The fastest firefly in world of tanks. World of Tanks. Light tanks are the key to victory. A few words about the combat use of light tanks

Light tanks, more often called fireflies, are not at all as worthless as they are usually told about. Fireflies are the eyes of all things. This is a thunderstorm of enemy artillery. This is the main contender for capturing the enemy base. A firefly that breaks into an uncovered rear area can make such a noise there that no one will notice it enough. Often, on tanks like the T-50 or Chaffee, players took the “Warrior”, being, naturally, in the relative top. In general, fireflies are worthy of praise and more detailed information.

Let there be light!

A tanker-weightlifter has more opportunities to hone his tank skills. Just think, we got it. Just think, it will ricochet. And even if they hit a little, it doesn’t matter: now I will take retribution. To some extent, the same applies to medium tanks. Another T-54 may receive more ricochets during a battle than the same E-100, and ultimately receive the “Equanimity” medal. As for artillery, it has always been scolded, is scolded and will continue to be scolded. No matter how competently the artillery shoots, there will definitely be someone who will accuse it of deerism. Therefore, you can play artillery in any way you like. Calmly shooting wherever the eye falls, the player gradually gains experience. Few will notice his inept actions. With light tanks the situation is completely different. Colleagues in the baptism of fire, in those thirty seconds that precede the start of the battle, can give the firefly so many instructions that you barely have time to write it down. If the team fails, the fireflies will be blamed, along with the heavies. In case of victory, the most distinguished LT may be praised. This circumstance is not at all as unimportant as it might seem. In the end, we play video games precisely to receive positive emotions, including the praise of a brother in arms.

So, what are the requirements for a good firefly? First of all, live and live again. To rush right off the bat, fly a couple of kilometers in a quarter of a minute, illuminate half of the enemy positions and be safely shot - this is not at all what is expected from a firefly. It will be of no use if the LT illuminates enemy artillery or heavy weapons that have not yet had time to start moving. Until the allied artillery is in position and reduced, and heavy tanks and support tanks have not entered the radio transmission range, there is no point in shining the light on the enemies. A good firefly must patrol the border of two positions, trying to be inaccessible to enemy shells. Under no circumstances should you stop. Movement for a firefly is life. If there is a counter or standard battle on the map, then it makes sense to break through the flank into the enemy rear. Before this, you need to make sure, by looking at the map out of the corner of your eye, in the direction of the enemy’s main attack. If the enemy’s strands are moving en masse along one of the flanks, then you need to break through along the opposite one. Hiding behind natural landscape shelters and moving inside the folds of the terrain, the firefly must avoid narrow corridors, where, undoubtedly, a TT or PT is already waiting for it. As a result, if, in a standard or oncoming battle, a light vehicle penetrates the enemy rear, then this is already a significant contribution to the final victory. If the team has several competent artillery, they will not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity provided and turn several enemy tanks into a pile of scrap metal. In addition, the firefly itself can easily shoot a couple of artillery, especially if it is artillery up to level 5-6. Sometimes the firefly manages to get onto an inactive tank. The sleeper is usually inside the circle of the base. As a result, the firefly can get double satisfaction from the game, capturing the enemy flag, while simultaneously shooting the sleeping opponent.

A little about firefly deer.

It often happens that a light tank that survives the endgame of a fight becomes the trump card that decides the entire outcome of the battle, exposing safely hidden enemies. However, more often it happens that the owner of the LT writes something in the chat like “Candle in the center!!!111”, after which he turns on the fifth speed and flies away towards enemy positions. This is an outstanding representative of the firefly deer species. Fireflies-deer live on the battlefield for no more than a minute. As a rule, their main goal is to be the first to discover maximum amount tanks, possibly receiving the Scout medal. The fact that all enemy equipment at the time of the light was in a blind zone for shelling does not bother the firefly deer. A light tank in the hands of such a player is racing car on tracks. If, at the start, such a tank begins to shoot into the air, the ground, or nearby buildings, you can be sure that this is a classic deer on caterpillar tracks. Such assistants will be of little use.

A real firefly, who has caught the spirit of the game, may not fire a single shot, but at the same time gain more experience than that of another distinguished heavyweight. A real firefly knows how to shine and where to shoot. Such players sometimes take “Warrior” on all sorts of T-62 and Chaffee. Unfortunately, most light drivers use the notorious “Olololo-light” tactic, naturally dying in the very first seconds of the battle. However, there is another separate caste of fireflies. Apparently, their owners are tired of dying in the very first minutes of the battle and they begin to choose diametrically opposite tactics, which are more characteristic of TTs or ATs, but not fireflies. These unfortunate tankers often occupy heights or other fortified and protected positions, patiently waiting for their moment. Such fireflies begin to take part in base defense and artillery cover. This is, of course, a necessary thing, but not at the very beginning of the battle. Thus, the owners of fireflies destroy the most important commandment: to be ahead of the rest.

Several of the most famous light tanks.

Firefly legends of World of Tanks: T-50, Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs, VK 16.02 Leopard, M5 Stuart, M24 Chaffee, as well as ELC AMX and AMX 12 t. This technique is a representative of the branches of the USSR, Germany, USA and France, respectively. The British branch that appeared much later and the Chinese cannot be classified as WoT dinosaurs, but among them there are quite worthy fireflies such as the Crusader or M5A1 Stuart.

By the way, there are quite a lot of light tanks that cannot fully cope with the role of fireflies, since they do not have the appropriate speed. The same AMX 40 and Valentine II look more like stripped-down copies of heavy tanks than their high-speed relatives.

One of the most formidable representatives of LT is Chaffee, ELC AMX (Christmas tree) and T-50 (T-50-2). All three of these tanks have excellent driving characteristics, and the Yolka also has the lowest possible profile and generally the smallest dimensions. At the same time, it accelerates like a racing car. It’s very difficult to hit one, and the “Yolka” itself, in turn, has a fairly formidable gun that can penetrate most medium tanks of the fifth level and some of the representatives of the TT. But on Chaffee, they often take “Support” or “Warrior”. With proper management, this is one of the most effective tanks. Among the premium ones, by the way, the only light tank that has found its use in company battles is the T2 lt (aka “Armored Vehicle”, aka “Flea”). This tank is capable of accelerating to an impressive 72 km/h, which is approximately equal to the speed of the Soviet A-20, although there is a significant difference of two levels between them. But the Leopardites, who own the German VK 1602 Leopard, consider their tank the best firefly in the WoT world. Despite the fact that it is a little slower than the same A-20, it is one and a half times shorter. In addition, the presence of excellent frontal sloping armor makes many opponents rush around in fits, who, driving tanks of the sixth or seventh level, cannot penetrate the Leopard, receiving one ricochet after another. As a natural successor to this tank, in the latest patch WoT released a sequel in the form of the VK 2801. Among the branch of light tanks from China, the T-59-16 and T-62 attract attention. Although, the same T-62 in terms of playing style is more suitable not for those who want to shine, but for those who want to shoot.

A few words about combat use light tanks.

Light tanks do not often enter into duels, limiting themselves to single shots at enemy positions, often doing this at full speed, because there is no way to stop. However, when the firefly is forced to accept a fight, he must adhere to certain tactics, which may well bring him victory over a more clumsy opponent. It's no secret that it is medium and heavy tanks that often try to force a fight on kids. While confident of an easy victory, they sometimes learn a painful lesson. In no case should a light tank play according to the following type: shoot, hide, reload, drive out, shoot. The LT's destiny is rapid approach and a whirlwind around a clumsy enemy. If the enemy is a tank tank or self-propelled gun, then it is better to destroy it by driving in from behind. And when two light tanks, controlled by competent tankers, meet a heavy tank of the same level, then you won’t have to envy the clumsy enemy. Kids will instantly take it apart for parts.

As a result, all owners of fireflies can be advised to shine wisely, not die in the opening, remain undamaged until the end of the battle, hunt for enemy artillery and competently participate in duels. A light tank is not such an unpromising vehicle as it might seem at first glance.

This time we will compile the TOP of the best light tanks, the most fun and offensive in World of Tanks.

Fifth place

In fifth place is light American tank T-71. Despite the fact that many light tanks have been released recently, this tank is still one of the best. An excellent maximum speed of 64 km/h, good dynamics and maneuverability allow this tank not only to actively shine, but also to occupy non-standard positions. The tank has good review and compact size, so it is easier for it to carry out reconnaissance operations than other light vehicles, which are larger in size.

The gun has a drum for 6 shells, drum reload time is around 19 seconds, accuracy is average, aiming is fast, penetration is good. With this gun, the tank is able to deal good damage and carry out battles. If you like not only to shoot damage from the bushes, but also to move a lot, shine and have fun, then the T-71 should be perfect for you.

Fourth place

In fourth place is the M-41 “Walker Bulldog”, an excellent damage dealer, one of the best in this business. Shooting a lot of damage on the Bulldog is very easy and simple. Two great guns to choose from - with and without a drum. They have fast aiming and good stabilization, good penetration and normal accuracy. It is worth noting the excellent UVN. If the Bulldog finds a convenient position somewhere on the hills, then it will be even easier to disassemble the enemy piece by piece. The tank is very fast and maneuverable - maximum speed is 72 km/h. Good acceleration dynamics.

Due to its speed, the “Bulldog” often occupies positions that are inconvenient for the enemy, for example, a mountain on a cliff. And from there the M-41 haunts the enemy until the end of the battle, sometimes dismantling half the enemy team. Although the tank has excellent review– 400 meters, but still active light is not his specialty, because the size is not small.

If your main goal is to cause damage in battle, then you should definitely like the M-41 Bulldog.

Third place

Ru-251 deservedly takes third place. German tank It was distinguished by good penetration of the gun, good accuracy, fast aiming and excellent DPM - one of the most comfortable guns among the LT. In addition, the tank has a crazy maximum speed of 80 km/h with excellent engine power of 24 hp per ton. That is, the tank is extremely mobile and cheerful, it can perform any combat missions, shines beautifully, spins slow tanks well, and is an excellent sniper. All in all, a jack of all trades.

Ru-251 has a good UVN, so it is convenient to play on any map. There is also 400 meters of visibility and good camouflage, so ambush tactics also suit this tank well.

The disadvantages include the fact that upgrading to Ru-251 is quite difficult, and not everyone can handle it. But at the end, one of the best light tanks in World of Tanks will be waiting for you, which will bring a lot of fun, a lot of thrills, bending and good mood. Tank fits better only experienced fighters.

Second place

In second place is the T-49. What could be more enjoyable than sneaking up behind some tank and dealing 900 damage with a high-explosive shell? It's priceless! The T-49 is famous for its weapon, capable of inflicting vulnerabilities Enormous damage to the enemy, and now the game is full of tanks that have no armor - you can easily penetrate them head-on. Of course, not everything is so simple - the accuracy of the T-49 gun is terrible, and the aiming time is extremely long. But thanks to its excellent maximum speed of 72 km/h, and good dynamics and maneuverability, the T-49 can always come up with something.

For example, borrow good position and fire from there, or wait until the enemy is distracted by his allies - and at that moment jump out and kick the enemy. In any case, every shot you take will cause damage.

T-49 is probably one of best tanks in order to have fun!

Light tanks in WOT are fast, maneuverable vehicles, but they are usually lightly armored and have rather weak weapons. In general, the vocation of such machines is definitely reconnaissance. Although there are many nuances in the huge selection of LT.

  1. Sandbox tanks (LT up to level 3)
  2. UnderST.
  3. Light.
  4. Combat LT.

1. Sandbox tanks

Every newbie who plays WOT encounters these tanks - all, almost without exception, vehicles up to level 3 are light tanks in its historical essence. However, it is of course pointless to use them exclusively for reconnaissance - all the first battles take place among these “sand tanks”, small artillery units and anti-tank guns.

In general, these tanks model future development - breaking down into branches in which some vehicles are more “armored”, if one can say so about tanks below the fourth level, and some are more nimble. By playing on them you can get a rough idea of ​​your gaming preferences, so as not to be sad in the future when trying to use medium tank for a frontal attack.

Upgrading these cars usually follows the scheme: “gain experience, and move on to new levels.” However, it is worth noting that some cars, if successfully upgraded, can give you a lot of fights for fun, and also improve your statistics quite well. Whether it is worth spending time and money on them is, of course, up to you to decide.

Among the tier 1 tanks we can mention the German Traktor. With 100% crew, alignment, mesh and ventilation, it was easy to take 18 “warriors” in a hundred battles, although it is recommended to use exclusively the stock gun.

Also interesting are the premium PzKpfw 38H735, which has excellent armor, the M2Light Tank, and possibly the BT-7.

Another rare use of such tanks is “gaining points” for the mouth high level. In this case, tanks of the 1st level are sometimes relevant - as a “firefly-sacrificial”, occasionally they take the premium T2 Light Tank due to its excellent speed. However, this is a rare occurrence.

2. Inadequate

These vehicles include the Soviet A-20 and the premium Valentine, the German PzKpfw 38 nA, the AMX 40 from France, the Valentine and Covenanter from the British.

By and large, these vehicles are already medium tanks with lightweight armor, while the French AMX can safely be classified as a mini-heavy tank. Quite weak armor, as well as balancing issues, did not allow the developers to transfer them to the ST category, but you need to play them based on an understanding of your combat, and not “observational qualities.” Each of these vehicles has its own pros and cons - the A-20 prepares the player for the ST branch of the USSR, especially the T-34s and T-43s, the Covenanter is a similarly weakened version of the Crusader and Cromwell, the AMX is the last opportunity for the French to feel “ protected by thick armor.

3. Fireflies.

And now we finally get to the most important thing - what light tanks are designed for. Reconnaissance and detection.

Germany - Leopard and VK 2801 (Tolstopard)

All these tanks have a completely different firefly operating system, so let’s look at them separately:

THE USSR. The T-50-2, in today's gameplay, is perhaps the best reconnaissance vehicle. Practically best speed in the game, excellent maneuverability, and a good needle-thrower gun make this tank incredibly popular in both single and company games. (We are, of course, talking about the T-50-2). All of the above parameters lead us to the following: This tank is used for active reconnaissance - trying not to lose speed, a certain route is selected at the enemy’s detection line, cruise in folds of the terrain, constantly monitoring the enemy’s movement. Subsequently, when the number of tanks is reduced, you can select single slow tanks and tanks and destroy them using the “carousel” technique, or by observing the map, find gaps in the defense and break through to the enemy’s artillery.

It is very bad to do what many newbies do - immediately go to the enemy base in the hope of seeing all of him. You may get there and even receive a Scout medal, but your destruction is only a matter of seconds. In this case, you are almost useless for the team - one or two artillery shots will not replace long-term high-quality light, and you will also receive a very small amount of experience - because it is awarded not only for damage, but also for the damage caused by your allies in your light.

Recommended modules: Coated optics - maximum detection range, rammer and third to choose from. Equipment - a repair kit is definitely required (standing on the gusle = death), a first aid kit is advisable, the third is either oil or “twisted revs”. It is advisable for the crew to level up camouflage with the first skill; the rest depends on the player’s style.

USA. Chaffee is a great support and passive light machine. Unlike the T-50-2, it does not have sufficient speed for active driving, has rather large dimensions and is easily destroyed in close combat. However, in comparison with other reconnaissance tanks, the Chaffee has best review in the game, as well as a fantastic gun. Thereby the best way The game for Chaffee is to choose a convenient bush from which the disguised Chaffee leads long view, and, if possible, active fire. The gun's armor-piercing power is enough to penetrate the sides and rear of almost any heavy tank up to level 9, and if you choose an angle, even level 10, and the rate of fire is enough to deal over 2500 damage per minute, which is a very significant indicator. Active game on Chaffee results in a quick death, so try to keep movement to a minimum and only move along safe routes.

Recommended modules: The style of play determines the first two modules - the Camouflage Net and the Periscope are simply necessary for Chaffee. We must see the enemy - he does not see us. Last module at the discretion of the player, I note that there is no point in installing optics - it does not work in parallel with the periscope. The equipment is identical - repair kit, first aid kit, oil. For the crew, camouflage, henceforth referred to as “combat skills,” is similarly incredibly important.

Germany: VK 2801 (Tolstopard) is a controversial car. It doesn't have the vision of Chaffee or the speed and agility of the T-50-2. However, it is the most massive among its peers, has a very powerful selection of guns, and very serious armor. Using it as light is quite difficult, which explains the very small number of VK 2801 in the game; its main task is to intercept enemy light vehicles, as well as attempts to break through to artillery, which, due to the quality of the weapon, it easily destroys. It is also possible to attempt to support their own tanks and other tasks for which this tank is suitable.

Recommended modules. Since this vehicle is perhaps a fast ST, it is equipped mainly with what is necessary for combat - coated optics, rammer, aiming. For the crew, perhaps the first thing can be professional skills (sixth sense, shooting on the move, smooth movement) and only then camouflage and repairs.

France: ELC AMX. The French landing tank, colloquially referred to as the “Christmas tree,” is a very interesting and complex vehicle. It is very difficult to use it as an ordinary light due to the low visibility, but if you get used to it, you can really love it. The main advantage of the tank is its minimal profile - the tank is so low and at the same time fast - that getting into it during a maneuver is a truly difficult task, especially on maps with uneven terrain. The cannon at the “Christmas tree” resembles an anti-tank gun - it does not have a turret as such, and the barrel moves only in the direction of the tank, but using the “Christmas tree” as an anti-tank gun is a pointless exercise.

In fact, the analogy with the sea and torpedo boats is much closer here - the ELC easily enters the enemy’s side, drops (fires) a powerful torpedo - the damage of the “Christmas tree” is significant, as is its penetration, and immediately changes course to make a new approach.

By combining these two playstyles, the ELC can rush straight into the enemy's position, "torpedo" him, and move away. A lot here depends on choosing the right route, terrain and luck - however, when combined, ELC can cause a lot of headaches for the enemy.

4. Combat LT.

These vehicles include light tanks above the 5th level - the French drum AMX and the innovation - the American T21 and - however, the volume of this review has already exceeded all limits, so a brief summary will be the fact that these vehicles, using their excellent firepower, with remarkable speeds are used to support the attack and destroy the enemy.

Chinese light tanks:

WITH latest update added to the game new nation- China, and with it a line of light vehicles is presented to our attention. It is worth noting that most Chinese vehicles, especially the entry-level ones, are modifications of foreign tanks.

Let's look at them carefully:

Renault NC-31 is a Chinese modification of the French Renault.

In general, there are no characteristic differences, the armor and configuration are identical, although the Chinese version does not have a top tier 2 engine (is it needed?), but is more maneuverable.

Also, the TOP weapon was taken by Chinese craftsmen in the German version, but the tank does not introduce a fundamentally new spirit into the “sandbox”, being nominally inferior to both the Soviet MS-1 and the German “tractor”.

Vickers Mk. E Type B - English model not accepted for service. It was supplied to the USSR, where the T-26 was created on its basis, as well as to China.

In comparison with the T-26, it has slightly thinner hull armor, although these two millimeters do not matter in the slightest, the turret in the top version is identical to the Soviet one in the stock version, but rotates like the Soviet TOP. Apparently this was the cunning plan of the developers. The range of barrels for this tank is large, and what is even more striking is that the second level 45 mm 20K gun is stronger than the fourth level 40 mm Pom Pom gun installed on the tank in all respects. Logic.. Where did you find logic in China? Compared with the Soviet top gun, the Chinese one is a little weaker, but more biting, allowing it to penetrate slightly thicker armor. With the engine, everything is just as sad - the T-26 is much more dynamic, the maneuverability is the same, and so are the radios.

In general, Vickers loses to its Soviet counterpart in all respects.

Type 2597 Chi-Ha is the first truly Chinese tank, at least I haven’t seen any direct analogues. For comparison, we use the Soviet development - the T-46, the successor to the T-26.

In terms of armor, the Chinese vehicle is superior to its “big brother”, inferior only in the frontal part of the turret armor, which is, however, more mobile and gives better visibility.

Cannon - here the Chinese have outdone themselves. The 47 mm Gun Type 1 is a fantastic weapon that allows you to easily penetrate all of its peers, including French “sand strands,” and even fight tanks of a higher level. T-46 has more choice guns, including automatic, but inferior in all options.

The engine continues to remain weak point China - a maximum speed of 40 km/h is much more suitable for an average ST than a light tank. Maneuverability is similarly terrible - the T-46 gives a double head start.

However, in general, this is a “Chiahuahua”, as it has already been nicknamed on the battlefields, a very comfortable vehicle that is much more suitable for the class of medium tanks, having all the characteristics of this class.

M5A1 Stuart - in fact, is an almost absolute “clone” of the classic American Stuart M5, meaning similar game in a car as a scout.

The only pleasant difference is that the high explosive has been removed from the tank, and a 47 mm Gun Type 1 has been inserted in its place - of course, at the fourth level it is no longer as comfortable as for the Type 2597, but it still allows you to “defend yourself”.

59-16 is another “real” Chinese tank.

The machine is very mobile, has very good gun for the fifth level, and a wonderful walkie-talkie. Alas, “working” as a full-fledged firefly 59-16 is hampered by a rather mediocre visibility of 360 m, and not the fastest acceleration. However, this tank should not be underestimated; in fact, it is an “average light”, combining the advantages of both Soviet active light tactics and the combat power of German reconnaissance vehicles.

The WZ-131 is a very seriously lightweight version of the well-known medium premium tank Type-50. The first thing the Chinese engineers sacrificed was armor - so the tank is almost devoid of it. Thus, direct combat engagements are not for this vehicle, a very good visibility - 390m, good weight and a good gun dictate the use of this tank as an “anti-light” or “passive light”, firing at convenient targets. You can also try to arrange workaround maneuvers and provide support for the ST. In general, the machine is multitasking, although not so simple.

WZ-132 is actually a continuation of the idea of ​​the previous machine, preserving all its pros and cons. Although, taking into account the fact that this is already a level 7 tank, and it spends most of its battles with TOP vehicles, these are already much more disadvantages. The gun does not allow an effective attack, the speed and maneuver are not enough for active reconnaissance, the armor does not allow it to cope even with its ST counterpart. The tank is “for enduring” and moving on.

Formally in World of Tanks there is only one common class light tanks(LT), but in fact, among the cars of this class, “regular” and “fireflies” stand out. The former, as a rule, were historically intended to support infantry, and in the game they perform approximately the same role as medium tanks of their level. In Wold of Tanks, “fireflies” are usually called reconnaissance vehicles that have an increased review, good walkie-talkies and wonderful mobility, paying for this, first of all, with a special balance distribution. If the standard is now considered to be a range of +/-2 levels (on a level 4 tank you should not see anyone higher than level 6), then for a firefly this spread is usually twice as large. And only upward.

Until recently, most of the “pure fireflies” could not get into the “top” team at all, and it is not a fact that the current concessions will remain for a long time. As a rule, reconnaissance tanks are played by fans of this class who do not skimp on upgrading their crews and additional modules, yes and gaming experience they are above average. And when such a monster gets to the “top”, it has every chance to cut out the enemy team without even allowing itself to be detected.

There are also some “transitional” cars that were considered, sort of, “light”, but not very dangerous, so they were always allowed to get into the “top”. Classics of the genre - Pz.38nA And A-20. The first was at one time the best “under-bush” scout, and the second was distinguished by the highest speed. However, after constant balance adjustments and the introduction of many new light vehicles of the most incredible designs, the old boundary between “combat light vehicles” and “reconnaissance light vehicles” was completely blurred. It got to the point where a hybrid of LT and PT appeared in the game, which is almost equally good in both roles. But more on that below.

For now, we will limit the selection for this top to light tanks from levels 4 to 7. Tanks of levels 1-3 do not have sufficient viewing and communication radii to work as a full-fledged “light”, and tanks of level 8 can no longer be limited to reconnaissance only - their balanced weight and powerful weapons oblige them to deal damage to the enemy directly.

The order of consideration of tanks will be based on a sample according to ( for the last month. It is possible to judge the effectiveness of other classes by damage caused, accuracy, survivability... And for a scout main criterion- victory. And even survival is not so indicative, since in almost every battle it makes sense to distract the enemy before the decisive attack of the allies - no one has canceled the rule of the first salvo. So, we rank LTs by win percentage and separately take out those that are not essentially “fireflies”.

T2 Light Tank

Level: 2;

Country: USA;

Wins: 53.57%;

Total cars: 14956.

And immediately - an exception. This tank does not fall into our level limit, its visibility and radio are useless, it is balanced as standard - no higher than 4 levels. But exactly T2 LT is the canonical company firefly. The bottom line is that long-distance raids in the rear are not relevant in companies, and passive light is also ineffective. Most often, you need to quickly pass in front of the expected enemy position in order to understand whether there is anyone there at all. And here the incredible speed of the T2, combined with excellent maneuverability and small size, outweighs all the disadvantages. In addition, T2 takes only two points, which is critical for company battles.

By the way, it would be a mistake to assume that the high percentage of T2 Light Tank victories is a consequence of company battles alone. Don't forget that this is a premium car that stays with the player for a long time. And, unlike “passable” tanks, T2 is driven by a pumped-up crew. Add to this the combination of a “drum” with excellent mobility, and we get a real “sandbox” nightmare.

1. M24 Chaffee

Level: 5;

Country: USA;

Wins: 51.33%;

Total cars: 5274.

When the first three tanks of the fifth level were introduced into Wold of Tanks, a serious forum battle broke out, they say T-50-2- imba, ah VK28.01 No good for anything! In all the controversy, they somehow forgot about the modest American with the absurdly large top turret. Well, yes, the view is good - it can shine from the bushes. Well, yes, the gun is excellent - it can quickly dismantle artefacts. Well, yes, the maneuverability is excellent, but what's the point of it with such dynamics? Do they allow you to install a stabilizer? What for? Few people then understood that the unique combination of mobility, firepower and precision on the move allowed "Chaffee" easily deal with both fellow LTs and “thick-skinned” TTs, which the German is not able to “carousel”, and the T-50-2 simply does not penetrate. Well, the M24 copes with the duties of a reconnaissance officer very well. Yes, the speed is rather weak and the acceleration is sluggish, but with such maneuverability you can literally dodge enemy projectiles. Better yet, don’t bother at all and take advantage of the excellent viewing radius.

Now everyone knows about this, but effective play on M24 Chaffee still requires a lot of experience, knowledge of cards and gaming instincts.


Level: 4;

Country: USSR;

Wins: 50.62%;

Total cars: 7751.

Premium "Valentine"- another exception in this top. In fact, this is even the “antipode of the firefly”, since since last year it has not been balanced above 4 levels, which means it is constantly “in the top”. But, oddly enough, it is the combat tactics on the Valentine that most closely resemble what is called “reconnaissance in force.” The gun of this tank has never been considered good, and even more so now, but the combination of decent visibility and good armor allows it to go first and “highlight” the enemies of the allied artillery and tank destroyers.

However, let’s not kid ourselves, the high win rate on Valentine is a consequence of the fact that at these levels there are often newcomers with untrained crews. Premium cars will always win here.

2. T71

Level: 7;

Country: USA;

Wins: 50.37%;

Total cars: 47233.

You don't have to be a great analyst to understand why this tank is so effective. High mobility, visibility and modest dimensions allow it to perfectly fulfill the role of both a passive and active “firefly” without any reservations. But in addition to the “reconnaissance” characteristics, it is equipped with a simply magnificent cannon with a loading drum, which has 175 mm of armor penetration with a regular and 220 mm “golden” projectile (on par with the TT of the same level!), and also allows you to ship an average of 900 units before reloading damage The only reassuring thing is that, thanks to the popularity of this monster, it’s not very often that you’ll see an experienced player behind its levers.

3. T-50-2

Level: 5;

Country: USSR;

Wins: 50.13%;

Total cars: 29613.

“Moped”, “UFO”, “Fifty Dollars” or “Forty-eighth” does not need any special introduction. Before the introduction of physics, the T-50-2 moved on the battlefield along trajectories that even Formula 1 cars had never dreamed of. A full turn at a speed of 70 km/h with a radius of 15 meters? Easily! And at the exit the speed will hardly drop!

With the introduction of physics, the T-50-2, of course, lost some ground. Now it skids in sharp turns, and on dug up maps it is very easy to lose the tracks. But he still remains the main company “light” if the setup allows for five points.

By the way, the armor of the T-50-2 is not that bad; players constantly complain about abnormal ricochets and failure to penetrate this UFO. The same can be said about the 57 mm gun, borrowed from the T-34. It seems like nothing special, the Chaffee has a much better gun, but if you’re too lazy, before you know it, the T-50-2 will stuff your rear with shells.

4. Aufklärungspanzer Panther

Level: 7;

Country: Germany;

Wins: 50.06%;

Total cars: 17980.

Newbie from the patch 0.8.5 has confidently earned the title of the most terrible car in stock, and even in the top configuration it does not deserve the title of a good intelligence officer. Not only does it have huge dimensions, a weak (for such a mass) engine and poor maneuverability - it wasn’t even given 400 meters of visibility! However, for amateurs German technology no stranger to this, they stocked up in advance free experience for withdrawal "Recon Panthers" to the top and are ready to splurge on premium shells every battle, pretending to be normal "Panther", which has an L100, penetrating 200 mm with conventional armor-piercing weapons... One joy is when you manage to catch an enemy “firefly” with a ram. It often happens that there is no need to finish off the poor fellow.

But don’t let the high results of the “reconnaissance panther” fool you. Now only those who knew what they were getting into ride it. Wait for the next test, try this machine yourself, and only then make a purchasing decision. This device is very special.


Level: 4;

Country: USSR;

Wins: 49.82%;

Total cars: 168046.

Another newcomer, but this time not a scout, but a very ordinary infantry support tank. At first glance, it is nothing special, only 35 mm of armor, almost the same gun as on the previous tank... But look at the angles of this very armor! And the gun, frankly speaking, is very good for level 4.

T-80 doesn’t set any mobility records, its visibility is also a little less than stellar, but still, compared to its peers that have a similar balance distribution, this tank looks very decent.


Level: 5;

Country: France;

Wins: 49.6%;

Total cars: 91051.

French "Christmas tree"- a unique car. Real prototype was a light landing tank that could be dropped by parachute. True, the need to maintain minimum dimensions led to the fact that the location of the mechanical drive interfered with the rotation of the turret, so all-round firing was possible only from a standing position. Developers from Wargaming decided not to fool the players with a tower that would rotate only in a standing position, and simply made the angle of rotation very limited, turning ELC AMX, essentially, in a tank destroyer. And if you remember that the top gun D 914 has as much as 170 mm of armor penetration with 240 units of one-time damage from a conventional projectile, it turns out that the “Yolka” is good tank destroyer. Wait, but this is LT! With a very low silhouette and a bonus to masking! In addition, the ELC AMX has phenomenal reverse speed, which allows you to retreat after a shot even before the enemy has time to receive information from the server about your exposure. In general, the Yolka would be great in the role of a tank destroyer if it were not for the very slow reloading and poor vertical aiming angles.

As for reconnaissance, it’s not the best view that lets us down, but the main thing is that the radio is absolutely useless. On the other hand, getting into the ELC AMX is even more difficult than getting into the T-50-2, so, in in capable hands the Frenchman is able to compete with the recognized “UFO”. Well, if you have to run into such distances where the walkie-talkie will not finish off, you can remember about the cannon, which can take out almost any artillery in a couple of shots. The main thing is to avoid rams. Even minor collisions with other light tanks are fraught with the loss of most of your health.

6. VK 28.01

Level: 6;

Country: Germany;

Wins: 49.29%;

Total cars: 24873.

Once upon a time, players managed to demand for "Plump" a maximum speed of 72 km/h and a howitzer with a caliber of 10.5 cm. But it seems that after the introduction of the sale of premium shells for silver, the VK 28.01 began to bend the rand too steeply. 150 mm of armor penetration, 350 units of damage - and all this on a fast machine that no ST can catch up with. 2-3 thousand damage per battle on it has become quite common, and the cost of shells... Who is counting them when there is such action!

We finished the war. In patch 0.8.5, Tolstopard was transferred from level 5 to 6, at the same time cutting his speed from 72 km/h to 60, and his visibility from 400 to 390 meters. The next patch, judging by preliminary data, will bring a nerf to premium shells.

In general, VK 28.01 is still alive, but only as long as its howitzer can be loaded with magical cumulative charges.

7. M5

Level: 4/4;

Country: China/USA;

Wins: 49.24%/49.08%;

Total cars: 88091/85818.

These two tanks are technically the same vehicle, but the developers gave them different top turrets with different guns. The American received an open turret with a “high explosive”, which allows 75-mm cumulative rounds to bite painfully. The Chinese can afford a closed and much better armored turret with a good “hole punch”, but at the same time it has a viewing radius that is as much as 20 meters less than that of its overseas relative. Moreover, the American turns better, but the Chinese have a more powerful engine, and the maximum speed is higher. As a result, one manifests itself better as a passive “light”, while the second is closer to an active role. But, as can be seen from the table, the efficiency of both machines is very close.

But will the status quo continue after the expected weakening of premium shells? American firepower M5 may suffer greatly because of this.

8. WZ-131

Level: 7;

Country: China;

Wins: 49.09%;

Total cars: 20637.

Formally WZ-131- also a light reconnaissance aircraft, in which all characteristics are sacrificed for mobility and stealth. This is true, but in addition to all the advantages of a good reconnaissance tank, the WZ-131 has a 100-mm advantage that can put some tank tanks of the same level to shame. Actually, exactly the same gun is on the premium ST eighth level Type 59, which many consider an “imba” and the best car to earn credits in Wold of Tanks.

At the same time, the WZ-131, unlike the “drummers”, does not have to hang around in full view of the enemy in order to realize its firepower. He fired and ran away to reload. This is much more reliable and safer than trying to seize the moment when you can run into the enemy’s stern.

9. VK 16.02 Leopard

Level: 5;

Country: Germany;

Wins: 48.73%;

Total cars: 30708.

The move to the fifth level has transformed the good old "Leo". True, they cut him a little maximum speed, they didn’t add armor, and they could have given more health, but the miracle gun makes up for everything 3 cm M.K.103. This machine gun is loaded with cassettes for 4 bursts of 3 shells each for 30 health units. The total average is 360 damage, which can be written out in just a couple of seconds. If we take into account the armor penetration of 95 mm (with a regular AP shell) and 110 mm (with a sub-caliber projectile), and also remember about the ram, adored by all Levodov, we get an almost guaranteed instant takedown of all tanks of the fifth level in a 1 on 1 situation. The only exception is heavy tanks, which are better not to ram, but to “carousel” in the old fashioned way.

As a scout, “Leo”, perhaps, also became better. A larger health reserve allows you to survive at least one hit from D-25T and other large-caliber guns that were previously guaranteed to be one-shotted. But with the new gun, the gameplay emphasis has shifted towards active combat. In the end, “Leo” began to get to the top again, which means that it needs to be “pulled.”

10. PzKpfw II Luchs

Level: 4;

Country: Germany;

Wins: 48.7%;

Total cars: 61734.

A holy place is never empty. Happy moving VK 16.02 Leopard took his previous position one level higher PzKpfw II Luchs(aka “Lynx”), which was one of the most fun Tier 3 tanks. The replacement cannot boast of such strong and ricocheting armor (and after all, the shells of Ferdinands and even 704 objects often ricocheted from the Leo!), but the Lynx is noticeably faster than its older brother. Yes, the Soviet T-50 still picks up speed noticeably faster and turns sharper, but even with such a difference, the PzKpfw II Luchs can easily be put into a slide. This means that greater maneuverability is simply not needed. The same can't be said for a basic review. Here the Lynx is almost the champion among Tier 4 tanks, second only to the Pz.Kpfw. 38(t)n.A. and the American M5 Stuart, recognized masters of “underbush light”.

Let's not forget about the cannon. “Lynx” received the same disintegrator as “Leopard”, only with a different “drum formula”. Instead of four bursts of three shells each, the Lynx fires five bursts of two. Total - an average of 300 damage in one sitting. Adding a ram will no longer work (with such a mass it becomes more expensive), so 1 on 1 “Lynx” is not such a terrible enemy as the new “Leo”. But when using vile tactics of finishing off wounded wounded animals and sudden raids, you can easily inflict a thousand to one and a half thousand damage. Moreover, the larger the game, the better, because the PzKpfw II Luchs is capable of spinning even a Churchill, which is famous for its nimble turret.

2 years and 5 months ago Comments: 0

On the eve of the release of a new patch with tier 10 light tanks, we invite you to remember: how to play fireflies game World of Tanks. First you need to figure out what the pros and cons of this type of technology. According to statistics, light tanks (LT) are now the most popular vehicle class in World of Tanks. They are fast, allowing you to take the desired position in 20-30 seconds. Thanks to its speed, you can easily retreat to cover without taking damage. LTs are intended mainly for (detection and transmission of intelligence data) enemy tanks.

There are 2 main tactics for playing light tanks: active tactics And passive light. The best firefly, which experienced players claim is, allows you to use both methods of play equally effectively. Other LTs are not so universal.

How to shine in WoT with active tactics

Active game tactics involve rapid advancement to the forefront. The tank must have a “coated optics” module installed, which gives a 10% bonus to visibility. Recipe for success - constant movement. Stop for a second and immediately move to the hangar. It is mortally dangerous to loom in open areas in front of the enemy. You can appear in an area open to shooting for no more than 2-3 seconds. Then we move behind cover or retreat to allied territory, wait until we disappear from the enemy’s sight. That way they won't know when we'll appear in front of them again. You need to move constantly, even if enemy tanks cannot reach you. After all, this could well be done by enemy artillery, for which destroying a firefly is a special chic.

So, we have dealt with the question, how to shine in WoT when using active tactics. The main thing is to remember that movement is life. In this context, in the truest sense of the word.

Passive light tactics

If there is cover and bushes, the tactic can be very effective. It gives even better results than the active method of playing on LT. The good thing is that you can not only detect a good half of the opposing team’s tanks, but also periodically inflict damage on them. In this case, we equip the LT with the “Stereotube” and “Camouflage Network” modules. Also suitable for implementing tactics best firefly, which is “Yolka”. This LT is difficult to detect when stationary, even without upgraded camouflage. If this perk is 100% studied, the vehicle is equipped with camouflage and a camouflage net, then when parking, many enemies will not see you even at point-blank range. You just need to stand behind a bush, which is located near the enemy’s positions, and just wait until the opponents begin to fall into your field of vision. You need to retreat when an enemy tank starts moving straight towards you. If there are no suitable bushes, you can stand in open areas. You just need to have a shelter next to you, where you can retreat to in 3-5 seconds in case of danger. The “Light Bulb” will let you know that your tank has been detected, but if the commander has not yet learned this perk, you will have to act according to the circumstances.

So we found out how to play fireflies in World of Tanks to the maximum benefit for your team. Now one final piece of advice on playing “Yolka”. This tank is strictly forbidden to drive head-on into other tanks, even with a health reserve similar to yours. The AMX ELC does not have a turret, and this feature will be fatal in most duels with other tanks. Trust the humble WoT veteran.
