eagle Eye (skill): Maximum viewing range increases as you learn the skill. If the observation devices are faulty, the effectiveness of the skill is higher, i.e. This skill significantly reduces the negative effect of damaging surveillance devices.
Sixth Sense (Skill): The commander gains the ability to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. An additional visibility indicator appears in the interface, which records only the fact of illumination, but not its duration. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%.
Expert (skill): the commander is able to determine critical damage to tanks detected in a small sector relative to his tank's gun. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%. Please note: when playing on a self-propelled gun, you are able to see damaged modules of enemy equipment only if you have “exposed” it yourself.

Driver mechanic:

Virtuoso (skill): increases the tank's turning speed as you learn it.
Off-Road King (skill): The resistance of medium and difficult terrain decreases as the skill is learned. Reducing surface resistance increases tank maneuverability and reduces climb time maximum speed on this surface.
Smooth Run (Skill): Spread when shooting on the move decreases as the skill improves. The skill does not affect spread when turning or when shooting in place.
Ramming Master (skill): When ramming, the damage to your own tank is reduced, and the damage to the enemy tank increases as the skill improves. The skill only affects tanks that are on the move and is not taken into account when colliding with allied tanks.
Cleanliness and order (skill): with 100% learning of the skill, there will be no more fuel and oil leaks in the engine compartment. The likelihood of an engine fire if hit is reduced.


Master Weaponsmith (skill): The spread of a damaged weapon decreases as the skill improves. If a skill is acquired by two gunners, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.
Sniper (skill): increases the likelihood of inflicting critical damage on enemy tank modules and crew. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%. The skill does not work when firing high-explosive fragmentation shells.
Smooth Turret Rotation (skill): As you learn the skill, reduces the spread when turning the turret. If a skill is acquired by two gunners, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.

Grudge (skill): increases the time during which an enemy tank will be “exposed” when located in a small sector relative to the tank’s gun barrel. The effect of a skill does not stack if it is learned by two gunners at once. The skill will only work if studied 100%.


Non-contact ammo rack (skill): increases the durability of the ammo rack, because the shells are arranged in such an order that they do not contact each other. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%. The effect does not stack if the skill is acquired by two loaders.
Intuition (skill): When changing the type of shells, there is some probability that the weapon is already loaded with the necessary ammunition. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%. Between two consecutive uses of the skill, the weapon must be completely reloaded. If the skill is acquired by two loaders, the efficiency increases.
Desperate (skill): increases reload speed when the tank's HP is at a critical level (less than 10%). The skill only works when learned 100% and does not stack if learned by 2 loaders at once.

Radio operator:

Inventor (skill): Increases the radio's communication range as you learn the skill. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.
Radio Interception (skill): Increases viewing range as you learn the skill. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.
Repeater (skill): as you learn the skill, it increases the communication range of all allied tanks within the radius of the tank's radio station. If the skill is acquired by two radio operators, the maximum skill level for the crew is taken into account.
With the last of his strength (skill): if the radio operator was not incapacitated at the time the tank was destroyed, then after destruction he continues to transmit the coordinates of enemies for a few more seconds. The skill begins to work only when studied to 100%. The effect does not stack if the skill is acquired by two radio operators.

It is worth considering the fact that if the same skill (or skill) is selected for two crew members with the same specialty, the more advanced one is taken into account. Therefore, if you have 2 loaders or radio operators, it is advisable to train them in different skills (except for repair, camouflage, intuition, firefighting and military brotherhood).

Please note: learning each subsequent skill or skill requires 2 times more experience than the previous one, so you should approach the choice of additional specialties wisely!

Giving general tips It’s difficult without being tied to a specific technique, because everyone has their own playing style. Try to choose your skills wisely and think ahead about what exactly your crew needs. General recommendations can be found in this article.

Don't forget that you can expand the Barracks at any time.

Make your crews 100% effective and confidently crush the enemy on the fields battles World of Tanks!

Crew Experience Table

Transition Main specialty 1st additional specialty 2nd additional specialty 3rd additional specialty 4th additional specialty 5th additional specialty 6th additional specialty 7th additional specialty 8th additional specialty
0% -> 1% 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800
1% -> 2% 104 208 416 832 1664 3328 6656 13312
2% -> 3% 110 220 440 880 1760 3520 7040 14080
3% -> 4% 114 228 456 912 1824 3648 7296 14592
4% -> 5% 120 240 480 960 1920 3840 7680 15360
5% -> 6% 126 252 504 1008 2016 4032 8064 16128
6% -> 7% 132 264 528 1056 2112 4224 8448 16896
7% -> 8% 138 276 552 1104 2208 4416 8832 17664
8% -> 9% 144 288 576 1152 2304 4608 9216 18432
9% -> 10% 152 304 608 1216 2432 4864 9728 19456
10% -> 11% 158 316 632 1264 2528 5056 10112 20224
11% -> 12% 166 332 664 1328 2656 5312 10624 21248
12% -> 13% 174 348 696 1392 2784 5568 11136 22272
13% -> 14% 182 364 728 1456 2912 5824 11648 23296
14% -> 15% 190 380 760 1520 3040 6080 12160 24320
15% -> 16% 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 25600
16% -> 17% 208 416 832 1664 3328 6656 13312 26624
17% -> 18% 218 436 872 1744 3488 6976 13952 27904
18% -> 19% 230 460 920 1840 3680 7360 14720 29440
19% -> 20% 240 480 960 1920 3840 7680 15360 30720
20% -> 21% 252 504 1008 2016 4032 8064 16128 32256
21% -> 22% 264 528 1056 2112 4224 8448 16896 33792
22% -> 23% 276 552 1104 2208 4416 8832 17664 35328
23% -> 24% 288 576 1152 2304 4608 9216 18432 36864
24% -> 25% 302 604 1208 2416 4832 9664 19328 38656
25% -> 26% 316 632 1264 2528 5056 10112 20224 40448
26% -> 27% 332 664 1328 2656 5312 10624 21248 42496
27% -> 28% 346 692 1384 2768 5536 11072 22144 44288
28% -> 29% 364 728 1456 2912 5824 11648 23296 46592
29% -> 30% 380 760 1520 3040 6080 12160 24320 48640
30% -> 31% 398 796 1592 3184 6368 12736 25472 50944
31% -> 32% 416 832 1664 3328 6656 13312 26624 53248
32% -> 33% 436 872 1744 3488 6976 13952 27904 55808
33% -> 34% 458 916 1832 3664 7328 14656 29312 58624
34% -> 35% 478 956 1912 3824 7648 15296 30592 61184
35% -> 36% 502 1004 2008 4016 8032 16064 32128 64256
36% -> 37% 524 1048 2096 4192 8384 16768 33536 67072
37% -> 38% 550 1100 2200 4400 8800 17600 35200 70400
38% -> 39% 576 1152 2304 4608 9216 18432 36864 73728
39% -> 40% 602 1204 2408 4816 9632 19264 38528 77056
40% -> 41% 630 1260 2520 5040 10080 20160 40320 80640
41% -> 42% 660 1320 2640 5280 10560 21120 42240 84480
42% -> 43% 692 1384 2768 5536 11072 22144 44288 88576
43% -> 44% 724 1448 2896 5792 11584 23168 46336 92672
44% -> 45% 758 1516 3032 6064 12128 24256 48512 97024
45% -> 46% 794 1588 3176 6352 12704 25408 50816 101632
46% -> 47% 832 1664 3328 6656 13312 26624 53248 106496
47% -> 48% 870 1740 3480 6960 13920 27840 55680 111360
48% -> 49% 912 1824 3648 7296 14592 29184 58368 116736
49% -> 50% 954 1908 3816 7632 15264 30528 61056 122112
50% -> 51% 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000 128000
51% -> 52% 524 1048 2096 4192 8384 16768 33536 67072 134144
52% -> 53% 548 1096 2192 4384 8768 17536 35072 70144 140288
53% -> 54% 574 1148 2296 4592 9184 18368 36736 73472 146944
54% -> 55% 601 1202 2404 4808 9616 19232 38464 76928 153856
55% -> 56% 629 1258 2516 5032 10064 20128 40256 80512 161024
56% -> 57% 659 1318 2636 5272 10544 21088 42176 84352 168704
57% -> 58% 690 1380 2760 5520 11040 22080 44160 88320 176640
58% -> 59% 723 1446 2892 5784 11568 23136 46272 92544 185088
59% -> 60% 757 1514 3028 6056 12112 24224 48448 96896 193792
60% -> 61% 792 1584 3168 6336 12672 25344 50688 101376 202752
61% -> 62% 830 1660 3320 6640 13280 26560 53120 106240 212480
62% -> 63% 869 1738 3476 6952 13904 27808 55616 111232 222464
63% -> 64% 910 1820 3640 7280 14560 29120 58240 116480 232960
64% -> 65% 953 1906 3812 7624 15248 30496 60992 121984 243968
65% -> 66% 998 1996 3992 7984 15968 31936 63872 127744 255488
66% -> 67% 1045 2090 4180 8360 16720 33440 66880 133760 267520
67% -> 68% 1094 2188 4376 8752 17504 35008 70016 140032 280064
68% -> 69% 1145 2290 4580 9160 18320 36640 73280 146560 293120
69% -> 70% 1199 2398 4796 9592 19184 38368 76736 153472 306944
70% -> 71% 1256 2512 5024 10048 20096 40192 80384 160768 321536
71% -> 72% 1315 2630 5260 10520 21040 42080 84160 168320 336640
72% -> 73% 1377 2754 5508 11016 22032 44064 88128 176256 352512
73% -> 74% 1442 2884 5768 11536 23072 46144 92288 184576 369152
74% -> 75% 1510 3020 6040 12080 24160 48320 96640 193280 386560
75% -> 76% 1581 3162 6324 12648 25296 50592 101184 202368 404736
76% -> 77% 1656 3312 6624 13248 26496 52992 105984 211968 423936
77% -> 78% 1734 3468 6936 13872 27744 55488 110976 221952 443904
78% -> 79% 1815 3630 7260 14520 29040 58080 116160 232320 464640
79% -> 80% 1901 3802 7604 15208 30416 60832 121664 243328 486656
80% -> 81% 1991 3982 7964 15928 31856 63712 127424 254848 509696
81% -> 82% 2084 4168 8336 16672 33344 66688 133376 266752 533504
82% -> 83% 2183 4366 8732 17464 34928 69856 139712 279424 558848
83% -> 84% 2285 4570 9140 18280 36560 73120 146240 292480 584960
84% -> 85% 2393 4786 9572 19144 38288 76576 153152 306304 612608
85% -> 86% 2506 5012 10024 20048 40096 80192 160384 320768 641536
86% -> 87% 2624 5248 10496 20992 41984 83968 167936 335872 671744
87% -> 88% 2748 5496 10992 21984 43968 87936 175872 351744 703488
88% -> 89% 2877 5754 11508 23016 46032 92064 184128 368256 736512
89% -> 90% 3013 6026 12052 24104 48208 96416 192832 385664 771328
90% -> 91% 3155 6310 12620 25240 50480 100960 201920 403840 807680
91% -> 92% 3303 6606 13212 26424 52848 105696 211392 422784 845568
92% -> 93% 3459 6918 13836 27672 55344 110688 221376 442752 885504
93% -> 94% 3622 7244 14488 28976 57952 115904 231808 463616 927232
94% -> 95% 3793 7586 15172 30344 60688 121376 242752 485504 971008
95% -> 96% 3972 7944 15888 31776 63552 127104 254208 508416 1016832
96% -> 97% 4159 8318 16636 33272 66544 133088 266176 532352 1064704
97% -> 98% 4355 8710 17420 34840 69680 139360 278720 557440 1114880
98% -> 99% 4560 9120 18240 36480 72960 145920 291840 583680 1167360
99% -> 100% 4775 9550 19100 38200 76400 152800 305600 611200 1222400
Total 95484 210060 420120 840240 1680480 3360960 6721920 13443840

A tank’s Crew members are the key to its success. Battles are won and lost based on the Crew‘s ability to direct the tank and rapidly respond to changing situations.

In World of Tanks, your Crew is treated as a united element, symbolized by the Tank Commander. The Crew progresses in training as a whole by earning experience as a group rather than individually. It takes many battles to train your Crew completely, but it is well worth the effort, as their skill increases significantly!

Each time you purchase a new tank, you will be prompted to assign a Crew to that tank. You will be able to see the Crew"s mastery in their respective tank above the Commander"s picture. Though you are free to select any Crew you wish, your best option will be highlighted for you.

Reassigning a Crew from one of your existing tanks requires re-training. Sending your Crew to the Tank Academy for Gold will train them to 100% mastery. Sending them to the Regimental School for Silver will train them to 75% mastery.

Reassigning a Crew to a tank class that they have not been trained in will be more expensive than keeping them in their current class of training. Reassigning a Crew into a higher tier will also be more expensive than reassigning them to a tank of the same tier. As well, Crews belonging to a particular nation can only be reassigned to tanks from their nation.

Hiring a new Crew is only available after you purchase a new tank. Should you choose to hire a new Crew, they too will have to be trained. Because this Crew is new and inexperienced, you will have a third option for their training, Rapid Courses.

Though it costs nothing to put a Crew through Rapid Courses, they will only be trained to 50% mastery, leaving you to make up the rest on the battlefield. You may find it is much more advantageous to transfer a more experienced Crew that is already in your roster.

Each time you take a Crew out to battle, they will become more and more proficient in their particular tank. Once the Crew reaches one 100% mastery in their tank, you will be able to select skills and perks for them. Skills and perks are valuable abilities that will drastically improve your Crew's performance. While skills and perks share some similarities, there are a few differences.

When you select a skill for your Crew, they will begin training on it, much in the same way they did when training on their tank.

As your Crew"s mastery with a particular skill increases, the skill"s effectiveness in battle will increase. The camouflage skill at 75% mastery, for example, will do a better job at concealing your tank from prying eyes than it would at 20% mastery.

Once the skill reaches 100%, you will be able to train your Crew in a second skill. You can continue to train your Crew in skills, one at a time, until they have up to 25 different skills. Be sure to read the descriptions for each skill, and select the best skills for your play style.

Perks, much like skills, are a goal for your Crew to work toward by earning experience in battle. Unlike skills, however, a perk does not activate at all until it reaches 100% mastery. Once it activates, you will immediately be able to reap the rewards. As with skills, be sure to read the descriptions of each perk and decide which are best for your play style.

If you reassign a Crew that has a set of active perks and skills, but opt ​​not to send them to the Tank Academy in their new tank, those skills and perks will continue to be active, however they will not earn any additional experience towards the skill or perk until after the Crew member's training level reaches 100% again.

When you sell a tank, the Crew is automatically sent to the barracks. From here you can assign this Crew to another tank when you need them.

You can opt to dismiss a Crew completely, if you wish. However, doing so will completely remove the Crew, including the experience, perks, and skills they have gained. Make absolutely sure you want to do this, because once you dismiss a Crew, it is gone forever.

While reassigning a Crew to a regular tank will cost either Gold or Silver, it will cost you nothing to reassign a Crew into or out of a Premium tank. Any Crew reassigned to a Premium tank will also enjoy the tank's benefits of accelerated training.

Once your Crew has utilized those accelerated training benefits, you can reassign them back into the tank they came from for free as well, provided the tank has remained without a Crew.

However, if you want to transfer the Crew out of the Premium tank and into a new tank, you will have to retrain them. Any Crew assigned to a Premium tank will enjoy the tank"s benefits of accelerated training and free reassignment to the Crew"s previous tank.

Your tank can"t function without a Crew. Take the time to properly train your Crews and assign them the best perks and skills for battle and you will have the advantage over your adversaries!

In addition, every Crew member in your Garage will recieve a military-based rank associated with their respective country. As your Crew gain more XP, they"ll be promoted to more prestigious ranks.

Click to enlarge

How to retrain a crew up to 100 percent for silver in WoT for a new tank, without gold, because many simply forget about these methods, and beginners Games World of Tanks haven't even heard of it.

The first way to retrain the crew

That is, the main specialty is 100% trained, and the “plus” badge should be 65 percent for one skill (see table below).

What will allow, when retraining the crew to new technology, obtain 100 percent proficiency in basic skills.

Advantages: the loss of crew experience will be no more than 10% during retraining;
Flaws: a crew with undistributed experience is required.

In most cases, in practice, one method of crew retraining is applicable, since there is not always free (undistributed) experience, and when leveling up a new skill, you always want to unlock a new perk as quickly as possible. It is best to use this method when researching cactus vehicles, where playing is a real torture, and with a crew that is not 100%, the desire to go into battle simply disappears.
