Stars on the trunk in world of tanks. New game achievement - marks on gun barrels. — How often are statistics collected?

World of Tanks is exciting and dynamic developing game. One of the innovations is marks on the WoT barrel.

Since experience for battles is already taken into account by the system, the developers have added the ability to take into account the high average damage on a tank marks on the trunks wot guns, the higher the percentage of achievements compared to other tankers, the more marks on the barrel (marks in battle wot) You are getting.

General information on distinctive marks on the barrels of wot guns (marks in wot battle)

  • Distinctive marks on the barrels of wot guns (marks in wot battle) are assigned based on the results of the game in the “ Random battle» only for vehicles from level V and display the average amount of damage inflicted on a specific player tank in relation to other users.
  • Marks on trunk wot(marks in wot battle) are available and light tanks, since intelligence damage is also taken into account.
  • Battles held before version 9.1. do not count.
  • Damage statistics are collected daily. For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success. The current indicator only works as a plus, that is, if the damage has declined or does not change for a long time or you simply do not play, then the current indicator stops awaiting subsequent battles.

How to get marks on the barrels of wot guns (marks in wot battle)?

Your professional gaming skills and combat strategy are decisive in the outcome of battles; seeing distinctive marks on enemy tanks, you will be at least cautious, and perhaps radically change your original tactics.

After all, in order to get at least one mark on the wot barrel, you need to be in the 35% percent of the best players on a similar tank in terms of performance; to get two marks on the trunk - 15%; three marks on the trunk wot can afford only 5% percent best players.

On average, in order to get one mark on the barrel, it is necessary to carry out about 100 - 120 fights. If you don't have enough time, but want to get a mark on the barrel

Our account upgrade service will help you!

We offer:

best price at three marks on the barrel wot;
maximum discounts on all marks on the wot barrel;

Additional bonuses when ordering marks on the wot barrel (marks in wot battle):

experience on vehicles: win percentage from 60%; efficiency rating from 2000; WN8 rating - from 3500 and above;
improvement of average technical scores;
various medals and milestone achievements;
optional equipment to your warehouse;
crew leveling;

What guarantees?

For you, distinctive marks on the trunks (marks in wot battle) are carried out by a team of experienced professional players, which have some of the highest statistics in the entire WORLD OF TANKS, you can read more about the information in the section. Instant processing of your orders, the shortest turnaround time, guaranteed results and refund, Huge experience- the service is already 3 years old, positive

Yesterday I received a mark on the gun of my recently favorite tank - Laura 40 tons. For those who don’t know why they give a distinctive mark on a barrel, I’ll tell you briefly.

How to get a mark for your tank?

To get a label you need to:
  • Play on a tank of level V or higher
  • Play random battles
  • Have high efficiency on a tank

Efficiency does not mean an array of factors, as it does in .
Efficiency in this case is measured only average amount of damage dealt.

How much average damage does it take to get the mark?

To get one mark, you need to get into the number 35% the best World players of Tanks in terms of average damage on this vehicle.
For the second mark - to the number 15%
And for the third - 5% .

It’s easier to look at the picture:

If you look at my statistics, you can see ~150 battles and ~1900 average damage dealt

At the same time, the more stable the average damage values, the greater the chances of getting a mark.

Lorraine 40t. As far as I know, it is not considered an imba. Therefore, this is a great success for me.

I really like playing on this tank, although of course the camouflage suffers due to such a huge size. But inserting the drum of a clumsy anti-tank gun into the body is still a pleasure, and I’m ready to sacrifice cardboard armor and huge dimensions for this. I suspect it will be much more fun with a batchat.

In any case, if you meet a player on the enemy team with even 1 mark, it is better to stay away from him. Because the marks reflect the player’s efficiency no worse than the efficiency.

Starting from version 9.1 the game will have the new kind achievements - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: deal with heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy who has enough strength for one shot is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

New game achievement- marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute tank aces, so getting them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must get into the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. Appearance marks recreated based on historical prototypes.

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

New game achievement - marks on gun barrels

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

About marks, life hacks for them and “damned” extras!

The mods we deserve! Lately, people have been asking a lot about this mod, and it’s not in popular builds anywhere, so we decided to tell you about this interesting development.

– Global modification for the progress of marks in battle and hangar by Spoter.

Dynamic progress of getting a mark in battle; in the hangar you can see the average damage required to get a mark.
The following data is taken into account: (damage + assist - team damage), where assist is the largest number from the light, gusli assist and stun. The first tank battle in a session is always inaccurate.

How to install?

Download and place it in the root of the WOT game.

Full and complete description as well as additional information. information:

For many, the information on how marks are calculated is shrouded in darkness and incomprehensible; for a small group of select people, some information is known, often not complete or accurate, but even this is enough to get the coveted 3 marks on all tanks. Now it has become easier to find out the necessary numbers without complex calculations and unclear rules...
The mod is divided into several large parts, each of which will show interesting and often important information for understanding how marks are taken and what is needed for this.

  • Development trees:
    • will show the current percentage of the mark on the tank and will color which mark is taken (yellow: no mark, green: 1 mark, turquoise: 2 and the desired 3 marks: purple).
    • for those who do not have the mod, XVM will also show the Mastery icon on the tank.
  • Achievements of players on a specific tank:
    • You can see on each tank from level 5 the approximate amount of damage to take the required percentage of the mark (65%, 85%, 95%, 100%).
    • Do the same, but also for other players, and not just for yourself. The numbers are approximate due to the peculiarity of calculating the total damage for the mark (there is data only for the last battle on the tank, the figure is revised every day automatically on the WOT server).
    • For the most correct data, it’s worth looking into the Hall of Fame for a specific tank for the last month and looking at the mark numbers for the TOP-3 players.
  • Dynamic progress in battle:
    • During battle, a simple information window will be available, which, by the way, can be dragged across the screen to any convenient place

Simplified version

  • 2 digit percentages will be shown. The colored one is the % progress of the mark in the current battle - it changes depending on the player’s actions and the second white number is the % of the mark before the start of the battle (what you saw in the hangar before the battle);
  • The % mark progress numbers change color:
    • Red - the mark will drop if you leave the battle at this moment or your tank is destroyed
    • Green – the mark will increase after the battle
    • Lilac – there is not enough data for calculations, you need to carry out 1-2 battles on this tank for the mod to regenerate the values ​​and calculate more or less accurately
  • The mod cannot calculate damage by invisible opponents(blinds), accordingly the number will be shown less than what we get at the end of the battle
  • The mod makes mistakes in hundredths of a % mark when calculating, these are features of rounding the data received in the hangar before the battle
  • When crossing the border, for example, from 84.9% to 85.1%, there will be a high scatter when calculating data from 85.0%, this is due to the equalization coefficient in the calculation formulas. It is necessary to carry out 1-2 battles to regenerate the calculations of the mod.

extended version

  • Will also show Additional Information according to the damage that goes into calculating the mark.
  • The first line is colored numbers in [brackets] - damage + assist - team damage, this data affects the final percentage of the mark.
  • The second line, white numbers in [brackets], is the damage that must be inflicted in battle in order to maintain the mark that was before the start of the battle.
  • The line of purple numbers in [brackets] is the damage that must be inflicted in battle to get +1% to the mark that was before the start of the battle.

For example: it was 87.17% before the start of the battle, to get 88.17% you need to deal huge, purple damage in the current battle.

For many, even very experienced extras, unknown life hacks about increasing the mark in battle:

  • You should not cause damage to allies, as this will cause the mark to drop;
  • You shouldn’t mix different types of assist damage (lighting up, quenching, stunning) because the mark will still only include one number, the maximum of all three!

Example: A player dealt 4000 damage, shined 2000 damage, cast 1300 damage, stunned for 200 damage and killed an ally for 3,000 damage.

The following figure will be used to calculate the mark: 4000+2000-3000 = 3000

Although many will mistakenly think that it should be 4000+2000+1300+200-3000 = 4500

And this is incorrect(!), but don’t worry, the mod will calculate everything for you, all you have to do is play.

It's a pleasant feeling when your team merges, your tank is destroyed, but the mod shows a nice green number. So it’s not all in vain, the mark has increased!


  • DropMeFiles:

The folder contains 2 versions of the mod: simplified and extended. Take this into account and choose and add what you need!

A new type of achievement will appear in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding badges of class, and high average damage will be encouraged with marks on the gun barrel: The higher the player's performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the barrel.

Markings on gun barrels

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

Screenshots with marks on the guns of tanks of different nations

Markings on the barrels of USSR tank guns

Photo of the stars on the gun Soviet tank

German marks

Markings on the barrels of German tanks

Screenshot with marks on the gun German tank

American marks

Markings on US tank gun barrels

Photo with marks on the gun American tank

French marks

Markings on the gun barrels of French tanks

Screenshot of marks on the barrel of a French gun

British marks

Markings on British tank guns

Photo of the gun barrel of a tank ace in Britain

Chinese marks

Markings on Chinese tank guns

Photo with marks on the barrel of a Chinese tank

Japanese marks

Markings on the barrels of Japanese tanks

Screenshot with marks on the gun barrel of a Japanese tank

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must get into the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “ ” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

Answers to questions about guns in version 0.9.8

Question: Why will distinctive marks be issued on gun barrels?

Answer: Marks on the barrel are assigned based on the results of the game in the “Random Battle” mode and display the average amount of damage caused to a specific player’s tank in relation to other users.

Question: Will this achievement be available to owners of light tanks?

Answer: Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for, which are intended not so much for causing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Question: Will battles held before the release of update 9.8 count?

Answer: No, accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.8.

Question: How often are statistics collected?

Solitaire Mat