Hyde on AT 8 from amway921. Tactics of fighting fighting

Overview Video Hight AT 8 Publishing

PT-SAU AT 8 is a classic British anti-tank artillery installation. In the main logic of creating the entire series of machines, the British laid the possibility of creating extremely heavily-mounted machines that were able to break through the fortified positions of the enemy. Of course, the use of such a heavy armor extremely slowed down the car, but remaining invulnerable to most means of destroying the enemy, she moved forward, having tremendous damage to its large-caliber gun.

In the world of tanks, the problem of strengthening breakthrough is not as ostra at least due to the lack of those. However, to manage AT-8, the destruction of which is not a simple task is always interesting.

Pluses at-8

How easy it is to guess, the main advantage of AT 8 is its armor. 203 millimeters "in the forehead", and 101 mm in a circle make an AT-8 actually impetuable for peers in the forehead, as well as a low-checked for light tanks capable of getting around it. Even tanks more high levels, Up to 9th is able to have serious problems with the breakdown not even inclined 200 millimeter armored vehicles.

In combination with 800 hit life, AT 8 is able to hold defense for a very long time, truly fearing only large-caliber artillery.

Well, do not forget about the guns. 17-inch OQF 17-PDR AT GUN MK. VII has wonderful armor-proof and high rapidity, which is easily leveled by a low damage. Similar tool can easily and in short times Disassemble almost any opponent with which AT 8 PT SAU faces the battlefields.

On this positive parties, AT-8 end. Although even them is enough for a successful game.

Cons at-8

In fact, all AT 8 problems arise from the above described. The total weight of the 6th level machine is comparable to some heavy tanks 8-9 levels, and shifted these 40 with excessive tons of the task of difficult.

As a result, the tank rides at a maximum rate of 20 km / h and absolutely terribly turns on the site (18 degrees per second). Thus, the possibilities of maneuver will be reduced actually to zero, and, being in an open place, in the opponent's visibility zone, you become easy to prevent artillery.

Corners vertical navigation The car also leaves much to be desired. The gun built into the housing is not able to effectively change its position in space, which in combination with a low speed greatly makes it difficult to aiming on uneven terrain.

Vulnerability. It seems quite funny the fact that such a heavy and armored car, superior in the frontal part of the legendary kV-5 vulnerable. However, this is true. AT 8 breakdown zones need certainly to know, and not everyone can boast of it, however, experienced players can easily find weak points.

Vulnerable PT places include:

  • Turkey commander. The main vulnerability, albeit with the chance of the ricochet.
  • Zone 20 mm automatic gun. In this place, the car has an armorist with a thickness of only 76 mm, which is quite vulnerable for most of the peers.
  • The right side of "logging". In this place the armor is as thin.

Thus, it is easy to see that at 8 zone breaks is quite extensive, and can easily be amazed by an opponent.

Video Hight AT 8 World of Tanks

Tactics games.

Alas, the combination of the above pluses and minuses do not allow you to create for AT 8 guide with great variability. The purpose of AT-8 shooting from the marginal distance, in which the vulnerable zones are difficult, defense with closed positions, and further breakthrough in the "weak spot."

Equipment classic for any PT-SAU: reduction and cheerful. The camouflage network can be put, but for such a big goal it works not so efficiently. Although new patch It can change the situation, and quite significantly.

Crew skills are also focused on the specifics of the game. The primary and indispensable skill is repaired. Fire for you will be conducted regularly, and constantly. Masking is similar to Maskseti. In the current metague, its effectiveness is too small, AT 8 is huge and, therefore, noticeable. Accordingly, it is not so effective to use the sixth sense, to change which in this machine can come "Master for all hands" - with the contusions of the crew will also face more than once and not two. For mechvod, all skills at least slightly accelerating PT movement are useful, the rest are swinging "to their taste."


This technique is suitable for those people who are looking for a tank in WOT. Heavy, slow armored cars, which before die, will receive more than a dozen enemy hits. If your element is a dashing cavalry, active light and raids on the reasons, this type of technology will seem terrible.

As always, after the outlet of the patch, the players' attention is riveted to the cars, first released on the battlefields WOT. This article will tell about one of them, namely about the new Fri british branch AT 8.

Before talking about AT 8 in the game, I will carry out a small excursion in history.
In 1942, the English General Headquarters, who was responsible for developing the concept of the formation of armored vehicles, showed interest in the so-called "assault tank" - a gravily armored car, able to effectively break through the fortification structures and able to remove many direct hits without losses. As a result, a certain number of experienced machines arose, including A33 "Exhalezior", A38 "Valiente" and South American T14. In addition, a large number of projects that did not follow the drawing boards were developed. One of these projects was AT 8, essentially a lightweight version of AT 6. The estimated mass of AT 8 was 41,657 tons. Against 43 tons of 6.

Well, we briefly got acquainted with this car, now it's time to go to her review in the "world of tanks". Let's start with booking. So, the worst place in the forehead is 225 mm - a great reservation for PT level 6. However, we have enough vulnerable seats. Weak zones that are worth hiding first of all will be a commander turret and the right side sponson, which easily breaks through everyone. Thus, competently covering our weakly crochet places can be reflected by the projectiles even level 8 levels.

But not all here is so rosy. As we know that the car does not get out of the order and not "naught" too much, for something good always has something to pay. So in this case, for excellent armor I had to pay very many. We have weak dynamics and maneuverability at a maximum speed of 20 km / h. The review also suffers - only 330 meters. All other things, the corners of the tip also do not please: UGN --7.5 ... + 7.5 °, UVN -5 ... + 7.5. But unlike AT 2, we at least have big choice Not bad tools. And if we are constantly in the world of pain, then with a pre-top and top gun game on AT 8 transformed: damage per minute remains as high, but accuracy and breakage increases almost 2 times.

For the study of AT 8, you need to accumulate on AT 2 56,000 experience. Open the top engine for only 1000 to increase the dynamics, and put the predestilia, which should be studied in advance. Next, we investigate the top running for 5,000 to which you can install heavier modules and equipment and allows you to rotate a little faster. Following, it is worth opening the gun 75 mm at gun mk. V and OQF 77 MM AT GUN MK. II for 4 and 14,500 thousand, respectively. You can also open the top gun OQF 17-PDR AT GUN MK. VII for 15,000, or immediately explore AT 7 for 56,000. According to the author, it is still worth the top gun, because in any case it will have to be opened on AT 7, but it will be more difficult to ride in higher-level battles with a breakdown.
I will give a pair of game schemes on this machine:
1) We play classic PT, sit in the bushes, shoot the Allied light.
2) We press the flank together with heavy tanks, we take out damage.
AT 8 is a very extraordinary machine and has to both the tactics provided above, and it is extremely out of its preferences.
On this we smoothly go to modules and crew. So, we need to either strengthen our advantages, or annigulate flaws. From myself I can offer the following options:

1) Strengthened vendor drives, instruments, tool box.

2) Stereotrub, instrument rate, reinforced vending drives

Thus, in both cases, we enhance our firepower, but in the first version we give preference to the neighboring battle, where the cost of repairing the caterpillars will play an important role, because many can not break with us, but it's not to "join". In the second option, we play sniper and strengthen the review.
From consumables, you can again create two options:

1) Remkomplekt, first aid kit, fire extinguisher.

With the first two points in both cases, everything is clear, but about the third it is worth clarifying: AT 8 is very rare, and the fire extinguisher is worth only for the sake of reinsurance, or save money. If there are no problems with silver, it is worth putting gasoline to improve our modest dynamics.
Further, our conversation will go about the crew peppers. First of all, we all put the repair for assault tactics and camouflage for sniper. Next, go like this:
Petrifier: sniper and smooth turn of the tower.
Mechwod: Smooth stroke and virtuoso.
Charging: Non-contact wage and desperate.
Well, and the fourth skill you can swing a disguise, or repair, depending on what was commissioned earlier.

Like most of the cars of this branch, Gameplane at 8 looks like 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger: good armor, Low mobility, gun with a good damage per minute. It is impossible not to note the fact that AT 8 is extremely commanded, so I recommend to ride in a platoon in order to cover the side and highlight on occasion.

And of course the article would be incomplete without a video, so I strongly advise you to watch Vod from the crane:

AT8. British PT-SAU of the 6th level. Studied at AT2 for 29,000 experience points and costs 940.000 silver. AT8 allows us to explore AT7 for 56,000 experience points.

The order of pumping modules:

WS NO radio station 19 mk. III and nUFFIELD LIBERTY MK engine. III, Must be studied earlier on AT2.

Chassis at 8 mk. II.which will allow you to install implements and equipment;
Weapon 75 mm at gun mk. V. - Explore with free experience, buy not cost;

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of AT8:



Tactics of fighting fighting

The low speed AT8 does not allow us to quickly move around the map, respectively, we have to choose one of the directions and engage in the support of allies with an average or long-distance distance in this will help us with an accurate and rapid tool with a good breakdown, or to play the base in the game with 8 levels.

It is not recommended to enter into the nearby battle, because of vulnerable places in the forehead of the body, it concerns the turret of the commander and the second fixed gun. If you still entered the Middle Fight, start to dance damage (this is when you stand still and constantly appreciate the case in different sides With high speed and not large intervals), it is clear that the mobility of AT8 does not contribute much to this, but at least it is better than just standing and wait when the enemy will focus your vulnerable places, there is the likelihood that the enemy will miss or will ricochelate. Like all PT-SAU, we wash the arts and light tanks.



Masking Network- Adds + 25% to our imperceptibility, activated through 3 pieces after a complete tank stop.

Improved ventilation class 3 - Adds + 5% to all skills of the entire crew.

To increase the review there are 2 options:
Enlightened optics - Adds 10% to the radius of the review (we consider: a native overview of 330 m + enlightenment 33 m \u003d 363m).

Stereoscopic telescope - adds + 25% to the review from a fixed tank (we believe: the native overview is 330m + strootrub 82,5m \u003d 412.5m), which is not very bad, there is a truth not a big minus, this review will be only from a fixed tank, consider it When choosing equipment.


Small rem.complekt, small first aid kit, 100 octane gasoline.

In battles with 6 and 7 levels on AT8, it is very comfortable to play, the guns are enough and the rapidity is good, there is not enough truth of speed, but this is compensated by a frontal booking, which even has vulnerable places, but they are very difficult to get from the middle and long distances, The main thing is not to climb in the near battle ahead of time.
In battles with 8 levels, you have to focus vulnerable places, such as NLD, turrets, machine-gun nests, etc., if the breaks are missing, we use gold shells. In general, for its level of AT8 is not a bad PT-SAU, on which it is not bad for damage to damage.

Thank you for reading my article. With you was Carthage1.
Good luck in battlefields.

Hello tankers. Today I will tell you about british PT-SAU Sixth level at-8.


The most huge minus of this PT-SAU is its dynamics. Starting the fight, we simply observe with tears in our eyes, like this forty-four ton turtle with its 480l / s engines / s barely accelerates his meager maximum speed 20 km / h About turning and talking not worth it. Here we are able to screen even the unnoticed Churchill or a sq. Tank overview is 330m.


On the choice of 4 guns. Consider only three of them. The first gun is given to us when buying a car and is a complete analogue of Tank Cherchil's tank. The gun has excellent rapidity, mediocre accuracy in distant distances and small damage. Shell stitches 110mm armor and causes 75 damage. Recharge is 2.2 seconds. It is with the help of rapidity that we are not afraid to miss and slam in the enemy a projectile projectile. The second tool has a 77mm caliber. This allows us to flash the armor with a thickness of 148mm and at the same time apply damage in 140 units. This instrument is also rapid. An extended trunk improves accuracy performance. Recharge is 3.7 seconds. And the third weapon is nagibators. His shells without problems are flashing 171mm armor and cause damage in the amount of 150 units. Recharge rate is 4.3 seconds. The gun is very accurate, so the enemies on long distances are trying not to get out.


AT-8 reservation has absolutely perfect. The frontal armorists have a thickness of 203mm, the side and feed of 101mm, this allows us with a calm soul to withstand the tips of the armor-piercing shells of T-50 (even in the stern). But here there are devices.

The thickness of the upper armorist is 76mm. But he is not at a right angle, but under a good slope, which reduces the chances of breaking the forehead. Most. weak place And the most affordable is the second tool to the left of the gun. The thickness of the armor near it is the same 76mm, but there are these millimeters at right angles and stitched with a bang. There is also a commander turret with a thickness of armor 100mm, but it is not so happy as I would like.


Communication range is 550m. It is not bad compared to classmates.

The equipment advise the following

1) instrument rate

2) Box with tools

3) anti-skid

Battle tactics on at-8

Due to the weak engine AT 8 develops low speed, but still has better dynamics in comparison with the predecessor. This machine is characterized by the tactics of slow sales of the flank or defense of the base. Unlike at 2, AT 8 has a slightly more vulnerable seats in the forehead, especially the second tool zone is vulnerable (which is still): the armor in this place is only 76 mm. Also, it is not necessary to put down the right side: there is still thinner and has a thickness of only 50 mm, the top gun has excellent accuracy, which allows you to work on distant distances, it makes it possible not to enter into the nearby battle, which also increases the chances of the car to survive.

Battle tactics against at-8

I advise you to knock off the caterpillar, after which itching AT-8 and then all fun begins. If you are on the open space, the fun is doubled. You just ride around it, slowly stuffing the engine with projectiles and laugh at the phrases of the evil owner of the nervy turtle.

Well, that's all the respected readers. I hope my article left you positive emotions about AT-8, because I liked the car. Good luck to the meeting on the battlefields.
