World of tanks test server 0.9 14. General information about the test server

An open test of patch 0.9.14 for World of Tanks will start next week, unless, of course, any bugs are found.

List of changes in version 0.9.14 ST1 compared to 0.9.13

1.1 Physics 2.0

1. A new server model of the movement and collisions of the tank with the surface, objects and other tanks has been developed.
2. New maneuvers have been added, some changes in the behavior of the tank and its control.
3. Added new visual effects of tank movement and turns (slipping, sliding).
4. The behavior of the tank when ramming and colliding with another tank has been reworked.
5. The mechanics of turning the tank over have been implemented.

1.2 Sound 2.0

1. Integrated new audio engine Audiokinetic Wwise instead of FMOD. This made it possible to calculate audio on a non-main core, which gave an increase in performance on almost all configurations with multi-core processors.
2. The sounds of the main subsystems have been reworked:
The sounds of gun shots both inside and outside the tank while maintaining the usual caliber scheme.
Sounds of guns reloading. The sound not only corresponds to the caliber, but also depends on the type of loading - manual or automatic (for drums).
The sound of breaking through. Now the player hears not only the caliber or type of penetration, but also the force of damage to his tank.
Tracer sounds have been reworked.
Sound events for vehicle destruction have been reworked.
The voice acting for tank engines has been completely redesigned.
The voice acting of tracks, transmissions, and interaction with various surfaces has been completely redesigned.

3. The “crit bell” has been reworked and returned to the gameplay - a sound notification of critical damage to the enemy caused by you.
4. The light bulb is announced.
5. Sound notifications for breakdown of tank modules (triplex, tanks, turret, radio station, ammunition rack) have been announced.
6. The main combat consumables (first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher) are announced.
7. Sound presets have been introduced, designed for playing on different acoustics and at different times of the day.

1.3 General Features

1. A block with goal-forming tasks “Maneuvers” for players at 4-5 vehicle levels has been added to the “Young Fighter Course” tab.
2. The number of modules at early vehicle levels has been reduced to simplify the mechanics of development.
3. The system of filters and tooltips in the interface for storing and activating personal reserves has been improved.
4. Clan card:
Added clan search to the "Fortified Area" tab
The visual component has been improved.

5. The display settings for loading screens have been improved. Allowing players to choose:
old loading screen style - commands in one table,
loading screen with minimap,
loading screen with tips.

6. Belarusian, Ukrainian and Kazakh languages ​​have been added to the game.
7. The short name of the player’s car and an icon of the type of this car are added to the TAB screen. Information about a player's specific car is transmitted to the screen via TAB to all players until that player respawns on a new car. If all of a player's vehicles are destroyed in battle in a mode with a limited number of respawns, then information about his last destroyed vehicle is transmitted.
8. Added the ability to display on the mini-map:
Current vehicle viewing radius
Maximum viewing radius
Vehicle drawing radius

1.4 Tanks

1. For testing by Supertest participants, the following have been added:
Soviet heavy tank VIII level Kirovets-1
American medium tank VIII level T25 Pilot Number 1
French medium tank Tier IX Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
German light tank VII level leKpz M 41 90 mm
British Tier VI medium tank Sentinel AC IE2/IV
German Tier X tank destroyer Grille 15

Screenshots and performance characteristics of the tested equipment for update 0.9.14 can be found here:

2. 24 tank models have been redesigned in new visual quality:
M44, M53/M55, T20, T40, T1 Heavy Tank, T28 Prototype
E 25, Pz.Kpfw. T 25, G.W. Tiger, Nashorn, VK 30.01 (H), VK 72.01 (K)
IS-6, MS-1, A-20
105 leFH18B2, AMX 50 Foch (155)
AT 15, Crusader, Sexton II
Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 97 Chi-Ha, Type 5 Ke-Ho, Chi-Ni

See screenshots of HD models of equipment here:

Changes in vehicle reservations after conversion to HD can be found here:

3. Visual models of some tanks have been improved: SU-100, IS, M4 Sherman, Centurion Mk. 7/1
4. Improved collision models of some tanks: T29, T30, T34
5. Added “ventilation” equipment to the list of available equipment for the T28 Prototype.
6. Changed the crew configuration of the T95E2 tank to match the crew configuration of the M48A1 Patton tank.
7. Minor errors in the visual models of some cars have been fixed.

1.5 Maps

1. The “Paris” map has been added to the “Fight to the Last” mode.
2. The “Sacred Valley” map has been redesigned.

Technical Improvements.

1. Flaws in customization functionality have been eliminated.
2. Interfaces have been improved, conditions have been added for applying customization elements to equipment for performing personal combat missions.
3. Implemented disabling voice communication via Alt+Q. Added the ability to change the keyboard shortcut in the settings.
4. The interface of the shopping cart for customization elements has been improved.
5. In the purchase confirmation window, it is now possible to see customization elements grouped by type (camouflage, emblems, inscriptions).
6. In the purchase confirmation window, the ability to change the currency (gold/silver) has been implemented.
7. Fixed a bug with incorrect links for languages ​​ASIA, KR in the miniclient.
8. Improved camera behavior when approaching objects.

Open test 9.14, starts next week, unless of course any bugs are found

List of changes in version 0.9.14 ST1 compared to 0.9.13
1.1 Physics 2.0

1. A new server model of the movement and collisions of the tank with the surface, objects and other tanks has been developed.
2. New maneuvers have been added, some changes in the behavior of the tank and its control.
3. Added new visual effects of tank movement and turns (slipping, sliding).
4. The behavior of the tank when ramming and colliding with another tank has been reworked.
5. The mechanics of turning the tank over have been implemented.

1.2 Sound 2.0

1. Integrated new audio engine Audiokinetic Wwise instead of FMOD. This made it possible to calculate audio on a non-main core, which gave an increase in performance on almost all configurations with multi-core processors.
2. The sounds of the main subsystems have been reworked:

  • The sounds of gun shots both inside and outside the tank while maintaining the usual caliber scheme.
  • Sounds of guns reloading. The sound not only corresponds to the caliber, but also depends on the type of loading - manual or automatic (for drums).
  • The sound of breaking through. Now the player hears not only the caliber or type of penetration, but also the force of damage to his tank.
  • Tracer sounds have been reworked.
  • Sound events for vehicle destruction have been reworked.
  • The voice acting for tank engines has been completely redesigned.
  • The voice acting of tracks, transmissions, and interaction with various surfaces has been completely redesigned.
3. The “crit bell” has been reworked and returned to the gameplay - a sound notification of critical damage to the enemy caused by you.
4. The light bulb is announced.
5. Sound notifications for breakdown of tank modules (triplex, tanks, turret, radio station, ammunition rack) have been announced.
6. The main combat consumables (first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher) are announced.
7. Sound presets have been introduced, designed for playing on different acoustics and at different times of the day.

1.3 General Features

1. A block with goal-forming tasks “Maneuvers” for players at 4-5 vehicle levels has been added to the “Young Fighter Course” tab.
2. The number of modules at early vehicle levels has been reduced to simplify the mechanics of development.
3. The system of filters and tooltips in the interface for storing and activating personal reserves has been improved.
4. Clan card:

  • Added clan search to the "Fortified Area" tab
  • The visual component has been improved.
5. The display settings for loading screens have been improved. Allowing players to choose:
  • old loading screen style - commands in one table,
  • loading screen with minimap,
  • loading screen with tips.
6. Belarusian, Ukrainian and Kazakh languages ​​have been added to the game.
7. The short name of the player’s car and an icon of the type of this car are added to the TAB screen. Information about a player's specific car is transmitted to the screen via TAB to all players until that player respawns on a new car. If all of a player's vehicles are destroyed in battle in a mode with a limited number of respawns, then information about his last destroyed vehicle is transmitted.
8. Added the ability to display on the mini-map:
  • Current vehicle viewing radius
  • Maximum viewing radius
  • Vehicle drawing radius

1.4 Tanks

1. For testing by Supertest participants, the following have been added:

  • Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank Kirovets-1
  • American Tier VIII medium tank T25 Pilot Number 1
  • French medium tank Tier IX Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
  • German light tank Tier VII leKpz M 41 90 mm
  • British Tier VI medium tank Sentinel AC IE2/IV
  • German Tier X tank destroyer Grille 15
2. 24 tank models have been redesigned in new visual quality:
  • M44, M53/M55, T20, T40, T1 Heavy Tank, T28 Prototype
  • E 25, Pz.Kpfw. T 25, G.W. Tiger, Nashorn, VK 30.01 (H), VK 72.01 (K)
  • IS-6, MS-1, A-20
  • 105 leFH18B2, AMX 50 Foch (155)
  • AT 15, Crusader, Sexton II
  • Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 97 Chi-Ha, Type 5 Ke-Ho, Chi-Ni
3. Visual models of some tanks have been improved: SU-100, IS, M4 Sherman, Centurion Mk. 7/1
4. Improved collision models of some tanks: T29, T30, T34
5. Added “ventilation” equipment to the list of available equipment for the T28 Prototype.
6. Changed the crew configuration of the T95E2 tank to match the crew configuration of the M48A1 Patton tank.
7. Minor errors in the visual models of some cars have been fixed.

1.5 Maps

1. The “Paris” map has been added to the “Fight to the Last” mode.
2. The “Sacred Valley” map has been redesigned.

Technical Improvements.

1. Flaws in customization functionality have been eliminated.
2. Interfaces have been improved, conditions have been added for applying customization elements to equipment for performing personal combat missions.
3. Implemented disabling voice communication via Alt+Q. Added the ability to change the keyboard shortcut in the settings.
4. The interface of the shopping cart for customization elements has been improved.
5. In the purchase confirmation window, it is now possible to see customization elements grouped by type (camouflage, emblems, inscriptions).
6. In the purchase confirmation window, the ability to change the currency (gold/silver) has been implemented.
7. Fixed a bug with incorrect links for languages ​​ASIA, KR in the miniclient.
8. Improved camera behavior when approaching objects.

Expecting players very soon new patch– 9.20, which means a lot of innovations. Traditionally, before a patch is released, developers launch test server, with which everyone can see and try all the changes without any impact on their own statistics.

The test server is downloaded as a separate client, where, as on your main client, you need to enter the data of a valid account under which you will test the update.

The test version of the game exists so that players can try out the future patch and, if possible, notice all the errors and bugs so that the developers can fix them before the patch is released.

How to become a World of Tanks 0.9.20 tester?

Everything here is quite simple - you just need to download the test client installer on the official website of the game or from our website (link at the end of the article), wait for installation and log in under your name.

By the way, every player who gets to the test server gets to use 20 thousand gold, 100 million free experience and silver to the account, so that everyone can try any tank in the game. After the test server closes, all gold, experience and money will disappear, and the account statistics will remain the same - the test does not affect it at all, it works like a separate game.

What changes will be in the new patch 0.9.20?

The most important update will be a branch of new Swedish tanks: mixed and full-fledged tank destroyer branch with unique vehicles at the top levels. Many Tier VIII premium tanks will be upgraded. The three and two gauge rules will be redone. Eleven tanks will receive new and colorful HD models.

Female voice acting WoT

Video review of update 9.18

Servers for update test Games World of Tanks 1.5 are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, characteristics of vehicles, general updates ordinary wot players. The test server is only available in certain time, entry is possible only when the developers are ready to check the functionality of game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download general test World of Tanks 1.5.1

As soon as the link to download the test client 1.5 appears, it will be published right here! Tentatively, we should expect it in the late afternoon after 18:00 Moscow time. The client 1.5 release date should be expected by April 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How it works?

Let's look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
WG developers get access to test domains first. Then super-testers are connected to look for shortcomings and bugs. After the fix, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is “uploaded” to a backup domain, where anyone can access it. After this, the detected deficiencies are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How to take part in the WoT test?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.5. After which, the installer will prompt the user to download the test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key Features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Participants receive: 20,000 in-game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and purchased equipment are not transferred to the main client.

Test goal for patch 1.5.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • 3 maps converted to HD:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Changes and edits on maps: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sandy River and Paris;

6.5.2017 17603 Views

General test of update 9.19 released

General information about the test server:

  • Due to the large number of players on the test server, there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to take part in testing the update will be placed in a queue and will be able to log onto the server as it becomes available.
  • If the user changed the password after 23:59 (Moscow time) on April 28, 2017, authorization on the test server will only be available using the password that was used before the specified time.

Features of the test server 9.19:

  • Payments are not made to the test server.
  • In this testing, earnings of experience and credits do not increase.
  • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main server.

We would also like to inform you that during testing of 9.19, scheduled maintenance will be carried out on the test server:

  • First server - 7:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Second server - 8:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Note! The test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server, and therefore, penalties for violating these rules apply in accordance with the User Agreement.
  • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
  • We remind you: the most reliable way to download the World of Tanks client, as well as its test versions and updates, is in a special section on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.

Participation in testing 9.19:

  • Download (4 MB).
  • Run the installer, which will download and install test version client 9.19 (7.45 GB for SD version and additional 4.85 GB for HD version). When you run the installer, it will automatically offer to install the test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the installation directory yourself.
  • If you have the previous test version installed (9.18_test3), then when you launch the general test launcher it will be updated: 372 MB for the SD version and an additional 186 MB for the HD version.
  • Please note: installation in a folder containing files test clients previous versions may entail technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before 23:59 (Moscow time) on April 28, 2017 can take part in the test.

List of changes from the first general test 9.19:

  • The "Company Battle" mode has been removed from the game.
  • The “Combat Brotherhood” and “Battle Friends” skills will work in mixed crews.
  • Added new mode– Ranked battles
  • Reworked combat missions:

    As part of the first iteration of combat mission processing, the visual and functional part of the combat missions and promotions window was significantly changed.

    A new “Combat Missions” item has appeared in the Hangar, through which you can get to the corresponding screen. Combat missions are divided into three sections: strategic, tactical, and missions for the selected vehicle.

    Strategic goals include tasks that require significant effort to complete (for example, marathons).

    Tactical tasks include those that can be grouped into certain groups according to their meaning (for example, daily combat missions, combat training, etc.).

    Each task is displayed as a tile, and they are all conveniently sorted - the highest priority ones are listed first. A detailed description of each task can be seen by expanding the tile. Thanks to the new presentation of tasks in the Hangar interface, it will be much easier for you to understand them!

    The game constantly hosts various promotions - most of them reduce the prices of equipment, equipment, transfer of experience and much more. And now promotions are available from the “Shop” menu item. Each promotion is represented as a tile with detailed description the item on which the discount applies, the amount of the discount and other information. All tiles are interactive - by clicking on any of them, you can take advantage of the promotion offer directly in the game client.

  • Changes in clan management:

    IN new version clan management opportunities will expand. Now, without leaving the game client, you can:

    • distribute gold from the clan treasury;
    • change the positions of clan players;
    • transfer control of the clan;
    • view extended statistics on clan players.
  • Improvements for Fortified Areas 1.6:

    The following medals, which were awarded for activities in the Fortified Area before version 9.17.1, have been moved to the “Special” category:

    • "Warrior";
    • "For decisive battles";
    • "Conqueror";
    • "Crusher of Fortresses";
    • "Counterstrike."
  • Voice acting changes: Female voice acting has been introduced for all nations. Instead of the old option of “national” voice acting, you can now select “commander” voice acting in the settings window. The choice of “commander” voice acting makes voice notifications corresponding not only to the nation, but also to the gender of the crew commander of the vehicle selected by the player. Thus, if the commander of your vehicle is a girl, then the vehicle itself will “speak” in a female voice.
  • The following vehicles have been remastered in HD quality: KV-13, T-44, IS-2, BDR G1B, Renault FT 75 BS, Renault UE 57, Renault FT AC, Alecto, Excelsior, Vickers Mk.E Type B, STA -1, MTLS-1G14
  • Changes in technology:
    • Changes in the German technology branch: Tank added for super testers: Tiger 131
    • Changes in the Chinese technology branch: Tanks added to super testers - WZ-120-1G FT, WZ-120G FT
    • Changes in the USSR technology branch: Tank added for super testers: T-103
    • Changes in the US vehicle branch: M4A3E8 Sherman – armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened. M4A3E8 Fury – armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened. M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo – armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened

And finally, about ranked battles:

Solitaire Solitaire